VACCINATION Proved Useless & Dangerous FROM FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF REGISTRATION STATISTICS. ALFRED R. WALLACE, LL.D. I TO MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND OTHERS. years Forty-five of Registration Statistics, proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous. In Two Parts. BY ALFRED R. WALLACE, LL.D. SECOND EDITION. WITH CORRECTIONS, NOTES, AND AN APPENDIX. By ALEXANDER WHEELER. Condon E. W. ALLEN, 4 Ave 1889. i Maria Lane. ; Forty-five years of Statistics. Registration PART I. Small-pox Mortality and Vaccination. T T AVING ^ ^ as been the to enquire to myself for Vaccination of effects Small-pox, diminishing or preventing led in have I arrived at results as unexpected as they appear me to which to affects health the make our and the truth even on the statements, have I four the known those who, vaccination personal faith lives now statements of all, to as is one well as thousands of endeavour to and especially to of false or misleading enforced by penal propose to question liberty becomes a duty therefore it The be conclusive. the practice of laws. to fact, establish the following by means of the only FORTY-FIVE 4 official statistics YEARS OF which are available adopt a mode of presenting those ; and I shall statistics as render them intelligible to a whole, which will These statements are (i.) That during the forty-five years of Registration deaths and their all. — Small-pox mortality has very an while exceedingly demic occurred the causes, slightly diminished, Small-pox severe within of the twelve last epi- years of the period. (2.) the —'That there decrease slight no evidence to show that is of Small-pox mortality is due to vaccination. (3.) — That the severity of Small-pox as a disease has not been mitigated by vaccination. (4.) —That increased to inoculable several an alarming diseases extent have coincidently with enforced vaccination. The first, second, and fourth propositions will be proved from the Registrar-General's Reports and I shall make the from 1838 to 1882 by presenting results clear and indisputable, ; the figures for the whole period in the form of diagrammatic curves, so that no manipulation of them, by taking certain years for comparison, or by dividing the period in special ways, will be possible. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 DIAGRAM Deaths in London perMillion Lont-rluie Sma// Pox. 1. Living from Small Pox and from the Chief otherZymotic Diseases except Cholera. SotUd LineTypTui-s Upper Line ZyjnctzcDUcases. ' <S-t>. DIAGR;?fl 11. Deaths m England and Wales per Million LowrLiM xfcDmdu S^rwU Living from Small Pox and from the Chief other Zymotic Diseases except Chole IIMal. J.ine, OPtlcicd TaccwMioru Upprr Luj^. Zymallc. Viscoses. Pm Mil WOO 'WOO 7 350C 3SOO \ 300P 7 - — \ -4 \ \ /\ 30np 1 / \ 1 / \ / \ 1 \ \ / 1 .•/rn JSl'C /'iPO mac wno SCO jOO \ IN Xl L ur-a NOTE, i \ a mp >. or^ 1 \ to y/.o 71 riu OPfi/:M Vaccination, line is per 100000 of tfie, livinyj Pci>,ir.a.iun P tl In c 5c •> — REGISTRATION The diagrams show, but mortaHty absolute STATISTICS, each in 5- miUion per deaths the the not case, method which eHminates the increase of population and gives true comparative results Hving, a Vaccination has not diminished Small- pox. Diagram exhibits^ the deaths from Small- I. pox, in London, for every year from an upper 1882, while the exhibits line 1838 to deaths from the other principal zymotic diseases given in the Registrar- General's Annual Summary for 1882, (except Cholera, which epidemic,) namely, these shows Typhoid the other A dotted line between mortality from fevers of the class, t first thing clearly apparent in this diagram, of diminution small very the is — Scarlet fever and Diphtheria, and Diarrhoea. The only an occasional Whooping Cough, Typhoid and Measles, fevers, is Small-pox In this Edition in the First Edition stopped at 1882. which these later the text, variation of without added years are the later Complaint has been made of this presentment. years do but accentuate. * The Diagrams It is the most accurate that can be made. manner in such a obscm-es the epidemic nature of characteristic featiu'e. adopted. The The No tiater the method of averaging favorite as to take all the sharp lines disease from the curves, of Small-pox, line of official vaccinations includes, for 1884-5-6, which have not been given since 1872, or the be much more pronounced for these years. Ed. f From the Registrar-General's Annual Table 23, p. xxv. totally great presentment than that chosen can be re-vaccinations, London, 1882. its Summary fall of Deaths, official would etc., iii FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF 6 corresponding widi compulsory vaccination 1 was 87 1 mortality from the period, the whole in diminution of Small-pox first to the second half of the per deaths 57 is epidemic of the while ; and penal of most destructive tlie The average period. epochs die annum. per million we Looking now at the from the chief zymotic diseases mortality has decreased,* also the last 35 diseases is to the the upper fact considerably years not, that ; more but the the in during decrease of from deaths that see especially proportionally, so increased On curve, these owing great, have Diarrhoea latter half of Typhus and Typhoid fevers have diminished to a much greater extent than Small-pox, as shown by the period. the dotted line other the on diagram, the the mortality from this cause million, or from that more than Small-pox. hand. alone being six times as Every one reduced 382 much will per as admit that this remarkable decrease of Typhus,i' &c., * From 1838 to 1853, the average Small-pox death-rate exceeded that of But the average of the the years 1854 to 1867 by 229 per million living. per years 1868 to 1886, exceeded that of the years 1854 to 1867 by 46 million. Typhus, Enteric, and Fever, 1871-80, were less by t The deaths from The years i88i to 1S86 the ten preceding years. in than million per 540 show a furtlier reduction, as compared with 1871 to 1880, of 125 per million living. — Ed. REGISTRATION STATISTICS. due is more to to But treatment. more to also probably and health, of laws the greater sanitation, efficient attention personal 7 methods rational of these causes of amelioration all on Small-pox; have certainly had their effect disease has and as the mortality from that probably some equally diminished, there is not So counteracting cause at work. from there being any proof Small-pox diminished has far, therefore, vaccination that the London, in (and tendency of the Registrar-General's facts, trustworthy,) there are no other facts which are that some counteracting cause has show to is general prevented as disease this it sanitation has acted on Typhus, that cause may, possibly, be vaccination We gives will a now turn Diagram to of representation similar England and Wales,* except there is on acting from and itself. II., which for statistics that unfortunately a blank in the record for 1843-46, in which years the Registrar- General informs us, "the causes of death were not distinguished." Here too we perceive a similar decrease in Small-pox mortality, broken by the tremendous epidemic zymotic * From of 187 1-2, diseases while represented the Registrar-General's the by Annual Report, 1882. chief other the higher Table 32, p. xliii. 8 FORTY-FIVE show more line, recent the (but no reason pox to than we and for us a the of Typhus of again, in Small- may go for we further directly have> testing The of vaccination. efficacy Small- therefore, statement, for Typhoid that curve have, means as more than far But we negative fortunately, England, imputing the decrease vaccination. this alleged show clearness for but a considerable all decreased omitted,) is For tables have fevers pox, irregularity, decrease. London, YEARS OF the eleventh Annual Report of the Local Government Board gives a table of the number of successful vaccinations, at the expense of the Poor Rate, England and Wales, in From from the figures of this table 1852 1881. to have calculated I the numbers in proportion to the population of each year, and have exhibited the result in the dotted line on my Diagram II.; beg the attention, at to direct once reader's some dispels and oft-repeated to this since I it erroneous statements."^ In the first place we see * I have examined every Report of the Local that, instead Government Board, with the intention of giving the total vaccinations for the whole period embraced in this Diagram II. But the total vaccinations are not tabulated, only given in the text for the years since 1872. Hence and are the official vaccinations only appear here, with such vaccinations as are tabulated. Ed. .9 REGISTRATION STATISTICS. of enforcement of penal diminished so that made by ; increased havino- vaccination laws, has statement the actually often so and for vaccination, apologists official it the since Lyon Playfair in his speech Commons, June, 1883, that the repeated by Sir to the — House of of progressive efficiency diminished Small- pox, an has there sijzce * It curious is the ignorant of efficiency since the 1880, p. that fact even that, says rather Registrar-General the official vaccination has — " These tmtriie, vaccination!' penal laws came into force. he xxii., decrease " efficient figiu-es has vaccination absolutely is a been of increase legal show A * to be increased in appears not In than his Report for conclusively that, with the gradual extension of the practice oj vaccination, there has been a gradual and notable decline in the mortality from coincidenily As, however, there has not been shown to Small-pox at all ages." have been any such "gi-adual extension of the practice of vaccination," but, so far as official records go, just the reverse, the whole argument falls to the ground ! It is trae that this curve does not exhibit the numbers of the vaccinated population, which there Mr. Marson, is no means of arriving at. the Siu-geon of the Small-pox Hospital, told the Select — answer 4,190: "The public are pretty largely vaccinated now, and will be more so every year, I should think as time There is one point which has not been very cleaily brought goes on. forward this morning, and that is the increase of Small-pox after vaccination When I first went to the hospital, 35 years since, from year after year. the admission of patients into the Small-pox hospital was 1835 44 per cent, of Small-pox after vaccination; from 1845 to 1855, 64 per cent. ; from 1855 to 1865, 78 per cent. ; and during 1863 and 1864, S3 and 84 per cent. Those are patients who have been vaccinated." The line of official vaccination in the diagi-am, shows that Mr. Marson was mistaken as to the amount of public vaccination, and that it was a larger incidence of Small-pox among the vaccinated he was witnessing ; not the Committee, 1871, result of extension of vaccination. —Ep, YEARS OF FORTY-FIVE lO temporary increase number the in of vacci- always takes place during an epidemic nations when an epidemic of Small-pox, or feared is ; but an examination of the curve of vaccination does not support the statement that the epidemic. be seen a On on that considerable by an followed the reader that in at 1863 there was in vaccinations was of Small-pox. Let and Diagram, the will it occasions separate three increase look inspection careful increase checks it a very great note number of vaccinations, followed in 1864 by an increase in Again, the number of Small-pox mortality. steadily rose vaccinations from 1866 to 1869, yet in 1870-71 Small-pox mortahty increased ; and 1876 an increase in vaccinations was followed by an increase of Small-pox deaths. yet In again, in if fact, instead prove the showed inoculation dotted line might of vaccination, it that inoculation caused Small-pox. I only maintain, an used to increase of be however, that it does not prove that vaccination diminishes the During the panic from the disease. caused by the great epidemic of 187 1-2, vacci- mortality nations rose enormously, and declined as rapidly the moment the epidemic passed away, but there is nothing whatever to show that the increased — REGISTRATION STATISTICS. vaccinations had any effect on the disease, which ran and course its died then Hke other out epidemics. the only complete now been proved from has It series of official records that exist (i.) much (2.) — That or so steadily as —That with coincides mortality Typhus and a so allied fevers. Small-pox of diminution the decreased not Small-pox has : instead diminished, of an increased efficiency of official vaccination. (3.) of —That one of the most severe epidemics Small-pox on accurate official, statistics, record, within occurred after the 33 period of years of compulsory, and penal vaccination. These three groups of to the assertion Small-pox give no support facts that vaccination has diminished mortality ; and it must always be remembered that we have actually no other extensive body of statistics on which to found our The judgment. is utility or purely a question of statistics. us to decide, whether we only trustworthy statistics blindly to men, who they will we It remains for be guided by the possess, or continue dogmas of an interested not infallible body of professional accept the and certainly as otherwise of vaccination once upheld inoculation as strongly now uphold vaccination. YEARS OF FORTY-FIVE 12 Small-pox has not been mitigated BY Vaccination. It is is often asserted that, although vaccination not a complete protection against Small-pox, yet it and renders take it. dangerous less it severity of the diminishes This assertion by the proof above direct evidence can The best that given, mortality disease, it answered has noiv, more be adduced. available records although a large population are vaccinated, as before vaccination was in 1723; show that, Reports, 1746-63 Rees' Cyclopaedia, ; it Dr. is the the majority of the was a century ago discovered. London the not but ; proportion of deaths to Small-pox cases same who those to sufficiently is Small-pox diminished the Dr. Jurin, Small-pox Lambert, Hospital 1763 ; and 1779; give numbers varying from 16-5 to 25-3 as the per-centage of mortality the among Small-pox patients in hospitals average of the whole being i8-8 per cent. Now for the epoch of vaccination. Mr. Marson, ; 1836-51, and the Reports of the London, — Homer- and Dublin Small-pox Hospitals, between 1870 and 1880, give numbers ton, Deptford, Fulham, REGISTRATION 217 varying from 14-26 to Small-pox of STATISTICS. as the deaths per cent, average being 18-5. the patients, 13 remembered, under the improved treatment and hygiene of the nineteenth as com- And this, be it pared with the eighteenth century. These figures not only demonstrate the false- hood of the oft-repeated assertion that vaccination mitigates Small- pox, but they go far to prove the very opposite more —that the disease has been rendered intractable by it or ; how can we account for among Small-pox patients being almost exacdy the same now as a century ago, the mortality notwithstanding science and great the improvements the medical advance of in hospitals and hospital treatment?* * The following authorities have been examined for the facts and figiu'cs of this section. Dr. Jurin (18,066 "Analyse et DuviLLARD. and Dr. cases) Tableau de 1' Paris, 1806." influence (pp. Lambert (72 cases) de la Petite Verole given in par E. E. ; 112, 113.) London Small-pox Hospitals (6,454 cases) given in "An account of the Rise, Progi-ess, and State of the Hospitals for relieving poor people Sermon afflicted with the Small Pox, and for Inoculation," appended to "A preached before the President and Officers of the Hospital London, 1763." the Bishop of Lincoln. Rees' Cyclopcedia, 1779, Vol. (extract). "From for Small-pox 2, Art. a general calculation Inoculation it appears Col. .... INP. by par. 5, that, in the Plospitals and Inoculation, 75 die out of 400 patients having the distemper in die natural way." Total cases before Vaccination, 24,994. Mr. Marson, Resident Surgeon to the Small-pox and Vaccination Hospital, London, (5,652 cases) ; given in the Blue and Practice of Vaccination, 1857, p. 18. Book on The Histoiy FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF Small-pox in the Army and Navy. Here we have a and and men, healthy vaccination be in of is are any unknown almost re-vaccinated exceptionally the efficacy Soldiers most strinrent the They regulations. and vaccinated are Sailors Our vaccination. accordance with in if of uselessness or test of the crucial prime of official strong life, and Small-pox should use. among and them, no London Hospitals, 1870-72, (14,808 cases); in the Report of a Committee of the Managers of the Metropolitan Asylum District, July 1872, p. 5. London Hospitals, 1876-80, (15,172 cases); in a November 8th, 1879, from W. F. Jebb, Clerk Asylum District. of letter to to The Times the Meti-opolitan Homerton, (5,479 cases); from the Report of the Committee, 1877. Deptford, (3,185 cases); from the Report of the Medical Superin- tendent, 1 881. Fulham, (1,752 cases); from the Report of tlie Medical Superintendent, 1881. Dublin, (2,404 cases); from the Annual Report of the Committee, 1880. Total cases The after Vaccination, 48,451. extracted figures and per-centages have been and the averages have been obtained by dividing the multiplied by 100, by the total number of cases. all cai'efuUy verified, total number of deaths They are not have thought it best to leave these notes unaltered. That the gi'eat by more recent experience, excepting in this Vi'ay extension of our hospital accommodation involves a much larger number of mild cases being admitted. Objection has been taken to Jurin's figures. I : affected — must be remembered, was trying to induce people to accept artificial Small-pox by inoculation, and he gives his figures to show the He great fatality of Small-pox taken in the ordinary way by infection. JtJRiN, it The total therefore certainly not err in making it too mild. experience of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, up to the issue of the last would report to the managers, is given in the Appendix. Ed. . REGISTRATION the A as a let us of Now population." protected are spoken often fact in Return has been " to issued of deaths from number three "perfectly what see thousand of and Navy)," mean strength, Small-pox, and the each service for the twenty- in An 1860-82. years House the (Army Small-pox dated "August, 1884," giving the ratio per They it. facts. Commons, the 15 of or sailor shoiUd ever die soldier are STATISTICS. examination of this Return shows us that there has not been a single year without two or more deaths in the Army, and only two years without deaths Navy. in the Comparing the Return on "Vaccination, Mortahty," No. 433, issued by the House of Commons in 1877, we find that, in the twenty- three years 1850-72, (the latest there given,) there were many years in which no adult Small-pox deaths were recorded for a number of large towns of from 100,000 to 270,000 inhabitants- none in 3 derland in in 9, of the years, 7, Dudley Liverpool had Birmingham and Sun- Bradford and Sheffield in in 10, while 8, Halifax Blackburn and Wolver- hampton were each totally without adult Smallpox mortality for 11 out of the 23 years! It is true that comparable, because the for cases these are not strictly towns we have FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF i6 deaths only given separately, Army and Navy range state of many preponderance clearly of these in no room from about 17 to chiefly extremely unsanitary considering the But, 45. is aged 20 and upwards whereas the ages of the of persons towns, and their great freedom from Small-pox, there left for the alleged effect of re- vaccination in securing to our soldiers and sailors immunity from the But whole us let look at the averages for the series of years, only reliable I now disease. find the test. On working mean Small-pox years to be, in the call as affording the best Army and these out carefully mortality for the 23 82-96, which we may 83 per million, and in the Navy^' 157 per million. Unfortunately no materials exist for an exact comparison of these rates with those of the civil made population ; but with the best comparison I much labour can arrive at. I have From the Census General Report, 1881, and the Reports of the Registrar- General for the as are included in the same 23 years Army and Navy Return, * The 4Sth Report of the Registrar-General, (Tables 63 and 4,) gives 25 This Small-pox deaths among 195,937 British Merchant Seamen in 18S2. We Navy. the for is at the rate of 127 per million, against the above 157 merchant the in common is re-vaccination have no reason to believe that service. be In the Navy, therefore, the influence of re-vaccination appears hm-tful rather than beneficial. Ed. to REGISTRATION I been have able to and ascertain taken as best representing 55, those of the two services mean Small-pox death double that why Navy the is though difference Small-pox double nearly but Army, and the the is this is mortality, of what to arises, first, Navy the than and the ; result is a rate of 176 per million.* be observed that It will the Small-pox England and Wales between mortality of males in the years 15 17 STATISTICS. more the than question And due. mortality of the that more little in the The Army? following are the data on which this calculation is founded :— In the General Report of the last Census, Table 14, p. 89, the numbers at successive ages are given for the three last Censuses— 1861, 1871, males of and 1 88 1. By a simple calculation it is found that the number of males of * all The ages is to that of males aged 15—55 in the proportion of I to -528. Table 4, p. 78, of the same Census Report, gives the male population Army and Navy for the middle of each of the 23 years included in the Retm-n. The mean of these numbers is 1 1 1 67, 500 ; and this sum, multiplied by the factor -528, gives 5,896,500 for the average male population of the , ages 15 — 55 for those years. the tables of "Causes of Death at different Periods of Life" in 860-1 882, I the twenty-three successive Reports of the Registrar-General, 1 have extracted the deaths from Small-pox of males aged 15—55, the mean From annual value of which is 1,041 ; and this number, divided by the number of millions in the corresponding population (5-8965), gives the death-rate per million The = 176. limit of age, 15 — 55, has been taken because the General Report of Army and Navy, 7,530 men 88 1, Table 40, gives, for the over 45, and 28,834 under 20 years of age. the Census of 1 The Small-pox death-rate for same ages, England and Wales, for the Supplement to 35th Report, years 1850 to 1870, was only 109 per million. The enormous increase is due to the epidemics since Table 2, p. 2. 1870.— Ed. B YEARS OF FORTY-FIVE i8 same in and the regulations as to re-vaccination are the both, and are men are equal pretty The health. both rigidly enforced, in must therefore be cause different conditions of and it seems me to stamina and general in the in of the two services life ; a probable supposition, that the difference arises chiefly from the less efficient and ventilation which are possible on isolation board ship as compared with The general appears Report, 1882, considerably that so (from the Tables 59 than less the civil Navy from Registrar-General's and some population are certainly Army, from Small- conditions. conditions much be the of special the are, to 65,) mortality to But whatever these the that greater pox must be due Hospitals.* of mortality disease Army of the Two- worse. Glasgow live in houses of one or two rooms only, and many other thirds of the families inhabiting towns, including London, are probably not better. * An Under such Officer confirms this view. of the He on board a ship of war. But and with the conditions, Royal Marine assures me if this is of Artilleiy, that isolation much is great experience, absolutely impossible the explanation of the phenomenon, a proof of the complete inefficacy of re-vaccination, which not only does not protect men from catching Small-pox, but allows them to and, allowing something for the superiority of die of it quite as much as it is itself — sanitation, even more than—the adult vaccinated and hardly ever re-vaccinated civil ! population, only partially 19 REGISTRATION STATISTICS. low by induced vitality work, and bad mortality of our should expect the Small-pox we air, over- insuf¥icient food, population to be very civil much greater than that of the picked class of sailors enjoy ample who Where attendance. then by security" afforded fresh food, and medical air, alleged the is re-vaccination, "full and how are characterise the statements circulated at we to the expense of the public, that "Small-pox almost unknown in the we are draw a legitimate conclusion from it is, that the re-vaccination to which and soldiers Small-pox more thus * If to the facts, our Army and Navy?'"^ is fatal we only can The following sailors ai-e when it attacks them, for the explain renders subjected, are a few of these assertions. large The mortality italics are to call attention to the essential words of each statement. The "Lancet," of March 1st, repeated well once in a lifetime, The Medical dated June, Small-pox is Officer 1884. 1879, says and then ike :—" Vaccination immunity is needs to be abnost absohiie." of the General Post Office says, in — "The only means by re-vaccination .... of it is seeming a circular protection against desirable, in order to obtain fnll security, that the operation should be repeated at a later period of life." In the tract on "Small-pox and Vaccination " issued by the National Health Society, and now being widely circulated at tlie expense of the ratepayers, with the sanction of the Local Government Boai-d, we find this statement :—" Evei-y Soldier and Sailor is re-vaccinated; the result is that Small-pox is almost tuiknown in the Army and Navy, even amid smTounding epidemics." The above statements are proved by the Official Returns now issued to be absolutely untrue, and must have been ignorantly and recklessly ipade without any adequate basis of fact, YEARS OF FORTY-FIVE 20 among picked healthy men under and under supervision, living constant medical far better sanitary conditions than the mass of the One mode other is but little million for 1860-82 for five follows ^ : on an very Oldham ... ), ... ... )> between large towns 582), the as 131 per million. „ 109,595 200,158 „ 114 „ 104 115,572 „ 89 many was 119 315,998 course there are rate per average of the years Manchester, (population 340,211 in Brighton Bradford some large The population, adult the 55, 15 Of Small-pox death- better than that of and ages Army during the same period. towns, population. of comparison can be made, showing that even the rate civil )> other towns which have a much higher mortality, but very few are * These figiires — the Registi-ai--Generars have been thus obtained deaths per 1,000, Small-pox the gives xv.) p. The Parliamentaiy for the years 1872-82. Summaiy, 1882, (Table 7, for twenty great Towns, Return, "Vaccination, Mortality," 1877, gives the Small-pox mortality and population of a considerable number of towns for the years 1847-72. From these two official papers the Small-pox mortality per million of the whole male population from i860 to 1882, for such towns as occur in both the tables, is easily obtained. The average Small-pox death-rate for all England is found to be 211 7, wlrile that of the ages 15—55 is These numbers are in the proportion of I to -83 hence the total 176. Small-pox mortality of any town multiplied by the factor "83 will give, The proportion has been approximately, the mortality at ages 15—45sexes combined will not two the obtained from males only, but that of be materially different, ; — REGISTRATION much worse than large town which The very worst Navy. the 21 STATISTICS. can find in the Reports I is Newcastle-on-Tyne, which for the same period had an adult Small-pox mortality of 349 per But million. them but of litde five of the most our adult less Navy, and one more than the Army, amounts of demonstration a to than mortality Small-pox that considerably have towns populous fact the the uselessness of the most complete re-vaccination. The general mortality of our adult population is much greater than that of the Army and Navy. From the official sources of information already quoted, I find that the average mortality of the adult male population of 1 2 — England, of the ages 1860-82, was about 25, for the years 1 1,300 per million.* That of the Navy, 11,000 7, 1 per million for the from all same period, causes, was and only 50 from disease. That of the Army, at home, was 10,300 per Abroad it was nearly double (19,400), million. but this included all the deaths from casualties, exposure, &c., in the Abyssinian, Afghan, Zulu, Transvaal, and other petty wars. * Taken from p. lii., 4Stli Report of the Registrai--General. Ed. FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF Thus the superior physique of our soldiers and together sailors, under which they with live, the we make these population civil much below causes in case the that of the comparable ages. of same allowance the conditions are fully manifested in a mortality from disease adult sanitary the influence of for of If Small-pox, there remains absolutely nothing for the alleged protective influence of re-vaccination. Surely we now hear no more shall of re-vaccinated nurses in Small-pox hospitals, to whom we have no and usually inaccurate a great, to, officially extending the (as but only vague statistics, assertions,) when we have recorded experiment to refer over 23 and years more than 200,000 men, the applied results of which and directly contradict every professional to official statement as to the safeguard of re- vaccination. Vaccination itself a cause of Disease AND Death. As has been now shown, vaccination is quite powerless either to prevent or to mitigate Small-pox. But good grounds cause of much for this is not all, believing that for it is there are itself the disease and serious mortality. REGISTRATION It was syphilis but by denied long be is now 23 medical communicated can this STATISTICS. universally men that by vaccination admitted, and ; no 478 cases of vaccine-syphilis have But there is also been recorded."^ than less already good reason to same means, since other blood- and increased by the transmitted are diseases many believe that has there been many for years a steady increase of mortality from such diseases which elves diseases from Annual Report and 34,) long of list (except others, vaccination by it,) is it for the maladies while there Bronchitis, though the Ixxix., noteworthy very Table the tabulated, no which often follows striking great of five in that, probably, not, of Registrar- General's (page 1880, The contemplate. increase the show any such increase, to terrible table following these is transmitted and continuous majority are either stationary or decreasing. * See Mr. Tebb's "Compulsory (Note,) for a list Vaccination in England," of the authorities for these cases. p. 25, YEARS OF FORTY-FIVE Annual Deaths England per in Million Living.* Average of 5 years. 1850-4 1855-9 1860-4 1865-9 1870-4 1875-9 279 199 191 148 433 82 25 37 51 64 82 81 86 84 302 327 369 404 442 493 S16 261 272 316 299 330 371 265 20 18 24 23 29 39 12 IS 16 17 18 23 22 672 745 842 869 971 993 Totals... 636 0 We here from mortahty which increase a see and continuous. cannot the have, sole good reason In cause. since on it direct of exist scale, the diseases, an the is a infants is we have but it is and not, vaccination that it steady is we have that place in them increase, inoculates directly may disease this first enormous an proof 357 335 increase of true, beheve to the sum is 206 233 109 these of the It cause 36 constant each in 1880. chief vera causa, and adults, whatever blood- with unsuspected in the system * This Table lias not been continued in later Reports ; but we find (tlie only disease of the five sepai-ately tabulated) goes on that Cancer steadily increasing, the mortality for the five years, 18S1-85, being given in the 48th for the Report as follows same period was 78. :— Syphilis, 92; Ed. Cancer, 544. Small-pox, REGISTRATION STATISTICS. of the infants taken. In has cause whom from the vaccine vims adduced been special continuous increase which spread of sanitation, and the have both rendered of diseases, cleanliness, knowledge, medical advanced of remarkably the for these of is no other adequate next place, the 25 and frequent less should less fatal. The increased deaths from these five causes, from 1855 to 1880, exceed the total deaths from Small-pox during the same period I So even that if latter by vaccination, abolished totally had been disease the general the mortality would have been increased, and there much reason is It has believe been boldly asserted by the increase the that caused by vaccination may have been * to itself.'" Government Department controlling vaccination, [Eleventh Report of the MecUcal Officer to Local Government Board, p. by vaccination, 12,000 assertion at is an esliinate almost eveiy point. facts vi., et seq.,] that even if some lives are annually saved by which contradicts the The estimate and childi-en are killed The it. official basis of that vaccination returns assertion are false to the which are obtainable. The above noted estimate is taken to prove that 94 per cent, of London children under ten years of age are vaccinated, and that 95 per cent, of the This statement is further assumed to be population [p. 41] are vaccinated. supported by an examination of " 53,185 children in various national, Such is charitable, and parochial schools and workhouses in London." the odious rigour of vaccine regulations in our "national, charitable, and parochial workhouse schools," that I should not have been surprised of these chikhen, not one was found uuvacciuated. The if, parents of these 26 REGISTRATION STATISTICS, poor children have had no one to defend them by paying fines for neglect of the vaccination. Yet this "inspection" showed 6 per cent, to have " no vaccination scar," or to be doubtful as to vaccination. It is on such bases, that tremendous statements, such as that noted above, are founded ; and to shade off the impudence of this one it is further declared that ' too high." Our ' estimate of the tlie number of the unvaccinated is probably responsible ministers have been appealed to respecting such a base use of official reports, objector to the veiy officials and have had the humour to refer the so degraded their department of who have "the public service." These, in turn, when appealed to, refer to the head of the department ; meanwhile the false statement is repeatedly quoted, and stands as first used. The Reports of the Local Government Board, show that only once have there ever been more than 87 per cent, of the births of the countiy The last year vaccinated, and in London 3 or 4 per cent, fewer. reported, 1886, gives 30,000 fewer official vaccinations than 1877, it was over 86 per cent, of the births. The plan when of the officials is 94 per cent, vaccinated, by deducting the infants who died unvaccinated from the total births, and treating the rest as "surviving." Death is as busy with vaccinated I know no more condemnable trick. to get as with unvaccinated children. Ed. — PART II. Comparative Mortality of the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated. TN speech his June 19th, 1883, statement: foUowing the cases 10,000 shows House of Commons, Sir Lyon Playfair made the in that patients die, of analysis MetropoHtan the in — "An Hospitals 45 per cent, of the Unvaccinated and only 1 5 per cent, of Vaccinated patients;" and he further showed that statistics similar other countries. by my had been published character of a readers It that will in no doubt be objected these statistics, if correct, are a complete proof of the value of vaccination and shall I be expected to show that they are incorrect or give up the whole case. prepared to do firstly, ; and I ; now undertake This I am to prove that the figures here given are unreliable ; and, secondly, that such statistics necessarily give false results unless they are classified according to the age-periods of the patients. FORTY -FIVE YEARS OF 28 The per-centages of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated unreliable. The of death simple fact easily ascertained, from and has been Small-pox many for is years accurately recorded. But, whether deceased person had been the vaccinated or not, confluent Small-pox ascertained, because alone is ordinarily a fact by no means easily is the vacci- obliterates fatal) (which nation marks in the worst cases, and the death then usually recorded the or official doubtful. record altogether among the this reason For vaccinated or untrustworthy, and is unvaccinated alone the tmvaccinated— is cannot be made the subject of accurate statistical enquiry.* But there are other reasons why the comparison of the deaths of these two classes is worthless. Deaths registered as unvaccinated include (i.) — Infants dying under vaccination age, and who, therefore, have no corresponding class among * As an instance of the reticence of officials on the subject. I cannot find any details in the Regisb-ar-General's reports respecting vaccinated For that year 270 vaccinated persons dying of Small -pox until 1874. Then' for years no information is persons are reported dying of Small-pox. For that and the subsequent given, until 1879, when it is again inserted. Small-pox. years we have 2,512 vaccinated persons returned as dying of Several thousands are noted as "not stated as to vaccination."— Ed. 29 REGISTRATION STATISTICS. among whom the vaccinated, but mortality is greatest. too weakly or Children (2.) and whose low vaccinated, severe disease A (3.) diseased vitality be to any renders fatal. unknown number of the but large nomad and criminal the Small-pox population who escape These are often badly under the most unsanitary conditions the vaccination officers. fed and live ; they are, therefore, especially liable to suffer in epidemics of Small-pox or other zymotic diseases. It is three by the indiscriminate union of these classes, together erroneously those with classed as unvaccinated owing to the obliteration of marks or other defect of evidence, that the number of deaths registered swollen far beyond its comparison with those "unvaccinated" true proportions, registered is and the ''vaccinated" rendered altogether untrustworthy and misleading. This is not a mere inference, for there direct evidence that the records and "no statement" Registrar-General chief argument class of facts, in the are often for much "unvaccinated" Reports erroneous. vaccination is rests of the As the upon this a few examples of the evidence referred to must be here given. YEARS OF FORTY-FIVE 30 Mr. a. Feltrup, of Ipswich, gives a case boy aged 9, who died of Small-pox, and was (i.) of a recorded By the in search a certificate " unvaccinated." as the register of successful vac- in was found that the boy, Thomas Taylor, had been successfully vaccinated on the cinations it May, 20th May Chronicle, (2.) — In " 5, W. Adams. by 1868, 1877.) Notes on the Small-pox Epidemic By Fras. Vacher, M.D., at Birkenhead, 1877." we (p. 9.,) "As {Suffolk find the following regards the : patients admitted to the fever hospital or treated at home, those entered as vaccinated displayed undoubted cicatrices, as attested those by competent entered medical witnesses, not vaccinated were admitted as unvaccinated or without the faintest mark. mei^e assertions they zvere of patients or vaccinated about 80 per and cent, of The their friends that counted for nothing, as the patients entered in the of the table (' unknown ') were reported as having been vaccinated in infancy." third (The (3.) cohtm^i italics are — Bearing we have my own.) upon this important admission, the following statement in Dr. Russell's Glasgow Report, 187 1-2 (p. 25) "Sometimes persons were said : to be vaccinated, REGISTRATION STATISTICS. 31 but no marks could be seen, very frequently because of the abundance of the eruption. cases those of which recovered, an In some inspection before dismissal discovered vaccine marks, some- times 'very good,'" (4.) — The " last vaccinated visited epidemic of Small-pox which Preston was in 1877. February of that year, Dr. Rigby, the medical officer of the Union, sent out a report, in which he stated that 'out of 83 persons admitted into the Fulwood Small-pox Hospital, 73 were vaccinated.' All recovered, he alleged, but the ten unvaccinated Here was a bold and specific statement but what were the facts revealed after The careful investigation by two committees ? cases died. all ; first case reported as unvaccinated turned out to be a revaccinated policeman, named Walter Egan. Another case reported as unvaccinated was a named Mary Shorrock, vaccinated by the very medical officer who rettirned her as unvaccinated. child In all, six cases out of the ten were proved to have been vaccinated, whilst three were doubtful, we not being able to trace them." of Mr. J. SwiNDLEHURST, in the — From letter Walsall Observer, 1888.— Ed. In 1872, Mr. John Pickering, of Leeds, (5.) carefully investigated a number of cases entered July 2ist, — FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF 32 as " not vaccinated " by the medical the Leeds Small-pox Hospital, tracing parents, examining the patients taining the were entered The " not as of certificate dead. while 9 others result out alive, if vaccination that was, and vaccinated," 6 who had the or ob- they if patients, living, still marks good vaccination have were found to officers of and whose deaths died, had been registered as " not vaccinated," were proved to have been successfully vaccinated. In 8 cases were proved to have addition to these, been vaccinated, but times, entered aliice them three of unsuccessfully, " unfit certified some and or others 4 be vaccinated," yet to " as all four were were The un vaccinated." particulars of this investigation are to full be found pamphlet by Mr. Pickering, published by F. Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row, London. in a (6.) —As further corroborative evidence of the untrustworthiness in the January, 1874, own and to : — to " In on the subject records men, the following " Certificates of Birmingham Medical Review for are my from an Death," all medical from emanating quotation of is article on important; certificates the italics given by us voluntarily, which the public have access, it is be expected that a medical man scarcely will give REGISTRATION STATISTICS. may opinions which 33 against or reflect upon tell In such cases he will most himself in any way. and likely tell the truth, b7it not the zuhole truth, some prominent symptom of the disease as As instances of cases which the cause of death. assign may tell man against the medical himself, will I mention erysipelas from vaccination, and puerperal A fever. I to ago long not death from the in my and although practice, had not vaccinated the child, from preserve vaccination cause occurred first yet in reproach, my desire I omitted from my certificate of death!^ The illustrative facts now given cannot be supposed to be exceptional, especially when we all mention of it consider the great amount required bring to them of time to light ; and labour and taken astounding admissions of in connection with the medical men, of which examples have been just given, prove they placed on the pox patients registration cent, while, ; is dependence can be of the proportions unvaccinated among Small- official of vaccinated and no that records if usually of those classed Mr. Vacher's method of followed, about 80 per by the Registrar- General under the heading "no statement" have been really stated, by their parents or been vaccinated. friends, to have FORTY-FIVE YEARS 34 Our Hospital But a still OF necessarily give False Results. more serious matter remains to Statistics be considered, and it is a striking proof of the crude and imperfect evidence on which the important question of the value of vaccination has been decided, that the point entirely overlooked vaccination, in question has been by every English advocate of although it involves an elementary principle of statistical science. This point hospitals, strictly is, the records that until in our "vaccinated" and " unvaccinated," are and correct, be demonstrated deduced from properly that true classified, results it cannot can be them."^' The requisite comparison has, however, been made on a population of about 60,000, consisting of; the officials and workmen employed on the Imperial Austrian State Railways, by the Head Physician, and his results Dr. Leander Joseph Keller ; during the years 1872-3 are so important that it is necessary to give a brief abst ract of them.t Appendix on the eruption. Ed. cases among the Employes of the Imperial Austrian Small-pox on Report f Translated from the German by State Railway Company for the year 1873. Mrs. Hume-Rothery. National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League. Another and enlarged version of Dr. Keller's Report has been published The Mitigation Theoiy of Vaccination an Account of the Statistics By Dr. Keller, collected during the Small-pox Epidemic of 1872-73 Medical Director of the Austrian State Railways. By Alfred Milnes, M.A. London: E. W. Allen, Ave Maria Lane. * See remarks in the : ; — REGISTRATION ^i.) — It is pox patients — — STATISTICS. 35 shown that the death-rate of Smallis greatest in the diminishes gradually to then between the 15th law same the exactly following life, age rises again to old and 20th year, and then thus year of first as ; the general mortality. (2.) —The Small-pox death-rate, among over 2,000 cases, was i7"85 per cent, of the cases, closely agreeing with the general average. That unvaccinated was of the that of the vaccinated (3.) —This vaccination, was only 15 "61 per shown and life,"^ entirely above unconnected with is 2 years, 3 1 '76, almost first two years be a purely numerical fact to proved as follows cent. be wholly due to the to excess of the unvaccinated in the of while cent., apparently so favourable to result, is 23*20 per : vaccination. — Taking, all first, This is ages the the death-rates of the vaccinated and exactly unvaccinated the of the same, but with 13" 15, a slight advantagfe to the unvaccinated. Taking now the is first two years, the death-rate found to be as follows : Unvaccinated. Vaccinated. First year of life 60-46 45 '24 Second year of 54*o5 38' 10 life * This applies to Austria. earlier, yet, in In England vaccination a pamphlet entitled ' ' is usually performed Plain Fads on Vaccinaiion, " by FORTY-FIVE YEARS 36 OF Thus the Small-pox death-rate actually less Is for the unvaccinated than for the vaccinated infants, and average the higher ages eqtial for all the of the whole yet ; higher for is in the simply on account of the greater unvaccinated, proportion of the unvaccinated at those ages at which the mortality It thus is made is tmiversally greatest. clear that any comparison of the Small-pox mortality of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, except at strictly corresponding ages, leads to entirely false conclusions. This curious and important fact be rendered 20 years of age, to groups do — those not. were easily perhaps by intelligible an Let us take the whole population illustration. up more may If who go to school, it into registered, it two and those who Small-pox mortality of the separately and divide these would be found be very much greater among the non-school composed chiefly of infants, and of goers, to — weakly children too amongst whom G. Oliver, about 1872, the it Hampstead,— "The number to be mortality was stated sent is to school, always very that in the Small-pox Hospital, of the unvaccinated patients, up to the age of ages." ten years, greatly preponderates over the vaccinated of corresponding were there 1S71-77, years eight the in In the Homerton Small-pox Hospital including vaccinated, old, to 20 years 2 under unvaccinated patients 147 among these the doubtful cases. — REGISTRATION STATISTICS. so oreat much that so '37 a doctor of wide ex- — Dr. Vernon, of Southport has stated that, he had never known an infant under one year But we should of age recover from Small-pox. perience surely think person either a silly statistics that argued from such or mad who school-going was a protection against the disease, and that school Yet children formed a "protected population." this exactly is of those comparable with the who adduce unvaccinated reasoning the greater mortality Small-pox of patients all among ages and conditions, as the very strongest argument in favour of vaccination Good statistics* ! and good arguments cannot be upset, or even weakened, by those which are I have now shown that the main argument bad. relied on by our adversaries, rests on thoroughly unsound statistics, inaccurate to begin with, and Those which wrongly interpreted afterwards. have used, on the other hand, perfect, that are yet exist. I the ask best if not I absolutely and most trustworthy and statisticians men of unbiassed judgment to decide between them. must be insisted upon, over and over again, that they are not good where the class under trial the vaccinated are in gi-eat numbers Ep. of cases assumed not to be vaccinated against all testimony available. * It slatistics, — — — FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF 38 Conclusion from the Evidence. The of result thus summarized (i.) may be enquiry brief this : — Vaccination does not diminish Small- shown by the 45 years of the Registrar-General's statistics, and by the deaths pox mortality, as from Small-pox of our "re-vaccinated" soldiers and being as numerous as those of the sailors male population of the same ages of several of our large towns, although the former are picked, healthy men, thousands while living the under most the many include latter unsanitary conditions. (2.) —While vaccination"^ death in of about thus cases, 10,000 and by most terrible five and inocu- and disgusting to this extent, year, since vaccination has enforced by penal laws —The disease the probable cause which have increased steadily, year (3.) is of deaths annually by lable diseases of the character, powerless for good, a certain cause is many utterly been ! hospital statistics, showing a greater The operation itself kills many. The Registi-ai-General gives, under head of Cow-pox and other effects [eiysipelas, &c.] of vaccination for the In the years 1881 to 1S86, the following deaths of infants under one yeai'. In London, 61. Total for the six years, 316. Ed. the countiy, 255 deaths. * REGISTRATION STATISTICS. than of the vac- unvaccinated mortality of the 39 while have been proved to be untrustworthy conclusions drawn from them are the shown to cinated, ; be necessarily false. these facts are true, or anything near the If enforcement the truth, imprisonment and of by vaccination of fine parents, unwilling is a and criminal despotism, which it behoves true friends of humanity to denounce and cruel all oppose at every opportunity. Such health, our serious a matter the The exposed. alone a open land. statistical you to We, some in shall this ; Some of the and been evidence on if to any fulfil find that your by here which founded, the you, our solemn devoting and that the is in doctor demand matter, you be can investigation personal research as therefore, representatives, us or the have relied, judgment true depend on some of the ignorance on have you which too is officials professional clique. and lives, to misstatements of interested misstatements to be allowed to our does, it and our very liberty, dogmas of a as as involving legislation, duty to it painstaking main facts 40 REGISTRATION STATISTICS. here as call stated upon you correct, we undo without delay the evil are to substantially you have done. We, therefore, solemnly urge upon you the immediate repeal of the iniquitous penal laws by which you have forced upon us a dangerous and useless operation an operation which has admittedly caused many deaths, GREATER which is MORTALITY BUT WHICH CANNOT •SAVED probably THAN BE A SINGLE HUMAN the cause SmALL-POX PROVED LIFE. TO of ITSELF, HAVE EVER APPENDIX. TN addition to other besetting the difficulties students of our Hospital records, one stands prominently forward exceeding as Dr. Wallace has referred comparing who vaccinated, even classed are omission must be The patients or the complained way only correct is of of the skin, un- often not But a greater of. Small-pox classing The by age and by eruption. state can hardly fatal, skill are can cure patient One the best it. As given vaccinated summaries disregarded. this and nursing a rule they are these not classification kind two kinds often is so greatest distinction, and un-vaccinated. kind bad nursing — another lumped together without any even when into the kill not that mild, that even so is eruption, the only scientific is guide to the nature of the disorder. of Small-pox of called class, age together. in others. difficulty those mixed a the to with vaccinated the and divided In general universally APPENDIX. 42 The Hospitals Metropolitan operation since During 1869. been have the in years 16 reported upon to the managers, since that time they have received Of for treatment. vaccinated, The is this great total, classed are 41,061 and the of the fatality very heavy, but as siderations to Small-pox cases of 53,579 no fewer than vaccinated, as remainder as un- 5,866 "doubtful." un-vaccinated and doubtful this largely due to con- is who the people un- the are vaccinated, which have already been urged, and which are greatly strengthened by facts now to be adduced. The Handbook, 1887, giving these particulars, Before has no "doubtful" class until 1880. that period the un-vaccinated absorbed them all. As this to any doubts is that ! Why classification? are there The answer skin, patient most In mild in is the part of the very bad cases. the skin the vaccination does marks are not suffer the The much. clearly visible. And marks of vaccination will be most numerous in the mild in affected. the confluent The cases the skin is pustules run together, and so most "good" certainly But class the vaccination marks are on the affected the the in and the skin cases doubtful cases. badly if this APPENDIX. eruption is over the vaccinated arm, no vaccination mark can be But no case seen. vaccinated unless a such that pass, to vaccinated a bad of heavy fatality. is fatal these In cases skin the confluent the is From intendants, We see or as now why this receives the doubtful I of all, "malignant." the not degraded as is it yield: is in and suppressed, But the vaccination marks medical super- several reports of have collected 66 1 of these very In only 8 cases were there "doubts." cases. rest "doubtful," eruption the ; the blood poisoned. show. himself declaring as It comes it confirmed by a reference to further is most the So but never any doubtful mild ones. cases, This recorded as is seen. is patient down put is mark "said to be vaccinated." class 43 vaccinated, 486 fatal The persons with 432 deaths; and un-vaccinated, 167 persons with 150 Nothing more damaging deaths. Yet could be recorded. or in a table of without reference this is We in a purely age table ; vaccinated and un-vaccinated, the of the skin, to state all buried. see then that in the mild cases, error as to classification these to vaccination is very unlikely ever to occur. no deaths complications. need be feared, In except from WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO The land of the Oiang Utan and Ihc ]5iid of Taradise. A Naiialive of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. With Maps and Illustrations. Third and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. "The result is a vivid picture of tropical life, which may be read with unflagging interest, and .-x account of his scientific conclusions to stimulate our appetite In short, we may safely say that we have never read a its kind." Saturday Review. sufficient without wearying us by more agreeable book of THE : detail. GEOGRAPHICAL ANIMALS. DISTRIBUTION OP With a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface. 2 vols. 8vo., with Maps and numerous Illustrations by Zwecker. 42s, The Times says: — "Altogether it is a wonderful and fascinating story, whatever objections may be taken to theories founded upon it. Mr. Wallace has not attempted to add to its interest by any adornments of style he has given a simple and clear statement of intrinsically interesting facts, and what he considers to be legitim.ate deductions from them. Naturahsts ought to be grateful to him for having undertaken so toilsome a task. The work, indeed, is a credit to all concerned the author, the publishers, the artist, unfortunately now no more, of the attractive illustrations last, but by no means least, Mr. Stanford's map-designer." ; — TROPICAL NATURE : With other Essays. 8vo. — 12s. " Nowhere amid the many descriptions of the tropics that have been given is to be found a summary of the past history and actual phenomena of the tropics which gives that which is distinctive of the phases of nature in them more clearly, shortly, and impressively." Saturday Review. ISLAND LIFE; OR, THE PHENOMENA AND CAUSES OF INSULAR FAUNAS AND FLORAS, a Revision Climates. " including and attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological With Maps. 8vo. iSs. is a work to be accepted almost without reservation from beginning to Whoever reads this book must be charmed with it." St. James's Gazette. "The work throughout abounds with interest." Atliena:iim. " Mr. Wallace has written nothing more clear, more masterly, or more convincing than Fortnightly Review. this delightful volume." end. ' Island Life' . . BAD TIMES: An Essay on the Present Depression of Trade, Sources in Enormous Foreign Loans, Excessive War Expenditure, the Increase of Speculation and of Millionaires, and the Depopulation of the Rural Districts ; with Suggested Remedies. With Diagrams. Crown 8vo. 5s. 1885. tracing it to its LONDON : MACMILLAN & LAND NATIONALISATION, CO. ITS NECESSITY AND ITS AIMS. Being a comparison of the System of Landlord and Tenant with that of Occupying Ownership in their influence on the Third Edition. Paper covers, 8d. Limp Well-being of the People. cloth, IS. 6d. LONDON: W. REEVES, I85, FLEET STREET, E.C. ON MIRACLES AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM. Three Essays. Second Edition, crown LONDON: TRUBNER & CO., 8vo., cloth, 5s. LUDGATE HILL. The London Society for of Compulsory Vaccination. The Abolition Prcsidetit. WILLIAM TEBB, Esq., 7, Albert Road, Gloucester Gate, Regent's Park-, N.W. Vice-rrcsi(ie7its. THOMAS BURT, Esq., M.P., 26, Pal.ace Street, Buckingham Gate, HENRY P. COBB, Esq., M.P., 53, Lincoln's-Inn Fields, W.C. HANDEL COSSHAM, Esq., M.P., Weston Park, Bath. IS.A..\C HOLDEN, S.W. Esq., M.P., O.akworth House, Keighley. Executive Committee. CH..\IRM.^N.—WILLIAM TEBB. JOHN GENERAL EARLE. ALFREY. W. L. BEURLE. R. LEWIS. Mrs. LOWE. GLOVER. CORNELIUS PEARSON. JOHN BOTTOMLEY. J. F. HAINES. WILLIAM WHITE, Laurels, Cheshunt, Herts. Hon. 7"rf<zj?/?-c;-— CORNELIUS PEARSON, 15, Harpur Street, Red Lion Square, W.C. Bankers— "XViY. LONDON & COUNTY BANK (Westminster Branch), S.W. Parliamentary Agent—Vf. L. BEURLE, Linden House, 331, Victoria Park Road, E. Secretary—WlhLlPM. YOUNG, 77, Atlantic Road, Brixton, S.W. Mrs. R. R. In times when the laws of health it was believed that by poisoning the blood were impeifectly understood, with the vims of small-pox, or cowpox, a future attack of small-pox While many might be escaped. kindred medical practices have been discredited and forgotten. Vaccination, endowed by the State, has and and has entered into is enforced with fine legislation, It is in vain and imprisonment. for nonconformists to plead that they do not believe that Vaccination has any power to prevent or to mitigate small-pox, or that it is attended by the risk of communicating other They are told they may diseases. believe what they like, but that vaccinated they must be, for the survived, benefit of the rite is settled beyond dispute, and that only fools and fanatics venture to question what has been irrevocably determined. Many too, whilst disinclined to discuss Vaccination as a medical question, or to surrender confidence in its prophylaxy, are opposed to its compulsory tain that infliction. They main- every remedy should be left to justify itself by its own efficacy, and that of all prescriptions the last which requires extraneous assistance Vaccination for its repute is based on the fact that its subjects are secure from small-pox, and in that security may abide indifferent to those who choose to neglect its is ; salvation. pox Even hospitals, it nurses is in small- said, when vaccinated and re-vaccinated, live unaffected in the variolous atmosphere. They consequently hold that to compare an unvaccinated person to a nuisance, as is frequently done, is to make use of an epithet that implicitly denies the virtues asserted for Vaccination, a nuismce being a danger or annoyance which another cannot conveniently avoid. The members of the London Society therefore appeal with confidence to the sympathy and They support of their countrymen. claim to enlist the energies not only of those who are opposed to Vaccination as useless and mischievous, but of those who, time to their faith in liberty, would leave its acceptance to the discretion of the individual. efficiently The London Society for The Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination. —The —The OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY. Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination. II. Diffusion of Knowledge concerning Vaccination. Ill— The Maintenance in London of an Office for the Publication of Literature relating to Vaccination, and a Centre of Information and Action. !• The viinimum Annual Suiscri^tion constituting^ Membership is S&.Gd. Every oppotient of Compulsory Vaccination in the United Kingdom is earnestly invited to join and co-operate with the Society. I AM directed to draw attention very earnestly to the claims of the London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination. The Society is engaged in an arduous enterprise with the firm resolve to achieve success ; and with this end in view the Members maintain an Office they publish the acciiiatioii Inquirer, and a variety ; V of books, tracts, and leaflets, which are liberally distributed wherever likely to be of use; they organise public meetings, and avail themselves of eveiy opportunity for lectures and discussions ; and from the Office conduct an extensive correspondence at home and abroad. It is needless to say that all these operations are attended with expense, and indeed with heavy expense, yet from none of them is it possible to withdraw ; on the contrary with larger means they would be developed and extended. At present the chief cost of these operations is borne by the liberality of the few, and it is the wish, and the reasonable wash, of the Committee to enlarge the area of subscription, and to have the names of all opponents of Com- pulsoiy The upon Vaccination register of their membership. successful issue of this agitation would honourable most be greatly hastened if only those who are persuaded of the folly of vaccination, and who abhor the tyrannical the rite upon the unwould come forward and infliction of willing, assist to sustain those who are disposed to assume the more active duties of the conflict. The Committee feel that it is not becoming that many, who have openly expressed their sympathy with the objects they have in view, and who will rejoice over the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination, should yet do little or nothing to contribute to the victory which they are sufficiently enlightened to desire. The Committee that therefore hope you will not only look favourably on this that you appeal for assistance, but will also tiy to enlist in the good cause some of those latent sympathisers, who, probably, only require the stimulus of suggestion and persuasion to become active allies. WILLIAM YOUNG, 77, Atlantic Road, Brixton, S.W. Secretary. THE VACCINATION INQUIRER. Published Monthly, price E. W. ALLEN, id., or is. 6d. per annum, post 4 Ave Maria Lane, London, E.C. free. 1