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Research Methods: Virtual vs Face-to-Face Classes

Chapter 3
This chapter presents the method to be used in this study. This includes the
research design, locale of the study, research respondents, sampling techniques,
research instrument, validity and reliability, data gathering procedure, ethical
consideration, and statistical treatment.
Methods to be Used
This study will use descriptive research design because it describes a certain
population and situation particularly in determining the advantages and
disadvantages of virtual and face-to-face classes to BPED 3A students of Naga
College Foundation. Specifically, this method will be used in this study because it
identifies the advantages and disadvantages of attending virtual classes as
perceived by the BPED 3A students; the advantages and disadvantages of
attending face-to-face classes as perceived by the BPED 3A students; the
significant difference between the advantages of virtual and face-to-face classes;
the significant difference between the disadvantages of virtual and face-to-face
classes; and the major barriers encountered by the respondents in attending
virtual and face-to-face classes.
To meet the research objectives properly, both qualitative and quantitative
approaches will be used to confirm, validate, and increase confidence in the
evidence. Quantitative information refers to linear attributes, measurements, and
statistical analysis while qualitative information relies primarily on human
perception and understanding (Stake, 2010).
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study will be the Third Year Students taking up
Bachelor of Physical Education under the College of Teacher Education in Naga
College Foundation, Naga City.
A total of twenty-three (23) respondents will be chosen to participate in this
research, of which are 11 male and 12 are female. All the key participants are
currently enrolled in the 1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023.
Since this study aims to determine the advantages and disadvantages of
virtual and face-to-face classes to BPED 3A students, the non-random sampling
technique specifically purposive sampling is the most appropriate to be used. The
respondents are chosen based on their knowledge of the information desired. This
technique is to be utilized because of the requirement needed in identifying the
respondents. Specific purpose and target are the basis for using this sampling
method to get an opportunity to investigate intensively each problem of the study.
Data Gathering Tools
A validated researcher-made questionnaire will be used as an instrument of
this study. The researchers will utilize survey questionnaires as research tools. This
structured survey questionnaire will be designed to answer the research problems.
Part I is the advantages and disadvantages of virtual classes. Part II provides
information on the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face classes. And
lastly, Part III provides information on the major barriers encountered by the
respondents in attending virtual and face-to-face classes. This survey
questionnaire is also subjected to validity and reliability tests. Rating scales will be
used in this study to associate a qualitative measure with regards to the
respondents' perception.
To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaires to be
disseminated to the respondents, the researchers will seek first the expertise of
the research adviser and other experts to validate the formulated questionnaire so
they can give some recommendations which will be compiled by the researchers
for further efficiency of the questionnaires. In validating the survey questionnaire,
the first draft of the questionnaire will be referred to the research consultant and
adviser or persons in authority to check all items against the statement of the
problem. Comments and suggestions will be considered to further improve the
said questionnaire. The final draft will be checked by the research consultant and
adviser to see to it that each statement or indicator is relevant to specific problem.
Again, corrections and suggestions will be made for the preparation of a clean final
copy for approval of the research consultant and adviser.
Data Gathering Procedures
After obtaining permission from respective authorities on the conduct of the
study, the researchers will consult the research adviser for the construction of
questionnaires. List of potential respondents will be requested from the College
Registrar. From this list, a purposive sampling frame will be made to specify the
required number of students who will serve as respondents of the study. The
survey questionnaires will be administered to the respondents upon approval of
the validation team. The researchers will request the participation of the BPED 3A
students to accomplish the task. Retrieved survey forms and results will be
collected and analyzed.
Ethical consideration is a fundamental segment of the research process. In
doing this research, the following ethical concerns will be carried out: anonymity,
confidentiality, and informed consent. To really ensure that the ethical
consideration principle will be considered in the conduct of this research, the
objectives of the research will be fully explained to the respondents. They will be
requested to answer the survey questionnaires and they will not be forced in any
ways. It is to be further explained that any responses that will be gathered from
them will be treated with utmost objectivity and confidentiality.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The study will employ descriptive statistics method of data analysis. This
statistical method will be applied to analyze the quantitative close-ended questions
and data by using the weighted mean, ranking, and t-test.
The following descriptive statistical tools will be utilized to analyze and
compute the data to be gathered in order to achieve the goals of the study:
Weighted Mean. This will be used in obtaining the advantages and
disadvantages of virtual classes; the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face
classes; and the major barriers encountered by the respondents in attending
virtual and face-to-face classes.
Ranking. This tool will be used to determine the degree of order of the data as
perceived by the respondents.
T-test. It is an inferential statistic used to determine if there is a statistically
significant difference between the means of advantages of virtual and face-to-face
classes and the significant difference between the means of disadvantages of
virtual and face-to-face classes.
End Notes
Stake, R. E. (2010). Qualitative Research: Studying How Things Work. New York,
NY: Guilford Press. 244 pages.