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English Grammar & Vocab Revision: Adjectives, Adverbs, Poetic Devices

Paper 1 - Revision
Part A - MCQs
Section 1: Multiple-choice questions: (30 marks)
● QQuestions1 - 20 ( Grammar)Questions 21-30 (Vocabulary)
Part B: Short answer questions. (20 marks)
** Please in the d revision for part B in other revision sets.
Section 1: Reading Comprehension 1 (3 marks)
: Reading Comprehension 2 (6 marks)
Section 2: Cloze Passage (6 marks)
Section 3: Information Transfer (effects)
This set contains notes and activities for the following topicQuestionstion 1 - 30)
1. Superlative and Comparative Adjectives
2. Adverbs
3. Linking Verbs
4. Possessive Adjectives
5. Compound and Compound Sentences.
6. Poetic Devices.
8. Personal and Impersonal Style of Writing
9. Vocabulary
Section 1- MCQ
Revision - Paper 1
1. Superlative and Comparative Adjectives
A Comparative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to another noun.
Comparative adjectives typically end in 'er' and are followed by the word 'than'.
A superlative Adjective is a word that describes a noun by comparing it to two or more nouns to the highest or
lowest degree.
1. There were 50 cars but the blue one was the ____________.
most pretty
2. The planets look ______bigger_______ when we see them using a telescope.
most big
3. The _bigger____________ the crowd, the ____merrier_________ the event!
A. bigger…..merriest
B. biggest…..merriest
C. bigger…..merrier
D. big….merrier
2. Adverbs
describe a verb, an adjective, or another verb.
Adverbs fall into 3 categories:- 1. Adverbs of manner - tell us how
2. Adverbs of time - tell us when
3. Adverbs of place - tell us where
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of manner.
1. Liam walked __anxiously___________ and waited to hear whether he was accepted into the soccer team.
2. Kelly usually gets along ____usually_______ with her friends.
3. My neighbors play their music too ______loudly_______.
4. I can see _clearly____________ now that the windows are clean.
5. Further research is _________urgently____ needed if we are to find a cure for Covid-19.
6. Owen shouted _____angrily________ for his dog to go home.
7. Blake ______reluctantly_______ admitted to stealing her friend’s eraser.
8. The leader was asked to __closely___________ monitor the class.
9. The trucks stopped ______abruptly_______ causing the driver behind it to slam the brakes.
10. Classes are ___famously__________ held at class, howe, ver due to the pandemic all classes are virtual.
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of time.
last week
last month
last year
1. My uncle will come by train _____________.
2. Jane hasn’t left for the party _____________.
3. I cleaned the attic _____________.
4. Matt will be back _____________.
5. She paid her car insurance _____________.
6. Kevin works as a teacher _____________.
7. Valerie is going to Chicago _____________.
8. We stayed at the beach resort _____________.
9. I have never seen him _____________.
10. Grace volunteered at the local library _____________.
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb of place.
1. She was still looking _____________ on me, because she thinks she is smarter than me.
2. The boat started spinning _____________ in the water.
3. He got _____________ and went outside for some fresh air.
4. He walked _____________ from his car when his car couldn’t start.
5. I’ve got this strange feeling that I have seen him _____________.
6. I’ve already looked _____________ but I couldn’t find him.
7. The toilets are over _____________, my dear.
8. I can’t stand _____________ chatting all day! I have a million things to do.
9. Jason was _____________ on a business trip.
10. I have _____________ else to go.
3. Linking Verbs
What are linking verbs?
Linking verbs connect a subject and further information about that subject.
The verb ‘to be’ (am, is, are, was, were) is the most common linking verb.
For example:
The car is red. (is - linking verb)
More linking verbs :The verbs “to become” and “to seem” are also linking verbs.
For example:
I have become weary of all your complaining.
The new girl seems like a friendly person.
Fill in the blanks with the correct linking verbs. ( is, was, were, am, are)
1. We _______________ going to the Coldplay concert next month.
2. You _______________ going to teach me how to play the guitar.
3. They _______________ so excited to learn that they have scored straight A’s in their exam.
4. He _______________ one of the best students in class.
5. My friends are tired but I _______________ still very energetic.
6. She _______________ here yesterday.
7. I _______________ giving a speech tomorrow.
4. Possessive Adjectives
A word that indicates the possession of the noun to a person/a few people. The possessive adjectives are my, our, your,
his, their, her, and its.
Examples of Possessive Adjective:
My computer is not working as fast as it worked in the beginning.
Our father told us not to quarrel with anyone.
Your cycle has been stolen yesterday.
Ali loves his new piano.
1. My sister bought that new car last week. That car is ______________.
A. his
B. hers
C. her
2. The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. The green one is ______________ car
A. her
B. she
C. hers
3. Excuse me. Have you seen ______________ cell phone? I lost it.
A. my
B. mine
C. me
4. That dog belongs to my neighbour. It’s ______________ dog.
A. our
B. their
C. his
5. Is this ______________ pen? Does it belong to you?
A. you
B. yours
C. you
5. Compound and Complex sentences
Compound sentences join two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but, yet, so, for,
Complex sentences contain a main clause and a dependent clause beginning with a conjunction like (before, after,
because ....)
dependent clause: When it rains,
independent clause: the daffodils bow their heads.
A. Determine if each sentence is complex or compound.
1. They finished practice early, and they went for ice cream.
2. Your mom cleaned your room while you were out.
3. They practise yoga, and they like to meditate.
4. After the end of the movie, Juliette wanted more popcorn.
5. I would love to help, but I have work to do.
6. Before you answer the door, look who it is through the window.
7. Do you want an ice cream sundae, or do you prefer some cake?
8. Phil has studied hard because the test is tomorrow.
9. Camden wants to exercise, yet he is reading a book.
10. We should leave for the movie since you are here.
6. Poetic Devices
Simile - A simile always uses the word like or as to make a comparison between two different subjects that share
some similarities.
a) I wish to live like a king.
b) I want to be as cool as a cucumber.
c) My baby sister is as sweet as pie.
Personification - When we give uniquely human qualities, feelings, and behaviours to nonhuman subjects such as
animals or objects.
a) The flowers danced gracefully in the wind.
b) My favourite sweater hugged me tightly.
c) The alarm shrieked a warning.
Metaphor - A metaphor compares two subjects by directly stating that something is something else. The comparison
helps the reader think about the two items in new ways.
a) Life is a roller coaster.
b) Time is money.
c) My best friend is my diary.
Alliteration - Alliteration is when two or more words that start with the same sound are used repeatedly in a phrase
or a sentence. The repeated sound creates alliteration.
a) Clary closed her cluttered clothes closet.
b) The woody woodpecker pecks on wood.
c) Jamie Jones jumps while eating jelly jam.
A. Choose whether each sentence below is written with a simile or a metaphor.
1. The cat’s fur was a blanket of warmth. ( simile / metaphor)
2. The lamp was a beacon of sunshine. ( simile / metaphor)
3. The fireworks were a lantern in the sky. ( simile / metaphor)
4. John slept like a log. ( simile / metaphor)
5. Mary was as sweet as pie. ( simile / metaphor)
6. George is lightning as he runs the race. ( simile / metaphor)
7. Gwen sings like an expert. ( simile / metaphor)
8. Mark’s voice is velvet. ( simile / metaphor)
9. Cindy is a fish when she swims. ( simile / metaphor)
10. Tom is like a computer when he does his mat. ( simile / metaphor)
B. Underline all the personifications found in this sample paragraph below.
Our house is an old friend of ours. Although he creaks and groans with
every gust of wind, he never fails to protect us from the elements. He
wraps his arms of bricks and mortar around us and keeps us safe. He’s
always been a good friend to us and we would never leave him.
C. Write on each line whether the sentence contains a simile, metaphor, or personification.
1. _______________ The children crept, quietly as mice.
2. _______________ The car sputtered and coughed before starting.
3. _______________ The wind howled as if it were an angry wolf.
4. _______________ The engine roared like a lion.
5. _______________ The trees were a prison, trapping the boy.
6. _______________ The sunflowers nodded in the wind.
7. _______________ Luke ran like the wind until he reached the finish line.
8. _______________ Martha is the apple of her mom’s eye.
9. _______________ The king was a furious lion.
10. _______________ The sun hid quietly behind the grey cloud.
11. _______________ Pam is as cool as a cucumber.
12. _______________ Robert’s eyes are the ocean, so clear and so blue.
13. _______________ The sun smiled down on the children as they played on the sand.
14. _______________ As autumn turned to winter, the trees found themselves wearing white.
15. _______________ Kate’s long hair was a flowing golden river.
D. Fill in the blanks to complete the alliteration. (remember alliteration has the same consonant sound)
1. Tony lost two ________________.
2. Edward eats extra _____________.
3. Mikey makes many _____________ piles.
4. Harsha has a hyper _____________.
5. Dommy digs deep _____________.
6. Backey baked _____________.
7. Carla craved crunchy _____________.
8. Sinaa sips steaming _____________.
9. Jimmy saw a jellyfish _____________.
10. Nick nailed nine _____________ onto the wall.
7. Personal and Impersonal Style
Personal Style - informal
Personal writing involves an intimate, simple, direct, and personal style. Expression of individual
approach plays a key role in personal writing.
Personal style uses:
Writing Style
Contractions (I ’m/don’t / shouldn’t)
Figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, etc.)
Use of adjectives (a cloudy day / a beautiful lady / a cute, fat panda)
Use of adverbs (singing loudly / driving dangerously / always late)
Show of emotions using an exclamation mark ( !! / !? )
Example of sentences with personal style
1. I was late because I had to finish my mountain of homework.
2. The bus driver let go of the handbrake but it still wouldn’t move!
3. You have to submit this application by today if you want to enter the competition.
Impersonal Style - formal
This style is used for official documents, computer documentation, scholarly articles, and books and
essays. Being formal is required for this type of writing.
Impersonal style criteria:
Fancy vocabulary (give = provide / tell = inform / goals = endeavors)
Original words (I’m
Less use of adjectives and adverbs.
Brief, straight to the point and formal.
❌ I am✔️/ don’t ❌ do not✔️/ shouldn’t ❌ should not✔️)
(TV ❌ television✔️/ photo ❌ photograph✔️ / PC ❌ personal computer✔️)
Example of sentences with impersonal style.
1. I was late as I had to complete all my assignments.
2. The bus driver released the handbrake but the vehicle remained stationary.
3. Please submit the application by the end of the day in order to compete.
A. Write on each line whether the sentence uses personal or impersonal style.
1. The authors are not aware of any other studies that have applied this approach.
2. The authors don’t know any other studies that used this approach.
3. It’s only a matter of time that I get the gift from my teacher.
4. It was a matter of time that I was rewarded by my teacher.
5. 650 people have purchased the latest iPhone at the Apple store.
6. Many people have bought the brand-new iPhone at the Apple store.
7. As far as I’m concerned, that is not my job.
8. According to my job scope, that is not my responsibility.
9. The exam was a piece of cake that many students left the hall too soon.
10. The exam was so effortless that many students decided to leave the hall early.
8. Vocabulary
wanting very much. (anxious /excited / can’t wait)
located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface. (under /below/ hidden)
very old; existing for many years. (antique /old)
to cause damage to, especially little by little. (regressingprovide/tellse)
full of joy; happy. ( happily / delighted / joyful)
simple or humble in appearance.
a great desire for more wealth and possessions than one needs or deserves.
to waste time; be slow.
to do or carry out in a hurry (usually followed by "off") - dash off
below the earth's surface; underground.
happening in or belonging to the same period of time.
exciting ; full of energy.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. I am very ____________________ to attend my sister’s graduation party.
2. No matter how rich we become, staying ____________________ is important.
3. The walls in the old mosque are beautiful even if they are ____________________.
4. The cruel king wanted to steal the money of his people to satisfy his ____________________.
5. My little brother will always ____________________ while dressing up for school, since he hates waking up early.
6. The telephone and the automobile were ____________________ inventions
7. She is a very ____________________ person.
8. I hope all of you have a ____________________ holiday!
9. ____________________ is another word for ____________________.
10. My father was late to work so he got ready and left home in a ____________________.
11. My grandmother’s health will ____________________ if she doesn’t follow up with her medications.