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Immune System Workbook: Anatomy & Physiology

Foundation Year Health
Anatomy & Physiology
Systems 2
1017MSC T3 2022
Tutorial Work Book
Module 6
Immune System
School of Pharmacy and Medical Science
Griffith University
Gold Coast
Module 6: Immunology: Topics 6.1, 6.2
a) Reviewed minilectures
b) Complete the online quiz
c) Attended tutorial sessions
d) Completed workbook tasks pp 1-13
e) Completed reflection in workbook
Module 6: Immunology
6.1: Innate Body Defenses = present at birth
1. What broad categories of potentially damaging agents does the immune system provide protection
The immune system provides protection against the body from a range of agents such as , foreign
bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins, cancer cells and other forms of pathogenic bacteria..
2. Describe characteristics of external and internal innate defenses.
External (first):
Internal (second):
In terms of cells, phagocytes and natural killer cells, contribute to
3. External Innate Defense: How do mucous membranes prevent invasion of pathogens?
4. Internal Innate Defense:
Name two cells involved in phagocytosis.
i) macrophages
ii) neutrophils
What does the process of phagocytosis achieve? Eliminate pathogenic bacteria, and contribute to
adaptive immunity
5. What is opsonisation and how is it important to the role of the phagocyte?
6. What are interferons and how do they contribute to the internal defense mechanism?
7. What is the role of the Natural Killer Cells in the innate defense system?
8. What was Edward Jenner famous for?
9. What causes formation of an exudate?
Name 2 benefits that an exudate can confer?
ii) _______________________________________________________________________________
10. Attraction of macrophages to inflamed tissues is an example of ___________________________?
a) margination
b) diapedesis
c) exudate
d) chemotaxis
11. What is the primary cause of swelling in a sprained ankle, for example?
a) increased capillary permeability
b) vasoconstriction
c) release of fluid from activated macrophages and other inflammatory cells
d) swelling of damaged tissue cells
12. Trapping pathogens and forming the scaffolding for repair in inflamed or damaged tissues, is
provided by the _________________________________.
a) the complement system
b) the kinin system
c) the clotting system
d) the antibody-antigen complex
13. Describe the complement system:
what it is composed of?
what activates it?
what is the role of the activated complement system?
14. Describe the inflammatory response in as much detail as you can. Use the following diagram to
help form your written answer and fill in any missing gaps. In your answer identify the 4 cardinal
signs of inflammation.
6.2: Adaptive Body Defenses = Specific
1. Use a sentence to describe the processes occurring from 1-5 in the production of B and T cells.
2. Primary and Secondary humoral responses.
i) Label boxes A- D with regard to a primary and secondary immune response.
A) _________________________________________________________________
B) _________________________________________________________________
C) _________________________________________________________________
D) _________________________________________________________________
3. Complete the following table pertaining to humoral immunity.
Which arm establishes immunological memory? _________________________________
Give an example of each of the following humoral immunities
Active naturally acquired immunity
Active artificially acquired immunity
Passive naturally acquired immunity
Passive artificially acquired immunity
4. Mechanism of an acute allergic response.
Fill in the missing details for stages 1,2,3,5 and 6.
5. Antigen Presenting Cells.
What are the 3 cell types involved?
What does it mean to “present” antigens and what is the importance of this?
6. A baby receives maternal IgA antibodies in breast milk. This is an example of ______________
a) passive artificial
b) passive natural
c) active natural
d) vaccination
7. In a sentence, describe what constitutes autoimmune attack.
8. Antibodies are also known as ____________________________________.
a) self antigens
b) immunoglobulins
c) complement proteins
d) produced by T lymphocytes
9. An antigenic response can be elicited by ____________________________.
a) cell fragments
b) molecules on cell membranes
c) foreign proteins in solution
all of the above
10. Mature B and T cells _________________________________________.
a) are both found in lymph nodes
b) are both found circulating in plasma
c) both originate from bone marrow
d) are both lymphocytes
e) all of the above are correct
11. These cells produce antibodies
a) plasma cells, a type of B cell
b) macrophages
c) phagocytes
d) memory cells, a type of T cell
12. Which of the following concerning T cells is clearly incorrect?
a) they originate in the thymus
b) they mature in the thymus
c) they do not produce antibodies
d) some T cells can attack infected cells
e) mature T cells reside in the lymph nodes
13. Draw a diagrammatic view of an antibody: indicate the antigen-binding sites, the heavy and light
chains, and the variable and constant regions.
14. Define antigen.
15. Describe the immune responses mediated by the antigen-antibody complex.
16. How does the secondary immune response differ from the primary immune response?
17. What are the functional differences between B and T lymphocytes?
B lymphocytes:
T lymphocytes:
18. Insertion of MAC will, specifically _______________________.
a) activate the complement system
b) enhance phagocytosis by macrophages
c) cause cells to agglutinate
d) allow antigens to be presented
e) cause osmotic lysis of bacterial cells
1. What area do I feel most confident with? Why?
2. What area needs improvement? How can I make this improvement?
Have you completed your Immunology checklist?