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Patient Safety Course Certificate

J un 9 , 2 02 3
Muha mma d Usa ma
has successfully completed
Patient Safety and Qu ality Improvement:
D eveloping a Systems View (Patient Safety I)
an online non-credit course authorized by Johns Hopkins University and offered through
Melinda Sawyer
Director, Patient Safety
Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety
Veri f y a t :
coursera .org /veri f y/J8N3D Y 2PS U 7L
Cour se r a ha s conf ir m e d t he ide nt it y of t his individua l a nd t he ir
pa r t icipa t ion in t he cour se .
This certi cate does not af rm that this learner was enrolled as a student at Johns Hopkins University. It does not confer a JHU grade, course credit or degree; establish a relationship between this learner and JHU; enroll or
register this learner at JHU or in any course offered by JHU; or entitle this learner to access or use resources beyond the online courses provided by Coursera.