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Coursera HTML, CSS e Javascript para Desenvolvedores Web

02 / 05 / 2 02 2
Gusta vo An geli m de Souza
concluiu com sucesso o Programa de cursos integrados
HTML, CSS e Javascript para D esenvolvedores Web
um curso on-line sem créditos autorizado pela Johns Hopkins University e ministrado
através do Coursera
Yaakov Chaikin
Adjunct Professor, Graduate Computer Science
Whiting School of Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Veri f y a t :
coursera .org /veri f y/PFJRY B 4H NKRA
A Cour se r a conf ir m ou a ide nt ida de de st a pe ssoa e sua
pa r t icipa ç ã o no cur so.
This certi cate does not af rm that this learner was enrolled as a student at Johns Hopkins University. It does not confer a JHU grade, course credit or degree; establish a relationship between this learner and JHU; enroll or
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