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Water Quality System Using Arduino

2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) | 978-1-6654-3811-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725632
2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
Water Quality Identification System Using Arduino
P. Manikandan
Electronics and Communication
Kalasalingam Academy of Research
and Education
Srivilliputhur, India
S. Manoj kanna
Electronics and Communication
Kalasalingam Academy of Research
and Education
Srivilliputhur, India
S. Deva Kishore Reddy
Electronics and Communication
Kalasalingam Academy of Research
and Education
Srivilliputhur, India
Sai Subhash
Electronics and Communication
Kalasalingam Academy of Research
and Education
Srivilliputhur, India
Abstract—Water is one of the main resources for humans and
animals in their daily life. On average every human drink 4 to
5 liters of water per day. Drinking plenty of water can avoid
many problems that they face in their daily life like kidney
stones, Extra weight, … etc. Many of the rural area people and
schools are not aware of the quality levels of water and their
quality parameter values, by this they are taking the water that
is available in their surrounding or storing. The government
provided water which in some areas may not filter the water
properly and drinking such impure water many people in
rural are affected to diseases. Through this system, users can
know whether the water is drinkable or not. In this module,
the system consists of three sensors and a display which is
included in a bottle and a display placed outside of the bottle
which shows quality status of the water and which is safe for
drinking or not. When we pour a sample of water in the bottle
the sensors provide respective PH value, Chlorine value,
Turbidity value and the values are displayed in the display
along with the statement whether the water is safe or unsafe.
Keywords—Arduino Uno, Chlorine Sensor, PH Sensor,
Turbidity Sensor, Water Quality, LCD Display.
As we all know water plays a major role in our daily
activities. The standard of water can be called as the
biological characteristics of a quality water with respect to
its suitability for use. Water can be used for drinking,
agriculture or industries. To be healthy, you need to
consume pure water which maintains the correct level of
PH, chlorine, Nutrients. Water quality depends on many
factors. So there is a need of system to check the water
quality to make sure that water contains the correct values of
PH, Chlorine, etc. as per the guidance provided by WHO, to
ensure quality level of the water for drinking, and to find
what changes can be made to make the water suitable for
This system has been used temperature sensors to
estimate the nature of water. All the sensor information is
ISBN: 978-1-6654-3811-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
shipped off the observing area, the checking segment
consists of a ZigBee module connected with the PC [1].
The system monitors the quality of the air and water via
a wireless Bluetooth platform. It consists of various sensors
like temperature, humidity. In this system, contents of the
water is sensors and which is directly transmitted to the
user’s database through Bluetooth devices for observing the
quality of air and water. APK file can be used to monitor
the values of all sensor parameters from the system. The
system used the same sensors but instead of ORP, the
system has thermal sensor for estimating the water
temperature [2]. The Water Quality Monitoring for Rural
Areas-A Sensor Cloud-Based Economical system is
proposed. Discussed about the techniques, sensors for
finding the quality of the water, inserted plan for measuring
water quality and moves over scrutinize the Sensor Cloud
space. However naturally revamping the quality of the water
isn't reasonable now, productive employment of upheaval
and financial execution can assist upgrade the water quality
and recognition among each person [3]. A proprioceptive
framework estimating water boundaries like humidity,
broken up oxygenating, conductivity, PH, dufrenite and
water level for water quality observing. The advertised
interest for paperback scaled-down, canny checking
frameworks for freshwater watershed drainage area,
momentary and beachfront water is multistory
extraordinarily across around the world. In addition, they
likewise work on establishment procedure sensors and a mix
organization [4]. The design of a multi-boundary web-based
water quality is proposed. This system will send the sample
sensors data to the monitoring system through the GPRS
data transmission, it displays the quality parameter values
and that can be accessed through internet [5]. The Water
Quality Monitoring System based on Wireless Sensor is
proposed, this system have the sensors like turbidity, PH
sensor, temperature, water level sensors and CO2 sensors.
This sensor works the entire work and is observed by
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2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
Cloud-based remote specialized gadgets [6]. Real-Time
Water Quality Measurement System based on GSM in
(2014), the traditional method of estimating the nature of
water is to accumulate the examples physically and send it
to the research center for investigation, however this
strategy is time overpowering and not prudent [7]. Here
described the multi-parameter water quality checking
arrangement of Bristol Floating Harbor which has
effectively executed the gathering of continuous highrecurrence water quality information and showed the
constant information on the web using WSN technology.
This paper presents a collection of three different sensor
such as chlorine (ORP), PH and Turbidity. Based on the
sensor values it declares whether the water is safe for
drinking or not [8].
system, people can find the quality of water in daily life, just
they need to pour the sample of water in the bottle, where
the bottle consists of sensors like PH, turbidity and chlorine
which measure the quality of water and displays whether
water is safe for drinking or not along with the PH, turbidity
and chlorine values where the display is available at the side
of the water bottle. Through this people can ensure the water
quality and can avoid the diseases that are affected by
drinking impure water.
For Real-Time Monitoring of the Marine
Environment Fiber Optic Spectral Sensors are used. It
recognizes the minute changes in the degree of debasement
in a fluid [9]. Wireless Sensor Network is used for
monitoring the water quality. Remote Sensor Networks
(WSNs) have accomplished in escapable appropriateness in
water quality observing the system can screen the water
quality continuously and the rest booking component
expands the organization lifetime, separately [10]. Smart
Sensors for Water Quality monitoring is discussed. This
framework can be used to gauge the biophysical boundaries
of water quality, like stream, temperature, pH, conductivity,
and oxidation decreasing rate [11]. Continuous Water
Quality Monitoring System to guarantee the protected
inventory of drinking water and the nature of water is
observed progressively utilizing IoT (Internet of Things).
The plan of an Arduino-based water quality recognizable
proof framework with three sensors that action the water
quality boundaries like pH, turbidity, and chlorine. The
measured values are displayed in an LED display [12].
Autonomous water quality monitoring systems are
developed with biosensors which are deployed in-stream for
continuous monitoring [13]. Smart water quality monitoring
system presents the use of IoT and measuring sensor values
using remote sensing (RS) technology to provide accurate
values but it is more expensive when compared to the
proposed system in this paper. In this proposed system
water quality whereas in the proposed system we implement
using an Arduino board to determine the water quality [14].
Interfacing of various sensors with Arduino for sensing the
parameters for real time applications with display is
discussed [15-18]. Water Quality Monitoring in the Pacific
Island portrays the safe supply of drinking water and realtime monitoring of quality water using different
technologies like XMPP, Raspberry PI, CoAP and HTTP
and the information can be seen on the web utilizing
distributed computing [19-20].
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of the Proposed System
Fig. 1, shows the block diagram of the water quality
identification system. This system is designed with three
sensors which are pH, turbidity and ORP sensor. The entire
idea is planned and implemented via basic C programming
and reproducing the composed code utilizing Arduino IDE.
To gather information on pH, turbidity and Chlorine level in
the water, the data have been transferred to LCD Display. In
this framework, the system utilizes Arduino UNO as a focal
handling unit, so it controls all the sensors and the module.
In this framework every one of the sensors is set at the top
of the container which is used for storing drinking water.
The information is collected through sensors and sent from
the hubs through doors. This framework consists of sensors
like Water pH sensor, turbidity and ORP sensor.
A. Arduino UNO
The microcontroller development board created
victimization ATmega328.ATmega328 has fourteen digital
input/output pins and half a dozen analog inputs. It works on
a sixteen Mc quartz oscillator, an influence Jack and a reset
button. It provides anything required for supporting the
Arduino development board. With the use of the Arduino
Uno we are connecting all the sensors using jumpers. Fig. 2,
shows the image of the Arduino Microcontroller which is
considered for the design.
This proposed system consists of a Ph sensor, chlorine
sensor, turbidity sensor and LCD display. Here we're
monitoring the standard of the aqua with the assistance of a
sensor and in a minute, we can see the water quality in the
LCD display. We applied this technique in the water bottle
so people can carry this water bottle anywhere and anytime
they can test the water. Once the water bottle gets fully
charged it can stand up to 1 week. With this proposed
Fig. 2. Arduino UNO
B. LCD Display
LCD modules are very normally used in most embedded
tasks, the purpose being its cheap rate, availability and
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2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
programmer friendly. Most folks could have stumbled upon
these displays in our day-to-day existence, both at PCOs or
calculators. The look and the pinouts that have been
visualized above now allow us to get a piece technically.
Fig. 3, shows the image of LCD display.
waste merchandise. The ORP sensor works for each 3.3V
and 5V system, the Grove connector and BNC probe
interface make it smooth to apply and very suitable for
Arduino. Fig. 6, showing the ORP sensor.
Fig. 6. ORP Sensor with Driver Circuit Board
ESP8266 is a Wi-Fi enabled system on chip (SoC)
module developed by Espressif system. It is mostly used for
development of IoT (Internet of Things) embedded
applications. ESP8266 module contains 8 pins. The 8 pins
are Rx, GPIO 0, 3v, RST, EN, GPIO2, TX and GND. The
module supports 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi. The module is used to
connect with the IOT cloud. In our proposed system the
Esp8266 is interacted with Arduino Uno board.
Fig. 3. LCD Display
C. PH Sensor
The pH sensor estimates the pH of the water. In this
design, we used an Arduino pH sensor with an interface
module so it would be suitable for connecting to
microcontrollers. The value of pH varies from 0 to 14. Users
can come to know that the water is in an acidic state or
alkaline state, our system says that the pH level of the
drinking water should be in the range between 6.5 to 8.5.
Fig. 4, shows the photo view of pH sensor.
G. Pin Connection
In Arduino UNO digital pins 12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2 are connected
to the pins RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7. In the LCD display, the
Analog pin A1 is connected to the signal pin in the turbidity
sensor. Analog pin A2 is connected to the signal pin in the
PH sensor. Analog pin A3 is connected to the signal pin in
the ORP sensor. For each sensor, we need to connect the
ground pin to the GND in the Arduino board. Similarly, Vin
needs to be connected to 5V in the Arduino board. Pin A.
Vcc in the LCD display needs to be connected in 5v in the
Arduino board then the pin GND, R/W, K need to be
connected to GND in the Arduino board. Fig. 7, shows the
detailed pin connections between the components
Fig. 4. pH Sensor with Driver Board
D. Turbidity Sensor
The turbidity sensor estimates the turbidity inside the
water. Based on the optical statute, the sensor utilizes the
gentle transmitting diode and phototransistor to secure the
exact frequency to determine the murkiness or various
materials of grimy water. Focus. By utilizing
phototransistors and light-radiating diodes, the gentle
produced via the sensor through the light-emanating diode
source is considered through the sewage, a piece of the
gentle is sent to the phototransistor, and the turbidity of the
water is determined by the amount of gentle procured. Fig.
5, shows the turbidity sensor.
Fig. 7. Pin Connection
The proposed system uses firebase and android studio.
Firebase is the mobile and web application development
platform which is created by google. This platform is used
as a cloud medium for esp8266 and android applications.
Fig. 5. Turbidity Sensor with Driver Module
E. ORP Sensor
An Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor
measures the chlorine level in the water, it measures the
ability of a lake or river to cleanse itself or break down
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2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
Flow Chart
Fig. 9. Calculating Drinking Water Quality
Fig. 8. Flow Chart
Fig. 8, explains the flow chart of the process going in the
system and also shows how the system will calculate the
quality of water. First insert all the three sensors in the water
then at starting it calculates the pH value, if the pH value is
not in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 then it prints the error
statement and it ends the process but if it in the range of 6.5
to 8.5 then it continues to check the chlorine value, if the
chlorine value is greater than 4mg it ends the process but if
the chlorine value is less than or equal to 4mg it continues
the process to check turbidity value, if the turbidity value is
greater than or equal to 5 NTU it ends the process but if the
value is less than 5 NTU it shows that the water is safe for
drinking in LCD Display.
Fig. 10. Result for mineral water
From this system, we're conveying whether the
water is good for our health or not. If the PH level of the
water is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 then it is suitable for
drinking, then it continues the process of checking the
remaining parameters of water. if it is not in the given range
then it considers the water is not good for human health and
it displays the error as the provided water acidic or basic.
Next, it calculates the chlorine level in the water if the
chlorine level is less than 4mg/l then it ready to calculate the
next parameter value suppose the chlorine level is more than
4mg/l then it shows error as the chlorine level is more so
avoid drink this water. Then it starts to calculate the
turbidity value in the water if the NTU value is less than 5 it
means the water contains fewer dust particles suppose if it is
more than 5 NTU it means the water is dustier than it shows
the turbidity level is more than 5 so please avoid to drink
this water. If all the conditions are satisfied, then the water
is 100% good for drinking. For this, it displays the result as
the water is suitable for drinking
Fig. 11. Result for Tap water
we have mentioned the values of pH level, turbidity
level, and chlorine levels of water and also, we mentioned at
what levels of quality the water is safe for drinking in the
below table I, table II, table III, and table IV.
Here we have observed the Turbidity, PH and Chlorine
value of different water sources. Fig. 10, and Fig. 11, the
output of the system and Fig. 9, shows the working
proposed system. Table.1 shows the response of the
proposed system for various kinds of water.
Drinking Water Level
6.5 to 8.5
Less than 5 NTU
+200 to +600 mV
PH Value
Quality of water
Less than 6.5
More acidic
6.5 to 8.5
Drinking Water
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2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN)
Greater than 8.5
More alkaline (basic)
Turbidity Value
Quality of water
Less than 5 NTU
Drinking Water
Greater than 5 NTU
Not Drinkable
ORP Value
Quality of water
Less than +200
It contains less chlorine in water
+200 to +600 mV
Drinking Water
Greater than+600 mV
Dangerous to drinking
The system shows different values for different kinds of
water types like rainwater, mineral water, tap water, and the
values are tabulated below in table v.
Tap Water
The results of the prototype system confirming that the
system shows the quality of the water with enough accuracy
and which is suitable for real-time implementation. PH,
Turbidity and chlorine of the Water are utilized to find the
quality of the water. These sensors make the control
undertaking framework can screen the quality of the water
naturally. This system can be integrated with Esp8266
module equipment and cloud to maintain the quality of the
water in various locations and store the data in the database.
users can be accessed through mobile and web applications.
In the future, this system can be implemented with
municipal water tanks to monitor the quality of water and
the distribution of quality water to the public can be
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