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Electrical Installation General Provisions - QCS 2010

QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
Page 1
Existing Services
Contract Drawings
Shop Drawings
Progress Drawings
As built drawings
Builders Work
Equipment and Materials Approval
Fire and Safety Precautions
Quality of Staff/Personnel
Climatic Conditions
Quality of Materials
Equipment Duties and Ratings
Labels/Circuit Lists/Cable Identification
Segregation of Services
Electricity Supply
Safety Interlocks
Spare Parts
Protection of Excavation
Supply of materials
Special Requirements
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Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
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The Electrical Installation Contractor, herein referred to as the 'Contractor' within this part and
all other Section 21 parts of this specifications shall carry out all electrical works complete in
accordance with the requirements of the Project Documentation.
The scope of work shall include but not be limited to:
All supplies and services offered in response to this specification shall conform to the latest
The design, equipment and installation requirements shall comply with the standards and
recommendations laid down by the following :
Regulations for Electrical Installations as issued by the Qatar General Electricity and
Water Corporation (QGEWC) Qatar
Regulations for Electrical Installations as issued by the Institution of Electrical
Engineers (I.E.E.), London (for points not included in QGEWC Regulations)
Recommendations for Lighting Installations as issued by QGEWC and the Chartered
Institute of Building Services, London
Standards relating to Electrical Installations and equipment as issued by
International Electrotechnical Commission (I.E.C.) and British Standards Institute
Regulations for telephone system installation as issued by Q-TEL
National Electrical Code issued by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Boston, U.S.A
Rules of the Qatar Civil Defence Department for Fire Alarm Installations.
Where two or more applicable standards and/or the Specifications are in conflict, the most
stringent shall apply.
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Qatar Project Management
the supply and installation of all services, equipment, components, accessories and
fittings required for the operation of the facility to the extent specified and detailed on
the Drawings and Specifications including 400 days maintenance or as stipulated in
the contract specification and all extended warranties after provisional
builder's work in connection with the Electrical Installations, including supply,
necessary inserts sleeves and making good.
any work which can be reasonably inferred as necessary for the safe, satisfactory
operation of each system, whether such work is specified or shown on drawings or not
the supply and installation of cables, conduits, boxes and termination points, for the
motors, starters, controls and the like for the Process Equipment, Heating, Ventilation
and Air-conditioning and Plumbing services
arranging for installation of permanent Electrical supply by the Qatar General Electricity
and Water Corporation (QGEWC), including submission of all necessary documents to
the QGEWC, and carrying all necessary approvals and obtaining consumption meters
Moreover, the contractor shall allow in his tender and be responsible for the payment
of all charges by way of examination, certification, depositing or connection fee to any
Statutory Authority. (I.e. Electricity, Water, Drainage, Telephone, Fire, etc).
attending upon the Supply Authority installing mains power supply and carrying out
primary and secondary injection tests
arranging and carrying out all necessary approvals with Q-TEL for the Telephone
arranging and carrying out all necessary approvals with the Qatar Civil Defence
Department for the Fire Alarm System, extinguishing and protection systems.
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Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
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Existing Services
The contractor is deemed to have visited and inspected the site to familiarise himself with the
existing site conditions and services at tender stage.
The contractor shall obtain the existing services record drawings from QGEWC and various
utility services departments (i.e. Q-TEL, CDD etc).
Co-ordination between shop drawings, work on site and existing services shall be carried out
by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages to the existing services including
repairs, and penalties imposed by the concerned parties etc and for removing any site
obstacles such as underground cables, pipes, civil works etc. which is obstructing his work
on site.
The Contractor shall also be responsible for liaison with QGEWC, Q-TEL and all other
government utility departments to disconnect or divert the existing services supply to the
existing site prior to demolishing.
Contract Drawings
The indication and/or description in any of the Contracts documents, unless otherwise
specifically stated, implies an instruction to supply and fix such items.
Notes on Drawings referring to individual items of work take precedence over the
Drawings show the general run of cables, raceways, etc. and the approximate location of
equipment and utilities; symbols and schematic diagrams are of no dimensional significance.
Obtain from the Engineer dimensions not shown on, or which cannot be determined from
Drawings. Do not scale drawings to obtain locations.
Notify the Engineer of conflicting requirements. Where departures from the drawings are
deemed necessary, details of such departure and reasons thereupon shall be submitted to
the Engineer for approval.
No such departure shall be made without prior written approval of the Engineer.
Shop Drawings
The term 'shop drawings' includes fabrication, erection, layout and setting out drawings;
manufacturer's standard drawings, schedules; descriptive literature, illustrations, catalogues
and brochures; performance and test data; wiring and control diagrams and other drawings
and descriptive data pertaining to materials, equipment, raceway systems, control systems
and methods of construction as required to show that materials, equipment and systems and
position thereof, conform to the Contract Documents. The term 'manufactured' applies to
standard units usually mass produced. The term 'fabricated' means items specifically
assembled or made out of selected materials to meet individual design requirements.
Shop drawings shall establish actual detail of all manufactured or fabricated items, indicate
proper relation to adjoining work, amplify design details of electrical equipment in proper
relation to physical spaces in the structure, and incorporate minor changes of design or
construction to suit actual conditions.
The Contractor shall submit for approval, and obtain in due time to conform to the Contract
Program, all shop and installation drawings based on the design drawings approved by the
QGEWC and all other relevant Municipality and Government Authorities.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
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The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the said Contract, shall prepare and submit
shop drawings. Shop drawings shall be submitted with such promptness as to cause no delay
in his own work nor to any other Contractor. No extensions of time will be granted because of
failure to have shop drawings submitted in ample time to allow for processing, in accordance
with the submittals schedule outlined in Section 9, Part 1, Clause 1.1.4.
Provide shop drawings, to a scale not smaller than the corresponding layout drawings,
showing the following and obtain approval before commencing work:
Drawings shall be ISO standard size A1. Lettering shall be stencilled. Shop drawings and
samples shall be properly identified with the name of the Project, the Contractor, the SubContractor and the date, and signed by Contractors Authorised Engineers.
Final co-ordination of electrical works with mechanical, structural and architectural work shall
be carried out from complete shop drawings and sufficient time shall be allowed for coordination and checking of shop drawings and calculations after shop drawings are
Individual shop drawings shall be submitted following the distribution of the co-ordination
drawings and shall bear a stamp indicating that the work has been co-ordinated with other
The Engineer's review and approval of shop drawings submitted by and approved by the
Contractor is for general conformance with the design concept and information given in the
Contract Documents and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for any deviations
from the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Engineer's review and approval shall
not be construed as a complete check nor shall it relieve the Contractor from responsibility for
error of any sort in shop drawings or schedules, or from the necessity of furnishing any work
required by the Contract Documents which may have been omitted on the shop drawings.
The Engineer's review and approval of a component item shall not indicate review and
approval of the complete assembly in which it functions.
The Engineer or the supervising consultant shall forward electrical drawings and
specifications which are to be submitted for approval to QGEWC, when appropriate.
However, it shall be the Contractors responsibility to obtain written approval from QGEWC for
all such drawings and specifications appertaining to the work carried out under the contract.
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Qatar Project Management
exact runs and sizes of conduits, ducts, cables, cable trays and trunking
layout drawings for each separate electrical installation showing the actual locations
of points, suitably identified, the locations of switchgears, switchboards, motor control
centres and distribution boards, details and types of fittings
plans showing the equipment assembly, space requirements, clearances and
locations for cable entrances and anchor bolts
elevations showing all parts, devices, components and nameplates, positions and
arrangements of the equipment. Show as many elevations as necessary to clearly
depict component and device arrangements
schedules of points, indicating how the various outlets are connected to the
distribution boards, size of circuit wiring, the rating of the protective device and the
type and size of appliance of fitting
schematic diagram of connections of distribution boards, and equipment to main
switchboards showing sizes of feeders, etc
schematic and elementary wiring diagrams, of each unit of each equipment, showing
numbered terminal points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to other
equipment and remote devices
connection wiring diagrams, of each unit of each equipment, showing numbered
terminal points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to other equipment
and remote devices
complete catalogue information of all parts and components of electrical equipment
all cable routings and layouts for the different electrical services, feeders and branch
circuits showing routes, sizes and types of cables
any other data necessary for the proper maintenance of the installations.
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General Provisions for Electrical
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QGEWC approvals may take a considerable time to obtain and the contractor should make
allowance for this and be available for liaising with and pursuing approvals with QGEWC.
Progress Drawings
Provide and keep on the job at all times, one complete and separate set of blackline prints of
the electrical work on which shall be clearly, neatly and accurately noted, promptly as the
work progresses, all architectural and electrical changes, revisions and additions to the work.
Whatever work is installed otherwise than as shown on the Contract Drawings, such changes
shall be noted.
Indicate daily progress on these prints by colouring in the various conduit, ducts, trunking,
cable trays, fixtures, apparatus and associated installation works erected.
As built drawings
The contractor shall provide the as built drawings, as approved by the engineers, in DXF
format or AutoCAD DWG format, either in floppy diskettes or in CD-ROM, as per the Project
Documentation requirement. The drawings shall be submitted not later than 2 months after
completion of the Project, or putting into operation, whichever is earlier. An addition, 3 sets of
hard copy of all relevant drawings, which will be required for operation and maintenance,
shall be supplied in bound book forms immediately after the commissioning of the Project.
The quality of these drawings shall be consistent with the standard of QGEWC. Diary sheets
for Work completed shall not be authorised until such records have been presented to the
Engineer and accepted.
The contractor shall supply, 3 sets of all operation and maintenance manuals in original, from
the manufacturer in bound book forms, at least 2 weeks prior to commissioning of the
equipment. These shall also be supplied, in computer diskettes, based on popular Microsoft
window based publishing software programmes, along with the as built drawings as
mentioned above, as specified in the Project Documentation or as directed by the Engineer.
Builders Work
Lay electrical works in advance of pouring concrete slabs and construction of walls. Obtain
Engineer's approval before commencing builder's work in connection with electrical
installation. Related co-ordinated shop-drawings shall be submitted for approval as per the
related clause 1.1.5 of this section. Materials approval shall be obtained as per procedure
detailed in clause 1.1.9 below. The contractor shall make it certain that drawings properly coordinated with other works are submitted immediately after signing of the contract and
approval of drawings and the materials are obtained at least one month prior to the
commencement date of the construction.
Check with other trades to ensure equipment and material can be installed in space provided.
Provide other trades with information necessary for them to execute their work.
Details on drawings which are specific regarding dimensions and locations, are for
information purposes. Co-ordinate with other trades to ensure work can be installed as
The Contractor shall produce a work programme based on CPM or Bar-chart form or as
directed by the Engineer indicating the time required for various operations to complete the
Project in time. The following points shall be highlighted in the programme:
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QCS 2010
Section 21
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General Provisions for Electrical
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equipment deliveries including delivery periods from supply sources external to the
State of Qatar
first fix
main/sub-main distribution equipment
second fix
fixing of light fittings
commissioning and handing over.
The Contractor is responsible for all liaison with QGEWC in respect of programming the
installation and commissioning of complete electrical system. The Contractor shall ensure
that QGEWC are at all times kept informed of the current progress of the electrical works on
site and that his approved electricity supply subcontractor programs the cable laying works in
the specified sequence in accordance with the approved programme.
Equipment and Materials Approval
Approval of materials and equipment shall be based on latest manufacturer's published data.
Complete and detailed information of all materials and equipment to be incorporated in the
work shall be submitted. Submit detailed description and specifications, catalogues cuts,
installation data, diagrams, dimensions, controls and any other data required to demonstrate
compliance with the Contract Documents. Each item submitted shall be referenced to the
applicable paragraph in the Specification.
At the request of the Engineer, submit a sample of any equipment or material for further
study before approval. Where samples are required by the Engineer, the period required to
obtain the sample will be taken into account when scheduling approvals.
Only approved materials shall be employed at the site. All materials installed which are not
approved shall be removed and reinstated by approved ones.
Time periods for equipment and materials approvals shall be as outlined in Section 9, Part 1,
Clause 1.1.4.
Fire and Safety Precautions
Establish from Architectural Drawings where fire and smoke barriers exist, and make
adequate provision of fire and smoke barriers in and around trunking, conduits, cables, etc.,
where they pass through floors and fire rated walls, and where protection systems are
installed pack space between wiring and sleeve full with Fire Retardant Material and seal with
The Contractor shall ensure that this work is carried out such that the integrity of any such fire
barrier is properly maintained where pierced by electrical services.
For each switchboard the Contractor shall supply the following equipment:
1 no. electrical grade rubber mat to BS 921 1000 mm wide extending the full length of
the switchboard
1 no. pair of electrical grade rubber gloves to BS 697. The hand glove should have the
date of test stamped on it.
1 no. notice in English and Arabic advising treatment for a person suffering from
electrical shock.
The contractor shall put the notice for electrical shock treatment in details with sketches and
instructions as per standard procedures. The notice shall comply with the requirement of the
QGEWC in content and format. However, this should include the following as a minimum,
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Section 21
Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
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Safeguard Yourself
Switch off current or break electric circuit
Use or stand on some dry non-conducting material to remove the CASUALTY
from cable or source of electricity.
Start artificial respiration and call for Medical Aid
Lay the casualty on back and if possible on a table
Kneel or stand near to the casualty’s head
Remove any obstruction from the mouth
Support the nape of the neck and press top of the head so that it is tilted
Open your mouth and take a deep breath, pinch the casualty’s nostrils with
your fingers. Seal your lips round his mouth and blow into his lungs until the
chest rises.
Remove your mouth and watch the chest falls
Repeat and continue inflation at your natural rate of breathing. Continue to
give artificial respiration until natural breathing is restored or until the medical
aid arrives
When the casualty is breathing, place in recovery position, lying and resting on
the side. Remain with and watch casualty closely.
The Contractor shall be responsible for his work and equipment until finally inspected, tested,
accepted and handed over. Materials and equipment which are not immediately installed
after delivery to site shall be stored carefully. Close open ends of work with temporary covers
or plugs during construction to prevent entry of obstructing material.
Protect work and material of other trades from damage that might be caused by his work or
workmen and make good damage thus caused.
Protect exposed live equipment during construction for personnel safety.
Shield and mark live parts "LIVE 240 VOLTS" or with appropriate voltage in English and
Arrange for installation of temporary doors for room containing electrical distribution
equipment. Keep these doors locked except when under direct supervision of an electrician.
Quality of Staff/Personnel
The electrical services installation shall be carried out in a professional manner by
experienced and qualified personnel.
Electrical contractor shall be to the classifications required by QGEWC and shall carry a valid
Prior to the commencement of works the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of his intended
site staffing levels.
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Section 21
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General Provisions for Electrical
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The Contractor shall appoint one graduate Electrical Engineer full time with 5 years
experience in similar works and qualified staff/personnel for the supervision of the Electrical
Installation Works.
The name, qualifications and experience of the nominated engineers shall be submitted to
the engineer for approval within 15 days of the receipt of the order to commence the works.
An Electrical Foreman of 10 years experience in similar projects should be full time available
on site for direct follow up and implementation of the electrical works.
Qualified and Experienced Electricians shall be available on site to carry out the works in
accordance with the programme.
The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to provide information and
documentation as may be necessary to establish the validity of any individual persons
proficiency and effect their removal from site should they prove to be unsatisfactory.
Climatic Conditions
The climate in Qatar in the summer months is hot and humid and a humidity of 100 % at
30 °C has been recorded.
violent sand and dust storms of several hours duration occur and even on
comparatively still days, fine dust is carried in suspension in the atmosphere.
all apparatus and equipment shall, therefore, be so designed and constructed that
they operate satisfactorily and without any deleterious effect for prolonged and
continuous periods in the conditions stated above and at the following ambient
temperature conditions:
maximum sun radiation temperature in summer 84 °C
maximum ambient temperature in summer
52 °C
average max. ambient temperature in summer 45 °C
minimum ambient temperature in winter
0 °C
the altitude of Qatar may be taken as sea level.
The temperatures quoted above make no allowance for heat generated from equipment itself
or from any other equipment in the vicinity
The capacity and ratings of all electrical equipment and materials given are, unless otherwise
indicated, for Qatar climatic conditions. Provide the basis of the derating factors applied in
each case
Where specific sizes are indicated e.g. cable sizes, due allowances have been made in the
design for the climatic conditions of Qatar and derating has been applied
Where no ratings or sizes are indicated for components and other accessories, supply
equipment which will give trouble free service in the ambient conditions stated above.
The term „samples’ includes natural materials, fabricated items, equipment, devices,
appliances, or parts thereof as specified and other samples as may be required to determine
whether kind, quality, construction, workmanship, finish, colour and other characteristics of
materials conform to requirements of the Contract Documents.
Samples shall establish kind, quality and other required characteristics of various parts of the
work. Indicate details of construction, dimensions, capacities, weights and electrical
performance characteristic of equipment or material.
Samples and sample board should be prepared and identified by the manufacturer and
stamped/engraved with make, type, Cat No. and size marking should be indelible and legible.
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Section 21
Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
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Quality of Materials
Manufacturers shall provide their standard guarantees for products furnished under this
Contract. However, such guarantees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities
which manufacturers and the Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the
Contract Documents.
All materials, items of equipment and workmanship furnished under this Contract shall carry
standard warranty against all defects in materials and workmanship. Any faults due to
defective or improper material, equipment, workmanship or Contractor's design which
develop shall be made good, forthwith, by and at the expense of the Contractor, including all
other damage done to areas, materials and other systems resulting from this failure.
Guarantee that all elements of the systems are of sufficient capacity to meet the specified
performance requirements as set forth herein or as indicated.
Upon receipt of notice from the Engineer, of failure of any part of system or equipment during
the period of maintenance, the affected parts shall be replaced.
Equipment Duties and Ratings
Power ratings shown for the proposed equipment are in accordance with the best information
available to the Engineer and are to be considered as minimum ratings. In the event
equipment items proposed by the Contractor should require motors with different power
rating than shown, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to furnish circuit breaker, starting
equipment, feeder and branch circuits, conduits, and accessories etc. as required to comply
with the electrical code and prevent excessive voltage drop without added cost to the Client.
Where equipment to be furnished is installed in an existing enclosure or adjacent to existing
equipment, the Contractor shall field check the dimensions of existing equipment, location of
conduits, etc., and shall familiarise himself with all existing conditions and difficulties to be
encountered in performing such work.
Degree of protection for all electrical equipment shall be as follows:
IP 54, for indoor equipment
IP 55, for outdoor equipment
IP 68, for submersible equipment
All external equipment to be of metallic construction.
The equipment shall be located generally as indicated on the drawings and the contractor
shall ensure that the equipment is suitably constructed to permit installation as shown. The
equipment shall where necessary be constructed in modular form to permit access into the
buildings and facilitate ease of erection at site.
The equipment arrangements and single line diagram are for guidance only and show a
practical arrangement that would be acceptable. The contractor may propose an alternative
arrangement which meets the requirements of the specification.
All equipment performing similar duties shall be of a single type and make and be fully
interchangeable in order to limit the stock of spare parts required. This is to apply particularly
to such items as motors, switchgear, instruments, controls, relays, etc.
The entire work provided in this specification shall be constructed and finished in every
respect in a workmanlike and substantial manner. The Contractor shall provide the system in
accordance with the best trade practice and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
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General Provisions for Electrical
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Keep others fully informed as to the shape, size and position of all openings required for
apparatus and give full information sufficiently in advance of the work so that all openings
may be built in advance. Provide and install all sleeves, supports, etc., hereinafter specified
or required.
Obtain detailed information from the manufacturers of apparatus as to the proper method of
installing and connecting same. Obtain all information from others which may be necessary to
facilitate work and the completion of the whole Project.
Provide the services of an experienced foreman, who shall be continuously in charge of the
erection of the electrical work, together with all necessary skilled workmen, helpers and
labourers, required to properly unload, transfer, erect and connect up, adjust, start, operate
and test the system.
Before installing any work, verify that it does not interfere with clearance required for other
work. Notice of adverse conditions shall be forwarded in writing to the Engineer before any
work in question is installed. If notification is not made, and work installed causes
interference with the contemplated design, make such changes in his work as directed by the
Engineer to permit the installation of all work of the Project, at no additional cost to the Client.
Raceways shall be run as straight and direct as possible in general forming right angles with
or parallel with walls or piping and neatly spaced, with risers erected plumb and true, maintain
a clearance of at least 25 mm between finished coverings and adjoining work. Approved
ceiling height shall be obtained from Architectural Drawings.
All equipment and accessories shall operate without objectionable noise or vibration. Should
operation of any of the equipment or systems produce noise or vibration which is, in the
opinion of the Engineer objectionable, make change in equipment and do all work necessary
to eliminate the objectionable noise or vibration at no additional cost to the Client.
Wherever possible services shall not cross expansion joints. Where this is unavoidable the
services shall accommodate the design movement without damage, by use of approved
expansion couplings/flexible conduit arrangement.
All MV, HV and EHV works shall be carried out by a contractor or sub-contractor pre-qualified
and approved by QGEWC. Proof of such approval shall be required in writing prior to the
works commencing on site and the name of any sub–contractor to be used shall be entered
in the relevant form of tender when the tender is submitted. All cable jointers to be used on
the Contract shall be required to undertake and pass a trade test conducted by QGEWC at
the Contractor’s expense.
Labels/Circuit Lists/Cable Identification
For substations, switchgears, switchboards, motor control centres and panel boards:
For Distribution Boards and Circuit Breakers:
engraved lamacoid name plates, black with minimum 6 mm high white lettering.
where individually enclosed or in substations, switchgears, switchboards, motor
control centres and panel boards without doors : engraved lamacoid nameplates,
black with 3 mm high white lettering.
in panel boards with doors : directories mounted inside transparent plastic covers in
metal frames.
Wiring Identification:
identify wiring with permanent indelible, identifying markings, either numbered or
coloured, heat shrinkable tube or ferrules, on both ends of phase conductors of
feeders and branch circuit wiring.
maintain phase sequence and colour coding throughout
colour code to standards above as specified elsewhere
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colour code conduits and metallic sheathed cables
code with plastic sleeve or paint end points where conduit or cable enters wall, ceiling
or floor and also at 15 m intervals along its length.
colours to be 25 mm wide prime colour and 20 mm wide auxiliary colour to standards
number code, per Circuit Schedule, all feeder and branch circuit cables at both
connection points and in manholes, handholes, pull-boxes and junction boxes with
fibre or non-ferrous metal tags, fastened with non-ferrous wire.
for Device Plates of local toggle switches, toggle switch type motor starters, pilot
lights and the like, whose junction is not readily apparent : plates to be engraved with 3
mm high letters describing equipment controlled or indicated.
phase identification letters shall be stamped into the metal of the busbars of each
phase of the main buses in each substation, switchgear, switchboards, motor control
centre and panel board in addition to colour identification
Letters shall be visible without disassembling current carrying supporting elements.
busbars shall be sleeved for phase identification by using high temperature grade heat
shrinkable coloured PVC sleeving throughout its length. In no circumstances will any
kind of wrapping tape be accepted on busbars.
For Doors:
where switchboard rooms, cable chambers, metal screened spaces and the like
contain electric power cables, bus bars or equipment operating at voltages exceeding
600 V : enamelled sheet metal, red on white, reading "Danger - High Voltage".
For Rooms:
use colour coded wires in communication cables, matched throughout system.
to switchboard rooms, electric closets, metal screened spaces assigned to electrical
equipment, and the like : enamelled sheet metal, red on white, reading "Electrical
Equipment Room - No Storage Permitted".
nameplates with directional, operational or warning labels shall be in Arabic and
Segregation of Services
Electrical services shall be segregated as specified throughout the installation to obviate the
electrical interference from one circuit to another
a fault on one circuit affecting another
unnecessary fire damage
difficulties in circuit identification
voltage limits for general safety
difficulties in removal and/or maintenance.
All raceways shall be kept clear of other services except where intentionally earthed or
bonded. Generally, raceways shall be kept 150 mm away from and above hot water and 75
mm away from other services.
Unless specifically indicated otherwise, normal, emergency, low voltage cables and wiring
shall be segregated throughout the installation generally in the following manner:
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For Busbars:
General Provisions for Electrical
Device Plates:
Part 1
Conduit and Cable Identification:
Section 21
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armoured and sheathed cables: Where more than one tray has been specified or is
necessary to accommodate the number of cables on a run, where practical,
segregation shall be achieved by dedicating each tray to either normal or emergency
services. Where normal and emergency cables have to run together in trays, ducts
or trenches, they shall be formed in two groups, one normal and one emergency
insulated conductors: Insulated conductor circuits shall, where possible, be
segregated throughout by enclosing in separate conduits, trunking or trunking
Fire Alarms:
fire alarm cables shall be segregated from other services throughout and be either
armoured and sheathed cable, or insulated conductors enclosed in conduit or
trunking, as indicated on the drawings.
Electricity Supply
The Supply Authority will make available, at the incoming terminals of each Main Switchboard
(Medium Voltage Panel) a 3 phase + Neutral, 4 wire, 415 V, 50 Hz supply of adequate
capacity and having the following tolerances:
± 0.1 Hz (short term ± 0.15 Hz for a duration of only a few seconds)
Phase rotation of supply to BS 158.
Neutral: Solidly earthed at transformer location
Earthing system: TNS
Obtain fault level and fault duration time from the Supply Authority (QGEWC).
Obtain confirmation from the Supply Authority of the size and number of cables they will
provide to Main Switchboards. Allow for adequate and appropriate cable glands, lugs and
After inspection and approval of the contractor’s installation, QGEWC will permit energisation
of the feeder cables to the installation.
QGEWC will only inspect the contractor's installation and permit energisation of the power
supply after receiving a written request to do so from the contractor.
The contractor will be responsible for any delay caused by omission to make the request in
good time.
The contractor shall provide a generator of adequate capacity to carry out all precommissioning tests. Per-commissioning tests may be carried out using mains electricity if
this is available.
The polarity of all apparatus used for the Works specified shall be arranged as follows when
apparatus is viewed from the front:
for two pole apparatus the phase or “live” pole at the top (or left hand side) and the
'“neutral or earthed” pole at the bottom (or right hand side). On plug and socket outlets
the polarity shall conform to BS 196, BS 546, or BS 1363 as appropriate
for three or four pole apparatus the phases in order red, yellow, blue and neutral
reading from top to bottom or left to right in the case of vertical and horizontal layouts
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All cables shall be so connected between main switchboards, distribution boards, plant and
accessories so that the correct sequence of phase colours is preserved throughout the
All cable cores shall be identified with phase colours. Where more than one phase is
incorporated on a common system in one room then the live cores shall be red, yellow, blue,
as appropriate, and fittings and switch accessories shall be permanently labelled and
segregated in accordance with I.E.E. Regulations.
Safety Interlocks
A complete system of interlocks and safety devices shall be provided as necessary for the
safe and continuous operation of the plant in order to provide for the following:
safety of personnel engaged on operation and maintenance of the plant
correct sequence of operation of the plant during start up and shut down
safety of the plant when operating under normal or emergency conditions.
Interlocks shall be preventive and not corrective
The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation of interlocking schemes for the
approval of the Engineer.
Locks for interlocking purposes shall be of the figure lock type.
No spare or master key shall be provided, unless specified.
Device items are to be arranged to ensure that there is no danger of interchange with existing
locks on other units.
Spare Parts
Main Low Tension Boards:
2 % spare moulded case circuit breakers of all different frame sizes, but in any case
not less than 2 nos. circuit breaker of each size
5 % spare indicating lamps for each indicating lamp in the switchgear
one set of tools required for switchgear maintenance
provide complete spare parts as recommended by the manufacturer for different
sizes of ACB.
Switchboards, Motor Control Centres and Distribution Boards:
provide sufficient spare parts for all the electrical items included within the scope of
works. Submit to the Engineer a list of all spare parts to be required for a further two
years operation from the date of issue of the Maintenance Certificate
spare parts required include but not necessarily limited to those listed below, provided
specified in the Project Documentation or where quantities for each item or equipment
is recommended by the manufacturer
spare parts to be delivered to central stores.
5 % spare combination magnetic motor starters
5 % spare circuit breakers for each rating of each MCCB
5 % spare HRC fuses for each rating
5 % spare of load break switch (isolators) of each size
5 % spare of current operated ELCB of each size
Disconnecting Switches:
5 % spare switch of each size.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
General Provisions for Electrical
Page 14
plug fuses - furnish ten percent (10%) of the number of each size and type of fuses
installed, but in any case not less than six fuses of each sizes
wall switches - provide five percent (5%) of the number of each size and type of wall
switch installed
socket outlets - provide five percent (5%) of the number of each size and type installed
lamps - provide five percent (5%) lamps of each size and type for indicating panels
and pilot lights installed for different systems.
Lighting Fixtures:
for lighting fixtures provide the following spare parts:
2 % of the total quantity of each type of lighting fixture. This quantity shall
not be less than one fixture of each type
additional diffusers for 5 % of the total quantity of each type of lighting fixture
provided with acrylic, plastic or glass enclosures. Diffusers shall be identical to
those of the installed fixtures. This quantity shall not be less than two diffusers
of each type
10 % spare lamps of each wattage of different type
5 % of the total quantity of controlgear (ballast) of each type and size but in
no case less than (6) ballast of each size and type.
Emergency Generating Sets:
complete itemised list of different spares to be included and priced by the tenderers.
For emergency generator, furnish by the generator supplier to maintain it for two years.
The tenderer shall submit with his offer detail prices of the spare parts he is required to provide
under the Contract indicating the quantity and the unit rate of each item.
Protection of Excavation
The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the Police Department for marking,
lighting and protecting excavations. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain the
requirements of Police Department and to comply fully with these requirements. No additional
payments will be authorised under any circumstances for marking, lighting or protecting
Where carriageway works and road crossings are performed the Contractor shall provide
steel plates of sufficient size and quality to permit the safe passage of traffic and the plate
shall be so placed (if necessary fixed) to permit reasonable traffic flow.
All doorways, gates and entrances shall be kept clear with full access. Where excavations
impede pedestrian access, crossings boards shall be provided. Crossing boards shall be
1250mm wide with a hand rail on both sides 1 metre high and guard rails on both sides at
vehicular access to premises etc. Ducts will not be installed at entrances to premises unless
instructed by the Engineer.
Materials excavated shall be placed so as to prevent nuisance or damage. Where this is not
possible, the material shall be removed from site and returned for backfilling on completion of
cable laying at the Contractor’s expense. In cases where the excavated material is not to be
used for backfilling trenches it must be removed from site on the same day as it is excavated.
Surplus material shall only be disposed of at Government approved sites. At the time of
Contract award the Contractor shall contact the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
to ascertain the approved sites and route.
Supply of materials
Where materials are to be supplied by the Contractor, the following shall apply:
Materials shall be ordered in accordance with the Specifications issued by QGEWC.
QCS 2010
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Part 1
Circuit Accessories:
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 1
General Provisions for Electrical
Page 15
Specifications and details of the proposed supplier shall be submitted to QGEWC
before a firm order being placed.
On delivery of materials from outside of Qatar, QGEWC inspectors shall be given the
opportunity to inspect the materials prior to their use.
Special Requirements
The Contractor shall consult the public utility authorities not less than one month before it is
proposed to commence work to ascertain whether any underground installations will be
affected by the proposed work, in which event the Contractor shall make all necessary
arrangements with the public utility authorities to safeguard the installation.
The Contractor shall give at least one week’s notice in writing to the public utility authorities of
the dates upon which it is intended to operate plant or equipment or carry out any work for
which permission has been given in writing by the public utility authorities: such operations of
work shall only be carried out in the presence of the public utility authorities unless notice has
been obtained in writing from the public utility authorities that they do not require to be
The public utility authorities may require work to be executed on their installation during the
period of the Contract: the Contractor shall afford all facilities to the public utility authorities’
contractors or workmen until their diversion work is complete. The Contractor shall co
ordinate the work of the public utility authorities and his own activities and when necessary
shall amend his programme of working to suit all requirements of the department in
connection with their diversion work and shall keep the Engineer informed of all
arrangements made.
The Contractor shall locate and mark with suitable posts all the public utility authorities
underground installations that are within the area of the Works and shall ensure that such
markers are maintained in their correct positions at all times; the Contractor shall advise the
public utility authorities of any installation not found where shown on the Drawings, or found
but not shown or found damaged or subsequently damaged.
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010 Section 21
Part 2
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 1
MV FACTORY BUILT ASSEMBLIES (FBA’S)................................................2
GENERAL .......................................................................................................2
General Reference
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................4
Cubicle Switchboards
Motor Control Centres
MCCB Panel Boards
Distribution Boards
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................21
Earth Bonding
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
QCS 2010 Section 21
Part 2
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 2
This Part shall include all labour, materials and accessories for the complete performance of
all MV Cubicle Switchboards, Main Switchboards, Submain Switchboards, Motor Control
Centres, MCCB panel boards, distribution boards in accordance with the Specifications and
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installation
Cables and Small Wiring
Cable Trays
Power factor correction capacitors
Factory built assemblies of switchgear and control gear (MCCs) shall be suitable for
operation under the ambient and service conditions specified. They shall comply with all local
regulations and requirements. The contractor shall be responsible for making himself aware
of any special conditions which apply to the installation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all details relating to the construction
and protection systems are fully compliant with the latest requirements of QGEWC and
construction shall not commence until QGEWC approval has been obtained. The Contractor
shall provided all protection relays, interlocks and devices deemed necessary by QGEWC.
General Reference
The work of this Part is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this Part.
The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 37 Pt. 1 .............................................. Electricity meters general
BS 89, IEC 51 .......................................... Direct acting indicating electrical measuring
BS 142 ..................................................... Electrical protective relays
BS 4794, Pt. 2 IEC 337-2 ........................ Control devices
BS 5685, IEC 521 .................................... Electric meters
BS 6231 ................................................... PVC insulated cables for switchgear
BS 7626, IEC 185 .................................... Current transformers
BS EN 60073 ............................................ Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification coding
principles for indicators and actuators
BS 88, BS EN 60127 ............................... Cartridge fuses
BS 159, BS EN 60439-2 .......................... Busbar and connection
BS EN 60439, IEC 439 ............................ Factory built assemblies LV
BS EN 60947-4 IEC-1 & 1A ..................... Contactors
BS EN 60529, IEC 529 ............................ Degree of protection of enclosures
BS EN 60947-3, IEC 408 ......................... Air break switches
BS 4752, IEC 157-1, BS EN 60439 ......... Switchgear and control-gear
QCS 2010
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This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 16
QCS 2010 Section 21
Part 2
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 3
BS 5472, BS EN 60439 ........................... Low voltage switchgear and control-gear
BS 7354, BS EN 60439, BS EN 6094 ...... Electrical power switchgear
Shop Drawings: All submittals in accordance with Part 1:
Product Data:
full specifications of the enclosures and the components of the switchgear,
switchboards and motor control centres, with relevant sheets of manufacturer’s
type test certificates of all components fully type tested and whole assembled MCCs
from an internationally recognised testing authority or from independent testing lab in
accordance with IEC 439
confirmation that the switchgears, switchboards and motor control centres comply
with the relevant specification as mentioned in this Section.
Quality Assurance
The switchgear manufacturer must have a previous record of satisfactory service in Qatar for
at least 3 years.
All new and refurbished Motor Control Centres shall be subject to routine tests to detect faults
and workmanship in accordance with BSEN 60439-1 clause 8.3.1. Standard assemblies
and/or products used within the assembly shall also be subject to tests at the manufacture’s
works who supplied the products. Routine tests shall include:
the effectiveness of mechanical actuating elements, interlock, locks etc. shall be
checked. The conductors and cables shall be checked for proper laying and the
devices for proper mounting. A visual inspection is also necessary to ensure that the
prescribed degree of protection, creepage and clearances are maintained.
all termination types and connections especially screwed connections shall be checked
for adequate contact.
factory built assemblies such as motor control centres for pumping stations and
treatment plants, unit mounted stand alone control panels etc. shall be inspected
thoroughly and tested at the manufacturer's works to verify the electrical operation in
accordance with the control philosophy by simulating the site conditions.
the manufacturer shall submit the process flow diagram together with cause and
effects for the assemblies involving complex control schemes and complicated
interlock, sequence controls, etc.
the tests so conducted on the assembly at manufacturer's works shall be repeated as
integrated tests on site with all field devices and interfaces present.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
submit dimensional drawings of all the switchgears, switchboards and motor control
centres, including sections and elevations, showing the following:
arrangement of all components, instruments, indication and dimensions of all
positions and method of fixing cables and boxes
location of terminal blocks
(iv) single line diagram of the circuits showing the rating of all components, the
type and size of the incoming and outgoing feeders
schematic and elementary wiring diagrams, for each control unit, showing
numbered terminal points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to
other equipment and remote devices
(vi) connection wiring diagrams, for each control unit, showing numbered terminal
points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to other equipment
and remote devices
(vii) complete catalogue information for all components
(viii) a complete list of parts, with prices, that would be necessary to maintain and/or
modify the equipment
(ix) other relevant data.
QCS 2010 Section 21
Cubicle Switchboards
Page 4
the manufacturer shall submit in advance, the testing procedure to the Engineer for
approval prior to conducting the tests.
Motor Control Centres shall be subjected to dielectric tests as described in BSEN
60439-1 clause 8.3.2. All electrical components of the assembly shall be connected
for the test, excluding those designed for lower test voltage and currents e.g.
measuring instruments.
anti-interference capacitors installed between the live and exposed conductive parts
shall be capable of withstanding the test voltage without being disconnected from the
the protective measures with regard to protection against direct and indirect contact
shall be checked as per BSEN 60439-1 clause 8.3.3
Motor Control Centres shall be Totally Type Tested to BSEN 60439-1 clause 8.2.
ASTA/KEMA type test certificate together with test report including reports/terms under
(k) shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
following is a list of verifications and tests to be performed on a Totally Type Tested
Assembly according to Table 7 clause 8.2 of BSEN 60439-1. A test report shall be
submitted to the Engineer
temperature rise limits
dielectric properties
short circuit withstand strength
(iv) effectiveness of protective circuit
effective connection between the exposed conductive parts of the
assembly and the protective circuits.
short circuit withstand strength of the protective circuit
clearances and creepage distances
(vi) mechanical operation
(vii) degree of protection
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
M.V. cubicle switchboards shall be of indoor construction, purpose made, floor
vermin proof and of clean and modern appearance containing the main components
shown on the Drawings and/or specified
the switchboards shall be fabricated, assembled, wired, checked, tested and
co-ordinated at the factory by one manufacturer using the same make for all internal
switchgear components and shall be constructed in accordance with BS EN 60439
or IEC 439
the switchboard shall be equipped with Air Circuit Breakers, moulded case circuit
breakers, relays, instruments, transformers, ancillary devices necessary for operation
protection or measurement purposes and Auto Transfer Switch with Manual by pass
arrangement as indicated on the Drawings
the normal components, fittings and accessories required for safe and proper
operation of switchgear shall be provided, whether specifically mentioned herein or
to withstand thermal and mechanical stresses set up by short circuit conditions
in accordance with the fault through current of the feeding transformer. In general
fault breaking capacities for main switchboards shall be as stipulated in QGEWC
regulations minimum 44KA for 3 Seconds.
spare ways indicated on the Single Line Diagram shall be fully equipped
all FBA’s should have a manufacturers name plate indicating busbar rating, fault
current, year of manufacture, serial no., etc.
the MCCs shall be designed, manufactured and tested to IP54 in compliance with the
requirements of IEC 60529.
equipment such as Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), UPS and others with large watt
loss, if specifically mentioned in the particular requirements to be included in the MCC,
that require forced ventilation by employing external fan and louvers as recommended
QCS 2010
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Part 2
QCS 2010 Section 21
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 5
by the manufacturer, the degree of protection (IP rating) shall be reduced to IP43 from
the MCCs shall be designed and type tested to withstand a fault current of 44 kA for 3
seconds symmetrical. Additionally the MCCs shall be type tested for safe containment
of an internal arcing fault, which will check the capability of the steel structure to
withstand the forces associated with the arc, and ensure safety and integrity of the
assembly for continuous use. This is to establish that the enclosure of MCCs together
with internal partitions and/or barriers withstands the pressure and temperature arising
from internal arcing with short circuit current and thus provides protection for persons
in front of or within the close proximity of the MCCs in the event of internal arcing.
the test certificate must show that the neutral bar has been tested with the full fault
current and for the full time specified.
separate test certificates for incoming sections will be acceptable.
the MCCs shall be designed and equipped with properly sized circuit breakers and/or
fused disconnect switches, having a minimum factor of safety of capacity 1.5 taking
into account the connected load and its diversity, with provision for selective shortcircuit co-ordination so that faults are cleared without disturbing other circuits.
the MCCs shall be designed for indoor installation except where specified for outdoor
the MCCs shall be designed to operate satisfactorily in an ambient air temperature of
+50° C and RH exceeding 90%.
unless otherwise specified temperature up to +70° C and RH up to 100% shall apply
during transport, storage and installation. Equipment subjected to these extreme
service conditions without being operated shall not suffer irreversible damage when
operated under normal specified conditions.
the altitude of the site installation shall not exceed 100 meters.
the MCCs shall normally be located indoors in service conditions as specified above.
However some parts of the MCCs such as sensors, field instruments and pilot devices
may require installation in highly corrosive gaseous environments. Gases such as
hydrogen sulfide and methane may adversely affect the functions of the components
and devices. In such application environments, special measure shall be adopted to
prevent corrosion and the subsequent rise in resistance leading to temporary or
permanent interruption in control or power circuits.
the temperature rise in MCCs shall not be allowed to damage the components,
connectors, wires, terminals etc. With the equipment in normal service condition, no
live part shall become subjected to high temperature causing overheating that
increases the risk of internal arcing accidents.
extreme care shall be taken while designing the MCCs to ensure external surface
temperature is maintained within the specified limits.
the clearances and creepage distances in the MCCs shall be based on rated
impulse withstand voltage in accordance with BS EN 60439-1 to ensure that the
equipment designed is capable of withstanding the specified voltage without failure
under specified test conditions.
the equipped MCC must confirm to the clearance and creepage distances and
withstand voltages explicitly by taking into account the specified service conditions.
the maximum height of assemblies shall be 2400 mm above the finished floor level.
site consideration including safety and maintenance shall be taken into account in the
design of assemblies. These considerations shall include:
clear floor space of at least 900 mm shall be provided in front of the MCC from
the free edge of the doors in the open position. Clear floor space of 900mm shall
be provided behind the MCC when the doors are in the open position if the MCC
is less than 4000mm long. If the MCC is 4000mm or longer the space provided
shall be 1200mm. The clear floor space behind the MCC is not required when a
true front access assembly is provided.
in order to provide an unobstructed exit route a clear path of not less than 900
mm shall be provided at each end of the MCC.
provision of sufficient space to allow for doors to open fully without fouling other
items of equipment or other open doors.
(iv) limiting the size and weight of assembly sections to those imposed by
transportation, site access and permitted levels of site floor loading.
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Part 2
QCS 2010 Section 21
Part 2
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 6
clear floor space of at least 1000 mm shall be provided from the sides of all
MCCs in order to allow possible future extension.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation, main switchboards for
general purpose indoor uses shall be constructed to comply with the requirements of
BS EN 60439-1 (IEC 439) Form 4 Type 3 or Type 7 and conform with GAMBICA.
switchboard shall be factory built, totally enclosed, and have provision for rear
access. Size, rating arrangements shall be as indicated on the Drawings
the switchboard shall consist of standard cubicles assembled together on continuous
base channels to form a rigid in line flush fronted free standing continuous switchboard
assembly. For small installations where particularly specified, true front access MCCs
must be provided. For all other cases front and rear access MCCs must be provided.
MCCs shall be constructed such that doors and covers are flush with one another and
aligned to a common vertical plane; manufactured out of mild steel coated with Alu
Zinc having the following thickness:
Plinth/bed frame
- 3.00 mm
- 2.00 mm
Covers and Doors
- 2.00 mm
Mounting plate
- 3.00 mm
Gland Plate
- 3.00 mm
a separate cubicle section shall be provided for the main incoming circuit breaker
and cable glands shall be provided for the incoming cables in accordance with the
QGEWC regulations.
each cubicle shall be divided into segregated busbar section and circuit section. The
circuit section shall be further divided into segregated compartments for housing main
and emergency circuit breakers and other devices. Access to internal components of
any compartment must be feasible by isolating its particular switch. The hinged door
shall be mechanically interlocked with the switch in such a manner that the door can
be opened only in the „OFF’ position
the switchboards shall be totally enclosed, all hinged doors, covers shall be gasketed
to provide protection against dust
cabinet shall have adequate means of lifting and shall be capable of being rolled or
moved into the installation position and bolted directly to the floor
the switchboards shall be provided with suitable cable glands to suit the type, size and
number of cables as indicated on the Drawings. The cable glands or bracket where
required shall be adequately mounted inside the switchboard. The switchboards shall
be provided with the proper cable fixing clamps and terminal lugs for incoming and
outgoing cables as well as earth bonding connections
after fabrication, steel work shall be cleaned, zinc sprayed and stove enamelled with
one prime coat, two under-coats and one finishing coat, the surface being rubbed
down after each coat
the finish of all parts shall be entirely suitable for the climatic conditions on site.
the equipment shall be finished with at least two coats of undercoat and two coats of
high grade acrylic stove enamel or approved equivalent. Cubicle interiors shall be
completely painted white, however this is not essential for the rear of the door. The
height of the switch board shall be limited to 2200mm unless specifically required to
meet the site constraints and approved in writing by the Engineer.
any damage caused to the finish during transportation and erection shall be returned to
the manufacturer for repair if it cannot be perfectly repaired on site. The structure shall
be protected from rust and oxidization. The paint shall be applied to rust and grease
free surface of metal. The steel shall be electro – zinc plated (ZINTEC) and must have
a minimum of priming coat, undercoat and finishing coat. The undercoat and finishing
coat shall be stove enamelled.
The exterior shall be green to BS 4800, shade 14E53. The switchboard degree of
protection shall be IP 42 to BS EN 60529.
all plastic parts used within the assembly shall be of flame-retardant, self
extinguishing type and halogen free.
MCCs shall have internal separation by means of metallic or non-metallic partitions or
QCS 2010 Section 21
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 7
all internal components within the compartment /cubicle shall be provided with the
degree of protections to IP 2X as minimum whereas the degree of Protection to IP4X
shall be provided to adjacent functional units preventing contact with live parts.
electrical continuity between the exposed conductive parts of MCCs and protective
circuits of the installation shall be ensured to provide protection against indirect contact
by using protective circuits.
the protective circuits throughout the installation shall be so designed that it is
impossible to break the protective path with the removal of any component from the
all outgoing circuit’s protective conductors shall have a separate terminal of adequate
size duly identified in accordance with the Identification Section explained elsewhere in
MCCs must be designed by giving highest importance to accessibility especially when
in service/fully powered, allowing easy viewing for inspection and operation,
replacement of fuses and extension of additional functional units etc.
floor mounted assembles shall either be provided with an integral plinth or a separate
rolled mild steel channel bed frame, at least 50 mm high. Fixing shall be by not less
than four holding down bolts per assembly section, located around the periphery of the
section. The fixing shall not be visible from outside the section, but shall be readily
accessible from within.
fixings for wall and pole mounted enclosures shall be provided outside the enclosure.
The back of the enclosure shall not be drilled to accept fixings.
the type of cubicle construction shall be multi-compartment type unless specified
compartments containing switchfuses, starters, control sections, distribution boards,
busbars, downdroppers and similar equipment shall be fully segregated. There shall be
no aperture large enough to admit a 1mm diameter wire between any two adjacent
compartments. Each cubicle/compartment shall have its own door.
interconnecting cables between adjacent compartments shall not proceed directly from
one to the other but shall pass through a vertical wall into a cabling compartment
before re-entering. Holes for interconnecting cables shall be of the minimum size
necessary. All such holes shall be filled with insulating grommets.
all cubicles shall be provided with a means of ensuring that equipment can be
adequately isolated for maintenance purposes without interrupting essential loads
which may continue to operate whilst maintenance is being undertaken.
distribution sections shall be fully insulated to allow safe operation by non-engineering
doors shall be adequately sized to accommodate readily and neatly all mounted
equipment, open at least 120 degrees, be rigidly constructed, suitably braced and
provided with at least two substantial hinges which shall be captive when the door is
closed. Doors shall be provided with stays to prevent over opening.
each door shall be provided with non-rusting metalic „T’ type handles at least one of,
which shall be lockable.
the doors shall be fixed to the frame by substantial single knuckle non-rusting type, or
internal concealed type hinges. Hinges shall be on the left hand side of the door.
Hinges shall not be welded to either the door or frame. Substantial continuous
stainless steel type hinges over the whole height of the door may be considered if the
manufacturer can provide evidence of long continuous service of this type of hinge on
his product.
locking combinations shall be provided as specified. Three keys for each key type
shall be provided on individual key rings having a nametag showing identify details.
where the need of padlocking facilities is identified by the engineer/employer, the
padlocks shall be supplied and fitted.
equipment shall not be mounted on covers. Covers shall not weigh more than 30 kg,
and any cover over 7.5 kg shall be provided with a means of supporting the lower edge
when its securing bolts are being inserted or removed.
removable back covers shall be provided.
each door shall be provided with an internal welded earthing stud, and shall be bonded
to the assembly main earth bar.
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Part 2
QCS 2010 Section 21
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 8
every incomer, starter, feeder, etc. shall have an individual terminal/gland box. Control
compartments and small power and lighting distribution boards must also have
independent gland boxes but these may be common to more than one circuit.
terminal/gland boxes may be externally mounted on the rear of the MCC or internal.
Terminal/gland boxes shall not inhibit access to or maintenance of any part of the
outgoing main and control cables shall be glanded at the compartment so as to ensure
a full earth screen to each compartment and shall also be glanded at plinth level to
make the complete MCC vermin-proof. Compartment gland plates shall be a minimum
of 300mm above the plinth level gland plate.
gasket material used for sealing panel doors and covers and for door mounted
instruments shall be of highest quality and should not be subject to deterioration by
temperature, UV, hydrogen sulphide and methane.
doors and covers giving access to potentially live conductors shall be provided with
prominent warning labels, in English and Arabic.
doors on outdoor assemblies shall be retained in the open position by the provision of
adequately fixed stays.
each cubicle/compartment shall be provided with a removable steel components
mounting plate located clear of the cubicle rear panel.
all components, other than door mounted, shall be located on the component mounting
plate by bolting into tapped holes or by using self-tapping screws. Nuts used for
securing components shall be captive.
rail type fixings may be used where appropriate. Components shall not be mounted on
any other surface.
no components shall be located within the assembly at a height greater than 2000 mm
or less than 500 mm above finished floor level.
it shall be possible to replace and maintain any component without first removing other
bolts and nuts for cover fixing shall be captive and provided with protective washers to
prevent damage to paintwork.
unless specified otherwise control supplies shall be 110V a.c. derived from a
transformer within the control compartment or in a separate compartment, fused on its
primary circuit. Neutral shall be earthed with a removable link. Individual compartments
shall be fed through a fused tapping next to the main 110v bus adjacent to the
transformer. Proper fuse coordination to be achieved to avoid one section fault from
affecting the other section. Transformer shall be rated for at least 150% of the
maximum loading for long service life.
auxiliary supplies such as 24 V AC/DC, 240 V AC etc. are specified in the relevant
individual component’s specifications.
each compartment shall be provided with a separately fixed compartment heater rated
110 Volts AC. Apart from those in motor starter compartments the heaters shall be
controlled by means of individual “OFF/AUTO” switches. Auto operation shall be by
means of adjustable panel mounted humidistat covering the range of humidity
MCCs shall be designed for ready extension at each end.
all terminals for outgoing connections shall be located at a low level in the
compartment adjacent to the cable gland trays. Adequate space shall be provided the
installation and dressing of site cables. It should be noted that site cables are
frequently oversized to allow for high ambient temperatures and long cable routes.
Direct termination on equipment such as Distribution Board Fuses or Miniature Circuit
Breakers (MCB’s) shall not be permitted.
all main switches shall be arranged such that a minimum distance of 700mm exists
between the glandplate and the bottom of the circuit breaker or terminals, whichever is
the less.
all live terminals shall be fully shrouded by using high-grade high temperature material.
all cable entries shall be affected using brass cable glands to IP rating as specified.
all cable glands shall be provided with earth tags.
cables shall enter assemblies through detachable steel or aluminum/brass (for single
core cables); gland plates fitted at least 200 mm above finished floor level.
gland plates shall be rust proofed and provided with a welded and bonded earthing
stud, and adequately sized to accommodate present and known future cabling
QCS 2010
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Part 2
QCS 2010 Section 21
Part 2
MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Page 9
provide identification on all equipment e.g. control panels, MCC, controllers, raceways,
boxes and conductors, devices etc in accordance with BS 61346, BS 61666, BS 61175
and BS 60445 standards or latest edition of other applicable standards to the approval
of the Engineer.
all labels shall be permanent, and be machine generated. NO HANDWRITTEN OR
prior to making any label or nameplate for the purpose of identification, submit a
detailed schedule indicating nameplate size, lettering size, color, material and actual
nameplate information for the Engineer's review and approval.
all external labels, nameplates, operational and warning signs shall be provided in
material used in making the engraved labels shall be of highest quality suitable for the
environmental and climatic conditions as specified in the relevant section.
critical devices such as disconnect switches; service feeders and branch circuit
protective feeders shall be legibly labeled to indicate its purpose and point of origin.
The legibility distance shall not be less than 2.0 meters.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
requirements. Access to both sides of each gland plate when it is in position shall be
possible from within the assembly. Cables shall enter at the top or bottom of
assemblies as specified and/or as shown on the relevant drawings where applicable.
(ggg) cableways shall be provided to ensure that apart from inter-connections no cable
routed to one cubicle shall pass through any other cubicle.
(hhh) for cable sizes 300mm and above insulated glands shall be fitted.
provision for accommodation of rising armored cables shall be provided with adequate
cable supports and a form of cable entry via approved cable glands secured to a steel
glanding plate.
space shall be provided to accommodate cable glands of appropriate size for incoming
and outgoing circuits. All gland plates and trays shall be adequately earthed.
(kkk) cable disconnecting links shall be provided where specified and shall be used for
maintenance purposes only. The links shall be fitted to the bus bar risers immediately
before the cable terminations and shall be easily accessible. The links shall be labeled
„ISOLATING LINK’ and the circuit or cable reference shall be quoted.
within each assembly, all metal parts of equipment supplied, other than those forming
part of an electric circuit, shall be bonded to the earth bar. Metalwork may be used for
this purpose provided that earth continuity conductors are fitted at all joints and other
discontinuities and those connections to metal work are made using a welded or bolted
the following metal parts must be provided with equipotential bonding connected to
an earth busbar system by using yellow/green earth cable of at least 6.0 mm square.
gland plates
gland covers
side sheets
(iv) top barriers
intermediate barriers
(vi) top covers
(vii) end covers
(viii) rear Covers
(ix) front covers
cable Boxes
(xi) doors and bolted front covers
(xii) horizontal busbar barriers.
(nnn) each compartment shall be provided with a smoke detector. In addition to this a heat
sensitive cable shall be run throughout the MCC passing through each compartment.
Both shall be connected to the fire alarm panel and shall additionally be arranged to
open the main supply circuit breaker and inhibit the start up of the standby generator.
(mmm) The height of the switch board shall be limited to 2200mm unless specifically required
to meet the site constraints.Proposal shall be approved in writing by the Engineer.
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identification nameplates shall be provided in addition to the manufacturer's equipment
nameplates as required by NEMA, BS, IEC or UL.
warning signs and instruction labels wherever needed shall be provided in accordance
with all applicable local regulations.
the contractor shall clearly show locations and fixing arrangements of nameplates and
labels on layout drawings.
the contractor shall comply with the following requirements for labels:
provide equipment identification labels for all electrical equipment including, but
not limited to switchgear, control panels, switchboards, transfer switches,
disconnect switches, transformers, generators, power factor capacitors, fixed
equipment, motor starters, MCCs etc.
provided sub-classification label for all emergency power system, junction boxes
and pull boxes.
external labels: Clear Perspex back engraved, in black letters on white
backgorund in English with chamfered edges fixed with stainless steel screws
with nuts and flat & lock washers. The letters should be filled in white and the
rear surface painted black.
(iv) internal labels: Multi-layered plastic to an approved design engraved in English,
and fixed with stainless steel screws. Alternatively special purpose made DIN
rail may be used for fixing labels as approved by the engineer.
all labels shall be screw or rivet fixed and adhesive labels shall not be permitted
under any circumstances.
(vi) internal components labels shall have circuit designations correlated with the
(vii) labels shall not be attached to trunking covers or other readily removable items.
(viii) electrical equipment enclosures, vaults, doors and fences shall be provided with
"DANGER KEEP OUT" warning sign, showing proper voltage.
(ix) disconnect switches and emergency devices shall have "CAUTION" warning
signs as directed by the Engineer.
fuse and MCB distribution boards shall be provided with internal, screw fixed,
engraved circuit labels. Ink on paper, ink on plastic, printed paper, printed
plastic, plastic film or any kind of adhesive labels shall not be permitted.
(xi) provide a main Title Label all for electrical distribution and all other control
equipment, panels etc.
(xii) provide a Function Label for door mounted components.
(xiii) every internal component - Identification Label.
(xiv) provide a Identification Label for Protective devices - ( e.g. fuse/mcb type,
(xv) provide a Title Label for Communication equipment.
(xvi) compartments with doors and covers not electrically interlocked to an isolator,
external label - “ DANGER, LIVE TERMINALS ” with flash and voltage in red
letters on white background in Arabic and English.
(xvii) provide a function description Label for group of terminal blocks.
(xviii) letter size shall be to the approval of the Engineer
Switchboard Wiring:
wiring shall generally be of the multi-stranded high temperature to minimum 105° C
flexible PVC insulated, 600/1000V single core stranded copper type cable to BS EN
6231. Where it is proposed to use alternative high temperature, double insulated or
other special cable or insulated flexible laminated bus bar this should be brought to the
attention of the Engineer for his approval.
wiring shall be supported in insulated cleats or cable trunking. Adhesive type cleats or
mounts shall not be used unless augmented by screw fixings.
busbar chambers shall not be used as trunking for small wiring.
wiring shall be neatly laid and run in limited compression insulated cleats, insulated
straps or, where more than ten wires follow the same route, in plastic slotted-sided
trunking with clip-on covers. Where trunking is used, the effective overall crosssectional area of cables shall not be greater than 70% of the trunking cross sectional
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wiring to items of equipment mounted on hinged doors or subject to movement shall
run in plastic sleeving or flexible conduit, being securely anchored at both ends; leaving
ample slack to prevent wiring strain, arranged so that they are subject to torsion rather
than bending.
holes in steelwork through which cables pass shall be protected using grommets or
bushes, suitable for the size of hole.
cables used for control, extra low voltage and instrument signal transmission, likely to
be affected by interference, shall be screened and/or spaced from each other and from
heavy current power cables. The separation distance shall ensure that the resultant
electrical noise is insufficient to cause any form of malfunction of associated
equipment or give false readings.
a sufficient number of terminal connections including 15 % spare terminals shall be
provided for all control and instrument wiring.
all wiring shall be identified at each end by means of glossy plastic ferrules showing the
wire number as on the schematic diagrams. Ferrules shall be color coded, „Z’ type
and indelibly marked.
where single core cable is to be accommodated, a non-magnetic gland plate shall be
provided. For cable size 300 mm Sq. and above insulated glands shall be fitted.
undrilled gland plates shall be provided for the reception of conduits and threaded
glands. Boxes and glands shall be within the cubicles except where otherwise
single strand wire shall not be used. The minimum cross sectional area of the wire
used shall be 1.0 mm (multi strand flexible) for control circuit and 2.5 mm for power
circuit. Both ends of every wire shall be fitted with a white cable marker as described
above. Clip on type cable markers shall not be used.
Color-coding shall be:
- Red phase
- Yellow phase
- Blue phase
- Neutral
Green and Yellow - Earth/Protective conductors
- 110V a.c
- 60 D.C
- <50V a.c
- Current Transformers
Identification of conductors and auxiliary circuit shall be in accordance with BS EN
60445 and BS EN 60446
Terminations shall be as follows:(i)
all wiring shall have crimped terminations, only one wire being held by any one
crimp. Crimped lugs shall be of the insulated type without conductor exposure
between the crimp and wire insulation.
the type of crimp used shall be appropriate for the type of terminal to which it
connects. The crimping shall be tubular when the tightening screw sits directly
above it, or fork type if the tightening screw passes through the lug.
(iii) terminations shall be neatly arranged leaving adequate length for one
(iv) all terminal blocks for the connection of small wiring shall comprise shrouded
anti-tracking molding of melamine phenolic or comparable material with
provision for securing conductors either by high tensile screws and clamps or
alternatively in the case of small telephone type conductors by solder tag
terminal blocks shall be arranged to facilitate easy access to both terminals and
wiring ends. Connections for outgoing circuits to auxiliary pilot cables shall be
provided with test links.
(vi) removable rail terminals shall be provided for all wiring, mounted at an angle to
provide ease of access. Centre-disconnecting link type terminals shall be
provided for analogue signal circuits, external control devices and all
alarm/telemetry signals. Sufficient, suitably sized earth terminals and end stops
shall also be provided.
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Safety Measures.
circuit breakers shall be provided with suitable means to prevent unauthorised and
accidental operations. Interlocks to prevent dangerous operations shall be provided
wherever necessary. High voltage parts shall be protected to prevent accidental
human contact. Warning signs of durable type fixed on visible place shall be provided
on high voltage parts. Earthing of metal parts shall be provided.
mechanical interlocking shall be provided where required. All electrical interlocking
shall be of the double interlocked type having separate permissive and prohibitive
interlocks. Thus to allow a device to operate there must be an absence of prohibitive
signals and a presence of permissive signals from the remaining devices in the
interlocked system i.e. fail safe.
suitable equipment shall be provided mechanically to prevent a device being manually
operated when a prohibitive signal from another part of the interlocked system is
when the MCC includes a standby generator incomer in addition to the QGEWC
incomer, mechanical and electrical interlocks shall be provided in accordance with
QGEWC regulations.
Pilot Devices:
pilot devices shall confirm to BS EN 60947-5.1. These shall be circular, 22 mm dia
suitable for mounting on the cubicle door. The pilot devices shall have two main parts
the operator and the Snap-On contact block. The mounting between the cubicle door
and the operator shall be done through Snap-On flange. Pilot devices shall be
designed to provide IP65 as a minimum protection when installed in the enclosures.
Terminals shall be protected to IP2X.
push buttons shall comply with the following specifications unless specified otherwise
in particular requirements: (i)
standard design
mushroom/stayput/lockable type where specified
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the gap between gland plates and associated terminals shall be such that
conductors can be safely manipulated and connected without damage.
Terminals shall face the door of a cubicle for ease of connection.
(viii) barriers shall be provided on all terminal banks, to group terminals into logical
divisions. Power terminals of different phases shall be barriered from each other
and separated from control terminals.
(ix) in all cases care shall be taken to ensure that terminals are easily accessible
after all wiring and plant cabling has been installed and terminated. All
connections shall be made on the front of terminal blocks.
no more than one conductor shall be connected to one side of a terminal. Where
several conductors are to be connected, shorting bars shall be provided across
multiple terminals. Outgoing cables shall be wired so that all assembly wiring is
connected to one side only.
(xi) the terminal numbers, voltage grouping and terminal block layout shall
correspond precisely with wiring diagrams so that quick and accurate
identification of wiring can be made.
(xii) all terminals shall show the circuit wire number reference.
(xiii) a separate dedicated telemetry/RTU section shall be provided in the MCC
cubicle equipped with all terminals duly wired and located in the side or on the
top of the compartment interior leaving maximum room for free issued fully wired
and tagged RTU complete with all associated hardware’s on a mounting plate.
When a PLC control system is provided the PLC should be suitable for telemetry
communication and shall be configured to communicate with the SCADA master
(xiv) the MCC vendor shall co-ordinate with the RTU vendor through the contractor to
confirm the size of free issued duly wired RTU on a backplate. The MCC vendor
shall install and complete interconnection wiring between the RTU and the MCC
The contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval, samples of wires, numbered
ferules, and terminal pins or lugs which he proposes to use.
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the busbars shall be electro-tinned hard drawn, high conductivity 99.9 % purity,
suitably sleeved for phase identification to BS 158
all busbars shall extend through the length of the board with same cross section
throughout unless indicated otherwise
a copper Earth Busbar sized at least 50 % of the phase busbars or 300 mm ,
whichever is greater, shall be provided along the full length of the board
busbars shall be adequately supported by porcelain or moulded insulators spaced on
suitable centres so that the complete assembly can withstand the maximum
mechanical stresses to which it may be subjected to under fault conditions
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non illuminated
anodized Aluminum Bezel
1NO+1NC configuration minimum
RED button for STOP function
GREEN button for START function [Recessed type]
mushroom RED for Emergency STOP function
BLACK button for manual RESET
WHITE button for lamp test
push buttons for other functions where applicable shall be subjected to the
approval of engineer.
selector switches shall comply with the following specifications unless specified
otherwise in particular requirements: (i)
standard design
lever type cam operated
Twist Release/Push-Pull/KEY type where specified and/or approved by
(iv) non illuminated
anodized aluminum bezel
(vi) No. of positions as per logic diagram
(vii) BLACK color
(viii) 1NO+1NC configuration minimum
indicators shall comply with the following specifications unless specified otherwise in
particular requirements: (i)
low voltage transformer latch type 110V/50Hz primary
bulbs shall be long life neon types rated at least 10% higher than the operating
GREEN colour for RUN/ON indication
(iv) WHITE/Grey colour for STOP/OFF indication
AMBER colour for TRIP/FAULT indications
(vi) BLUE colour for equipment selected „On-Auto’ indication
(viii) RED colour for DANGER (in operation) indication
(ix) indicators for other conditions where applicable shall be subjected to the
approval of the Engineer.
the pilot light operator shall be designed to facilitate removal of bulb from the
front of the unit without requiring any tool.
(xi) LEDs shall not be permitted unless forming built-in feature of stand-alone
product/controller to indicate operation status.
LEDs shall be allowed only when forming built-in feature of stand-alone
product/controller to indicate operation status.
emergency and safety switches where specified shall confirm to BS EN 60947-3,
Utilization Category AC23 and comply with the following specifications: (i)
IP65 metal/thermoplastic enclosure suitable for installation in non-safe areas
involving Methane and H2S gases.
visible operating handle with marking OFF/ON position
lockable in Off position by using padlocks
(iv) suitable for base/wall mounting
the breaking capacity shall be more than the largest circuit it breaks
(vi) the emergency switch shall have red handle on a yellow background
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unless otherwise stipulated in the particular specification or drawings busbars shall be
housed in separate adequately ventilated compartment which shall not contain any
wiring or apparatus other than that required for connections for busbars
rating : As indicated on the drawings.
the mechanical and dielectric strength of bus bars and supports shall be capable of
withstanding the worst conditions of electrical surge, which can occur in the installation
bus bars shall be sleeved for phase identification by using high temperature grade heat
shrinkable colored PVC sleeving throughout its length. In no circumstances will any
kind of wrapping tape be accepted on busbars.
all three phases and the neutral busbar shall be of same size enclosed in a common
separate chamber.
the mains horizontal busbars shall be housed in a separate chamber located on the top
of the assembly. Busbars located elsewhere not on the Top shall be accepted at the
discretion of the Engineer after verifying the certification, site location, available space
and considering other factors necessary for ease in operation and maintenance of the
assemblies. Insulation barriers shall be provided at each cubicle division.
vertical busbars shall be fully enclosed in a separate chamber.
bus bars connections shall be identified by phase color marking and adequately
supported by suitable supports designed to withstand the full fault capacity as specified
connections from the main bus bars to MCCB’s controlling main motor starters and
outgoing distribution feeder shall be via solid copper bus bars.
Connections to busbars shall take the form of rigid bolted copper strips. Caliper sliding
connections or similar movable contacts shall not operate directly onto the busbars or
The utilization of “Fault Free Zones” will be permitted for the connection between the
busbar risers and functional units rated 32 amps or below. These may be of copper
conductors of solid rigid manufacture or insulated flexible conductors provided that
they are securely fastened, provided in both cases that under normal operating
condition an internal short circuit is only a remote possibility. For all functional units the
connections between the busbar and the functional units should be sized to the frame
rating of the short circuit protection device in the functional unit and an ASTA/KEMA
certificate for their short circuit let though (I T) capability shall be provided.
bolted copper bus bar links shall be provided where specified and shall be used for
maintenance purposes only. The link section shall be easily accessible from the front
or top of the board and shall have a lockable cover. Provision for storing the links nuts
and bolts shall be made in the switchboard.
the temperature rise of busbars shall be limited to that which will not cause damage to
the insulating material when carrying their rated current at the site ambient
temperature and shall in any case not exceed 60°c reduced by the amount the site
ambient temperature exceeds 40°c.
The neutral shall be solidly earthed at the MCC. The neutral-earth link shall be
adjacent to the incomer, externally labeled and be easily accessible.
the Measuring Instruments shall include ammeters, voltmeters, kWh meters, selector
switches and associated accessories as indicated on the Drawings and described
herein as follows:
Ammeter, Voltmeter and Power Factor Meter:
 the measuring instruments shall be moving iron vane type, flush pattern with
dust and moisture proof enclosure. Anti-glare glass front, anti-parallax scales
and white faces with black numerals and marking shall be used. All
instruments shall be of long scale 240 degree with full load indicating
approximately at 180°
 the dial size shall be 10 x 10 cm .
 accuracy shall be one percent of full scale values
 moving elements shall be provided with zero adjustments located at face of
 the ammeter shall be capable of withstanding twice of rated current for 10
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minutes and overload sustained under fault conditions without damage or
loss of accuracy.
 voltmeter shall have a measuring range from 0 to 500 V and shall withstand
twice the rated full scale voltage for 1.0 minute without damage
 three ammeters or a single ammeter with selector switch shall be provided to
read the current of each phase, as indicated on the Drawings
 the voltmeter selector switch shall be of the rotary type with cam operated
contactor and shall have (7) positions off, R-Y, Y-B, R-B, R-N, Y-N, B-N
 single and poly phase power factor meters with associated current and
potential transformers shall be provided as required and specified herein
 ammeters shall have maximum demand pointers.
Current Transformers:
current transformers shall be of the bar primary type, air cooled and suitably
insulated. The current transformers shall be of Class X accuracy for restricted
earth fault protection and Class 1 accuracy for metering purposes, as stipulated
in the QGEWC Regulations
current transformers shall be rated not less than 5 VA and shall have thermal
and mechanical rating at least equal to those of the main circuit breakers.
following are the approved ratings of the current transformers (CTs) as
approved by QGEWC.
(iv) removable links shall be located on the main busbars of each phase and neutral
to enable easy maintenance and replacement.
current transformers shall comply with BS 3938 and should be suitably rated and
designed to carry out the appropriate function as indicated.
(vi) The rated burden of the current transformers shall be 30% in excess of the sum
of burdens of all relays, instruments and related loads.
(vii) the short time rating shall not be less than 44kVA for 3 seconds.
(viii) identification labels giving type, ratio’s, rating output, manufacturer and serial
numbers shall be fitted. Duplicate rating labels are to be fitted on the exterior of
the mounting chambers suitably located to enable reading without removal of
Any cover. Labels shall be supplied for multi ratio current transformers indicating
the connection required for alternative ratios.
(ix) bar type current transformers shall be provided in preference to those with
wound primaries. Short time current factors shall relate to the full fault level for
three seconds. For overcurrent protection the product of VA rated burden and
rated accuracy limit factor shall be 150 unless otherwise agreed with the
one secondary terminal of each current transformer shall be earthed through a
removable link.
kWh Meters:
the kWh meters shall be suitable for operation on 415/240 Volt, 3 phase, 4
wire, 50 Hz supply and shall conform to BS 37 Part 1 and BS 5685
the meters shall be dust-proof and vermin proof, protected from corrosion due
to high humidity and compensated against the effect of temperature up to 55 °C
the meters shall maintain their accuracy over many years service under Qatar
climatic conditions. The counter shall be of the cycle meter type with six
figures, the lowest figure being unit. Pointer type counters are not acceptable
(iv) the meter cover and cases shall be of metal
meters shall not have less than 5 mm diameter terminal holes and shall be
operated through three current transformers and the counter of the
meter should be calibrated to read the primary kWh. The current transformers
shall be selected from the standard sizes stipulated in QGEWC Regulations
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Restricted Earth Fault Protection.
Restricted earth fault protection shall be provided for main switchboards in
accordance with the QGEWC Regulations.
(b) 30 DC supply is required for tripping of the LV ACBs through D.C. shunt trip for restricted
earth fault relay. Contractor to provide for this unit a trickle charger and long life nickel
cadmium batteries. The unit shall be designed to operate on 240 volts, 1 phase & 50
Hz A.C. Supply and for continuous duty at an ambient temperature of 50 ºC and 98%
relative humidity. The capacity of the unit is to be determined by the manufacturer and
based on number of trip unit , all to the approval of the Engineer and KAHRAMAA.
Anti-Condensation Heaters.
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all meters shall be handed over to the Qatar General Electricity & Water
Corporation for calibration prior to final installation and connection.
power monitor (PM):
power monitor (PM) shall be a true RMS digital instrument, with LCD display,
capable of controlling and measurement highly non-linear loads accurately and
able to detect voltage based disturbances.
the LCD unit combined with function keys, minimum IP54, shall be mounted
locally on the Incomer cubicle door.
PM shall be CE marked and confirm to BS EN 61010-1
(iv) the Power Monitor shall register all measured values and log current and
previous measured values for reporting and printing purposes.
the Power Monitor shall be supplied with software, user manual and associated
interconnecting cables.
(vi) PM shall be provided with user friendly software minimum windows 2000 based
communication (fully supported by Latest Edition of Windows Based Operating
System) program allowing easy access to all features with pull down menus
(vii) true RMS measurement of current and voltage
(viii) control and measurement of highly nonlinear loads
(ix) capable to detect voltage based disturbances
interface capability with PLC/RTU/Circuit breaker
(xi) provide load shedding capabilities
(xii) provide interface with Power Factor Correction Control equipment
(xiii) RS-485 port
(xiv) modbus communication protocol
(xv) DNP3.0 Communication protocol
(xvi) web enabled Ethernet capability
(xvii) measurement of Harmonics
(xviii) monitoring of disturbances in the power supply network
(xix) continuous sampling at 128 times per cycle
(xx) trending analysis for historical data collection
(xxi) sequence of events
(xxii) RMS current of each phase
(xxiii) RMS voltage L1-L2-L3-N
(xxiv) average system voltage (Vav)
(xxv) average system current (Iav)
(xxvi) real power (KW)
(xxvii) reactive power (KVAr)
(xxviii) apparent power (KVA)
(xxix) power factor (cos phi)
(xxx) peak demand
(xxxi) frequency (HZ)
(xxxii) temperature (T)
(xxxiii) THD current (%Ithd)
(xxxiv) THD Voltage (%Vthd)
(xxxv) K-factor100
QCS 2010 Section 21
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anti-condensation heaters shall be provided inside each compartment in strategic
positions. These shall be controlled by an internally mounted humidistat and an
external overriding ON/AUTO switch
heaters shall be of sufficient size to maintain the air temperature inside compartment
at least 10 C above the outside ambient.
Motor Control Centres
provide the metal enclosed motor control centres as indicated, specified and required
the motor control centres shall be switchboard type construction as described for M.V.
cubicle switchboards except as modified herein
the motor control centres shall be front access only
shipment shall be made in sections to facilitate field handling, and the shipped
sections shall be joined together to form a complete back-to-wall or back-to-back unit
assembly as indicated
the motor control centres shall be free-standing or wall-mounted, as indicated in the
Project Drawings.
vertical sections shall contain adequate space for connecting the incoming power
supply circuits, outgoing branch circuits, motor circuits and control circuits to
terminals, horizontal and vertical power bus bars, horizontal earth bus, circuit
breakers, magnetic starters, contactors, control stations, pilot lights, timers, terminals,
transformers, panels, relays, ammeters, voltmeters, meter switches, earth leakage
protection, space heaters, thermostats, fans, vents, screens, filters and switches
the vertical sections shall be fabricated from heavy gauge steel (minimum thickness
of 1.5 mm), with uniform surfaces
unless otherwise indicated, the standard section shall be 800 mm wide (600 mm for
equipment and components, 200 mm for vertical wire way) by 600 mm deep
holes shall be provided in the structural base of each section for anchor bolts
sections shall contain wireways, brackets, supports, plates, trims, barriers, gaskets,
doors, base channels, lifting angles and hardware
horizontal wireways (top and bottom) shall extend through the width of each section
wire way openings shall be provided between sections with closing plates on the end
each vertical section shall contain its own individual full height vertical wire way
separated from the vertical bus by a metal barrier, and also separated from the
individual control units by the side pan of the control unit.
wire ties shall be furnished in the vertical wireways to group and securely hold the
conductors in place
a separate cover shall be provided on the vertical wire way
control units shall be isolated from one another by horizontal steel barriers
front to rear bracing shall not interfere with the cable entrance areas
hinged doors shall be equipped with screwdriver operated quarter-turn latches that
catch automatically when the door is pushed closed. Large doors shall be equipped
with additional latches
provision shall be included to add a vertical section on either end of the line up in the
the power supply compartment shall be sized to accommodate the incoming power
conductors. The compartment shall be located at the top or bottom of the vertical
section as shown on the Drawings. The power compartment shall be covered by a
hinged door and shall be held closed with quarter-turn pawl type latches
busbars shall be provided for the power and earth systems. When shown on the
Drawings, provide full length full capacity and insulated neutral bus and cable
connectors. Bus joints shall be connected with bolts, nuts and spring washers. The
main horizontal power bus shall be located in the centre or near the top of each
section, joined together to form a continuous bus for the full length of the motor
control centre. The horizontal power bus shall be copper and the current rating shall
be as shown on the Drawings. The vertical power buses shall be copper full height
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and rated for the section total load. The minimum current rating for the vertical power
buses shall be 300 amperes or as specified in the Project Documentation. Small
openings in the vertical barriers shall permit the plug-on control unit contacts to pass
through and engage with the vertical bus bars. Unused plug-on openings in the
vertical barriers shall be equipped with plastic snap-in closing plugs.
each Incomer Section shall consist of:
4 Pole ACB/MCCB (For Generator Incomer)
3 Pole ACB/MCCB with solid neutral link (For Mains Incomer)
1X Voltmeter 96X96, 240 degree scale for mains bus voltage live indication (For
Mains Incomer)
(iv) 3X Voltmeter 96X96, 240 degree scale for generator bus voltage live indication
(For Generator Incomer)
1X Voltmeter Selector Switch 7 Position (For Mains Incomer)
(vi) 1X Ammeter 96X96, 240 degree scale (For Mains Incomer)
(vii) 3X Ammeter 96X96, 240 degree scale (For Generator Incomer)
(viii) 6X Maximum Demand Indicator 96X96 (May be included with ammeter)
(ix) 1X Ammeter selector switch 5 position (For Mains Incomer)
Power Monitor
(xi) phase failure/phase sequence relay for sensing the main incomer, generator
incomer and busbar voltage.
(xii) 2X IDMTL overload relay (may be included in the circuit breaker)
(xiii) 2X IDMTL earth fault relay (may be included in the circuit breaker)
(xiv) 2X IDMTL restricted earth fault relay
(xv) 1X Frequency meter (45-55)Hz
(xvi) 1X Supply on indicator lamp
(xvii) auto/manual changeover for MCC with two or more Incomers (See Metering
Section below)
(xviii) trip circuit healthy test facility in case of a circuit breaker designed to trip on fault
through externally mounted protection devices e.g. IDMT (Inverse Definite
Minimum Time relay), UV relay etc.
(xix) control fuses
(xx) open/close/trip indicating lamps
(xxi) terminals etc.
the changeover function shall be fully automatic mains Generator on failure of power
and vice versa.
a separate metering section shall be included in order to accommodate analogue
meters, Power Monitor, control relays, timers, PLC, selector switches, push buttons,
indicating lamps etc. as necessary for interlocking scheme for the incomers.
an auto/manual changeover scheme shall be included unless specified otherwise, as a
definite requirement for two or more incomers, fully wired and factory tested.
detailed drawings shall be prepared during the design stage and the same to be
submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the manufacturing.
installations requiring a mobile generator shall be provided with an appliance inlet
socket outlet or junction box.
the appliance inlet shall be used for generators up to 125 A and be housed in a
weather proof box fixed and located outside the MCC Room as shown on plant and
equipment drawing. The junction box shall have detachable gland plate at the bottom
facilitating easy connection and disconnection of the generator cable. For higher
capacity generator ratings above 125 A, a weatherproof junction box shall be provided
with solid copper links and ample space for terminating cables.
a separate section shall be provided to house the QGEWC kWh meter. The kWh
meter compartment shall be provided with a 300mm X 300mm X 12mm thick plywood
mounting board and a ten way terminal block in accordance with QGEWC regulations.
the kWh meter shall be CT operated for loads exceeding 100A.
each outgoing starter, feeder or other functional unit shall be enclosed within its own
section providing Form 4 segregation.
one spare equipped feeder section (MCCB only) per MCC shall be provided as
minimum. The rating shall be subject to the approval of the engineer.
the Common Control section shall consist of the following controls and instruments as
minimum for guidance purpose only subject to the approval of the engineer:
non door interlock MCCB
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MCCB Panel Boards
MCCB panel boards shall be manufactured to BS EN 60439-1, factory
assembled and certified by an authorising testing body
the panel board shall be suitable for operating on a 3 phase, 4 wire, 415 V supply
the symmetrical through fault rating shall be 25 kA for a duration of 3 seconds
if necessary, the panel board shall include a suitable hardwood backboard to
accommodate the QGEWC metering equipment.
the panel board shall be of robust construction, fabricated from heavy gauge folded
steel angles strengthened by horizontal and vertical folded channels
the frame work shall be enclosed in self-supporting, screw -on front, rear and top
covers of sheet steel with gaskets
the doors shall be lockable and have concealed hinges provided with gaskets
thickness of the steel sheet shall be not less than 1.5 mm
the panel shall be suitable for wall mounting.
the structure shall be protected from rust and oxidisation before being given a coat of
primer and finishing coats
the finished paint colour shall be to Engineer’s approval selected from BS 381.
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24 V DC regulated power supply
24 V DC Ni Cd battery
24 V DC Ni Cd battery charger
power distribution MCBs for field instruments
programmable Logic Controller (PLC) – Refer to Instrumentation & Control
Section for specifications
(vii) Video Display Unit where specified - Refer to Instrumentation & Control Section
for specifications
(viii) pressure & level indicators - Refer to Instrumentation & Control Section for
(ix) sounder complete with auto cut-off time and mute pushbutton as specified in the
particular requirements.
flashing Beacon Light (mounted outside building) as specified in the particular
(xi) local/remote selector switch
(xii) float/level selector switch
(xiii) pumps Duty-Standby selector switch
(xiv) push buttons for lamp test, fault-reset etc.
(xv) status Indicating Lamps
(xvi) control relays, timers and control fuses as required according to the logic + 20%
as spares wired to the terminals.
(xvii) zener barriers
(xviii) hygrostatically controlled Anti-condensation heater
(xix) standard and special terminals to suit the applications requirement
(xx) terminal kiosk (A separate partitioned terminals arrangement clearly labelled
identifying IN/OUT). [All wires to field devices and telemetry section must be
routed through terminal kiosk].
(xxi) 240V, 13 amp AC single phase 3 pin (flat) standard socket
the telemetry section shall consist of the following controls as minimum for guidance
purpose only subject to the approval of the engineer:
Non door interlock MCCB
24 V DC Ni Cd battery
24 V DC Ni Cd battery charger
(iv) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) – Refer to Instrumentation & Control Section for
Interposing relays
(vi) Hygrostatically controlled Anti-condensation heater
(vii) Terminals, control fuses and surge protection etc.
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MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s) Page 20
Part 2
the bus bars shall be of high conductivity, rectangular section, hard drawn copper,
electrolytically tined suitably marked and colour coded in accordance with BS
the short circuit ratings of the bus bars shall be as stated above
Distribution Boards
Distribution boards shall be provided to serve lighting, fans, socket outlets, and other
appliances. Board shall be arranged in banks of ways as indicated on the schedule of points.
The Distribution Board shall be a part of the MCC cubicle assembly unless otherwise
indicated in the project Documentation
Where there is Distribution Board stand alone, then:
Distribution Boards shall be flush mounted type, or surface mounted type and shall be
mounted separately from motor control centres or switchboards. The boards shall be
totally enclosed, dust protected, vermin proof type. Distribution boards installed in all
plant rooms and other process areas shall be corrosion resistant.
Enclosure shall be fabricated from robust galvanised sheet steel fully rust-proofed,
stove enamelled, of minimum thickness of 1.5mm and shall be protected to IP 32 for
internal use with neoprene gaskets for the doors.
The distribution boards shall be provided with fixed cover and a hinged door with
padlock which can be opened without any obstruction about 120 degrees and conduit
knockouts from the top and bottom. The hinged door with a lock and key shall be
integral part of the fixed cover.
The cabinet shall be constructed so that it is necessary to open the door to operate
Miniature Circuit Breakers or ELCB. Access to interior components and internal wiring
shall be gained by removing a separate barrier within the enclosure.
All distribution boards shall be controlled by an adequately rated on-load main isolator or
circuit breaker to interrupt the supply to the entire distribution board. This main isolator or
circuit breaker shall be double pole for single phase DBs and triple pole for three phase
DBs.Moreover,it shall be connected to the busbar directly without links whatsoever.
A circuit label shall be provided to indicate the area served by each MCB.
Busbars shall:
be of appropriate current carrying capacity at least equal to the rating of the main
incoming isolator or circuit breaker.
be of high electrical conductivity copper.
Where the main isolator or circuit breaker is connected to bus bars then these bus
bars shall be shrouded.
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the switch boards shall comprise of the following components:
incoming: suitably rated isolator/MCCB as indicated on the tender drawings and
to comply with relevant Clauses of this specifications
outgoing: Moulded Case Circuit Breakers of 25 kA fault level with ratings
as per the tender drawings and de rated for 50 ºC ambient temperature.. All
MCCB of rating 100 Amps and above shall have adjustable thermal and magnetic
meters: 3 ammeters with dead pointer to indicate the maximum reading and 1
No. 0-500 Volt voltmeter with Off/ph-ph/ph-N selector switch, for incoming
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Each DB shall have separate earth and neutral bars having the same number of connection
as there are for phase connections. A cable connection shall be made from earth bar to the
incoming cable gland earth tag. All phase and neutral bars shall be sized to carry the full load
current of the controlling breaker which shall be of flat tinned copper rigidly mounted,
supported on shock-resisting, non-hygroscopic, high grade insulators with high resistance to
tracking, not subject to mould growth or termite attack with adequate spacing and clearance.
Connection from the bus bars to the breakers shall be made by using solid circular insulated
conductors or insulated and tinned copper strip neatly set and formed. Each connection to or
from a phase or neutral bar shall have its own brass fixing screws, washers, butts and
Each distribution board shall be fitted with an identification label on its front cover. The label
shall be suitably inscribed stating the distribution boards reference number/letter, rating in
volts & amperes and the number of ways in English and Arabic. In addition to the above a
reference card shall be fitted inside the distribution board giving details of each circuit, MCB
size, cable size and location. The reference card shall be affixed to the inside of the
distribution board’s door via a transparent envelope.
Distribution Boards (DB) located remote from the main switch boards shall be mounted at a
height of not less than 1200mm from finished floor level to bottom of the DB and maximum
height of this DB shall be 2200mm from finished floor level to top of DB.
All live terminals of parts and bus bars shall shrouded with insulating materials to ensure that
it is impossible for any live metal to be touched while withdrawing or replacing MCBs.
The correct rating of breakers shall be fitted in each way to conform to the size of the final
circuit conductor and its connected load in conformity with KAHRAMAA.
All breakers and DBs shall be of one make throughout the whole of the works.
The M.V. cubicle switchboards shall be supplied and installed in the building or in a separate
services building or in substations as indicated on the Drawings.
The Contractor shall submit details of proposed equipment and method of installation to the
Engineer and QGEWC for approval prior to commencement of installation work.
Provide all the motor control equipment installations, wiring installations and tests, including
connections and interconnections for the electrical controls as indicated, specified and
required. Assure proper fits for all equipment and materials in the spaces shown on the
Equipment shall be installed level and securely attached to the concrete foundations and
walls with expansion anchors. The sections shall be joined together with bolts, nuts and
washers to form a complete unit assembly. Floor standing equipment shall be installed on
concrete plinths as shown on the Drawings.
Earth Bonding
Each panel section shall be individually bonded to main earth bar located in the electrical
Each panel section shall be cross bonded to adjacent panel section earthing terminal.
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QCS 2010
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 1
PROTECTIVE DEVICES ............................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
General Reference
Overcurrent Protective Device Co-ordination
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
Air Circuit Breakers
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers
Miniature Circuit Breakers
Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers (ELCB)
Overload Relays
Fuse Switches
Isolating Switches
Stop Lock-off Push Buttons
Control Relays/Auxiliary Relays/Interposing Relays
Protection Relays
Alarm System
Hours Run Meters
Thermistor relay
Moisture and mechanical seal leakage protection
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 2
This Part shall specify the requirements for protective devices.
General Reference
The work of this Part is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this Section.
The ratings of the various overcurrent protective devices shall be, in general, as indicated on
the Project Drawings. However, the protective device ratings shall be confirmed based on the
equipment and items being provided by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide calculation
and justification for proposing any change in the rating.
The following standards shall be followed:
BS EN 60255-6, IEC 255
BS EN 60269, IEC 269
BS EN 61008-1
BS EN 60898, IEC 157-1A
BS EN 61810-1
BS EN 60947, IEC 947-2
Cartridge fuses
Electrical relays
Cartridge fuses for voltages up to and including 1000VAC and
1500 V AC
Earth Leakage circuit breakers
Miniature and Moulded Case Circuit Breakers
Electrical Relays
Low Voltage circuit breakers
Overcurrent Protective Device Co-ordination
The Contractor shall carry out and provide an overcurrent protective device. Co-ordination
study as part of his material submission, as outlined below:
Properly co-ordinated automatically operated overcurrent protective devices shall be provided
for this Project. The overcurrent protective devices shown on the Drawings shall be coordinated for adequate continuous current and interrupting capacity to assure proper
overcurrent protective devices operation under normal and fault conditions in the system.
All overcurrent protective devices on this Project and the first upstream device of the existing
electrical system shall be co-ordinated so that they will perform as follows. When two or more
overcurrent protective devices (including the first upstream protective device of the existing
system) in series with each other experience current flow greater than their rated current, the
device with the lowest rated current shall trip and/or open the circuit first and thereby prevent
the higher rated devices from operating.
The Supplier of the overcurrent protective devices shall prepare a co-ordination study to
verify the above stated performance requirements. The study shall be documented by the
Supplier and the documents shall include but not be limited to the following:
a composite drawing or drawings (on full size, reproducible, log-log paper) showing
the entire new electrical system (including the first upstream protective device of the
existing system) showing all protective device curves (including motor overloads),
short circuit duties, motor starting curves and damage curves for motors, equipment
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 3
This documented co-ordination study shall be submitted for review before the overcurrent
devices are supplied for the Project.
Quality Assurance
The suppliers manufacturing facility shall be certified to the ISO - 9001 series of standards
from the International Standards Organisation.
Preference will be given to one manufacturer of ACB, MCCB and MCB to ensure proper coordination in accordance with Clause 3.1 above.
Air Circuit Breakers
To IEC 947-2 or BS EN 60947-2, suitable for triple pole service and shall have breaking
capacity of 50 kA symmetrical for 3 seconds at 415 Volts.
ACBs shall be of the horizontal withdraw able, load making and breaking type with the contacts
being of the double break pattern with arcing chutes, shutters etc. The main arcing contacts
shall be of the high pressure butt type with wipe and roll action on opening and closing. The
main contacts shall be of silver alloy.
Removable arc chutes shall be fitted together with an air circuit breaker. ACB shall be
complete with a mechanical ON/OFF position indicator, pad-lockable. ACB shall conform to
B.S. En 60947-2 (EN 60947-2, IEC 947-2) and B.S. En 60664-1.
Each circuit breaker shall be enclosed in sheet steel and provided with three phase manual
and automatic isolating devices suitably interlocked so as to prevent isolation except when the
circuit breaker is in open position. It shall be arranged in such a manner that it will not be
possible to withdraw the breaker or remove the front cover unless the ACB is in the isolated
Provision shall be made for locking the ACB in this position (isolated position).
Shutters shall be provided to protect the live terminals against accidental touch when the ACBs
are in a fully withdraw able position. The ACB shall have solid sate overload and short circuit
protection devices along with earth fault trip mechanism. The solid state circuit shall be
provided with proper LED indication to indicate the trip status of the ACB. The ACBs shall be
equipped with shunt trip of 30V DC trip mechanism for tripping the breaker with restrictive
earth fault relay to be provided separately with suitable size of CTs.
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and conductors. This drawing or drawings shall show that all protective devices are
properly co-ordinated to perform as stated above
manufacturer’s overcurrent operating curves (on full size, reproducible, log-log paper)
for each overcurrent device. In the case of fuses, both minimum melt and maximum
clearing time curves shall be included
reproducible copies of all Project single line diagrams so marked to show short circuit
duties at all switchboards and motor control centres, and which operating curve
applies to each overcurrent device on the diagram (the operating curves shall also be
correspondingly marked)
a tabulation of the short circuit duties at all switchboards and motor control centres,
sizes and ratings of all overcurrent protective devices and the required settings of all
of the adjustable overcurrent protective devices so that the performance
requirements are met. Protective devices which have earth fault protection features
are specifically required to meet this performance requirement.
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 4
The Air Circuit Breakers (the conventional type and not moulded case circuit breaker) shall be
500 V, 50 Hz, triple pole with neutral link for incoming and outgoing ACB or four poles for bus
tie ACB only with ratings as shown on the Drawings. They shall be air break, trip free, draw-out
type with mechanical and electrical ON/OFF indicators.
Where air circuit breakers are to be electrically operated by automatic motor wound spring
mechanism, a standby manual operating handle shall be provided for operating the circuit
breaker in case of power or motor failure.
The air circuit breaker shall be provided with built-in overcurrent, short circuit and Earth fault
protection having the following characteristics:-
The circuit breaker shall have three position on the draw-out mechanism, namely service
position where all main and auxiliary contacts are made, test position where main contacts are
open but auxiliary contacts are closed and isolated position where all contacts are open. An
indicator shall clearly show these positions and provisions shall be made for locking the
breakers in any position. ON/OFF indicator shall be provided.
Mechanical Interlocks shall be provided to prevent withdrawing or inserting of the breaker when
it is „ON’. Any attempt to do so shall trip the breaker automatically.
The withdrawable part of the circuit breaker shall be effectively connected to earth through
scraping contacts that shall make before and break after the main and auxiliary contacts.
The moving contacts comprising the main and arcing contacts shall be of the spring loaded,
self aligning type. The arc contacts shall be arranged to make before and break after the main
The air circuit breaker shall include but not limited to the following as minimum:(a)
8NO/8NC auxiliary contacts
arc chutes
folding extension rail
charging handle
open and close push buttons
trip indicator
spring charge motor
spring charge indicator
breaker position indicator mechanically and electrically.
micro-processor based protection and management unit that provides the following
control and monitoring features:(i)
overcurrent protection
short circuit protection
earth fault protection
(iv) neutral protection
thermal memory
(vi) alarm logging
(vii) field selectable Manual or Auto reset
(viii) microprocessor malfunction watch dog
(ix) programmable input/outputs
load monitoring
(xi) operation counter
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a. adjustable long time delay current setting between 50 – 200% with variable tripping
time characteristics.
b. adjustable short time delay current setting 200 – 800% with variable tripping time
c. instantaneous tripping for heavier over current applications adjustable from 400 –
1600% of the base current.
d. adjustable earth fault trip current setting 20 – 80% with variable tripping time
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Section 21
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Protective Devices
Page 5
(xii) serial communication.
carriage/Lifting Truck for ACB exceeding 25 Kg in weight [One carriage for each
site/project regardless of number of breakers provided
shunt trip and under voltage release
10 The Main Incoming Circuit Breakers shall be provided with cable terminal boxes to suit the
incoming cables from the transformer/source supply. The gland plate for the incoming cables
shall be non-ferrous material brass compression type glands, earthing tags and shrouds. In
case single core PILCA/PVC cables are used, the clamping arrangement is to supplied as per
the sketch nos. 9 & 10 shown on pages 144/145 of KAHRAMAA regulations.
11 Circuit breakers shall be tropicalised to operate continuously in an ambient temperature of 55
°C and high relative humidity.
13 The ACB shall have adjustable settings and the following facility:
 Long time current setting and tripping delay.
 Overload signal.
 Short time pick up and tripping delay.
 Instantaneous pick-up.
 Earth leakage test button.
 Long time rating plug screw.
 Test connector
 Lamp test, reset and battery test.
 Indication of tripping cause.
 Digital display.
 Three phase bar graph and power display.
 Setting / programmable buttons.
14 The ultimate breaking capacity (ICU) shall be minimum of 44KA. The rated
service breaking capacity (ICS) and rated short time withstand current (ICW) shall
be equal to or greater than ICU.
15 The ACB section of the switch board shall be in separate cubicle separated from other
parts of the switch board. This section shall not have any outgoing feeders.
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers
Shall have a combination of thermal and magnetic tripping giving an inverse time delay
protection against sustained overloads and instantaneous tripping under heavy overloads and
short circuits. Unless otherwise stated in the particular specification or drawings, MCCB shall
have a minimum short circuit rating of 25 kA.
Breakers shall have a quick make, quick break over-centre switching mechanism that is
mechanically trip free from the handle so that contacts cannot be held closed against short
circuits and abnormal current.
Tripping due to overload or short circuits shall be clearly indicated by the handle assuming a
position mid-way between the manual ON and OFF position.
Latch surfaces shall be polished.
Poles shall be constructed to open, close and trip simultaneously.
Ampere ratings shall be clearly visible.
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12 Type test certificate for each size of circuit breakers and MCCB from an internationally
recognised testing authority acceptable to the Engineer shall be provided.
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Protective Devices
Page 6
Breakers shall be completely enclosed in a moulded case to IEC No. 157 - 1A, suitable for
installation inside switchboards.
Non-interchangeable trip breakers shall have the trip unit sealed.
Breakers with earth leakage relay protection shall be provided with shunt trips.
Frame sizes shall be as per manufacturer’s standard size and as approved by the Engineer.
The magnetic trip shall be adjustable type for rating 200 Amp. and above, with 8 settings from
1.5 to 10 times the rated current of the circuit breaker.
Each MCCB shall be housed in a separate Compartment with the operating handle door
interlocked when used as an Incomer, feeder or motor starter isolator, so that access can
only be gained to the Compartment with the MCCB in the OFF position. Padlocking shall be
provided in the OFF position only. When the MCCB is used for control transformers,
distribution or ICA compartments the handle shall be internally mounted with appropriate
shrouding and warning labels.
Each MCCB shall be complete with 2 N/O and 2 N/C spare auxiliary contacts (10A, 240v
rating) in addition to those required for the Contract.
Each MCCB used as an Incomer or feeder shall have facilities for electrical as well as
mechanical interlock.
All incoming circuit breakers shall be provided with electrical & mechanical interlocking
scheme to ensure that only one incoming supply can be energized at any one time where
more than one supply is available.
Miniature Circuit Breakers
These shall be type C for general purpose uses, suitable for the load they feed, and shall
have short circuit rating of 9 kA, unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation.
They shall be fault rated so that fuse backup protection is not required.
They shall be rated in accordance with BS EN 60898, IEC 898.
They shall include the following minimum features:
magnetic and thermal trip elements
trip-free mechanisms
locking of facilities with detachable proprietary brackets and clearly marked ratings.
RCBO shall comply with BS EN 61008-1 & BS EN 61009-1
Combined MCB/ELCB units shall be provided for final circuits supplying socket outlets, water
heaters and water pumps.
The units shall have a trip sensitivity of 30 mA.
Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers (ELCB)
Current operated earth leakage circuit breakers shall provide accident protection by
interrupting dangerous contact with voltage which may be present in faulty electrical
equipment as a result of frame faults, insufficient insulation or misuse.
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 7
The ELCB shall also provide high degree of protection against earth leakage, fire and electric
shock. It shall withstand at least 10 kA or as specified in the project documents. The breakers
shall comply with BS EN 61008-1 and the recommended specification CEE 227 of the IEC on
rules of approval of electrical equipment.
The breaker shall consist of a core balance transformer, a tripping coil with contact assembly,
main supply contacts, ON/OFF switch, a test button and a trip free mechanism all enclosed in
a robust body of all insulated material.
Degree of Protection against earth leakage throughout the electrical installation shall be as
indicated on the Drawings. Unless otherwise indicated, ELCB shall have 30 mA trip settings.
The breaker protecting lighting and or power circuits shall be mounted in the panel board
Overload Relays
Thermal Overload Relay
thermal overload relay where specified shall be of Bi-metallic inverse time-lag type,
which shall be used with a contactor in the starter circuit enabling switching device to
open both control and power circuit (fully isolating the power to the motor terminal box)
when the current in the relay exceeds a predetermined value.
the thermal overload relay shall fully comply with the requirement of BS EN 60255-8
the thermal overload relay shall be simple and robust suitable for direct contactor
mounting or if to be mounted separately shall be used with manufacturer supplied links
and associated attachment.
the thermal overload relay shall be designed to include ambient temperature
compensation feature from – 20 Deg C to + 65 Deg C eliminating the need of any
calibration in the field during operation.
the thermal overload relay shall provide the following protections:(i)
single phasing/Phase failure
the thermal overload relay shall have MAN/AUTO field convertible Reset button located
on top of the relay for resetting of the relay after trip. Additionally a facility shall be
provided on the door of starter compartment to reset the relay if so required/specified.
the thermal overload relay shall have two characteristics, the one when the relay bimetals are in cold state that will break the contacts of the relay within 8-10 seconds
and the other when in hot state the contacts breaking shall be reduced to
approximately one third of the tripping time as indicated for the cold characteristics.
The tripping time may be allowed to vary depending upon the starting of the motor
such as normal/heavy-duty.
the thermal overload relay shall have been type tested and ASTA certified to achieve
Type 2 co-ordination in accordance with BS EN 60947.
thermal overload relays shall be used for motors rating up to and including 11 kW.
Electronic Motor Protection Relay
the Motor Protection shall be an intelligent electronic device that is user friendly
and user configurable, capable of controlling the motor manually or automatic.
EMPR shall be CE marked and confirm to BSEN 60947-1
EMPR with LCD display shall be provided in the MCC for each sewage pump
motor starter regardless of the rating of the pump and non-sewage pump drives
above 11.0 KW. The LCD unit combined with function keys, minimum IP54,
shall be mounted on the cubicle door
(iv) non sewage pump drives upto 11.0 KW inclusive may be provided with ambient
compensated bi-metal type thermal overload relay.
EMPR shall have built-in RS485 communication port utilizing Modbus RTU
protocol for serial communication with other devices on the network.
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 8
These shall be selected according to the application and be suitable for the type of load they
feed, for example motor starting, cable protection, protection for the semi conductor devices,
control transformer protection etc.
QCS 2010
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EMPR shall be supplied with software, user manual and interconnecting cables.
EMPR shall be provided with user friendly software minimum windows 2000
based communication (fully supported by Latest Edition of Windows Based
Operating System) program allowing easy access to all features with pull down
the protection features shall include the following as minimum:(i)
over load protection
over current protection
over voltage protection
(iv) under voltage protection
under current protection
(vi) phase sequence
(vii) phase imbalance
(viii) phase loss
(ix) earth leakage
earth fault
(xi) thermistor broken
(xii) open contactor
(xiii) locked rotor
motor current sensing shall be through external 5 A or 1 A current transformer. The
following measured values shall be displayed on the LCD mounted on the starter
compartment door.
RMS current of each phase
RMS voltage
earth leakage current
(iv) continuous monitoring of thermal capacity of the motor
thermal capacity used
(vi) power factor of the motor
(vii) motor kW
(viii) phase unbalance
(ix) parameter settings
percentage of FLC of the motor
(xi) adjustable delayed start/stop
(xii) maintenance Log
EMPR shall be capable of registering all trip commands and log trip and pre-trip
metering values for reporting and printing purposes.
Programmable Ranges
overload – shall be based on the calculation of accumulated I²t value and
selected thermal capacity curve. The tripping time shall be 0-10 Sec. Adjustable.
locked rotor – To trip the motor within 1 to 5 Sec. when the running current
exceeds the stalled rotor trip level of 1.5 to 5.0 x FLC.
phase unbalance – Should there be a phase current unbalance of greater than
15% lasting for 5 seconds an alarm shall be generated. If the condition
prolonged for 10 seconds or more a trip shall occurs.
(iv) earth fault – The earth fault shall be measured as a percentage of primary range
of current transformer. The setting range for the ground current shall be 0.1 to
1.0 x ground fault CT primary current. An adjustable delay time of 0-30 seconds
shall allow preventing nuisance alarm from momentary surges. It should be
possible to make the alarm setting below the trip level to indicate early warning
insulation breakdown.
thermistor/over temperature – EMPR shall be capable of accepting PTC and
NTC sensors. Thermistor level shall be selectable for both alarm and trip
conditions with an adjustable time delay of 0-5 seconds.
(vi) under current – 10 – 100% of motor FLC with a time delay of 0-30 seconds.
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 9
Fuses shall be sized according to the condition under which they will operate such as normal,
small sustained overload, heavy overload etc. in order to consider the operating
characteristics accordingly.
The fuse shall either include a suitable fuse carrier or it shall be capable of isolation. If the
fuse carrier is included it shall be such that when it is being withdrawn normally or when it is
completely withdrawn the operator is completely protected from accidental contact with any
live metal of its fuse link, fuse contacts and fixed contacts.
Fuse/links shall be fixed inside cubicles with sufficient spacing to facilitate easy fuse/link
If the fuse is capable of isolation it shall be so interlocked with the switch that isolation is
complete before the fuse enclosure can be opened further. The switch shall be prevented
from closing while the fuse-cover is open.
All fuses shall be of HBC/HRC cartridge type to BS 88/BS EN 60269.
Fuse holders and fittings shall be made of molded plastic insulating material of an approved
make. Ceramic materials will not be accepted. Fuse fittings shall be fully shrouded and it
shall be possible to change the fuses without danger of contact with live metal. Fuse holder
terminals shall be of the clamp type where the screw does not directly tighten onto the
Fuse fittings shall have basic sizes of 16, 32, 63, 100 and 200A and the fuse holders shall be
able to accept fuse links of that rating on any BS rating down to the next basic size.
A mechanical indication device shall be built into the fuse to indicate operation/fail status.
All small wiring for voltmeters etc. from the busbars shall be via busbar mounted fuse holders
containing 20 amp fuse links. The fuse holders shall be solidly bolted to the busbars.
Fuse Switches
Fuse switches where specified shall comprise flush/surface mounted heavy duty composite
air break switches and fuse units complying with BS EN 60947-3 and fitted with fuses to BS
EN 60269 and shall be rated and equipped as detailed. Composite units shall be contained
within an enclosure of metal and shall be fitted with an earthing terminal or equivalent to
enable the enclosures to be earthed irrespective of any means of connection such as is
provided for attaching armoring or other metallic covering of the cable supplying the
composite unit.
Fuse switch shall be capable of making, carrying and breaking current under normal circuit
condition, which may include specified operating overload conditions and also carrying for
specified time currents under specified circuit conditions such as those of short circuit.
The switch breaking capacity shall be related to AC 23 utilization category or other approved
equivalent standard for 415 V 3 phase 50 Hz 4 wire operation for use on specified fault level
and for service and site climatic conditions as described in section 16480 Factory Built
Assembly (FBA).
BS EN 60269 complied HRC fuses shall be provided as a mean of overcurrent/overload
protective device to protect the switch. The maximum rated current of the fuse with regard to
the prospective short circuit current in the actual circuit shall be mentioned.
The fuse shall be connected after the switch so that a short circuit will not occur in the fusecombination, thus for an expected fault to take place after the combination fuse switch unit
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
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In the event of a fault this combination shall provide protection, permitting switching without,
for example contact welding and preventing separation of main contacts in case of fault
occurring during running.
The combination fuse switch unit shall be housed in an enclosure so constructed that the
cover cannot be opened until the switch is fully opened and the construction shall be such
that when the cover is opened a competent examiner can override the interlock and operate
the switch. After such operation the cover shall be prevented from closing with the switch
position indicator in a false position.
Switches shall be provided with mechanical ON/OFF indicators and operating handles.
Means shall be provided for locking the switch in the OFF position only.
The combination fuse switch unit shall be fitted with 2NO + 2 NC auxiliary contacts wired to
the terminals.
Isolating Switches
The switch when used alone as explained above as an Isolator shall confirm to the utilization
category AC23 and shall fully comply with the requirement specified for isolating functions
specially the isolating distance in accordance with the applicable standard.
An Isolator shall be capable of opening and closing the circuit ON-LOAD with full voltage
applied across the terminals.
The Isolator shall be capable of carrying currents under normal circuit conditions and carrying
for specified time currents under abnormal conditions such as those of short-circuit.
All other features of the Isolator shall be same as specified above for combination fuse switch
Stop Lock-off Push Buttons
Stop lock-off push buttons for motors shall be the mushroom headed red stay-put type with
automatic latching, the units having to be key operated to be released.
Push buttons shall be housed in a surface mounting weatherproof enclosure to IP 65.
Push buttons shall be UV stabilised.
Control Relays/Auxiliary Relays/Interposing Relays
All auxiliary relays shall mainly comply with BS EN 116000 and BS EN 116205-7.
Where similar relays have different operating voltages and/or different contact configurations,
they shall be non-interchangeable.
Voltage at nominal operating temperature and shall not „drop-out’ at greater than 60 % of the
nominal coil voltage.
Relays shall be continuously rated and capable of sustaining a voltage 10 % in excess of the
nominal coil voltage.
Relays shall be fully encapsulated and be of the plug-in type, with terminals protected to a
minimum of IP2X.
Plug-in relays shall be fitted with transparent dust-proof covers. External connections shall be
screw clamp terminals, which are easily accessible with the relay in position.
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Part 3
Protective Devices
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Relays shall include the provision for manual operation.
The pin configuration of the relay shall be printed on the casing and on the bases in order to
ensure correct pin alignment.
Relays shall be suitable for operation at plus 10% and minus 20% of their nominal rated
The contacts configuration shall be either normally open/normally closed or changeover
contact combinations.
The contact material used in the Relay for general logic design shall be AgCdO. Specific
applications requiring extra low switching current shall have GOLD Flash contacts for minimal
voltage drop across the contacts.
It will not be permitted to use mixed voltages on the different contacts of a particular relay. If
necessary additional relays shall be used by employing good engineering practices such as
operation of add-on relay through auxiliary contact of main relay.
Relays Coil shall be vacuum impregnated ensuring satisfactorily operation for the adverse
climatic conditions as specified.
The relays shall be mounted on DIN Rail.
Relays shall be secured to their bases by retaining bar or clip to prevent malfunction due to
the relay being loosened in its base.
Care shall be taken to ensure that relay contacts and associated wiring are suitably fused
All type of relays shall have a means of visual indication e.g. light emitting diode (LED) or
neon bulb mounted within their clear covers connected directly across the relay coil to
indicate when the relay is energized. These indicators shall be easily seen when the relay
compartment door is opened.
A permanent means of identification shall be affixed to both relay and base in line with the
circuit diagram reference.
Where remote supply voltages are used, a warning label engraved in English and Arabic
shall be fitted, clearly identifying the source of supply.
The relay shall be designed for minimum 1 Million mechanical operation and 200,000+
electrical operations at rated load.
Protection Relays
Protection relays shall comply with BS EN 60225-6, BS EN 61810-1, IEC 255.
Secondary injection shall be easily possible by means of purpose-made voltage and/or
current plug-in type test terminal blocks which automatically open circuit or short circuit the
integral voltage transformers or current transformers respectively and provide termination’s
for the test supply. Disconnection of any permanent wiring will not be acceptable.
Alarm System
Auxiliary relays and auxiliary contacts and circuit breakers shall be provided as necessary
and if indicated to transmit alarm signals to remote control buildings.
Alarms shall be as indicated on the Contract Drawings and shall be selected from:
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Section 21
Part 3
Protective Devices
Page 12
circuit breaker tripped
power failure
standby generator failed-to-start.
Padlocks shall be provided for all handle operated circuit breakers, fuse-switches, isolators
and the like.
Padlocks and keys shall be housed inside a safety key box located in the relevant electrical
switch rooms, including padlocks and keys for lockable field equipment supplied from the
Safety key boxes shall also be lockable using a master key.
Hours Run Meters
There shall be two counters provided for each motor. The one counter shall be nonresettable hour run meter, rotating disc type for measuring total operating period
(accumulative) of a motor. The minimum size shall be 48 x 48 mm. The counting capacity
shall be 99,999.99 hours. The color of the decimal digits shall be red while the color of other
digits shall be white.
The second counter shall be provided for counting total (accumulative) number of start of
motors 75kW and above. This shall be non-resettable, electronic type with permanent
memory retention arrangement and LCD display to indicate Number of start of a motor.
Thermistor relay
All motors where recommended by the manufacturer or 30 kW and above shall be protected
against excessive temperature, poor cooling, high ambient temperature, high starting
frequency etc. by providing thermistors unless otherwise specified.
Thermistors shall be of PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) type made of platinum wire
Pt100 having resistance of 100 ohms at 0 degree C. These shall be embedded in the stator
winding/slot and the leads of the elements shall be brought out to a separate terminal block
located within the junction box of the motor.
Thermistors shall have a tamper proof pre-set point and fast response time.
Thermistors shall be designed to include the following features:(a)
rapid responding
UL/CSA recognized component
eliminates nuisance trips
field-proven Klixon design
requiring no field adjustment
allows full use of motor rating
directly senses winding over-heating
Thermistors shall protect the motor against the following conditions:(a)
locked rotor
running overload
single phasing
voltage unbalance
high motor ambient temperature
blocked ventilation
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Thermistors have to be connected to a separate control unit that enables tripping of the motor
through the starter contactor upon change of resistance of elements in the thermistor circuit
beyond pre-determined value.
The wiring of the relay module shall be so done, that inhibit the starting of the pumps
automatically even after the temperature limit sensors have cooled and reclosed the circuit.
The facility shall be provided in the motor control centre to reset the control circuit manually,
ensuring that a proper cause of overheating has been determined and corrected prior to the
restart of the pumps in auto mode.
Additional to the sensing of winding temperature by the thermistor, means shall be provided
to monitor the bearing temperature wherever possible and as recommended by the motor
Moisture and mechanical seal leakage protection
All submersible sewage pump motors shall be provided with a dedicated moisture and
mechanical seal leakage protection relay.
The moisture sensing probes extended into the oil chamber located between the lower
(outer) and upper (inner) seals to detect the presence of moisture in case of failure of outer
The probes shall also detects water in the motor chamber and provide a warning prior to the
water reaching the bearing or wound stator assemblies. The sensor leads must be connected
to a moisture relay equipped with alarm contacts for indication.
The moisture detection relay shall be supplied by the pump motor manufacturer and to be
free issued by the contractor to the Motor Control Centre Vendor together with detailed
schematic diagrams and work instructions pertaining to the mounting and location of the
The Motor Control Centre vendor shall strictly adhere to the wiring practices and works
instructions as provided by the manufacturer.
Timers shall be plug-in or surface-mounting types; solid state microprocessor based
employing CMOS IC technology.
Timers shall be suitable for operation on a nominal 240 V AC, 110V AC, 24 V AC/DC or other
voltage as specified or deemed necessary for the safe operation.
Timers shall have linearly calibrated scales, in units of time, each scale division being a
maximum of 5% of full scale. Repeat accuracy shall be within 0.5% of full scale.
Timers shall be provided with “energized” and “timed out” indicators.
Plug-in timers shall be fitted with transparent dust-proof covers. External connections shall be
screw clamp terminals which are easily accessible with the timer in position
Timers shall be secured to their bases by retaining bar or clip to prevent malfunction due to
the relay being loosened in its base.
The pin configuration shall be printed on the casing of the timer and on its associated bases
in order to ensure correct pin alignment.
Timer shall be provided with 10 Amps. Rated output relay with DPDT contacts.
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Protective Devices
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Unless specified otherwise, timers shall be provided for circuits that require delay on operate,
delay on release, and star-delta starting of a 3-phase induction motor.
Multifunction timing relay programmable where specified shall be provided to the satisfaction
of the engineer.
The use of pneumatic timers, motor driven timers and other special timers shall be avoided
unless specifically mentioned in the particular requirements and the same shall be subjected
to the review and approval by the engineer.
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Section 21
Part 4
Motor Starters
Page 1
MOTOR STARTERS ..................................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
DOL Starters
Star Delta Starters
Auto Transformer Starting
Slip Ring Rotor Resistance Starters
Reduced Voltage “Soft Starters”
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 6
Earth Bonding
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Section 21
Part 4
Motor Starters
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This Part includes the supply and installation of motor starters and associated equipment.
The following standards shall be followed
BS EN 60439, IEC 439
BS EN 60947-4
BS EN 60947-1, IEC 947
Coding of indicating devices and actuators by colour and
supplementary means
Specification for low-voltage switchgear and control gear
Contactors and motor Starters
Low Voltage switchgear and control gear
Motor starters shall be rated to carry the full load current of its rated duty at its most severe
load conditions. All starters shall be capable of a minimum of 10 starts per hour at 100% full
load torque unless otherwise specified.
Motor starters shall be rated to carry the full load current of its rated duty at its most severe
load conditions. All starters shall be capable of at least 20 starts per hour at 100 % full load
In accordance with the current QGEWC regulations, motors up to and including 11 kW shall
be started direct on line. Motors above 11 kW shall incorporate assisted starting.
Motor starters shall be housed in a separate cubicle compartment of the relevant motor
control centre and each starter cubicle shall contain the following components, or as
otherwise indicated on the Project Drawings or Project Documentation.
1 no. triple pole ACB or MCCB or fuse switch, as indicated on the Project Documents,
externally operated and interlocked with the cubicle door. There shall be provision for
padlocking in the OFF position.
1 no. starter, comprising one of the following types, as indicated on the Project
direct on line
close transition star/delta
(iv) reduced voltage “soft start”
rotor resistance
(vi) auto - transformer
1 no. motor protection relay, as specified in Part 3
1 no. set of auxiliary relays and timers required to provide the necessary indication
and control sequence
1 no. set of main motor terminals and auxiliary terminals for remote controls and
1 no. set of terminals for remote lock-off stop push buttons
1 no. control circuit transformer, where applicable
1 no. anti-condensation heater
1 no. set of power factor correction capacitors with separate fuses for all drives above
11 kW, to give a power factor of not less than 0.85.
Thermistor relays where applicable
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BS EN 60073
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Section 21
Part 4
Motor Starters
Page 3
The components of the starter shall be type tested and ASTA certified to achieve Type 2 coordination in accordance with IEC 947.
The following equipment shall be mounted on the door of the starter cubicle, or as otherwise
indicated in the Project Drawings or Project Documentation.
All starters shall contain a totally enclosed dust proof timer, or the operation will be controlled
by a timer in the automatic section, which shall prevent pump(s) starting after a power failure
until after a pre-set time has elapsed. The timer(s) or contacts shall be adjustable in the
range 50 to 200 percent of the anticipated maximum delay which shall be taken as twice the
total time required for all pumps to start and run steadily having been started consecutively.
The timer(s) or contacts shall be set to give individual sequential start after a power failure
with no drive starting until its predecessor has reached full steady running.
DOL Starters
DOL starters shall consist of a TP contactor for switching direct on line in accordance with BS
EN 60947-4-1 and fitted with auxiliary contacts.
Contactors shall be selected for category AC-3 duty.
Star Delta Starters
Star-delta starters shall be provided with contactors as for DOL starters, arranged in such a
manner to ensure the star contactor opens before the delta contactor closes.
The period of running in star and the transition time shall be controlled by adjustable solid
state type timers.
For closed transition type star-delta starters, further requirements shall be wire wound or
pressed sheet resistor banks of sufficient thermal rating to allow three (3) consecutive starts
of 30 seconds period followed by a 15 minutes rest and another 30 seconds starting period.
They shall also be of sufficient thermal rating to allow 10 starts per hour in line with the pump
and starter specification unless otherwise specified. Resistance values shall be chosen to
give a high starting current with low transient current. A thermal cut out shall be provided for
transient resistance banks. Starter cubicles incorporating resistor banks shall be well
ventilated and vermin proof with ventilation louvres.
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1 no. ammeter, 96 X 96, with 240° scale fitted with suppressed scale to read motor
running and starting current, with an adjustable red pointer to indicate full load current.
The scale range shall be such that normal full load current gives approximately 60%
full scale deflection.
2 no. pilot lamps to indicate “SUPPLY ON” (Green) and “MOTOR RUNNING” (Red).
1 no. pilot lamp to indicate “MOTOR FAILED” (Amber)
pilot lamps (a separate lamp for each motor fault conditions)
1 no. “Hand/OFF/AUTO” Selector switch
1 set “Start/Stop” push button
1 no. externally operated overload reset push button
1 no. motor and cubicle heater “OFF/AUTO” control switch, where applicable
1 no. electronic hour counter reading to 99999 hours with analogue display, memory
and battery backup with reset button
lamp test push button
1 duty label.
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Part 4
Motor Starters
Page 4
Auto Transformer Starting
For auto-transformer starting there shall be provided magnetically operated starting,
accelerating and running contactors operating under adjustable electronic timing devices.
The auto-transformers shall limit the starting current to 4 times full load current (FLC) with
60%, 70% and 80% tappings. The auto-transformer starting system shall be capable of 10
starts per hour, each of 15 seconds operation time and a reset time of 2 hours at the end.
The auto-transformer shall also be capable of starting the duty motor 10 times in an hour
under actual operating conditions.
Slip Ring Rotor Resistance Starters
Where slip ring rotor resistance motor starters are employed the rotor resistance shall be of
the metal grid type and shall limit the starting current to that specified for the size of drive.
For slip ring rotor resistance starting there shall be provided magnetically operated starting,
accelerating and running contactors, operating under mechanical or electronic timing
Rotor resistance shall be mounted in floor standing units, panel top units or integral panel
units, complying with the following requirements:
floor standing units:
the rotor resistance may be mounted within floor standing cubicle constructed
of 2 mm (minimum ) thick sheet steel of welded construction
the cubicles shall be provided with adequate ventilation louvers and access to
the resistance units shall be by means of a lockable, hinged front door
the cubicle shall be arranged for cabling from below
(iv) both the exterior and interior of the cubicle shall be stove enamelled to BS
4800 shade 14 E 53 and the exterior shall be provided with warning notices to
indicate electrical hazard within
each cubicle shall be equipped with a heater which shall be continuously “on”
while the associated resistance bank is de-energised
Panel Top Units:
the rotor resistance may be mounted within separate cubicles mounted on top
of the control panel. These cubicles shall be identical in construction to the
control panel and dummy cubicles shall be provided as necessary to ensure
uniform height of the entire control panel
the cubicles shall be provided with adequate ventilation louvers and access to
the resistance units shall be by means of a lockable, hinged front door
cable connections to the main control panel shall be via suitable cable glands
to maintain the integrity of the control panel enclosure
(iv) each cubicle shall be equipped with a heater which shall be continuously “on”
while the associated resistance bank is de-energised.
Integral Panel Units:
the rotor resistance may be mounted within a cubicle with the control panel
itself provided that:
 the resistance cubicle is adequately ventilated font and rear
 the resistance cubicle is provided with suitable cable gland entries to maintain
the integrity of the control panel enclosure
 the resistance cubicle is located so that no electrical components are
mounted above it
 the motor starter equipment is located in a separate, totally enclosed cubicle
within the control panel
1 no. TP wound magnetic overload relay fully adjustable but set at the actual current
setting required to trip under a stalled motor condition with the maximum time that the
motor characteristic permits this condition to exist.
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Part 4
Motor Starters
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Reduced Voltage “Soft Starters”
Solid-state reduced voltage motor starters shall be closed transition, shunt duty type with
isolation contactor and bypass contactor. When the motor reaches full speed, the bypass
contactor bypasses the soft starter power section. The solid-state power section shall consist
of six silicon controlled rectifiers (two per phase connected back to back, in reverse parallel
configuration) to provide soft start. The starters shall conform to the latest IEC Standards.
The starters shall use the current limit method of starting with the current adjustable between
150 percent and 425 percent of full load current of the motor. At turn-on, the control ramps up
to the current limit in approximately 1 second and maintains that current until the motor
comes up to full speed. If a problem exists and the motor fails to reach rated speed within a
predetermined period of time, the control will shutdown. The starter shall provide a smooth,
stepless acceleration and deceleration of the load from start to full speed and from full speed
to stop. The starter shall be equipped with metal oxide varistor type surge suppressers
across the SCR to protect against voltage transients and resistor/capacitor scrubber
networks to protect against false firing of the SCR. Each SCR heat sink shall have a
temperature sensor that shall shut the starter down in the event of an over temperature
condition. When a starter failure occurs, the actual problem shall be indicated by an LED on
the control panel front.
There shall be a overcurrent protective device, which shall provide over current protection
and main disconnect function for the control unit. The position of the operating handle shall
indicate “ON” or “OFF” position of the protective device and include provision for padlocking
in the “OFF” position. This protective device shall be equipped with a shunt trip and shall trip
when there is a SCR or plant power failure. Motor space heaters shall be energised when the
motor is not running.
The reduced voltage starters shall be equipped with micro-processor controlled motor
protection relays to control, monitor and protect the motors. The relay shall monitor three
phase current and voltage and make trip and alarm decisions based on pre-programmed
motor current and voltage conditions. Control functions shall include start detection, starter
transition, incomplete sequence and number of starts per hour. The relay shall monitor and
display load current of each phase, percent of full load current of each phase and running
time. The relay shall protect the motor against time overcurrent, instantaneous overcurrent,
underload, phase unbalance, earth fault, phase loss and phase reversal.
The manufacturer shall supply certified test results to confirm that the controller has been
tested to substantiate designs according to applicable standards. The tests shall verify not
only the performance of the unit and integrated assembly, but also the suitability of the
enclosure venting, rigidity and bus bracing. In addition, the unit shall be factory tested in
accordance with applicable standards.
Manufacturer shall be prepared to show proper evidence of having tested for noise immunity
on both input and output power connections.
The softstarter shall be supplied factory configured ready to commission, without requiring
any parametering or reconfiguration at site.
The softstarter shall have the following protective feature as minimum:(a)
over temperature
phase Loss
phase reversal
shorted SCR
The softstarter shall have the following control feature as minimum:(a)
kick start 0-85% locked rotor torque – 0 to 2 seconds
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Motor Starters
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ramp start 0-85% locked rotor torque – 1 to 60 seconds
current limit start 0-85% locked rotor current – 1 to 60 S
soft stop 0 to 60 seconds
The softstarter shall be provided with high speed fuses as recommended.
The Contractor shall submit details of proposed equipment and method of installation to the
Engineer and QGEWC for approval prior to commencement of installation work.
Provide all the motor control equipment installations, wiring installations and tests, including
connections and interconnections for the electrical controls as indicated, specified and
required. Assure proper fits for all equipment and materials in the spaces shown on the
Drawings. The starter can be installed in a separate cubicle for MCC or can be an item in the
Distribution Board, as per the Project Documentation. The installation procedures as
applicable for MCC and DB shall also in general applicable for motor starter items.
Equipment shall be installed level and securely attached to the cubicle frames. The sections
shall be joined together with bolts, nuts and washers to form a complete unit assembly. Floor
standing equipment shall be installed on concrete plinths as shown on the Drawings.
Earth Bonding
Each panel board shall be individually bonded to main earth bar located in the electrical
Each panel section shall be cross bonded to adjacent panel section earthing terminal.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
Page 1
VARIABLE SPEED CONTROLLERS ............................................................ 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 4
Design Characteristics
Control System
Controller Keypad
Communications Interface
Fault Detection
Protection Features
Emergency Stop Control
Drive Enclosures
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 7
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Section 21
Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
Page 2
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) shall be of the solid state, static, voltage source type, using
minimum 32 bits microprocessor or the latest available, digital sine wave approximation
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) type. VFD’s shall be suitable for the particular application,
controlling mainly pumps with variable torque characteristics.
The VFD and associated control equipment shall be housed within a cubicle forming part of
the relevant Factory Built Assembly. A stand-alone control panel may however be provided
depending on the design, if the application requires special ventilation arrangements, or due
to space constrains within the FBA cubicles. Detailed technical proposals shall be submitted
for the Engineer’s review and approval.
The VFD shall be of a proven design that provides high pump efficiency, high availability,
minimum maintenance, substantial energy reduction and longer bearing and seal life at
reduced speeds.
The VFD shall control the speed by employing advanced torque control techniques and auto
tuning that measure and set all constant and critical parameters of the motor automatically.
The VFD cubicle to be considered as a starter with the only addition of VFD with display unit
and keypad and therefore shall comply with the requirements as described for starters and
FBA’s in QCS.
The contractor shall provide a properly matched pump - motor - drive system for the specific
duty operating in conjunction with VFD considering load - torque characteristics, KW rating,
efficiency, thermal capacity, power factor improvement etc.
The driving motor speed shall be variable between maximum speed at full load and at any
intermediate speed down to a tenth of full load speed by means of a variable frequency from
the VFD. The VFD shall provide a constant torque availability at any speed with a starting
torque of 1.5 times full load torque at maximum speed. The VFD shall be capable of
supplying the motor continuously at any frequency.
The VFD shall utilize a full wave bridge design incorporating diode rectifiers or semicontrolled bridge consisting of diodes-thyristors combination or 6-pulse/12-pulse converter
(whichever satisfy regulations pertaining to reduced harmonics distortion) or the latest
available technology.
A DC link choke-smoothing reactor shall be included to limit fault throughput.
The thyristors shall be chosen to have a rating of 2.5 times the normal peak working voltage.
Voltage peak transients for every thyristor shall be suppressed by a capacitor/resistance
network and excessively high rates of change of voltage (dv/dt) shall be limited by a
"snubber" network. Voltage spikes, which may be detrimental to any solid state component
or relay, shall be suppressed by suitable networks.
The thyristors shall be capable of maintaining continuously 10 per cent in excess of the
current imposed by the maximum load conditions. Thyristors shall be protected against
current overloads caused by malfunction of components or circuitry within the inverter or
external loads. Overcurrent protection and rate of current rise (di/dt) in the thyristors shall be
controlled by electronic current limiting devices, which shall cause trip current circuits to
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Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
Page 3
Thyristor heat sinks shall be provided with thermostats, which shall effect tripping in the event
of excessive temperatures occurring.
The printed circuit boards shall confirm to BS 4584 or other approved equivalent standard
and connections by multi-way sockets suitably treated to avoid high resistances being formed
between the plug and socket.
Anti-condensation heaters shall be provided complete with a hygrostat type switch with
reasonable setting range (50-100%), which operates when the preset value of %RH is
exceeded above dew point and have OFF/AUTO control on the cubicle front door. The heater
shall not be in operation when the VFD is functioning.
It will be necessary to conduct field tests to measure the harmonics with all VFDs regardless
of whether filters, reactors, chokes etc. are installed or not, running at 100 percent and 50
percent loads for the duration of at least 3 hours under each load condition. If drives don’t
meet the specified performance, the contractor shall provide an acceptable solution at no
extra cost.
The VFD shall be selected based on the following as the main advantages:(a)
User friendly allowing the operator to configure the VFD at site with ease.
Uniform motor running at all speeds.
Power factor close to unity regardless of the speed of the motor.
High overall system efficiency
No increase of noise in the motor.
The VFD shall be arranged to prevent nuisance tripping due to failure of supply for a short
duration (transient disturbances).
The drive shall conform to the requirements of IEC 146.
The drive shall comply with EMC requirements such as EC directive 89/336/EEC.
The drive shall conform to the guidelines outlined in the Electricity Association, London,
Engineering Recommendation G.5/3 regarding harmonic distortion. The level of harmonic
distortion shall not exceed 5 %.
The contractor shall carry out a harmonic assessment for the project and provide whatever
corrective measures are necessary to ensure that the installations harmonic distortion does
not cause deviations of the voltage characteristics other than those allowed by European
Standard EN 5016 – Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution
systems. The contractor shall obtain QGEWC approval of the assessment and the corrective
measures proposed. The contractor shall also provide cross-referenced confirmations from
the machine/motor suppliers and the control gear/soft starter or VSD manufacturers that the
equipment they are supplying is totally mutually compatible.
Total Harmonic distortion (THD) shall be limited to lowest level under 5% as per G5/4 in order
not to create stresses and resultant problems for the plant’s distribution systems. It may
therefore be necessary to provide active type a harmonic filter to achieve the required limits
as set by QGEWC and/or IEEE519.
Quality Assurance
The suppliers manufacturing facility shall be certified to the ISO - 9001 series of standards
from the International Standards Organisation.
The drive shall be warranted for a minimum of three years by the manufacturer.
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Section 21
Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
Page 4
The VFD shall convert 415 V - 3 Phase - 50 Hz, power to an adjustable voltage and
frequency for controlling the speed of the pump. The output voltage shall vary proportionally
with the output frequency to maintain a constant volts/hertz value up to a nominal frequency.
Above nominal frequency, the output voltage shall remain constant.
The incoming line power factor shall range between 1.0 and 0.95, lagging, over the entire
operating speed range.
The drive shall be capable of being stored at a temperature between -0 °C and 70 °C.
The drive shall be capable of operating in ambient temperature between 0 °C and 50 °C with
a relative humidity of up to 95 % (non-condensing).
The drive shall be capable of operating at altitudes up to 200 metres above sea level.
The drive shall be capable of operating at a minimum efficiency of 95% at full load and full
The rating of the drive unit must be sufficient for the continuous maximum rating of the motor
and not its running load.
The modulating control scheme shall closely approximate actual sine wave current
throughout the speed range of the drive.
The frequency resolution of the VFD shall be 0.01Hz.
The VFD shall not be sensitive to line notching from other VFD operating nearby.
The VFD shall be capable of passing through a momentary power outage of 3 cycles without
causing the drive to trip.
The VFD shall have an adjustable IR compensation (voltage boost) control capable of
providing 100% starting torque from the motor. The control shall be adjustable and provide
the additional voltage only at the frequency range required starting the motor.
Upon restoration of power following a power loss, if the VFD status is healthy, the VFD shall
be capable of re-starting upon receiving a start signal from the main processor.
The VFD shall continuously monitor its output current and frequency. Should the drive be
operating in current limit or below 10 Hz for 10 seconds (stall condition), the VFD will shut
down. The VFD shall allow site configuration of the parameters to match the application
The VFD shall have the capability to avoid up to five critical operating ranges. The critical
operating ranges (skip frequencies) shall have selectable bandwidth, configurable via the
operator interface.
The VFD shall be capable of operating with the output open circuited.
The VFD shall be capable of regenerating power from the motor to the DC bus for controlled
deceleration. The maximum deceleration rate shall be determined by the losses in the drive
system. The deceleration rate shall be constant and independent of motor speed.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
Page 5
Design Characteristics
The VSD shall have a fixed and alternatively variable V/f curve characteristic suitable for the
required application.
The VSD shall be capable of varying the motor speed from a maximum speed at full load and
at any intermediate speed down to 10% full load speed.
The drive shall be designed to be selectable for variable or constant torque. When selected
for constant torque, the drive shall supply 150% of rated current for up to one minute. When
selected for variable torque the drive shall supply 115% of rated current for up to one minute.
The VSD shall employ a pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter system with insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) to minimise audible motor noise and increase overall performance.
The drive shall be designed to have an adjustable PWM carrier frequency with a minimum
range from 2k Hz to 8k Hz to minimise audible motor noise.
The drive shall be optimised for 4k Hz switching frequency at 44 kW (60 HP) or less and 2 K
Hz at 55 kW (75 HP) and larger.
The drive must be capable of switching on to a motor already rotating in either direction.
The starting arrangement must include a ramp speed control, to achieve starting currents not
exceeding normal full load current.
Control System
The VFD shall have self-diagnostic features on power-up to validate memory, analogue
reference, communication link, dynamic breaking if any, and control power etc.
The VFD design shall include SCR heatsink construction for heat transfer
The VFD shall include semiconductor metal oxide varistors (MOVs) or other approved
equivalent method to the approval of the Engineer for protection against voltage surges.
Other built-in features of the VFD shall be PID, auto start, multiple pump control, reverse run
protection and restart after instantaneous power failure.
The VFD shall self configure to the main operating voltage and frequency.
Upon power up, the VFD shall first check availability of connected motor and then update its
memory by storing the new data, compare the data, auto tune by optimizing the operating
characteristics and run the motor.
The VFD shall be factory configured and preset requiring minimal site adjustment during
The VFD output frequency shall be controllable between 0 – 120 Hz.
An AC pre-settable fault current limiting facility shall be provided to ensure that when a
setting is exceeded voltage and frequency are automatically controlled.
The VFD shall facilitate field adjustment of the following parameters as minimum:(a)
The motor acceleration 0-600 seconds
The motor deceleration 0-600 seconds
The voltage to frequency ratio boost in proportion to load torque
Compensation for motor slip from 0-5 per cent with varying load torque
Minimum frequency set control
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Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
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Maximum frequency set control
Presentable current limit facility
The VFD memory shall retain and record, run and fault status with a minimum of 8 last fault
The contractor shall furnish details of specific installation and cable lengths to the
manufacturer of the VFD and obtain in writing, the recommended size, type and specification
of power and control cables used between the VFD and the motor.
The VFD cubicle shall be provided with additional control and accessories if any are deemed
necessary to meet the operating logic as described in the particular requirement.
The VFD shall include any additional protective features not detailed in the specification but
recommended by the manufacturer in order to avoid damage to the VFD or Motor.
Controller Keypad
The VFD shall be provided with a unit mounted but detachable LCD display unit, provided with a
three metre length of cable, suitable for mounting on the cubicle door. The VFD shall allow the
program stored in one drive to be copied to another drive by using the display unit and supplied
software. Interconnecting cables and associated accessories together with a user manual must
accompany the VFD.
All parameters shall be password protected to prevent tampering and unauthorised changes.
Communications Interface
The drive shall incorporate an RS 485 serial communications interface to allow full drive
control, programming, monitoring and diagnostics, including access to history record.
The VFD shall be provided with communication interface and facility to integrate the
operation of the system. The facility employing communication protocols e.g. profibus,
modbus etc. shall be compatible with other system equipments such as the PLC, RTU etc.
The contractor shall provide a suitably sized programming device (laptop) complete with all
necessary connection cables, software and licences for configuration and maintenance of the
Fault Detection
The drive shall keep a record of the last ten trips, plus a 100 sample history record of up to
ten pre-defined parameters to enable fast diagnosis and minimum down time. Automatic
printout of history record to a serial printer shall be an available feature.
The VFD shall have a programmable fold back function that will sense a controller/motor
overload condition and fold back the frequency to avoid a fault condition.
A dedicated microprocessor based electronic motor protection system to be provided for the
protection of the motor.
The VFD shall have UL listed solid state I²t protection and class 10 or equivalent overload
protection as per BSEN 60947 meeting Type 2 co-ordination. Semiconductor fuses providing
the required protection may be permitted to use as approved by the engineer
The VFD shall be protected against short circuit between output phases and ground, analog
outputs and logic circuit.
Protection Features
The drive shall incorporate the following protective functions:
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Variable Speed Controllers
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active limiting of fundamental current by frequency fold back on acceleration loads and
frequency hold on decelerating loads
overcurrent protection
short circuit protection
fast acting supply fuses
DC intermediate bus undervoltage
DC intermediate bus overvoltage
power section overtemperature
earth fault protection without damage
power section faults.
The drive shall be protected against supply-phase loss and mains discontinuity.
The drive shall have a selectable auto-restart after trip.
The drive shall be designed to shut down with no component failure in the event of any of the
above fault conditions arising.
Emergency Stop Control
The drive shall incorporate facilities to allow the connection of an Emergency Stop Pushbutton to ensure effective direct stopping of the drive if dangerous situations arise. The
means provided should include direct connection to an air-break device e.g. a contactor,
arranged such that its opening on-load:
does not inhibit any in-built deceleration provided by the variable speed controller
does not produce additional safety hazards
does not cause damage to the controller.
Such contactors shall be to BS EN 60947-1 with utilisation category AC-3.
Drive Enclosures
Drive enclosures shall generally be fabricated in accordance with the requirements for motor
control centres specified in Part 2.
The drive enclosure shall have a protection rating of IP 31 minimum to BS EN 60947-1.
Where necessary, forced cooling shall be provided incorporating a visual indication on the
front of the cubicle door in the event of a cooling system failure.
Ventilation grills shall be fitted with sand trap filters.
Anti-condensation heaters shall be provided with a thermostat and have OFF/AUTO control
on the cubicle front door. The heater shall not be in operation when the inverter is functioning.
The following documentation shall be provided:
load de-rating (with tender)
harmonic distortion (with tender)
circuit diagrams
maintenance instructions
fault diagnosis
parts list with part numbers
commissioning instructions
general arrangements drawings
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Part 5
Variable Speed Controllers
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A recommended spares list for two years continuous operation shall be submitted at the time
of tender. Where multiple, identical units are being supplied a rationalised list, i.e. not a
summation of individual drives, requirements, should be produced.
The manufacturer of the drive system shall have a factory trained service representative
residing in the Qatar for commissioning, programming and to provide training and after sales
The representative shall be trained in the installation, maintenance and trouble-shooting of
the equipment specified and shall assist the Contractor to set-up and commission the
variable speed motor drives and controls.
System validation tests shall be performed on all VSD’s.
The integrated site test on the VFD, motor and all other associated devices shall be
conducted to verify the input and output current, voltage, frequency, power factor,
acceleration and deceleration rate etc. in accordance with the operating characteristics as
approved by the Engineer.
Test VFD at different operating conditions by adjusting parameters (25, 50, 75 and 100%).
Record the performance and verify.
The power system shall be tested for harmonics, line notching and for RFI/EMI in cable
circuits and in the air.
Tests shall be performed during normal plant operation and during operation with the
emergency generator.
The test results so obtained shall be used to calculate the Total Harmonic Distortion (%THD)
and compare the same with IEEE 519 and QGEWC regulation.
The manufacturer's engineer or their trained and qualified engineer working full time with the
local supplier shall conduct all tests on site.
Upon completion of site tests a duly signed report listing all tests and checks, together with all
supporting documents and drawings where applicable, shall be submitted to the Engineer for
review. The Owner’s representative shall be invited to witness the tests.
Submit all test reports, drawings and supporting documents to the Engineer and QGEWC
and obtain written approval from both prior to the system being accepted by the Owner.
The AC drive manufacturer shall provide an on site training program for the operating
personnel. This program shall provide operating and instruction manuals, training in
equipment operation, and troubleshooting of the AC drive. The training program shall include,
but not be limited to:
Instruction on the basic theory of pulse width modulation control
Instruction on the layout of the variable frequency controller indicating the location
and purpose of each component
instruction on troubleshooting problems related to controller
installation and removal of printed circuit boards
actions to take under failure of controller
necessary cleaning of component parts.
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Section 21
Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
Page 1
CABLES AND SMALL WIRING ..................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
Products Delivery, Storage and Handling
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 4
Performance Requirements for Environmental Conditions
Jointing 11 kV, L.V. and Pilot Cables
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 10
Cable Trays
Spacing Between Cables
Trench Depth
Cable tiles
Removal of Existing Cables
Quarry Scalping
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Section 21
Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
Page 2
This Part specifies the general requirements for power cables and small wiring systems. It
shall be read in conjunction with other parts of the Project Documentation.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Cable Trays
Wiring Accessories and General Power
Cables and wires shall comply with the following standards as appropriate:
BS 1442 ........... Galvanized mild steel wire for armouring cables
BS 2484 ........... Straight concrete clay ware covers
BS 2897 ........... Aluminium strip armour for cables
BS 3506 ........... Unplasticised PVC pipe for industrial purposes
BS 4066 ........... (IEC 332) Tests on electric cables under fire conditions
BS 4660 ........... Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-u) pipes and plastic fittings of nominal
.............. sizes 110 and 160 for below ground gravity drainage and sewerage
BS 5308 ........... Instrumentation cables.
BS 5467
(IEC 502) Cables with thermosetting Insulation for electricity supply for
voltages of up to and including 600/1000 V and 19000/30000 V
BS 6004 ........... (IEC 227) PVC insulated cables (non-armoured) for electrical power
BS 6007 ........... Rubber insulated cables for electric power and lighting
BS 6207 ........... (IEC 245) Mineral insulated cables.
BS 6234 ........... Polythene insulation and sheath for cables.
BS 6346 ........... PVC insulated cables for electrical supply.
BS 6360 ........... (IEC 228) Copper conductors for cables.
BS 6500 ........... (IEC 227) Insulated flexible cords.
BS 6622
(IEC 502) Cables with extruded cross linked polyethylene Insulation, for rated
voltage 3800/6000 V up to 19000/30000 V
BS 6746 ........... PVC Insulation and sheath of electric cables
BS 6746C ........ Colour chart for insulation and sheath of electric cables
BS 6899 ........... Rubber insulation and sheath of electric cables
BS 7671 ........... Requirements for electrical installations
BS EN 29453 ... Soft solder alloys-chemical composition and forms
ISO 9000 ......... Quality management and assurance standards
Cable terminations shall comply with the following specifications:
BS 1858 ........... Bitumen based compounds for electrical purposes
BS 4579
Performance of mechanical and compression Joints in electric cable and wire
BS 6121 ........... Mechanical cable glands for elastomer and plastic Insulated cables
BS 6910
Cold pour resin compound and heat shrink cable joints in the voltage range
up to 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC
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This Section
Part 1
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 23
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Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
Page 3
Quality Assurance
The Contractor shall determine the correct size of cables to be used for the equipment
selected, based on current rating and voltage drop, as relevant, after taking into
type of cable and wire
ambient conditions
method of installation
the disposition of each cable relative to other cables
fault power level
protective device ratings
motor circuit voltage drop during starting.
Voltage drop and current ratings shall be calculated according to QGEWC Regulations or
BS 7671 and IEE regulation, whichever is more stringent.
All cables and wires shall be suitable for installation and continuous service in the ambient
conditions described in Part 1, and shall be manufactured to ISO 9000 or equivalent.
Approximate cable route lengths and equipment power ratings indicated on the Project
Drawings shall be for calculating cable sizes for tendering purposes. The Contractor shall
determine exact cable lengths from site measurements and calculate cable size from the
power ratings of the actual equipment being proposed. The Contractor shall be responsible
for any increase in costs or design work associated with proposed equipment which has
different electrical characteristics than the equipment on which the design was based.
Cables from manufacturer whose product have been in satisfactory use in similar services in
the state of Qatar for not less than 5 years shall be used only. Certificate of origin shall be
submitted with the offer.
Shop Drawings and Product Data:
submit full technical details including cable sizing calculations and catalogue
information of each type of cable or wire proposed for the Engineer’s approval before
submit copy of test certificates from the manufacturer or an independent testing
authority confirming that cables comply with the Specifications
submit exact route of the cable runs and relevant Sections in the shop drawings,
including fixing details, termination details etc.
Products Delivery, Storage and Handling
Reference Part 1.
Each drum length of cable shall be allotted a distinct and separate reference number. This
number shall appear on the test certificates covering the respective length of cable and shall
also be clearly marked on the cable drum.
The Contractor shall advise the Engineer upon delivery to site of each drum length, quoting
the reference number. The test certificates shall be handed to the Engineer for examination
and approval.
All cables shall be delivered to site with the manufacturer’s seals, labels or other proof of
origin intact. These labels and seals shall not be removed until the cable is required for use
and shall be retained for inspection by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the off-loading and handling of the cables on site, and
shall ensure that cables are delivered to site on drums and properly protected against
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Cables and Small Wiring
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mechanical damage. Where lengths are cut from cables, the open cable ends shall be
Performance Requirements for Environmental Conditions
The Contractor shall be aware of the need to supply and install all wire and cables for this
Contract which are most suitable for the special environmental conditions prevailing in Qatar.
All conductors shall have good fatigue resistance and not be subject to breaks due to nicks or
cuts when terminating.
Unless otherwise specified, cables and wires of the following specified voltage ratings shall
be used as indicated.
conductors shall be high conductivity copper, to BS 6360 (IEC 228) unless otherwise
copper conductors shall be stranded
signal control cables shall have solid conductors
flexible cords shall have fine stranded conductors
conductor sizes shall be metric. Conductors with cross sectional areas smaller than
those specified will not be accepted
insulation for each conductor shall be colour coded or otherwise identified as required
by the Regulations. Colour coding shall be maintained throughout the installation
the current carrying capacity of conductors has been determined in accordance with
the specified Regulations, the specified type of insulation and the expected conditions
of installation
all cables shall be as far as practicable, of one manufacturer only. All cables shall
comply with the relevant IEC/BS.
600/1000 V rated PVC Insulated armoured cables.
6350/11000 V rated cables : 11kV ring and radial circuit
600/1000 V rated cables : Main and sub-main distribution panels, motor control
centres, circuits serving process equipment
450/750 V rated cables
: Final sub-circuit supplies for lighting, socket outlets,
300/500 V rated cables
: Instrumentation
250 V rated cables
: Extra low voltage wiring, communication circuits
where the maximum voltage is 50 V.
Special screened and
: Music/paging systems, Cable and TV system cable
twisted pair conductors
PVC/SWA/PVC cable: 600/1000 V Grade, to BS 6346
conductor: Annealed high conductivity copper, stranded, shaped and laid in an
approved manner
armour: Single layer of galvanised steel wires for multicore cables
insulation: Colour coded to BS 6746C
PVC for sheath and insulation to BS 6746
cables shall be terminated with compression glands as specified below, giving
adequate mechanical support by locking on the armour and ensuring a
high earth continuity.
PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed (PVC/PVC) Cable.
to BS 6346, 600/1000V Grade, or to BS 6004, 300/500 V Grade
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QCS 2010
cable shall be to BS 6004, rated 450/750 V, with high conductivity copper
conductors and PVC compound insulation. Colour coding shall be in accordance with
table 51 A of BS 7671
wires shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and no splice shall be made except
within outlet and junction boxes. A separate neutral wire shall be provided for each
circuit. Wires shall be left sufficiently long enough (minimum 150 mm) to permit
making final connections.
to BS EN 60702 : Part 1, rated 600/1000 V
cable shall comprise of a pressure packed magnesium oxide insulation contained
within a continuous soft ductile copper sheath and copper conductors embedded in
the dielectric in standard formation
cable termination kit shall comprise of conductor insulation of neoprene sleeving
retained by cone shaped beads beneath a fibre sealing disc. Each conductor shall be
identified with regard to phase etc., by means of sleeving placed over the neoprene
cable seals shall comprise of screw-in-pot type seals, with brass ring glands designed
to accommodate the pot seal.
for cable up to 6 mm : two screw pinching type
for cable over 6 mm : grip lug type cable sockets
brass saddles: purpose made, two fixing screw type.
Heat Resistant and High Temperature cable:
to BS 6500, or BS 6004 300/500 V grade, designated EPR (ethylene polypropylene
rubber) insulated HOFR sheathed, 85 °C or EPR insulated OFR sheathed, 60 °C.
Conductor(s) shall be flexible class 5 tinned copper to BS 6360. Insulation shall be
type GP.1 to BS 6899. Outer sheath shall be HOFR (heat, oil, fume resistant) or
OFR (oil and fume resistant) sheath type RS3 to BS 6899 and flame retardant to
BS 4066 Part 1, temperature rating 60 ° or 85 °C
high temperature cable shall be to BS 6500 or BS 6007, designated 300/500 V grade
silicone insulated glass braided, 180 °C. Conductors shall be flexible class 5 tinned
copper to BS 6360. Insulation shall be silicone rubber type EI 2 to BS 6899. Outer
sheath shall be treated glass fibre braid, temperature rating 180 °C.
Flexible Cable:
flat twin and three core cable shall be to BS 6004 and incorporate an earth conductor
placed between the red and black cores for two core cable and between the yellow
and blue cores for three core cable
conductor: annealed high conductivity copper, stranded, shaped and laid in an
approved manner
insulation: Colour coded to BS 6746C
PVC for sheath and insulation : to BS 6746
Page 5
to BS 6007, or BS 6500, rated in accordance with manufacturer’s tables
flexible cables subject to excessive heat shall be insulated as (8) above, (a) or (b) as
per the Project Documentation requirement.
600/1000V rated XLPE Insulated Cable
to BS 5467, 600/1000V grade, designated XLPE/SWA/PVC for armoured multicore
cable, and XPLE/PVC for unarmoured cable
conductors : plain annealed copper to BS 6360
cable shall comprise of plain copper, stranded circular conductors insulated with an
adequate thickness of extruded cross linked polyethylene (XLPE)
QCS 2010
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Cables and Small Wiring
Mineral Insulated Cable:
Part 6
Single core PVC Insulated Wires:
Section 21
QCS 2010
conductors shall be laid up together and warmed circular with suitable performed
fillers and warnings, bound with polythene terephthalate (PTP) tape and covered with
an extruded PVC sheath, minimum 1.4 mm thick for multicore cable
armoured multicore cable shall have steel wire armouring and extruded sheath of
black PVC
armoured single core cable shall have aluminium wire armouring and extruded sheath
of black PVC
outer sheath of single core cables shall be at least 2.5 mm thick
conductor screen : non-metallic comprising either semi-conducting tape or a layer of
extruded semi-conducting material
prevent void formation in insulation by careful control of its passage through
temperature graded water baths
cable shall be terminated with compression glands as specified below, giving
adequate mechanical support by locking on the armour and ensuring high earth
cable shall be armoured type, rated 6350/11000 Volts, and shall comply with
BS 6622. Single core cable shall be designated 11 kV XLPE/AWA/PVC. Multi-core
cable shall be designated 11 kV XLPE/SWA/PVC
conductors shall be stranded copper complying with BS 6360, covered with a semiconducting screen extruded on to the conductors
insulation shall be extruded cross linked polyethylene suitable for continuous
operation at 90 °C, able to accept a final temperature of 250 °C in the event of a short
circuit, and covered with a screen consisting of an extruded semi-conducting layer
and a copper tape layer
armoured cables shall have a secure bedding, over the core or core assembly, for
the armour. For single core cable, the bedding shall consist of a PVC sheath. For
multi-core cable, the bedding shall consist of non-hygroscopic fillers
single core cable shall have aluminium wire armour. Multi-core cables shall have
galvanised steel wire armour. Cable shall be covered with a red coloured PVC
electrical design stress at any point in the insulation shall not exceed 3 kV per mm
to BS 5308 part 2, type 2,300-500 V
single copper conductor 1/0.8 mm
polyethylene insulation
individual screen of aluminium backed polyester tape with tinned copper stranded
drain wire
collective screen of aluminium backed polyester tape with tinned copper stranded
drain wire
extruded PVC bedding
galvanised steel wire armour
PVC outer sheath, gray
core identification as BS 5308 Part 2.
Instrumentation Cables - Digital Signals:
Page 6
Instrumentation Cables - Analogue Signals:
Cables and Small Wiring
6350/11000V Cable
Part 6
to BS 5308 part 2, type 2 300-500 V
single copper conductor 1/0.8 mm
polyethylene insulation
collective screen of aluminium backed polyester tape with tinned copper stranded
drain wire
extruded PVC bedding
galvanised steel wire armour
PVC outer sheath, Gary
Core identification as BS 5308 Part 2.
Pilot cables shall comply with following requirements:
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Cables and Small Wiring
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Pilot cables shall be PVC insulated multi core cables to be used for:
Standard pilot wires protection schemes
Telecommunication purpose.
Conductors shall be stranded copper, plain annealed and in accordance with BS 6360.
Core insulation shall be PVC complying with requirements of BS 6746. It shall be
applied by an extrusion process and shall form a compact, homogenous body of
uniform thickness. Insulation thickness shall be in compliance with BS 6346.
Core identification shall be by one of the following:
Number printed on the core insulation
Colour, 4mm cores having colours Red, Blue and Black.
Bedding shall be compliance with BS 6346.
The cables shall have a single layer of galvanised steel wire armour of diameter
1.6mm in accordance with BS 6346.
The oversheath shall be of black PVC in compliance with BS 6746 Type 1 compound.
It shall have a minimum thickness of 1.7mm and shall be in general compliance with
BS 6346.
Source Tests on Cables
Provide test certificates against each drum and /or cable length. These shall include:(i)
Part 6
high voltage D.C. insulation pressure test, between cores, each core to earth,
metallic sheath or armour as applicable.
insulation resistance test.
core continuity and identification.
conductor resistance test.
Field Tests on Cables
inform the Engineer prior to the testing of the cables and be responsible for liaising with
any other contractor to whose equipment the cables may be terminated to ensure that
all parties concerned are aware of the impending tests, to guarantee the safety of
personnel and that the isolation of any equipment has been completed. Any special
isolation or preparation required to be carried out before cable testing can be
completed, shall be carried out by the Contractor responsible for that equipment. All
tests shall be carried out by the Contractor and supervised by the Engineer.
All cables shall be tested in accordance with the latest QGEWC requirements and the
relevant BS and IEE regulations for the class of cable. QGEWC shall be given the
opportunity to witness the testing of high voltage cables and these shall be tested in
accordance with their specific requirements.
demonstrate correct phasing of cores in all cables throughout the works and test the
insulation of all cables, both between the cores and between the cores and earth,
during installation with a 500-volt insulation tester.
Cable Jointing and Termination:
joints in wires and cable shall be avoided wherever possible. Joints in flexible
cables and cords are not permitted
joints and terminations of all power cables shall be made by skilled cable jointers
approved by the Engineer
no reduction in the number of strands of a cable core shall be allowed at a cable joint
or termination
ferrules, compression connectors and bare portions of cable core resulting from a
jointing or terminating process shall be insulated with an approved type of insulating
tape or heat shrinkable tubing after completion of process. Such insulating tape or
heat shrinkable tubing shall have equal or better electrical and mechanical properties
than those of the original insulation removed, and shall be adhered to the cores etc.
securely and permanently. The final thickness shall be in smooth contour throughout
the whole length
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QCS 2010
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every compression joint shall be of a type which has been the subject of a test
certificate as described in BS 4579. When a compression joint is made, the
appropriate tools specified by the manufacturer of the joint connectors shall be used.
a circuit protective conductor having adequate cross sectional area and of same
material as the phase conductors shall be installed and connected to maintain the
effectiveness of the earth continuity across every cable joint
all cable jointing and termination shall be witnessed by the Engineer
sufficient spare cable shall be allowed to remake the joint or termination
above ground cable joints and terminations shall be accessible
cable cores shall pass through glands or termination boxes directly to equipment
terminals, without crosses if practicable.
straight through joints for copper conductors: Where permitted by the Engineer,
conductors shall be jointed by approved type compression connectors using the
appropriate tools and connectors
joints shall be made core-to-core.
Joints Boxes and Termination Boxes
malleable cast iron boxes for joints in all power cables shall be compound filled and of
adequate size. The boxes shall be fitted with suitable armouring clamps and glands.
The armouring of the cables shall be terminated at the armouring clamps and the
inner sheath shall pass through the gland. Self amalgamating tapes shall be applied
to give fully screening insulation reinstatement where the insulation is screened
the box and compound shall be at the correct temperature before the compound is
poured to allow total adhesion between the compound and the box. The compound
shall then be allowed to cool and topped up before the box is closed. No air locks
shall be formed within the box
with the consent of the Engineer, plastic shells fitted with suitably sized armour bond
and filled with an approved type of cold pouring encapsulating compound to BS 6910
may be used as an alternative to the compound filled cast iron joint boxes for jointing
PVC-insulated power cables. In such cases, the complete jointing kit, including
plastic shell, compound, insulating tape etc. shall be from the same proprietary
manufacturer who is specialised in manufacturing products for this purpose. The
jointing methods and procedures, as laid down by the manufacturer, shall be followed
in strict accordance
MICC mains cable: joints shall be suitably sized galvanised malleable iron adaptable
box with glands and fixed base mechanical clamping connectors of approved design.
For external use the jointing box shall be enclosed in a second galvanised box with
glands, filled with encapsulating compound
Cable Glands
Cables and Small Wiring
cable glands shall be used for terminating cables to switch gear, switch boards, motor
control centres, motors and other equipment
they shall be brass compression glands and comply with the relevant part of BS 6121,
except for MICC cables, which shall comply with BS 6207 Part 2.
glands for armoured or screened cables shall have suitable clamps
external compression glands shall have close fitting PVC shrouds
earthing for armouring and metallic sheaths: suitable brass or copper clamps, and
copper strip conductor in accordance with QGEWC requirements, and not less than
2.5 sq. mm
cables forming part of a LAN or structured cable system shall be terminated to floor
plates or wall sockets compatible with the media interface connector specified for the
particular network being used.
Cable Sockets:
shall be correct size for type of cable
shall be sweating type, or an approved crimping type used with an approved crimping
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Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
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sweating sockets for conductors 70 sq. mm. and over shall be machined cast brass.
Fire Barriers:
shall be purpose made, comprising a rigid fixed frame with adjustable seals and a
suitable clamping device
in fire compartment separation walls and floors shall be same standard of fire
resistance as wall or floor.
Cable Covers: shall be to BS 2484 and concrete covers exceeding 300 mm wide shall be
Pipe Ducts : shall be PVC or as indicated.
Solder: an alloy of lead and tin to BS EN 29453 grade F or H, unless otherwise
recommended by cable manufacturer.
Cable Sealing Compounds: shall be tropical grade to BS 1858 or BS 6910 and approved by
cable manufacturer, of an oil-resisting compound where the difference in level between cable
ends exceeds 6 m.
Cleats: shall be an approved claw type cast aluminium, gunmetal, plastic or brass of
approved type, two bolt fixing for cables greater than 50 mm diameter.
Cable Markers:
shall be precast concrete, minimum size 300 x 300 mm x 100 mm deep
the markers shall be engraved “HV CABLE”, “ELECTRIC CABLE”, “ELV CABLE”,
“EARTH PIT” or “CABLE JOINT”, as applicable
cable marker construction details and engravings shall be approved by QGEWC.
Cable Transits
cable transits shall have a stainless steel frame which shall be cast into or bolted to the
structural concrete.
the insert blocks shall be proofed against fire, explosion, water, rodents and gas.
the design shall be such that at a later date cables can be added or removed with
minimal disturbance to the remaining cables.
the whole cable transit assembly shall be of an approved proprietary modular system
which shall be certified by a recognised International Testing Authority.
full details of proposed cable transits shall be submitted for the approval of the
Jointing 11 kV, L.V. and Pilot Cables
All jointing shall be carried out to instructions of QGEWC and the Engineer and only by
approved Jointers. All jointing shall be carried out in accordance with the QGEWC
Safety Rules.
All connections to lead sheaths shall be plumbed.
11 kV Cables
Terminations - These shall generally be of the heat shrinkable type using compression
connectors although occasionally compound filled terminations shall be required.
Generally crossed cores shall be avoided.
Straight Joints - Intermediate joints shall be joined in the easiest way avoiding crossed
Phasing joints - Phasing shall be in accordance with the instructions of QGEWC and
the Engineer to obtain correct phasing. The joints shall be of the bituminous filled type
using sweated ferrules.
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Section 21
Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
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Pilot Cables - These shall be jointed in accordance with instructions of QGEWC and the
Engineer. The joints shall be resin filled type using compression connectors for straight joints
and mechanical glands for terminations.
600/1000 Volt Cables
Installing cables:
pull cable into position by hand, where possible using an adequate number of
operative roller guides suitably positioned along cable length
obtain approval of pulling cables by winch or similar appliance
when pulling by winch or the like, fit a suitable tension gauge into the haulage line
between winch and cable. Pulling tension shall not exceed the limit recommended by
the cable manufacturer
do not allow cable to twist or rotate about its longitudinal axis
lay 3 phase groups of single core cables in trefoil formation. If this is not possible
obtain instructions
install cables to allow any one cable to be subsequently removed without disturbing
the remainder
underground cable horizontal separation shall be a minimum of 150 mm
damaged cables shall be removed, unless the Engineer agrees to a repair.
all cables shall be neatly run in all situations. Where two or more cables are to be
installed, cable tray must be provided.
where power cables are surface run on the external faces of structures or above ground
level they shall be installed on cable tray. They shall be protected from radiation of the
sun by means of purpose made sunshades, which shall be of an approved design,
securely fixed and fully ventilated.
mechanical protection by cable tray covers shall be provided for all cable trays above
ground/floor level to a height of 1000mm.
when more than one cable is to be terminated at particular items of equipment special
care should be taken to ensure that all cables to that equipment are routed from a
common direction and each is terminated in an orderly and symmetrical fashion. Each
and every cable shall be permanently identified at each end by its cable number as noted
within the schedules. The identification label shall be of adequate size and style to a
pattern approved by the Engineer and shall be securely fixed to its relative cable.
identification labels shall also be fixed on cables at each and every entry and exit point of
buried ducts, exits and entry to any structure and in such other positions as are
necessary to identify and trace the route of any site cable. The use of punch type
adhesive labels (Dymo-tape) will not be permitted.
where cables enter or leave structures or panel plinths, the ducts including spare ducts
shall be sealed at the points of entry or exit. Caulking shall be carried out with an
approved asbestos compound and followed by not less than 40mm of epoxy resin
two-mix cold waterproof compound or a weak sand/cement mixture as directed by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for temporarily sealing all cable ducts into
structures during the installation stage to prevent accidental flooding of structures.
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All jointing shall be on a colour basis such that:
Core 1: Red phase
Core 2: Yellow phase
Core 3: Blue phase
Core 4: Neutral
For terminations heat shrinkable techniques and compression connectors shall be
For straight joints heat shrinkable techniques of joints using bituminous compound or
resin shall be used at the discretion of QGEWC and the Engineer.
For tee or branch joints bituminous compound or resin shall be at the discretion of
QGEWC and Engineer. Mechanical or sweated connectors shall be used as decided
by QGEWC and the Engineer.
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Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
Page 11
during caulking care should be taken to ensure that the serving and/or armouring of any
cable is not damaged. Any damaged cables shall be replaced entirely.
all cables entering or leaving hazardous areas (e.g. wet well), air conditioned areas or
areas protected by a fixed fire fighting installation shall do so via approved proprietary
manufactured cable transits. Cables entering or leaving structures or passing between
rooms of the same classification may be sealed by alternative means subject to the
agreement of the Engineer.
cables shall be free from kinks and the whole installation shall present a neat
ties of PVC, nylon, plastic or similar material will not be permitted under any
protection of cables against possible mechanical damage shall be provided wherever
seen to be necessary by the Engineer. All cables are to be run with particular regard to
neatness. Multiple runs are to be arranged so that cables entering or leaving the run do
so in a logical order.
all power cables shall be terminated with palm type compression terminals of the correct
type and size.
special terminals shall be provided where necessary. Standard terminals which have
palms/holes which are oversized for the application will not be acceptable. Standard
terminals which are drilled out to a larger size, reducing the area of the palm will not be
removal of strands or shaving of conductors to enable them to be terminated at
terminals which are not designed for the size of cable necessary will not be permitted
at any point.
pneumatic crimping machines shall be employed with correctly sized dies. Hand
crimping shall not be used.
Bending Radius: as large as possible and cable shall not to bend to a radius less than that
specified in the relevant British Standard, QGEWC regulations or manufacturer’s
recommendation, whichever is largest.
Underground Cables in PVC-u Ducts:
cables shall be installed in ducts where there is hard standing or vehicular passage.
Ducts where there is vehicular passage or landscaped area shall be concrete encased
cable duct size shall be as specified in the Drawings, to BS 3506 Class B or BS 4660.
However the minimum duct wall thickness shall be as per the following:
run cables at least 300 mm clear of other services, whether the latter run parallel or
transversely to cable trench. use pulling compound, or lubricant to avoid excessive
stress on the cable, if required
run cables below intersecting piped services, unless the cable would be at a depth
exceeding 2 m, in which case seek instructions
ducts shall not be filled with cables to more than 60 % of their capacity
nylon draw cords shall always be left in ducts
cable duct pits shall be provided at each change in direction and in any case at
distances not exceeding 30 m
ducts shall be suitably sealed with polyurethane foam or proprietary cable sealing
arrangements if specified
empty ducts shall be plugged with removable plugs
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Cables and Small Wiring
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ducts shall have a minimum diameter of 100 mm.
protection shall be provided where mechanical damage is possible
unarmoured cables shall be protected by conduit, ducting or trunking
cables shall be protected from direct sunlight
cable spacings and layouts shall be as table 4A of BS 7671
cables shall be run at least 150 mm from other services.
Underground Cables in trenches
in areas of hard standing cables may also be installed in concrete or brick cable
trenches with removable covers
cables may be laid in a single layer on the trench floor, otherwise they shall be
supported on the sides of the trench on cable tray by cleats or ladders
cable spacings and layouts in the trenches shall be as table 4A of BS 7671
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the excavation and backfilling of cable trench work shall be carried out by the
excavated spoil shall be removed from the route of the trench. There shall be no loose
stones or other debris on either side of the trench for a distance of 1000mm.
the contractor shall supply and lay the sand bedding, cables, sand blinding, cable
cover tiles and marking tape. He shall also supply and lay cable route marker posts
after the backfilling and top soiling has been carried out.
the sanding and laying of all cables shall satisfy the following requirements:
cable depths shall be measured from the finished ground level unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer.
H.V. cables shall be laid at a depth of 1 meter.
L.V. cables shall be laid at a depth of 0.6 meter.
(iv) H.V. and L.V. cables may be run in the same trench but should be staggered.
however where necessary to pass through ductwork, cables shall be laid
vertically on top each other with the H.V. cables at the lowest level with a good
sand blinding forming the sand bedding for the L.V. cables.
before laying in cables the contractor shall inspect the trench work to ensure that
the trench bottom is of a smooth and firm contour and free from any sharp
materials or obstructions.
(vi) cable bedding within the trenches shall be formed by a 200-mm sand layer.
(vii) cables shall be laid with adequate separation and shall be “snaked” to avoid
tension during backfilling operations and subsequent settlement.
(viii) before sanding and backfilling, all laid cables shall be inspected by the Engineer,
and a further inspection following sanding and tiling shall be made by the
Engineer before backfilling.
(ix) after cables have been laid, they shall be covered by a further 200-mm of sand,
which shall be well tamped around the cables. Mechanical punners shall not be
used for this work.
after sanding cable cover tiles shall be placed in position to overlap the cables
by a minimum of 50 mm either side of the cables as per Clause 6.3.5 of this
(xi) the contractor shall carry out backfilling and shall ensure that cable cover tiles
are undisturbed and that large rocks, stones and the like (more than 20mm
diameter) are eliminated from backfill spoil.
(xii) after backfilling the contractor shall reinstate to finished ground level. The
contractor shall lay in position the necessary cable route markers at a maximum
of 10 meters apart and at entries to buildings and any change in direction.
(xiii) cables are to be spaced in accordance with QGEWC requirements i.e.
M.V./M.V. – 700mm, M.V./H.V. – 1000mm and H.V./H.V. – 1000mm.
(xiv) the contractor shall provide cable route markers to the approval of the Engineer
and engraved “Electricity Cables”, or other suitable legend, with the appropriate
Cables above Ground:
Part 6
Direct Buried Cables:
Section 21
QCS 2010
other services shall not be run in cable trenches.
cables shall be supported in accordance with the methods described in table 4A of
BS 7671. Other methods shall be approved by the Engineer
cables shall be supported at regular intervals and at spacings a maximum of 400 mm
for cleats for horizontal runs and 550 mm for vertical runs
vertical cable runs exceeding 100 m shall incorporate tension releasing sections
structured cable management systems or ladders shall be of G.R.P or galvanised
steel cable supports shall be provided at 300 mm intervals
MICC Cables:
run on surface of walls ceilings. Where embedded, run in a PVC trough or
run cables in square symmetrical lines. Where single core cables are run in
groups, bend the sheaths at maximum 50 mm centres
fix surface run cables with saddles at maximum 300 mm centres.
in areas where a constant ambient temperature exceeding 55C will occur, run all
final sub-circuits and distribution circuits in heat resistant cable
make conversion from PVC cable to heat resistant cable with a fixed block
connector housed and fixed into a conduit box or equal, except where the conversion
of cable types emanate from a switch, ceiling rose or similar fixed connector
Flexible Cables:
flexible cable shall be kept to a minimum and concealed if possible
mechanical retainment shall not depend on electrical connections.
Sealing Cables:
Page 13
seal both ends of cables immediately after tests
seal MICC cables immediately after cutting to prevent hygroscopic action by the
dielectric. All cables shall give an infinity test when tested on a 1000 volt Megger
immediately, and 48 hours after sealing
seal aluminium sheathed cables with a metal cap plumbed to the sheath
seal plastic sheathed cables with a plastic cap embracing the wires and outer sheath
mark cable ends in accordance with the relevant BS.
QGEWC will require to carry out inspections at the following stages:
Completion of excavations
Completion of bedding of trench prior to cable installation.
Cable installation
Completion of surround over cables and installation of cable tiles etc.
Upon completion of reinstatement.
The Contractor must not progress from one stage to the next of the above without the
approval of QGEWC and the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging
inspections by QGEWC to suit his programme of Works.
Cable Segregation
Only conductors carrying signals of the same instrumentation signal category shall be
contained within any one multi-core cable.
In each instrumentation signal category, a further segregation is required to ensure that
conductors forming part of an intrinsically safe circuit are contained within multi-core
cables reserved solely for such circuits.
High integrity signals such as data transmission or critical shut down signals shall be
contained in separate cables.
ICA/Telemetry cables sharing a cable tray, duct or route with power cables shall be
avoided. Power cables are defined as a.c. cables above 50 volts with a 10-amp rating.
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Cables and Small Wiring
Heat Resistant Cables:
Part 6
Cable Supports:
Section 21
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Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
Page 14
Where this is not practicable, a minimum maintained separation between cables
should be provided in accordance with Table 6.1.
Where the maximum current exceeds 100 amps or the voltage exceeds 650 volts, the
minimum segregation shall be in accordance to Clause 6.3.3 of this Section.
Where the length of an enforced parallel run between power and ICA/Telemetry cables
is greater than 500 meters, a progressive “pro-rata” increase in the segregation
distance shall apply.
The segregation distances shall be maintained by positive means and shall apply to
both above ground and below ground installations.
Where a crossover between power and ICA/Telemetry cables is unavoidable the cable
shall be arranged to cross at right angles. The number of crossovers shall be kept to a
Where cable installations are of a restrictive nature such as entries into buildings,
panels' etc. relaxation of the minimum segregation distance requirement from a power
cable(s) is acceptable. The minimum segregation distance shall then be the distance,
determined by the length of the parallelism at the restrictive section of the installation.
Where a manufacturer’s installation specification requires greater segregation than
detailed in Table 6.1 such as for data highway cables etc. the Contractor shall comply
with the manufacturer’s segregation specification.
Cables of different categories shall not be installed in the same duct
Public Telephone service (QTEL) cables shall be installed in separate ducts
Table 6.1
Minimum Segregation Distance for Cables
Minimum Segregation Distance
Requirement in mm
Distance over which parallelism exists between
signal and power cables in metres Power cable
Instrumentation Signal Classification
Category to BS 6739 or equivalent
Cat. 2
Cat. 3
Maximum current 10 amps
at any phase voltage up to
250 volts a.c. or d.c.
0 - <3
3 - <10
10 - <25
25 - <100
100 - <250
250 - < 500
Maximum current 50 amps
at any phase voltage up to
650 volts a.c.
0 - <3
3 - <10
10 - <100
100 - <250
250 - < 500
Maximum current 100
amps at any phase voltage
up to 650 volts a.c.
0 - <3
3 - <10
10 - <100
100 - <250
250 - < 500
Cable Trays
install cables on trays in a single layer, unless otherwise specified
use purpose made straps or saddles to maintain cables in a neat regular disposition
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Section 21
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Section 21
Part 6
Spacing Between Cables
High Voltage Cables
11,000 volt cables shall be laid with a horizontal spacing of 750mm between centres
and a minimum distance of 150mm from trench wall.
Pilot cables shall be laid with a horizontal spacing of 140mm from the associated main
cable in case of multiple cables trenches pilot cables shall be laid between the power
Low Voltage Cables - 1000 volt main cables shall be laid with a horizontal spacing of 600mm
between centres and with a minimum distance of 150m m from trench wall.
High Voltage and Low Voltage Cables in same trench - Where 11,000 volt and 1000 volt
cables are laid in the same trench the spacing between the 11,000 volt and 1,000 volt shall
be 750mm.
Reduction of Spacing - Any reduction from above spacing can only be permissible for lengths
of 10 m or less.
Trench Depth
High Voltage - For 11,000 volt cables the trench shall be 950mm deep.
Low Voltage
(a) For 1,000 V main cables the trench shall be 850mm deep
(b) For 1,000 V service cables the trench shall be 650mm deep.
Arrangements for Trenches with High Voltage and Low Voltage Cables - Where 11,000 volt
and 1,000 volt cables are to be laid along the same route a stepped trench shall be dug with
the 1,000 volt cables laid inside i.e away from the road.
Cable tiles
The Contractor shall provide and install:
Concrete cable tiles over all 66 kV cables. The cable tiles shall be of the size and form
shown on the drawings. Samples must be provided for approval by QGEWC and the
Engineer and satisfy a test of impact strength in accordance with BS 2484: 1985.
Cable tiles over all 11,000 volt cables manufactured from encycled polyethylene or
similar complying with the following requirements:
Minimum thickness :
12 mm
8.40 N/mm
(B S2782 Method 20C)
The tiles shall be marked as specified. The cable tiles must be supplied complete with
any pins, pegs or other devices for jointing tiles together. Samples must be supplied to
QGEWC and the Engineer for approval prior to use.
Removal of Existing Cables
The Contractor shall liaise directly with QGEWC regarding the removal of existing cables and
shall not, under any circumstances, commence removal of cables until QGEWC have verified
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secure cables with load bearing cleats securely fixed to the tray, where trays do not
directly support the cables
space cleats, saddles and straps at maximum centres recommended in QGEWC
Regulations, as above, or by cable manufacturer
cable trays and installation shall be in accordance with Part 9 of this section, QGEWC
regulations and BS 7671.
Cables and Small Wiring
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Part 6
Cables and Small Wiring
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such apparatus as being redundant. Removal of cables shall only be carried out in the
presence of a QGEWC Engineer.
The Contractor shall arrange uplift of empty cable drums from QGEWC Stores and shall
return all recovered cables neatly coiled on the drums provided.
Ducts are to be supplied by the Contractor. They shall be of the following type:
Internal Diameter
Minimum wall thickness
Samples shall be provided for approval by the Engineer prior to use.
Quarry Scalping
Shall comprise of quarried limestone materials having particle sizes varying from 5 mm down
to dust with a homogenous mixture of all particle sizes.
The materials shall have specific mechanical and thermal resistive qualities as defined below:
Thermal Resistivity - The material shall be subject to a 90 % compaction, using an
amount of water equal to optimum moisture content. After subsequent drying, such
that the water content does not exceed 2% of the weight of the sample, the thermal
resistivity of the material shall not exceed 2.0 C M/Watt
Mechanical Qualities - The scalping material shall have mechanical qualities that meet
the requirements of the QCS Roadworks Section.
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- High impact resistance PVC
- 150 mm or 100 mm as specified
- 3.6 mm (for 150 mm ducts) or
2.4 mm (for 100 mm ducts)
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 7
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Page 1
CONDUITS AND CONDUIT BOXES ............................................................. 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
General Reference
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings
Rigid Steel Conduit and Fittings
Flexible Conduit and Connections
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 5
Installation of Conduit
Installation of Flexible Conduit
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Section 21
Part 7
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Page 2
General Reference
The work of this section is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this section.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installation
Cables and Small Wiring
The following references are referred to in this Part:
BS 731
BS 2782
BS 4568
BS 4607
BS EN 60423
Flexible steel conduits and adapters for the protection of electric cable.
Method of testing plastics
Steel conduits and fittings, metric units
Non-metallic conduits and fittings for electrical installations rigid PVC
conduits and conduit fittings, metric units
IEC 423-A, Conduit diameters and threads for conduit and fittings.
This Section to include the supply, installation and commissioning of all conduit works in
accordance with the Project Documentation.
light and power circuits, fire alarm, telephone, signal and other low current system
wiring shall be drawn in conduits unless otherwise indicated
conduit system shall generally be concealed and installed as indicated, unless
otherwise indicated
light and power circuits, fire alarm wiring, telephone wiring, signal wiring and low
current system wiring shall each be run in separate conduit and wire way
cable insulated for two different categories of circuit shall be segregated
irrespective of service, conduit and fitting used shall be:
where embedded: heavy gauge rigid PVC complying to BS 4607, BS 6053 and
BS 6099 Part 2, section 2.2
where surface mounted, exposed: galvanised steel conduit as per BS 4568
where installed above false ceilings and in voids: galvanised steel throughout
the circuit
(iv) where installed in flame proof and hazardous areas: galvanised steel
from terminal box to machine: flexible steel conduit as per BS 731.
Product Data:
cut-away samples of all sizes of conduits, conduit boxes and fittings of each type shall
be fixed to a board and submitted to the Engineer.
at the time of submitting samples submit manufacturer’s details, catalogues and
copies of test certificates confirming that offered types comply with the Specification.
Shop Drawings:
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This Section
Part 1
Part 6
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Section 21
Part 7
Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings
Physical Properties:
minimum 20 mm, internal diameter unless otherwise indicated
where size is not indicated: select in accordance with the regulations and as proper to
the number and size of conductors.
The minimum conduit wall thickness shall be as per the following:
conduit and fittings shall be:
resistant to high temperatures
of adequate insulation resistance and electric strength
inert to all liquid normally discharged from residential, commercial and
industrial premises
suitable for installation, storage and transportation at temperature not
normally below -5 ° C. or above 85 ° C. and at these temperatures shall not:
soften or suffer any structural degradation
show signs of cracking, or deform so that cables cannot be easily drawn
in or are likely to be damaged when drawing in, when bent, compressed
or exposed to extreme temperature
of adequate mechanical strength and thermal stability
suitably and indelibly marked and identified. Markings shall include nominal
size and be easily legible
Smooth inside and outside and free from burrs and sharp edges. Surfaces
and corners over which cables may be drawn shall be smooth and well
Sizes of Conduit:
conduit and fittings shall comply with BS 4607: Part 1 and CEE Publication 26. In
addition, conduit and fittings shall comply with this specification where requirements
are more stringent
conduit diameters shall comply with QGEWC regulations.
conduit entries shall be designed to ensure a watertight joint.
Expansion fittings:
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submit drawings of proposed conduit layout and obtain approval before commencing
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
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Section 21
Part 7
Page 4
type to be approved.
PVC Conduit Boxes:
PVC Conduit Boxes can be used through PVC Conduit raceway system and shall
comply with BS 4607
metallic conduit boxes as specified elsewhere in this section can be used alternatively
if required for PVC conduit raceway system
all boxes shall be provided with tapped brass inserts for fixing the screws
all boxes for switches, sockets, outlets, etc., shall be rigid PVC or metallic type and
their dimensions shall be suitable for fixing the switches, sockets and other
Rigid Steel Conduit and Fittings
Rigid Steel Conduit
all metallic conduits shall comply with BS 4568 and of Class 4 rigid steel screwed
type having an interior and exterior zinc coating of uniform quality and appearance
throughout all surfaces
conduits shall not be less than 20 mm diameter size, and shall be complete with all
necessary threaded fittings, couplings and connecting devices having galvanised
equivalent finish
conduits and fittings shall be manufactured specially for electric wiring purposes.
When manufactured by a continuous weld process, weld heads both inside and
outside the tube shall be completely removed prior to galvanising
all conduits and fittings shall be free from rust or other defects on delivery to the site
and shall be properly stored in covered racking so that it is protected from mechanical
damage and damage by weather and water whilst stored on the site
all conduits shall be coupled to boxes and trunking wires using brass male bushes.
All such bushes shall be hexagon headed, heavy duty long threaded type
all conduit expansion couplings used shall be fabricated from material equal or
equivalent to that of the conduit with which the coupling is to be used, having factory
installed packing ring and pressure ring to prevent entrance of moisture. All
coupling shall be equipped with earthing ring or earthing conductor
all conduit runs shall be fixed using spacer bar pattern saddles giving not less than 3
mm clearance between the conduit and the surface to which it is fixed. Saddles shall
have finish to match the conduit and saddle clips shall be secured to the bar by
means of brass screws.
Metallic Conduit Boxes:
metallic conduit boxes shall be used throughout metallic conduit raceway systems,
and shall comply with, or be of demonstrated equivalent quality and performance to
BS 4568 requirements. All boxes and covers shall be galvanised, zinc plated or
rust-proof finish equivalent to conduit finish
circular and/or rectangular boxes shall be used for pull boxes and terminating boxes,
according to size and number of conduits connected to box. Boxes shall be either
malleable iron or heavy duty steel construction with welded joints and tapped holes to
receive metal threaded cover retaining screws. Self tapping screws will not be
all boxes, other than those to which a fitting or accessory is to be directly mounted
shall be fitted with covers screwed to the box by brass screws. Malleable iron covers
shall be used with malleable iron boxes and heavy gauge steel covers shall be used
with sheet steel boxes
all cover and accessory fixing provisions shall be so positioned that the fixing screws
lie completely clear of cable entering the box. All fixing screws shall be of brass
all boxes installed in exterior locations, plant rooms, ducts, etc., shall be fitted with
approved type gaskets to provide a waterproof seal between box and cover or other
items fitted to the box
all boxes provided as junction boxes where cable joints are specified or permitted,
shall be provided with fixed terminal blocks. Such boxes shall be of suitable size to
contain the terminal block and sufficient cable to allow neat connections to be made.
The terminal blocks shall be fixed to the box by brass screws and shall comprise
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Conduits and Conduit Boxes
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Section 21
Part 7
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Page 5
brass conductor connectors, with brass clamping screws enclosed in porcelain or
other heat resisting insulation material which will not distort or otherwise have its
properties damaged by temperatures below the highest temperature at which the
insulation of any cable connected to it is destroyed.
Flexible Conduit and Connections
Flexible Conduit:
Flexible Connections:
where connections to electrical machines are to be by multicore glands, the final
termination shall be by ring type universal glands and locknuts, and adequate slack
cable in the form of a loop or spiral being left to allow for the movement of motors
necessitated by belt retensioning, vibration, etc.
Sets and Bends:
conduits up to 32 mm diameter; form on site with an approved bending machine
using proper formers, guides, springs, etc., taking care not to deform conduit
conduits over 32 mm diameter : use coupling fittings.
Installation of Conduit
run conduit in square, symmetrical lines, parallel to or at right angles to walls and in
accordance with the accepted practice
conduit system shall be mechanically continuous and watertight after installation. All
conduit system shall be arranged wherever possible to be self draining
conduit runs between draw-in positions shall conform to QGEWC Regulations
regarding no. of bends and lengths of straight run
installation shall permit easy drawing in of cables
keep conduits at least 100 mm from pipes and other non-electrical services
where conduit runs are to be concealed in the structure or are to pass through floor
slabs, the Contractor shall be responsible for marking the accurate positions of all
chases and holes on site. The Contractor shall arrange the conduit routing to make
maximum use of any preformed conduit holes and slots provided in structural beams.
Conduit installation on shear walls shall be kept to a minimum. All routings necessary
on shear walls shall be agreed with the Engineer before work is put in hand
install conduits so as not to interfere with ceiling inserts, lights or ventilation outlets.
install conduit in accordance with NECA "Standard of Installation." or other national
standards or Codes of Practice to the approval of QGEWC.
install nonmetallic conduit in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
arrange supports to prevent misalignment during wiring installation.
support conduit using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay-in adjustable hangers,
clevis hangers, and split hangers.
group related conduits; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel channel
; provide space on each for 25 percent additional conduits.
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to BS 731, Part 1, watertight, PVC sheathed, spiralled metal type. The conduit shall
be terminated at boxes and equipment by means of approved compression glands
to be of the unpacked type for normal atmospheric conditions and non-asbestos
packaged for damp situations. Adapters shall be of the solid type
flexible conduit shall be used for the final connection of rigid conduit to the terminal
boxes of machines fitted with a means of drive adjustment and/or where vibrations is
likely to occur.
flexible conduit for use outdoors shall be weatherproof and certified to be resistant to
UV radiation.
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Part 7
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
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QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
fasten conduit supports to building structure and surfaces under provisions of Section
"Supporting Devices"
do not support conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove wire used for
temporary supports
do not attach conduit to ceiling support wires.
arrange conduit to maintain headroom and present neat appearance.
route conduit parallel and perpendicular to walls.
route conduit installed above accessible ceilings parallel and perpendicular to walls.
route conduit in and under slab from point-to-point.
maintain adequate clearance between conduit and piping.
cut conduit square using saw or pipecutter; de-burr cut ends.
bring conduit to shoulder of fittings; fasten securely.
(w) join nonmetallic conduit using cement as recommended by manufacturer. Wipe
nonmetallic conduit dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of cement to
entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum.
use conduit hubs or sealing locknuts to fasten conduit to boxes and fittings.
install no more than equivalent of two 90-degree bends between boxes. Use conduit
bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Use hydraulic one-shot
bender to fabricate and factory elbows for bends in metal conduit larger than 2-inch
(50-mm) size.
avoid moisture traps; provide junction box with drain fitting at low points in conduit
(aa) provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where conduit
crosses seismic , control and expansion joints.
(bb) provide suitable pull string in each empty conduit except sleeves and nipples.
(cc) use suitable caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture.
(dd) provide supports for fittings independently of any false ceiling for sunk and concealed
conduit systems.
(ee) size conduits, draw-in boxes and junction boxes in accordance with regulations.
swab whole of the conduit system to remove any loose matter or dirt before cables are
pulled in.
(gg) where conduits connect to switch boxes draw-in boxes and the like the conduits must
have a machined faced socket screwed on to the end which when tightened is flush with
the outside of the box. The conduit is then to be secured to the apparatus by means of a
hexagon smooth bore brass bush screwed from the inside of the apparatus into the
conduit socket in order to make a sound and tight mechanical joint.
(hh) all horizontal runs shall be supported at no more than 900 mm. Vertical runs shall be
supported at no more than 1200 mm. Where directional changes occur support shall be
provided at no more than 150 mm either side of the bend.
hot bending shall be carried out on all non-metallic conduits. A bending spring of the
correct size shall be used in all cases. The heat source shall be provided by a hot air
torch. When the conduit is in a pliable state it shall be bent around a suitable former and
held in position until the conduit has set. No other method will be approved.
couplers, slip type bends and spouted fittings shall be made using semi permanent
mastic sealing compounds. Expansion couplers shall be used in surface installations
where straight runs exceed 8 meters.
(kk) standard junction or adaptable boxes shall be provided at all junctions and at sharp
changes of direction in addition to any special positions where they are required on Site.
Inspection couplers may be used in long runs to facilitate drawing in cables.
particular care must be taken to ensure that no water is allowed to enter conduit at any
time and all conduits shall be arranged with adequate ventilation and drainage where
necessary as directed by the Engineer. Inaccessible junction boxes will not be allowed.
(mm) only continuous lengths of buried conduit shall be installed between boxes, no joint boxes
being allowed in the floor screeds. Conduits crossing expansion joints shall be fitted with
couplings of approved manufacture.
(nn) the ends of conduits laid or set in formwork prior to concreting shall be temporarily sealed
off with a coupler and a plug.
(oo) fixing to surfaces of walls shall be by means of spacer bar saddles securely fixed by
screws. Where conduits are concealed or laid in structural floors they shall be held in
position with substantial fixings of make and pattern to be approved by the Engineer.
QCS 2010
adaptable boxes shall be manufactured from PVC as previously detailed for conduit
boxes and sized to provide sufficient space factor.
weatherproof boxes and accessories shall be used outdoors where agreed on Site by the
Engineer or where indicated in this Specification or on the Drawings.
conduit shall be installed such as to permit complete rewiring without the need to remove
false ceiling or carry out builders work.
no single conduit serving phase socket outlets lighting points and switches shall contain
more than one phase.
wiring shall be carried out on the looping-in system and no joints other than at looping-in
points will be allowed.
where the conduit system terminates at any equipment requiring a non-rigid connection a
flexible conduit shall be installed of the PVC or PVC sheathed metallic type fully
watertight with purpose made connection adapters.
each flexible connection shall include not less than 400mm length of flexible conduit
and a separate earth conductor shall be run within the conduit connected to the earth
terminals in the equipment and the fixed conduit run. The flexible conduit shall not be
used as an earth continuity conductor.
obtain approval for placing PVC conduits before pouring concrete
run conduits in concrete slabs parallel to main reinforcing steel
additional openings in finished slabs, where approved, shall be made by drilling, not
by breaking
conduit boxes shall not be nailed to shuttering boards.
to be avoided in partitions and side walls.
Surface Mounted Conduit (including conduit installed above false ceiling):
fix with distance spacing saddles to allow conduits to be taken directly into
accessories without bends or sets.
Concealed Conduit:
fix securely to prevent movement before casting of concrete and screeds, application
of plaster and the like
spacing of clips shall be not greater than as follows:
600 mm
900 mm
1000 mm
Supports for exposed conduit shall be fixed at each side of bends.
fix in conduit wherever it crosses as expansion joint in the structure to which it is
conduit size
up to 25 mm
32-38 mm
50 mm
Expansion Fittings:
Page 7
Horizontal or Cross Runs:
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Runs in Reinforced Concrete:
Part 7
make with a flanged coupling, lead washer and hexagonal male brass bush, where
conduit runs terminate in cable trunking, distribution boards or any sheet metal
Conduit Boxes:
fix at all outlet points.
Installation of Flexible Conduit
All conduits must be secured to outlet boxes, junction boxes or cabinets by placing locknuts
on outside of box and locknuts and bushings on the inside of box.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 7
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Page 8
Conduits connecting recessed fixtures and their adjacent junction boxes must be flexible
metallic conduit 20 mm minimum size and shall be of sufficient length to permit dropping of
the fixture below the ceiling and to gain access to the junction box.
Conduit to motors shall be terminated in the conduit fittings on the motors, the final
connection being made with liquid tight flexible conduit and suitable liquid tight connectors.
A green insulated 4 mm (minimum) tinned copper earth connection shall be made between
the solid conduit or cable sheath and the equipment, the copper cable being run inside the
flexible conduit. Couplings fitted to removable covers or non-metallic equipment etc., shall be
bonded to the earthing terminal of the equipment etc. Where changes to flexible conduits
occur, a watertight outlet box with threaded entries shall be inserted and the earth connection
made to an internal terminal. The cover screws shall not be used for earthing connections.
The conduit outlets when installed and before wiring shall be temporarily closed by means of
well fitting wooden plugs, and immediately before cables are drawn in, conduit systems shall
be thoroughly swabbed out until they are dry and clean
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 8
Page 1
TRUNKING .................................................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
General Reference
System Description
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 4
Cleaning and Adjustment
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 8
Page 2
General Reference
The work of this section is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this Section.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Installation
Cables and Small Wiring
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Cable Trays
The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 729
BS 3382
BS 4607
BS 4678
BS 4678
Hot dip galvanised coatings on iron and steel articles
Zinc on steel components
Fittings and components of insulating materials
Steel surface trunking
Cable trunking of insulating materials
BS EN 10142
Hot dip zinc coated sheet steel
System Description
The Contractor shall supply and install the complete trunking system as indicated on the
Drawings and specified in this Section.
Samples: submit samples of trunking and accessories.
Product Data: at the time of submitting samples submit manufacturer’s details, catalogues
Shop Drawings: submit drawings showing route of trunking system and obtain approval
before commencing work.
trunking, associated parts and accessories shall be fabricated from hot dipped
galvanised sheet steel not less than 16 SWG
trunking shall be supplied in 3 m lengths or bigger, each length complete with lid,
coupler and coupler screws and shall provide adequate earth continuity throughout
the whole trunking run
shall be complete with necessary fittings and accessories. All accessories and fixing
materials shall also be of galvanised sheet steel of not less than 1 mm thickness
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
QCS 2010
lids shall be clipped and fixed at regular intervals not exceeding 2 m on straight runs,
by quick release cam type fasteners. In PVC trunking installations the lids can be
slide-in type of proper lengths
partitions shall be at least 1 mm thick, finished to same standard as trunking.
The means of fixing partitions shall prevent them being misplaced and shall not cause
corrosion or electrolytic action
connectors shall span the complete internal surface of the trunking. Trunking sections
shall have butt joints
accessories for bends and tee-off shall be supplied from the same manufacturer and
provided with lids as necessary. Reduction type tee-offs shall be provided where
smaller size branch trunking is required.
shall satisfy continuity conditions of BS 4678
shall not cause corrosion
separate protective conductor of size not less than 4 mm shall run in the PVC
trunking system.
shall be 15 x 2 mm minimum having a resistance from fixing to fixing equal to or less
than the links used in standard trunking joints.
shall have a zinc coating finish to BS 729 or BS 3382 : Part 2, or equivalent
fixings used for securing or fitting shall not cause corrosion or electrolytic action.
Black screws are not acceptable
brackets, mild steel angle or channel finished to same standard as trunking.
Vertical Trunking:
shall have cable support units with insulated pins at centres not exceeding 3 meters.
Horizontal Trunking:
shall be to BS 4678: Part 1, but thickness of metal for body and cover material
may not be less than those in Table 1. The PVC trunking system shall satisfy the
requirement in Part 4 of BS 4678 providing smooth internal and external finishes
metal thickness for trunking and connectors exceeding 150 x 150 mm external
dimensions shall be to approval and shall not be less than that specified in BS 4678
Part 1 for the largest trunking detailed
finish for steel trunking:
for internal use: Class 3 heavy protection internally and externally (e.g.
galvanised steel to BS EN 10142; protection to BS 4678 : Part 1)
for external use: Class 3 protection
Steel Screws and Fasteners:
if specified in the Project Documentation, trunking, associated parts and accessories
be fabricated from high impact PVC-u material, having thickness not less than
1.5 mm and shall be complete with necessary fittings and accessories made from the
similar material as for the trunking
trunking shall not be smaller than the minimum size stated on the Drawings or
specified later and shall be so sized, if not specified, that a space factor of 35 % is not
exceeded. The Contractor shall check the minimum size of trunking specified is large
enough for his requirements without exceeding this space factor
trunking and accessories installed in hazardous and extremely corrosive
environments shall be heavy duty GRP or 316 S31 grade stainless steel.
Braided Copper Tape:
Page 3
Bonding links and fastenings:
Sizes exceeding 100 x 50 mm shall have cable separators with insulated pins at
maximum centres not exceeding 2 m.
Surface Metal Raceway
the surface metal raceway assembly shall comprise of a metal base and cover to form
a raceway intended for surface mounting, except in very small sizes. The cover shall
QCS 2010
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Part 8
Trunking and Connectors:
Section 21
QCS 2010
Page 4
be removable to allow wire installation after the raceway has been installed as a
complete system.
the surface metal raceway shall be constructed of sheet metal channel with fitted
the minimum size of the surface metal raceway shall be 50 mm x 50 mm or as
specified on the layout drawings.
fittings, Boxes, and Extension Rings as practical as possible shall be chosen from the
manufacturer's standard range of accessories.
all accessories shall be complete with removable covers.
the surface nonmetal raceway assembly shall comprise of a molded or extruded nonmetallic base and cover to form a raceway intended for surface mounting.
the surface nonmetal raceway shall be constructed of heavy-duty rigid unplasticised
PVC channel with fitted cover. The material shall be self-extinguishing and shall be
unaffected by sunlight and/or water. The material shall be suitable for continuous
ambient temperatures of 65 C.
the minimum size of the surface metal raceway shall be 50 mm x 50 mm or as
specified on the layout drawings.
fittings, Boxes, and Extension Rings as practical as possible shall be chosen from the
manufacturer's standard range of accessories.
all accessories shall be complete with removable covers.
Multioutlet Assembly
the multoutlet assembly shall comprise of surface metal raceway with receptacles.
Receptacle devices may be pre-wired in which case they are regularly spaced.
the multoutlet assembly shall be constructed of sheet metal channel with fitted cover
and/or with pre-wired receptacles where specified.
the sizes of the multoutlet assembly shall be as indicated on the layout drawings.
provide covers and accessories to accept convenience receptacles in conjunction with
the wiring devices.
the spacing between the receptacle shall be 150, 300 or 450 mm or as
specified/indicated on the Drawings.
the Colour of receptacle shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
couplings, elbows, outlet and device boxes, and connectors as practical as possible
shall be chosen from the manufacturer's standard range of accessories.
the wireway shall be Narrow sheet metal enclosure, rectangular in cross section with
hinged or removable covers for housing and protecting electric wires and cable and in
which conductors are laid in place after the wireway has been installed as a complete
the wireway shall be general purpose, oiltight and dust-tight or rain-tight type as
specified and/or indicated on the drawings.
knockouts shall be as per manufacturer standard.
the sizes of the wireways shall be as indicated on the drawings.
the wireways shall be provided with Screw cover and full gasketing.
the fittings shall be lay-in type with removable top, bottom, and side and be provided
with captive screws. Include drip shield where specified.
Fixing Trunking:
trunking shall be properly aligned, and securely fixed at maximum 2 meters centres on
straight runs. At bends, angles and offsets fix with additional fixings at centres not
exceeding 150 mm on each side of the fitting
only manufacturers bends, T-offsets and accessories shall be used. Site fabrication
shall not be permitted.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
Part 8
Surface Nonmetal Raceway
Section 21
QCS 2010
make a trunking joint where trunking crosses such joints
make connection through slotted holes allowing a 10 mm movement horizontally and
earth continuity link across joints shall be braided copper tape which is long enough to
allow for the maximum movement of trunking. Fold braid ends.
where specified, install non-combustible, non-metallic fire barriers
where trunking passes through walls, floors and ceilings
at each floor level when trunking is installed in riser ducts.
fix at not exceeding 1m centres.
Raceway and Wireway
install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
use flat-head screws, clips, and straps to fasten raceway channel to surfaces. Mount
plumb and level.
use suitable insulating bushings and inserts at connections to outlets and corner
provide steel channel for supporting the wireways.
close ends of wireway and unused conduit openings.
earth and bond raceway and wireway as described under the "Earthing and Bonding"
Part of QCS.
provide circuit cable clamps at no greater than 500 mm intervals for raceways installed
in vertical runs.
Cleaning and Adjustment
Making Good:
make good cutting and damages of the steel trunking systems, remove burrs and
rough edges and corrosion and treat with a rust proofing agent, followed by an
application of zinc epoxy
provide a coat of paint to match adjacent surface for PVC system
provide the paint after application of the zinc epoxy for steel trunking system.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
make connections to conduits, multiple boxes, switchgears, switchboards, motor
control centres and distribution boards with flanged units.
Cable Retaining Straps:
Page 5
Fire Barriers:
Part 8
Settlement and Expansion Joints:
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 1
CABLE TRAYS .............................................................................................. 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
General Reference
Quality Assurance
Delivery, Storage and Handling
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 6
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 2
General Reference
The work of this section is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this section.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Cables and Small Wiring
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 729
Hot dip galvanized coating on iron and steel articles
Provide all labour, materials, equipment, services and accessories necessary to furnish and
install the work of this Section, complete and functional, as indicated in the Project
Documentation and as specified herein.
Quality Assurance
Reference standards as detailed under Part 1 and this Part Clause 9.1.4.
Reference Part 1
Delivery, Storage and Handling
Deliver, store and handle materials and products in a manner to prevent damage.
Reference Part 1
The work of this Section shall be completely co-ordinated with the work of other services.
The cable tray system shall be of one manufacturer and shall include factory-made trays, tray
fittings, connectors and necessary accessories and supports to form a complete cable
support system.
The cable tray system shall include the following factory-made tray elements:
straight cable trays and ladders
QCS 2010
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This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 3
fittings as horizontal and vertical bends of various angles, crosses, tees, wyes,
reducers, vertical riser elements
all necessary fixing accessories.
Manufacturer’s standard accessories shall be used and site fabrication shall not be permitted.
Horizontal run of cables laid on cable tray and exposed to direct sunlight shall be provided
with covering at higher level to allow for ventilation. Cable tray shall be raised 15 cm from
finished floor level.
Cable trays shall confirm to requirements as specified in BS 7671, NFPA 70 - National
Electrical Code, U.S.A or other equivalent standard as applicable.
Cable trays specification and installation shall be in accordance with QGEWC regulations and
IEE latest edition as applicable.
The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's Instructions that Indicate
application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency specified
under regulatory requirements.
The contractor shall select the product only from manufacturer’s specializing in
manufacturing products specified in this Section, with a minimum five years documented
experience of the products being satisfactorily in use in a similar service and climatic
The contractor shall ensure proper co-ordination with related civil activities prior to the
selection of the equipment.
The contractor shall clearly show locations of trays, service fittings, junction boxes, and
branch circuiting arrangements on the drawings.
The whole of the tray work, trays, fittings, supports shall be of mild steel hot dipped
galvanized after manufacture to BS 729. The thickness of the protective sheath on any
element shall not be less than 55 microns.
Cable trays shall be constructed from mild steel hot dip galvanized and of minimum thickness
of 1.5 mm.
Insert elements, bolts, screws, pins, etc., shall be mild steel cadmium plated.
Tray work shall have oval perforations. Ladder type trays shall be used for vertical runs as
approved by the Engineer.
All trays (straight and fittings) shall be welded construction and be a heavy duty returned
flanged, perforated type, unless specified otherwise. The minimum thickness of heavy duty
returned flanged cable trays shall be 1.5 mm.
Tray components shall be accurately rolled or formed to close tolerances and all edges
rounded. Flanges shall have full round smooth edges.
Ladder racks shall be of similar construction. The rungs shall be spaced at maximum
300 mm. The system shall allow for installing additional rungs and for replacement of rungs.
For all trays, flanges shall be a minimum of 50 mm deep, unless otherwise specified.
Cable tray width and radius of curved sections shall be selected to suit the number of cables
as shown on drawings and to the approval of the Engineer.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 4
Cable trays and accessories installed in hazardous and extremely corrosive environments
shall be heavy duty GRP or 316 S31 grade stainless steel.
Ladder Type Cable Tray
Trough Type cable Tray
bond trays carrying LV cables to earth with 16 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper single
core cable, 25x3 mm copper tape if carrying HV cables.
definition: Two longitudinal side rails connected by closely-spaced rungs or ventilated
description: NEMA VE 1, specified Class or other approved standard, trough type tray.
material: Steel, aluminium or heavy duty unplasticised PVC as specified.
finish: ASTM A 123 or other approved standard, hot dipped galvanised after
fabrication for steel trays. Painted with specified colour epoxy or PVC coated as
specified. The material shall be self extinguishing and non-inflammable and shall be
unaffected by sunlight or water. It shall be suitable for continuous ambient temperature
of 65 degrees C.
inside Width: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Depth: 75, 100, 125, or 150 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and earthing straps.
covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
Solid Bottom Type Cable Tray
definition: Two longitudinal side rails connected by corrugated or reinforced solid
description: NEMA VE 1, specified Class or other approved standard, solid bottom
cable tray.
material: Steel, aluminium or heavy duty unplasticised PVC as specified.
finish: ASTM A 123 or other approved standard, hot dipped galvanised after
fabrication for steel trays. Painted with specified colour epoxy or PVC coated as
specified. The material shall be self extinguishing and non-inflammable and shall be
unaffected by sunlight or water. It shall be suitable for continuous ambient temperature
of 65 degrees C.
inside Width: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Depth: 75, 100, 125, or 150 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and earthing straps.
covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
definition: Two longitudinal side rails connected by individual cross members (rungs).
description: NEMA VE 1, specified Class or other approved standard, ladder type tray.
material: Steel or aluminium as specified.
finish: ASTM A 123 or other approved standard, hot dipped galvanised after
fabrication for steel trays. Painted with specified colour epoxy or PVC coated as
specified. The material shall be self extinguishing and non-inflammable and shall be
unaffected by sunlight or water. It shall be suitable for continuous ambient temperature
of 65° C.
inside Width: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Depth: 75, 100, 125, or 150 mm as specified or indicated.
straight Section Rung Spacing: 150, 225, 300 or 450 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and grounding straps.
covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
QCS 2010
definition: Single piece formed into channel. Bottom may be solid or with ventilation
description: NEMA VE 1, specified Class or other approved standard, solid bottom or
ventilated bottom type cable tray as specified.
material: Steel, aluminum or heavy duty unplasticised PVC as specified.
finish: ASTM A 123 or other approved standard, hot dipped galvanised after
fabrication for steel trays. Painted with specified colour epoxy or PVC coated as
specified. The material shall be self extinguishing and non-inflammable and shall be
unaffected by sunlight or water. It shall be suitable for continuous ambient temperature
of 65 degrees C.
inside Width: 75 or 100 mm as specified or indicated.
outside Depth: As specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and earthing straps.
covers: Flanged, solid or ventilated cover as specified.
description: NEMA FG 1, specified Class or other approved standard, ladder type tray.
material: Fiberglass.
inside Width: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Depth: 75, 100, 125, or 150 mm as specified or indicated.
straight Section Rung Spacing: 150, 225, 300 or 450 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, and connectors.
covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
Fiberglass Trough Type Cable Tray
description: NEMA FG 1, specified Class or other approved standard, trough type tray.
material: Fiberglass.
inside Width: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Depth: 75, 100, 125 or 150 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and earthing straps.
covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
Fibreglass Solid Bottom Type Cable Tray
Page 5
Fiberglass Ladder Type Cable Tray
Cable Trays
description: NEMA FG 1, specified Class or other approved standard, solid bottom
cable tray.
material: Fiberglass.
inside Width: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Depth: 75, 100, 125 or 150 mm as specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips and connectors.
covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
Fibreglass Channel Type Cable Tray
description: NEMA FG 1, specified Class or other approved standard, solid bottom or
ventilated as specified, channel type cable tray.
material: Fiberglass.
inside Width: 75 or 100 mm as specified or indicated.
outside Depth: As specified or indicated.
inside Radius of Fittings: 300, 600 or 900 mm as specified or indicated.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
Part 9
Channel Type Cable Tray
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 6
provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, and connectors.
covers: Flanged, solid or ventilated cover as specified.
Warning Signs
engraved nameplates shall be provided and installed along the route of the cable tray:
13-mm black letters on yellow laminated plastic nameplate, engraved with the following
Drilling, machining or cutting shall not be carried out after application of protective coat,
unless previously agreed by the Engineer. If cutting or drilling is necessary, edges shall be
cleaned up and painted with zinc based paint before erection.
Installation of vertical runs of tray along the line of vertical expansion joints in structure of the
facility shall not be allowed.
Cables shall be fixed to the trays by means of PVC covered saddles or straps secured with
brass or cadmium plated bolts, nuts and washers.
20 % spare capacity shall be maintained once all cables have been installed on trays.
Double banking of cables shall not be permitted. space between adjacent cables shall be not
less than the radius of the bigger cable.
Trays shall not be smaller than the minimum size stated on the Drawings or
specified later and shall be so sized; if not specified, the Contractor shall calculate the size of
the tray and submit to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall check the minimum
size as specified is large enough for his requirements and provide 20% spare capacity for
future use.
Install metallic cable tray in accordance with NEMA VE 1 or other approved standard and
local regulations as approved by the Engineer.
Install fibreglass cable tray in accordance with NEMA FG 1 or other approved standard and
local regulations as approved by the Engineer.
Support trays in conjunction with supporting devices as described under Section "Supporting
Devices". Provide supports at each connection point, at the end of each run, and at other
points to maintain spacing between supports of 1200 mm maximum.
Use expansion connectors where required.
Provide firestopping under provisions of relevant Section to sustain ratings when passing
cable tray through fire-rated elements.
Ground and bond cable tray under provisions of the Earthing and Bonding Part of QCS.
provide continuity between tray components.
use anti-oxidant compound to prepare aluminium contact surfaces before assembly.
provide specified cross section copper equipment grounding conductor through entire
length of tray; bond to each component.
connections to tray may be made using mechanical or exothermic connectors.
Where specified, install warning signs at 1500 mm centres along cable tray, located to be
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 7
Where specified, install warning signs at 1500 mm centres along cable tray, located to be
Plastic tie-wraps of any description shall not be used for fixing cables to cable tray.
Saddle and cleat cables in position as they are installed along the route. Cables should be
neatly dressed and crossing of cables should be avoided by good detailed design of cable
All cable tray changes in direction or level shall be made via sets and adequately sized
angles to provide a support to the cables.
Single core cables of the same circuit shall be laid and mounted in purpose made trefoil
Cable trays arranged one above the other shall have spacing in relation to their width not
exceeding a ratio of 1:2 with a minimum distance of 150 mm.
Install fixings and supports:
at 2 meter centres or as specified in project docutmentation
150 mm from bends, tees, intersections and risers
as close as practicable to joints
each side of expansion joints.
Supports shall be selected from the following types, to suit the site conditions:
M12 steel threaded drop rods fixed to ceilings complete with GI channels or brackets
wall support brackets
cantilever arms
steel channels.
The cable trays shall be fixed in accordance with site conditions and manufacturer’s
Join cable tray and accessories with hardware per manufacturer’s recommendations.
Avoid mid-span joints.
The Contractor shall submit, as required, all calculations relating to tray work and tray
supports demonstrating acceptable mechanical stresses and sag.
Cable trays installed on roofs shall be supported using GI brackets or concrete blocks.
Removable cable tray cover shall be fitted.
Access shall be available at all times to remove or replace cables with a minimum of 400 mm
between trays and physical obstructions, A/C ductwork etc.
Cable trays and accessories shall be electrically and mechanically continuous throughout
their length.
The entire cable tray system shall be bonded and 12 mm x 2.5 mm tinned copper links shall
be bolted across each joint in the system by means of bronze nut and bolts, complete with
flat and spring washers.
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Section 21
Part 9
Cable Trays
Page 8
All cable trays shall be provided with earth continuity copper tape along the whole route of
cable trays which shall be bonded to the main earthing system of the facility. The earth
continuity copper tape shall be fixed on cable tray by means of PVC covered saddles or by
other means approved by the Engineer.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 1
WIRING ACCESSORIES AND GENERAL POWER ..................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
General Reference
Description of Work
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 7
Mounting Heights
Installation of Outlet Boxes
Installation of Switches
Installation of Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes
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10.2.1 General
10.2.2 Outlet Boxes
10.2.3 Switches
10.2.4 Ceiling Roses
10.2.5 Socket Outlets
10.2.6 Shaver Socket Outlets
10.2.7 Cooker Control Units
10.2.8 Disconnect Switches and Switch Fuses
10.2.9 Fused Connection Units
10.2.10 Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes
10.2.11 Timer
10.2.12 Time clocks
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Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 2
General Reference
The work of this Section is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this Section.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
General Provisions for Electrical Installation
Cables and Small wiring
Conduits and Conduits Boxes
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 88 ------------ HRC Fuses
BS 546 ---------- Specification Two pole and earthing-pin plugs, socket-outlets and socketoutlet adapters
BS 800 ---------- Specification for radio interference limits and measurements for household
appliances, portable tools and other electrical equipment causing similar
types of interference
BS 1363--------- 13A Plugs, Switched and Un-switched Socket Outlets and connection units
BS 3456--------- Specifications for safety of household and similar electrical appliances
BS 3676--------- Part 1 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
BS 4177--------- Cooker Control Units rated 30 Amp. and 45 Amp. 250 volts single phase
BS 4343--------- Industrial Plugs, Socket Outlets and Couplers
BS 4662--------- Boxes for enclosure of electrical Accessories
BS 5419--------- Fuse Switches and Switch Fuses
BS 5733--------- General requirements for electrical accessories
BS 6972--------- General requirements for luminaire supporting couplers
Description of Work
This Section shall include all labour, materials, equipment, appliances and accessories
necessary for the complete performance of all switches, socket outlets etc. In accordance
with the Specifications and Drawings.
Submit shop drawings, equipment list, relevant samples etc. as mentioned under Section
Part 1.
All individual items of materials shall be of the same make throughout the Project unless
specifically approved by the Engineer.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Outlet Boxes
Outlet Boxes:
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 3
galvanized one piece pressed steel, sizes and designs shall suit devices to be fitted
with a minimum wall thickness of 1.0 mm.
In all hazardous areas specified and/or shown on drawings: explosion proof.
Outlet boxes mounted externally or in damp locations shall be totally sealed to ensure water
Lighting Switches
Waterproof Switches:
the double pole switches shall be with neon indication lamps and shall be rated 20,
30 or 45 Amps. as indicated on the drawings
the face plate shall be of matt chrome, unless specified otherwise in the Project
Documentation and shall be engraved „WATER HEATER’, „WATER COOLER’ etc. as
switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty.
Push switches for lighting contactor control:
where two or more switches are grouped together and connected to the same phase,
multi-gang devices and common plates shall be used.
Double Pole Switches:
to be watertight IP 56 or as indicated in the Project Documentation
to be made of poly-carbonate for indoor application in damp and wet areas.
to be metallic suitable for AC-23A duty and have sunshades fitted where exposed to
direct sunlight.
to be provided with rear entry for outdoor use to avoid the exposure of conduit/cables
to the harmful effects of the sun.
Switch Plates
to BS 3676
to be rated 10, 15 or 20 amps depending on connected load, as stipulated in the
QGEWC regulations
recessed with concealed conduit, surface pattern elsewhere
quick make and break type
single pole, double pole, one way, two way or intermediate as indicated
surface mounted switches to be either poly-carbonate, or metallic and as indicated in
the Project Documentation
flush mounted switches to be of the grid fixing type with finish as noted in the
Project document.
switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty
push to make momentary contact switch
suitable for inductive load
surface mounted type shall be either poly-carbonate, metallic, protected to IP 56 or as
indicated in the Project Documentation
where two or more switches occur in one position they shall be contained in one case
and each shall be appropriately labelled to indicate its function
switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty and contactors shall be certified for AC-3
Dimming Switches:
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Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 4
where indicated on the Project Drawings, dimming switches shall be provided,
complying with BS5518
dimming switches shall be interference suppressed to conform with BS800
all dimmer units shall be sized to give a 40% margin above the connected load.
switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty
Ceiling Roses
Ceiling roses shall be of the all insulated type conforming to BS67 with a white finish.
Ceiling roses shall be provided with insulated terminals for the switched live, neutral and
protective conductors; loop-in facilities shall be provided.
Plug-in ceiling roses shall be used in large buildings, with extensive false ceiling systems, as
detailed in the particular specification.
Socket Outlets
General purpose Socket Outlets:
15A Socket Outlet:
13A Sockets: to BS 1363
3 rectangular pins, Un-switched type to be complete with weather proof plugs
plugs: 13 Amps
sockets: fused type with single pole cartridge fuse link of same rating as plug
sockets and plugs:
to have minimum IP 55 grade protection
housing parts: brass or pressure die-cast finished in grey hammered stove
cable grips shall have rubber compression rings
there shall be rubber gasket between plug and socket to ensure
weather tightness.
sockets shall have screw on caps that close tight on socket when plugs are not
Socket Outlet Plates:
to BS 546
3 round pin (2 P + E) shuttered switched pattern complete with plugs.
Neon indicator lamp, unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation.
Weather proof Sockets:
to BS 1363
3 rectangular pin (2P+E) shuttered, with combined switch, rated 13A, 250 V
to be supplied with plug complete with fuse
socket outlet face plates shall be finished as indicated in the Project Documentation.
Industrial Sockets:
Combined Socket
to be a combined unit comprising two sockets, rated 16A, 240V, 1 phase and
32A, 415V, 3 phase
to be equipped with 16A SP and 32A TP MCBs, or as indicted in the Project
three phase socket to be 5 pin type, single phase socket to be 3 pin type
plugs of the same manufacturer to be provided
sockets and plugs to conform to BS 4343
to have minimum IP 55 ingress protection.
plugs and sockets for hazardous area:
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Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 5
to be suitable for zone 0, zone 1 or zone 2 applications, as relevant, and
indicated on the Project Drawings and/or Project Documentation
to conform to IEC 309-3
to be corrosion resistant
ingress protection to IP 66.
Shaver Socket Outlets
All shaver socket outlet units shall comply with BS 3456 and IEC 335.
Shaver units shall be flush pattern with white moulded insert in matt chrome plate engraved
„Shaver Only’ and be suitable for installation in bathrooms, incorporating a double wound
isolating transformer to provide an earth free supply.
Units shall incorporate primary winding circuit protection in the form of a self-resetting thermal
overload device.
Units shall incorporate an „ON/OFF’ switch with red neon indicator together with a selector
switch for 20 VA load capacity at 240 Volts and 115 Volts
Units shall incorporate two pin shuttered outlet configuration and have terminals to accept 2.5
mm conductors.
Unit outlet boxes shall be a minimum of 45 mm deep, rustproof by galvanising of equal finish
and complete with a brass earthing stud secured to the back of the box.
Cooker Control Units
Cooker control units shall incorporate a 32 Amp. double pole switch and 13A, 3 pin switched
socket outlet and neon indicator lights for both cooker and socket
The cooker control unit shall be flush mounted.
Disconnect Switches and Switch Fuses
Fuse switch and switch fuses
to BS 5419
fuses: to BS 88 bolted type, class Q1, certified for 415V and AC 80 Duty, rated as
fused switch carriages: withdrawable type
fuse switches: ASTA certified to 50 KA.
Disconnect switches
to be metal clad with front operated handles interlocked with switch fuse case to
prevent opening switch in the “ON” position
switch shall have “ON/OFF” indication and provision for locking in “OFF” position
utilisation category AC 23A
same design as switch-fuses, with solid copper links in place of fuses
single pole and neutral, or triple pole and neutral
ratings, as indicated.
Outdoor Equipment
equipment intended for outdoor use shall be certified by the manufacturer as being
weatherproof and suitable for use outside in the prevailing conditions and shall be in
compliance with the requirements of Part 28, clause 28.2.6 of this Section.
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Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 6
Fused Connection Units
240 V fused connection units shall be switched, shall comply with BS5733 and shall be fitted
with a fuse complying with BS1362 with a rating as specified.
All fused connection unit shall be fitted with a neon indicator.
Live contacts shall not be exposed under normal operating conditions when replacing a fuse.
240 V fuse connection units in plant areas, workshops etc., shall be surface mounted,
metalclad and shall comply with BS1363 .
The type of fused connection unit, particularly relating to the flex outlet, shall be authorised by
the Engineer prior to the ordering of accessories.
10.2.10 Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes
The Junction Box shall be completed with a terminal block suitable for connecting up to 10
mm copper conductor (phase, neutral and earth) and an all insulated moulded white cover
plate with removal covers.
The cover plate shall be raised for connecting outgoing cable.
10.2.11 Timer
Timers shall be electronic type, unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation.
Timers shall be suitable for operation from supply voltage of 240V, 1-phase, 50Hz system.
Timer output contacts shall be suitable for both a.c. and d.c. control circuits. The contacts
shall be suitable for duty of AC-2 or DC-3 utilisation category. The rating of output contacts
shall be co-ordinated with the application requirements.
Timers shall be provided with 2 independent timing scales with sets of change-over output
10 ................... 200 seconds
0.10 ................ 20 seconds
ON/OFF indicator shall be provided to monitor the circuit status.
Timers shall be either:
delay on energisation or
delay on de-energisation type, as per the application requirements
Upon supply of rated voltage to the input terminals, the timer shall start, the output relay
remains in rest position. After the set time, the output relay pulls in.
The relay resets after the input supply has been cut-off.
Timers shall be suitable for minimum 10 million operations.
The timer shall require a pozi-drive screw driver for changing of the settings.
Degree of protection shall be minimum IP 20.
10.2.12 Time clocks
Time clocks to control circuits depended on time and hours of the day, may be either
Synchronous motor operated, or
Quartz controlled motor operated, as per Project Documentation.
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Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 7
Time clocks shall be suitable for operation from supply voltage of 240V, 1-phase, 50Hz
Output contacts shall be suitable for both AC and DC control circuits. The contacts shall be
suitable for duty of AC-2 or DC-3 utilisation category. The rating of output contacts shall be
co-ordinated with the application requirements.
The no. of output contacts and the duration of contact closing shall be decided as per the
application requirements.
Time clocks shall be provided with a time dial setting for 24 hours and 7 days program.
Each time clock shall be provided with a minimum running reserve energy for 1 day.
Accuracy of clocks shall be better than 1 second per day.
Mounting Heights
The mounting heights of wiring accessories shall be as stipulated in the QGEWC
Regulations, or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.
Installation of Outlet Boxes
Location of Boxes:
determine exact location of boxes on site and obtain the Engineer’s approval before
commencing installation
make allowance for overhead pipes, ducts, variations in arrangement, thickness of
finish, window trim, panelling and other construction when locating boxes.
fix outlet boxes securely
fix exposed outlet boxes to permanent inserts or lead anchors with machine screws.
Installation of Switches
Lighting Switches:
located at the strike side of the door, approximately 150 mm from the edge of door
plates shall be installed with all four edges in continuous contact with finished wall
plates shall be installed with an alignment tolerance of 1.5 mm
all switch assembly louvered plates shall have their earthing terminal connected to
the earth terminal attached to the switch box by an insulated 2.5 mm protective
Installation of Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes
fix junction, pull and terminal boxes where indicated and where required to facilities
pulling of wires and cables and connection of future appliances
locate boxes as inconspicuously as possible, but accessible after work is completed.
Pull Boxes:
fix at maximum 10m spacing and to limit the number of bends in conduit to not more
than two 90° bends.
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Section 21
Part 10
Wiring Accessories and
General Power
Page 8
Test all switches, socket outlets etc. for correct polarity and continuity of conductors in the
presence of and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
Carry out live phase to earth loop impedance tests at all switches and socket outlets with an
approved earth loop impedance tester to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Ensure that
all device plates have satisfactory earth continuity to the protective conductor system.
Test all socket outlets for instantaneous tripping of associated distribution board current
operated earth leakage circuit breaker using testing equipment, approved by the Engineer.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 11
Light Fittings
Page 1
LIGHT FITTINGS ........................................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
Ceiling System
Noise and Interference
External Lighting
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 6
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11.3.1 Lighting Installation
11.3.2 Installation of Lamps
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 11
Light Fittings
Page 2
This section includes the supply and installation of lighting fittings as shown on the drawings,
and as specified.
Quality Assurance
Design Criteria:
lighting fittings shall be of first class quality, made by approved manufacturers and
shall be suitable for trouble free operation on the system voltage at the site
lighting fittings shall be complete with internal wiring between lamp holder and
termination point. Wiring shall be in silicone rubber insulated heat resistant flexible
the Contractor shall be responsible for co-ordinating the light fitting installation with
any other components of the ceiling systems
all lighting fittings shall be complete with accessories and fixing hardware necessary
for installation whether so detailed under fixture description or not
outdoor lighting fittings shall be installed at mounting heights as specified or
instructed on site by the Engineer
all outdoor lighting fittings shall be suitably constructed and protected to withstand
the corrosive atmosphere and high ambient temperatures of the site, whether
indicated under the fittings description or not
lighting fittings shall have power factor not less than 0.9.
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 800
BS 3677
BS 4533
BS 5225
BS 60400
BS EN 60081
BS EN 60238
BS EN 60529
BS EN 60662
BS EN 60947-1
BS EN 61167
Products Data:
Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics
of household electrical appliances, portable tools and similar electrical
High pressure mercury vapour lamps
Photometric data for luminaires
Lamp holders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starter holders
Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting service
Edison screw lamp holders
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
(IEC 662), High pressure sodium vapour lamps
General rules for low voltage switch gear and control gear
Metal halide lamps
Fluorescent fittings and other electrical discharge lamp fittings, submit:
full technical details of the fittings, including the control gear, indicating the type
and size of materials used in construction
relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues and dimensional drawings of the
fittings, clearly showing the location of the component
wiring diagram of internal connections indicating colour, size and type of wiring
(iv) confirmation that control gear is suitable for prolonged and continuous service in
the ambient conditions described in Part 1
the power factor under operating conditions and illumination data sheets.
(vi) type and quality of any plastic materials used in the fittings.
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Section 21
Part 11
Light Fittings
Page 3
Other lighting fittings, submit:
full technical details of the fittings, with relevant manufacturer’s catalogues and
illumination data sheets
type and quality of all metal finishes
size and quality of all glassware.
At least one piece of each of the lighting fixtures originally specified and quoted shall be
submitted and displayed at the site office, including the alternative items for comparison in
the event an alternate make is offered.
Fluorescent Lamps:
wattage as indicated in the schedule of luminaires
lamps with a high colour rendering index of 80 shall be used as indicated, suitable for
indoor applications
lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 60662.
Metal Halide Lamps
wattage as indicated in the Project Documentation
colour: deluxe white
lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS 3677
burning position: universal.
High Pressure Sodium Lamps
tubular fluorescent lamp, to BS EN 60081. Lengths/diameters as indicated in the
Project Documentation
tube colour: cool white, unless otherwise indicated
fittings shall comply with BS 800, for suppressing radio frequency interference.
High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamps:
lamps shall be furnished and installed in all luminaires covered under the Contract
lamps used for temporary lighting services shall not be utilised in the final use in
fixture units
lamps for permanent installation shall not be placed in the fixtures until so directed by
the Engineer, and this shall be accomplished directly before the building areas are
ready for occupancy by the Employer
lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 5225
generally, high output, low consumption, tri-phosphorus lamps shall be used, unless
otherwise indicated.
wattage as indicated in the schedule of luminaires
lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 61167
Control Gear For Fluorescent Lamps:
high frequency electronic ballast not less than 25 kHz to IEC 928, unless specified
when specified, conventional type low loss ballast with electronic starters shall be
used and shall provide flicker free operation, as indicated in the Project
glow starters shall not be used
capacitors shall be supplied with discharge resistors and shall be housed in aluminium
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Section 21
Part 11
Light Fittings
Page 4
Lamp Holders:
SBC, BC GES, Bi-pin, etc. as necessitated by the lamp cap
Edison screw lamp holders, to BS EN 60238, to be designed so that the lamp cap
only makes electrical contact when fully screwed home, and to have means to
prevent the unscrewing of the lamp due to vibration or similar cause
Lamp holders for fluorescent lamps, shall be the spring loaded rotary type, to
BS 6702.
Luminaires shall be manufactured to BS 4533 with an appropriate IP classification to
BS EN 60529.
All lighting fittings shall be supplied complete with appropriate control gear where necessary,
lamps, mounting and fixing accessories etc. whether explicitly mentioned in the description of
each light fitting or not. All the fittings shall have the same appearance, material, technical
details and approximate dimensions.
Luminaires shall be connected to the main circuit wiring with heat resistant flexible cables of a
minimum conductor size of 1.5 mm insulated with silicon rubber.
Break joint rings shall be used in conjunction with batten holders, ceiling roses or back plates
mounted onto a flush installation.
Standard fluorescent luminaires shall have two suspension or fixing points. The thickness of
the luminaries body shall not be less than 0.6 mm.
All lamp-holders for flexible pendants shall be of the all insulated skirted pattern with code
grips and for batten or wall mounting shall be of similar pattern. All lamp holders shall be of
the bayonet cap pattern.
The point box suspensions and other parts of the lighting fittings shall be provided to be
erected at festival time to suit the building programme for decoration as per the requirements
of the Project Documentation.
The glassware diffusers, shades and lamps shall not be fitted until all building work is
All fittings shall be easy to clean inside and outside, when mounted.
All fluorescent fittings shall be suitable for instant start irrespective of any catalogue or list
numbers quoted.
Diffusers on fluorescent luminaires shall be poly-carbonate unless otherwise specified in the
Project Documentation.
All fittings that are mounted in areas accessible to the public shall be provided with vandal
proof high strength diffusers and shall be additionally provided with a galvanised steel mesh
security guard.
All luminaires shall be certified by the manufacturer for use in an ambient temperature of
All luminaires intended for use in hazardous areas shall be certified to be zone 1 or 2 as
required at 50°C ambient temperature.
Wet well luminaries, fixtures and cabling shall conform to ingress protection IP67,shall be
PTFE coated and shall be provided with tungsten halogen lamps i.e. no run up or re-strike
time for safety reasons.
All wet well luminaries, fixtures and cabling shall conform to ingress protection IP67.
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Section 21
Part 11
Light Fittings
Page 5
Fused terminal blocks shall be fitted and be of sufficient capacity for the wiring involved.
Each terminal shall be capable of accommodating two 2.5 mm conductors.
Connector strip terminals shall have a current rating not less than the rating of the circuit
protective device and shall be encapsulated in self-extinguishing grade polyethylene.
Where connector strips are provided in boxes behind heat producing appliances, porcelain
connectors shall be used where temperatures in excess of 70 °C are likely.
Conductors shall be clamped between metal surfaces such that no screws make direct
contact with the conductor. The metal used in construction of the connector shall be at least
85 °C copper alloy such that good conductivity and electrolytic compatibility are maintained at
all times.
All light fittings shall be provided with an earthing terminal which shall be connected to the
earth continuity lead of the final sub-circuit.
The earthing of all pendant or semi-pendant fittings shall be by a separate core in the
connecting flex or cable securely bonding the earth terminal on the fitting to the glanded joint
of interconnecting cables. In no case shall pendant chains or conduit support tubes be used
as a means of earthing.
Ceiling System
In false ceilings, luminaires whether surface or recessed mounted shall not be supported by
the false ceiling construction. Separate independent supporting systems shall be provided for
each luminaire, comprising drop rods, chains or similar.
Luminaires installed in false ceilings shall be connected to the lighting circuit using
mechanically coupled plug-in ceiling roses.
Luminaires shall be positioned to provide ease of access for maintenance, cleaning etc.,
while not impairing the distribution of light.
The Contractor shall ensure that the luminaire manufacturer has the correct details of the
ceiling system, including suspension, tiles, etc. He shall ensure that the luminaires are
supplied with the correct trim, suspension system and are fully compatible with the ceiling
Noise and Interference
The noise level from control gear, obtained from the average of sound pressure levels each
measured at 2000 mm from the control gear in at least five positions (on each side and
below), shall not exceed 30 dB Scale “A” (Noise Rating Number).
External Lighting
external lighting system shall consist of supply and installation of lighting columns,
foundation and fixing of the columns, underground cabling, high pressure sodium
vapour lamps or as specified, and control equipment as required
contactor units, where specified incorporating a controlling photo-cell and time switch,
shall be provided within the external lighting distribution board for the control of
external lighting
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Section 21
Part 11
Light Fittings
Page 6
underground lighting cabling shall be XLPE or PVC/SWA/PVC or as detailed in
in the Project Documentation.
Lighting Columns
All external lighting fittings shall be adequately earthed.
Control gear shall form an integral part of the lighting fittings except where specified, or where
this is not possible, it shall be totally enclosed in a housing to suit the installation location.
All external fittings shall be dust-tight and waterproof to IP 65.
The particular requirements for road lighting and high mast floodlighting are specified in
Section 6, Part 12.
Lighting Installation
general fluorescent fittings mounted direct to conduit outlet boxes shall have the
circuit wiring run direct to the fittings terminal position. Flexible conduit pigtail
shall be provided for all fixtures to J-boxes
terminations for recessed, or semi-recessed pattern fittings fitted in false ceilings,
shall have the circuit wiring terminal above the ceiling in a ceiling rose Outlets
shall be mounted adjacent to the fitting.
Installation of Lamps
Generally install new lamps in all luminaires at substantial completion of work.
QCS 2010
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columns shall be hot-dip galvanized steel of either tapered or tubular construction
complete with luminaire fixing arms or brackets, as per design.
all columns shall be externally painted with 2 coats of aluminium paints, internal
surface including the studs inside the cable connecting box with red lead anticorrosive paints, the finishing shall be micaceous iron oxide paint pigmented with
the column shall be equipped with auxiliary control gear and a 15 amp. single pole
and neutral cut-out (with a three phase and neutral terminal block), two cable glands
and two entry slots in the base of the pole for incoming and outgoing cables
a two core and earth 2.5 mm sq. butyl rubber insulated heat resistant flexible cable
shall connect the lantern to the cut-out
columns shall be provided with base plates having fixing holes and anchor bolts for
unless specified otherwise, the column length shall be 5m including buried part or 4m
when plinth mounted. The diameter at the bottom shall not be less than 120 mm.
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 12
Emergency Lighting
Page 1
EMERGENCY LIGHTING .............................................................................. 2
Reference Standards
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
Central Battery Units
Self Contained Emergency Battery Packs
Luminaries and Lamps
Obstruction / Beacon lights
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 5
QCS 2010
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12.3.1 Wiring
12.3.2 Installation of Batteries
12.3.3 Luminaries and Lamps
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 12
Emergency Lighting
Page 2
This Part specifies the general requirements for emergency lighting and accessories both
maintained and non-maintained. It shall be read in conjunction with other parts of the
Specifications and the Project Drawings.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Wiring Accessories and General Power
Light Fittings
Reference Standards
The following standards and documents of other organisations are referred to in this Part,
and shall be complied with:
BS 4533 .......... General requirements and tests
BS 4533 ........... Luminaires for emergency lighting
BS 5225
Method of photometric measurement of battery operated emergency lighting
BS 5266 ........... Emergency lighting
BS 7671 .......... Requirements for electrical Installations
BS EN 60529 ... Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
ISO 9000 ......... Quality management and assurance standards
QGEWC .......... Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Regulations.
Quality Assurance
The supplier’s manufacturing facility shall be certified to ISO 9000 or equivalent.
Battery units, luminaires and accessories shall be warranted for a minimum of 5 years by the
manufacturer. The battery shall have minimum 10 years useful life.
Emergency lighting installations shall be complete with emergency batteries, chargers,
luminaires and wiring, all as described in Specifications and as indicated on the Project
Drawings, complying with BS 5266 Part 1.All emergency lighting shall be Non-maintained
type except for the EXIT lights where it shall be maintained unless otherwise explicitly
specified in the project documentation.
Non-maintained luminaires shall be supplied directly from the battery system. Maintained exit
luminaires etc., shall be supplied from a separate supply via an independent transformer and
shall only operate from batteries during mains failure.
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This Section
Part 1
Part 10
Part 11
Part 24
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 12
Emergency Lighting
Page 3
The operation of the system shall be such that on loss of one or all phases of the main
electricity supply, a set of central batteries or individual battery packs shall provide power for
3 hours to illuminate emergency luminaires throughout the building. On restoration of the
mains supply the batteries shall be charged by an integral charger such that the system
supplies not less than 85 % of its rated voltage after a period of 12 hours.
Central Battery Units
Battery chargers:
units shall be provided with composite output distribution boards of the sizes and
types indicated on the Project Drawings
units shall be installed complete with all necessary fixings, maintenance equipment
and instructions.
batteries shall be suitable for the discharge duty they will be required to perform.
Batteries shall be of the lead acid, sealed re-combination type or Nickel Cadmium
depending on the duty requirements and as indicated on the Project Drawings. The
contractor shall submit calculation to justify the Ampere-Hour capacity of the
batteries for approval to the Engineer
battery system shall be provided with a suitably rated switch disconnector
Batteries shall be mounted on suitable tiered galvanized steel shelving with moulded
plastic trays to contain any leakage from the battery cells and, to allow safe easy
access for maintenance
battery terminals shall be coated with the battery manufacturer’s approved grease,
and shrouded if not enclosed.
QCS 2010
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battery chargers shall be installed in purpose-made metallic enclosures with an index
of protection IP 31 in accordance with BS EN 60529 suitable for wall or floor
mounting, depending on size
battery charger enclosures may house the system batteries providing the design of
the enclosure ensures safe operation with the batteries specified. This arrangement
should normally be restricted to smaller systems e.g. for circuit breaker tripping
supplies for power supply to emergency lighting system, central battery units shall be
wall or floor mounted as required, conforming to BS 4533 Section 102.22, and be of
robust, high quality construction. Enclosures shall be metal, with hinged lockable doors
and with suitable ventilation provided
battery charger shall operate from a 415 V, three phase or 240 V, 50 Hz single phase
supply, unless otherwise specified
battery charger shall be rated to supply trickle charge and any standing loading plus
any additional recharging load that may be imposed
battery charger shall use an uncontrolled bridge as the input stage to minimise
harmonic generation on the supply system. The characteristics of each charger shall
match the requirements of the specific batteries selected and the duty cycle
battery charger shall be suitable for fully automatic charging of the appropriate
battery and shall be provided with:
Mains „ON’ lamp
Main ON/OFF switch
Charge Ammeter Discharge Ammeter
(iv) Battery voltmeter
Test switch facilities
(vi) Contactor/relays to BS 5266 Part 3
(vii) fault protection
(viii) output current limitation
(ix) lamp indication for appropriate faults e.g. charger fail, low volts etc., with lamp
colours in accordance with BS EN 60073
common fault contact for use with a central alarm system or BMS.
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 12
Emergency Lighting
Page 4
Self Contained Emergency Battery Packs
Where a central emergency battery unit is not installed, individual emergency luminaries shall
consist of individual power packs installed within or remote to the luminaries.
Battery pack units shall consist of converter/inverter devices, with nickel-cadmium batteries to
provide 3 hours operation under mains failure, unless the main supply is restored prior to this.
Luminaries with self contained battery packs shall be connected to the „live side’ of the local
lighting circuit and lamps shall operate automatically under mains failure conditions.
Units shall have the capability of sustaining high temperature so that they can be
accommodated in fittings with high internal temperatures. However, if the internal
temperature of the fittings exceeds 50 °C, the battery unit shall be mounted remote to the
luminaries. In the case of remote mounting, a purpose made remote mounting box shall be
Key operated switches shall be provided, at the locations indicated on the Project Drawings,
for all self contained emergency pack unit luminaries, to control the operation of the
luminaries manually for testing purposes. Test key switches shall be clearly labelled
“Emergency Lighting”.
Luminaries and Lamps
Clauses of Part II relating to luminaries and lamps shall also apply to emergency luminaries
and lamps.
Slave luminaries shall comply with BS 4533 Section 102.22 and BS5225 Part 3 and be as
Exit sign luminaries lettering shall be both in Arabic and English. The Arabic text shall be
above the English text.
Maximum viewing distance for minimum legend height shall be guided as follows:
H > L/200
H = Height of Legend
L = Distance of viewer from the sign
Self contained emergency luminaries shall have a red light emitting diode installed on the
luminaries so that the red light is visible.
With the central battery unit system, emergency luminaries shall be installed with an
engraved label fixed to the outer case of the luminaries, so that it is readily identified. The
label shall detail the lamp wattage and rated voltage.
Generally, marking of emergency luminaries shall comply with BS5266 Part 1.
The following illumination level shall be considered for designing the number of luminaries for
emergency lighting: (refer to BS 5266, Part 1)
Space to Height Ratio for luminaries shall be 4:1
5 lux for vital positions:
QCS 2010
first aid and safety equipment
exit doors
fire alarm call points
fire fighting equipment
exit and safety signs
changes of direction
corridor intersection
adjacent areas of final exit points
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 12
1 lux for normal working spaces:
Emergency Lighting
Page 5
on the centreline of escape route
lift cars and moving ways
plant rooms
covered car parks
Fluorescent lamps shall be provided for both slave and self contained type luminaire
installations. The lamp wattage ratings shall be chosen from the following table:
Self contained
: 4 watts or 8 watts
: 8 watts, 18 watts, 36 watts or 58 watts
Obstruction / Beacon lights
This regulation is mandatory by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Where a building height is 45m or more, then the contractor shall install permanent
obstruction lights as required by ICAO.
The contractor shall obtain local navigation authorities requirements and approval for this
type of installation..
Where the emergency lighting system installation is via a central battery unit, the wiring to
emergency luminaries shall be carried out in MICC, PVC sheathed cables, unless specified
Where the emergency lighting scheme is self-contained emergency packs, the wiring system
shall either be in MICC Cables as above or in PVC insulated single core wires in conduits.
Generally, cables shall be 2.5 mm cross-sectional area unless specified otherwise.
The Contractor shall pay careful attention to cable routings so as to keep cable runs to the
shortest possible length and ensure the overall volt drop on any circuit is within the tolerances
of the luminaries connected and within the limits specified in the QGEWC regulations.
Installation of Batteries
The manufacturer’s recommendation/instructions shall always be followed.
Insulated tools shall be used.
Personnel erecting battery banks shall remove metallic objects from their person i.e.
watches, rings etc.
Eye and hand protection shall be provided.
Batteries shall not be left on site for prolonged periods without being trickle charged to
maintain their condition i.e. if delivery is some weeks before commissioning of the charger.
Due care shall be observed when handling acidic substances.
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Total quantity of luminaries shall be calculated based on the illumination level requirement as
per item 7 above, the type of luminaries and lamp lumens.
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 12
Emergency Lighting
Page 6
Luminaries and Lamps
Luminaries and lamp installation shall comply with the requirements stipulated in Part 11 for
general light fittings.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 13
Telephone Installations
Page 1
TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS .................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
13.1.1 Scope
13.1.2 Reference Standards
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
13.2.1 General
13.2.2 Telephone Outlets
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 3
Incoming Line/Site Services
Conduits and Trunking
Telephone Outlets
Special Requirements
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 13
Telephone Installations
Page 2
This Part specifies the general requirements for telephone installations carried out as part of
a contract for other works. It shall be read in conjunction with the other Parts of the
Specifications and the Project Drawings.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Cables and Small Wiring
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Cable Trays
Wiring Accessories and General Power
Structured Cabling Systems
Reference Standards
The following standards and documents of other organisations are referred to in this Part,
and shall be complied with.
BS 13631
3A plugs, socket outlets, adapters and connection units
Telephone cabling and equipment supply and installation shall be carried out by an approved
Q-TEL contractor specialising in telephone installations.
All telephone related installations carried out by the Contractor shall conform to the Q-TEL
standard specifications and regulations together with this specification and the Project
The Contractor shall supply and install cable ways, empty conduits with draw wires and/or
trunking, telephone points and outlets, PVC ducts, telephone junction boxes, and manholes
as required and shown on the Project Drawings unless otherwise Specified.
Telephone Outlets
The Contractor shall supply and install telephone points and the associated mains power
outlets which shall conform to BS1363 .
The telephone outlets shall be jack type and from the same manufacturer, and finish as for
the lighting and general power outlets, unless specified otherwise.
Telephone outlets shall be of the type approved by Q-TEL.
QCS 2010
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This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 14
Part 23
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 13
Telephone Installations
Page 3
Incoming Line/Site Services
The Contractor shall supply and install the incoming line underground through Q-TEL
approved PVC-u pipe ducts with draw wires, together with the manholes/draw pits as
indicated on the drawings.
The works shall be carried out in co-operation with Q-TEL Engineers.
Standard Q-TEL type manhole and manhole covers shall be utilised, appropriate to the
manhole location.
External ducts shall be installed in a 775 mm deep trench, on 75 mm of dune sand, covered
with 75 mm of dune sand, and completed with selected filling materials.
Trenches for Q-Tel ducts through rockfill shall be lined with Terram Grade 1000 filter fabric
material as specified in Section 6 Clause 14.9.5.
Contractor shall arrange with Q-TEL for inspection of the installation during execution stage
and on completion, all costs are deemed to be included in his price.
Conduits and Trunking
The Contractor shall if required by the Project Specification or on the Project Drawings, allow
for the supply and installation of an empty conduit system complete with draw wires and/or a
trunking system between the outlet points and the telephone equipment area.
Conduit installations shall be concealed within the building fabric and/or concealed in
suspended ceiling voids.
Conduit and trunking installations shall conform to the requirements of the Specifications and
Q-TEL requirements.
Unless otherwise specified, the minimum size of the conduit installed shall be 25 mm
diameter and telephone underground duct 50 mm diameter as subscriber duct.
The Contractor shall be responsible for liaison with the specialist telephone installer and/or QTEL engineers to ensure that:
the proposed conduits and trunking are adequate to accommodate cables
the specialist installer is provided with the programme requirements and that his work
is carried out in accordance with the Contractor’s main programme.
Telephone Outlets
Outlets shall be installed at locations indicated on the drawings and at the same heights as
the general power socket outlets, unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation.
Special Requirements
The Contractor shall consult the Q-TEL not less than one month before it is proposed to
commence work to ascertain whether any underground installations will be affected by the
proposed works, in which event the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with
Q-TEL to safeguard the installation.
The Contractor shall give at least one week’s notice in writing to Q-TEL of the dates upon
which it is intended to operate plant or equipment or carry out work for which permission has
been given in writing by Q-TEL; such operations of work shall only be carried out in the
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 13
Telephone Installations
Page 4
presence of Q-TEL unless notice shall be obtained in writing from Q-TEL that they do not
require to be present.
Q-TEL may require work to be executed on their installations during the period of the
Contract; the Contractor shall afford all facilities to Q-TEL’s contractors or workmen until their
diversion work is complete. The Contractor shall co-ordinate the work of Q-TEL and his own
activities and when necessary shall amend his programme of work to suit all requirements of
Q-TEL in connection with their diversion work and keep the Engineer informed in writing of all
arrangements made.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 14
Structured Cabling Systems
Page 1
STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS ...................................................................2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................................2
14.1.1 Scope
14.1.2 Reference Standards
PRODUCTS ...............................................................................................................2
Copper Cables
Optical Fibre Cables
Patch Panels
Patch Cords/Line Cords
INSTALLATION .........................................................................................................4
14.3.1 Containment Systems
14.3.2 Testing and Commissioning
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 14
Structured Cabling Systems
Page 2
This Part specifies the general requirements for structural cabling system used in data
transmission applications for buildings or sub-systems thereof.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Cables and Small Wiring
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Cable Trays
Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems
Reference Standards
The following standards and documents of other organisations are referred to in this Part,
and shall be complied with:
BS EN 60950
Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business
EN 50173
Information Technologies: Generic Cabling Systems
ISO/IEC 11801 Generic Cabling for Customer Premise Cabling
ANSI/EIA/TIA 455-30,46,51,53,61
ANSI/ICEA S-83-569 (Ref. B.1.40)
Bellcore TR-TSY-000020
The Contractor shall provide structured cabling installations for telephone and computer
networks, including distribution frames, patch panels, racking systems (cabinets), patch
cords, outlets, adaptors, conduits, PVC ducts and junction boxes, in accordance with the
Project Specification and Drawings.
Wiring for cabling systems shall be carried out by a Specialist Contractor approved by the
Engineer and Q-TEL, who has 5 years experience in Qatar.
Copper Cables
Copper cables shall be 24 AWG, 4 pair 0.170 mm diameter, polymer alloy jacket, category 5,
unshielded twisted pair (UTP), suitable for extended multi-media transmission distance over
frequency range up to 100 MHz, with extremely low noise characteristics.
Cables shall conform to ANSI/EIA/TIA 568A, Category 5 and EIA/TIA SP-2840 horizontal
Cables shall conform to the following performance data:
NEXT (dB) worst pair at 100 MHz
QCS 2010
38 dB
Qatar Project Management
This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 18
Part 23
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 14
Attenuation (dB/100 m)
Impedance ±7 % (Typical)
Structured Cabling Systems
Page 3
22.0 dB/100 m
100 ohms ±7 %
Optical Fibre Cables
Optical fibres, cables shall be multi-mode, graded index optical fibres with nominal 62.5/125
µm core/cladding diameter.
Fibres shall comply with ANSI/EIA/TIA 592-AAAA (Ref. B1.18) and also with ANSI/EIA/TIA
568A Paragraph 12.5.1 on mechanical terminations.
Outdoor optical fibres shall be used to connect buildings to the main distribution frame.
Outdoor optical fibres shall comply with the same specifications, however cables shall also be
steel jacketed, jelly filled, rodent proof specifically made for outdoor applications, with
12 strands.
Optical fibres shall meet the graded-index multi-mode performance specified in Table 14.1.
Table 14.1
Graded-Index 62.5/125 µm Multi-mode Cable Characteristics
850 nm
1300 nm
Attenuation - dB/km
Bandwidth - MHz. km
Attenuation shall be measured in accordance with EIA fibre optic test procedure
ANSI/EIA/TIA 455-46, 61, or 53 (Ref. B1.39). Information transmission capacity shall be
measured in accordance with the ANSI/EIA/TIA 455-51, or 30 (Ref. B1.39)
Mechanical and environment specifications for indoor fibre optical cables shall be in
accordance with ANSI/ICEA S-83-569 (Ref. B1.40). Outdoor fibre optic cables shall be in
accordance with Bellcore TR-TSY-000020 (Ref. B1.36).
Patch Panels
Patch panels shall be type RJ45, 16 port, 1U type in rows of three with extension possible of
up to six patch panels.
Patch panels shall be housed inside racking system (19” preferred) cabinets with hinged
doors on either sides and lockable front doors.
Ventilation slots shall be provided in both sides.
Rack size shall suit patch panels.
Patch Cords/Line Cords
Patch cords, shall be 2 metres long with adapters at both ends suitable for connection to
RJ45 16 port IU patch panels.
Patch cords shall be Category 5 and be flexible enough to bend without loosing any
Patch cords shall be the flexible stranded type.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 14
Structured Cabling Systems
Page 4
Line cords shall have the same specifications as patch cords, however these shall be the
solid type, used at wall outlets to connect computers or terminals to distribution cabling
Cables shall comply with the performance data specified in Table 14.2.
Table 14.2
Specifications for Category 5 solid/stranded line cords or patch cords
(Max. dB/305 m)
(Min Loss dB/305 m)
These shall be twin outlet type RJ45 to EN 60950 IBS 7008 having white moulded plastic
plates with black shutters for computer outlets and white shutters for telephone outlets.
Outlets shall conform to the following specifications:
Attenuation (dB)
Return loss (dB)
Bulk resistance (milli-ohm)
Voltage rating
>1050 V DC for 1 minute
Containment Systems
90 mm diameter PVC-u ducts and draw-pits shall be provided from external boundary walls
to main distribution frame (MDF) positions and from the MDF to other buildings, as indicated
on the Project Drawings.
Conduits, trunking and cable trays shall be provided for structured cabling installations,
complying with Parts 7, 8 and 9 respectively of Section 21. The minimum conduit size shall
be 25mm.
The computer wiring shall be laid from the user outlets up to the computer room (server)
without any joints in between. Moreover the maximum length of a single run shall not exceed
90 meters, otherwise amplification of signal shall be provided.
All public offices and buildings shall be equipped with a complete wireless access points
through the building.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 14
Testing and Commissioning
Page 5
the Specialist Contractor shall test the complete cabling network to ensure
that noise is not interfering with systems and contact resistance are kept within
acceptable levels
certificates shall be supplied by the Specialist Contractor to certify efficient
working of the networks.
Wire mapping for correct polarity
Length for point to point connectivity under 90 metres
Near end cross talk (NEXT)
Optical fibre cable shall comply with the following:
certificates of compliance with EIA/TIA specifications, and manufacturer’s test
certificates attached to the reels/drums
white light tests shall be performed to confirm end to end connectivity on delivery to
site, after installation and prior to field termination
after field termination point to point connectivity shall be tested on each cable by a
hand held optical time domain reflectometer, (OTDR), or optical power light meter and
light source, capable of reading and measuring signal loss by generating wave lengths
of 950 mm and 1300 mm. This shall check the field termination loss and that no
damage has occurred from macro/micro bending.
QCS 2010
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Copper Cable and Connectors: Each RJ-45 Jack connector shall be tested to ensure
Category 5 performance. Each RJ-45 Jack shall be tested for Point to Point connectivity, by
utilising hand held time domain reflectometers (TDR), capable of generating pulses of 100
MHz, and of testing that the following parameters are in accordance with EIA/TIA 568A:
Structured Cabling Systems
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 15
Electric Motors
Page 1
ELECTRIC MOTORS .................................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
15.1.1 Submittals
15.1.2 References
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
15.2.1 Motor Enclosures
15.2.2 Induction Motors
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 7
QCS 2010
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15.3.1 General
15.3.2 Factory Tests
15.3.3 Field Checks
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 15
Electric Motors
Page 2
Submit for QGEWC/Engineer approval, shop drawings, factory test reports, manufacturer’s
certified reports and technical data for motors supplied with driven equipment to the extent
required in this Section and the Specification Sections for mechanical equipment.
Shop Drawings. In addition to information to be included in the shop drawings as specified in
Part 1, shop drawings shall include the following:
motor locked rotor and full load currents
power factors and efficiencies at full load, three quarters load and half load
motor housing material, winding material, ambient temperatures and maximum
elevations in which motor is designed to operate continuously, service factor, insulation
Class, temperature rise, type of enclosure, voltage, bearing life and dynamic balance;
all of which shall comply to the requirements of the specifications
nameplate data
dimensions, weights and mounting details of motors
motor construction details
speed torque/current at 100 % volts
wiring diagrams, internal and typical external connections.
Current Data. Submit eight copies to the Engineer of field recorded current data. The data
shall indicate the full load current for each motor, and current rating for the overload relay in
each motor starter and controller.
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 2048
BS 4999
BS 5000
Dimensions for fractional horse-power motors
Winding terminations
Rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular applications
Motor Enclosures
Motor enclosures shall be selected from BS EN 60034-5 as follows:(a)
for submersible applications the enclosure shall be IP68 and be capable of being
continuously submersed to a depth of at least 2 metres greater than the maximum
immersion depth of the application. Where such motors are to be installed in an area
designated as potentially explosive then it shall have the appropriate
BASEEFA/CENELEC or other similar National Testing Organisation Certification.
Copies of the Certificates shall be submitted. Motors to be used in sewage wet wells
shall be certified for use in a Zone 2 area and Certificates shall show that the motors
were tested at an ambient temperature of 50 C. They shall be certified in accordance
with BS 4683 Parts 1 and 2 classification Ex d IIA T3.
motors shall be of the submersible squirrel cage rotor induction type suitable for
operating in the specified medium (sewage, effluent etc.).
motors shall be suitable for continuous operation when immersed in the specified
medium and when the motor is above the specified medium in an ambient temperature
of 50 C.
the motors shall be entirely waterproof and provided with adequate cooling facilities which
shall be achieved either by the surrounding liquid in the sump or by providing a motor
jacket cooling system supplied with liquid from the pump volute.
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QCS 2010
Part 15
Electric Motors
Page 3
terminal boxes shall be watertight and the motor shall be supplied with an adequate
length of multi-core heavy duty flexible cable with tough rubber outer sheath.
the cable shall pass through a watertight gland on entry into the motor body.
the rotor and impeller assembly shall be dynamically balanced at the duty speed.
for indoor applications the enclosure shall be to IP54 of BS EN 60034-5. Submersible
motors that are to be installed in dry wells shall be to IP 68 of BSEN60034-5. The
cooling method shall be exactly the same as if the motor was installed in a submerged
condition. Under no circumstances will an external cooling fan be permitted on dry
installed submersible motors.
for outdoor application the enclosure shall be to IPW55 of BS EN 60034-5. A
certificate shall be issued by the manufacturer certifying the motor suitability for the
outdoor application, in the service conditions as described under the general section of
this specification.
for high voltage motors the enclosure shall be protected to IP55 of BS4999 Part 105
Unless stated otherwise, stator frames shall be of cast iron, foot and flange mounted as
required by the Contract. Aluminium frames are permitted for 2.2 kW motors and smaller
only. Ductile stainless steel frames shall be used, when specified in the particular
specification, for aggressive sewage conditions, and shall be of grade 316L minimum.
lifting facilities shall be provided on all motors
submersible motors shall be protected by a tandem mechanical seal arrangement. Lip
seals are not permitted. The Contractor shall provide complete data on the seal
materials, seats, faces etc., and ensure suitability for the medium being sealed i.e. oil
chamber, oil and supernatant.
on pumps greater than 2.2 kW the mechanical seal performance shall be monitored by
monitoring equipment to detect the following:(i)
moisture within the oil chamber.
moisture/water or oil within the motor casing.
temperature rise of the hydraulic driven end bearing.
(iv) loss of oil from the oil chamber.
motors installed outdoors shall be protected from direct sunlight. Fan covers and
cooling fans shall be metallic. Plastic fan covers and/or fans shall not be permitted on
motors installed outdoors. Sunshades on motors/machinery should be sized such that
cable entry points and the ends of cable trays are protected from sunlight. Sun/weather
protection shades shall be manufactured from welded mild steel, hot dip galvanised
after manufacture, or stainless steel. There shall be no sharp edges or dangerous
protrusions on any sun/weather protection shades.
Induction Motors
motors shall be supplied by the manufacturer of the driven equipment as specified in
this section, and specifically outlined in the driven equipment specifications
all motors shall be suitable for operation on a 415V, 50 Hz 3 phase supply
all motors shall be capable of starting 10 times per hour. The stalled motor current
shall not exceed 6 times full load current
the motors shall be commercially silent in operation and run free from vibration and the
rotors shall be perfectly balanced both statically and dynamically and shall be tested
and adjusted for dynamic balance in an approved manner
the motors shall be fitted with anti-condensation heaters of a size to maintain the
temperature of the windings 5 °C above ambient. Each heater shall be provided with a
switch and automatic control to disconnect it when its motor is in operation
Terminal Boxes
terminal boxes shall be cast iron and shall be designed to accept XLPE or PVC
armoured cable as detailed in the Contract. On non-submersible motors,
terminal boxes shall be mounted on the right hand side when viewed from the
driving end of the motor, unless otherwise required by the Contract.
the motor stool base where appropriate shall be drilled at works vertically below
the terminal box gland for the passage of the cables and the edges of the hole
slightly countersunk or the hole bushed.
terminals shall be stud-type, substantially designed, anchored to a carrier
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Section 21
QCS 2010
Part 15
Electric Motors
Page 4
terminal block and insulated from the motor frame. Terminals shall be identified
in accordance with BS 4999 Part 108 or equivalent. A separate earth stud shall
be included on each terminal box. Heater terminals shall be shrouded and
prominently labelled.
(iv) adequate space and glanding arrangements shall be provided, particularly on
smaller motors requiring glanding and terminating of steel wire armoured cable
for star/delta starting, anti-condensation heating and thermistor winding
protection devices.
where a common terminal box is used for main, heater and thermistor cable
terminations, a permanent warning label shall be fixed to the terminal box cover.
In addition, heater and thermistor cable terminations shall be clearly marked to
identify their separate functions and operating voltages.
(vi) terminal box covers shall be gasketed to provide a degree of protection
equivalent to or better than that of the motor.
(vii) for Ex 'd' flameproof motors, terminal boxes may employ Type 'e' increased
safety protection, utilising indirect cable entry to the flameproof enclosure.
However, this must be of the same type used to obtain the potentially explosive
hazardous area motor certification.
(viii) 3.3kV motor cable termination boxes shall be high fault level type, with
segregated phases, pressure relief diaphragm and sealing chamber.
arrangements shall be made with the manufacturer so that the Engineer may witness
motor tests
the motors shall run in ball and/or roller bearings and the weight of the motor shall be
carried by thrust bearings incorporated in the motor body
bearings shall be grease lubricated using hydraulic type nipples which are freely
accessible without any dismantling, or otherwise piped out to a readily accessible
“Sealed for Life” bearings shall not normally be used. However, for small motors the
engineer may allow the use of sealed for life bearings.
Motor Ratings:
the efficiency and power factor of the motors shall be high over a wide range of load
conditions. The motors shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with
BS 4999 and BS 5000 (or BS 2048 and BS 5000 in the case of small horsepower
motors) for continuously rated industrial electric motors and Class “F” insulation but
limited to Class „B’ temperature rise. This shall be in addition to any adjustments
necessary for high ambient temperatures at site. The maximum continuous rating
(MCR) of each motor shall be as set out in Table 15.1 and shall be rated and designed
to suit the climatic conditions at site. This reserve power requirement shall be added to
the calculated power prior to any other adjustments e.g. high ambient temperatures at
Table 15.1
MCR Ratings
Up to 75 kW drive
Above 75 kW drive
All pump motors
(excluding positive
displacement type)
10% above that required
under all conditions of
5% above that required
under all conditions of
Positive displacement
pumps and compressors
25% above maximum duty
12.5% above maximum
duty requirements
motor starters shall be selected from the following to satisfy the stipulated performance
requirements and comply with QGEWC starting current restrictions:(i)
QCS 2010
motors up to 11 kW (15 hp) shall be squirrel cage suitable for DOL starting
having a starting current not greater than 6 x full load current (FLC)
Qatar Project Management
Section 21
QCS 2010
Page 5
motors between 11 kW (15 hp) and 37.5 kW shall have their starting current
restricted to 4 x FLC and shall use one of the following starting methods; as
indicated in the Project Drawings or the Project Documentation:
Solid State Reduced Voltage (Soft) Start with torque characteristics
suitable for the application
Korndorffer Auto Transformer
Rotor Resistance
Star - Delta
motor over 37.5 kW shall have their starting current restricted to 2.5 FLC and
shall use one of the following starting methods:
Solid State Reduced Voltage (Soft) Start with torque characteristics
suitable for the application
Korndorffer Auto Transformer
Rotor Resistance
submersible pump motors because of inherent design are to generally comply
with the foregoing. The starting method is to be restricted to DOL/ Star-delta
starting or soft start according to rating.
motors shall be suitable and certified for the zone of hazard in which they are to be
where flywheels are fitted to the main pump set, the motors shall be capable of
starting and driving the pumps under these conditions.
non-submersible motors shall be air cooled to IC 41 of BS EN 60034-6.
cooling of submersible motors shall be an efficient system to the manufacturer's
Motor Windings
Electric Motors
Motor Cooling
Part 15
motor windings shall be copper and treated to render them impervious to moisture,
saline atmospheres, acid/alkaline fumes, oil and grease. They shall be adequately
braced to prevent movement of coils during all conditions of service and be insulated
throughout to Class F of BS 2757 or equivalent with a temperature rise limit of Class B.
This provision shall be in addition to any adjustments necessary for ambient
temperatures at site of 55 C
motor operating voltage and connection type shall be clearly stated on the motor
for high voltage motors, the stator windings shall use a modern synthetic resin
insulation system based on mica glass tape continuously wound on the coils to give a
void-free homogeneous structure. The end windings shall be securely braced to
prevent harmful movement arising from electro-magnetic and mechanical forces. The
rotor bars shall be securely keyed into the rotor. The rotor shall be shrunk and keyed
onto the shaft.
Thermal Protection
all motors rated at 11 kW and above shall unless stated otherwise be equipped with
thermostatic contact elements in accordance with QGEWC Regulation 801. Six
thermostats shall be provided (3 in use, 3 spare) to BS 4999 Part 111 to give Class 1
protection. Thermostats shall be of the normally closed (break on temperature rise) type.
They shall operate at 160 C on rising temperature and shall be complete with leads and
when thermistors are specified six shall be provided (3 in use, 3 spare) to BS 4999 Part
111 to give Class 1 protection. Thermistors shall be PTC type P160 and shall be
complete with control units for motor tripping.
when embedded resistance thermometers are specified six shall be provided (3 in use, 3
spare) either in the stator slots or end windings. They shall be of the platinum wire type
compensated for 0 C at 100 ohms (Pt. 100). They shall be complete with evaluating unit
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and remote temperature indicators with set points for over temperature alarms.
when motor winding thermocouples are specified six shall be provided (3 in use, 3 spare)
either in the stator slots or end windings. They shall be complete with remote temperature
indicator with set points for over-temperature alarm.
When motor winding RTD’s (Resistance Temperature Detectors) are specified six shall
be provided (3 in use, 3 spare) either in the stator slots or end windings.
when bearing temperature indicators are specified the sensors shall be Pt. 100
resistance thermometers installed as close as possible to the bearing and complete with
remote temperature indications with set points for alarm.
when cooling air temperature indicators are specified two shall be provided to monitor
both the warmed air and the fresh air. The sensors shall be Pt. 100 resistance
thermometers installed in the air passage and complete with remote temperature
indications with set points for alarms.
where thermostats or thermistors are used in explosion proof designs, the devices
must be of the same type used to obtain the potentially explosive hazardous area
motor certification.
submersible motors shall be complete with lengths of black PTFE covered flexible
cable for Power, Signalling and Protection purposes.
each cable shall be a minimum of 20 metres long or as otherwise required by the
Contract, and shall be rated in accordance with the cable routing details. As a
minimum cables shall be continuously rated to carry the motor full load current when
laid in a classified area to the approval of QGEWC. The cable shall be factory fitted
according to the connection of the motor winding.
flexible cables for use in potentially explosive atmospheres shall be identical to those
types used to obtain the potentially explosive hazardous area combined motor/cable
certification. Where protection cables are part of an intrinsically safe circuit the outer
sheath shall be coloured blue.
jointing of cables is not acceptable.
cables shall be laid such that there is no fouling of the submersible pump whilst lifting
or lowering. The extra length of cable shall be relaxed and not coiled.
the motors shall run in ball and/or roller bearings and the weight of the motor shall be
carried by thrust bearings incorporated in the motor body.
maximum life bearings with oil seals shall be fitted to both drive end and non-drive end
bearing housings to prevent ingress of solid particles and liquids. Bearings shall be in
accordance with BS 292 or equivalent.
bearings that are not sealed for life shall be grease lubricated and shall be fitted with a
means for replenishing the grease and a relief device for disposal of excess grease.
Hydraulic button head grease nipples in accordance with BS 1486 Part 2 or equivalent
shall be provided and shall be extended, where necessary, such that they are located
at the top of the frame. Re-greasing points shall be located for ease of access.
bearing temperature monitoring facilities shall be provided on submersible motors over
100kW and on non-submersible motors over 250kW.
where required, large machines shall be provided with insulated bearings to prevent
bearing failure due to circulating rotor currents.
Noise Levels
Page 6
Electric Motors
Submersible motor cables
Part 15
unless otherwise required by the Contract, the noise levels (Sound Power Levels
dB(A)) of the motors shall be in accordance with BS EN 60034-9.
Paint finish
the paint finish shall be entirely compatible with the environment to which the motors
will be subjected. This shall consist of an anti-corrosion primer/undercoat with a 2 part
heavy duty epoxy resin paint or such other paint finish determined by the application,
and as detailed in the specification for Corrosion Protection.
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Part 15
Electric Motors
Page 7
Provide all the equipment installations and wiring installations, including connections as
indicated, specified and required. Assure proper fits for all equipment and materials in the
spaces as shown on the Drawings.
Factory Tests
Factory tests shall be carried out as follows:
All motors:
No load current
High voltage on windings and auxiliary
Windings resistance
One motor:
Full load heat run and temperature rise
Efficiency at 100 %, 75 %, 50 % and 25 % load
Power factor at 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% load
Momentary overload
Type test certificate shall be provided to cover the following:
Locked rotor current
Locked rotor torque
Saturation curves
Percent slip
The Contractor shall provide calculations to demonstrate motor power rating and bearing life
with derating factors taken into account.
Field Checks
Motor Installations shall be complete and correct.
Operation tests shall be performed to observe that motors start, run and stop satisfactorily
under design load.
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provide power, control, alarm and earthing installations for all motors as indicated and
check the connections to provide correct rotation for all motors
record the full load current to each motor, and the overload relay rating in each motor
starter for the certified data submittal
provide the wiring for heaters in the motor frames and the required controls to deenergise the heater when the motor operates (if applicable)
provide the required wiring for all equipment that shall be furnished and installed
according to other relevant Sections of the Specifications
install the control stations and/or emergency stop units on steel stanchions or building
structures near motors, if specified and as shown on the Drawings. Control stations,
where required in accordance with the particular specification, shall incorporate a
“Local/Remote” switch, “On/Off” switch and the emergency stop unit
field damaged factory finish on equipment shall be touched-up with paint that is equal
in quality and colour to the original factory finish.
QCS 2010 Section 21
Part 16
Power Factor Correction Capacitors
Page 1
POWER FACTOR CORRECTION CAPACITORS ........................................ 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
Delivery, Storage and Handling
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 4
16.3.1 Installation
FIELD TESTS ................................................................................................ 4
16.4.1 Field Tests
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16.2.1 General
16.2.2 Capacitors
16.2.3 Control and Protection
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Part 16
Power Factor Correction Capacitors
Page 2
This specification section covers the supply and installation of power factor correction
equipment operating on electrical power systems up to 600 V ac 50 Hz.
The work of this part is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this Section.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 6
Part 15
General Provision for Electrical Installation
HV & MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Protective Devices
Cables and Small Wiring
Electric Motors
Provide all labour, materials, equipment, services and accessories necessary to furnish and
install the work of this Part, complete and functional, as indicated in the Project
Documentation and as specified herein.
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 88
BS 1650
BS EN 60949
Cartridge fuses for voltage up to 1000 V ac
Capacitors for connection to power frequency systems
Control gear for voltage up to 1000 V ac
Quality Assurance
Reference standards as detailed under Part 1 and this Part Clause 17.1.4.
Reference Part 1
Delivery, Storage and Handling
Deliver, store and handle materials and products in a manner to prevent damage.
Reference Part 1
The work of this Section shall be completely co-ordinated with the work of other services.
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Part 16
Power Factor Correction Capacitors
Page 3
Power factor improvement equipment shall be provided in LV (415 V) Main Distribution
Board. Correction shall be automatic and be capable of correcting the power factor to within
range 0.9 lagging to unity as required by the design. The power factor setting shall be
Individual power factor capacitors shall be provided for the larger motorised drives, as
indicated on the single line diagrams.
All capacitors must be arranged so that they are connected in stages. These stages shall be
sized to prevent system over-voltage during light loads conditions.
Capacitors shall comply with BS 1650 and shall be of a dry metalised film construction,
containing no liquid and must have low losses (typically 0.5 Watts/kVA).
Each capacitor shall be housed in a sealed container and be fitted with a fail-safe, pressure
sensitive disconnect device.
Each capacitor shall be equipped with suitable discharge resistors to reduce the voltage to
less than 50V in one minute, or less, after supply disconnection.
The capacitors shall be housed in a metal enclosure, forming part of the Main Distribution
Board. The enclosure size should allow enough space and cabling etc., for at least one
additional capacitor unit to be fitted at a later date.
Provision shall be made to ensure that a connection point is available for a series connected,
de-tuning reactor in case of problems with harmonics.
The equipment must comply with BS 800 with respect to electrical interference.
The capacitors shall be protected by a fused switch-disconnector or circuit breaker on the LV
motor control centre.
The capacitor manufacturer must recommend the maximum fuse or circuit breaker that will
ensure the protection of each capacitor bank.
All power and control cables used within the capacitor bank enclosure must be in accordance
with BS 6231 Type BK.
Detuned reactor/harmonic filters
anti-resonance reactor detunned or filters deemed necessary to reduce the harmonic
total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of voltage at point of common couplings shall adhere
to IEEE Harmonic Standard 519-1992 and ER G5/4.
Control and Protection
Power Factor Regulator
the minimum number of capacitor switching steps shall be four (4) as far as practically
possible for smaller rating capacitor banks and between 6 to 12 steps for others. The
capacitors’ KVAr shall be so chosen to provide maximum programming flexibility such
as switching sequence 1:2:2:2, 1:1:1:1 etc. in order to maintain the power factor within
the set limits for most of the operating time.
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Power Factor Correction Capacitors
Page 4
an alphanumerical LCD, micro-processor based automatic power factor correction
regulator shall be provided to control steps and display measurement of the following:(i)
power factor
no. of steps connected
step connection and disconnection time
(iv) actual current
reactive current
(vi) active power
(vii) reactive power
(viii) THD voltage
(ix) alarm conditions as listed below
the regulator shall have built-in alarm relay for remote indication and following alarm
conditions locally:(i)
low power factor
abnormal power factor
leading power factor
(iv) overcurrent
(vi) overvoltage
(vii) THD high
(viii) capacitor overload etc.
the regulator shall provide facility to manually energize/denergise capacitor steps for
the purpose of testing and verification of required/set power factor.
switching contactors shall have a minimum duty category AC4 to BS EN 60947 and a
minimum current rating of 1.3 x the current consumed by the capacitor bank (see BS
Documentation shall be provided detailing:
(a) type test certificate
(b) routine test certificate
(c) maintenance requirements
(d) fault diagnosis
(e) parts list with part numbers and recommended spares
(f) commissioning instructions
Field Tests
The PFCC assembly shall be tested at site during commissioning. The results so obtained
shall be verified with the actual requirements and QGEWC regulations. Modifications if any
shall be carried-out at no extra cost to the Owner.
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Part 17
Standby Diesel Generator Set
Page 1
STANDBY DIESEL GENERATOR SET......................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
General Reference
Description of Work
Quality Assurance
Period of Maintenance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 4
Diesel Generator Set
Control Panel
Automatic Transfer Switch (A.T.S.)
System Operation and Performance
Manual Operation
System Responsibility
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 14
Paint Work
Site Quality Control
Training of Operation and Maintenance Personnel
Reference Data Sheet
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Part 17
Standby Diesel Generator Set
Page 2
General Reference
The work of this Section is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
Co-ordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this Section.
Description of Work
The Contractor shall supply, install, commission, test and handover in good operable manner
including 400 days guarantee and maintenance of 415 V mains failure, standby diesel
generator set and 5 years guarantee for electric motors, as per the Project Documentation.
The set shall be arranged for either automatic or manual start on mains failure, as indicated
on the Project Drawings. The set shall be complete with diesel engine, generator, control
panel, batteries, starting motor, built-in air cooled radiator, main fuel storage tank, daily fuel
storage tank, fuel transfer pumps and all other accessories as specified and mentioned in the
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 22
General Provisions for Electrical Installation
Cables and Small Wiring
Cable Trays
Earthing and Bonding
The following standards are referred to in this Part
BS 4999
BS 5514
Quality Assurance
Manufacturer's Qualification:
Installer's Qualification:
the generator set shall be the product of a single manufacturer regularly engaged as
a manufacturer of such equipment.
all the Diesel Generator installation work shall be carried out by a Diesel Generator
sub-contractor. Diesel Generator sub-contractor shall be one who is normally an
agent representing one or more of the approved makes of D/G sets. Diesel
Generator installation shall be supervised, checked and tested by a qualified
representative of the manufacturer and handover the works in perfect running order
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Source Quality Control:
test the combined engine generator set at the factory and submit the certified test
copies of all tests to the Engineer for his approval.
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Standby Diesel Generator Set
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the manufacturer should have an agent in Qatar who is well experienced in
installation and maintenance of diesel generators of the size specified herein. The
agent should have been associated with the manufacturer for a minimum period of
five years.
Design Criteria:
all materials and equipment shall comply with relevant IEC and BS specifications as
regards quality of materials, performance and proving tests
the emergency power supply system and its components shall be such as may be
properly maintained and serviced without the necessity of carrying expensive spare
part stocks, or being subjected to interrupted service due to the lack of spare parts
emergency generator set shall be designed to allow easy replacement of major items
subject to wear.
Shop Drawings:
submit shop drawings for approval in accordance to Part 1
shop drawings shall be complete, as to be record drawings, not general outline
drawings used for sales and guide layouts
submit a complete wiring diagram for the generator set, drawn on a single standard
size sheet, showing the following:
all components of:
engine starting control
engine alarm
generator control
battery charger
transfer switch control relays
interior wiring, terminals and interconnecting wiring
certified dimensions and weights.
submit a composite wiring diagram of the entire emergency transfer system showing
all wiring between the engine starting panel, engine generator set and the automatic
transfer switches
wiring diagrams shall clearly show:
main current conductors, in heavy lines
control conductors, with colour and/or number coding
location of relays and apparatus
description of function, type and catalogue, of all components.
alternator Control Panel:
submit a schematic line diagram showing:
submit general arrangement drawings of the generator installation and the generator
building layout.
Product Data submitted in accordance to Part 1.
submit curves showing the actual performance of a similar engine (same model,
stroke, etc.) to that proposed, superimposed on the standard published performance
curves for continuous, and maximum operation
submit the detailed information together with manufacturer's catalogues for the
generating set manufacturer
name and Address
generating set Model No.
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Local Agent:
Section 21
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Standby Diesel Generator Set
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diesel Engine
fuel System
starting Battery
control Panel
service Facilities
test certificates
list of spare parts
certified factory test reports
instruction manuals for operation and maintenance
parts catalogue with manufacturer address.
Period of Maintenance
During the maintenance period of 400 days the sub-contractor shall repair and replace
directly, at his own expense, any of the plant, material or work performed or furnished under
the respective works in the Project which may develop under the conditions provided for by
the Project and under proper use in the works or that portion thereof taken over by the
Engineer. The guarantee period for all electric motors shall be 5 years.
The sub-contractor shall obtain and submit to the Engineer all guarantees or certificates or
warranty available from the manufacturers, but only as supplementary to the sub-contractor's
own liabilities under the Project and in no way invalidate them.
The D/G sub-contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory operation of the D/G
installation during the Maintenance and Guarantee Period. He shall carry out necessary
inspection, preventive maintenance and testing to keep the set ready all the time. The set
shall function satisfactorily during power failures. The D/G sub-contractor shall carry out
routine testing of the installation once in every month throughout the Maintenance and
Guarantee Period. The testing shall be carried in presence of Engineer. The sub-contractor
shall himself provide all electrical and mechanical spare parts, grease, lubricating oils, touchup paints, etc., required for the maintenance of the D/G installation. The owner shall be
responsible only for providing diesel oil as and when required. The D/G sub-contractor shall
prepare log-books listed full details of maintenance work and each log-book entry shall be
countersigned by the Engineer.
Diesel Generator Set
The set shall be of rugged reliable design and built for long trouble free service under the
worst specified climatic conditions and made by an approved reputable manufacturer.
the rated output shall be as specified elsewhere or as indicated on the drawings,
240/415 Volts, 3 phase, 4 wire and 50 Hz. The rated output shall mean the net full
continuous derated output in Qatar at an ambient temperature up to 50°C at a relative
humidity of 95%. The set shall also be capable of 110% load for one hour under these
conditions at the rated speed without undue heating of the engine or alternator and
without mechanical or electrical troubles.
Diesel Engine:
The diesel engine shall be of the stationary heavy duty, turbo charged
compression/ignition, multi cylinder 4 stroke operation. The steel base frame shall be
provided with spring type vibration isolators. The engine shall be able to deliver full
load in the shortest possible time after start. The engine speed shall not exceed 1500
r.p.m. The engine construction shall be in such a way as to allow for dismantling of
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Standby Diesel Generator Set
Page 5
any engine component for inspection or repair without undue complication i.e. without
dismantling of other non-defective parts. The crank case shall be provided with
inspection windows
starting system: The diesel engine shall be equipped with starting system detailed
hereunder and as per Engineer's approval.
Battery Starting System:
batteries for starting shall be of the nickel cadmium type, 24 Volt, heavy
duty diesel starting type and of sufficient capacity to allow 6 consecutive
start attempts each of 15 seconds with 1 minute intervals. It shall be
possible by means of a selector to alter the starting sequence to provide a
single start attempt of 1 minute before lockout and alarm. The battery
used for starting may also be used to energise the diesel plant control
system but shall have enough capacity remaining after 3 engine start
attempts to energise the system continuously for 24 hours. The control
system shall be suitable to continue operating correctly during the voltage
dips occurring on the battery during the engine starts.
Cooling System:
radiator : built-in type with sufficient capacity to dissipate the total joules per
hour rejected by the engine cooling system at 110 % full load
blower fan: to have sufficient pressure to circulate required quantity of air for
engine cooling. The fan shall be provided with a suitable guard. D/G room
inside temperature should not exceed 56 C
jacket water heaters: to be provided on engine to facilitate quick starting
under low ambient conditions
the cooling system shall be capable of keeping the temperature of cooling
water at safe limits at all conditions of load required in the specifications.
Maximum temperature of cooling water after 10 hours of continuous running
at full load at worst Qatar climatic conditions shall not exceed the maximum
temperature limits of the diesel engine
the cooling system shall include an engine shaft driven circulating water
pump. The water jacket of the engine cylinder shall be so constructed that
the water in the jacket can be drained completely
the radiator finned tubes shall have a common inlet and common outlet
drain valve and a filling valve shall be provided to the radiator for flushing
and quick filling
Cooling water piping, complete with all necessary supports; control valves,
flanges and fittings, thermometers, pressure gauges, relays etc., shall be
supplied and installed to form a complete engine water cooling line.
Piping shall be as of BS 1387
the water pump discharge valve shall preferably be a globe valve, the other
valves shall be (sluice) gate valve.
Fuel System
The engine shall be suitable for running on diesel oil as described below:
Specific gravity at 60F distillation
(P.P. 123/40)
219 C
250 C
276 C
314 C
342 C
Flash Point PME
189 C
Calorific value BTU/lb. gross
carbon residue.
0.01/wt diesel index
Viscosity redwood seconds at 100F
QCS 2010
Daily Fuel Tank:
Fuel supply to the engine shall be maintained by a separate day tank
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Standby Diesel Generator Set
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located in the room. Daily fuel tank shall be sufficient capacity for
continuous run of 8 hours at full load, unless otherwise specified in the
Project Documentation. The daily service tank shall be manufactured from
mild steel to a rectangular shape in accordance with BS 799 and shall be
complete with the following minimum equipment and facilities:Inspection cover
vent/breather pipe
filler pipe connection
overflow connection
drain valve and sump drain
emergency dump valve operated by the fire alarm system and by a fusible
link mounted over the diesel engine
dial type contents gauge calibrated in gallons and litres
level switches to control fuel transfer pump
level switches to operate high and low fuel level alarm circuits in the diesel
alternator set control panel
lifting lugs.
the contractor shall provide and install an external dump sump of
sufficient capacity to contain the contents of a full day tank and all
pipework necessary to carry the dumped fuel quickly by gravity, to a safe
location in the event of a fire being detected in the generator house. The
sump shall be constructed to contain the fuel without leakage to the
surrounding ground and shall be provided with a lockable cover. Provision
to allow emptying of the sump by portable pump shall be provided.
Main Fuel Storage Tank:
The Contractor shall supply and install a cylindrical diesel oil storage tank
with a capacity to operate the associated diesel generator set
continuously on full load for a minimum of 3 days, unless otherwise
specified in the Project Documentation.
the tank shall be welded mild steel construction suitably protected from
corrosion in accordance with BS. 2594 and shall be installed in the
location indicated on the drawings.
The storage tank shall be complete with pipes, fittings, feed lines, vents.
etc. The tank shall be of the approved type located outside the diesel
engine room. The tank shall be provided with 600 mm inspection manhole
with cover, 50 mm filling pipe with cooped filling terminal, 50 mm air vent
pipe with screen outlets, isolating valve, valved drain etc.
Electronic fuel indicator with an audio/visual alarm shall be provided for
main fuel storage tank
Also the storage tank and its accessories must comply with the Qatar.
Regulations for generator installations.
Duplex Diesel Oil Pumping Set:
Provide packaged type duplex, self priming, fuel oil pumping and straining
set with a capacity of four times the total fuel consumption of engine at full
load. Pump sets shall be factory assembled, piped, wired and tested.
Pumps shall be activated by a switch in the day tank automatically. All
pumps installed in the D/G room shall be flame-proof and fire-resistant as
per NFPA Regulations
Piping shall be complete to suction, discharge and return line
connections. Provide gate valves and unions arranged to permit removal
of either pump while the system is in operation. Install check valves and
relief valves on pump outlet and gate valves prior to pressure gauges
Suction strainer shall be flanged connection, duplex type, one-piece,
cast-iron body, ASTM A48 Class 30, with 1.2 mm perforation brass
Oil pump set shall be factory assembled on a structural steel channel
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Standby Diesel Generator Set
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beam base to include pumps, motors, flexible couplings and guards.
Pump set shall be suitable for diesel oil
Suitable manually operated pump shall be provided.
Tank Gauges:
Provide as shown on the Drawings. Each gauge is to be provided with an
aluminium case and calibrated to indicate level of fuel in the tank.
Mounted on gauges shall also be a high/low level alarm switch. The
switches and gauges shall be designed for operation from a 24 Volt DC,
loop powered system. Locate indicating gauges as shown on the
Drawings or required
Tank fittings and pressure fittings shall be made of solid bar stock to
prevent leak possibilities.
Diesel Oil Piping:
Provide all diesel oil piping from storage tank to day tank fill lines, water
tight fill boxes, vents, vent caps, tank foot valves, and accessories
Provide swing check valves and gate valves at pump inlets. Provide
approved anti-siphon valves at high points of suction lines. Provide
whatever additional valves that may be required by local regulations
All piping shall be provided with ground joint unions at piece of apparatus
to facilitate connecting and disconnecting
All piping, unless otherwise specified, shall be schedule 40 standard
weight black wrought iron pipe
Steel vent pipelines shall run from the fuel oil storage tanks, carried to the
proper height within building construction and terminating with vent
fittings. Fittings shall be "Bronze Ventilating Brick" with thickness of 20
mesh bronze wire gauge in front of louvered opening.
Lubricating System
The lubricating oil system shall be forced fed type. The details of the system
shall be included in the offer. The shaft bearing lubricating shall be directly
fed from the lubricating oil pump and not through the main bearings
The lubricating oil shall be of a type readily available internationally
The lubrication system shall be positive displacement type. By-pass
arrangement should be provided in case of filter clogging
A heat-exchanger shall be provided for cooling the lubricating oil and this
shall be of long-life type i.e. the system shall not require constant cleaning or
other maintenance work. A valve for taking oil sample shall be provided.
The coolant for the above shall be jacket water of the engine. That is, the
cooling system of the engine and the lube-oil heat-exchanger cooling system
shall work in parallel or in series. If the lube-oil pressure reaches low value,
the engine shall be shut down automatically and also immediately should
give audible alarm together with visual indication. The lube-oil system shall
be provided with means to monitor pressure at important points at the
engine-monitor panel
a large capacity oil sump shall be provided and incorporated in the
construction of the bed plate
the system of lubrication shall ensure that adequate oil is pumped to all
rotating parts
The system shall incorporate a level dipstick, filler cap and tube and
crankcase breather pipe or outlet
the capacity of the lubricating oil system shall be sufficient to enable the
engine to run continuously for 12 hours at any load without replenishment.
Suitable manual-pumping arrangement for easy draining of the whole
quantity of lube-oil into a drum shall be provided.
Exhaust System:
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Exhaust pipes shall be of Schedule 40 black steel and of adequate size to
ensure that back pressure does not exceed the value specified by the
The exhaust pipe shall be connected through airtight flexible coupling to the
Exhaust pipes shall be adequately lagged with 75 mm thick (minimum) rock
wool covered with aluminium sheaths of minimum thickness 1.5 mm so that to
take care of exhaust gas temperature in pipes exceeding 500 C. When
exhaust pipes pass through walls or roof a suitable weatherproof sleeve or
thimble shall be provided to isolate exhaust pipe from the building. A
silencer of heavy duty residential type shall be provided in the exhaust
system and it shall also be lagged. The operation of casting the sleeves in
the concrete, if required, will be carried out by a civil contractor
Exhaust pipes and silencers shall be supported from the ceiling by special
vibration isolating hangers and the pipe shall be slanted away from the
engine and a condensate trap fitted at the lowest points. Approved rain caps
shall be installed at the discharge end of the exhaust pipes on the roof.
Suitable flexible expansion joints shall be provided along the pipe run to take
care of expansion requirements
the completed exhaust system shall be capable of limiting the noise level at
the external outlet to 65 dB (A) at three metres from the end of the exhaust
suitable guards shall be provided with the exhaust pipe to prevent small
animals/reptiles from entering.
Filters: Cleanable/replaceable elements should be provided.
Fuel Oil System
The system shall have the following filters fitted before the fuel injection
 A primary fuel filter of ample capacity to prevent all particles of 10 microns
size or smaller.
 A secondary filter to prevent all particles down to 3 microns size or smaller.
Lubricating Oil System
This system should have full flow filters of sufficient capacity
 Tenderers shall give full particulars of the filters used. It shall be
mentioned in if filter elements are cleanable for replaceable, in which case,
the working hours after which the element and the Lubricating oil is to be
replaced should be stated.
Intake and Exhaust System
Air is inducted to the engine manifold through
 Precleaner
 Large capacity air cleaner
Both filters are required due to severity of dust storms and dust
suspensions in the air
 The engine exhaust line shall be fitted with flexible fitting efficient silencer
to give efficient silencing with minimum back pressure and terminated
outside the engine room.
The following ventilation works are required for the diesel engine generator
 Aluminium inlet louvres with washable metal filters shall be provided for
outside air intake into the engine room. Filters shall be sized to perform
their duty with a face velocity not more than 1 metre per second when the
engine is running. Filters shall be installed in an appropriate arrangement
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on the generator room walls. The total filter area shall consider air for
engine intakes and radiator cooling requirements. Filters with handles and
easily operated retaining latches shall be provided.
 The radiator shall be provided with a motorised louvre, interlocked with the
generator, so that the generator will shut down in the event of the louvre not
opening on start up. The louvre shall be capable of being manually opened
in the event of drive motor failure. Gravity louvres shall not be allowed for
the radiator exhaust.
Governing System:
the engine shall run steadily at any load within its rating at its rated speed,
and the changes in speed due to change in load shall comply with BS
5514/77 for Class A1 or with ISO 3067
the governor should be of the electronic type to comply with BS 5514/77
Class A1.
Coupling and Common Bed:
the engine and the alternator shall be suitably coupled directly without
interposing gear arrangement
the common bed shall be provided with spring type anti-vibration mountings
devices for fixing to the floor
the engine vibration shall be the minimum possible and shall comply with
the relevant BS. The vibratory force induced as the engine passed through
resonance revolutions during starting and stopping period shall not cause any
damage to the whole system
Engine Control Panel: The engine-generator control panel shall be of rigid
and robust construction and rust-proof and shall be of the electronic modular
type utilising environmentally sealed, solid state, micro-processor based
modules for engine control and AC metering. The panel shall be capable of
operating under the operating temperature range of 0 degrees to + 70
degrees Celsius. Metering accuracy shall be 0.5% true RMS. The electronic
control system shall employ solid-state transducers for constant monitoring of
oil pressure and coolant temperature through a Single Sire Serial Data Link.
Unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation, the control panel shall
provide the following features:
automatic start/stop engine control with programmable safety shutdowns and
associated flashing LED indicators for low oil pressure, high coolant
temperature, overspeed overcrank and emergency stop
adjustable 1 to 60 second cycle cranking with rest periods
cool-down timer, adjustable between 0 and 30 sec.
LCD digital readout for:
 engine oil pressure (N/mg)
 lubricant oil pressure gauge (N/mg)
 cooling temperature ( C)
 exhaust gas temperature gauge ( C)
 exhaust turbo-blower pressure gauge (N/mg)
 engine RPM
 system DC Volts
 engine run hours
 eight system diagnostic codes
 generator AC Volts
 generator AC Amps
 Generator frequency
The system diagnostic codes shall be designed to enhance the system protection and
to allow for trouble shooting by untrained personnel.
These signals shall be:
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-loss of engine speed
-invalid engine control switch
-internal circuit fault
-loss of coolant temperature
-loss of data sending unit
-unscheduled engine shutdown
-invalid programming switch position
-loss of failure of programme setting
Alternator and Exciter
the alternator shall be able to withstand the stresses caused by the sudden
application of the loads
Self excited, self ventilated, air cooled, splash-proof,
synchronous alternator
As per Project Documentation, at Qatar Climatic
415 V
50 Hz
No. of poles
No. of phases :
3, (ungraded neutral to be brought out)
Power factor
80% lagging
Commercial efficiency not less than 90 %
(including excitation and field losses)
Voltage regulation :
Automatic and static.
Class F insulation shall be provided for the alternator and exciter windings with the
temperature rise as Class B and de-rated for the ambient conditions.
the alternator shall be suitable for continuous running duty type S1, BS 2613 (latest
the alternator unit shall be capable of giving 110% of nominal rated output for one
hour under site conditions. The rotor shall be capable of withstanding an over-speed
test of 15% for 5 minutes
distortion of no-load voltage wave form at alternator terminals shall be within 5 %
from the sinusoidal wave form
voltage adjustable range of the output voltage by adjusting the exciter shall be not
less than 3 % of rated voltage at rated load and not less than ± 5 % of rated voltage
under no-load conditions. This adjustment shall be able to be performed from panel
mounted handle or knob
the voltage of the alternator shall be automatically controlled by electronic static
the alternator shall not be switched on the load until terminal voltage has reached at
least 90 % of the nominal value. It is essential that the voltage regulation equipment
shall have sufficient fast response time so that the alternator is ready to accept load
in the shortest possible time
the voltage regulator shall be designed to maintain the alternator terminal voltage
constant within ± 1 % of the nominal value from no load to full load within normal
variations of engine speed with change in load
the exciter shall be brushless, self excited, rotor mounted type. The rectifying
elements shall be silicon. The silicon diodes of the three phase rectified bridge
assembly shall be protected against surges and overloads such that the generator will
continue to run with a diode failure. Diodes shall have heat sinks suitable for the
ambient conditions described. Means shall be provided to indicate exciter diode
failure on the remote control panel
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These panels shall be provided with the following control switches:
-engine control switch
-ammeter -voltmeter phase selector
-emergency stop
-indicator/display test switch
-voltage adjust potentiometer
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the unit shall be suitably protected so that when there is a sudden variation of load,
the sudden increase of field current in the rotor shall be curtailed and thus the speed
build up of the engine and the voltage build up of generator shall vary
alternator protection. The alternator shall be provided with protection against over
speed, over voltage, over current, short circuit, reverse power, single phasing earth
fault and any other found necessary. The neutral points of alternators shall be solid
by connecting to earth
terminals with cable end boxes shall be provided respectively for the alternator and
the cooling air for alternator and exciter shall be drawn through openings at the nondrive end and exhausted sideways at the driving end
the alternator shall be fitted with anti-condensation heater to keep the winding in
good, dry and safe condition. The anti-condensation heater shall be automatically cutoff when the machine is running. Necessary on-off switches shall be provided on the
control panel and the operation status of the heater shall be indicated
temperature Rise: Alternator components shall be sound electrically and
mechanically in continuous operation lasting over 24 hours at the rated output
insulation Resistance: Insulation resistance of the machine at strategic points shall
be provided along with the submission
dielectric Strength: The Dielectric strength, the voltage of testing and test procedure
at various points of the machine shall be submitted with the shop drawings
radio and television interference suppression devices shall be provided in accordance
with the requirements of BS. 800. Components used for suppression shall be to BS
vibration at the fixed components of the alternator under excited no-load
operation shall be as per relevant BS.
terminal symbols for the alternator shall be in accordance with BS822
panel Wiring:
(i) all wiring of battery charger, exciter and control panel shall be P.V.C tropical
grade of adequate current carrying capacity to prevent over-heating under
worst climatic conditions
(ii) all wiring shall conform to the relevant BS and at least 50 % derated with
minimum size of 2.5 mm or its equivalent.
terminal Board
(I) terminal boards shall have pairs of terminals for Incoming and Outgoing
wires and not more than two wires shall be connected to any one terminal
(ii) insulating barriers shall be provided between adjacent connectors. Labels for
wiring designation marks shall be provided on the fixed portion of the
terminal boards as well as wires. No live metal shall be exposed at the back
of the terminal boards
(iii) terminal boards having pressure type terminal lusts or equivalent shall be
used so that no terminal clamp is necessary. 10 % spare terminals shall be
provided for each terminal board assembly.
Suitable guards with brackets and securing arrangements of substantial construction
shall protect all exposed rotating or moving parts. All guards shall be mechanically
fixed to the generator set. Special attention shall be given to guarding the flywheelcoupling and the radiator fan drive.
Control Panel
heavy gauge, 2.5 mm thick, sheet steel construction, totally enclosed, dust and water
protected and vermin proof to IP 55
a hinged, lockable door shall give access to control and instruments
"live" parts shall be secured to prevent inadvertent contact with them
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controls for diesel engine, alternator, exciter, meters and alarm device shall be
positioned to give ample space for removing and installing components.
Control Panel Equipment and Instrumentation
control panel shall include: (unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation)
3 pole air circuit breaker with over-current, short circuit and earth fault
protection as specified in this specification. (unless part of a main
switchboard, as indicated on the drawings)
busbar system as specified in this specification (unless part of a main
switchboard, as indicated on the drawings)
voltmeter (0-500V) with selector switch to read phase to phase and phase to
neutral voltages
ammeters of suitable range 3 Nos.
frequency meter of range 45 - 55 Hz
duty selector switch OFF/TEST/MANUAL/AUTO key operated
solid state voltage and frequency sensing relays
microprocessor control unit incorporating, but not limited to the following:
30 sec engine warm-up with override
engine minimum run time of 10 minutes
engine cool down time of 10 minutes
return to mains time delay of 30 sec.
80% stand-by voltage setting before load transfer
80% stand-by frequency setting before load transfer
auto exerciser of seven days from initial command that allows operation
with or without load transfer
controls for remote operation and alarm signalling
current transformer for measuring and protection devices
watt meter for unbalanced phases
voltage trimmer
visual and audible alarm for engine starting, engine running overspeed, high
water temperature, low oil pressure, failure to start, engine stalling or shut
down, low fuel level in tanks, overvoltage and alternator overload.
indicator lamps for supply available, battery charger and cooling water
manual start, stop, emergency OFF and lamp test push-buttons
manual and automatic service push-buttons
control switch for alternator circuit breaker, ON and OFF
(xviii) mimic diagram with moving coil indicator for position of air circuit breaker
battery charger, automatic type, nominal current 10 Amps. for charging
24 volts nickel cadmium starter battery and all required instruments
all other accessories, fuses, terminal boards, small wiring, etc.
Automatic Transfer Switch (A.T.S.)
the A.T.S. shall consist of 4 pole, 3 phase, break before make except for the neutral,
rated as shown on the Drawings in accordance with QGEWC regulations
with the A.T.S. provide manual change-over switches to by-pass the A.T.S. in case of
emergency, maintenance or repair
the arrangement, wiring and components shall satisfy the requirements of the Diesel
generator Manufacturer. His written approval shall be submitted
control voltage of A.T.S. shall be normally fed from the main supply, in case of failure
of the main supply it shall be fed automatically from the emergency supply.
in addition to transfer switches the A.T.S. arrangement shall be equipped with the
a selector switch to control the operation of A.T.S. on normal, emergency,
automatic and OFF
adjustable - 3 phase voltage sensing relays sense failure in a phase/phases
and voltage drop below 70 % of the normal voltage (pick-up and drop-out
voltages and adjustable within the range 70 - 100 % of the normal voltage)
visual Mechanical Indicator for transfer switch position
indicator lamps to show transfer switch position normal, emergency and OFF.
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an adjustable time delay relay of 1 - 3 seconds for starting signal to the
Generator set after cutting of main supply
an adjustable time delay relay of 0 - 3 minutes which allows A.T.S. from
Normal to Emergency after the voltage build up relay of the generator has
sensed 90 % rated voltage when frequency within 90 % rated of rated
an adjustable time delay relay of 1 - 10 minutes to allow A.T.S. from
Emergency to Normal
an adjustable time delay relay of 0.5 - 5 seconds to prevent instantaneous
transition from EMERGENCY to NORMAL i.e. the delay allows time sufficient
For the residual motor voltage to decay to a safe switching level.
System Operation and Performance
The normal mode of system operation shall provide for unattended automatic transfer of load
for the emergency power system. Emergency power shall be supplied to the system
emergency loads within 10 seconds after interruption of the normal service. Upon receiving a
signal from the ATS indicating a failure or normal power from transformer, the system control
unit will signal engine generator to start. Generator circuit breakers are open at this time and
the emergency busbar is dead. The generating set to reach approximately 90% of rated
frequency and voltage signals to start sensor. The sensor then inhibits the operation of
sensors and initiates a closing signal to circuit breaker, connecting this generating set to the
emergency busbar. The priority control then initiates operation of the designated transfer
switch, applying load up to the total kW rating of the generating set.
If the generating set fails to start after cranking for the suitable cranking period, it shall be
locked off the busbar and the overcrank light on its switchboard shall light and the alarm
sound. The control prevents critical transfer switch from operating. The generating set may
receive troubleshooting signals after placing its engine control function switch in the "OFF"
position. When the generating set is operational, it may again be placed into automatic
operation by returning its function switch to the "remote" position.
If a generating set stalls and shuts down during normal operation, its respective switchboard
circuit breaker shall open, removing it from the busbar. The appropriate failure light operates
and the alarm sounds. The load shedding contacts in the control close, tripping a breaker in
the load circuits, reducing system load to the rating of the remaining available generating
capacity. After the generating set is made operable, it can be automatically reconnected to
the busbar by resetting the load shed switch and engine control switch.
After normal power has been restored and the time delay on stop has expired, it shall be
possible to manually shut down the generator and restore the mains power.
Under circumstance or condition operation of an emergency stop push button shall
immediately shut down the engine.
Manual Operation
The manual operation of the Diesel Generator Set shall have the following features:
the emergency power system shall have the capacity of being manually operated.
The generator may be started by engine control switch located on the engine control
unit. Once started and stable, the generator may be manually connected to the
emergency busbar through generator circuit breaker
the generator control unit shall be equipped with a generator breaker control switch,
engine speed adjusting potentiometer and a generator voltage adjust thermostat and
System Responsibility
The generating set, switchboard and automatic transfer switches shall be interconnected
according to building load requirements and to manufacturer's recommendations, to prevent
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the emergency generating system from stalling or faltering due to momentary or temporary
overloads beyond system rating, from distribution faults, motor starting loads.
Product Delivery, Storage Handling:
Control Boards:
the engine and generator shall be properly aligned and mounted on a common steel
base through resilient mountings to prevent vibrations. The whole set shall be fixed
on the concrete slabs through suitable number of adjustable spring type vibration
isolators. Foundation and other builder's work shall be as recommended by the
manufacturer and approved by the Engineer
except as may be described in this Section or shown on the drawings carry out
installation strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
run all outgoing cables from the generator to the control boards in the floor trench as
indicated on the Project Drawings.
Record Print:
fix record print of each generator set, framed behind non-glare plexiglass, on a wall
near the generator control room.
Paint Work
Paint work of each set shall be of the highest quality to withstand the worst weather
conditions specified. All steel works such as tanks, pipes, frames, louvers, ladders, platform,
etc. shall be given two undercoats of anti-rust paint and two enamel finishing.
The diesel generator set, day tank internal metalworks and control panel shall be finished to
BS 4800, shade 14E53.
Site Quality Control
Final Testing:
testing shall be carried out at full load after completion of installation by the Engine
manufacturer's qualified representative in the presence of the Engineer
if the above cannot be done then testing shall be done at the manufacturer/supplier's
premises at full load in the presence of the Engineer. All arrangements and costs
incurred by such a test shall be responsibility of the sub-contractor.
Simulated Power Failure Test:
engine-generator shall be made ready for automatic operation and started by means
of the test transfer switch on the automatic transfer switch. Unit shall run for the
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lift all generator equipment using eyes, yokes and skids provided by the manufacturer
do not store equipment assemblies exposed to weather
physically protected all generator equipment against damage from work of other
cover all generator equipment with suitable material to avoid damage to finish.
Contractor shall submit the calculation to prove the adequacy of capacity of the crane
he intends to use for installation of the D-G set
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duration of all time delays and then automatically shut-down. This test shall be made
with unit operating, and twice with unit simulated for a starting failure.
Testing of the Set:
the engine shall be tested at site before and after erection to BS 649 and
amendments or equivalent including items which are said to be subject to
mutual agreement. The test shall include inspection, after testing the
following parts
subsequent running test of eight hours shall be carried out of the set
the engine shall be subjected to vigorous performance tests at site to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and the main items shall include:
 Output characteristics
 Temperature rise
 Checking of valve clearance, fuel pump setting, governor setting, pipeline
connections, exhaust piping and flexible connections
 Checking the base and set are level in all directions, checking alignment of
engine and generator and vibration isolators location and proper installation
 Checking of proper operation of engine safety devices
 Checking of fuel pipelines, fuel pumps, tank level gauges and level control
switches operation.
Alternator and Exciter:
the alternator and exciter shall be tested to BS 5000, P.99 amendments
tests at site before erection and after erection prior to handing over shall be
carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The main items of tests
deemed necessary by the Engineer shall be carried out at the expense of the
Contractor. The performance test shall be for 24 hours under the worst
climatic conditions prevailing in Qatar
the Contractor shall be fully responsible to provide all the necessary facilities
for the test at his own expense.
Training of Operation and Maintenance Personnel
The Contractor shall train a number of persons who will be selected by the Engineer for the
operation and maintenance of all the works within the Project before these works are handed
over to the Engineer.
The training has to be carried out by qualified staff of the Contractor for each specified
service and shall be provided for a one month period following the certificate of completion.
Reference Data Sheet
This Form or similar is to be completed by the Electrical sub-contractor as Well as D/G subcontractor and to be submitted for approval to the Engineer unless otherwise Specified.
Name and Address of
D/G sub-contractor
Detail of work in hand
now with proposed
D/G sub-contractor
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of Government
Amount of D/G
Installation Works
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We confirm that the Statements given above are true, to the best of our knowledge and it
is known to us that Engineer reserves the right to refuse to award sub-contract to us if
the above Statements are found to be incorrect.
Position in company of
person signing
Position in company of
person signing
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Name of D/G sub-contractor
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Name of Electrical Contractor
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Section 21
Part 18
Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems Page 1
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS...................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
Static Switch
Monitoring and Control
Test Procedures
Protective Devices, Controls and Monitors
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Part 18
Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems Page 2
This Part specifies the requirements for uninterruptible power supply systems.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
Cables and small wiring
Cable trays
Accessories and General Power
A single UPS System shall be provided for the Main Control Room (MCR) Data
Communication system (DCS) and peripheral equipment.
The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
IEC 157
IEC 158
Low Voltage Switchgear and Control gear
Low Voltage Control gear
Submit in accordance with Part 1
Shop Drawings
(a) submit dimensional drawings of the main switchboard, including sections and
elevations, showing the following:
(i) sizes and positions of components
(ii) positions and method of fixing cable and boxes
(iii) location of terminal boards
(iv)other pertinent data.
Project Data
(a) Submit:
(i) full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment
with relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
(ii) confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.
The UPS system shall be comprise of single rectifier, battery charger and inverter modules:
(a) the UPS system shall be designed in such a way that any spare part, printed
circuit board, sub-assembly or component, can be replaced without any adjustment
(b) it shall supply clean, uninterrupted power to the critical loads and meet the
(c) transformers shall be manufactured using vacuum pressure impregnated insulation.
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This Section
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems Page 3
The Contractor shall assess the electrical load capacity of the UPS taking into account
derating for non-linear loads and worst case ambient temperature conditions.
The UPS cabinet shall be designed such that all components are removable from the front
and cable entry by floor mounted gland plates.
UPS shall be designed and manufactured “standalone” for automatic operation and as such
circuit connections; protection devices and the like shall comply with BS EN 60950, BS EN
50091-3 and BS EN 60439.
The UPS shall be designed to supply clean, uninterrupted power to the loads.
The design of UPS shall take account of continuous load capacity, de-rating for non-linear
loads and ambient temperature conditions. The UPS shall be sized to supply all
instrumentation and control equipment including but not limited to control and computer room
hardware, mimic, annunciation, telecommunication systems and emergency lighting etc.
where applicable.
Main Features
The UPS shall consist of fully controlled rectifier charger, battery bank, inverter, static bypass
and manual bypass capable to providing safe and secure power supply for a minimum period
of 8 hours. The UPS shall include the following features as minimum:(a)
optimal quality of the output voltage
transient over-voltages and spike protection
voltage variations and mains failures protection
frequency variations protection
true single phase regulation
low noise
low THD (Not to exceed BS G5/4 limits)
PC connectivity for parametering as described under particular requirements.
serial communication 100100 by employing industry standard modbus, fieldbus, NP etc
protocol as described under particular requirements.
The rectifier/charger shall be of solid-state type with fully controlled 6-pulse thyristor bridge
and anti-harmonic chokes. It shall have 10 sec walk-in ramp for input current, adjustable
battery current and voltage. It shall recharge a fully discharge battery in 24 hours. A boost
charge facility shall be provided. A normally open contact rated at 240 Vac, 2A, close on
boost charge, shall be provided for remote monitoring. Input voltage ratings are as follows:
Mains 1 (input to rectifier/charger)
: 415 volts AC ± 10%
: 3-phase, 4 wire + Earth.
: 45 to 55 Hz.
Mains 2 (input to static switch)
: 415 volts AC (± 15%)
: 3-phase, 4 wire + Earth.
: 50 Hz
Synchronisation Range: ± 0.75 HZ
Unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation, the batteries shall be of sealed
nickel cadmium maintenance free type and sized for the pre-selected time with the UPS
operating at rated load. The battery bank shall be sized to maintain full load for a period of 8
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The inverter shall be of transistorised PWM type, for the specified UPS rated power at 0.8 p.f.
Output rating shall be as follows:
Transient Voltage Regulation
Harmonic distortion
Audible noise
: 3-phase, 4 wire and earth.
: 415/240 volts (± 1%), 50 Hz (± 0.25 Hz).
: Voltage transients shall not exceed ± 5 % for a 100 %
load step change and the return to steady state value
shall be in less than 20 milliseconds.
: Less than 4% THD
: For 100% load 92% & For 50% load 91%
:  65 dBA @ 1.5m
Overload Capabilities:
inverter shall sustain 125 % overload for at least 10 minutes and 150 % overloads for
1 minute. After delay, if overload persists, the load shall be transferred to bypass
supply without break if Mains 2 voltage is within tolerance limits. The UPS shall check
the load and if the load is below overload threshold, inverter shall restart automatically
and load shall be transferred back to inverter. Facility to inhibit automatic re-transfer
shall be provided.
The automatic retransfer to the inverter shall be blocked if a transfer to the mains was
initiated six times within one minute or in case of non-synchronization of the inverter with the
Static Switch
The static switch shall have anti-parallel connected thyristor bank for instantaneous load
transfer between the inverter and the mains 2 supply.
Maintenance manual By Pass:
Manual bypass switch system of full UPS shall be integrated into the UPS so that load
can be transferred to mains supply WITHOUT break for maintenance of UPS.
Procedure for transfer to maintenance bypass and back to UPS shall be controlled by
the bypass menu of the UPS, thus eliminating possibility of causing disturbance of load
by operator who is unaware of correct procedures.
Monitoring and Control
the following status information shall be monitored by indicating lights on the front
panel of the UPS:
rectifier-charger on
load on inverter
load on Mains 2 bypass
(iv) alarm
inverter shutdown imminent
(vi) boost charge
an audible alarm shall warn the user of faults or operating problems. The system shall
be equipped with an alarm off button. Metering values displayed on an alpha-numeric
The following measurements shall be available:
inverter output voltage (L-L)
inverter output frequency
inverter output currents
(iv) voltage across battery terminals
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Output synchronised in amplitude, phase & frequency to mains 2 when mains 2 is within
tolerance limits. Phase difference between inverter output and mains 2 held below 3‫؛‬
(electrical) in such condition so that the maximum gap while transfer to UPS from Mains 2
and vice versa occurs shall be less than 167 micro seconds.
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battery current (charge/discharge)
mains 1 (rectifier/charger) input voltages (L-L)
rectifier/charger input currents.
Remote Control And Monitoring:
Remote transmission shall be possible for all controls, monitors and measurement
indication on the UPS unit to the site DCS.
Test Procedures
The UPS manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Assurance Program. In
particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by appropriate tests such as:
incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and complete functional
checks on the final product. Equipment shall undergo on-load burn-in leaving the factory.
Final inspection and calibration operations shall be documented in a report drawn up by the
supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
Ambient temperature
Maximum relative humidity :
0 C to + 50 C
95 %
Protective Devices, Controls and Monitors
The UPS shall be built on modular basis.
Main Protections - The UPS shall include the following protections as minimum:(a)
Input over voltage
Load short circuit
Over temperature
Surge protection
Noise protection
Battery deep discharge protection
Controls shall be micro processor based and the following main controls shall be possible:
rectifier/charger on/off
inverter on/off
forced shutdown
forced transfer upon forced shutdown of inverter when the
(mains 2) is outside tolerances
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Section 21
Part 19
Sound and Call Systems
Page 1
SOUND AND CALL SYSTEMS ..................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Reference Standards
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
Public Address Systems
Farash Call Systems
Intercom Systems
Auto Class Change Over Systems
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 7
Wiring and Wiring Facilities
Testing and Commissioning
Maintenance and Guarantees
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Part 19
Sound and Call Systems
Page 2
This Part specifies the general requirements for sound and call systems, including
amplification and tone selection/control equipment, input stations, loudspeakers, power
connections, cables and terminations.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Cables and small wiring
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Cable Trays
Telephone Installation
Structured Cabling Systems
Reference Standards
The following standards are referred to in this Part, and shall be complied with:
BS 6840
BS 7671
Sound system equipment
Requirements for electrical installations
ISO 9000
Quality management and assurance standards
Quality Assurance
Manufacturer’s qualifications: the equipment and accessories to be furnished for the sound
and call systems shall be the products of one internationally reputed manufacturer regularly
engaged in producing such systems for a minimum of ten years. Manufacturers shall be
certified to ISO 9000 or equivalent.
Installer’s qualifications: Installations shall be executed by the manufacturer’s personnel.
Installations may be executed under the supervision of the manufacturer’s personnel, with the
Engineer’s approval, provided the installer has three years previous experience of such
installations and has completed three similar projects within Qatar.
Mixing of major components from different manufacturer, to make one system, shall not be
permitted. All components shall by supplied from a single source/manufacturer.
The Contractor shall include a detailed list of all equipment and materials proposed
The Contractor shall include a complete set of catalogues, illustrations, diagrams and any
other descriptive literature sufficient to present complete information about systems for the
Engineer's approval.
The Contractor shall include in detail the maintenance programme of equipment and system
capacity to accept future expansions.
The Contractor shall include a detailed list of recommended spare parts required for 2 years.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
This Section
Part 1
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 13
Part 14
Part 23
QCS 2010
Section 21
Public Address Systems
Page 3
the Contractor shall provide and install complete intercommunication systems with
hand-free operation, electronic centralised microprocessor controls and full
functionality as specified, to BS 6840 where applicable
systems shall include central exchange controllers, disk stations, surface mounted wall
stations, privacy hand-sets, wall receptacles, cables, terminals and strips as
specified to provide a complete working system
equipment shall be reliable, long life, maintenance free and have low power
when specified for a large installation having multiple microphone stations, it shall be
possible to automatically isolate remaining microphone input stations or other auxiliary
input terminals as soon as one is activated. Stations shall be activated by push button
multiple channel input and zone selector modules shall permit flexible arrangements
for selecting the input channels on priority basis. Stations with higher priority shall
override announcements activated by others with lower priority order
systems shall permit announcement on individual zones, any combination of zones
and simultaneous announcements on all zones
system layouts shall be according to the Project Drawings.
Sound and Call Systems
master module amplifiers shall incorporate a master volume control, a sliding
control for both treble and bass, a built-in limiter plus and LED indicator and
headphone socket to permit input signal monitoring
amplifiers shall incorporate a push button ON/OFF switch with indicator lamps to
define unit status
amplifiers shall incorporate a power supply section, mains transformer, output
transformer and printed circuit boards to provide necessary amplification of
input signals. Amplifier outputs shall have voltage tappings of 100, 70 and 50 volts
amplifiers shall be accommodated in racks (19" rack is preferred) with sliding
for multiple zones, one amplifier shall be assigned to each zone. Systems shall
include an additional amplifier to be used as common standby with switching facilities
to connect the standby instead of the faulty amplifier
technical performance
Rated Output Power
refer to Project Documentation
Max. Power Consumption :
refer to Project Documentation
Frequency Response
60 Hz - 16 kHz
(iv) Distortion at 1 kHz
< 0.5% THD
Operating Temp. Range
0 C to 45 C
(vi) Relative Humidity
Channel Input Modules: shall be programmed so that inter-channel priority forms can be
achieved via an interconnection block on main printed circuit boards as follows:
mixing mode : all input channels shall have the same priority and signals may be
mixed together
serial/cascade priority mode : Channel 1 has priority over 2, 2 over 3, and so on
first served priority mode : The first channel switched on shall block the input for other
technical performance
Input Level
500 mV - 8V max.
Frequency Response :
60 Hz - 16 kHz
< 0.2 % THD
> 65 dB
Cross-talk Attenuation :
> 60 dB
QCS 2010
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Part 19
QCS 2010
Section 21
Operating Temp. Range :
Relative Humidity
Sound and Call Systems
Page 4
0 C to 45 C
95 %
Active zone selectors: zone selectors shall have the capability of switching ON and OFF
loudspeakers in various zones by means of electronic built-in facilities. Switching shall be
based on pre-programmed cascaded order to permit selection of one of the following modes:
manual operation : Loudspeakers shall be selected by means of push button
switches. Each switch corresponds to one zone
zone programming : in conjunction with input modules to provide the facilities
for connecting any of the zones with any of the input channels
remote control from microphone station : selection of any of the loudspeaker
zones shall be achieved by operating the appropriate switches on the
microphone control unit. It shall be possible by operating a switch in the
microphone control unit to access all the channels at the same time for
common announcements
When specified in the Project Documentation, facility for switching to alarm mode shall be
provided. When an alarm signal is initiated, all loudspeaker zones shall be automatically
switched and prepared to receive any common announcement. The alert/alarm signal Input
Units shall be coupled to amplifier units to perform the following functions:
two tone alert signal
550 Hz tone followed by 440 Hz tone
alarm signal
continuous repetition of the alert signal
time signal
550 Hz tone
microphone input channel
pre-set control of microphone : independent of master volume control.
Various modes of initiating attention signals shall be by pressing a switch on the unit front
panel, or remotely by the microphone „ON' switch on the microphone control unit attached to
the unit, or any other microphone stations.
Central Equipment Assemblies
when specified, free standing racked shelf assemblies shall be provided suitable for
accommodating all amplifiers, input modules, zone selector modules and alarm units
when specified, central equipment shall include AM/FM radio tuners and tape
playback set. Units shall be integrated and connected to systems through switching
and control units
central equipment racks shall be rack type (19” preferred) accessible from back and
with removable side panels. Racks shall be provided with mounting facilities to
permit sliding in and out of units with facilities to fix units to racks by
screws to the front side
Loud Speakers : Loud speakers shall comply with IEC 268, Parts 5 and 14
wall speakers: these speakers shall be provided with a resonating board and an
aluminium grille for universal application for flush or surface-mounted enclosures. The
speaker shall be a high performance type and shall be provided with auto-transformer
with taps for 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 output. The normal rated capacity shall be 4-5 W, if not
otherwise specified in the Project Documentation. A volume control shall be
incorporated. The sound pressure shall be approximately 100 dB
ceiling speakers: these speakers shall be designed, including their accessories, for
recess installation in various suspended ceiling types. The grille shall be aluminium.
The speaker shall be of the same type as wall speakers
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
Part 19
QCS 2010
Sound and Call Systems
Page 5
sound column speakers : these shall be designed for interior installation or in
weatherproof design for exterior installation. The enclosure shall be of aluminium and
shall be for wall or pole mounting, with suitable accessories. They shall be provided
with adjustable cast aluminium fixing arms, which allow sound columns to be adjusted
through 20 vertically and 75 horizontally and shall include multiple loud speakers of 8
Ohms nominal impedance, symmetrically positioned within sound columns. An autotransformer with taps for 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 capacity shall be built in. The normal rated
capacity shall be 10, 20, 30 or 40 W as indicated in the Project Documentation. The
Column boxes shall accommodate multiple speaker systems depending on capacity,
which may be as follows (preferably as per manufacturer’s standard design):
10 W - 3 speakers
20 W - 4 speakers
30 W - 6 speakers
50 W - 8 speakers
horn speakers : these speakers shall be designed weatherproof for exterior installation.
The enclosure shall be of aluminium, impact-resistant and coated with weatherproof
paints. They shall be provided with swivel brackets for fixing. An auto-transformer with
taps for 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 capacity shall be built in. The normal rated capacity shall
be 10, 20, 30 or 40 W as indicated in the Project Documentation
the speaker systems may be any of the above or their combinations, according to
requirements in the Project Documentation.
unless otherwise specified, the paint finishing shall be white when mounted on walls.
technical performance
Sound pressure level at 1 kHz Octave, 1 m, at 1 W in accordance with IEC
refer to Project Documentation
Power handling capacity :
refer to Project Documentation.
Frequency response
60 Hz to 16 Hz
Input Voltage
100/70 Volts as per driving amplifier.
Environment conditions :
0 C to 45 C.
Microphone Stations
Part 19
microphone input stations shall consist of swan-necked microphones on table stands,
incorporating zone selector switches for remotely controlling loudspeaker zones. If
specified in the Project Documentation, adjustable height microphone, floor stands
with collapsible type boom shall be provided
microphones shall be dynamic cardoid type or condenser type with balanced line
level output and suitable for use with unscreened cable.
table stands shall incorporate the following features :
microphone switch and LED indicator
colour-coded switches for switching ON/OFF zones.
one `ALL CALL' switch for switching `ON' all loudspeaker zones for common
(iv) LED indicators shall operate in parallel with indicators on corresponding
amplifier input channels. The Contractor shall submit details of the proposed
provisions to confirm the normal conditions of the system and the perfect
selection of zones and input channels, before the operator executes the
feed message of feed in the required signal.
technical performance
Frequency Range
60 Hz - 16 kHz
Rated output Impedance :
200 Ohms
2 mV/Pa
(iv) Operating temp. Range :
10 C to +45 C
Relative humidity
microphone input stations shall be complete with microphone accessories and 10m
length microphone connections. Provisions shall be made for stations to avoid the
possibilities of feedback.
Cassette decks shall have a sequencer which will accept 2 music cassettes, with audio
sensing and auto reverse playback features, to provide truly continuous back-ground music.
Cassettes shall auto-eject on power-off or jammed tape.
technical performance
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 19
Distortion at 1kHz
Signal to Noise Ratio
Wow & Flutter
Tape Speed
Power Supply
Sound and Call Systems
Page 6
60 Hz to 16 kHz
< 3 % THD
< 49 dB
0.35 % WRMS
4.75 cm/sec.
240 volts, 50 Hz
FM/AM Tuners shall be 6 channel radios with digital display and a provision of six pre-set
Freq. Response
FM/AM tuner section
3 mV for FM channel, 20 mV for AM channel
100 mV at ± 100 mV at 50 % modulation
27.5 kHz deviations
To European standard
Less than 1 % THD of 1 kHz @ 30 %
1 kHz @ nominal modulation output.
Farash Call Systems
Farash call systems shall be provided and installed in the areas indicated on the Project
Drawings. Systems shall comprise call control panels with audible and visual indications
initiated by call push buttons located in the various areas indicated. Call control panels shall
have a resetting facility, for visual (sound ends when finger removed from button), after the
call is attended. Systems shall be wired with low voltage wiring independent of other standard
wiring systems.
Door strike: When specified and as per the Project Drawings, door strike system shall be
provided to open, close and latch the entry doors by remote control push-buttons
Intercom Systems
System Operation
calls shall be placed from any master station to any other station in the system unless
specifically blocked. Calling parties shall touch-dial the appropriate digit numbers of
desired stations, at which time a „connection tone” shall be heard and an LED
illuminated at both stations to signify completion of connections. Voice communications
may then begin. Connections may be cancelled by either party by pressing a cancel
master stations shall be equipped with a privacy/open facility to permit any user
to place his station in the “privacy” mode. When calling a station that is in “privacy”
mode, a unique “privacy tone” shall be heard at both stations for a pre-determined
time interval as pre-set at the central exchange
upon completion of conversation and cancellation by either party, the “private” station
shall be restored to “privacy” without further control manipulation
should calls be placed to stations already in use, the interrupted “busy tone”
shall be heard by the calling party
slide-type volume controls to adjust incoming volumes shall be included on each desk
master station. Control settings shall be clearly visible. Stations shall contain
continuously adjustable volume controls.
Control Exchange Controllers
central controllers shall provide all control, switching logic, signalling and operating
features listed throughout this specification
circuitry and components shall be arranged on slide-in printed circuit boards of the
highest quality
central controllers shall not require external devices to program system functions and
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
technical performance
Normal Output
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 19
Sound and Call Systems
Page 7
central exchanges shall be equipped with the required number of subscriber boards
necessary to accommodate the quantity of stations required
expansion to ultimate cabinet capacity shall require addition of the requiredquantity of
plug-in type subscriber boards. One plug-in board shall be required to increase
exchange capacity
station wiring connections to central controllers shall be by means of screw terminals.
Soldering, wire wrap and pressure connectors shall not be used. Interwiring between
circuit board receptacles shall be by master printed circuit lines
central controllers shall be powered by closely regulated power supplies at maximum
24 Volt. Power supply mains transformers shall be mounted within or adjacent to
exchange cabinets.
Master Stations
intercom stations shall be the master type capable of receiving and initiating calls
intercom stations shall either be the desk-mounted type as used in commercial offices
or a wall-mounted industrial type in workshop and plant areas, as indicated on the
Project Drawings
stations shall have handsets for confidential conversations. Lifting handsets shall
switch off microphones and loudspeakers to provide fully telephonic facilities
master stations installed in workshop areas shall comprise of heavy duty waterproof
units for use in dusty and/or damp environments.
System cabling shall comprise individual twisted pair telephone cables connected to the
central controller from each of the stations.
Auto Class Change Over Systems
Auto-class change over systems for the automatic ringing of class change bells shall be
provided located at different places within school buildings as shown on the Project Drawings.
The system shall be microprocessor controlled and programmable.
Systems shall include the following salient features:
7 days a week programming
override to silence the alarm on week ends i.e. Friday
minimum time adjustable to 5 minutes
over ride switch to operate the bells in the event of timer failure or wrong time
easy system to programme the timing throughout the week and also separate selection
through a two way switch for summer/winter schedules
DC backup using nickel cadmium batteries for 24 hours spring reserve
selector switch to select the operation mode in Manual/Auto/Off positions.
Wiring and Wiring Facilities
Wiring shall be executed to provide a complete and satisfactory functional system in all
Wiring shall be carried out using multi-core and twisted pair conductors as indicated on the
drawings. Wires/cables shall be enclosed in conduits and/or trunking. Vertical cable
distribution cabling shall be on cable ladders. Cabling, conducting and trunking shall be in
conformity with the relevant Specifications.
Cable terminations, components and junction boxes shall have identification tags, indicating
polarity and function in a consistent manner throughout the system so that it can be crossreferenced with the as-built drawings and manufacturer's diagrams.
Signalling cables shall be electrically and physically separated and isolated from the mains
voltage cables. Microphone cables shall be separated from the loudspeaker cables in a
separate conduit.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 19
Sound and Call Systems
Page 8
Testing and Commissioning
After the installations are completed, the Contractor shall conduct acceptance tests to
confirm the compliance of the systems with the Specifications. The Contractor shall present a
list of the acceptance test items to be performed for Engineer's approval.
The test instruments and personnel to conduct the test shall be provided by the Contractor.
Maintenance and Guarantees
The Contractor shall be responsible for the system maintenance and repair of any fault for a
period of 400 days starting from the provisional handing over. During this period the
Contractor shall replace and/or repair any fault with all spare parts without any cost to the
The Contractor shall guarantee the system for a period of 400 days. During this period the
Contractor shall clear any failure due to design problems or poor installation and
Training of personnel designated by the Engineer shall be carried out to enable to take over,
operation and maintenance of the sound and call systems in the shortest time.
The Contractor shall submit a detailed training program which shall include theoretical and
practical training for 1 month for personnel to be deputed by the Employer, at the end of the
guarantee period, in addition to the Employer’s personnel participation in the installation and
testing stages as specified earlier, and maintenance during the guarantee period of 400 days.
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 20
Page 1
ELEVATORS/ESCALATORS ........................................................................ 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
Electric Traction Passenger Lifts
Electro-Hydraulic Passenger Lift
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 11
Site Condition Inspection
Preparatory Work
Field Quality Control
Field Adjustments
Acceptance Inspection and Tests
Clean Up
Manufacturer's Services
Maintenance and Guarantees
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 20
Page 2
This Part specifics the general requirements for elevators and escalators used only for
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
Section 5
Section 16
Section 17
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
Motor Starters
Cables and Small wiring
Conduits and Conduit Boxes
Cable Trays
Wiring Accessories and General Power
Light fittings
Electric Motors
Earthing and Bonding
Structural metal work
Metal work
The following standards and documents of other organisations are referred to in this Part,
and shall be complied with:
BS 476
BS 5655 (EN 81)
BS 5656 (EN 115)
BS 6977
BS 7255
Fire tests on building materials and structures
Lifts and service lifts
Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and
passenger conveyors
Insulated flexible cables for lifts and for other flexible connections
Code of practice for safe working in lifts
BS EN 9000
Quality management and assurance standards
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Regulations for passenger and goods lifts.
Manufacturer’s product data and samples.
submit three 75 x 300 or 300 mm length samples of each required finish, excluding
those intended for painting after installation, for the Engineer’s approval
catalogues shall be provided of signal equipment units to show push buttons, lights,
graphics and mounting provisions.
Shop Drawings:
drawings for all main components including the pit, hoistway, and the machine room
general arrangements, foundations and installations, sectional elevations of the
hoistway, car and entrance details, and signal details
component specifications and preventative maintenance charts
electrical schematics and one copy of the approved master electric schematic and
approved lubrication chart shall be framed with a clear plastic cover and mounted on
the machine room wall
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
This Section
Part 1
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 15
Part 22
Part 23
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 20
Page 3
Motor data including:
minimum guaranteed efficiency
power factor under all load conditions
locked rotor current
motor speed
mounting details
Certificates of Compliance.
Certified Test Reports.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
Training Programme.
Quality Assurance
Products shall be from an experienced manufacturer who can demonstrate equal or larger
capacity installations using similar equipment, installed and successfully operating for at least
5 years, with names and phone numbers of contacts at installations to verify performance.
The manufacturer shall comply with ISO 9000 or equivalent.
All components shall be free of defects in materials or workmanship.
The Contractor shall remain responsible for routine maintenance for 400 days from the date
of acceptance of the installation by the Engineer. During this period the Contractor shall
promptly replace and/or repair any fault with supply of all spare parts without any cost to the
Motors shall have 5 year warranties.
Individual warranties by component manufacturers in lieu of single source responsibility by
the elevator manufacturer shall not be acceptable.
Items which fail during the warranty period, excluding expendable items, shall be replaced
without cost to the Employer.
Manufacturer’s guarantee and warranty certificates shall be provided prior to equipment startup.
Equipment shall be provided by a single manufacturer who shall design, fabricate, and test all
components of the elevators as well as supervise, install and commission the units.
Elevators shall be complete in all respects and shall include but not necessarily be limited to
the following components:
machine room equipment
hoistway equipment
elevator entrance ways
door opening and closing devices
elevator cars
car control stations
landing control stations
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 20
Page 4
The Contractor shall make all modifications, adjustment, and improvements to the elevator
system necessary to meet the performance requirements specified. The elevator shall
provide safe, smooth operation, complying with all building and elevator codes required by
the authorities.
Electric Traction Passenger Lifts
Machine Room Equipment
Hoistway Equipment
guide rails and brackets: T-section cold drawn (not fabricated) guide rails and
brackets suitable for travel, car weight and support locations at structural floors, with
backing as EN 81
buffers: energy dissipation type with blocking and supports
normal terminal stopping devices: in accordance with EN 81
electricity wiring: copper conductors with 600 volt insulation throughout with
individual wires coded, with 10 % spare capacity. All connections shall be identified
on studs or terminal blocks, rated 75 °C minimum. Splices or similar connections in
wiring are not permitted except at terminal blocks, control cabinets or junction boxes.
Flexible heavy-duty service cord to BS 6977 may be used between fixed car wiring
and car door switches
conduit and duct shall be PVC jacketed or galvanised steel 20 mm minimum
diameter. Flexible conduit shall not exceed 450 mm in length and shall be as in Part 7
entrance equipment:
door hangers: shall use two-point suspension with upthrust rollers
door tracks: replaceable bar or formed cold drawn steel with smooth hanger
contact surface
interlocks: operable without retiring cam, with interlocks that are visible and
conspicuous when doors are open, painted matt black
(iv) closures: spring or aspirator type
pit stop switches to BS EN 81
Hoistway entrances shall be fire rated in accordance with BS 476 Part 8, with frames as
floor entrances, jambs and heads shall be fabricated steel with a 304 stainless steel
frames shall be hollow metal, bolted to form a one-piece unit
jamb and head depth and profiles shall be as indicated on the Project Drawings,
fabricated from mild steel not less than 1.2 mm thick, steel pan construction, with
side-opening doors, rubber bumpers to cushion closing impact, and finished
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
general: shall be provided with manufacturer’s standard pre-engineered elevator
system in accordance with the specification. Manufacturer’s may provide custommanufactured elevator systems that meet specified requirements. Where
components are not specified, components shall be provided as for manufacturer’s
standard pre-engineered elevator systems, or as necessary to produce a safe and
fully operational elevator system
motor control: solid-state power converter/inverter with line filters or chokes to
prevent peaks or spikes from feeding back into building power systems
hoisting machine: variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) thyristor, traction-type,
geared hoisting machine with squirrel cage motors designed specifically for elevators.
Unless specified otherwise, variable voltage variable frequency AC drives shall be
used. Refer to part 5 of this section for general specification
selector: microprocessor solid-state, integrated controller with durable cabinet,
lockable doors and adequate ventilation to dissipate heat, wired to identified terminal
block studs, with identifying symbols or letters identical to those on wiring diagrams,
permanently marked adjacent to each component on the controller
The microprocessor based controller shall include the facility to interface with Remote
Elevator Monitoring (REM) and Elevator Management Service (EMS) as a part of
Building Management System through the data network system.
QCS 2010
Page 5
faces as specified. Each door panel shall include gibs. The trailing door gib shall be
in the sill groove throughout the length of travel
sills: extruded hard aluminium
fascia toe guards, dust and fascia width hanger covers: 1.5 mm galvanised steel with
door open bumpers on entrances equipped with vertical struts.
safety edge devices shall be full height, infra red, non contact, door edge safety
devices to detect obstruction in the doorway and reverse
nudging action : in the event that the safety edge is operated for a pre-determined
time interval (15-20 seconds) after automatic door closing has been initiated, a buzzer
shall sound, and the doors shall close with a maximum of 0.35 Kg-meters kinetic
Microprocessor based Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) drive operational
control shall be extended for door control as integral with the car movement.
Car Equipment
car frames: welded or bolted steel channel construction
platforms: isolated type, steel, construction fire proofed on the underside
guide shoes: nylon sliding type
car sills: hard aluminium type sill
toe guards: in accordance with EN 81
car door hangers and tracks: as specifications on hoistway entrance hangers and
headers: minimum 1.2 mm thick steel shaped to provide stiffening flanges
car door electrical contacts shall operate in conjunction with the car doors so that
elevators cannot operate unless doors are closed, or within tolerances allowed by EN
door operators : shall be microprocessor based a.c./d.c. capable of opening doors at
no less than 60 m/min and accomplishing reversal in no more than 65 mm of door
car finishes front return, side & rear wall, door, handrail, floor, ceiling panels, and
light fixtures shall be finished as detailed in the Specifications
removable panels shall be provided as specified for side and rear wall panels at
elevators with facings glued to plywood, full-height between top of base and ceiling of
car. Panel joints shall be flush with panel surfaces in accordance with manufacturer’s
standard layouts. Elevator car suspended ceiling panels shall have suitable strong
backing in the ceiling frame to prevent sagging, without exposed screws or bolts.
Car Control Stations
car control stations shall have durable vandal resistant face plates and micro-Touch
located no higher than 1620 mm above the car floor (875 mm for alarm buttons)
floor buttons, alarm buttons, door open buttons shall be identified by engraved or
painted letters or symbols in accordance with EN 81
car floor buttons shall have 16 mm numbers on the face of buttons corresponding to
the floors served for registration of the car stops. Call registration lights, located within
or behind the buttons, shall illuminate the floor number corresponding to the call
alarm buttons at the bottom of stations shall be provided to ring bells located
on the car doors. Open and close buttons shall be provided to stop motion of doors
and cause them to return automatically to their fully open or closed position
respectively. Buttons shall be effective while cars are at landings and until cars start
into motion, regardless of any special operational features
car top control stations shall be in accordance with EN81, mounted on car tops,
accessible from landings
work lights and plug receptacles shall be provided top of elevator car with on-off
switches and bulb guards
car position indicators shall be provided in elevator car operating panels with digital
indicators representing floors served and direction of car travel
QCS 2010
Qatar Project Management
Part 20
Door Opening and Control Devices
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Page 6
when cars leave or pass a floor, the numeral representing the floor shall
be displayed, thereby indicating the position of the car in the hoistway at all
proper direction arrows shall be continuously illuminated to indicate the
direction of travel
Landing Control Stations
micro-touch buttons stations shall be provided adjacent to door jambs of each
entrance with the following features:
flush-mounted vandal resistant durable faceplates and buttons for each
direction of travel, illuminated to indicate call registration
A fire recall station shall be provided at the main access level in addition to the
call button
signal fixtures shall be provided at each entrance to indicate the intended direction of
travel of the elevator to waiting passengers, with the following features:
display numerals for car level, arrow and a gong mounted in the box fastened
in the wall. Up or down arrows shall be illuminated and a gong sounded (once
for up direction travel and twice for down direction travel) prior to the car’s
arrival at the floor. The light shall remain illuminated until shortly before the
elevator doors start to close
hall lanterns shall be provided, of impact resistant plastic lenses and with
satin stainless steel finish.
Performance. The elevator shall:
speed to within plus or minus 10 % of the specified speed under any loading condition
safely lower, stop, and hold up to 125 % of the rated load
stop the elevator within plus or minus 10 mm of the design landing elevation under
any loading condition.
Unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation, operation shall be "Selective Down
Collective Automatic Operation" as defined in EN 81. Doors shall open automatically when a
car arrives at the main floor to permit egress of passengers, whether or not the main floor call
has been registered in the car. When the car has arrived at the landing it shall have its doors
open until the car is dispatched, or on expiration of a timed loading interval with no demand.
Emergency Features shall comply with EN 81 for Emergency Firemen’s Service, and the
emergency operation: the elevator shall be equipped with a control system to operate
and recall the car in fire or other emergency condition.
terminals shall be provided on the controller for connection of signals from the
sensors. Operation shall be similar on all elevators and visual/audible signals shall
operate until return is complete or automatic operation restored
standby lighting and alarm: during power failure, car lighting and car alarm shall be
supplied with standby power via a car-mounted battery unit, including solid state
charger, with testing means, installed in common metal container. Batteries shall be
rechargeable with 10 year minimum life expectancy. Car mounted units shall operate
alarm bell and light only
emergency landing device: in the event of normal power failure, an emergency
evacuation power supply shall drive the lift to a nearby floor. This controller shall be
operated by sealed batteries which will be kept automatically charged for use by the
standby power shall be provided by 24/12 V battery units mounted in the
machine room, including solid-state chargers with testing means installed in
common metal containers
upon arrival at floor landings, elevator doors shall open automatically
and remain open until the regular door time has expired. Elevators shall
then become inactivated
upon restoration of normal power supply to the building, elevators shall
automatically resume normal operation.
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Part 20
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 20
Page 7
Protection of electrical work: boxes and enclosures shall be provided with gasket covers.
Doors and motors shall be totally enclosed.
Electro-Hydraulic Passenger Lift
General: materials and equipment associated with electro-hydraulic passenger lifts shall
comply generally with the requirements stipulated for electric traction lifts above, with specific
requirements stipulated below.
Lift Machines
Drive Motor. Motors shall be suitable for operation for 415 V 50 Hz 3 Phase
motor drive: solid-state power converter/inverter with line filters or chokes to
prevent peaks or spikes from feeding back into building power systems
pump drive: variable voltage variable frequency(VVVF) thyristor controlled, geared
machine with squirrel cage motors designed specifically for elevators. Unless
specified otherwise, variable voltage variable frequency a.c. drives shall be used.
Refer to part 5 of this section for general specification
control: microprocessor solid-state, integrated controller with durable cabinet,
lockable doors and adequate ventilation to dissipate heat, wired to identified terminal
block studs, with identifying symbols or letters identical to those on wiring diagrams,
permanently marked adjacent to each component on the controller
The microprocessor based controller shall include the facility to interface with Remote
Elevator Monitoring (REM) and Elevator Management Service (EMS) as a part of
Building Management System through the data network system
shall run with the minimum of noise and vibration, capable of a continuous duty cycle
of at least 60 motor starts per hour. Contractors shall submit full test certificates in
triplicate for all tests. Refer to part 5 of this section for motor starter general
specification and part 15 for electric motor general specification.
Anti-creep devices shall be provided which shall automatically limit the car movement within
75 mm of the landing, from any point within the interlock zone, irrespective of handling doors.
Devices shall only operate in landing level interlocked zones, and shall operate cars in the
„UP’ direction only. Operation may depend on the availability of the electrical power supply
provided that:
main switches are kept in closed positions at all times except during maintenance,
repairs and inspections
electrical protective devices shall not cause electrical power to be removed from the
anti-creep mechanism, except when such a device operates in consequence of motor
Mufflers: High pressure systems shall be suitably muffled. Flexible pipes shall be included to
prevent the hydraulic pulse attenuation from being transmitted to cars.
Cylinders and rams
QCS 2010
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hydraulic pumps shall of the high efficiency type of either vane or screw type
design. Means shall be provided where pumps may be coupled to the driving
motors without the effect of eccentric loading on the pump bearings
if pumps/motors of monoblock construction are offered, access shall be provided
for inspection/replacement of coupling systems, thrust bearings, etc.
pump/motor assemblies shall be mounted on rigid mild steel bedplates and
suitably insulated, to absorb vibration of pump/motor assemblies
direction of rotation of pumps shall be clearly indicated on pumps where they
can be readily seen
pumps shall be clearly marked to indicate inlets and outlets, related to a specified
direction of rotation if external to power systems. Inlet sides to pumps shall
be fitted with renewable fine mesh filters
data plates with manufacturer’s name, part model and serial number shall be
permanently displayed on or adjacent to pump/motor assemblies.
QCS 2010
Page 8
Cars shall be directly supported by one side-acting steel ram turned true parallel,
fine polished, and of sufficient diameter and strength to raise the Contract load at
Contract speed
ram attachments to car platforms shall be of sufficient strength to support ram
weight with a safety factor of 4
rams shall not be subjected to bending stresses or eccentric loading. Eccentric
loading shall be taken by car frames and guide shoes
Rams shall be provided with solid metal stops at limits of stroke, or other means
to prevent rams travelling beyond limits of cylinders
multi stage rams, shall only be used if approved by the Engineer
cylinder interconnections shall incorporate flow restriction valves to limit
ram descent speed, should supply pressure lines fracture
suitable trays shall be fitted to ram heads to collect leakage from ram seals.
all necessary pipework and supports shall be provided between cylinder and valve
block assemblies. Pipes shall be supported such that undue stresses are eliminated
at all joints, bends and fittings, particularly at sections of systems subject to vibration
cross-sectional areas of pipework shall be sufficient to prevent cavitation and
starvation and not to induce turbulence or rise in temperature of oil.
Oil Storage Tank
Pipes and Pipe Supports
Part 20
oil storage tanks shall be constructed of heavy gauge sheet steel provided with
tight fitting covers, oil level gauges and protective vents. Suction inlets shall be
provided with filters to prevent ingress of foreign matter to systems. Means
of completely draining oil storage tanks shall be provided.
check valves shall be provided and shall be installed so that they hold the lift car
with the Contract load at any point in the lift well, when the pump stops, or the
pressure drops below the minimum operating pressure
check, relief and other auxiliary valves shall withstand a static pressure equal to twice
the normal operative pressure without damage
valve gear/blocks shall be fitted with gradual restriction/release of hydraulic fluid to
provide smooth acceleration and slowing of cars
main pressure supply restrictions shall be diverted back to oil reservoirs and not to
pump outlets
relief valves shall be located between pumps and check valves and shall be
of such types and so installed in by-pass connections that valves shall pass oil
directly to tanks and not to pump suction sides
main controlling valves shall be constructed such that they will remain closed to
supply when pressure is shut off
electrically controlled valves shall remain safe in the event of power supply
Escalator Trusses
escalator trusses shall be of welded construction, fabricated from warm rolled
standard ST 52 steel profiles. Sides of trusses shall be of frame work design
truss design shall ensure that the maximum deflection is less than D/880 of the
distance between end supports with a calculated passenger load of 500 N/m .
oil tight welded 5 mm sheet steel bottom plate shall be welded over the full length
and width of the bottom of the trusses
prior to welding, profiles shall be sand blasted, and after welding shall be
protected against corrosion by minimum 40 µm thick primer coat
a maintenance room shall be provided at the end of the lower landing to EN 115
truss support angles welded to the truss at the ends of both landings
shall be capable of carrying the weight of the escalator and the load transmitted by
the passengers (5000 N/m )
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Section 21
QCS 2010
closed track systems shall be provided to guide and support step chains and steps as
they cycle around trusses
track holders shall be welded to the framework of the trusses in order to fasten the
individual tracks
main drives shall be located in upper landings and shall consist of a rigid solid shaft to
eliminate tension with self-aligning spherical roller bearings
main drive shaft bearings shall be replaceable without dismantling balustrades
main drives shall provide smooth operation and power transfer from drives to moving
tension carriages shall be located at lower landings of escalators for tensioning step
step chains shall be guided laterally by sliding block guides and constantly tensioned
by two compression springs
reversal tracks shall be fabricated from 3.5 mm sheet steel
special openings shall be provided to remove steps for maintenance or replacement
correct chain tension shall be monitored by safety switches at each side of the tension
Step Chain
step chains shall be made of flat steel links, provided with wheels and interconnected
by pins made of hardened ground steel
the breaking strength per stand shall be 150 kn. The safety factor shall be 5 for the
maximum rise. Step chain pins shall allow a maximum pin pressure of 32.3
N/mm at maximum rise
both sides of step chains shall be linked by solid axles to optimise performance
step chain wheels shall be provided at both ends of step axles between step chain
links and shall have sealed bearings and oil resistant rubber tyres.
teflon sliding supports shall be used at the lower landing and if an expansion joint of
the building is located between upper and lower landings
anti vibration rubber pads shall be provided to ensure that escalator support angles are
isolated from building structures. Pads shall be used at both landings.
Tension carriage
Page 9
steps shall be one piece die-cast aluminium design with cleated treads and rises,
ensuring maximum safety as each step meshes with the adjacent step
step rollers shall have polyurethane tyres
step tread pitches shall be 8.47 mm. Riser pitches shall be 16.94 mm
steps shall be fastened to step chain by means of spring loaded pins providing
a positive fixing to the axle, allowing the steps to be easily removed for maintenance
step systems shall be designed such that step removal does not require
dismantling of skirting or balustrade parts
steps with yellow demonstration lines or yellow plastic inserts may be required, as
Handrail drive system
handrail drive systems shall be driven directly from step chains via drive sprockets and
reinforced toothed belts
handrail drive units shall be located on both sides of the escalator in the incline
section close to upper landings
syncronisity between steps and handrails shall be assured to within EN115
design and positioning of drive systems shall be such that components can be
inspected without need for step removal
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Main Drive
Part 20
Track System
Section 21
QCS 2010
Page 10
handrails shall be provided as endless vulcanised loops. Handrails shall have
endless inner steel cord members to make handrails free of elongation,
eliminating the need for frequent retensioning
handrail guides shall be made from extruded aluminium profiles, having special
polymer covers throughout the length to reduce friction between guides and handrails
to a minimum
passenger lines shall have tensioned spring clamps located between aluminium
profiles and glass panels
return lines shall have aluminium profiles fastened to trusses using screws.
balustrade heights above finished floors shall be 1000 mm or 930 mm in upper and
lower landing areas
inclined sections heights shall be 842 mm at right angles to step nose lines
material and finishes for balustrades, decking and skirting profiles shall be as
Combs, Comb Plates and Floor Plates
combs, comb plates and floor plates shall be designed for maximum passenger
loads in accordance with EN 115
combs shall be made of die cast aluminium, screwed to comb
plates for ease of replacement if necessary. Comb teeth shall have intentional
rupture points, allowing them to break easily in the event of objects getting trapped
between steps and combs, thereby preventing serious damage
comb plates shall be made from extruded aluminium profiles with laterally
extending grooves preventing passengers from slipping. Grooves shall be
powder coated black and the surfaces finished as stated in the particular specification
fixed floor plates shall be made from extruded aluminium profiles with laterally
extending grooves to match the comb plate. The grooves shall be powder coated
black and surface finished as specified
removable floor plates shall be provided, allowing access to both machine rooms and
maintenance rooms. Removable floor plates shall be constructed from low weight
extruded aluminium profile sections allowing ease of the removal by one service
mechanic. Standard removable floor plates shall be recessed by 7 mm, allowing
for infill materials as specified.
Drive Machinery and Brakes
drives, motors and gearboxes shall be designed to ensure quiet and smooth operation
of the escalator
star delta starting shall be provided for motors > 5 kW
motor insulation Class F, protection class IP 55
operational brakes located between motor and gear boxes shall have an AC
commercial magnets and shall use asbestos free brake linings. Double acting shoe
brakes shall be fail safe and shall operate automatically via springs in the event
of power failure or on safety switches tripping
a hand winding devices shall be provided with machines in order to move step
bands by hand
Electronic Controllers
protection class controller cabinet shall be IP 54
control voltages shall be < 50 V
cabinets shall have an industrial enamel triple corrosion resistant coating with the
following layers:
 phosphate layer
 primer coating, minimum 25 µm layer thickness
 final coating, colour RAL 5019 (blue), minimum 35 µm layer thickness, or as
otherwise specified
controllers shall be equipped with modular electronic boards. Mother boards
shall cover all basic functions
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Part 20
Balustrades, decking and skirting
Section 21
QCS 2010
Part 20
Page 11
interface capabilities shall be provided for remote monitoring by volt free
controllers shall include the following functions:
 directional settings
 supervision of power supply voltage
 full motor protection against overheating
 fault indicator by means of display
 control of safety contacts
 asymmetric relays
Operation Panels
operation panels shall be installed at upper landings and at lower landings
panels shall be located in steel panels next to handrail entry guards
operational panels at the lower landings shall be equipped with key switches and stop
buttons only
operation panels at upper landings shall be equipped with key switches, key boards,
displays and stop buttons
displays shall have 8 digits, using 5 x 7 dot matrix for alpha numeric indicators with
text shown in plain language
after setting of passwords via the key board, displays shall show maintenance
and fault finding information, including but not limited to:
 memory of faults (50 messages deep) e.g. amount of faults within a definite period
of time
 operating hour counter (total and per week)
 start counter (total and per week)
 stopping distance and deceleration indicator
Electrical Safety Devices
the escalator shall be equipped with all safety devices required by EN 115 including,
but not limited to:
emergency stop buttons and key switches at landings
handrail entry devices
broken step chain devices
(iv) comb plate safety devices
broken step and chain wheel control contacts
(vi) step chain roller monitoring switches
(vii) non reversal devices (electronic device, located in the controller)
(viii) operational brakes
(ix) motor thermal devices
sockets for manual inspection
(xi) main and secondary circuit breakers
(xii) earthing contacts
(xiii) asymmetric relays (inside controllers)
(xiv) hand lamps
Site Condition Inspection
Before the commencement of installation of equipment the hoistway and machine room
areas shall be examined to verify that no irregularities exist that would effect the execution of
the work, particularly:
the hoistway size, plumpness and wellway lengths
the support areas for bracket and beams etc.
Installation shall not commence until previous work conforms to Project requirements.
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Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 20
Preparatory Work
Legal Hoistways and Pit Enclosures. The following shall be provided:
Machine Rooms. The following shall be provided:
clear plumb hoistway with variations not exceeding 25 mm at any point
bevel cants (15 degrees from vertical) over any rear or side wall ledges or
beams that project 50 mm or more into the hoistway
provisions for guide rail bracket supports in concrete in place as required, with
necessary supports provided by elevator installer as indicated on shop drawings
walls and floors cut and patch as necessary
blockouts or cutouts for push button stations, hall lanterns and position indicators
front hoistway wall, erected after entrances have been installed
pit ladders, cars and counterweight buffers, and rail load supports
waterproof pits and 600 x 600 x 600 mm deep sump pit
barriers at open hoistways and entrances during construction
cars, entrances, and special metal finishes protected from damage after installation
hoistways vented to outside air.
facilities conforming to EN 81 and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction
concrete on metal deck machine room floors
fire-rated, self-closing, and lockable machine room access doors installed
machine room ventilation
machine room floor slab, smoke venting grates, dampers, and ducts installed
machine room walls, ceiling and floor painted and monocoat beam fireproofing
sealed to prevent flaking.
Electrical Services. The following shall be provided:
pit and machine room lighting and convenience outlets in accordance with EN 81
conduits run from elevator hoistways to ground level control consoles. Sizes and
locations as indicated on elevator installation drawings
415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz main power feeders to terminals of each elevator controller
unit, including protected lockable "OFF" disconnect switch (copper conductors to
240 V a.c., single-phase, 50 Hz, power feeders to each car controller available for
lighting and exhaust blowers, including individual 20-amp circuit breakers at locations
shown on elevator shop drawings
suitable power feeders and branch wiring circuits as required to elevator
control panels in machine rooms as designated by elevator installer.
The elevator installer shall supervise and co-ordinate the preparation of all shop drawings,
the selection and furnishing of all materials included in the specifications, and the installer
shall also install the cars. Installation work shall be to BS 7255. The elevator installer shall
also be responsible for the supply and installation of the following:
electrical controls and signal fixtures and wires complete
conduit and wiring to lighting and ventilating fixtures, with temporary power and
lighting as required
headers, tracks and thresholds
hangers and gibs on car doors and hang doors
communications system as specified
basic car construction of 1.2 mm steel, with vent slots in accordance with EN 81, and
wall panels as specified
exhaust blowers, isolated from steel canopies on rubber grommets.
Each equipment item shall be installed in accordance with accepted manufacturer's
directions, referenced codes and specifications, with clearances complying with the same.
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Section 21
Part 20
Page 13
Items shall be installed so that they may be removed by portable hoists or other means for
maintenance and/or repair, and so that access for maintenance is safe and readily available,
in accordance with BS 7255.
Field Quality Control
work at job sites will be checked during the course of installations. Full co-operation
with inspections is mandatory
corrective work required shall be accomplished prior to performing further
installations dependent upon, or related to, required corrections.
Acceptance. The Engineer’s and Employer’s acceptance inspections shall be performed,
before acceptance of the works. Verification will be required that tests have been completed,
corrective work accomplished and installation approved for issuance of a permit to operate.
Field Adjustments
Guide rails shall be aligned vertically within a tolerance of 1.5 mm in 30 m. Joints shall be
secure without gaps and irregularities filed to a smooth surface.
Cars shall be balanced to equalise pressure of roller guide shoes on rails
Equipment shall be lubricated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Motors, controller, levelling switches, stopping switches, door operators, interlocking, and
safety devices shall be adjusted to achieve required performance levels.
Acceptance Inspection and Tests
Acceptance of installations shall be made only after all field quality control and tests are
complete, all submittals and certificates have been received, and the Engineer is satisfied
that the following have been satisfactorily completed. The Contractor shall supply, labour,
materials and equipment necessary for tests:
workmanship and equipment comply with specifications
speed, capacity, and floor-to-floor performance comply with specifications
performance of the following are satisfactory:
starting, accelerating, running
decelerating, stopping accuracy, stopping
door operation and closing pressure
(iv) equipment noise levels.
in all test conditions, speed and performance times specified shall be met, stopping
accuracy shall be maintained without re-levelling, and general ride quality shall be
acceptable to the Engineer.
Temperature tests may also be required, at the Engineer’s discretion.
Should tests detect any defects or poor workmanship, or non-compliance with or variance
from the specification requirements, the following work and/or repairs shall be completed at
no expense to the Employer:
replace all equipment that does not meet specification requirements
perform all work and supply all labour, materials, and equipment necessary to
complete specified operation and/ or performance
perform all retesting required by the authorities and the Engineer to verify
specified operation and/ or performance.
Clean Up
Areas shall be kept orderly and free from debris during Project progress.
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Section 21
Part 20
Page 14
Loose materials and filings resulting from work on hoistway surfaces and truss interiors shall
be removed.
The machine room equipment and floor shall be cleared of dirt, oil and grease.
Hoistways, cars, car enclosures, entrances, operating and signal fixtures, handrails, and trim
shall be cleaned of dirt, grease, and finger marks.
Manufacturer's Services
The manufacturer's representative shall inspect the final installation and supervise initial
operation. Manufacturer’s certificates shall be provided prior to field testing equipment.
The manufacturer's representative shall instruct and train plant personnel for at least one 8
hour day on proper operation and maintenance procedures.
Maintenance and Guarantees
The Contractor shall be responsible for the system maintenance and repair of any fault for a
period of 400 days starting from the provisional handing over. During this period the
Contractor shall replace and/or repair any fault with all spare parts without any cost to the
The Contractor shall guarantee the system for a period of 400 days. During this period the
Contractor shall clear any failure due to design problems or poor installation and
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 21
Lightning Protection
Page 1
LIGHTNING PROTECTION ........................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
21.2.1 Materials
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 3
21.3.1 Installation
21.3.2 Testing
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 21
Lightning Protection
This Part specifies the requirements for lightening protection.
Related Parts and Section are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installation
Cable Trays
Cables and Small Wiring
HV and MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 6651
BS 7430
Code of practice for protection of structures against lightning.
Code of practice for earthing
Quality Assurance
Design Criteria:
the lightning protection system shall be in accordance with QGEWC Rules and
Shop Drawing and product Data per Part 1.
submit full technical details and conductor size calculations of each type of cable or
wire proposed
submit exact route of each cable or wire proposed.
products used in the lightning protection system shall be copper or an approved
copper alloy, unless otherwise specified, and specifically manufactured for the
Air Termination Conductors and Down Conductors:
lightning air terminals and down conductors for lightning air terminals shall be
provided as indicated on the drawings. Where vertical air terminations are used,
they shall be min of 15 mm diameter tinned copper (air termination rod)
0.8 meter long with top spike, unless otherwise specified in the Project
generally, roof conductors and down conductors shall be of PVC sheathed 3 x 20 mm
(minimum) copper tape. PVC colour to be approved by the Engineer. However, bare
copper tape may be unless indicated otherwise on the Project Drawings or
air termination rods shall be securely anchored and welded
QCS 2010
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This Section
Part 1
Part 7
Part 9
Part 6
Part 8
Part 2
Page 2
QCS 2010
shall be of the earth rod type
earth rod electrodes: 16 mm diameter steel core copper jacketed type, comprising a
high strength steel alloy core with a molten welded copper covering, minimum 0.25
mm thick
to be not less than 3.6 m long, in 1.2 m sections coupled by strong bronze couplers.
shall connection of rod electrodes: bolted type.
to comprise a bolted copper link fixed on porcelain insulators and complete with
studs, nuts and washers to take the earth tape and a bolted lug adequately sized for
the final connection of the earth electrode.
Bolts, Washers And Nuts In Bolted Connections:
25 x 3 mm tinned copper tape, unless otherwise indicated on the Project Drawings or
Removable Earth Links:
down conductors shall be run along the outer surface of the wall or column of the
down conductors shall be as short as possible, protected and directly connected to
earthing system through test links (refer to item 7 below)
anchoring bolts shall be used to hold roof conductors and down conductors in firm
lightning conductor connectors shall be provided for conductor splice connections and
conductor terminal connections
the connectors shall be heavy duty, cast metal and shall have hex-head screws in the
bodies and holes in the tongues for bolts
TV antenna, HVAC equipment, handrails and structures in the vicinity of the lightning
protection system, if any, shall be bonded to the system by 3x20 sq. mm (minimum)
PVC sheathed copper tape.
Earth Connectors:
high copper alloy or silicone bronze. Ferrous hardware is not acceptable.
Earth Pit Cover
shall be of heavy duty construction
shall have a recessed lifting hook
shall have a brass plate, engraved “Electrical Earth Below”.
Removable Earth Links
Page 3
Earth Electrodes:
Lightning Protection
Main Earth Loops:
Part 21
fix in every main earth lead to enable the electrode system to be disconnected for
install in an accessible position, above ground as close as possible to the earth
Bolted Connections:
multiple bolt type
where bare copper is bolted in connections contact surfaces shall
QCS 2010
be silver
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Section 21
QCS 2010
Page 4
where earthing terminal connections are to be brazed to equipment, thoroughly clean
metal prior to brazing and repaint impaired surfaces to prevent corrosion.
protect by:
painting with a moisture resistant bituminous paint or compound, or
wrapping with protective tape to exclude moisture.
Earth Rod Electrodes:
extensible rods of the same diameter shall be installed in holes drilled into the ground.
If ground conditions permit, rods may be driven into the ground either manually or
mechanically. The earth electrode shall be installed at such a depth that it penetrates
the summer water table by a minimum of 2 metres. Under no circumstances shall
lightning protection electrodes be connected to any QGEWC earthing electrode. A
minimum distance of 7 metres shall be provided between any lightning earth electrode
and a QGEWC earth electrode.
weld earth connectors to the top of the rods, in sufficient number to make connection
with all incoming cables.
Earth Pit:
provide a concrete/PVC pit complete with a heavy duty concrete, cast iron or PVC
cover with recessed lifting hook to the Engineers written approval, at the head of the
earth rod, to protect the rod and allow access to connections for testing.
Testing earthing systems by the earth megger test.
The resistance of any one point in the lightning protection earth continuity system to the main
earth electrode shall not exceed 10 ohms, unless allowed otherwise by QGEWC, without
taking account of any bonding to other services.
Install additional earth electrodes in parallel, if these figures are not met.
QCS 2010
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Lightning Protection
Connections Between Dissimilar Metals:
Part 21
Brazed Connections:
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 22
Earthing and Bonding
Page 1
EARTHING AND BONDING .......................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Quality Assurance
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
22.2.1 Materials
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 3
22.3.1 Installation
22.3.2 Testing
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 22
Earthing and Bonding
This Part specifies the requirements for earthing and bonding.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Provisions for Electrical Installations
HV and MV Factory Built Assemblies (FBA’s)
Cables and Small Wiring
Cable Trays
BS 7430
Code of practice for earthing
Quality Assurance
Design Criteria: the earthing system shall be in accordance with QGEWC Rules and
Shop Drawing and product data per Part 1.
submit full technical details and conductor size calculations of each type of cable or
wire proposed
submit exact route of each cable or wire proposed.
products used in the earthing system shall be copper or an approved copper alloy,
unless otherwise specified, and specifically manufactured for the purpose.
Earth Continuity Conductors:
sizes shall be as specified by QGEWC, unless otherwise indicated, but in no case
size be less than half that of the associated phase conductors
insulation shall be of the same material as insulation in associated sub-circuits.
Main Earth Loops:
25 x 3 mm tinned copper tape, unless otherwise indicated.
Rod Electrodes:
shall be of the earth rod type
earth rod electrodes: 16 mm diameter steel core copper jacketed type, comprising a
high strength steel alloy core with a molten welded copper covering
to be 3.6 m long, in 1.2 m sections coupled by strong bronze couplers.
QCS 2010
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This Section
Part 1
Part 2
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Page 2
QCS 2010
connection of rod electrodes: shall be bolted type.
to comprise a bolted copper link fixed on porcelain insulators and complete with
studs, nuts and washers to take the earth tape and a bolted lug adequately sized for
the final connection of the earth electrode.
high copper alloy or silicone bronze. Ferrous hardware is not acceptable.
shall be of heavy duty construction
shall have a recessed lifting hook
shall have a brass plate, engraved “Electrical Earth Below”.
Circuit Wiring
Main Earth Loops
install and locate in a manner to provide maximum mechanical protection, utilising
ceiling corners, suspended ceiling and webs of beams as much as possible.
Bolted Connections:
fix in every main earth lead to enable the electrode system to be disconnected for
install in an accessible position, above ground as close as possible to the earth
Exposed Earth Cables
fix in mechanical equipment rooms and other areas indicated on the drawings, in
convenient locations, allowing two return paths to earth
fix copper tape to structure with copper or brass saddles and/or screws. Make tees
and straight joints by riveting and seating
make branch connections between main loop and major equipment, such as
switchboards, switchgears, motor control centres and large motors, with copper tape
of same size as main loop tape
make other branch connections to equipment with copper conductors of size not less
than half that of the relative phase conductor.
Removable Earth Links
shall have a green/yellow coloured insulated earth continuity cable connecting the
earth bus or earth terminal in switchboards, switchgears, motor control centres and
panel boards to the motor, equipment, outlet and other device by earthing lugs. All
hand rails and other metal works within 2 m of a potentially live metal surface shall
be earthed.
multiple bolt type
where bare copper is bolted in connections contact surfaces shall
be silver
Brazed Connections:
where earthing terminal connections are to be brazed to equipment, thoroughly clean
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Earth Pit Cover
Page 3
Bolts, Washers And Nuts In Bolted Connections:
Earthing and Bonding
Removable Earth Links:
Part 22
Earth Connectors:
Section 21
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 22
Earthing and Bonding
Page 4
metal prior to brazing and repaint impaired surfaces to prevent corrosion.
Connections Between Dissimilar Metals:
Equipment Earthing:
Fire Fighting Equipment:
Connect steel armour to the earthing system.
Earth Rod Electrodes:
connect the green/yellow coded earth busbar directly to the earth bus-bar in main
switchboard with earth copper tape
Cable Armour Earthing:
connect an earthing conductor from the main distribution earth busbar to an earth
connector welded to the cabinet and earthing bushings on the incoming and outgoing
feeder conduits.
Bus-Duct Feeders Earthing:
connect the special earthing lug or busbars inside the cabinet to the main earth
copper tape.
connect all parts of the switchboards, switchgears and motor control centres other
than “live” parts, to the earth bar in the board in an approved manner.
Distribution Boards Earthing:
connect the motor terminal box to the relative earth loop. The terminal must be
mechanically connected to the frame or, where this is not feasible
extend the earthing conductor through an insulated bushed opening in the connection
box and connect to the frame.
Main Switchboards, Switchgears and Motor Control Centres Earthing:
earth on a separate ring system.
Motors Earthing:
connect all non-current carrying metallic parts of the electrical/mechanical installation
to the earthing system
non-current carrying metallic parts of the electrical installation include:
metal conduit, cable armour, raceways, outlet boxes, cabinets, and the like
exposed metal parts of apparatus
enclosures, doors, grills, barriers and the like protecting or shielding
electrical equipment from direct access
series earthing of one piece of equipment to another is not acceptable. Each item
shall be individually connected to earth system
extensible rods of the same diameter shall be installed in holes drilled into the ground.
If ground conditions permit, rods may be driven into the ground either manually or
mechanically. The earth electrode shall be installed at such a depth that it penetrates
the summer water table by a minimum of 2 metres.
bolt earth connectors to the top of the rods, in sufficient number to make connection
with all incoming cables.
Earth Pit:
QCS 2010
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protect by:
painting with a moisture resistant bituminous paint or compound, or
wrapping with protective tape to exclude moisture.
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 22
Earthing and Bonding
Page 5
provide a concrete/PVC pit complete with a heavy duty concrete, cast iron or PVC
cover with recessed lifting hook to the Engineers written approval, at the head of the
earth rod, to protect the rod and allow access to connections for testing.
Testing earthing systems shall be done by the earth megger test.
The resistance of any point in the earth continuity system to the main earth electrode shall not
exceed 1 ohm, unless approved otherwise by QGEWC.
Install additional earth electrodes if these figures are not met.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 23
Inspection and Testing
Page 1
INSPECTION AND TESTING ........................................................................ 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
23.1.1 Inspection and Tests at Manufacturer's Place
23.1.2 Inspection and Tests at Site
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TESTING ...................................................... 3
Verification of Polarity
Earth Electrode Resistance
Insulation Resistance
Ring Circuit Continuity
Phase Rotation
Continuity of Protective Conductor
Earth-fault Loop Impedance
Operation Tests
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TESTING .......................................................... 5
23.3.1 General
COMMISSIONING ......................................................................................... 6
23.4.1 General
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Section 21
Part 23
Inspection and Testing
Page 2
Inspection and Tests at Manufacturer's Place
The Engineer shall be authorised to inspect, examine and test at any reasonable time and in
the premises of the manufacturer, the quality of the material used for the equipment to be
supplied. These work inspections shall include but not be limited to the following equipment,
lighting fixtures, emergency power equipment, switchgears, switchboards, motor control
centres, main and sub-main distribution boards. He shall also be authorised to verify the
qualifications of the staff employed by the manufacturer.
Should part of the equipment be subcontracted to another manufacturer, the Contractor shall
ensure that the Engineer is authorised to inspect, examine and test the equipment in the
premises of the Sub-Contractor.
These inspections, examinations and tests shall not relieve the Contractor, in any case, from
the contractual responsibility and commitments.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least 15 days beforehand of the date and
place at which any equipment shall be available for the tests to be made according to the
provisions of the contract. Should the Engineer not have appeared at the place indicated
within 7 days following the date indicated by the Contractor, the later shall proceed with the
tests and it shall be deemed that they have been witnessed by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall send the Engineer duly certified copies of the results of the tests.
The Engineer shall notify the Contractor of his intentions to attend the test 24 hours
Should the Contractor provide for tests to be made in the premises of the Contractor or any
Sub-Contractors or suppliers, the Contractor shall afford any assistance, labour, materials,
electricity, fuel supplies, equipment and instrument required and which can be reasonably
requested for these tests.
Inspection and Tests at Site
This specification defines the tests to be made on electrical equipment, distribution systems
and installations at site to establish compliance with the specification and to ensure they are
entirely suitable for the intended purposes.
For all tests a minimum of 15 days notice in writing shall be given by the Contractor to the
Engineer to enable the tests to be witnessed, if considered necessary.
All electrical tests, unless otherwise specified, shall be made either in a manner prescribed in
the relevant:
British Standard Specification and Code of Practice
IEE Regulation (latest edition)
QGEWC regulation
Civil Defence Department regulation
or where no Standard/Code/Regulation exists, in a manner approved by the Engineer.
A pre-closing Inspection shall be carried out on all items of Electrical equipment, cables and
conduit to be permanently concealed i.e. underground cables and ducts, conduit in screed or
plastered into walls, above ceiling etc.
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with 3 clear working days notice of his intention to
cover the works. Failure to comply with this requirement shall result in the re-exposure.
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Section 21
Part 23
Inspection and Testing
Page 3
Engineer's inspection and re-exposure of the works being carried out shall be at the
Contractor's expense.
The inspection and tests specified herein do not supersede but are supplementary and
complimentary to the tests called for in Project Specifications and clauses for equipment,
systems and installation.
The Contractor shall supply all necessary instruments, apparatus, consumable stores,
connection, skilled and unskilled labours and services with proper, reasonable and safe
facilities required for the tests. Any costs which may be involved in the tests shall be included
in the tender. The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that the instruments and the
equipment to be used for any test are adequate as regards accuracy and calibration for the
tests to be undertaken.
Workmanship shall be checked during work in progress and completed work inspections.
Any work not to the satisfaction of the Engineer during such inspection shall be replaced to a
standard approved by the Engineer at the Contractor’s expense, and prior to any subsequent
A complete written record shall be made by the Contractor of all inspections and tests. These
records shall be made at the time of the tests and shall be countersigned by the Engineer, if
present, as a true record. A copy of each record sheet shall be included with the operation
and maintenance manual. Inspection or approval of tests, acceptance of test certificate and
waiving of tests, by the Engineer, of any equipment, works or installation shall not relieve the
Contractor from the obligation to supply the complete equipment and complete work and
installations in accordance with the Project Specification and suitable for the purpose
Certificates of tests shall contain or have attached to them, the following information:(a)
the job name and number as designated by the Engineer
the name, address and contract or order number of the Contractor
a description of the item, component, equipment, system or installation tested
including any fabrication, block or production number
date and time of test
environmental conditions including weather, if relevant
the testing party (if other than the Contractor) and signature of the Engineer
the properties to be tested and the source of the parameters for such properties, i.e.
British Standard, Codes of Practice, QGEWC Regulation, Specifications, etc
the results of the tests and any divergence from the specification, production
drawings or statutory requirements
the detail of any works to be completed but which is outside the scope of this
The Engineer shall have discretion to waive inspection/testing for either any part or of the
complete installation.
On completion of the entire electrical installation work or any separate or distinct part thereof,
notify the Engineer, in writing, that the complete part of the electrical work is ready for
inspection and testing. Before doing so, perform initial trial tests. Test, correct, adjust,
balance, regulate, etc., the section concerned as necessary until required conditions are
The results and readings obtained for tests shall be equal or better than the requirements of
the IEE and the QGEWC Regulations and these shall be recorded on Forms similar to the
ones described in the IEE Regulations. The tests shall be carried out in a manner as
described in these regulations.
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Inspection and Testing
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The Contractor shall supply all instruments and tools required for carrying out the tests.
In case the tests specified below are satisfactory and no errors or faults appear in the
installation, submit the necessary test forms, duly filled out, to QGEWC to repeat, if
necessary, the tests in the presence of QGEWC inspectors.
Upon Completion of testing, the Contractor shall follow-up and make all necessary
arrangements with the QGEWC and Q-TEL for the purpose of providing permanent electricity
supply and telephone services to the new facilities. Also provide all facilities and attendance
to QGEWC for any other tests to be carried out before energising the installation.
The testing of the installations shall comprise of the following but not limited to:-
Verification of Polarity
Verification of polarity shall be made to ensure that all fuses and single pole control devices
are connected only on the live phase conductor. The neutral must not be connected through
any of these devices.
The centre contact of Edison type screw lamp holder shall be connected to the phase
conductor, the outer threaded metal part shall be connected to the neutral conductor.
Wiring to plugs and socket outlets should be such that that they are connected with phase
conductor on the right pole when viewed from the front.
A suitable type of testing device shall be used to confirm the above.
Earth Electrode Resistance
Upon installation of earth electrode, test shall be carried out to ensure that the installation of
electrode has reduced the earth fault impedance effectively to the required value.
Resistance to earth of all earthing rods, each earth termination network, continuity of
conductors and all bends and joints shall be tested by means of a Wenner test. The electrode
resistance shall not exceed 8 ohms requirement or as specified in the QGEWC regulation.
Insulation Resistance
Insulation resistance test shall be carried out before a completed installation is permanently
connected to the supply. Large installations may be divided into groups. A DC voltage not
less than twice the normal supply voltage (RMS value of AC system voltage) shall be applied
for the measurement of the insulation resistance. For low voltage installations, where
apparatus voltage rating does not exceed 55 V, shall be tested applying 500 V DC only.
When measured with all fuse links in place, all switches (including, if possible, the main
switch) closed, the insulation resistance for whole installation shall not be less than 1 meg
When measured between one phase conductor and other conductors connected together to
earth, in turn for all phases, the insulation resistance shall be not less than 1 mega ohm.
Wherever possible, so that all parts of the wiring may be tested, all lamps shall be removed,
all current using apparatus disconnected, all local switches shall be closed; where removal of
lamps or disconnection of current using apparatus is not practicable, respective control
switches shall be opened.
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Part 23
Inspection and Testing
Page 5
Where apparatus is disconnected for the tests, the insulation between the enclosure or
frameworks and all the live parts (phase) of the apparatus shall be measured separately and
shall comply with the requirements as per BS for the corresponding apparatus, where such
standard is not available, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 0.5 meg ohm.
Ring Circuit Continuity
A test shall be carried out to verify the continuity of all conductors (including the earth
continuity conductor) of every ring circuit and all readings shall be tabulated.
Phase Rotation
The complete installation shall be tested to ensure that all distribution boards are connected
to give correct phase rotation for the corresponding apparatus as required.
Continuity of Protective Conductor
A test shall be carried out to verify that all protective conductors are connected correctly and
are electrically sound, before power supply is connected to an installation.
When the protective conductor is a core in multi-core cable or a separate protective
conductor, a DC ohmmeter may be used to measure the resistance. Where steel conduits or
other metallic structure is used as protective conductor, the test shall be carried out by
current injection at a voltage not exceeding 50 V AC or DC and current about 1.5 times the
normal circuit current but not exceeding 25 Amps. When using DC source, it must be
ensured that inductors are not connected in the test path.
A portable hand generator is preferable to use for this test so that the disconnected phase
conductor can be connected to the consumer earth terminal and tests can be made between
phase conductor and the protective conductor at each outlet point.
Earth-fault Loop Impedance
Each completed installation shall be tested for effectiveness of the earthing by means of an
earth fault loop impedance test. The test shall be carried out by using earth loop impedance
test instrument
Operation Tests
This clause applies to relays, Interlocks and any other protective and control device, viz.,
residual current devices, to ensure correct functioning.
Suitable test pro forma shall be prepared, as per the recommendation of the manufacturer for
protective relay tests and submit to the Engineer for approval. Logic diagram for control and
interlocks shall be prepared, based on the requirement for functional tests, and shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval. Tests shall be carried out according to the approved
form and all results shall be tabulated.
The RCDs shall be tested by external supply to check for instantaneous operation. The
testing device shall be single phase double wound continuously variable type transformer
(variac) with maximum output voltage 50 V and loading resistors to control current. While
rated current applied, the device shall operate instantaneously or within a time delay as per
manufacturer data sheet. The test current to be applied shall be as per manufacturer
The Contractor shall fully test and commission the whole of electrical installation in
accordance with QGEWC and IEE regulations, as per requirements of the Project
Documentation and as outlined in this section.
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Part 23
Inspection and Testing
Page 6
The following equipment will be inspected and tested on site after installation. Any omission
or defects, or faults raised by the Engineer are to be remedied or corrected by the Contractor
and re-testing made at the direction of the Engineer at the Contractor’s expense:
415V switchgear
mains cable
starters and control gear
control and starter panels
small wiring etc.
elevator, walkway system
radio and TV interference
fire alarm and detection system
public address system
Following functional tests shall be carried out to ensure proper functioning of the plant and all
all protective circuits, interlocks, control and alarm shall be tested for correct operation
all lighting circuits shall be energised and checked to ensure that they are operational
all motors, plants and electrical equipment connected with mechanical services shall
be checked to ensure that they run freely in the correct direction/rotation and in correct
fire alarm system, elevator system and building management system (if applicable)
shall be tested for correct operation.
The testing requirements and procedures for the various items of electrical equipment is
specified in the other relevant specification parts for electrical works and relevant standards.
This specification deals with the Contractor’s work involved in commissioning to energise the
electrical distribution systems, installations and plants after inspections and tests to ensure
safety and proper operation; and the evaluation of performance by means of further
inspection and tests to ensure the works operate in conformity with the design specification.
Commissioning works shall be carried out by the Contractor using trained, experienced
commissioning engineers. The commissioning engineer shall perform switching operations
and also must be in charge for the opening and closing of circuits, interlocks and safety
The Contractor in conjunction with the Engineer shall prepare a commissioning schedule.
This shall show a time scale and the extent of power or other services requirements for
setting the plant to work. The following information shall be made available to the Engineer:
Specification of work
Test certificates from works test at manufacturers
Test results from site progress tests.
Notes from pre-commissioning meetings.
The method statement shall be submitted to the Engineer and get it approved at least 1
month before the commencement of commissioning tests.
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Part 23
Inspection and Testing
Page 7
After commissioning, the plant shall operate for the guarantee period as per the requirements
of the Project Documentation, from the date of practical completion certificate issue in
accordance with normal requirements without defect of any kind. Any defect which appears
shall be remedied forthwith by the Contractor without any cost to the contract and reliability
run shall start after re-commissioning. The guarantee period shall be calculated from the
latest date of such re-commissioning.
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Section 21
Part 24
Documentation Format
Page 1
DOCUMENTATION FORMAT ....................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
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24.1.1 Scope
24.1.2 General Requirements
24.1.3 Document format
24.1.4 Time Scale
24.1.5 Approval
24.1.6 Record Drawings
24.1.7 As-Built Drawings
24.1.8 Scales
24.1.9 Scale Bar
24.1.10 Presentation of Drawings
24.1.11 Manuals
24.1.12 Instrumentation Documentation
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Part 24
Documentation Format
Page 2
This Part specifies the general requirements and standards required for the compilation of
paper and electronic documents.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
General Requirements
Documents will be presented both electronically and on paper. Documents from an
electronic source shall, when printed, conform to the requirements for documents presented
on paper. The number of hardcopy manuals shall be determined by the contract
The final approved documentation shall be reproducible in the following sizes. These sizes
are defined to ensure that the provided documentation can be easily read and understood.
A4 size paper for manuals
A3 size for system diagrams
A1 size for instrument location and plant drawings
Document format
Drawings shall be compiled in AutoCAD DWG or Microstation DGN file format or similar
approved with Engineer. Word processed documentation should be presented in Adobe
Acrobat PDF format or similar approved with Engineer. Scanned copies of the „as built’
drawings showing all of the required approval signatures and official stamps shall be
provided in TIFF format. The files should be presented on optical disc containing a
readme.txt file containing an index of the disk.
Time Scale
The time scale for delivery of manuals shall be as stated in the contract documentation, with
the final versions of the manuals being available before hand over.
During the construction phase of the project, the drawing and manuals status shall be
monitored and discussed. These discussions form part of the project meetings / site
meetings and are part of the approval process. All documents shall be approved prior to
hand over.
Record Drawings
This specification defines the production of drawings so they are provided in a consistent
way that shall make the drawings easy to use. This section refers to record drawings that
relate to the as built product. Documents from an electronic source shall, when printed,
conform to the requirements for documents presented on paper.
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Section 1 Part 21
Section 21 Part 1
Section 21 Part 23
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Section 21
Part 24
Documentation Format
Page 3
As-Built Drawings
Drawings produced by suppliers/Vendors shall be of appropriate size as below. Documents
from an electronic source shall, when printed, conform to the requirements for documents
presented on paper.
Drawing information shall be handed over in 'As Constructed’ form and marked-up
accordingly in the information panel.
As few scales as possible shall be used and each scale used shall be recorded in the title
panel. The scale shall be large enough to permit easy and clear interpretation of the
information and ensure clarity of prints of all sizes reproduced. The recommended scales are
listed in Table 24.1.
Table 24.1
Scale Recommendations
Full Size
Reduction Scale
Recommended ratios of scale
Scale Bar
The original scale shall be indicated by means of a relevant numbered scale bar. A warning
against scaling the drawing shall be given.
24.1.10 Presentation of Drawings
Title panel and information panel shall contain the following information:(a)
supervisory consultant
project title
name of site/s
name and type of installation/s
drawing title/description
sheet number in the series
drawing status
identity of persons carrying out the draughting and checking
date of drawing
drawing scale/s
drawing no. with provision for revision suffix (Year/Contract/Number/ /Revision)
contents of information panel
The nature and date of each revision and the identification of the person approving it
shall be recorded in the information panel, starting next to the title panel. General
notes shall commence at the opposite end of the information panel
All text and drawings shall be in black unless otherwise stated.
Amendment of Drawings
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Documentation Format
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After receipt by the Client of (draft) 'As Constructed' drawings, the Contractor shall
notify the Client of any changes by re-issuing a complete draft, with further revision
suffix to title and information panel.
Each section shall clearly indicate the status of the information in the form of
amendment notes.
Electrical Schematics
Electrical schematics shall be complete with cross references for all contact elements
of all components used.
The legend for naming and symbols used shall be clearly displayed on the drawing.
24.1.11 Manuals
A contents page shall be provided for each Volume listing the contents of that particular
Volume. It shall be entitled “Contents of Volume No XXX”. Where there are two or more
volumes to a manual then there shall be a complete index to the set of volumes with each
The manual(s) shall be formed containing operational information in the first part of the
manual and maintenance information in the latter part.
The manual shall be split into the following sections:
Section 1.0 - Introduction
The introduction shall describe the purpose of the operating manual. This shall
include how to start up and shut down the installation and/or process and/or
plant as appropriate and maintain it at its optimum performance. The following
details shall be included in the body of the manual.
Section 2.0 - Technical Description
process descriptions
plant description
schedule of equipment commencing with a complete data sheet specific to the
equipment used detailing Make, Type or Model No.. Rating, Order No., Quantity
used etc.
Section 3.0 - Safety
safety precautions
hazardous area zoning
confined spaces
(iv) emergency procedures
site security description
(vi) warning labels, etc
Section 4.0 - Operating Information
plant settings
operating procedure
start up/shut down/power failure
(iv) routine check procedure
replacement of consumable items
Section 5.0 - Control Philosophy
Functional Design Specification (FDS) to include the following as minimum:(i)
description of mechanical plant
description of electrical plant
description of instrumentation, control and field devices
(iv) process & instrumentation diagrams (P&ID's)
plant start up sequence for both manual and automatic mode
(vi) plant shut down sequence for both manual and automatic mode
(vii) power fail and restart sequences
(viii) normal process sequences
Section 6.0 - Maintenance Instructions including:(i)
safety precautions
routine maintenance schedules
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Documentation Format
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24.1.12 Instrumentation Documentation
The instrumentation documentation shall be according to the following specification.
For the instrumentation the contractor shall supply the following information:
instrument loop diagrams
manufactures literature
certificate of calibration
(iv) certificate of conformity
RTU Documentation
For the RTU system, the contractor shall supply the following information:
RTU I/O schedules
GA and wiring diagram
isagraph program (disk)
(iv) RTU configuration (disk)
RTU user manual
(vi) RTU programming software user manual
(vii) licensed and latest version of the programming software original with all end
user license agreements.
PLC Documentation
For the PLC system, the contractor shall supply the following information:(i)
system architecture drawing
rack layouts
PLC I/O schedules (printed sheet + Excel format disc)
(iv) PLC memory map
PLC hardware listing
(vi) annotated PLC ladder logic (printed sheet + disc)
(viii) PLC user manual
(ix) PLC programming software user manual
licensed and latest version of the PLC programming software original with all
end user license agreements.
QCS 2010
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spare parts listing and agreed spares list
(iv) lubrication
plant strip down/assembly
(vi) fault finding instructions
Section 7.0 - Suppliers
Supplier’s/Vendor’s names, contact person and his title, addresses and
telephone numbers, email etc.
Section 8.0 - Drawings and Records
plant drawings
electrical diagrams
cable schedules
(iv) valve schedules
instrument loop diagram
(vi) vendor manuals (original manuals only-photocopies shall not be acceptable)
(vii) vendor test certificates
(viii) instrumentation loop test certificates
(ix) plant description forms
hazardous area zoning drawings
(xi) a general description of each plant and how it operates, shall be included at the
beginning of each of the M&E sections. The description shall explain the
function of the equipment. It shall be sufficiently detailed to enable the reader to
understand how the works operates before using the operating instructions.
(xii) a complete set of data sheets providing specific details of the equipment used
with Order No., Serial No., and specific technical details etc.
If a
comprehensive spare parts list is not attached to the individual equipment
catalogue section, the same shall be compiled by the Contractor and attached
to this section.
(xiii) a complete list of all components used for Order No., Motor Control Centres
detailing Make, Model No., Rating, Quantity used etc.
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Documentation Format
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HMI Documentation
For the Man Machine Interfaces, the contractor shall supply the following information: (i)
system architecture drawing
graphic copy and description of all mimics
description of all trends
(iv) alarm handling and schedules
operator control functions
(vi) HMI database listing with disc, if applicable
SCADA Documentation
For the SCADA system, the contractor shall supply the following information:
system architecture drawing
software user manuals
SCADA database listing and discs
(iv) alarm handling and schedules
description of all trends
(vi) graphic copy and description of all mimics
(vii) database point allocation table (disk
(viii) application software source code
(ix) SCADA latest version of the programming software and IO Drivers with all end
user license agreements.
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 25
Electrical Identification
Page 1
ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATIONS ................................................................. 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
Nameplates and Labels
Wire and Cable Markers
Interconnecting Cabling Identification “ICA”
Under ground Warning Tape
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Electrical Identification
Page 2
Provide identification on all equipment e.g. control panels, FBA, controllers, raceways, boxes
and conductors, devices etc in accordance with BS 61346, BS 61666, BS 61175 and BS
60445 standards or latest edition of other applicable standards to the approval of engineer.
All labels shall be permanent, and be machine generated. NO HANDWRITTEN OR NONPERMANENT LABELS SHALL BE ALLOWED.
Prior to making any label or nameplate for the purpose of identification submit a detailed
schedule indicating nameplate size, lettering size, color, material and actual nameplate
information for Engineer's review and approval.
All external labels, nameplates, operational and warning signs shall be provided in Arabic
and English.
Material used in making the engraved labels shall be of highest quality suitable for the
environmental and climatic conditions as specified in the relevant section.
Critical devices such as disconnect switches; service feeders and branch circuit protective
feeders shall be legibly labeled to indicate its purpose and point of origin. The legibility
distance shall not be less than 2.0 meters.
Identification nameplates shall be provided in addition to the manufacturer's equipment
nameplates as required by NEMA, BS, IEC or UL.
Warning signs and instruction labels wherever needed shall be provided in accordance with
local regulations of QGEWC, Civil defence etc.
Contractor shall clearly show locations and fixing arrangements of nameplates and labels on
layout drawings.
Nameplates and Labels
Provide equipment identification labels for all electrical equipment including, but not
limited to Switchgear, control panels, switchboards, transfer switches, disconnect
switches, transformers, generators, power factor capacitors, fixed equipment, motor
starters, FBA etc.
Provided sub classification label for all emergency power system, junction boxes and
pull boxes.
External labels: Clear Perspex, back engraved in black letters on white background, in
Arabic and English with chamfered edges fixed with stainless steel screws with nuts
and flat and lock washers.
(iv) Internal labels: Multi-layered plastic to an approved design engraved in Arabic and
English, and fixed with stainless steel screws. Alternatively special purpose made DIN
rail may be used for fixing labels as approved by the engineer.
Adhesive labels shall not be permitted.
(vi) Internal components labels shall have circuit designations correlated with the
(vii) Labels shall not be attached to trunking covers or other readily removable items.
(viii) Electrical equipment enclosures, vaults, doors and fences shall be provided with
"DANGER KEEP OUT" warning sign, showing proper voltage.
(ix) Disconnect switches and emergency devices shall have "CAUTION" warning signs as
directed by the engineer.
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Electrical Identification
Page 3
Provide Title Label for electrical distribution and all other control equipment, panels
Provide Function Label for door mounted component.
Every internal component - Identification Label.
(iv) Provide Identification Label for Protective device - (e.g. fuse/mcb type, rating).
Provide Title Label for Communication equipments.
(vi) Compartments with doors and covers not electrically interlocked to an isolator,
external label - “DANGER, LIVE TERMINALS” with flash and voltage in red letters on
white background in Arabic and English.
(vii) Provide Function description Label for group of terminal blocks.
Letter Size is to be approved with Engineer.
Wire and Cable Markers
Description: Interlocking ferrules of white insulating material engraved in black. Letters and
symbols to IEC 446 shall be used for control wiring and Flameproof Cable tags for
appropriate cable group.
Conductor at pull boxes outlet, junction boxes and each load connection.
Cable laid in trenches, duct, raceways etc.
Power and Lighting Circuits: Branch circuit or feeder number indicated on drawings.
Control Circuits: Control wire number indicated on schematic and interconnection
diagrams on drawings.
Interconnecting Cabling Identification “ICA”
Each horizontal cable from instruments, transmitter, controller etc. termination blocks or
patch panel if any to an outlet box shall be labelled at both ends.
Tags shall be consecutively numbered so that no two (2) cables have the same identification
In addition the cable tag shall indicate the reference of location where the associated outlet
is located and the device is installed.
Under ground Warning Tape
Description: 100 mm wide plastic tape, detectable type, coloured yellow with suitable
warning legend describing buried electrical lines e.g. 0.6/1KV, 11KV etc.
Degrease and clean surfaces to receive nameplates and labels.
Install nameplate and label parallel to equipment lines.
Secure nameplate to equipment front as specified.
Secure nameplate to inside surface of door on panelboard that is recessed in finished
Identify underground conduits using underground warning tape. Install one tape per trench
at 150 mm below finished grade.
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Section 21
Part 26
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Page 1
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY ....................................................... 2
REGULATIONS ............................................................................................. 2
The CE Marking
EMC Directive and Standards
EU Product Directives
Harmonized European Standards
CE Marking Vs ISO 9000
Recommendations for reducing interference ................................................. 4
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Part 26
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Page 2
Ensuring electrical components, equipment and systems supplied are safe and does not
interfere with the normal operation of other equipment is the basis for Electromagnetic
Compatibility regulation.
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC; shall apply to electrical equipment designed for use at a
rated voltage of 50 to 1000 V for alternating current and 75 to 1500 V for direct current. Rated
voltage shall refer to the input or output voltage of the equipment and not voltages which are
generated internally.
The electrotechnical product shall also meet the requirements of other applicable directives
in addition to the Low Voltage Directives. The compliance of individual components with the
requirements of appropriate European Norms (EN) does not imply compliance of the end
product. End product testing ensures that interconnections as well as manufactured CE
marked components are performing to what is formally stated in their declaration of
EMC: Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMC is the ability of different items of electrical equipment to work together without suffering
the effects of interference. All equipment shall operate without interfering with broadcast and
communications signals and be immune to normal levels of such signals.
EMC implies that equipment shall not generate unacceptable levels of interference, which
affect the performance of other products designed to operate in the same environment. Also,
equipment shall have sufficient immunity to electrical interference, such that the equipment
continues to operate in an acceptable manner.
The contractor shall submit a certificate issued by the manufacturer that the electrical
equipment's supplied against the contract under execution complies with the requirements of
the EMC Directive.
The CE Marking
All electrical products shall have CE Marking as an EU recognised certification mark that
confirms the product has been tested and complies with the European Union
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and other relevant directives, standards or norms.
EMC Directive and Standards
The electrotechnical products shall be designed and constructed that do not cause excessive
electromagnetic interference and are not duly affected by electromagnetic interference.
Electrical products shall carry a CE mark and manufacturers 'Declaration of Conformity'.
There are four generic standards:
EN 50081-1 1992 EMC - Generic emission standard - Part 1. Residential commercial
and light industry.
EN 50081-2 1993 EMC - Generic emission standard - Part 2. Industrial environment.
EN 50082-1 1997 EMC - Generic immunity standard - Part 1. Residential commercial
and light industry.
EN 61000-6-2 1999 EMC - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for Industrial
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Section 21
Part 26
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Page 3
EU Product Directives
The EU product directives deal with large families of products or horizontal risks such as
those addressed in the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive. The manufacturer and
exporter are responsible for ensuring the product meets the requirements for all applicable
The following directives (with the reference between brackets) have been adopted:
low voltage (73/23/EEC)
simple pressure vessels (87/404/EEC)
safety of toys (87/378/EEC)
construction products (89/106/EEC)
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) (89/336/EEC)
machine safety (89/392/EEC)
personal protection equipment (89/686/EEC)
new hot-water boilers (92/42/EEC)
gas appliances (90/396/EEC)
explosives for civil uses (93/15/EEC)
recreational craft (94/25/EC)
non-automatic weighing machines (90/384/EEC)
active implantable medical devices (90/385/EEC)
equipment for explosive atmospheres (94/9/EEC)
telecommunications terminal equipment (91/263/EEC)
Most of the above-mentioned directives are amended by Directive 93/68/EEC, "Rules for the
Affixing and Use of the CE Conformity Marking."
Harmonized European Standards
EU product directives are limited to essential safety, health or other performance
requirements in the general public interest. The technical details of how to meet these
requirements are to be certified by the three regional European standards organisations,
CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, and government appointed product certification bodies.
Products that meet the essential technical standards developed by CEN, CENELEC and
ETSI are presumed to conform to the requirements of EU directives
For many products, however, a manufacturer can choose not to comply with CEN,
CENELEC, ETSI standards, but must then demonstrate that the product meets the essential
safety and performance requirements of the directives.
CE Marking Vs ISO 9000
Manufacturer having a quality management certificate that demonstrates an efficient
organisational confirming low failure rate shall not be acceptable as a substitute to CE
The quality system makes no reference to the quality of the product. The quality certificate is
only a recommendation for customers that their order will be processed correctly and on
The CE marking indicates that the product complies with the essential requirements relating
to safety, health, environment and consumer protection of the user.
Some directives explicitly make use of a quality management system (ISO 9000) as part of
the conformity assessment. If a manufacturer wishes to provide the customer with assurance
about the functional quality of the product, the manufacturer can then obtain a voluntary
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Section 21
Part 26
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Page 4
quality inspection mark that guarantees the products conform to safety and functional
requirements over the long term.
Recommendations for reducing interference
The contractor shall exercise the manufacturer's recommendation for reducing interference.
Following is basic guidelines for ready reference that helps reduce radiated interference by
screening of the equipment and cables. The conducted interference can be reduced by
filtering of the mains supply.
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keep all cables as short as possible
separate power cables and signal cables from each other and from different
shield the mains cable to the welding equipment if any
apply earthing and equipotential bonding to the welding installation
connect the equipment to a separate mains supply spur or using a different phase
physically separate welding equipment from other equipment
weld at times, which cause minimum disruption.
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 27
Battery and Battery Charger
Page 1
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
27.2.1 General
27.2.2 Batteries
27.2.3 Battery Chargers
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 4
27.3.1 General
ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................ 5
27.4.1 General
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 27
Battery and Battery Charger
This Part specifies the requirements for battery and battery charger.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Cables and small wiring
Cable Trays
Accessories and General Power
A single battery and battery charger shall be provided for each FBA of motor control centre,
control desk or control panel.
The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
EIC 157 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control gear
EIC 158 Low Voltage Control gear
Submissions shall be in accordance with Part 1 of this Section and Part 7 of Section 1.
Shop Drawings submission shall include dimensional drawings of the battery and battery
charger, including sections and elevations, showing the following:
sizes and positions of components
positions and method of fixing cable and boxes
location of terminal boards
other pertinent data.
Submission of project data shall be as follows:
full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with relevant
sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.
The batteries and chargers shall be used as back-up power source for uninterruptible and
bumpless operation of controls, instrumentation, alarm and monitoring equipment, but not for
switchgear tripping/closing or other special function batteries.
Where alternate a.c. supplies are available, provide for taking the supply to the battery
charger from either source (e.g. from either side of the bus-section switch) with facilities for
automatic changeover from one source to the other in the event of failure of the supply
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Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Page 2
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Section 21
Part 27
Battery and Battery Charger
Page 3
The battery and charger unit shall be housed in the common control section of the MCC
provided that the battery is of the sealed type and shall not release any corrosive media. If
the battery is not sealed it shall be mounted in a separate compartment.
A separate sheet steel floor standing cubicle having adequate ventilation and separate
compartments for the batteries (lower compartment) and chargers (upper compartment) with
associated control and protection devices and accessories may be used as a stand-alone
unit for large capacities where it is difficult to accommodate within a dedicated section of the
MCC and in case of all other applications wherever specified.
When used as a stand-alone unit, the access to the batteries shall be via lockable, hinged
doors, and to the chargers via removable covers.
Batteries and charger units shall be suitable for the intended service under the prevailing
climate and environments conditions and Tropical use.
Unless specified elsewhere the, the battery charger shall confirm to the specification herein.
Form 4 panels when equipped with battery and charger shall be provided with fully
segregated/shrouded arrangement for the batteries within the cubicle, ensuring proper
ventilation. Alternatively batteries may be located in a separate enclosure installed within the
close proximity of the control panel.
Nickel Cadmium sealed batteries shall be used confirming to BS EN 60623.
The batteries shall be maintenance free long life Nickel Cadmium sealed type with a nominal
output of 24 volts, and shall be of adequate capacity to maintain full operation of the relevant
load equipment’s’ plus an additional 20 per cent, for a period of 8 hours during mains failure,
assuming a normal charge condition at the start of the mains failure.
All batteries shall be protected from mechanical damage and any accidental electric shorting.
All batteries shall be supplied in banks sized for easy handling, and all interconnections shall
be included. Batteries shall not be housed above charger units or any other equipment and
shall be so ventilated that gases do not permeate into adjacent equipment.
Battery Chargers
Battery Chargers shall confirm to BS EN 60146-1.
Battery chargers complete with associated controls shall be provided and mounted on its
own chassis and housed in one of the section of the FBA, stand-alone panel or in a separate
enclosure as applicable.
The front panel for each charger unit shall include:1 No. “ON/OFF” Mains switch
1 No. Lamp to indicate “A.C. Supply On” (white)
1 No. Charger Ammeter
1 No. Lamp to indicate “Boost Charge” (Red)
1 No. Lamp to indicate “Float Charge” (White)
1 No. Lamp to indicate “Charger Failed” (Amber)
1 No. Lamp test push button
Each charger unit shall also be provided with:1 No. “Float/Boost” selector switch, mounted internally
1 No. Set of a.c. supply fuses
1 No. volt-free contact for charger failed alarm
1 No. volt-free contact for low d.c. output voltage alarm
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Section 21
Part 27
Battery and Battery Charger
Page 4
1 No. volt free contact for loss of d.c. output voltage alarm
The chargers shall protect the batteries from deep discharge and over charging.
Volt free contacts shall operate in fail-safe mode and be wired to terminal block.
The Charger unit shall also be equipped with the following:1 No. DC output voltmeter, scaled to indicate regions of “Low”, “Normal” and “High” output
voltages, by the use of different colored sectors.
1 No. D.C. output switch
1 No. D.C. output Ammeter
The charger unit shall also be provided with one set of full capacity rated output d.c.
terminals and fuses.
In the event of failure of the charger, the batteries shall ensure operation of controls,
instrumentation, alarm and monitoring equipment for at least 6 hours. A separate relay
contact shall be provided to indicate “Critical Alarm Condition – Charger Fail".
The chargers shall be of the constant potential type, and shall be designed to regulate the
charger output voltage to within +/- 1 percent.
A suitable means shall be provided to the approval of Engineer to protect the batteries from
deep discharge.
The D.C. terminal voltage shall be regulated such that under “Float” or “Boost” charge
condition the DC voltage does not rise to more than 10 percent above the nominal.
The charger unit shall also be provided with both short circuit and reverse polarity functions.
The charger when selected to “Float” shall be capable of restoring the battery to 75 percent
capacity within 7 - 8 hours.
Under “Boost” condition the charger shall be capable of restoring a fully discharged battery
to 75 percent capacity within 4 - 5 hours.
Fix inside the cubicle a wiring diagram indicating and identifying all outgoing terminals,
components and fuses, and also a warning label in Arabic and English giving maintenance
and safety instructions.
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control Program or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Equipment shall undergo on-load burn-in
leaving the factory. Final inspection and calibration operations shall be documented in a
report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department and/or qualified Third Party
Agency (TPA).
Complete charge and discharge tests on each battery and combined battery and charger
shall be conducted and results recorded so as to permit verification of the ampere-hour
capacity of the battery. During these tests five reference cells shall be selected at random
and the voltage curves thereof shall be checked when the battery is discharged over three
and ten hour periods. The automatic control feature of the charger shall be demonstrated
over the specified load range.
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Section 21
Part 27
Battery and Battery Charger
Page 5
The integrated functional test shall be conducted at manufacturer’s works to ensure
satisfactorily functioning of the equipment.
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be in accordance with Section 1 Part 1 unless specified
Minimum ambient temperature shall be 0C.
Maximum relative humidity shall be 95%.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 28
Small Enclosures
Page 1
SMALL ENCLOSURES ................................................................................. 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
Hinged Cover Enclosures for use Indoors
Cabinets and Junction Boxes for use Indoors
Terminal Blocks
Weatherproof Cabinets for use Outdoors
Small outdoor Enclosures for Pushbutton Stations, Local Isolators, Local
Starter or Control Gear etc.
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 6
28.4.1 General
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 6
28.3.1 General
Environment ................................................................................................... 6
28.5.1 General
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 28
Small Enclosures
This Part specifies the requirements for small enclosures.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Cables and small wiring
Cable Trays
Accessories and General Power
The use of small enclosures, cabinets and junction boxes shall be limited to enclosing
terminal blocks and low voltage (not exceeding 415 Volts) electrical field devices e.g.
transmitters, sensors, switches, sockets, local starters and control stations, etc. excluding
main motor control and switchgear.
The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 6220 Junction Boxes
BS 7671, Requirements for Electrical Installations
IEE, UK., BS EN 60947-4-1
NEMA 250
NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code, U.S.A
or other approved equivalent standards as applicable.
Submissions shall be in accordance with Part 1 of this Section and Part 7 of Section 1.
Shop Drawings submission shall include dimensional drawings of the battery and battery
charger, including sections and elevations, showing the following:
sizes and positions of components
positions and method of fixing cable and boxes
location of terminal boards
other pertinent data.
Submission of project data shall be as follows:
full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with relevant
sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.
The specification shall be in accordance with latest edition of local and International
regulations e.g QGEWC.
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Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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Section 21
Part 28
Small Enclosures
Page 3
The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's Instructions that Indicate
application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by Product testing agency specified
under Regulatory Requirements.
The contractor shall select the product only from manufacturer’s specializing in
manufacturing products specified in this Part with minimum five years documented
experience of the products being satisfactorily in use in a similar service and climatic
The contractor shall ensure proper co-ordination with related civil and other project
associated activities prior to the selection of the equipment.
The Contractor shall clearly show locations and fixing arrangements on the drawings.
IP ratings are based on short laboratory tests and are not an indication of an enclosure’s
suitability for use outdoors or in a harsh environment. All such enclosures need considerable
interpretation for each installation.
Any enclosure installed in the wet well of a pumping station or in any area where the change
of flooding exists shall be rated for IP68 classification.
Any enclosure installed the wet well of a pumping station shall be rated for Zone 2
hazardous area classification.
Hinged Cover Enclosures for use Indoors
Construction: Galvanized steel with minimum sheet steel thickness of 2 mm with panel fronts
of thickness 2.0 mm minimum.
Covers: Lift-off hinge held closed by lockable T type handles. Doors shall close on to
neoprene or soft rubber sealing strips held in place mechanically.
Provide interior metal panel for mounting terminal blocks and electrical components; finish
with white enamel.
Enclosure Finish: Green to BS 4800, shade 14E53.
Enclosure Protection: Dust and vermin proof. Environmental protection to IP 54 or as
applicable depending on the application.
Cabinets and Junction Boxes for use Indoors
Boxes: Galvanized steel with minimum sheet steel thickness of 2 mm with panel fronts of
thickness 2.0 mm minimum.
Box Size: To suit equipment requirements.
Provide interior metal panels for mounting terminal blocks and electrical components; finish
with white enamel.
Fronts: Lift-off hinge held closed by lockable T type handles. Doors shall close on to
neoprene or soft rubber sealing strips held in place mechanically.
Junction boxes enclosing small quantity of terminals with bolted cover shall however be
permitted to be used as per the approval of the engineer.
Glandplates shall be provided to suit cable, conduit and circuiting arrangements.
Provide metal barriers to form separate compartments wiring of different systems and
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Section 21
Part 28
Small Enclosures
Page 4
Provide accessory feet, pedestal or pillar for free-standing equipment.
Enclosure Finish: Green to BS 4800, shade 14E53.
Enclosure Protection: Dust and vermin proof. Environmental protection to IP 54 or as
applicable depending on the application.
Terminal Blocks
Terminal Blocks: IEC 947-7-1 or BS EN 60947-7-1: Terminal blocks for copper conductors.
Power Terminals: Unit construction type with closed back and tubular pressure screw
connectors, rated 600 volts.
Signal and Control Terminals: Modular construction type, suitable for channel mounting,
with tubular pressure screw connectors, rated 600 volts.
Provide earth bus terminal block, with each connector bonded to the enclosure.
Special terminals e.g. disconnect type, diode type, bridging type, fuse type etc. according to
the applications requirements or as directed by the Engineer shall be provided.
All terminal assemblies shall be provided with dividers as necessary and end plates. Where
included in the manufacturers’ inventory, locking wire shall be installed on every terminal
Weatherproof Cabinets for use Outdoors
Weatherproof cabinets shall be provided for all electrical, control, instrumentation, distribution,
etc. equipment which is to be used externally.
Outdoor equipment shall be weatherproof and designed to prevent the collection of water at any
point. Metal to metal joints will not be permitted and all external bolts or screws shall be
provided with blind tapped holes where a through hole would permit the ingress of moisture.
The insides of outdoor cubicles shall be coated with an approved anti-condensation finish.
Confirmation must be provided from the manufacturer of any equipment intended for use
outdoor that the equipment is suitable for use outdoors in the local climatic conditions, in
situations where minor accidental damage, e.g. chipping, is likely to occur.
All kiosks and cubicles shall be fitted with door operated internal lights and shall be ventilated.
All instrumentation and control cubicles, kiosks etc. designed for use outside shall be
manufactured having walls of double skinned, resin bonded fibreglass, with a totally
encapsulated infill of rigid weather and "boil" proof plywood to DD ENV 12038 between the two
The roof section shall have a totally encapsulated infill of end grain balsa instead of plywood.
The end grain balsa shall have a minimum thickness of 18mm.
They shall be fully wind, dust and water tight and suitable for the prevailing climatic conditions
and be of robust vandal proof construction.
The cabinets shall have a single door or two or more hinged non-overlapping doors fitted with a
double locking bar, with a waterproof lever handle and cylindrical lock. Doors shall have an all
round channel recessed gasket of non-fatigue, oil and age resistant material. Hinges shall be
strong, smooth action and non-corrodable which allow the door to be easily removed. Doors
shall be fitted with a suitable fixing bar to hold in the open position.
Box section steel shall be encapsulated into door edges and door frames.
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Section 21
Part 28
Small Enclosures
Page 5
All door catches and locks shall latch onto steel reinforced surfaces. The door sill shall be
protected by a non-corroding alloy material.
Door mounted meters and transparent windows shall be of wired glass, which shall be protected
from harmful direct sunshine by orientation or other approved means.
The cabinet shall be stiffened and/or reinforced when required for additional rigidity.
The cabinet shall have an easily removable rear mounting plate on moulded spacers.
All internal equipment shall be mounted on supports built into the fiberglass structure. Fixing
bolts through the skin will not be accepted.
If required by the internal components, encapsulated thermal insulation shall be included.
The laminate material shall have flame retardant characteristics in compliance with BS 476 Part
7 Class 2, and shall retain "stability, integrity and insulation" for 30 min. when tested in
accordance with BS 476 Part 8. An indicative fire test report shall be provided with the tender.
Colour impregnated gel coats backed by coloured resin shall be used to ensure maintenance
free and "colour fast" finishes.
The cabinet shall be light grey in colour. The finish shall be colour fast and maintenance free.
The cabinet shall be constructed to provide environmental protection to IP 55.
The cabinet shall have a suitable shade canopy.
Ventilation via louvres with efficient sand traps and vermin screens will be permitted.
The cabinet shall be floor mounted suitable for bolting down to a concrete base.
The locking arrangement shall be suitable for the Master Lock & Key System used by the
Small outdoor Enclosures for Pushbutton Stations, Local Isolators, Local Starter or
Control Gear etc.
All push button stations for use outdoors shall be of cast alloy, galvanised iron or stainless steel,
heavy duty construction, specifically made for outdoor use and certified by the manufacturer as
Stop push buttons shall be of the auto-latch turn-to-release type. Push buttons shall not be
prone to U.V. degradation.
Clearly visible legend plates to indicate the motor controlled shall be fitted at each push button
or control station.
Isolator enclosures shall be of similar construction, lockable in the off position and fitted with
auxiliary contacts for alarm purposes.
A robust factory manufactured and galvanised steel or stainless steel floor standing support
shall be supplied and fixed for mounting the enclosure at a convenient height. These shall be
pipe mounted with cabling running up inside the pipe, to protect the cables from mechanical
damage and sun or fabricated from substantial angle iron and channel. Enclosures shall not be
attached to handrailing. Under no circumstances shall enclosures be mounted on channel type
supports of the unistrut type. Unistrut will not be accepted as any part of a welded support.
Where enclosures are installed in direct sunlight sunshades of an approved design shall be
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Section 21
Part 28
Small Enclosures
Page 6
Hinged doors shall have a rain trap all round the opening and enclosures shall be fitted with a
separate weather protection canopy.
Under no circumstances will painted sheet steel enclosures or enclosures with knock-outs for
conduit or glandplates be acceptable for use outdoors unless they are mounted inside a heavy
duty GRP enclosure and weather canopy.
Install in accordance with NECA "Standard of Installation" and other standards as directed
by the Engineer.
Remove dirt and debris from enclosure
Install enclosures and boxes plumb. Anchor securely to wall and structural supports at each
corner under the provisions of Section "supporting Devices".
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) plan or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Final inspection and calibration operations
shall be documented in a report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
The integrated functional test shall be conducted at manufacturer’s works to ensure
satisfactorily functioning of the equipment.
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be in accordance with Section 1 Part 1 unless specified
Minimum ambient temperature shall be 0C.
Maximum relative humidity shall be 95%.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 29
Underfloor Ducts
Page 1
UNDERFLOOR DUCTS ................................................................................ 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
Underfloor Ducts
Trench Ducts
Service Fittings
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 4
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 6
29.4.1 General
ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................ 6
29.5.1 General
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29.3.1 General
QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 29
Underfloor Ducts
This Part specifies the requirements for underfloor ducts.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Cables and small wiring
Cable Trays
Accessories and General Power
Underfloor ducts shall be provided as specified and shown on the drawings.
The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 7671 ------ Requirement for electrical installations. IEE wiring regulations. Sixteenth
Submissions shall be in accordance with Part 1 of this Section and Part 7 of Section 1.
Shop Drawings submission shall include dimensional drawings, including sections and
elevations, showing the following:
sizes and positions of components
positions and method of fixing cable and boxes
other pertinent data.
Submission of project data shall be as follows:
full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with relevant
sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.
Underfloor ducts shall confirm to requirements as specified in BS 7671, NFPA 70 - National
Electrical Code, U.S.A or other equivalent standard as applicable.
Underfloor duct specification shall be in accordance with QGEWC regulations and IEE latest
edition as applicable.
The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that indicate
application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing agency
specified under Regulatory Requirements.
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Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Page 2
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Section 21
Part 29
Underfloor Ducts
Page 3
The contractor shall select the product only from a manufacturer specializing in
manufacturing products specified in this Part with minimum five years documented
experience of the products being satisfactorily in use in a similar service and climatic
The contractor shall ensure proper co-ordination with related civil activities prior to the
selection of the equipment.
The contractor shall clearly show locations of ducts, service fittings, junction boxes, and
branch circuiting arrangements on the drawings
Underfloor Ducts
Sheet metal raceway shall be designed to be embedded in concrete slab.
concealed underfloor duct - Type of underfloor duct, which has concrete topping over
cover, which shall have inserts for installation of service fittings.
flush duct - Type of underfloor duct, which has cover, installed flush with concrete
slab. Cover shall have openings for installation of service fittings
Steel duct shall be provided with a corrosion-resistant finish.
The ducting shall be Underfloor or Flush as specified
Configuration of the ducting shall be one or two level systems as specified using ducts in
parallel runs as shown on Drawings.
Services shall include, 240 volt power - standard size, telephone - extra width size, computer
data - extra width size, 415 volt power - standard or extra width size as specified.
Underfloor ducting shall be selected from the standard range of the manufacturer. The
nominal size shall be 38 x 76 mm or as specified.
Underfloor ducting where required for larger width application shall be 38 x 152 mm or as
Fabricate distribution lengths with standard height preset inserts on 610 mm centers or
provide precut 32 mm diameter holes on 610 mm centers as specified. Close with flat metal
screw plugs.
Rectangular or round cover and trim single level junction boxes or as specified with
adjustable height shall be used. Provide internal barriers, conduit and duct entrances, and
extension rings as required.
Rectangular or round cover and trim Two Level Junction Boxes or as specified with
adjustable height shall be used. Provide separate enclosures for each service to allow feeder
ducts to cross under distribution ducts. Provide conduit and duct entrances and extension
rings as required.
Junction Box Cover Plate shall conform to one of the following as specified:
tile trim plate flush with finished floor.
smooth cover plate flush with concrete floor
carpet trim holders of proper depth.
Supports shall be adjustable type and to be adjusted before concrete topping placement.
Service Fittings shall be provided in conjunction with wiring devices.
Duct Markers shall be corrosion resistant marker screws, with escutcheon.
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Section 21
Part 29
Underfloor Ducts
Page 4
Manufacturer's standard range of fittings and accessories shall be used as much as is
practically as possible.
Trench Ducts
Underfloor raceway where specified shall be provided with a removable cover flush with the
concrete slab.
Steel trench duct shall be provided with corrosion resistant finish. The duct shall be of closed
or open bottom type as specified
The duct sizes shall be as specified or indicated on the Drawings.
Provide adjustable compartment dividers.
Supports shall be adjustable type and to be adjusted before and after concrete topping
Coverplates shall conform to one of the following as specified:
6.4 mm thick steel removable Coverplates with gasket joints
smooth cover plate flush with concrete floor
recessed coverplate with tile trim.
Manufacturer's standard range of fittings and accessories shall be used as much as is
practically as possible.
Service Fittings
Pedestal Convenience Receptacle shall have satin aluminum housing with stainless steel
device plate in one duplex, two duplex or back to back configurations or as specified.
Flush Cover Convenience Receptacle shall be of aluminum or brass in duplex with flap or
threaded opening or as specified.
Pedestal Communication Outlet shall have satin aluminum housing with stainless steel
device plate having One bushed opening 25 mm inside diameter or as specified.
Flush Cover Communication Outlet shall be of aluminum or brass with stainless steel device
plate having 54 x 25-mm combination threaded opening or as specified.
Pedestal Communication Fitting shall have satin aluminum housing with stainless steel
device plate having one duplex convenience receptacle with one bushed opening, 25 mm
inside diameter or as specified.
Flush Cover Communication Fitting shall be of aluminum or brass with stainless steel device
plate having 54 x 25-mm combination threaded opening or as specified.
Install Products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Locate duct in structural slab or concrete topping as specified.
Provide expansion fittings with suitable bonding jumper where duct crosses building
expansion joints.
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Section 21
Part 29
Underfloor Ducts
Page 5
Terminate ducts for power service in bottom of panelboard or wireway as specified using
suitable fittings. Terminate in junction box for extension of conduit to panel board where
specified. .
Terminate ducts for telephone service 50 mm above floor in telephone closet or in bottom of
telephone cabinet using suitable fittings as specified.
Terminate ducts for data services in bottom of data services cabinet using suitable fittings.
Level cover plates flush with finished concrete floor.
Place rectangular plates square with wall lines.
Securely hold junction boxes and ducts in place during installation to avoid floating or other
Close unused duct or conduit entrances to junction boxes. Seal duct terminations at junction
Earth and bond duct under provisions of Part "Earthing and Bonding".
Install underfloor duct with tops of preset inserts as specified or indicated on the Drawings
below finished floor line. Locate ducts on centers as specified or as indicated on Drawings.
Install flush duct flush with finished floor.
Place schedule on the inside of coverplate of each junction box indicating distance to first
insert in each direction, measured from the center of the box. Use self-adhesive labels for
Use blank duct in permanent corridors, passages, lobbies, for connecting parallel ducts less
than 1.8 m apart, for feeder duct from cabinet or panelboard to first junction box, and where
Join duct lengths using combination support couplers where practical. Provide additional
supports at intervals of not over 1.5 m, within 750 mm each side of junction boxes, and as
close as practical to elbows, bends, and terminations.
Install insert within 30 mm of edge of junction box. Align inserts on same centers for all
Do not extend inserts into special floor finishes, such as terrazzo, marble, or wood.
Install a duct marker in each insert adjacent to junction box, at end of each duct run, on both
sides of permanent partitions, and on both sides of change of direction of duct. Install
markers flush with finished floor material. In carpeted areas, install marker screws level with
carpet backing.
Install surface service fittings after installation of floor finishes. Cut floors as necessary,
following duct manufacturer's recommendations. Replace damaged floor construction and
Install trench duct trims flush with coverplates. Maintain covering of factory-applied tape for
Terminate ducts for X-ray circuits at wall; interface with wall duct provided under Part
"Surface Raceway Trunking".
Clean ducts and fittings of debris and dust before installing wire and cable.
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Section 21
Part 29
Underfloor Ducts
Page 6
Pull wire and cable from outlet insert toward junction boxes.
Install branch circuit conductors continuous between junction box and farthest fitting. Do not
cut conductor to make connections to receptacle devices.
Clean finished surfaces before and after the installation in accordance with manufacturer's
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) Plan or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Final inspection and calibration operations
shall be documented in a report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be in accordance with Section 1 Part 1 unless specified
Minimum ambient temperature shall be 0C.
Maximum relative humidity shall be 95%.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
Page 1
DUCT BANK AND MANHOLES..................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
30.1.1 Scope
30.1.2 Description
30.1.3 Submissions
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
Rigid Steel Conduit
Plastic Conduit
Plastic Duct
Reinforced Resin Conduit
Pre-Cast Concrete Manholes
Cast in Place Manhole Accessories
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 4
30.3.1 Duct Bank Installation
30.3.2 Pre-Cast Manhole Installation
30.3.3 Cast in Place Manhole Installation
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 7
30.4.1 General
ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................ 7
30.5.1 General
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
This Part specifies the requirements for duct bank and manholes.
Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Cables and small wiring
Cable Trays
Accessories and General Power
Duct bank and manholes shall be provided as specified and shown on the drawings.
Submissions shall be in accordance with Part 1 of this Section and Part 7 of Section 1.
Shop Drawings submission shall include dimensional drawings of the duct bank and
manholes, including sections and elevations, showing the following:
sizes and positions of manholes
duct routing
location of entry to buildings
other pertinent data.
Submission of the project data shall be as follows:
full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with relevant
sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.
Duct Banks and manholes shall confirm to requirements as specified in relevant standard as
The specification shall be in accordance with latest edition of local and International
regulations e.g. QGEWC, NEMA, ASTM, IEE etc.
The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that indicate
application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing agency
specified under Regulatory Requirements.
The contractor shall select the product only from the manufacturer specializing in
manufacturing products specified in this Part with minimum five years documented
experience of the products being satisfactorily in use in a similar service and climatic
The contractor shall ensure proper co-ordination with related civil and other project
associated activities prior to the selection of the equipment.
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Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Page 2
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Section 21
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
Page 3
The contractor shall clearly show locations and arrangements of fittings on the drawings.
To ensure that field measurements are as indicated.
Provide detail routing and termination locations of duct bank prior to excavation. for rough in.
Provide locations of manholes prior to excavating for installation.
Rigid Steel Conduit
Rigid Steel Conduit: ANSI C80.1 or other approved standard.
Fittings: NEMA FB 1 or other approved standard, steel.
Plastic Conduit
Rigid Plastic Conduit: NEMA TC 2, Schedule 40 or 80 PVC or as specified, with fittings and
conduit bodies to NEMA TC 3 or other approved standard.
Rigid Plastic Underground Conduit: UL 651A, Type A PVC; UL 651A, Type EB PVC; Highdensity polyethylene, Schedule 40 or Fibreglass-reinforced epoxy as specified or indicated.
Plastic Duct
Plastic Utilities Duct:
approved standard.
Plastic Utility Duct Fittings: NEMA TC 9 or other approved standard.
Plastic Communications Duct and Fittings: NEMA TC 10, Type EB or DB as specified or
other approved standard.
Reinforced Resin Conduit
Conduit and Fittings:
Joining Method:
Pre-Cast Concrete Manholes
Pre-cast concrete manholes shall be as specified as follows:
NEMA TC 6; PVC or ABS Type EB or DB as specified or other
NEMA TC 14, Type SW or HW as specified or other approved
Tapered bell and spigot joints, threaded joints or saw-cut system as
Description: Precast manhole designed in accordance with ASTM C858, comprising
modular, interlocking sections complete with accessories or as specified.
Loading: ASTM C857, Class A-16, A-12, A-8 or A-0.3 as specified.
Shape: Square or rectangular with truncated corners or as indicated.
Nominal Inside Dimensions: Specified or indicated mm x mm.
Corner Panel Dimensions: Specified mm wide.
Inside Depth: Specified mm.
Wall Thickness: Specified mm.
Base Section: Include 75 or specified mm deep x 350 or specified mm round sump
with cast sleeve, and two 25 mm ground rod openings where specified
Top Section: Include 1000 mm diameter or other approved size and shape grooved
opening for frame and cover.
Riser Casting: 150 or 300 mm as specified or indicated, with manhole step cast into
Frames and Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron, 686 or 762 mm size as
specified or other approved standard and size, machine finished with flat bearing
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QCS 2010
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
Page 4
surfaces. Provide cover marked ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE or as directed by the
Engineer to indicate utility.
Duct Entry Provisions: Single duct knockouts, window knockouts or windows with
plastic duct terminators and diaphragms as specified.
Duct Entry Locations: As specified or indicated.
Duct Entry Size: 100 or 150 mm as specified.
Cable Pulling Irons: Use galvanised rod and hardware. Locate opposite each duct
entry. Provide watertight seal.
Cable Rack Inserts: Minimum load rating 365 kg or as specified. Locate at specified
or indicated distance on centre.
Cable Rack Mounting Channel: 38 x 19 mm or approved size steel channel, 1.2 m or
specified length. Provide cable rack arm mounting slots 38 mm or at standard
Cable Racks: Steel channel, 38 x 19 x 350 mm or other approved size, with fastener
to match mounting channel.
Cable Supports: Porcelain, Maple or other approved type clamps and saddles.
Manhole Steps: Polypropylene plastic manhole step with 13 mm steel reinforcement,
Cast steps at 300 mm on centre vertically or as specified or indicated or Ladder:
Aluminium rung, approved length, with top hook to engage manhole step in riser
casting. Provide one ladder for each manhole.
Sump Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron or other approved standard.
Source Quality Control: Inspect manholes in accordance with ASTM C1037 or other
approved standard.
Underground Warning Tape: 100 mm wide plastic tape, detectable type, coloured yellow with
suitable warning legend describing buried electrical lines.
Cast in Place Manhole Accessories
Frames and Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron, 686 or 762 mm size as specified
or other approved standard and size, machine finished with flat bearing surfaces. Provide
cover marked ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE or as directed by the Engineer to indicate utility.
Cable Pulling Irons: Use galvanised rod and hardware.
Cable Rack Inserts: Minimum load rating of 365 kg or as approved.
Cable Rack Mounting Channel: 38 x 19 mm or approved size steel channel, 1.2 m or
specified length. Provide cable rack arm mounting slots 38 mm or at standard centres.
Cable Racks: Steel channel, 38 x 19 x 350 mm or other approved size, with fastener to
match mounting channel.
Cable Supports: Porcelain, Maple or other approved type clamps and saddles.
Manhole Steps: Polypropylene plastic manhole step with 13 mm steel reinforcement, Cast
steps at 300 mm on centre vertically or as specified or indicated or Ladder: Aluminium rung,
approved length, with top hook to engage manhole step in riser casting. Provide one ladder
for each manhole.
Sump Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron or other approved standard.
Duct Bank Installation
Install duct to locate top of ductbank at depths as indicated on drawings or install duct to
locate top of ductbank minimum specified or indicated mm below finished grade.
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Section 21
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Section 21
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
Page 5
Install duct with minimum slope of 100 mm per 25.4 m (0.33 percent) or as specified or
indicated. Slope duct away from building entrances.
Cut duct square using saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends.
Insert duct to shoulder of fittings; fasten securely.
Join non-metallic duct using adhesive as recommended by manufacturer.
Wipe non-metallic duct dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of adhesive to
entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum.
Install no more than equivalent of two 90-degree bends between pull points.
Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where required.
Terminate duct at manhole entries using end bell.
Stagger duct joints vertically in concrete encasement 150 mm minimum.
Use suitable separators and chairs installed not greater than 1200 mm on centres.
Band ducts together before backfilling or placing concrete.
Securely anchor duct to prevent movement during concrete placement.
Place concrete under provisions of relevant section. Use mineral pigment to colour concrete
where specified.
Provide minimum 75-mm or other specified concrete cover at bottom, top, and sides of
Provide specified or indicated steel reinforcing bars in top of bank under paved areas.
Connect to existing concrete encasement using dowels.
Connect to manhole wall using dowels.
Provide suitable pull string in each empty duct except sleeves and nipples.
Swab duct. Use suitable caps to protect installed duct against entrance of dirt and moisture.
Backfill trenches under provisions of relevant section.
Interface installation of underground warning tape with backfilling specified in relevant
section. Install tape 150 mm below finished surface.
Pre-Cast Manhole Installation
Excavate for manhole installation under the provisions of relevant section.
Install and seal precast sections in accordance with ASTM C891 or other approved standard.
Install manholes plumb.
Use precast neck and shaft sections to bring manhole cover to finished elevation.
Attach cable racks to inserts after manhole installation is complete.
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Section 21
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
Page 6
Where specified or indicated, install drains in manholes and connect to site drainage system
or provide DN100 pipe terminating in 1/4 cu m crushed gravel bed under provisions of
relevant section.
Damp proof exterior surfaces, joints, and interruptions of manholes after concrete has cured
28 days, under provisions of relevant section.
Backfill manhole excavation under the provisions of relevant section.
Cast in Place Manhole Installation
Excavate for manhole installation under the provisions of relevant section.
Formwork: Form inside and outside manhole surfaces in accordance with provisions of
relevant section.
Reinforcing: Install reinforcing under the provisions of relevant section.
Concrete: Provide air-entrained, 2000 psi (20 mPa) compressive strength at 28 days under
the provisions of relevant section or as specified.
Shape: As specified or indicated.
Nominal Dimensions: As specified or indicated.
Inside Depth: As specified or indicated.
Wall Thickness: As specified or indicated.
Base: Include 350 mm drain opening and two 25 mm ground rod openings where specified.
Slope to drain at 6.35 mm per m (2 percent).
Top: Include 1000-mm diameter or other approved size and shape opening; cast 13-mm rod
in opening to accept ladder hook.
Duct Entry: Cast ducts openings in walls as indicated.
Cable Pulling Irons: Locate opposite each duct entry.
Cable Rack Inserts: Locate at specified mm on centre.
Construct brick collar with 760-mm or approved size clear opening to bring cover to proper
Manhole Steps: Cast steps at 300 or specified mm on centre vertically or install ladder in
each manhole.
Attach cable racks to inserts after manhole construction is complete.
Install drains in manholes and connect to site drainage system or provide 100 mm pipe
terminating in 0.25 cu m crushed gravel bed under provisions of relevant section where
specified or indicated.
Dampproof exterior surfaces, joints, and interruptions of manholes after concrete has cured
28 days, under provisions of relevant section.
Backfill manhole excavation under the provisions of relevant section.
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Section 21
Part 30
Duct bank and Manholes
Page 7
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) Plan or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Final inspection and calibration operations
shall be documented in a report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be in accordance with Section 1 Part 1 unless specified
Minimum ambient temperature shall be 0C.
Maximum relative humidity shall be 95%.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 31
Power Distribution Transformers
Page 1
POWER DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS ................................................ 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 3
31.2.1 General
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 3
31.3.1 General
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 3
Environment ................................................................................................... 3
31.5.1 General
QCS 2010
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 31
Power Distribution Transformers
This Part specifies the requirements for Power Distribution Transformers.
Power Distribution Transformers shall be provided as specified.
Power Distribution Transformers shall be provided in accordance with QGEWC
latest specifications and the International Standards referred to to here below:
BS EN ISO 1461:2009 ------- Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel
BS 381C 1980 ------------------ Specification for Colours for Identification, Coding, and
Special Purposes.
BS 3692 -------------------------- ISO Metric Precision Hexagonal Bolts, Screws and
BS 4190 -------------------------- ISO Metric Black Hexagonal Bolts, Screws and Nuts.
BS 7079, BS EN ISO 8501, BS EN ISO 8503------Surface Finish of Blast Cleaned
Steel for Painting.
BS 2562 1979 ----------------- Specification for Cable Boxes for Transformers and
BS EN ISO 12944, BS EN ISO 14713------Code of Practice for Protective coating for
Iron and Steel Structures against Corrosion
BS 6435 1984 ------------------ Specifications for Unfilled Enclosures for the Dry
Termination of HV Cables for Transformers and
BS Code of Practice 1010.
ESI Standard 98-1.
BS IEC 60076, BS IEC 60078----Power Transformers
IEC 296/BS 148 ---------------- Insulating Oil for Transformers and Switchgear.
IEC 529/BS 5420 -------------- Specification for Degrees of protection Provided by
BS EN 60076. IEC 60076 --- Method of Measurement of Transformer and Reactor
Sound Levels.
IEC 726 -------------------------- Cast risen transformers
Tender information and drawings shall be submitted to QGEWC through the supervising
consultant. Submissions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the latest QGEWC
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 31
Power Distribution Transformers
Page 3
The contractor shall supply, install, test and commission Power Distribution Transformers as
The transformers shall be ONAN outdoor, mineral oil filled, in compliance with QGEWC
latest standards.
The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the latest version of QGEWC specification
for Power Distribution Transformers and shall be responsible for obtaining QGEWC
The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that indicate
application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing agency
specified under Regulatory Requirements.
The contractor shall provide full technical details of the proposed transformers together with
a copy of all relevant standards for review and comment by the Engineer, prior to submission
to QGEWC for approval.
Install Products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
A contractor who is currently approved by QGEWC must carry out installation. The written
approval of QGEWC for the contractor to carry out the work must be forwarded to the
Engineer, and be acknowledged by him, before any installation work commences.
Earth and bond duct under provisions of Part "Earthing and Bonding".
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) Plan or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Final inspection and calibration operations
shall be documented in a report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be as specified in Section 1 Part 1 and/or QGEWC
specifications as applicable.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 32
11 kV Switchgear
Page 1
11 KV SWITCHGEAR .................................................................................... 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
32.2.1 General
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 2
32.3.1 General
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 3
32.4.1 General
ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................ 3
32.5.1 General
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 32
11 kV Switchgear
Page 2
This Part specifies the requirements for 11 kV Switchgear.
11 kV Switchgear shall be provided as specified.
11 kV Switchgear shall be provided in accordance with QGEWC latest specifications and the
International Standards referred to therein.
Tender information and drawings shall be submitted to QGEWC through the supervising
consultant. Submissions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the latest QGEWC
The contractor shall supply, install, test and commission 11 kV Switchgear as specified.
The 11 kV Switchgear complete with metering and instrumentation, special tools,
accessories, test equipment, etc, shall be in compliance with QGEWC latest standards.
The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the latest version of QGEWC specification
for 11 kV Switchgear and shall be responsible for obtaining QGEWC approval.
The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that indicate
application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing agency
specified under Regulatory Requirements.
The contractor shall provide full technical details of the proposed 11 kV Switchgear together
with a copy of all relevant standards for review and comment by the Engineer, prior to
submission to QGEWC for approval.
Install Products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
A contractor who is currently approved by QGEWC must carry out installation. The written
approval of QGEWC for the contractor to carry out the work must be forwarded to the
Engineer, and be acknowledged by him, before any installation work commences.
Earth and bond duct under provisions of Part "Earthing and Bonding".
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 32
11 kV Switchgear
Page 3
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) Plan or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Final inspection and calibration operations
shall be documented in a report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be as specified in Section 1 Part 1 and/or QGEWC
specifications as applicable.
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 33
Page 1
ACTUATORS ................................................................................................. 2
GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
33.1.1 Scope
33.1.2 Description
33.1.3 Submissions
PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 2
33.2.1 Electric Actuators
33.2.2 Pneumatic
QUALITY CONTROL AND TEST PROCEDURES ........................................ 4
33.3.1 General
ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................ 5
33.4.1 General
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Section 21
Part 33
Page 2
This Part specifies the requirements for valve/penstock actuators.
Electric or penstock actuators shall be provided for valves and penstocks where specified.
Submissions shall be in accordance with Part 1 of this Section and Part 7 of Section 1.
Shop Drawings submission shall include dimensional drawings of the actuator, including
sections and elevations, showing the following:
sizes and positions of components
positions and method of fixing cable and boxes
location of terminal boards
wiring diagrams
other pertinent data.
Project data submission shall contain the following:
full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with relevant
sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.
the torque-speed requirement calculations / data sheet done for this selection.
Electric Actuators
Where specified valves or penstocks shall be provided with electric motorised actuators.
As far as possible, the actuators shall be the standard product of a well known specialist
manufacturer such as Rotork or Auma, which shall be approved by the Engineer.
Valve actuators shall be directly mounted onto and supported by the valves/penstocks which
they control unless the valve/penstock is underground where the actuator shall be mounted at
coping level. They shall be suitable for remote Automatic control and shall also incorporate
means for local manual operation using a handwheel or lever. Actuators shall have integral
starters and control equipment, unless the actuator motor is of a size that necessitates a panel
mounted starter, in which case it will be specified in the particular specification.
The output shaft shall be hollow to accept a rising stem and incorporate thrust bearings of the
ball or roller type.
The design shall permit the gear case to be opened for inspection or disassembled without
releasing the stem thrust or taking the valve out of service.
Valves stems and threads shall be provided with grease lubrication, rising spindle valves being
protected with a totally enclosed grease packed cover tube.
The actuator shall be fitted with a drive bushing which is easily detachable for machining to suit
the valve stem or gearbox input shaft. Bushing shall be fitted in the base of the actuator to
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QCS 2010
Section 21
Part 33
Page 3
enable standard length valve stems to be used.
Only two categories of sealing are permitted:
UK BASEEFA certified for EExdIIBT4 CENELEC Norm EN50018, BS5501 for defined
hazardous locations; or
Watertight, dust-tight complying with the requirements of BS 5490 IP67 or better.
Actuators shall be suitable for pedestal mounting and interchangeable without removal of the
associated valve, penstock, pedestal, etc.
Sealing of static joints shall be by 'O' ring on moving components to prevent leakage of lubricant
from the machine.
The actuator shall provide Double Sealing between the terminal compartment and the internal
electrical elements of the actuator, fully protecting the motor and all other internal electrical
elements of the actuator from ingress of moisture and dust when terminal cover is removed on
site for cabling.
For control purposes limit switches shall be fitted to the actuator at both the closed and open
positions of the valve. Limit switches shall also be fitted for signalling purposes. All these shall
be fitted internally. Limit switches contacts shall be volt-free. The switch contact rating shall be
5 amps, 250 volts AC, 30 volts DC. Valve position shall be clearly marked externally on the
The actuators shall be sized so that they develop sufficient torque to reliably seat/unseat the
valve or penstock off its seat, and to provide adequate torque throughout its operating range.
The torque output must be at least 20% more than is required under maximum operating
conditions (i.e. maximum differential head). The drive shall incorporate a lost motion hammer
blow feature.
Adequate overload protection shall be provided to prevent actuator motor damage in the event
of seizure. This shall either be in the form of torque switches, or over-temperature thermostats.
The torque switch shall latch out on operation, and to be reset by driving in the opposite
directions. A mechanical latch shall be provided to prevent the open torque switch tripping while
the initial unsealing hammer blow is applied.
The setting of the torque and limit switches shall be able to be carried out without the need to
remove any electrical compartment covers.
Adjustable mechanical limit stops shall be provided for open and closed positions of actuators.
Actuators supplies shall be 110 volts Single Phase or less for quarter-turn and 415V three
phase for multi-turn. Motors shall have Class F insulation, with a time raring of 15 minutes or
three times the open/close stroking time whichever is the longer. Motors shall be capable of
operating at the sun radiation temperature and certification shall be provided to this effect.
Nevertheless, sun/weather canopies shall be provided for all externally installed actuators.
These shall give complete shading from the sun during the hottest part of the day and should
not restrict maintenance or operational access.
Certain valve actuators will require fail safe operation in the event of an electricity mains failure.
The Contractor may achieve this either by using fail-safe actuators, or by providing standby
power supplies for the affected actuators. There should be no tendency for any actuator to
"creep" either open or closed, both in normal operation or under mains failure conditions.
Anti-condensation heaters for use on 110 volt a.c. shall be provided for all actuator motors.
The actuator motor gearbox shall be of the totally enclosed oil bath lubricated type suitable for
operation at any angle and provided with appropriate filling and drain plugs.
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Section 21
Part 33
Page 4
A hand wheel shall be provided for manual operation of the valve. This hand wheel shall not
operate during powered actuator movement by reason of a positive means of disconnection
from the motor driven mechanism. The wheel shall be maintained in its engaged position once
this is selected until powered movement takes place when it shall automatically disconnect and
"free wheel". The hand wheel gearing shall be selected to allow valve operation without undue
effort i.e. not exceeding 25 kg.
It shall be possible to secure hand or powered operation by means of padlocking in the selected
Where necessary to present the actuator hand wheel at a convenient operating height, flange
mounted pillars shall be provided which fully enclose the necessary valve stem extension
spindles. Supplementary support of the extension spindle within its pillar shall be provided for
long shafts.
The open/close direction of rotation shall be clearly indicated on the hand wheel.
A visual position indicator shall be provided within the actuator complete with a pointer showing
open/closed and in travel positions, and a sealed potentiometer to transmit continuous remote
position. Where specified in the particular specification, this indicator shall be illuminated.
Electrical and mechanical disconnection of the motor should be possible without draining the
lubricant from the actuator gear-case.
The colour code for actuator push button shall be:
“Start” actuation
“Stop” actuation
“Re-set” actuation
“Test” actuation
“Emergency Stop”
Red (mushroom style, latching on depressing, release on
Where specified valves/penstocks shall be provided with pneumatic actuators.
Air actuators shall only be used where specified in the particular specification and shall be of the
double acting type and be field interchangeable without the necessity of removal of the valve or
Where a pneumatic actuator is used for modulating control it shall be fitted with integral
The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) Plan or Inspection
Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages sanctioned by
appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete sub-assembly tests and
complete functional checks on the final product. Equipment shall undergo on-load burn-in
leaving the factory. Final inspection and calibration operations shall be documented in a
report drawn up by the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
Combined operational lists shall be carried out at the valve/penstock manufacturers works
and list certificates provided confirming limit switch and torque settings.
The integrated functional test shall be conducted at manufacturer’s works to ensure
satisfactorily functioning of the equipment.
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Section 21
Part 33
Page 5
The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets have
been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is obtained for
their dispatch to site.
Environmental conditions shall be in accordance with Section 1 Part 1 unless specified
Minimum ambient temperature shall be assumed as 0C.
Sun radiation temperature shall be assumed as 70C.
Maximum relative humidity shall be assumed as 95%.
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