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EMS Study Guide: Trauma, Burns, and Patient Assessment

Mod Exam Six
Study Guide
A Welton RN/CCEMT-Paramedic
_____ burns may involve the subcutaneous
layers, muscle, bone, or internal organs.
A. Partial-thickness
B. Superficial
C. Full-thickness
D. Second-degree
The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to
A. mental status, eye opening, and respiratory rate.
B. sensory response, pupil reaction, and heart rate.
C. eye opening, verbal response, and motor response.
D. verbal response, eye opening, and mental status.
As you approach a young male who was involved in an industrial accident, you
note that his eyes are closed and that he is not moving. You can see several
large contusions to his arms, a laceration to his forehead with minimal bleeding,
and a closed deformity to his right leg. You should:
A. perform an immediate head-to-toe assessment.
B. apply high-flow oxygen and assess his injuries.
C. open his airway and assess his breathing status.
D. assess his pulse for rate, regularity, and quality.
A 17-year-old male was shot in the right anterior chest during an altercation. As
your partner is applying oxygen, you perform a rapid assessment and find an
open chest wound with a small amount of blood bubbling from it. You should:
A. direct your partner to assist the patient's ventilations with a
B. control the bleeding from the wound and prepare to transport at
C. place a sterile dressing over the wound and apply direct pressure.
D. apply an occlusive dressing to the wound and continue your
Splinting an extremity even when there is no
fracture can help to:
A. reduce pain.
B. minimize damage to an already-injured
C. make it easier to move the patient.
D. All of these answers are correct.
You and your partner respond to a patient who has had his hand nearly severed by a drill press.
As you approach, you note that the patient is pale and there appears to be a lot of blood on the
floor. The wound continues to bleed copiously. After applying a tourniquet, you write _____
and _____ on a piece of adhesive tape and apply it to the patient's forehead.
A. your last name; unit number
B. the letters “TK”; the exact time applied
C. the patient's name; tourniquet location
D. the date and time; estimated amount of
blood loss
When activated, the sympathetic nervous system
produces all of the following effects, EXCEPT:
A. dilation of the bronchiole smooth muscle.
B. shunting of blood to vital organs.
C. increase in heart rate.
D. pupillary constriction.
You respond to a 71-year-old woman who is unresponsive. You try to get her
to respond but have no success. Her airway is open, and she is breathing at a
rate of 14 breaths/min. What structure on her neck should you locate to take a
A. Carotid arteries
B. Subclavian arteries
C. Cricoid cartilage
D. Hypothalamus
A 67-year-old male presents with weakness, dizziness, and melena that
began approximately 2 days ago. He denies a history of trauma. His
blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg and his pulse is 120 beats/min and
thready. You should be MOST suspicious that this patient is
A. intrathoracic hemorrhaging.
B. acute appendicitis.
C. gastrointestinal bleeding.
D. an aortic aneurysm.
When caring for a patient whose arm is covered
with a dry chemical, you should:
A. deactivate the chemical with a 5% vinegar solution.
B. quickly irrigate the arm with large amounts of water.
C. brush away the chemical before flushing with water.
D. use forceful streams of water to remove the chemical.
A 43-year-old man is experiencing a severe nosebleed. His
blood pressure is 190/110 mm Hg and his heart rate is 90
beats/min and bounding. Preferred treatment for this
patient includes:
A. packing both nostrils with gauze pads until the bleeding
B. placing a rolled 4² × 4² dressing between his lower lip and
C. having the patient pinch his own nostrils and then lie
D. pinching the patient's nostrils and having him lean
An indicator of an expanding intracranial
hematoma or rapidly progressing brain swelling
A. acute unilateral paralysis following the injury.
B. a progressively lowering blood pressure.
C. an acute increase in the patient's pulse rate.
D. a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs.
A 15-year-old female was struck by a small car while riding her bicycle. She was
wearing a helmet and was thrown to the ground, striking her head. In addition
to managing problems associated with airway, breathing, and circulation, it is
MOST important for you to:
A. obtain baseline vital signs.
B. stabilize her entire spine.
C. leave her bicycle helmet on.
D. inspect the helmet for cracks.
A patient is bleeding severely from a severed femoral
artery high in the groin region. Which of the
following would MOST likely control the bleeding?
A. Apply a pelvic binder device to stabilize the
B. Position the patient with his injured side down
C. Apply a topical hemostatic agent with direct
D. Apply chemical ice packs to the wound and
A 33-year-old male sustained an abdominal evisceration to the left
lower quadrant of his abdomen after he was cut with a large knife.
After appropriately managing his ABCs and assessing him for other
life-threatening injuries, how you should care for his wound?
A. Irrigate it with sterile water and cover it with a dry
B. Cover it with moist, sterile gauze and secure with an
occlusive dressing.
C. Cover the exposed bowel and keep his legs in a straight
D. Carefully replace the exposed bowel into the abdomen
and transport.
Which of the following destinations is most appropriate
for a 41-year-old male patient who was involved in a
rollover motor vehicle collision and is unconscious and
unresponsive, assuming that travel times to each is equal?
A. Only a Level I trauma center
B. Any designated trauma center is acceptable.
C. A Level I or Level II trauma center
D. A Level IV or Level III trauma center
The index of suspicion is MOST accurately
defined as:
A. the detection of less obvious life-threatening
B. a predictable pattern that leads to serious injuries.
C. your awareness and concern for potentially
serious underlying injuries.
D. the way in which traumatic injuries occur.
In which of the following patients should you
remove an impaled object?
A. A pulseless and apneic patient with a knife impaled in
the back
B. A conscious and alert patient with a fishhook impaled in
the eye
C. A semiconscious patient with an ice pick impaled in the
D. An apneic patient with a shard of glass impaled in the
Common signs and symptoms of a serious
head injury include all of the following,
A. a rapid, thready pulse.
B. CSF leakage from the ears.
C. decerebrate posturing.
D. widening pulse pressure.
Patients with full-thickness (third-degree) burns
generally do not complain of pain because:
A. subcutaneous vessels are usually clotted.
B. blister formation protects the burn.
C. the nerve endings have been destroyed.
D. they are generally not conscious.
A young male sustained a gunshot wound to the abdomen
during an altercation. As your partner is assessing and
managing his airway, you should control the obvious
bleeding and then:
A. apply a cervical collar.
B. assess for an exit wound.
C. auscultate bowel sounds.
D. obtain baseline vital signs.
If one or more occupants in the same vehicle
are killed in a crash, the EMT should:
A. suspect that all living occupants experienced the same serious
B. transport the survivors only if they have injuries or complain of
C. allow the survivors to refuse transport if they have no obvious
D. rapidly assess only the survivors who have experienced obvious
A 21-year-old male was working in an auto repair shop and
sustained radiator burns to the anterior aspect of both
arms and to his anterior chest. According to the rule of
nines, this patient has burns that cover _____ of his BSA.
A. 18%
B. 27%
C. 36%
D. 45%
According to the Association of Air Medical
Services, you should consider air medical
transport of a trauma patient if:
A. traffic conditions hamper the ability to get the patient to a trauma center by
ground within the ideal time frame for the best clinical outcome.
B. the patient requires advanced life support care and stabilization, and the
nearest ALS-ground ambulance is more than 5 to 10 minutes away.
C. ground transport will take your ambulance out of service for an extended
period of time, regardless of the severity of the patient's injuries.
D. he or she was involved in a motor vehicle crash in which another occupant
in the same vehicle was killed, even if your patient's injuries are minor.
A partial-thickness burn involves the outer layer
of skin and a portion of the:
A. muscle fascia.
B. dermal layer.
C. epidermis.
D. fatty layer.
The five sections of the spinal column, in
descending order, are the:
A. coccygeal, sacral, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical.
B. cervical, coccygeal, thoracic, sacral, and lumbar.
C. thoracic, cervical, lumbar, coccygeal, and sacral.
D. cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.
Which of the following breathing patterns is
MOST indicative of increased intracranial
A. Irregular rate, pattern, and volume of breathing with
intermittent periods of apnea
B. Increased rate and depth with the distinct odor of
acetone on the patient's breath
C. Slow, shallow, occasional gasps that progress to
prolonged periods of apnea
D. Increased rate with a normal inspiratory time and a
prolonged expiratory time
Which of the following is a severe burn in a 35year-old patient?
A. Superficial burn covering 50% of the body
surface area
B. Circumferential partial-thickness burn to the chest
C. Full-thickness burn to 5% of the body surface
D. Partial-thickness burn to 20% of the body surface
A tight-fitting motorcycle helmet should be left
in place unless:
A. the patient complains of severe neck or back
B. it interferes with your assessment of the airway.
C. the helmet is equipped with a full face shield or
D. the patient must be placed onto a long backboard.
You have applied a dressing and roller-gauze bandage to a
laceration on the arm of a young female. During transport,
she begins to complain of numbness and tingling in her
hand. You should
A. remove the bandage and dressing and apply another one.
B. carefully manipulate her arm until the symptoms subside.
C. remove the gauze bandage and replace it with an elastic
D. assess distal circulation and readjust the bandage as
A factory worker was splashed in the eyes with a strong
acid chemical. He complains of intense pain and blurred
vision. Your ambulance does not carry bottles of sterile
saline or water. You should:
A. irrigate both eyes continuously for 20 minutes with plain
B. mix baking soda with water and irrigate his eyes with the
C. flush both eyes with an alcohol-based solution and
D. neutralize the acid chemical in his eye with an alkaline
A fall from more than _____ times the patient's
height is considered to be significant.
A. five
B. two
C. three
D. four
Which of the following statements regarding
the rule of nines is correct?
A. A child's head is equal to 14% of his or her total BSA.
B. The anterior trunk of an adult is equal to 18% of the
C. The posterior of a child's leg is equal to 13.5% of the
D. The anterior arm in the adult is equal to 9% of the total
Rhythm and Rate
Rhythm and Rate
Rhythm and Rate
Rhythm and Rate
Rhythm and Rate
**That’s a Wrap**