LESOTHO COLLEGE OF EDUCATION COURSE OUTLINE PROGRAMME DIP.ED SEC. 1 FACULTY ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SCIENCES COURSE COURSE TITLE GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY CURRICULUM AND TEACHING METHODS COURSE CODE GEO 1304 S-B COURSE TYPE COMPULSORY X NO OF CREDITS HOURS ELECTIVE 3Hrs COURSE M. N. BILLY LECTURER LECTURER’S + 266 5899 8130 m.billy@lce.ac.ls CONTACTS GROUP 1. Qhanasana Lehlohonolo 5728 5611 REPRESENTATIVES 2. Jobo Malibata 5778 3755 ABRIDGED COURSE SYNOPSIS The course introduces student teachers to the basic concepts of curriculum studies within the context of Geography teaching. Specifically the course covers the introduction of New Integrated curriculum design and development processes, the natural and scope of school Geography, aims and objectives of teaching Geography. The course is also meant to instill in student- teachers spirit of Geography understanding, appreciation and to equip them with the application of educational methods and skills employed in the teaching / learning of Geography. Students’ presentations will form the basis of the course. COURSE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES On completion of the course, student – teacher trainees should be able to: WEEK Describe the basic concepts of curriculum studies. Acquire geographical teaching, knowledge and skills. Understand, interpret and assimilate geographical information and pass the knowledge and information to the students. Practice geographical teaching methods and techniques. Plan geography lessons using relevant teaching materials, methods and assessment strategies appropriately. Prepare and present the integrated curriculum lesson plans properly. TOPICS 1. -An overview and the specifications of the course. Introduction to curriculum studies in Geography teaching. 2. Integrated curriculum 3. The nature of school geography 4. Towards effective Geography teaching 5. Learning environments 6. Teaching and learning aids in Geography 7. Teaching methods and approaches in Geography 8. CONTENT DESCRIPTION Lesson planning for -Definition of the concepts related to geography curriculum and teaching. -Curriculum development and other processes - Types of curriculum and characteristics - Definition, aims and scope of Integrated Curriculum -The role of stakeholders in curriculum -Advantages of integrated approach -Components of curriculum -The difference between aims and objectives/ learning outcomes. -Aims and objectives of teaching Geography. - The basic principles of general education. - The basic principles of Geography teaching. -Holistic education and subject integration. - The ideal geography classroom -The chalkboard -Display space and methods -Environments outside the classroom -Differences between teaching and learning aids. – Types of teaching and learning aids in Geography. -Characteristics of teaching and learning aids in Geography. -Teaching aids in Geography classroom Activity: Assignment -Practical, Demonstration, Fieldwork and Excursions -Model making, Role playing, Simulation Case study etc -Description, procedure and characteristics of each method Activity: Assignment -Definitions and importance (advantages) of a good lesson plan. -Types of lesson plan Preparation of lesson -Guidelines for lesson planning -Components (Elements) of a lesson plan -Preparation of a normal (Teaching) lesson plan plans -Presentation of a teaching lesson plan integrated curriculum 9. Activity: 10. Scheme and record of -What is a scheme of work? work -Why scheme and when? -How to make / draw scheme of work? 11. Questioning and -Purpose for effective questioning. questioning techniques - Guidelines for the use of good questions -Characteristics of good questions (effective questions) -Types of questions by Bloom’s Taxonomy 12. Evaluation and -Assessment methods Assessment strategies -Formative and summative -Tests and Examination 13. Exercises -Preparation of lesson plans and Scheme and record of work COURSE ASSESSMENT Assessment method Description Weight Aligned course learning outcome Test Each student will write a 40% Tests will cover all objectives class- based Test Assignment Assignment will be done 40% in groups Presentations Each student will present 40% his / her prepared lesson plan Examination 60% Covers all the course objectives. REFERENCES 1. Marsh,C,J.(1997) Planning Management and Ideology “Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum” London. The Palmer press 2. Hurry,J.,(1991) Geography Teaching In Southern Africa: An Introductory Guide Via Africa Limited. Pretoria. R.S.A. 3. Hall, W.H., et al (1991) Approaches To Geography Teaching: Lexicon Publish, Johannesburg, R.S.A 4. Slater, F.(1982) Learning Through Geography. An Introduction To Activity Planning Heinemann Educational Books, London 5. Macmillan, J,H.(1997) Classroom Assessment: Principles And Practical For Effective Instruction. Allyn & Bacon. Boston London. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -Lectures, Group work, Practical work, Group discussions, and Brain-storm of some topics will be used in delivering of content. -Student- teachers will design and develop their own teaching and learning aids by recycling and by improvised materials. -They will also make Portfolios for this course. 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