SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS ACHIEVEMENTS 30TH JUNE 1992 – 30TH JUNE 1998 FIDEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VALDEZ RAMOS His father, Narciso Ramos ( 1900-1986) was a layer, crusading journalist and 5 term legislator of The House of Representatives. Born on March 18, 1928 in Bingayen, His Mother, Angela Valdez, Ramos (1905-1977) an educator, woman suffragette and daughter of the Valdez SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Fidel V. Ramos is the only officer in the country to have every military rank from Second Lieutenant to Commander-inChief. Economic, Technological development and FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS Political Stability were all achieved and witnessed during Ramos` term of Presidency. He was also efficient in delivering the basic needs of the people. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY There were noticeable improvements regarding science and technology as stated in President Fidel Ramos' State of the Nation Address. In his third SONA, there was a significant increase in personnel specializing in the science and FIDEL VALDEZ technology field. RAMOS 1998, the Philippines was estimated to have around 3,000 competent scientists and engineers. Adding to the increase of scientists would be the result of the two newly built Philippine Science High Schools in Visayas and Mindanao which promotes further development of young kids through advance S&T SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The government provided 3,500 scholarships for students who were taking up professions related to S&T. Schools were becoming more modernized and updated with the addition of high-tech equipment for student improvement and teachers were getting training FIDEL VALDEZ programs to benefit RAMOS themselves and their Health care services were promoted through local programs such as "Doctors to the Barrio Program." The health care programs were innovative and effective as shown by the change in life expectancy from 67.5 years in 1992 to 69.1 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS Priority for S&T personnel increased when Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel (Republic Act No. 8439) was established. The award was published in order to give incentives and rewards for people who have been influential in the field of In the sixth SONA, education was one of the primary story-lines wherein programs such as National Program for Gifted Filipino Children in Science and Technology and enactment of a law creating a nationwide system of high schools specializing in the field of science and SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Fidel V. Ramos believes that science and technology was one of the means wherein the Philippines could attain the status of new industrialized country (NIC). During his In 1993, Science and term, he was able to establish Technology Agenda for programs that were National Development significant to the field of S&T (STAND) was established. FIDEL Among its priorities were: VALDEZ RAMOS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (1)exporting winners identified by the DTI (2) domestic needs identified by the President's Council for Countryside Development (3) support industries and (4) coconut industry FIDEL VALDEZ development RAMOS Congress, during his term, was able to enact laws that were significant for the field. Among were: (1) Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel (Republic Act No. 8439) (2) Science and Technology Scholarship Law of 1994 (Republic Act No. 7687) and (3) Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293) was enacted during Ramos' term. The law provides industrial property rights, copyrights and related rights, and technology transfer FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In 1993, President Fidel V Ramos issued two executive orders that sought to demonopolize the telecommunications industry that was then-dominated by the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT). By encouraging FIDEL competition from new, smaller players, VALDEZ RAMOS Ramos hoped to address the problems back then of backlogs in landline subscriptions in the countryside SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 270 August 9, 1995 FIDEL VALDEZ Requiring All Philippine RAMOS Diplomatic And Consular Posts To Assist In Organizing Expatriate Filipino Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, And Allied Professionals In Their Jurisdictions Into Overseas Chapters Of (Philippine) Science And Overseas chapters of Science and Technology Advisory Councils (STACs) have been organized by Filipinos in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, New Orleans, Honolulu, Ottawa, Vancouver, Toronto, Stockholm, STACs have been supporting FIDEL VALDEZ the Science and Technology RAMOS (S & T) thrusts of the National Security Philippines by monitoring Council (NSC) has scientific and technological proposed that the developments abroad, foreign-based STACs facilitating technology be utilized in transfers, and performing Philippine capacityvoluntary consulting work, building for and functioning as conduits technology of assistance for beneficiary assessments, groups in the Philippines SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY acquisitions and FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Department of Science and Technology (DOST) acts as the advisory agency in identifying the S &T requirements for tapping foreignbased scientists as information Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in collaboration with the DOST serves as the coordinating body in the Philippines in matching the country's S & T requirements with expertise of foreign-based scientists through STACnet SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS Members of STACs have proven to be effective in tapping foreign-based scientists as information source in coordination with the DFA, thus supporting NSC and DOST in the Science and Technology Agenda for National Development SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIDEL Members of STCs are VALDEZ RAMOS linked worldwide through STACnet, an The first Philippine hook-up electronic mail facility in to the Internet was made the Internet, a global possible by STACnet, proof of communications their determination to bring network, thus enabling them to gather and move new technology to the Philippines information faster Members of STACs have created a means to reverse the "brain-drain" of Filipino experts through their "brain-gain" program SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS The said chapters of STACs and their volunteer members are valuable partners in the economic development of the Philippines, contributing to overall efforts to achieve the status of newly industrializing country by the year 2000 Cities wherein Philippine Embassies and Consulates are located, there is still a large number of untapped expatriate Filipino scientists, technologists, engineers, and applied professional who have expressed their willingness and desire to organize new SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FIDEL VALDEZ RAMOS Cities wherein Philippine Embassies and Consulates are located, there is still a large number of untapped expatriate Filipino scientists, technologists, engineers, and applied professional who have expressed their willingness and desire to organize new STAC chapters