Find The m aximum profit, given the foll owing profit versus -production function for a cert ai n commodit y: 1.1 P = 200000 – x – (1+𝑥) 8 where P is t he profit and x is the unit of production. A. B. C. D. 200,000 190,000 250,000 550,000 If 12% is compounded quart erl y, how m uch is the effective rate? A. B. C. D. 12.55 % 13 % 11.55 % 12.98 % The sum of P15,000.00 was deposited in an account earning 4% per annum compounded quarterl y and will becom e P18,302.85. What us the effective rat e of interest per annum? A. B. C. D. 4.06 6.06 3.06 5.06 % % % % How much mone y should a m an invest in a fund pa ying 8 per cent annual interest compounded continuousl y if he wants to use the m one y to bu y a Php 20,000 equipm ent in 4 years? A. B. C. D. 11,237.45 15,346.76 14,522.98 12,457.45 If a Mining Engineer borrowed m one y with simple int erest of 12%, cal culat e the present worth of P75,000.00 which is due at the end of 7 months. A. B. C. D. P72,200.20 P73,900.50 P70,093.50 P70,200.20 An el ect ric m otor has a cash pri ce of P8000. It can also be bought on installment basis wit h down pa ym ent o f P2000 and with peri odic equal pa yments at t he end of ever y 6 months for 5 years if interest i s fixed at 8% compounded semi -annuall y, how much is each periodic pa ym ent? A. B. C. D. 439.56 739.75 874.32 122.56 Mr. Suave borrowed P50,000 from SSS, in form of cal amit y l oan, with interest at 8% compounded quarterl y, payable in equal quart erl y installments for 10 years. Find the quart erl y pa ym ents. A. B. C. D. P4,827.80 P3,827.80 P1,827.80 P2,827.80 An Electri cal Engineer obtained a loan of P50,000.00 at the rate of 6% compounded annuall y in order to repair his mistress’ house. How much must the El ect rical Engi neer pa y monthl y to amortize the loan wit hin a peri od of ten years? A. B. C. D. P605.20 P550.90 P508.90 P505.90 If the salar y loan was for 15 months at 16.8% int erest a year and the repa yment on a loan was P12,100.00, what was the pri ncipal amount? A. B. C. D. P10,000.00 P8,500.00 P9,500.00 P10,500.00 A computerized s yst em cost s Php 900,000.00 and annual mai ntenance is Php 45,000.00. After 3 years, th e salvage val ue of the s ystem is P hp 150,000.00. If the int erest rate is 8%, what is the equivalent uniform annual cost? A. B. C. D. Php Php Php Php 348,025.00 340.645.00 542,500.00 474,000.00 What amount must be deposited in a bank ever y 3 months i n a fund pa ying 12% compound quarterl y in order to have P25,000.00 in 8 ye ars? A. B. C. D. P746.71 P700.00 P674.71 P476.17 If you invest P200,000 toda y to be repai d in five years in one lump sum at 18% int erest compounded annuall y. How much profit in present da y pesos is realized over 5 years? A. B. C. D. P457,551 P257,551 P247,896 P227,681 What is the amount t hat must be deposit ed ever y quarterl y in a fund pa ying 12% compounded quart erl y in order to have P25,000 i n 8 years ? A. B. C. D. P674.71 P700.00 P476.17 P746.71 How much must be i nvested at the end of each mont h for 30 years in a sinking fund that is to Php 2,500,000 at the end of 30 years i f interest is nominal 4% compounded monthl y? A. B. C. D. Php Php Php Php 8,108,494 3,602 44,575 4,034 If J oanne borrowed mone y from his friend with simpl e int erest of 12%, what is the present worth of P75,000.00, whi ch is due at the end of 7 months? A. B. C. D. P72,200.20 P73,900.50 P70,200.20 P70,093.5 A stock certi ficate of a mini ng compan y guarant ees a divi dend of P100 at the end of each year for 10 years and a fi nal additional pa ym ent at the end of 10 years of P1,200. If mone y is worth 12% effective, what is the certificat e worth now? A. B. C. D. 951.39 897.54 789.45 1095.54 A businessman appli ed a loan of P500,000.00 at the rat e of 6% com pounded annuall y in order to bu y a service vehicl e. How much must t he pa y monthl y to amortize the l oan within a period of ten years? A. B. C. D. P6052.00 P5050.90 P5008.90 P5509.00 Determine the accumulated value of P2,000.00 in 5 years it is invest ed at 11% compounded quart erl y. A. B. C. D. P4,304.00 P3,404.00 P3,044.00 P3,440.00 Determine the amount that must be deposited in a bank ever y 3 months in a fund pa ying 12% compounded quart erl y in order to have P25,000 in 8 years? A. B. C. D. P476.17 P700.00 P746.71 P674.71 A China m ade lat he machine was purchased under these t erm s: P30,000.00 down and P5,000.00 each month for 5 ye ars. If mone y is wort h 12% compounded m onthl y, det ermine the cash price of the machi ne. A. B. C. D. P542.775.91 P254,775.19 P144,775.19 P245,775.19 A factor y op erator bought a diesel generator set for P10,000 and agreed to pa y the deal er uniform sum at the end of each year for 5 years at 8% compounded annuall y, t hat the final pa yment will cancel the debt for principal and int erest. What is the annual pa ym ent? A. B. C. D. 15 17 12 10 years years years years J en borrowed P2,000.00 from a local bank and agreed to pa y the loan at the end of one year. The local bank discount ed the loan and gave her Php 1,950.00 in cash. Fi nd the rat e of dis count. A. B. C. D. 3.12 % 2.5 % 1.2 % 3.75 % A compan y can manufacture a product with off -the-shelf hand tools. Fixed cost will be Php 50,000.00 for t he tools and Php 75.00 m anufacturing cost per unit. As an alt ernative, an autom ated syst em will cost Php 750,000.00 with a Php 25.00 manufacturing cost u nit . With annual antici pated volum e of 5,000 units, how man y years to break -even? A. B. C. D. 2.8 2.0 15.0 3.6 One million pesos was placed in a time deposit that earns 9% compounded quart erl y, tax free. After how man y years woul d it be abl e t o earn a tot al interest of five hundred thousand pesos? A. B. C. D. 4.63 4.56 4.32 4.47 A manufacturer uses 1000 item s uniform l y throughout the ye ar. The cost t o produce t he it ems in -house is Php 2000.00 for set -up and Php 260.00 per item. Insurance and taxes are estimat ed as 12% of averag e inventor y, and it costs Php 40.00 to st ore each unit for one compl ete year. How man y of these it ems should t he manufacturer produce at a time? A. B. C. D. 276 237 435 209 An ai r conditioner is purchased for P150,000. Its estim ated li fe is 10 years, aft er which it will be sold for P20,000. Find the depreciation for the second year using the sum -of-the- years di git m et hod. A. B. C. D. P20,732 P21,723 P21,273 P21,836 How much must be i nvested at the end of each mont h for 30 years in a sinking fund to reach the amount of P2,500,00 0 at the end of 30 years if interest is nomi nal 4% com pounded mont hl y? A. B. C. D. P44,575 P3,602 P8,108,494 P4,034 The amount of P10,000 is borrowed at 30% per annum simpl e interest. How much will be the due at the end of 130 days? A. B. C. D. P11,083 P11,038 P11,830 P11,830 Determine the accumulated value of P200,000.00 in 5 years invest ed at 11% compounded quarterl y. A. B. C. D. P340,400.00 P344,000.00 P400,304.00 P300,440.00 What amount must be deposited in a bank ever y 3 months i n a fund pa ying 12% compounded quart erl y in order to ha ve P25,000.00 in 8 years? A. B. C. D. P700.00 P746.00 P476.00 P674.00 If a Mining Engineer borrowed m one y with simple int erest of 12%, cal culat e the present worth of P75,000.00 which is due at the end of 7 months. A. B. C. D. P70,093.50 P73.900.50 P72,200.20 P70,200.20 The amount of P2, 82 5.00 in 8 years at 5% com pounded conti nuousl y is: A. B. C. D. P4,214.40 P4,166.77 P4,188.56 P4,397.86 Each year, a machine loses 20% of the value it has been at the beginning of the year. What is the ori ginal val ue of the machine if its value at t he end of sixth year is 120,000 pesos? A. B. C. D. Php Php Php Php 572,205 715,256 457,764 366,211 The amount of P15,000.00 was deposit ed in a fund which earns 4% per annum compounded quart erl y, will become P18,302.85. Find the effective rat e of interest per year? A. B. C. D. 5.06 3.06 4.06 6.06 % % % % J en borrowed P200,000.00 from a local bank and agreed to pay the loan at the end of one year. The local bank discounted the loan and gave her P195,000.00 in cash. Find t he rat e of discount. A. B. C. D. 2.5 % 1.3 % 3.75 % 3.12 % A China m ade lat he machine was purchased under these t erm s: P30,000.00 down and P5,000.00 each month for 5 ye ars. If mone y is wort h 12% compounded m onthl y, det ermine the cash price of the machi ne? A. B. C. D. P254,775.19 P542,775.91 P245,775.19 P144,775.19 Annie bu ys a tel evision set from a m erchant who offers P25,000.00 at the end of 60 da ys. Anni e wishes to pa y imm ediat el y, and the m erchant offers to comput e the requi red amount on the assumption that mone y is wort h 14% interest. What is the required am ount? A. B. C. D. P24,429.97 P19,222.67 P28,456.23 P20,234.87