RECOMMENDED PRACTICE DNVGL-RP-F114 Edition May 2017 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines The electronic pdf version of this document, available free of charge from, is the officially binding version. DNV GL AS FOREWORD DNV GL recommended practices contain sound engineering practice and guidance. © DNV GL AS May 2017 Any comments may be sent by e-mail to This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document. The use of this document by others than DNV GL is at the user's sole risk. DNV GL does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document. Changes - current CHANGES – CURRENT This is a new document. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 3 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3 Section 1 Introduction............................................................................................ 6 1.1 General............................................................................................. 6 1.2 Objective...........................................................................................6 1.3 Scope................................................................................................ 6 1.4 Application........................................................................................ 6 1.5 Contributions from joint industry projects........................................7 1.6 Structure of this recommended practice...........................................8 1.7 Referenced standards and recommended practices.......................... 8 1.8 Definitions.........................................................................................9 Section 2 Modelling pipe-soil interaction.............................................................. 16 2.1 General........................................................................................... 16 2.2 Pipe-soil interaction within the design process...............................16 2.3 Establishing a geotechnical model.................................................. 19 2.4 Finite element modelling to assess pipe-soil interaction................. 20 Section 3 Material properties required for design and assessment....................... 21 3.1 General........................................................................................... 21 3.2 Geotechnical field and laboratory testing....................................... 21 3.3 Geotechnical properties.................................................................. 22 3.4 Pipe properties............................................................................... 23 Section 4 Exposed pipelines..................................................................................24 4.1 General........................................................................................... 24 4.2 Pipe embedment............................................................................. 25 4.3 Axial pipe-soil interaction............................................................... 35 4.4 Lateral pipe-soil interaction............................................................ 42 4.5 Soil stiffness................................................................................... 57 4.6 Soil damping................................................................................... 61 Section 5 Buried and covered pipelines................................................................ 64 5.1 General........................................................................................... 64 5.2 Effect of trenching method............................................................. 64 5.3 Axial pipe-soil interaction............................................................... 65 5.4 Lateral pipe-soil interaction within rock berms...............................68 5.5 Uplift resistance..............................................................................69 Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 4 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Contents CONTENTS 5.7 Downward resistance and stiffness................................................ 75 Section 6 Treatment of uncertainties.................................................................... 76 6.1 General........................................................................................... 76 6.2 Considerations for pipeline design and assessment........................ 76 Section 7 Special considerations........................................................................... 80 7.1 On-bottom stability.........................................................................80 7.2 Free spanning pipelines.................................................................. 81 7.3 Design philosophy of support fills.................................................. 84 7.4 Penetration of falling objects......................................................... 86 7.5 Carbonate soils............................................................................... 88 Section 8 Bibliography.......................................................................................... 90 8.1 Bibliography.................................................................................... 90 Appendix A Soil models from DNV-RP-F109 (October 2010).................................94 A.1 General........................................................................................... 94 A.2 Initial penetration.......................................................................... 94 A.3 Passive soil resistance....................................................................94 A.4 Nomenclature................................................................................. 95 Changes - historic.................................................................................................96 Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 5 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Contents 5.6 Rock fill over backfilled clay........................................................... 75 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Pipe-soil interaction is an important aspect of a pipeline system as it may have a large influence on both the structural behaviour and integrity of the pipeline during installation and operation. Knowledge about the soil conditions along the pipeline route is essential to evaluate the pipe-soil interaction, and the planning of soil investigations should be tailor-made for the conditions encountered during the lifetime of the pipeline. Soil variability is inevitable over large distances and is especially the case in the surficial soils. The variation in soil parameters seen in a pipeline development project is thus larger compared to traditional foundation design. During installation of an exposed pipeline, the soil around the pipe will be disturbed, affecting both the strength and stiffness properties as well as the seabed configuration close to the pipe. These installation effects are difficult to predict, as they are highly governed by the pipe motions during laying. For buried pipelines, the state of the backfilled material is challenging to predict. The complexity and uncertainty in pipe-soil interaction are significant, and require simplifications and assumptions in the engineering models. The effort spent on pipe-soil interaction should however reflect the sensitivity to the pipeline design. This recommended practice involves guidance related to pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines and supersedes the pipe-soil information given in the following recommended practices: — — — — — — DNVGL-RP-F105 DNVGL-RP-F107 DNVGL-RP-F109 DNVGL-RP-F110 DNVGL-RP-F111 DNVGL-RP-F113 Free spanning pipelines Risk assessment of pipeline protection On-bottom stability design of submarine pipelines Global buckling of submarine pipelines Interference between trawl gear and pipelines Pipeline subsea repair Hence, the pipe-soil interaction parts in the above recommended practices will be removed in next respective revision and a reference to this recommended practice will be included. The pipe-soil interaction guidance for exposed pipelines included in this recommended practice has to a far extent been developed by the SAFEBUCK joint industry project (JIP). Contributions from other JIPs to the recommended practice are included from the PIPESTAB JIP, HOTPIPE JIP and GUDESP JIP. This recommended practice follows the same principles as outlined in ISO 19901-4 and API RP 2GEO, but with more specific guidance. 1.2 Objective The objective of this recommended practice is to provide guidance related to pipe-soil interaction relevant for the various conditions experienced during the lifetime of a pipeline system according to the requirements set out in DNVGL-ST-F101. 1.3 Scope This recommended practice gives recommendations on how to evaluate pipe-soil interaction for various design situations or assessments relevant for exposed and buried submarine pipelines. 1.4 Application This recommended practice is written primarily for qualified geotechnical engineers. Hence, basic geotechnical terms are not always explained. It is however important that the geotechnical engineer cooperates with the pipeline engineer to understand the design situations. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 6 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS As far as possible, engineering models based on geotechnical principles should be used. In some cases, it is difficult to establish theoretical models. In such cases, empirical models are necessary. Empirical models should be used with care and the geotechnical engineer should evaluate the validity of the model for the problem at hand, understanding its limitations. Due to the complexity in the pipe-soil interaction assessments, this recommended practice cannot be as prescriptive as other recommended practices. The calculation models presented herein can therefore be considered as examples. In general, more than one model should be evaluated, see Sec.6 for discussion about uncertainties related to pipe-soil interaction assessments. For scenarios involving pipe-soil interaction which are not captured in this recommended practice, specific evaluations by the geotechnical engineer is required. In general, when well-established methods are not available, the consequences of this uncertainty should be evaluated. Alternative design solutions may then be considered. If the consequence of an unfavourable incident do not jeopardize the pipeline integrity, a survey plan in combination with mitigation measures may also be a viable solution. Guidance for exposed pipelines obtained through the SAFEBUCK JIP has been included. Also, calculation models based on geotechnical principles have been included, and where possible, they have been compared with recognized empirical formulations used in the industry. Alternative calculation methods may also be used than those provided in this recommended practice. However, it is recommended that they have a sound theoretical basis, or that they capture better some relevant data or conditions, such as project-specific model testing of PSI resistance, or relevant field observations of existing pipelines from the same region. By use of new calculation methods, its applicability should be documented in a transparent manner which allows for independent verification. The full interaction between the pipe and the soil accounting for the stiffness of the pipe and the loads acting upon the pipe, is not covered in this recommended practice other than as brief discussions where relevant, giving reference to other relevant recommended practices. The recommendations provided in this recommended practice are primarily related to the interaction between the pipeline and the soil per unit length of the pipe. Likewise, the integrated interaction between a pipeline or flowline including spools and connected structures is covered in respective standards or recommended practices for pipelines and structures. The recommendations given herein may be used as input for analysis of such integrated interaction. This recommended practice does not consider the following items that may be included in future editions: — — — — geohazards earthquake design and assessment of pipelines riser-pipe interaction pipe-soil-structure interaction. 1.5 Contributions from joint industry projects 1.5.1 SAFEBUCK JIP The SAFEBUCK JIP was a joint industry project, which had the aim of developing design methodologies related to high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) pipelines susceptible to lateral buckling. Extensive research with respect to pipe-soil interaction was carried out as a part of the JIP. New calculation models were developed based on small and large scale tests. The JIP mainly focused on exposed pipelines placed on deep water clays, hence the soil conditions that is covered by the SAFEBUCK database is limited accordingly. The database consists of tests primarily carried out on soft West African clays with high plasticity. The vertical embedment model proposed in SAFEBUCK is based on theoretical considerations, but the approach to use remoulded shear strength to account for cyclic effects during laying is highly empirical. The JIP recommended to perform specialized interface tests to measure the axial interface strength directly. The proposed lateral soil resistance models are empirically calibrated towards a limited database of tests. and is therefore expected to show some bias to the underlying database conditions. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 7 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 1.5.2 PIPESTAB JIP The PIPESTAB JIP was a joint industry project which was part of the development of DNVGL-RP-F109. The soil models developed from this work have been reviewed and adopted as found appropriate in this recommended practice. 1.5.3 HOTPIPE JIP The HOTPIPE JIP was a joint industry project which was part of the development of DNVGL-RP-F110. Pipesoil interaction guidance on uplift resistance of buried pipelines has been reviewed and adopted as found appropriate in this recommended practice. 1.5.4 GUDESP JIP The GUDESP JIP was a joint industry project which was part of the development of DNVGL-RP-F105. Guidance on simplified soil damping is included in this recommended practice. 1.6 Structure of this recommended practice The recommended practice is structured as follows: 1) Introduction (this section) 2) Presents the overall objective, scope and applicability of the recommended practice, as well as relevant abbreviations and symbols (giving all the symbols in the equations). Referenced standards are listed in this section and referred to by its acronyms while bibliographies and reports are listed in Sec.8 and referenced by reference numbers. Modelling pipe-soil interaction 3) Presents an introduction to pipe-soil interaction and how soil resistance curves may be included in the pipeline analysis Material properties required for design and assessment 4) Provides guidance with respect to soil investigations relevant for pipe-soil interaction and the pipe properties required for pipe-soil assessment Exposed pipelines 5) Provides guidance for evaluating pipe-soil interaction for exposed pipelines Buried pipelines 6) Provides guidance for evaluating pipe-soil interaction for buried pipelines Treatment of uncertainties 7) Discusses in general terms the different sources of uncertainties in geotechnical design, and highlight special considerations related to pipe-soil interaction Special considerations 8) Presents other issues related to pipe-soil interaction which may not naturally be placed in Sec.1 to Sec.6. Bibliography 1.7 Referenced standards and recommended practices 1.7.1 General In case of conflict between this recommended practice and referenced DNV GL standards, the standard or recommended practice with the latest edition date shall prevail. The latest valid edition of each of the DNV GL reference documents applies. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 8 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Referenced relevant standards and recommended practice documents are given in [1.7.2] and [1.7.3] while bibliography is given in Sec.8. 1.7.2 DNV GL standards and recommended practices Document code Title DNVGL-OS-C101 Design of offshore steel structures, general – LRFD method DNVGL-ST-F101 Submarine pipeline systems DNVGL-RP-C207 DNVGL-RP-C212 Statistical representation of soil data *) Offshore soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering DNVGL-RP-F105 Free spanning pipelines DNVGL-RP-F107 Risk assessment of pipeline protection DNVGL-RP-F109 On-bottom stability design of submarine pipelines DNVGL-RP-F110 Global buckling of submarine pipelines DNVGL-RP-F111 Interference between trawl gear and pipelines DNVGL-RP-F113 Pipeline subsea repair *) DNVGL-RP-C212 will soon replace DNV Classification Notes 30.4 1.7.3 Other standards and recommended practices Document code Title ANSI/ASME B46.1 Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay) API RP 2GEO Geotechnical and Foundation Design Considerations ISO 19901-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Specific requirements for offshore structures – Part 4: Geotechnical and foundation design considerations 1.8 Definitions 1.8.1 Abbreviations Abbreviation Description BE best estimate CPT cone penetration test FE finite element FEED front end engineering design HE high estimate HPHT high pressure, high temperature JIP joint industry project Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 9 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Abbreviation Description LE low estimate NC normally consolidated OCR overconsolidation ratio PCPT cone penetration test with pore pressure measurements PIP pipe-in-pipe PLEM pipeline end manifold PLET pipeline end termination PSI pipe-soil interaction SHANSEP stress history and normalized soil engineering properties TUM terrain unit mapping 1.8.2 Symbols – Greek characters Symbol Description α pipe-soil adhesion or roughness factor γ' submerged unit weight γc cyclic shear strain γ'fill submerged unit weight of backfilled material γpre consolidation preloading effect γrate rate factor γ'seabed submerged unit weight of seabed soil δf failure mobilization distance δpeak peak interface friction angle δres residual interface friction angle εres residual reduction factor ζ wedging factor ζsoil soil damping ratio κa active earth pressure coefficient κp passive earth pressure coefficient μA,brk,d axial breakout friction factor in drained conditions μA,brk,u axial breakout friction factor in undrained conditions Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 10 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Symbol Description μA,res,d axial residual friction factor in drained conditions μA,res,u axial residual friction factor in undrained conditions μfill friction coefficient between pipe and backfilled material μseabed friction coefficient between pipe and seabed soil ν Poisson’s ratio ρ gradient of undrained shear strength profile with depth ρs/ρ specific mass ratio between the pipe mass and the displaced water σa atmospheric pressure (100kPa) σ'h horizontal effective stress σ's mean effective stress in soil σ'v vertical effective stress τ shear stress φ drained friction angle φfill friction angle of backfilled material φpeak peak friction angle of the soil φres residual friction angle of the soil ω angular frequency 1.8.3 Symbols – Latin characters Symbol Description a horizontal oscillation amplitude prior to lateral breakout Aberm displaced soil area creating a berm adjacent to the pipe Abm penetrated cross sectional area of the pipe Ap cross-sectional area of the pipe Apipe plugged area of falling pipe B pipe-soil contact width c viscous damping coefficient CL lateral dynamic stiffness factor in simplified evaluation for free spanning pipelines CV vertical dynamic stiffness factor in simplified evaluation for free spanning pipelines Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 11 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Symbol Description D pipe outer diameter (including coating) dca depth correction factor for clay dq depth correction factor for sand Dref reference diameter EDissipated dissipated energy within one hysteretic loop EElastic elastic energy within one hysteretic loop Ep energy absorbed in gravel EI pipe bending stiffness F bearing capacity factor clay (accounting for pipe roughness and soil strength gradient) f uplift resistance factor FA axial resistance FA,brk axial breakout resistance FA,brk,d axial breakout resistance factor in drained conditions FA,brk,u axial breakout resistance in undrained conditions FA,deep,d axial resistance for buried pipelines in drained conditions (deep failure mode) FA,shallow,u axial resistance for buried pipelines in undrained conditions (shallow failure mode) FL,brk,d lateral breakout resistance in drained conditions FL,brk,d,fric frictional part of the lateral breakout resistance in drained conditions FL,brk,d,passive part of the lateral breakout resistance in drained conditions which involves passive soil resistance FL,brk,u,fric frictional part of the lateral breakout resistance in undrained conditions FL,brk,u,remain part of the lateral breakout resistance in undrained conditions which involves active and passive soil resistance and soil weight FL,brk,u lateral breakout resistance in undrained conditions FL,res,d lateral residual resistance in drained soil condition FL,res,u lateral residual resistance after breakout in undrained soil conditions Fp drained passive resistance as proposed in /22/ Fuplift,d uplift resistance in drained conditions Fuplift,global,u uplift resistance in undrained conditions (global failure mode) Fuplift,local,u uplift resistance in undrained conditions (local failure mode) G shear modulus Gmax shear modulus at small strains H cover height Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 12 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Symbol Description Ip plasticity index K lateral earth pressure coefficient (general) k linearized spring stiffness K0,fill lateral earth pressure coefficient of backfilled material K0,seabed lateral earth pressure coefficient of seabed soil KL,d lateral dynamic stiffness KL,s lateral static stiffness klay touchdown lay factor klay,1, klay,2 touchdown lay factors (used to determine the initial embedment) Kp passive earth pressure coefficient Kv,d vertical dynamic stiffness KV,s vertical static stiffness L span length Lsh span support length on one shoulder (for transfer of one-half the weight of the free span) m factor that accounts for long term effect of overconsolidation Nγ bearing capacity factor for sand Nc Theoretical bearing capacity factor for clay (for constant undrained shear strength) Nq bearing capacity factor for sand p pipe-soil contact arc length Qv vertical penetration resistance (including depth effects) Qv0 vertical penetration resistance (not including depth effects) r roughness parameter according to /21/ Ra pipe coating roughness rpipe-soil pipe-soil roughness factor St sensitivity Su undrained shear strength su,0 undrained shear strength at reference level for depth effects su,1 average undrained shear strength above the foundation level su,2 average undrained shear strength below the foundation level u,active average undrained shear strength within the active failure zone u,backfill,reconsolidated average value of reconsolidated shear strength along the vertical failure plane in the backfilled material Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 13 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Symbol u,bottom,reconsolidated su,intact u,passive su,r u,reconsolidated Description average value of reconsolidated shear strength at the bottom half of the pipe intact undrained shear strength average undrained shear strength within the passive failure zone remoulded undrained shear strength average value of reconsolidated shear strength su,z=0 undrained shear strength at seabed (z=0) T0 horizontal effective lay tension in the pipe during installation at touchdown point V vertical pipe-soil force Wf submerged pipe weight during hydrotest (flooded/waterfilled condition) Wi submerged pipe weight during installation Wop submerged pipe weight during operation xbrk mobilization displacement required to mobilize the axial breakout resistance xfailure lateral extent of passive failure surface xmob axial mobilization displacement xres mobilization displacement required to mobilize the axial residual resistance ybrk mobilization displacement required to mobilize the lateral breakout resistance yres mobilization displacement required to mobilize the lateral residual resistance z pipe invert embedment (general) z0 reference level for depth effects in sand zf pipe invert embedment after flooding zfailure vertical extent of passive failure surface zini initial pipe invert embedment after laying zmod modified height taking into account presence of a berm when calculating lateral breakout zop pipe invert embedment during operation zsu,0 reference level for depth effects in clay Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 14 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 1.8.4 Definitions of verbal forms Term Definition shall verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the document should verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required may verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the document Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 15 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 2 MODELLING PIPE-SOIL INTERACTION 2.1 General Key pipe-soil interaction (PSI) parameters are the soil resistances during vertical, axial and lateral pipe movement. In this recommended practice and in most pipeline engineering practice, the PSI resistances related to exposed pipelines are described in terms of equivalent friction coefficients, defined as the available resistance to axial or lateral movement divided by the current submerged pipe weight. The vertical pipe-soil interaction is particularly important during installation, when the pipe penetrates the seabed. After installation, the vertical pipe-soil interaction is usually less important, but the resulting embedment from the installation phase is important for the subsequent lateral and axial resistances. In reality, the lateral and axial resistances are not solely dependent on pipe weight, but are influenced by pipe embedment, soil type, drainage condition, interface condition and the previous history of loading and pipe movement. It is therefore important to recognize that a pipe-soil equivalent friction factor is not a soil property, but depends on the soil properties, the pipeline properties and the mode and history of loading. PSI may be included in the analysis of a pipeline in various ways, which are listed below in order of increasing complexity: a) b) c) d) As a single limiting value of axial or lateral resistance (or friction factor). As force-displacement responses in the axial and/or lateral directions, within a finite element analysis of the pipeline (similar to the t-z and p-y load transfer methods of analysing pile response). Simple forcedisplacement (or friction-displacement) responses are bi-linear (elastic perfectly-plastic), tri-linear (with an initial peak) or piecewise linear. Additional rules may define the cyclic behaviour. As a general vertical-lateral response model, based on plasticity theory, implemented within a finite element analysis of the pipeline via a force-resultant macroelement. Through explicit modelling of the soil continuum, pipe and pipe-soil interface by using a finite element analysis software. This is computationally expensive given the need to model typically several kilometres of pipeline in a single model. This approach is rarely used except for research. For buried pipelines, the uplift resistance is often modelled as a bi-linear or a tri-linear curve. The adopted modelling approach should reflect the current project requirements, recognizing the project stage, risks and opportunities for optimization. In any design case, the geotechnical engineer needs to consider whether the soil behaviour is drained, undrained or partially drained and select appropriate calculation models. Note that different classification systems exist in different countries with respect to soil characterization, and that the same soil can behave differently for different rate of loading. If there are uncertainties in the soil behaviour, the geotechnical engineer needs to take this uncertainty into account in the further assessments. 2.2 Pipe-soil interaction within the design process During the different stages of a pipeline project, PSI should be addressed with an increasing degree of detail, sufficient to optimize the design through reduced uncertainty. The flowchart in Figure 2-1 illustrates a project PSI workflow for on-bottom pipeline design. Three sets of PSI recommendations are passed through to the pipeline engineering workflow at the different project stages – desk study, preliminary and detailed design. As indicated in Figure 2-1, readily available data may be used to obtain preliminary values for the PSI parameters at early stages of the design process. Increasingly detailed estimates may then be obtained through more complex testing and analysis, as described in [3.3.2]. The level of PSI analysis performed in a project should be chosen to suit the project requirements, both to minimize risk and to maximize added value. During a project, as the geotechnical input and pipeline design conditions are refined, more complex PSI analysis becomes possible and the level of uncertainty in that modelling reduces. This potentially leads to more optimized designs. However, the cost benefit of overall optimization should be assessed along with the cost of engineering to try to achieve those optimizations. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 16 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS For re-assessment or modification during operation, field observations from installation and operation may be used to perform back-calculations to update PSI parameters for use in pipeline operational assessments and as feedback to future projects. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 17 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 2-1 Pipe-soil interaction workflow during a project Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 18 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 2.3 Establishing a geotechnical model When assessing any geotechnical problem, the first step is usually to establish a geotechnical model where all parameters and boundary conditions affecting the result are defined. This geotechnical model should contain all assumptions in the geotechnical analysis. This should ideally also be the first step in pipe-soil assessments. In traditional foundation design, usually the intact soil strength and boundary conditions are relatively well defined. However, for a pipeline, given the spacing of soil data along the route and the unknown effects of laying it is challenging, if not impossible to identify all possible scenarios the pipe could experience. As such, when using analytical or empirical methods, it is important to evaluate the assumptions and background for the development of the methods. When a model is based on test results, the model uncertainties are usually related to differences in how the geotechnical model is defined and how the tests are carried out. The main effects to consider when establishing a geotechnical model for pipe-soil interaction for an exposed pipeline are as follows with some of the effects illustrated in Figure 2-2: — drainage conditions and loading rate (drained, partially drained or undrained soil behaviour) — geometrical boundary conditions (e.g. ideal soil contact or pipe placed inside a trench) — shear strength underneath the pipe (may be affected by remoulding during installation and subsequent thixotropy effects and consolidation from pipe weight) — shear strength on the outside of the pipe — pipe-soil interface roughness — durations of and time between pipelay, flooding, hydrotest, dewatering and start-up. Figure 2-2 Geotechnical model for an exposed pipeline For buried pipelines, many of the same items as listed above for exposed pipelines are also important. The soil resistance is extremely dependent on the type and state of the backfill material. The soil properties of natural backfill are uncertain as they could be altered significantly from the in-situ properties. Hypothetically, assuming all aspects of the geotechnical model is well known, which may be the case for other types of foundations, the best way to calculate soil resistances would be to employ finite element analyses. However, as this is never the case for pipe-soil interaction assessment, finite element analyses should not be the only design tool. Finite element analyses may however help to understand the physics involved and is considered to be the best way to perform sensitivity studies, allowing the user to investigate how different scenarios (changes in the geotechnical model) would affect the result. Evaluations using finite element analyses may be relevant for calculating breakout resistances, but not necessarily residual resistances as large displacement analyses are encumbered with more uncertainty. In those cases, empirical based methods are needed. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 19 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS In general, due to the difficulties in establishing the geotechnical model, more than one model should be used in PSI assessments, see also Sec.6. 2.4 Finite element modelling to assess pipe-soil interaction If pipe-soil interaction is evaluated using finite element (FE) analysis one should thoroughly evaluate possible sources of error and their effect on the results. The following issues are of particular concern in this context: — the constitutive soil model should represent the soil behaviour needed for the problem at hand — the iteration procedure should not result in an overshoot of failure loads — the mesh should be sufficiently fine with proper width/length/height ratios of the elements to ensure a proper load distribution throughout the soil. When establishing an FE model, several assumptions need to be made. The influence of the model assumptions should be investigated and evaluated. The model assumptions include the representation of the pipe, loading conditions, soil behaviour and soil parameters. The model should be able to capture vertical and horizontal strength variations. For pipe-soil assessments, the geotechnical model is never known, and FE analyses will not necessarily give the correct result, but is better suited to evaluate different effects and changes in the boundary conditions for the pipe, compared to analytical or empirical models with prescribed failure modes. When non-linearities associated with large displacements are to be studied by means of an FE model, the non-linearities may be represented explicitly in the FE model or the underlying large displacements may be simulated in a wished-in-place analysis. The modelling limitations for the particular analysis should be assessed. Non-linear large displacement effects are encountered in several situations, including: — changes in boundary conditions, such as changes in contact area due to large displacements — displacement-dependent loads, such as displacement-dependent changes in load direction — large strains. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 20 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 3 MATERIAL PROPERTIES REQUIRED FOR DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT 3.1 General This section describes the required material parameters to carry out pipe-soil interaction assessments, both related to geotechnical properties and pipe properties. 3.2 Geotechnical field and laboratory testing For evaluating pipe-soil interaction, the near surface soil properties are critical and require specific pipelinefocused activities in a site investigation and laboratory test program. Uncertain soil conditions will result in a large range between low estimate and high estimate pipe-soil interaction parameters, which will increase the uncertainty and potential mitigation costs. In some cases, it may be difficult or costly to demonstrate a robust design solution. Planning of soil investigations for a pipeline should be performed with focus on the design scenarios of importance for the pipeline. These scenarios include, but are not necessarily limited to: — — — — — — — — axial expansion and walking lateral and upheaval buckling on-bottom stability and route curve pull-out free spans pipeline supports trenching and back-filling potential external impacts like trawling equipment and anchors potential geohazards like landslides from surrounding areas that could hit the pipeline. The soil influenced by the pipe−soil interaction for exposed pipelines is normally within the upper one metre and for many pipelines within a few tens of centimetres. Thus, the sampling and testing should have particular focus on the shallowest soils. Note however that the pipe embedment within a lateral buckle may achieve depths down to two metres due to cyclic movements. Where possible and in particular in soft clay, box coring should be performed obtaining blocks of up to half a meter side dimensions, from which samples can be taken for laboratory testing, or within which small scale in-situ testing may be performed. Some deeper coring should be performed in addition to the box corings. Subsea in-situ testing should be performed in addition to the corings. This could primarily consist of PCPT testing and in clays also T-bar testing, which near the surface can provide more reliable interpretation of undrained shear strength than PCPT testing will allow for. Alternatively, ball penetrometer testing may be performed. Ball penetrometer or T-bar penetrometer cyclic tests provide the fully remoulded soil strength, which is of relevance for the assessment of pipeline embedment and cyclic lateral pipeline response. For analysis of stability of pipeline supports as well as for evaluation of trenching capabilities, soil information to somewhat larger depths, i.e several metres, would be required to capture the soil strength within the predicted failure zone. A geotechnical engineer should in cooperation with the pipeline engineer be involved in the planning of the soil investigations to make sure that the information required in the subsequent design analyses is obtained. For pipelines that are buried by ploughing or jetting, the largest uncertainty is related to how the trenching method has affected the in-situ strength and stiffness parameters of the backfilled soil. The soil investigation program needs to consider both the intact soil conditions and the soil conditions following a trenching/jetting operation. The latter may require the construction of a certain length of dummy trench as part of the soil investigation program. Due to general soil variability, it will be practically impossible to obtain very accurate soil data for each location of interest where the scenarios listed above may be relevant. Thus, a proper strategy for planning the soil investigations would be to identify from geophysical surveys, possibly combined with relevant other Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 21 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS information, the various soil units at or very close to the surface along the pipeline route, and to perform soil sampling to identify the range of characteristics for each unit along the route. For a survey particularly aiming to provide a basis for pipeline routing and design, sub-bottom profiling should be included unless available knowledge is such that inhomogeneous conditions of the top soils can be precluded. Note that it is very challenging to characterize the upper soil very close to the seabed and the profiler frequency should be targeted specifically for this purpose. Recognized standards shall be used to carry out laboratory testing. Particular attention should be given to the planning and execution of tests required to determine very low soil and interface strengths corresponding to the very low contact stresses between the pipe and the soil. 3.3 Geotechnical properties 3.3.1 General Geotechnical characteristics necessary for evaluations of all relevant loading conditions shall be determined for the soils along the pipeline route, including possible unstable soils in the vicinity of the pipeline. Geotechnical properties may be obtained from generally available geological information, results from geophysical surveys, including seabed topographical surveys and sub-bottom profiling, and from geotechnical in-situ tests and laboratory tests on sampled soil. Supplementary information may be obtained from visual surveys. Soil parameters of main importance for the pipeline response are: — shear strength parameters (intact and remoulded undrained shear strength for clay, and angle of friction for sands) — deformation characteristics (stress-strain relationships) — drainage characteristics (permeability and coefficient of consolidation). These parameters should preferably be determined from adequate laboratory tests or from interpretation of in-situ tests. In addition, classification and index tests should be considered, such as: — — — — — — unit weight water content liquid and plastic limit grain size distribution carbonate content other relevant tests. Such tests are important to assess spatial variability of the soil conditions along the pipeline route and to validate in-situ or laboratory test results from empirical correlations or using such correlations to supplement the laboratory tests. Laboratory tests with specific modifications to suit low stress testing are the preferred method to determine the undrained strength and friction angle of pipe-soil interfaces. Interface materials that are representative of the planned pipeline coating should be used as interface roughness has a strong influence on interface friction. Guidelines regarding specialized interface tests are given in [3.3.2]. 3.3.2 Specialized pipe-soil interaction testing The following specialist laboratory equipment for low-stress shear testing may be used to derive the soil-pipe interface parameters: — tilt table device for drained interface strength /1/ — low-stress shear box, for drained and undrained interface strength /3/. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 22 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS For interface tests, the roughness characteristics of the interface should be representative of the planned pipe coating or covering a range of potential coating roughness. Roughness characteristics should be documented. Large and small-scale pipe models may also be used as background for evaluating the vertical, axial and lateral pipe-soil resistance in case the existing engineering models are not considered appropriate or if a certain aspect is particularly important for the project. Four types of tests allow such measurement: — — — — small scale centrifuge tests (e.g. /4/) large scale ex-situ pipe-soil tests (e.g. /5/) small scale ex-situ pipe-soil tests large scale in-situ pipe-soil tests (e.g. /6/). This allows for project specific refinement (calibration) of the engineering models and generally leads to a reduction in the model uncertainty and the range of PSI parameters. Tests should cover the range of normal effective stress that can be expected between the pipe and the soil. Testing at normal effective stresses far from the expected value should be avoided whenever possible to avoid extrapolation errors. As far as possible, the tests should be carried out in a way replicating the actual loading history of the soil underneath the pipe, e.g. accounting for penetration arising from motions during pipeline laying and for the pre-consolidation effect from the water filled/flooded condition during the pipeline hydrotest. Laboratories executing such tests should have the correct knowledge about the equipment and procedures to execute and measure the interface strength at low stress levels. 3.4 Pipe properties Typical pipeline properties required for pipe-soil interaction assessments are: — — — — — submerged pipe weights, Wi, Wf, Wop pipe outer diameter including coating, D pipe coating roughness, Ra pipe bending stiffness, EI horizontal effective lay tension in the pipe during installation at touchdown point, T0. A distinction should be made between the following pipe weights: — The submerged pipe weight at installation, Wi, which is usually the empty weight. — The water flooded submerged pipe weight, Wf. — The operating submerged pipe weight, Wop. A range may be required, considering the range of product density during the operating life and also potential separation on shutdown, e.g. liquid hold up. The roughness (Ra) of the planned pipe coating should be determined or estimated when planning interface testing. To avoid confusion, the pipe coating roughness should be defined as the average deviation from the mean height, in accordance with ANSI/ASME B46.1. Profilometer or laser interferometer devices provide rapid quantification of interface roughness, and may be used to gather data from existing pipe coating samples, and to assess the roughness of interfaces available for laboratory testing. The pipe bending stiffness, EI, should consider the composite behaviour including coatings (if significant), inner and outer pipes for a pipe-in-pipe (PIP) line, etc. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 23 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 4 EXPOSED PIPELINES 4.1 General Pipe-soil interaction is a key element in the assessment of exposed pipelines. Typical scenarios involving pipe-soil interaction are lateral buckling, end expansion, pipeline walking, route-curve pullout, flow line anchoring, on-bottom stability, trawl impact and development of free spans. The consideration of low and high estimates of pipe-soil interaction parameters is generally required during design and assessment to satisfy all limit states. If not accounting for a defined range of low and high estimates of resistance, this should be a conscious choice where possible consequences are evaluated and it is possible to rectify unfortunate incidences based on survey and contingency plans. The content of this section is summarized in Table 4-1. In general, the soil behaviour may be drained, partially drained or undrained depending on the loading rate and drainage conditions and should for each scenario be considered when selecting calculation models. Table 4-1 Pipe-soil responses for exposed pipelines Response Description Embedment (see [4.2]) The initial embedment is controlled by the soil conditions and the loads during and following installation. It has a significant influence on the subsequent axial and lateral response. Axial friction (see [4.3]) Axial breakout response An initial peak in resistance that is mainly relevant to the first load response Axial residual resistance The large displacement response as the pipe expands or contracts Cyclic axial response The long term cyclic response under repeated expansion and contraction Lateral breakout response An initial peak in resistance as the pipe first displaces from the as-installed position Lateral residual resistance The large displacement resistance Cyclic lateral response The long term cyclic response, when the pipe becomes embedded in a trench within a buckled pipe section and soil berms grow causing a rise in lateral resistance Vertical stiffness Static and dynamic stiffness Lateral stiffness Static and dynamic stiffness Lateral resistance (see [4.4]) Soil stiffness (see [4.5]) Soil damping (see [4.6]) Soil damping may be introduced in dynamic analyses. Specific guidance regarding cyclic resistances (axial and lateral) are not provided in this recommended practice, as this is an area of ongoing research without clear conclusions. The process is complex, as the development of a trench at a lateral buckle will reduce the vertical reaction in the midspan, transferring vertical reaction forces towards the inflection points. When investigated, it should be followed up during operation through surveys. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 24 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 4.2 Pipe embedment 4.2.1 General The pipe embedment is an important factor influencing the pipe-soil interaction as it will determine the boundary conditions around the pipe for the subsequent loading scenarios. The initial pipe embedment is governed by the contact stresses imposed on the soil during laying. The embedment will be influenced by the installation method (e.g. J-lay, S-lay or reeling), the weight and stiffness properties of the pipe and the sea state/vessel motions during laying and lay rate. As such, the sea state is considered the biggest source of uncertainty and a large range in predicted embedment depths is needed to cover possible scenarios. The embedment will be governed by the bearing capacity of the seabed soils, and different scenarios may occur: — Pure vertical penetration (laying in calm waters, spools lowered by a crane etc.), see Figure 4-1. — Combination of vertical and horizontal motions, reducing the vertical bearing capacity, leading to higher penetrations and also creating more complex boundary conditions, see Figure 4-2. Figure 4-1 Vertical penetration process Figure 4-2 Combined vertical and horizontal penetration process After the pipe is laid on the seabed, usually a pressure test with water-filled pipe is performed. In some cases, the increased weight of the pipe will lead to further pipe penetration. The boundary conditions (pipe penetration, trench development etc.) may vary during the operational life, and regular surveys are recommended to ensure that the boundary conditions around the pipe are covered by the original design assumptions. It should be realized that any embedment model will be a simplification as it is not possible to model the true soil behaviour during an unknown installation scenario including pipe motions in the touchdown zone. In this section, models for calculating the pure vertical penetration resistance only is given. Discussion of the static and cyclic effects of laying is included in [4.2.5]. When regional or local pipe embedment measurements are available from existing pipelines, e.g. post-lay or operational survey data, they can be used to narrow the uncertainty range in the calculation methodology Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 25 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS when applied to new pipelines nearby. The selection of key parameters such as undrained shear strength, su or su,r, unit weight, γ’, and touchdown lay factor, klay may be refined using these data, before the calculation model is applied to the new pipelines under consideration. Observed embedment data should not be applied directly to new pipelines unless all conditions including pipe characteristics and above mentioned key parameters are closely the same at the two locations. Instead, the calculation method should be calibrated and then reapplied, to scale correctly for the differences in the pipeline and soil characteristics and laying conditions. However, uncertainties related to sea state, type of vessel and the corresponding motions of the pipeline cannot be fully known and back-calculations should be used with care. Changes in seabed conditions, e.g. due to seabed mobility, during the operational phase may also be a source of uncertainty when backcalculating embedment from survey data. In general, due to the uncertainties in the calculation models, more than one model should be evaluated, see Sec.6. The proposed methods in this section can therefore be considered as examples. Other methods may also be relevant, see [1.4]. For re-assessments of existing pipelines, embedment measurements may be used directly in PSI assessments. Embedment measurement error and scatter should then be considered. Back-analysis of embedment can provide a critical review of parameters initially considered in design and help in refining the assessed PSI parameters and the subsequent buckling and walking behaviour. This type of back-analysis is an important aspect of a pipeline integrity management system, especially if the design is sensitive the PSI parameters. 4.2.2 Definition of pipe embedment Nominal pipe embedment is defined as the depth of penetration of the invert (bottom of pipe) relative to the undisturbed seabed (sometimes termed the far embedment in surveys), see Figure 4-3. Pipeline embedment influences the pipe-soil contact area, which affects the axial and lateral resistance. Heave of soil during penetration increases the local embedment of the pipe (sometimes termed the near embedment in surveys). Data indicates that in cohesionless soil this heave may reduce with time and may then not be reliable in providing additional axial or lateral resistance. The nominal embedment is therefore the conventional embedment definition in design and assessment to define the pipe-soil contact arc length, p. Figure 4-3 Terminology for pipeline embedment The pipe embedment may vary during the lifetime of the pipeline, changing the axial and lateral pipe-soil resistance. In this document, the embedment at various stages of the pipeline life cycle is defined as follows: - Zini initial pipe invert embedment after laying - Zf pipe invert embedment after flooding Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 26 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS - Zop pipe invert embedment during first operation (start-up) -Z pipe embedment (general). Can be replaced in the calculation methods by Zini, Zf, or Zop depending on the case considered. 4.2.3 Embedment assessment in undrained conditions General There are different calculation models available for calculating vertical embedment in undrained conditions. For a pipe pushed vertically into the soil, the embedment depth will be the depth where the pipe contact force is in equilibrium with the bearing capacity of the seabed soil. In this section, two approaches are given. Both models give comparable results for normal conditions, but could deviate for special conditions. It is recommended to evaluate various models to assess model uncertainties, see Sec.6. Finite element analyses may also be used as stated in [2.4]. Model 1 The penetration resistance may be estimated using the following approach, applying bearing capacity principles from /8/. The vertical force, Qv, required to penetrate the pipe to the embedment, z, assuming linear increase in shear strength with depth, may be calculated as: Qv = Qv0 ∙ (1+dca) + γ’ âˆ™ Abm (4.1) where: Qv0 γ’ dca Abm is the bearing capacity (not including depth effects or soil buoyancy) is the soil submerged unit weight is a depth correction factor is the penetrated cross-sectional area of the pipe, see Equation (4.7) Qv0 = F ∙ (Nc ∙ su,0 + ρ ∙ B/4) ∙ B (4.2) where: F is a function of pipe roughness and of ρB⁄su,0 and can be taken from Figure 4-4. It should be noted that the roughness in this respect is related to the degree of mobilized shear stress at the pipe-soil interface. The remoulding process of the soil underneath the pipe during installation will likely be close to a smooth foundation Nc is a bearing capacity factor for clay. For pipes considered as smooth, the bearing capacity factor, Nc, may be taken as 5.14 for small penetrations, but could reduce to 4 when the pipe embedment is equal to z=D/2 due to the circular arc shaped foundation base. More detailed discussions can be found in /7/ su,0 ρ B is the undrained shear strength at the reference z-level for depth effects, see Figure 4-5 is the gradient of the undrained shear strength with depth is the pipe-soil contact width. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 27 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS The relation between contact width, B, and the embedment, z, is: for z < D/2 (4.3) for z ≥ D/2 B=D where: D z is the pipe outside diameter including coating is the pipe embedment. Figure 4-4 Correction factor according to /8/ It is assumed that there is no depth effect provided that the penetrated pipe is inside the active Rankine zone. The reference z-level for depth effects, zsu,0, is taken as the seabed for shallow penetrations. For deeper penetrations, zsu,0 is taken as the depth where a tangent to the pipe at 45° intersects the vertical line through the edge of the soil/pipe contact, see Figure 4-5. The reference z-level for depth effects may be expressed as follows: Zsu,0 = 0 (4.4) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 28 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS The shear strength su,0 at the reference z-level for depth effects is taken as: su,0 = su,z=0 + ρ ∙ zsu,0 (4.5) Figure 4-5 Reference level for depth effects in undrained conditions The depth correction factor, dca, is taken in accordance with DNVGL-RP-C212 as dca = 0.3 ∙ su,1 ⁄ su,2 ∙ arctan(zsu,0 ⁄B) (4.6) where su,1 = (su,z=0 + su,0)⁄2 is the average shear strength above the reference foundation level and su,2 = Qv0 ⁄ (B ∙ Nc) is the average shear strength below the reference foundation level. The penetrated cross-sectional area of the pipe, Abm, is taken as: 2 Abm = arcsin(B⁄D) ∙ D ⁄ 4 – B ∙ D⁄4 ∙ cos(arcsin(B⁄D)) Abm = π∙D 2 for z < D/2 for z ≥ D/2 ⁄8 + D ∙ (z – D⁄2) (4.7) Model 2 An alternative model is described in /9/, /10/ and /11/. The vertical force required to penetrate the pipe to the embedment, z, is: (4.8) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 29 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS where: su D z γ’ Abm is the soil undrained shear strength at pipe invert (and therefore a function of z) is the pipe outside diameter including coating is the pipe embedment is the soil submerged unit weight is the pipe submerged cross-sectional area (function of z, Equation (4.7)). The first term of Equation (4.8) represents the soil resistance to pipe penetration. The second term accounts for the soil buoyancy which is enhanced by soil heave by a factor of 1.5 (based on a best fit value to numerical analysis, /10/). More information on this parameter can be found in /11/. At very high embedment ratios (z⁄D>0.5) Equation (4.8) may underestimate the penetration resistance and the penetration estimate should be used with caution. Alternative bearing capacity factors may be found in /31/. 4.2.4 Embedment assessment in drained conditions There are different calculation models available for calculating vertical embedment in drained conditions. The embedment depth will be the depth where the pipe contact force is in equilibrium with the bearing capacity of the seabed soil. The static penetration resistance may be estimated using the following approach: The relation between the contact width, B, and the embedment, z, can be taken from Equation (4.3). The vertical force, Qv, required to penetrate the pipe to the embedment, z, is calculated as: Qv = 0.5 ∙ γ' ∙ Nγ ∙ B + z0 ∙ γ' ∙ Nq ∙ dq ∙ B 2 (4.9) where: γ’ is the submerged unit weight of soil Nq is a bearing capacity factor, see Figure 4-6 Nγ is a bearing capacity factor /12/, /13/, see Figure 4-6 Nγ = 1.5 ∙ (Nq–1) ∙ tanφ Nγ = 2 ∙ (Nq + 1) ∙ tanφ φ B dq z z0 is the friction angle of the soil is the pipe-soil contact width is a factor accounting for depth effects is the embedment at pipe invert is the reference z-level for depth effects. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 30 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-6 Bearing capacity factors for drained conditions It is assumed that there is no embedment effect as long as the penetrated pipe is inside the active Rankine zone, see Figure 4-7. This reference depth, z0, will be dependent on the friction angle of the soil, and can be found by: z0 = 0 for z < D⁄2 ∙ [1 – cos (π ⁄4 + φ⁄2)] for z > D⁄2 ∙ [1 – cos (π ⁄4 + φ⁄2)] Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 (4.10) Page 31 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-7 Reference level for depth effects in drained conditions The depth factor can be taken as: (4.11) It should be noted that the depth effect is usually not important in sands, because of the large penetration needed before it is relevant. The expression for Qv is based on bearing capacity formulae for ideal 2D foundations. Note that if this model is used to predict the expected penetration z for a given contact force, Qv, it may lead to underestimation of the true penetration due to effects of the pipe laying process, see [4.2.5]. 4.2.5 Effect of laying process on embedment General Observations show that the as-laid pipeline embedment is typically much greater than would be expected from the static weight alone, due to motions of the pipeline during laying and the interaction between the pipe and the soil in the touch down zone /14/. Vertical and horizontal motions of the pipeline within the touchdown zone may have significant effects on the penetration of the pipe. The penetration of the pipeline is a result of a complex process, the outcome of which depends on intact and remoulded soil properties, the weight and stiffness characteristics of the pipeline, the pipe motions and the mechanisms of the gradual cycle by cycle additional penetration. The dynamic motions of the pipeline owing to vessel motions are dependent on the sea state during laying, the water depth and the lay tension and may thus vary significantly. Static touchdown factor A reference static touchdown lay factor, klay, can be used to account for the increased vertical pipe-soil force. In the absence of project-specific pipe lay analysis klay may be estimated as /9/: Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 32 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS (4.12) where: klay EI Wi zini T0 is the touchdown lay factor (= Qv/Wi) is the pipe bending stiffness is the submerged pipe weight during installation is the initial pipe embedment after laying is the horizontal component of the effective lay tension in the pipe at touch-down point during installation. Typical values of klay lie between 1 and 3 depending on the seabed stiffness, lay tension, departure angle and pipeline bending stiffness. The touchdown factor increases in stiffer soils where the touchdown reaction is concentrated over a shorter length of pipe. In softer soils, where the reaction is spread over a longer length of pipe, the touchdown factor converges towards unity (but can never be less than one). The parameters 0.6 and 0.4 used in Equation (4.12) have been derived from curve fitting to numerical analyses of the catenary response, with a linear variation of seabed resistance with pipe embedment depth. 0.5 2⁄3 Equation (4.12) applies only for T0>[3∙(EI) ∙Wi] /9/. During conceptual design and in the absence of a pipe lay analysis, the horizontal component of lay tension, T0, can be uncertain. It is then recommended to consider a range of possible lay tension. The embedment is found by first establishing klay,1=Qv/Wi with penetration depth from [] or []. klay,2 is found by inserting klay,1 in the right hand side of Equation (4.12): klay,1=Qv/Wi (4.13) (4.14) The compatible embedment and touchdown factor is found when klay,1= klay,2, as illustrated in Figure 4-8. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 33 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-8 Example of determining touchdown factor and inital embedment Dynamic effects In undrained conditions, /14/ recommends using a vertical penetration model for assessing the initial embedment combined with the remoulded strength to account for dynamic laying effects. In lack of other data this may be a reasonable approach. However, it should be emphasized that this is a simplification, as the pipe will not be pushed vertically into fully remoulded soil, but gradually digs itself down due to a combination of vertical and horizontal pipe movements, see Figure 4-2. In this process the soil is gradually remoulded but engaging new intact soil as the pipe penetrates. The simplification has been proved to provide a reasonable fit for a limited number of installed pipelines, /14/ however there is a need to extend the database with more examples. As-laid surveys will therefore be very valuable in order to increase the confidence in this simplification. For pipe-laying in calm sea states, the use of remoulded strength could overestimate the embedment. As such, when a range in embedment is established based on the above approach, the low estimate embedment should be compared with the static penetration using intact undrained shear strength to represent laying in calm conditions. Note that the approach using the remoulded shear strength is only valid for embedment prediction during installation. When evaluating additional penetration during the hydrotest, a regain of soil strength needs to be considered, and could lead to penetration into intact soil. In drained conditions, the observed embedment of pipelines is often higher than predicted using the submerged pipe weight in a vertical penetration model. The combination of lateral and vertical pipe motions occurring in the touchdown zone during laying may explain the differences. The embedment is therefore strongly related to the sea state during laying. The embedment predictions in drained conditions should be evaluated carefully. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 34 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 4.3 Axial pipe-soil interaction 4.3.1 Description of axial response A typical axial pipe-soil response is illustrated schematically in Figure 4-9. The response is described by an equivalent friction factor, FA/V. The soil behaviour during axial pipe movements may be drained or undrained, depending on the rate and duration of pipe movement, the drainage characteristics of the soil and the pipe surface coating. During an axial pipe movement in undrained conditions, particularly in the first cycle, an initial peak is often observed, followed by decay to a steady residual value. During axial pipe movement in drained conditions, the response is generally ductile with no peak. In analyses of global buckling, a breakout peak generally has little influence on long-term cyclic walking. However, it may affect the axial force profile along the pipeline, end expansions during start-up and the possibility of rogue buckle formation, depending on the brittleness of the response and the magnitude of the pipeline displacements involved. The difference between the drained and undrained resistance is due to the generation of excess pore pressure around the pipe in undrained conditions, and therefore is dependent on the soil state, the tendency for contraction or dilation, and the rate of drainage relative to movement. The soil state may change over many cycles of movement, as the soil surrounding the pipe is repeatedly failed and consolidated. This causes a change in the undrained resistance towards the drained value. These mechanisms are discussed in detail in /15/ and /16/. The axial PSI is usually idealized in structural modelling with an elastic-plastic model that consists of two parameters: the limiting (or residual) axial resistance, FA (or equivalent friction, FA/V), and a mobilization distance, xmob. An initial breakout peak can be incorporated using a piecewise linear axial PSI response. Figure 4-9 Illustration of axial pipe-soil interaction response Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 35 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 4.3.2 Framework for axial pipe-soil interaction General The model for axial pipe-soil interaction (PSI) is based on the following key concepts, which are summarized in Figure 4-10. Further background information and research is described in /3/ and /17/. This research has mainly focussed on the residual resistance. However, the same factors are believed to affect the breakout resistance and will therefore fit into the same framework. On fine-grained silty or clayey soils the axial response may be undrained, drained or in the intermediate transitional zone. In this case, design and assessment should as a minimum be based on separate assessments of drained and undrained axial resistance, with a range bounding both cases being adopted. On coarse-grained soils without silt or clay, it is generally only necessary to consider the drained resistance. Figure 4-10 Conceptual model for axial residual resistance Assessment of drained and undrained resistance Assessments of drained and undrained axial resistance should consider the following: — The undrained resistance consists of a peak (breakout) and a residual value. A peak may be important in buckling design, and the effect of both including and neglecting a peak should be checked. — The drained resistance is usually not significantly affected by large soil displacements/strains. — The axial resistance is affected by the pipe-soil interface roughness and the effective stress level (the undrained strength is also affected by any overconsolidation of the soil). — The axial resistance may be enhanced by a wedging effect, which causes the integrated normal contact force between the pipe and the soil along the contact area to exceed the pipe weight by a wedging factor denoted by ζ. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 36 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Assessment of transitional drainage and consolidation behaviour Characteristic values of axial resistance may be refined by considering the level of drainage and consolidation at the pipe-soil interface. Drainage and consolidation cause the undrained resistance to converge towards the drained resistance. Specific guidance on how to quantify axial friction in the drained-undrained transition are not provided in this recommended practice, as this is an area of ongoing research without clear conclusions. When investigated, the undrained-drained transitional axial friction should be bounded by the undrained and drained axial resistance and should be based on project specific pipe-soil interface testing program and followed up during operation through surveys. When it is not possible to define whether the pipe will respond fully drained or fully undrained, the undraineddrained transitional axial friction may be implemented in the design, alternatively both drained and undrained response should be considered. 4.3.3 Axial breakout resistance Undrained resistance The undrained shear strength underneath the pipe is dependent on the load history the soil has been subjected to. During pipe penetration, the soil underneath the pipe will be at failure until the vertical bearing capacity is high enough to support the contact force during installation. As such, the soil strength at the pipe-soil interface will be degraded towards the remoulded value. Subsequently, the soil will reconsolidate to a higher strength dependent on the soil-pipe contact stresses. It can be assumed that the soil will be reconsolidated in accordance with the normally consolidated strength ratio (su⁄σ’v)NC. The pipe is usually pressure tested with water prior to operation which can lead to further penetration. If the water-filled period is long enough, the soil at the pipe-soil interface will be consolidated to a higher stress level. This can be treated as an overconsolidation compared to the operational case and the effect on the shear strength can be taken in accordance with the SHANSEP methodology /18/. The lay-induced pipe-soil normal stress should not be considered in the assessment as it is only applied for a short period, preventing full consolidation. In absence of specialized interface testing, see [3.3.2], a method to estimate the breakout axial resistance is given in Equation (4.15), written as an equivalent friction factor. Equation (4.15) contains the factors that are considered to affect the pipe-soil axial resistance in undrained conditions. (4.15) where: α is the pipe-soil adhesion or roughness factor, representing the reduction in soil-interface strength compared to soil-soil strength (Su/σ’v)NC is a ratio for the normally consolidated shear resistance versus the consolidation vertical stress. Note that the ratio is stress dependent /19/, as illustrated in Figure 4-11, and at low stress levels the factor is significantly higher than usually reported in literature for traditional geotechnical design situations. Typical range is from 0.25 to 0.5 for non-carbonate soils. V γpre is the static vertical pipe-soil force for the condition considered, e.g. operation is the consolidation preloading effect taken as the ratio between the preloading (e.g. water filled condition) and the static pipe-soil force, V, for the condition considered (e.g. operation). This represents the overconsolidation ratio, OCR, of the soil underneath the pipe. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 37 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS m ζ is a preloading factor that accounts for the long term effect of overconsolidation, being a number less than 1.0. Typical range is from 0.65 to 0.9. , where is the wedging factor, taken as β is the angle defined in Figure 4-12. For z>D/2, the wedging factor is constant. γrate is a rate factor to account for the speed of loading to undrained failure (to be taken as 1.0 for a reference speed of 2 hours to failure, may be increased by 10-15% per log cycle of the rate of loading). Figure 4-11 Stress dependency on shear strength ratio, typical range Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 38 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-12 Definition of angle used to determine the wedging factor Note that recommendations for the normalized shear resistance including preloading effects, effect of pipe roughness and the dependency of the effective stress level are not generally available in the literature. Thus, specific soil tests, e.g. special interface tests described in [3.3.2], are recommended. By doing such tests, the stress dependency and preloading effect can be captured. If such tests are performed it is recommended to specify testing procedures representative for the actual conditions the pipe will experience (e.g. consolidate for the stress conditions under the flooded weight and unloading to the operational stress condition prior to shearing). In lack of such tests, each parameter should be assessed based on engineering judgement to establish a conservative range. Such judgement could favourably make use of available tests for similar conditions related to type of clay, preloading effects and roughness of pipe surface. There is a need in the industry to establish a database containing such test results which can be used to assess the above-mentioned factors in routine design. In soft soils, the soil is disturbed and remoulded by the laying process and then reconsolidated by the pipe weight. Both processes alter the soil strength from the in-situ condition and it is not recommended to relate the long-term axial resistance to the intact undrained shear strength simply by using an adhesion factor, α∙su,intact. In stronger soils, experience shows that the pipe does not become fully bonded to the seabed and therefore the in-situ soil strength (even after adjustment for interface roughness) cannot be mobilized at the pipesoil interface. The apparent lack of bonding may also be related to the uncertainties in defining the shear strength in the upper soil, and that the real strength underneath the pipe is not captured in the soil investigation. During laying, the soil underneath the pipe will be highly disturbed and any consolidation effects cannot be relied upon. The axial resistance will thus be lower than the subsequent consolidated axial resistance due to excess pore pressure in the soil. Drained resistance The drained breakout resistance is governed by the submerged pipe weight, the drained friction angle of the soil and the interface properties, and can be expressed by a friction factor: Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 39 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS (4.16) where: δpeak φpeak rpipe-soil ζ is the peak interface friction angle is the peak friction angle of the soil is the pipe-soil roughness factor is the wedging factor, as given in []. Specialized testing (as described in [3.3.2]) for directly assessing the interface friction as a function of stress-level is recommended. For a given soil, the axial friction for a smooth pipe coating may be as low as 30% of the value for a rough coating /20/. For this reason, it is important to use a representative interface material when performing laboratory testing. In case such tests are not available, conservative assumptions should be made for each of the parameters in Equation (4.16). 4.3.4 Axial residual resistance Undrained resistance The undrained residual friction is believed to follow the same trends as the breakout resistance with respect to stress-dependency. Specialized testing, as described in [3.3.2], for directly assessing the interface friction as a function of stress-level is recommended. The sensitivity of the clay is the measure of how much the intact shear strength degrades when remoulded. As such, it is believed that the soil sensitivity, St, is a parameter that affects the residual friction, however not necessarily being a direct correlation. The residual friction can then be expressed as: μA,res,u = εres ∙ μA,brk,u = εres ∙ α ∙ (su⁄σ'v)NC ∙ γprem ∙ ζ ∙ γrate (4.17) where: μA,brk,u εres is the equivalent peak(breakout) axial friction (from Equation (4.15)) is the residual reduction factor, believed to be in the range 1/St<εres<1. In order to optimize the outcome of the soil investigations/laboratory tests it is recommended to involve relevant stakeholders in an early phase of a project. This will help defining a scope that accounts for project-specific data, such as type of coating (including surface roughness) and any foreseen level of preconsolidation from the water-filled condition. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 40 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Guidance note: As part of the SAFEBUCK JIP, several small scale tests were performed within or made available to the JIP focusing on the residual axial friction. Based on these tests, the preloading factor m was found to range between 0.35 and 0.6, which is significantly lower than expected. Experience from SHANSEP tests shows a range from 0.65 to 0.9. The low m values calibrated from the tests are most likely due to an overestimation of the actual OCR. The reported OCR was related to the consolidation pressure applied for preparation of the clay in the test bin before the pipe was pushed in-place. A comment to the obtained low m factors was that they could be explained by the pipe penetration process, i.e. the pipe is erasing some of the in-situ OCR when disturbing the soil during penetration. The SAFEBUCK tests show the importance of trying to replicate the real stress history of the pipe when carrying out model tests/interface tests. The OCR underneath the pipe usually originates from the pipe weight during the water filled period and the tests should replicate this effect as accurate as possible. ---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Drained resistance The drained residual resistance is usually similar to the breakout resistance, but could potentially be lower due to a lower residual interface friction angle. Equation (4.16) can be used, replacing the peak friction angle with the residual friction angle, φres: μA,res,d = tanδres ∙ ζ = rpipe-soil ∙ tanφres∙ζ (4.18) Specialized testing, as described in [3.3.2], for directly assessing the interface friction as a function of stresslevel is recommended. Published studies (/1/, /2/, /3/ /17/ and /20/and experience indicate that the drained residual interface friction lies in the range of 0.3<μres<1.0 (or 15°<δres<45°) for non-carbonate soils. Results for carbonate clays and silts extend to a higher upper limit of combinations may lie outside this range. μres~1.4 (δres~55°), see also [7.5]. Other pipeline and soil 4.3.5 Axial mobilization displacements In structural modelling of a pipeline, the axial response is usually modelled using a bi-linear elasticperfectly plastic model, which requires specification of the mobilization displacement, xmob. The mobilization displacement defines the initial stiffness and the unload-reload stiffness. If a breakout peak is modelled, xmob is replaced by two mobilization distances, xbrk and xres. The actual response is generally non-linear, with a reduction in tangent stiffness as the axial resistance is mobilized. In assessments of pipe walking, a low value of xmob creates a higher rate of axial walking. To be conservative, a bi-linear fit to the non-linear response should be a tangent fit to the initial part of the axial force-displacement response, which represents the elastic recoverable part, see Figure 4-9. In other situations, such as lateral buckling and feed-in of pipe into the buckle, a higher value of xmob can be more onerous, and the bi-linear fit should be a secant fit to the displacement when FA,brk or FA,res is fully mobilized. In the absence of project-specific assessments, the mobilization displacements can be selected using the advice in Table 4-2. The recommendations may be inaccurate for pipeline properties and soil conditions that are outside of the model test database, see [1.5.1]. For drained conditions, the tabulated high estimates are probably too high. In absence of detailed investigations all values of axial breakout and residual mobilization distance are possible and should be considered in design. Table 4-2 Axial mobilization displacement Axial model Uncertainty case Parameter 1 Bi-linear (i.e. with no breakout peak) Low estimate, LE Best estimate, BE Typical values Minimum of 1.25 mm and 0.0025∙D 1 xmob 2 High estimate, HE Minimum of 5 mm and 0.01∙D Maximum of 250 mm and 0.5∙D Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 41 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Axial model Uncertainty case Parameter 1 Low estimate, LE Best estimate, BE Tri-linear (i.e. with breakout peak) Minimum of 1.25 mm and 0.0025∙D 1 xbrk 2 High estimate, HE Minimum of 5 mm and 0.01∙D Maximum of 50 mm and 0.1∙D 1 Low estimate, LE Best estimate, BE Typical values Minimum of 7.5 mm and 0.015∙D 1 xres 2 High estimate, HE Minimum of 30 mm and 0.06∙D Maximum of 250 mm and 0.5∙D Notes: 1) Represents a tangent fit to the initial part of the axial force-displacement response 2) Represents a secant fit to the displacement when FA,brk or FA,res is fully mobilized 4.4 Lateral pipe-soil interaction 4.4.1 Description of lateral response There are two stages of lateral pipe-soil response behaviour: — First load displacement (monotonic), characterized by a breakout resistance and a steady residual resistance. — Cyclic displacement characterized by the growth of soil berms at the limits of the pipe displacement range, with the pipe descending into a shallow trench. This load scenario may be valid for repeated heating and cooling corresponding to breaks in production at the location of the pipe where lateral buckle displacements occur. The stages above are integrated in the schematic model presented in Figure 4-13. The red line represents the first load response and the blue line the cyclic response. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 42 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-13 Illustration of lateral pipe-soil response This model is appropriate to light pipes that tend to rise after breaking out from the as-laid position. Heavier pipelines (heavy pipes) can move downward in the soil after the initial breakout resistance is mobilized. This downward movement, coupled with the growth of the soil berm ahead of the pipe, leads to a continuous increase in the lateral resistance, rather than a steady value. The model presented in this recommended practice is not applicable to heavy pipes beyond mobilization of the breakout resistance. Limited data is available on heavy pipe behaviour and no general calculation method to assess their behaviour after breakout is included in this recommended practice. If heavy pipe behaviour is expected, alternative solutions should be considered, such as initiation of buckles on gravel carpets or sleepers. If the pipeline tends to penetrate deeper within a lateral buckle during the first buckle initiation or in subsequent cycles of cooling and heating, such penetration will be counteracted by transfer of vertical reaction forces towards the shoulders of the buckle. Such 3D effects are not accounted for in typical 2D testing conditions. Further collection of relevant survey data would improve the background for developing recommended practice. A particular concern of a high berm resistance relates to a situation where the production pressure or temperature is increased at a late stage of the operation of the pipeline. Regular surveys should focus on monitoring berm developments. In clayey soil, heavy pipe behaviour is observed when the pipe-soil vertical force is more than approximately half of the ultimate vertical bearing capacity, as calculated at a penetration at half a diameter (V>2∙su∙D). This is however not a strict limit but special attention should be given when approaching this limit. Heavy pipe behaviour is not observed in sandy soil. In some cases, the vertical pipe-soil force may differ from the pipeline weight (e.g. the touchdown area on either side of free spans, distributed buoyancy sections and natural uneven seabed). In these cases, the recommendations provided in this recommended practice can be followed by adjusting the vertical pipe-soil force V. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 43 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS This section discusses the parameters: — Breakout resistance: calculation models to assess the breakout resistance are given in [4.4.2]. — Residual resistance after breakout: calculation models to assess the residual resistance are given in [4.4.3]. — Mobilization displacements: mobilization displacements are discussed in [4.4.4]. In general, due to the uncertainties in the calculation models, more than one model should be evaluated, see Sec.6. The proposed methods in this section can therefore be considered as examples. Other methods may also be relevant, see [1.4]. 4.4.2 Lateral breakout resistance General The boundary conditions around the pipe are very important when evaluating the lateral breakout resistance. Depending on the pipe motions during laying, different boundary conditions may apply as illustrated in Figure 4-14. Different models are available for calculation of the breakout resistance. It is appropriate to use a theoretical approach or a semi-theoretical approach with empirical adjustment factors, if the boundary conditions of the model are known, e.g. shear strength profile, penetration, contact area, trench geometry, pipe to soil surface roughness. It is recommended to use a model that is capable of varying the above mentioned effects and assess how they influence on the break-out resistance. As the geometrical boundary conditions (e.g. trench geometry) are not known prior to the pipe installation, this represents a challenge in the design phase so the range in the breakout resistance should include different scenarios. Two models are proposed in this section. It is recommended to evaluate various models to assess model uncertainties, see Sec.6. The use of finite element analysis where all parameters affecting the resistance can be defined is recommended for sensitivity studies, see [2.4]. The challenge however remains to identify the range of assumptions needed to capture the likely conditions the pipeline could experience. The boundary conditions (e.g. pipe penetration, trench development etc.) may vary during the operational life, and regular surveys are necessary to ensure that the boundary conditions around the pipe are covered by the original design assumptions. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 44 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Pipe in perfect contact with the seabed – installed in calm sea state Pipe inside a trench – installed in rough sea state Figure 4-14 Effect of boundary conditions and laying effects on the lateral resistance Undrained resistance Model 1 The undrained lateral breakout resistance, FL,brk,u, can be taken as the sum of: — a shear resistance on a horizontal surface underneath the pipe, FL,brk,u,fric, similar to the axial friction (from Equation (4.15)) only without the wedging factor — a remaining resistance, FL,brk,u,remain, due to mobilizing the soil in front of the pipe and at the rear of the pipe (suction). Suction may be considered if the pipe is installed by vertical penetration, assuring good contact with the soil at both sides of the pipe, or when a high lateral resistance is unfavourable. FL,brk,u = FL,brk,u,fric + FL,brk,u,remain FL,brk,u,fric = (4.19) α ∙ (su⁄σ'v)NC ∙ γprem ∙ γrate (4.20) (allowing for suction at the rear of the pipe) (4.21) (not allowing for suction at the rear of the pipe) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 45 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS where: κa, κp are soil pressure resistance coefficients, in the range from 2 to 2.5 is the average undrained shear strength within the active failure zone, typically at a depth equal to z/2 is the average undrained shear strength within the passive failure zone, typically at a depth equal to z/2. The possibility to use anisotropic shear strength being different in the passive and active zone is included. However, it may often be more realistic to use an equivalent average isotropic strength. If there is no suction at the rear, the resistance due to the weight of the soil is added to the passive resistance. When the active suction is included the soil weight terms from the two zones cancel each other out. A simplification in the model is that the passive resistance is taken in accordance with classical earth pressure theory against a vertical surface in front of the pipe. As such, it does not fully capture the real failure surface being affected by the shape of the pipe. Model 2 An alternative undrained lateral breakout resistance model is as follows: (4.22) where: FL,brk,u su D z V γ’ is the lateral breakout resistance in undrained soil conditions is the soil undrained shear strength at the pipe invert depth is the pipe outer diameter including coating is the pipe embedment is the static vertical pipe-soil force for the condition considered, e.g. operation is the soil submerged unit weight at the pipe invert depth. In this equation, the first term reflects the passive resistance related to the shear strength of the soil berm pushed in front of the pipe. The second term is a frictional component and the third term captures the passive self-weight resistance from the soil ahead of the pipe. Equation (4.22) was fitted to a database which comprised of 67 pipe tests on mainly very soft West African clays (su between 0.4 kPa and 9 kPa at mudline). The pipes were generally embedded by monotonic penetration and then broken out laterally at a relatively rapid rate. The nominal pipe bearing pressure, V/D, was generally in the range between 1 kPa and 7 kPa. Results from 5 tests showing heavy pipe behaviour was included in the calibration of this equation. The model uncertainty factor associated with this model is found to be 1.5, meaning that the LE and HE resistance respectively is found by dividing and multiplying Equation (4.22) by 1.5. Note however, that this model uncertainty is related to scatter in test results. Whether these tests have captured all likely scenarios the pipeline will experience in the field is still uncertain. Uncertainties in soil parameters along the pipeline route should also be considered. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 46 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Discussion A disadvantage of model 2 is that the stress-dependency of the frictional part is fixed and does not account for pre-consolidation effects. Model 1 encourages the engineer to use a consistent frictional term both in the axial and lateral direction. Also, the passive resistance relating to the shear strength of the pipe is for model 2 using the shear strength at the invert of the pipe thus not reflecting the shear strength variation between the seabed and the pipe invert, which sometimes may be of significance. The two models are compared in Figure 4-15 for one specific case, however leaving out the frictional term for simplicity. In model 1 the effect of allowing for suction at the rear of the pipe can be investigated and this effect is included in the figure. Allowing for suction to develop at the rear of the pipe could be relevant when a high lateral resistance is unfavourable. The comparison is included to illustrate the effect of suction at the rear of the pipe and may to some extent explain the associated model uncertainty with model 2. Figure 4-15 Comparison of model 1 and model 2 for a typical normally consolidated soil Drained resistance Different models exist for evaluating lateral pipe resistance in siliceous sand. Most methods are empirical formulations fitted to a limited number of tests. However, the testing conditions and the validity range for a given empirical based model are often not well described which makes it difficult to judge whether all relevant scenarios are captured by the test program. The empirical equations are based on the breakout resistance, and have therefore taken the effect of the berm into account. Hydrodynamic effects such as sediment transport and scour could easily with time wash away or build up a berm, leading to changed boundary conditions for the pipe. In order to take these changes into account, the methods have to be based on geotechnical theories rather than empirical equations. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 47 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Model 1 The drained lateral breakout resistance, FL,brk,d, can be taken as the sum of: — friction between pipe and soil underneath the pipe — passive earth pressure when pushing a wedge of soil laterally — the effect of the additional weight of the berm (due to soil heave during penetration). FL,brk,d = FL,brk,d,fric + FL,brk,d,passive (4.23) The passive earth pressure can be taken as: (4.24) The passive earth pressure coefficient, Kp, is dependent on the roughness defined as the shear mobilization on the vertical plane in front of the passive wedge, and can be taken according to classical earth pressure theory, see Figure 4-16. Note that this roughness parameter, r= τv/(σh' ∙ tanφ) is different from the pipesoil interface roughness or adhesion factor. It is not a material parameter, but rather a parameter that reflects the direction of the force transferred to the soil in front of the pipe (or in general terms in front of the foundation) and is as such related to the direction of the load acting on the pipe, see Figure 4-17. The roughness is an uncertain value and requires special attention. For more details regarding how the roughness parameter is defined and how it influences the passive earth pressure coefficient, see /21/. A simplification in the model is that the passive resistance is taken in accordance with classical earth pressure theory against a vertical surface in front of the pipe. As such, it does not fully capture the real failure surface being affected by the shape of the pipe. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 48 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-16 Passive earth pressure coefficient according to classical earth pressure theory Figure 4-17 Definition of roughness parameter When mobilizing the passive resistance, shear stresses in the upward direction acting from the soil in front of the pipe will develop and reduce the effective normal force acting on the sliding plane underneath the pipe. The roughness on the vertical plane in front of the passive wedge is then of importance when determining Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 49 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS the effective normal force underneath the pipe. The upward force acting on this plane cannot be greater than the pipe-soil contact force. Hence, both the roughness and the passive resistance are in principle limited by the pipe weight, and will reduce the uncertainty related to the roughness parameter. For light pipes, the roughness will be close to zero. The frictional term can be taken as: FL,brk,d,fric = rpipe-soil ∙ tanφ ∙ (V – r ∙ tanφ ∙ FL,brk,d,passive) (4.25) where the term (V – r ∙ tanφ ∙ FL,brk,d,passive) cannot be negative. If that is the case, the assumed roughness is too high and shall be reduced. Note that rpipe-soil is a roughness factor between the pipe and soil and is different from r. Figure 4-18 Illustration of lateral failure mechanism in drained conditions, including effect of berm next to the pipe In addition, as illustrated in Figure 4-18, the pipe will get additional resistance from any berm that is built up next to the pipe. A berm will form from soil heave during penetration, and possibly also due to oscillations during laying. To account for the additional berm resistance, the displaced area can be idealized as: (4.26) where Abm is the penetrated cross-sectional area of the pipe, see Equation (4.7), and the second term is the displaced soil due to a horizontal amplitude a. The berm area can then for simplicity be evenly distributed over the extent of the failure surface, xfailure, leading to a modified height, zmod, which is replacing z in Equation (4.24). Note that the failure surface in accordance with classical earth pressure theory is also related to the roughness parameter, as indicated in Figure 4-19. How xfailure varies with friction angle and roughness is given in Figure 4-20. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 50 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-19 Failure surfaces for different roughness parameters (example for φ=40°) Figure 4-20 Normalized failure surface, (xfailure/z), as function of friction angle and roughness Model 2 A relationship to assess drained lateral breakout resistance based on calibration to full scale model tests performed on siliceous sands was proposed in /22/. The breakout resistance is divided into a frictional and a passive component that provides increasing resistance with penetration. FL,brk,d = 0.6 ∙ V + Fp (4.27) where the passive resistance, Fp, is defined as: Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 51 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS (4.28) and FL,brk,d V γ’ D z is the lateral force at breakout in drained soil conditions is the vertical pipe-soil force is the soil submerged unit weight is the pipe outer diameter including coating is the pipe embedment. It should be noted that the tests were performed by first oscillating the pipe laterally until a distance of half the diameter was obtained, and by that creating a berm in front of the pipe. Then it was further pushed through the berm and the breakout resistance was recorded. The published method only relates to achieved penetrations without any evaluation of the effect of how the penetration is achieved. It should also be noted that the tests were carried out using steel pipes. Hence, for other types of coating material, the specified friction factor of 0.6 may not be relevant. Discussion In order to illustrate the effect of the oscillations prior to breakout in the tests reported in /22/, the two models are compared in Figure 4-21. The input parameters are given in Table 4-3. Table 4-3 Input parameters used for comparison of models Pipe outer diameter, D 0.5 m Submerged pipe weight, V 1 kN/m Submerged unit weight of soil, γ’ 9 kN/m Friction angle of sand, 3 φ 40° Pipe-soil interface roughness factor, rpipe-soil 0.6 As the penetration of the pipe gets deeper, the passive resistance becomes more important. In general, the mobilized roughness on the vertical passive surface has large impact on passive earth pressure, as seen from Figure 4-16. Similarly, the roughness is very important for large penetrations for the geotechnical model. However, when limiting the possible vertical shear onto the vertical passive surface to the submerged pipe weight, possible roughness values are limited and accordingly the range in passive resistance reduces as shown in the Figure 4-21 below. No effect of a berm in front of the pipe has been accounted for in model 1. It is seen that the model 2 predicts significantly higher resistance. However, by including the effect of a berm due to oscillations prior to breakout (a/D = 0.5), a good fit can be obtained, as shown in Figure 4-22. The lateral motions imposed to the pipe prior to breakout in /22/ has a large impact. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 52 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-21 Comparison of model 1 and model 2, using compatible roughness Figure 4-22 Comparison of model 1 and model 2, using compatible roughness and accounting for test conditions used in /22/ Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 53 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS It is important to be aware of the uncertainty related to the seabed configuration around the pipe in sandy sediments and how this affects the resistance. Where the pipe after laying lays in a bowl shaped trench rather than with perfect soil contact, see [], the pipe may have to displace and rise within the bowl before breaking through, in the same way as experienced for the cyclic tests with large amplitude oscillations in /22/. For such conditions the embedment as well as the effect of the berm would have to be adjusted when calculating the breakout resistance. Hydrodynamic effects like scour could change the seabed geometry around pipelines, and these effects will vary both along the pipeline and in time. If the berms created during laying are removed due to scour, the lateral breakout resistance would be significantly reduced. In contrast, in areas of limited water depth, where there is a significant hydrodynamic effect with varying erosion and deposition, the resulting effect with time could be a significant self-burial. In this case the breakout lateral resistance could be significantly higher. For a deterministic design and assessment situation this uncertainty has to be captured by analysing different seabed configurations. Model 1 is as such considered more appropriate to use when evaluating different seabed configurations, but it is based on certain assumptions and simplifications. 4.4.3 Lateral residual resistance Undrained resistance The undrained lateral residual resistance may be calculated as: (4.29) where: FL,res,u V D z is the lateral residual force after breakout in undrained soil conditions is the vertical pipe-soil force is the pipe outer diameter including coating is the pipe embedment prior to lateral movement. The numerical parameters in this equation were obtained by fitting the formulation to small scale model test data, with some constraints to reflect theoretical considerations. The equation may therefore show some bias to the underlying database conditions. The model uncertainty factor associated with this model is found to be 1.5, meaning that the LE and HE resistance respectively is found by dividing and multiplying Equation (4.29) by 1.5. Note however, that this model uncertainty is related to the scatter in the test results, and whether these tests have captured all likely scenarios the pipeline will experience in the field is still uncertain. Uncertainties in soil parameters along the pipeline route needs also to be considered. Equation (4.29) was fitted to a database which comprised of 67 pipe tests on mainly very soft West African clays (su between 0.4 kPa and 9 kPa at mudline). The pipes were generally embedded by monotonic penetration and then broken out laterally at a relatively rapid rate. The nominal pipe bearing pressure, V/D, was generally in the range between 1 kPa and 7 kPa. During lateral movement, a light pipe rises from the aslaid position. However, the model was calibrated based on the initial embedment at the start of the lateral movement. As the model does not include any physical parameters as soil strength or weight of the pipeline, it is difficult to assess its applicability outside the conditions of the test database. To increase confidence in the method, there is a need to test the model further against a larger database, possibly also modifying the model to account for other parameters. The method is applicable for pipes where V < 2 ∙ su ∙ D, thus excluding heavy pipes on soft soil. Alternative models to calculate the lateral residual resistance may be found in /52/ and /53/. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 54 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS It should be noted that the tests were performed by moving the pipe sideways but allowing the pipe to move vertically. For global buckling, buckles are not necessarily initiated by the pipe first moving laterally. For some buckles, the pipes may rather lift upwards and then move out of the original trench before they transit into a horizontal buckle. In such cases, initial penetration may not be relevant for determining the residual resistance and Equation (4.29) should be used with care. This would also be the case for the resistance at very large displacements. Drained resistance Model 1 In case of light pipe behaviour, the residual resistance may be considered using the same formulation as for the breakout resistance, see [], but using a shallower penetration depth. For a conservative low estimate, only the frictional component can be used assuming zero embedment. Model 2 The drained lateral residual resistance may be calculated as: (4.30) where: FL,red,d V γ’ Ap is the lateral residual force in drained soil conditions D Dref is the pipe outer diameter including coating is the vertical pipe-soil force is the soil submerged unit weight is the cross sectional area of the pipe (π ∙ D /4) 2 is reference diameter taken as 20 inches (508 mm). The formula was obtained by statistical analysis of available laboratory test data for sand of various densities and pipes from 25 mm to 225 mm diameter, and back-calculated resistances from fitting lateral buckles in existing pipelines. Note that Equation (4.30) gives the mean or best estimate value. Low and high estimates can be taken as: (4.31) (4.32) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 55 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 4.4.4 Lateral mobilization displacements Breakout mobilization The mobilization displacement to reach the breakout resistance, ybrk, is difficult to predict. Experience shows that ybrk primarily depends on embedment, z, apart from for very low values of z/D. Low, best and high estimates of ybrk are given in Table 4-4. These estimates are selected to fit a database for clays, see [1.5.1]. In absence of detailed investigations all values of breakout and residual mobilization distance are possible and should be considered in design. The embedment process (static or dynamic) appears to affect ybrk. Model tests in which the pipe is monotonically pushed to the initial embedment show much smaller ybrk values (and consequently a stiffer lateral response) than model tests in which the dynamic embedment process is simulated. For drained conditions, there are less data available regarding mobilization distances. However, the large ranges given in Table 4-4 are believed also to be representative for drained conditions. Table 4-4 Lateral mobilization distance to breakout resistance Parameter 3 Uncertainty case Typical values 1 Low estimate, LE ybrk Best estimate, BE 2 2 High estimate, HE Notes: 1) The low estimate is a minimum value which considers the model test results from statically embedded pipe data 2) The best and high estimates consider statically and dynamically embedded model test data 3) All values represent a secant fit to the displacement when FL,brk is fully mobilized. No distinction is made between drained and undrained behaviour. Residual mobilization The displacement to mobilize the residual resistance, yres, can be estimated using the values in Table 4-5, which are derived from results in /23/ and the database described in [1.5.1]. In absence of detailed investigations all values of breakout and residual mobilization distance are possible and should be considered in design. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 56 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Table 4-5 Lateral mobilization displacement to residual resistance Parameter Uncertainty case Typical values Low estimate, LE yres Best estimate, BE High estimate, HE 4.5 Soil stiffness 4.5.1 General The soil stiffness should be evaluated differently for static and dynamic analyses. Unless the non-linear soil response can be explicitly accounted for in the pipeline analysis and elastic springs are used to represent the soil response, the non-linearity of the soil has to be accounted for. The stiffness should in that case be a secant stiffness representing the expected load level in the pipeline analysis. The static soil response will relate to a static loading situation, e.g. maximum load. Dynamic stiffness will be characterized mainly by the unloading/re-loading situation. 4.5.2 Static soil stiffness Vertical soil stiffness The static vertical stiffness is a secant stiffness representative for penetration conditions such as during installation and during development of free spans due to erosion. The static vertical stiffness is defined as: KV,s = Qv/z (4.33) where: Qv z is the static vertical soil reaction per unit length of pipe is the vertical penetration of the pipe required to mobilize this reaction. The penetration curve can be established according to [4.2]. Examples of an equivalent secant stiffness at different load levels are illustrated in Figure 4-23. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 57 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-23 Examples of vertical static secant stiffness for different load levels The penetration curves given in [4.2] are based on a wished-in-place philosophy and an ideally plastic failure situation, which means not considering the additional distance required to mobilize the failure mechanism at any given penetration depth. As such, the stiffness may be adjusted by adding a mobilization distance: KV,s = Qv/(z+ δf) (4.34) where: δf is the failure mobilization distance at any given penetration depth, which may typically be taken as 10% of the pipe-soil contact width, B. Lateral soil stiffness The models proposed in [4.4] should be used to establish the lateral resistance curve. The static lateral stiffness, KL,s, should be estimated from these models. Examples of an equivalent static secant stiffness at different load levels relating to a bi-linear lateral resistance model are illustrated in Figure 4-24. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 58 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 4-24 Examples of lateral static secant stiffness for different load levels 4.5.3 Dynamic soil stiffness General The soil stiffness may be evaluated from an equivalent shear modulus of the soil. The shear modulus G, defined as a secant modulus, is a decreasing function of the shear strain amplitude, γc, in the soil. The shear modulus, Gmax, for sands at small strains may be calculated from the following expression /24/: (4.35) where: σa σs es is the atmospheric pressure, 100 kPa is the mean effective stress in soil is the void ratio For clays, the small-strain shear modulus Gmax may alternatively be calculated from the undrained shear strength, su, in the following manner, as a best estimate approximation to laboratory test data /19/: Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 59 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS (4.36) where Ip denotes the plasticity index (in absolute numbers), and OCR is the overconsolidation ratio of the clay. The relation between the secant shear modulus G and the cyclic shear strain amplitude, γc, is typically expressed as a curve of G/Gmax versus γc, with a typical range given in Figure 4-25. More details may be found in e.g. /25/. Such relations should be used with care in particular at large strains, where it is important to assure that shear stresses exceeding the shear strength are not obtained. Figure 4-25 G/Gmax as function of cyclic shear strain, typical range Note that other approaches may also be relevant, and the models presented above can be considered as examples. The soil behaviour during dynamic loading is complex and require specific assessments. Further guidance may be found in DNVGL-RP-C212. For free-span specific scenarios, see [7.2]. Vertical soil stiffness For determination of the dynamic vertical stiffness, KV,d, the following expression may be applied: (4.37) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 60 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS which is based on elastic half space theory for a rectangular foundation under assumption of a pipe length that equals 10 times the contact width between pipe and soil. The Poisson’s ratio for soil, v, can be taken from 0.3 to 0.35 for sand and from 0.45 to 0.5 for clay. More details about elastic soil stiffness can be found in /26/. The main challenge is to estimate an equivalent shear modulus representative for the elastic half space. Lateral soil stiffness For determination of the dynamic lateral stiffness, KL,d, the following expression may be applied: KL,d = 0.76 ∙ G ∙ (1 + ν) (4.38) which is based on elastic half space theory for a rectangular foundation under assumption of a pipe length that equals 10 times the contact width between pipe and soil. The Poisson’s ratio of soil, v, can be taken from 0.3 to 0.35 for sand and from 0.45 to 0.5 for clay. More details about elastic soil stiffness can be found in /26/. The main challenge is to estimate an equivalent shear modulus representative for the elastic half space. 4.6 Soil damping The soil damping is generally dependent on the dynamic loads acting on the soil. It can be distinguished between two different types of soil damping mechanisms: — radiation damping associated with propagation of elastic waves through the yield zone — material damping associated with hysteresis effects taking place close to the yield zone in contact with the pipe. The radiation damping may be evaluated from available solutions for elastic soils using relevant soil modulus reflecting the soil stress (or strain) levels. The radiation damping depends highly on the frequency of the oscillations, and is more important for high frequency oscillations. Soil damping for free spanning pipelines is normally governed by soil material damping. The case-specific modal soil damping ratio, ζsoil, due to pipe-soil interaction may be determined by: (4.39) where the soil damping per unit length, c(s), may be defined on the basis of an energy balance between the maximum elastic energy stored by the soil during an oscillation cycle and the energy dissipated by a viscous damper in the same cycle. The equation may be solved from a finite element analysis of the pipe modelled with discrete soil supports. The viscous damping coefficient ci of support no. i can be calculated from: (4.40) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 61 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS where: ki ζsoil,i ω is the linearized spring stiffness at support no. i is the damping ratio representing support no. i is the angular frequency of the mode considered. Knowing the non-linear hysteretic reaction of a support length the damping ratio representing the support can be calculated as: (4.41) where: EDissipated EElastic is the energy dissipation at support no. i, as illustrated on Figure 4-26 is the equivalent elastic energy at support no. i, as illustrated on Figure 4-26. Figure 4-26 Energy dissipation at soil support, shown in the load-displacement space Because of the soil non-linearity, the equivalent spring stiffness and the damping ratio are dependent on the displacements at the support. For a case-specific determination of the modal soil damping ratio this needs to be taken into account. An iterative solution will be required to assure compatibility between: — the dependency of the — the dependency of the — the dependency of the support displacements — the dependency of the mode-shape on the equivalent support springs oscillation amplitude on the modal damping equivalent springs and the damping ratio of the discrete soil supports on the cyclic modal damping ratio on mode-shape and on support springs and damping ratio. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 62 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS As basis for the iterations non-linear relationships for spring stiffness, ki, and damping ratio, ζi, as function of pipe penetration and cyclic displacements for the relevant soil and pipe diameter are required. Such relationships are qualitatively shown in Figure 4-27, and may be determined either experimentally or analytically. For free-span specific scenarios, see [7.2]. Figure 4-27 Non-linear characteristics of soil stiffness and damping Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 63 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 5 BURIED AND COVERED PIPELINES 5.1 General This section gives recommendations for design conditions relevant for buried pipelines. Unlike exposed pipelines, buried pipelines are designed to stay in place. Thus, the focus in the pipe-soil interaction assessment should be on the behaviour prior to breakout. The condition of the soil surrounding the pipe is the most important aspect in any assessment of buried pipelines. This will to some extent be influenced by the trenching method. Further, the boundary conditions around the pipe (e.g. depth to intact soil conditions below the pipe in the trench) will add to the uncertainties related to selection of geotechnical parameters. Unexpected and poorly defined ground conditions are generally the most commonly re-occurring causes of delays in project schedule and budget challenges. In many cases marine pipeline projects, including buried pipelines, will be particularly exposed to such risks due to their reliance on satisfactory seafloor and subsurface soil properties for trouble free installation and operation. For pipelines that are buried by ploughing or jetting, the largest uncertainty is related to how the trenching method has affected the in-situ strength and stiffness parameters. The soil investigation program needs to consider both the intact soil conditions and the soil conditions following a trenching/jetting operation. The latter may require the construction of a certain length of dummy trench as part of the soil investigation program. In the calculation models presented in this section, it is assumed infinite width of the backfill material. In case of a rock berm with limited width, the contact stresses around the pipe can be different from the assumption. Finite element analyses are then recommended to assess the normal stresses acting on the pipe surface. In general, due to the uncertainties in the calculation models, more than one model should be evaluated, see Sec.6. The proposed methods in this section can therefore be considered as examples. Other methods may also be relevant, see [1.4]. In case pipelines are covered with rock, the effect of soil settlements should be considered. 5.2 Effect of trenching method 5.2.1 Jetting When jetting in soft clay a water-clay suspension is expected to prevail in the trench immediately after trenching. The pipe will be completely surrounded by this material when it is installed in the trench, and the water/clay suspension will gradually settle. Minor penetration of the pipe into the intact material at the bottom of the trench may also be expected. The shear strength of the clay surrounding the pipe will gradually increase from practically zero to that of a normally consolidated clay, depending on the coefficient of consolidation and the thickness of the clay layer. When estimating the reconsolidated strength, uncertainties in both the normally consolidated shear strength ratio, su⁄σ'v, the unit weight and the degree of backfill should be considered. Following the consolidation process the height of the clay backfill will decrease. With time, the clay in the trench will regain shear strength. The regained shear strength is eventually expected to reach a constant level. The upward displacements required to reach the maximum uplift resistance are also likely to be affected by the method of trenching. Jetting may introduce water filled voids in the soil in the trench, but generally the soil in the trench will form a homogeneous material. It is not recommended to rely on any upheaval resistance in a jetted cohesive soil shortly after installation. The upheaval resistance at time of operation needs to rely on the degree of consolidation of the backfilled material. When trenching by jetting in sandy soil, the sand is fluidized before settling which is similar to the process of preparing soil for determination of minimum density in the laboratory /54/. Thus initially after trenching Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 64 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS the sand will have close to zero relative density. Any kind of subsequent loading may densify the sand. One potential source is varying hydrodynamic pressure on the seabed due to waves. This will cause some vertical gradients of the hydrodynamic pore pressures, but more important also impose shear stresses to the soil /55/, which may build up pore pressures in the sand. Such pore pressure build up with subsequent drainage may lead to a densification of the sand, which will be favourable if occurring prior to the operation of the pipeline. However, increased pore pressures will reduce the upheaval resistance compared to that calculated for a fully drained condition. This should be carefully considered if water depth and wave conditions are such that pore pressures may build up during a storm. The shear stress level in the soil may be evaluated from /55/. 5.2.2 Ploughing When the pipe is placed in a soft clay trench formed by a ploughing device with subsequent backfill of the trenched material, the water content of the clay will not increase relative to that of the intact material. Thus the remoulded resistance of the clay as established through sensitivity measurements is likely to represent an expected minimum strength. The regained shear strength with time is eventually expected to reach a strength which is proportional to the effective stresses in accordance with theory for normally consolidated clays, or equal to the remoulded shear strength, whichever is the greater. Ploughing is expected to change the macro structure of the clay by introducing cracks and water-filled voids. When ploughing in a stiff clay, the clay is likely to break up forming lumps of clay, and the upheaval resistance would be related to the interface shear resistance between lumps of clay rather than the shear strength in the clay material. Ploughing in sandy conditions will affect the relative density, however less severe compared to jetting. Subsequent densification due to wave loading may increase the relative density with time, but such positive effects are difficult to quantify. 5.3 Axial pipe-soil interaction 5.3.1 General The axial resistance of a buried pipeline can be determined by investigating two different failure modes; a deep and a shallow mode (as illustrated in Figure 5-1 where a two-layer model is shown). The difference between the modes is whether the soil above the pipe slides axially together with the pipe, or if the shear resistance of the backfilled material is high enough to prevent soil movement of the soil above the pipe. The shallow mode will be governing for low cover heights. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 65 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 5-1 Illustration of axial failure modes for buried pipelines For each scenario the engineer needs to assess the material surrounding the pipe, drainage conditions and loading rate to evaluate whether the soil surrounding the pipe will behave drained or undrained. 5.3.2 Drained resistance A two-layer model, assuming ideal conditions, as given in Figure 5-1, can be used to estimate the axial friction in drained conditions. The equation for the deep mode has been found by integration of contact stresses around the pipe circumference assuming two different layers. The equation for the shallow mode is found by replacing the formula for the upper half of pipe with the vertical shear resistance through the upper layer. The ultimate resistance will be the lowest resistance obtained by the two failure modes. Deep failure mode: (5.1) Shallow failure mode: (5.2) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 66 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS where: μseabed μfill γ’seabed γ’fill K0,seabed K0,fill H D V φfill is the friction coefficient between the pipe and the seabed soil is the friction coefficient between the pipe and the backfilled material is the submerged unit weight of the seabed soil is the submerged unit weight of the backfilled material is the lateral pressure coefficient of the seabed soil is the lateral pressure coefficient of the backfilled material is the cover height (above pipe) is the outer pipe diameter including coating is the submerged weight of pipe is the friction angle of the backfilled material. K0 may be taken as 1 – sinφ of the respective material. Note that Equation (5.1) and Equation (5.2) assume that the pipe is penetrated D/2 into the seabed, which is most likely not the case. Lower penetrations are expected for sandy soils. For pipelines covered with rock and a low friction is unfavourable, it is conservative to use K0,fill also for the lower half of the pipe, as it results in lower normal stresses acting on the pipe. For guidance on axial friction coefficients in rock cover, /27/ presents results from relevant full-scale tests. 5.3.3 Undrained resistance An undrained resistance may be relevant to consider in case of short term loading (e.g. trawl impact for partly exposed pipes lying on clay seabed, see Figure 5-2). For pipes covered with rock Equation (5.1) and Equation (5.2) for drained conditions can be used for the upper half of pipe. The undrained shear resistance around the pipe will be governed by the effective stresses in the reconsolidated soil underneath the pipe, controlled by the same factors as for axial friction for exposed pipes, see []. Buried pipes are, however, exposed to a higher stress level, and the weight of the rock fill and the pipe weight should be used to assess the reconsolidated strength in the underlying clay. In case the backfill material consists of clay, the shear strength acting on the upper half of the pipe will be determined by the weight of the backfilled material, but as mentioned in [5.2], it is challenging to estimate the shear strength of backfilled clay. The same failure modes as for the drained resistance model should be checked, and the ultimate resistance is the lowest resistance obtained from the two modes. Deep failure mode: (5.3) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 67 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Shallow failure mode: (5.4) where: α u,reconsolidated u,bottom,reconsolidated u,backfill,reconsolidated H D is the pipe-soil roughness or adhesion factor is the average value of reconsolidated shear strength around the pipe is the average value of reconsolidated shear strength at the bottom half of the pipe is the average value of reconsolidated shear strength along the vertical failure plane in the backfilled material is the cover height (above the pipe) is the outer pipe diameter including coating. 5.4 Lateral pipe-soil interaction within rock berms The lateral resistance for a buried pipe is usually not a problem when the pipe is protected from anchor and trawl loads by a sufficient burial depth. For buckling analyses, the uplift resistance is usually lower and thus more important, unless the lateral out-of-straightness is high. Exposed pipes that could be exposed to trawl loads are sometimes covered with rock berms at a certain spacing to withstand these loads, see Figure 5-2. Spot dumping is also sometimes used to ensure on-bottom stability. Figure 5-2 Example of trawl loading on partly exposed pipeline, top view The lateral resistance within a rock berm is generally governed by its passive resistance. However, two possible failure modes need to be checked, as illustrated in Figure 5-3: — Failure through the rock berm. — Failure in the underlying material. Close to the toe of the rock berm, the failure will go through the rock due to a lower shear strength. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 68 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 5-3 Possible lateral failure modes for a pipe inside a rock berm with low cover heights The ultimate resistance will be the lowest resistance obtained by the two modes. The failure through the rock berm will be governed by the friction angle of the rock berm material and the effective stresses along the failure line. The inclination of the failure plane that gives the lowest resistance should be sought. The failure in the underlying material will be governed by a lower friction angle and effective stresses (if sand) or the consolidated undrained shear strength (if clay). The resistance can be obtained through a limit-equilibrium analysis or modelled explicitly in a finite element program. Note that the plane failure surfaces indicated in Figure 5-3 inside the rock berm are not valid for large cover heights. For large cover heights, the failure planes within the rock berm will be curved and require the use of finite element programs. 5.5 Uplift resistance 5.5.1 Drained resistance In global buckling analyses of buried pipelines, the uplift resistance is the critical aspect. There are several calculation models available to estimate the uplift resistance, and most include the resistance from the weight and shear resistance through the overlying soil. In /28/, a vertical slip surface through the overlying soil is assumed, and is a simplification, as research has indicated that the slip surfaces are inclined. In /29/, an uplift resistance including the angle of dilatancy is proposed as a more theoretical model. Regardless of the method used to calculate the uplift resistance, it should be kept in mind that in accordance with DNVGL-RP-F110, the low estimate soil resistance should be selected as two standard deviations below the mean or with a fractile in the order of 2% to 5%. Thus best fit relations should not be used without evaluating the uncertainties involved. The main uncertainty for a trenched and backfilled pipe will be the characteristics of the backfilled soil and how this affects the calculated resistance or compares to any test database. Assuming vertical slip surfaces, the total resistance, in terms of weight and integrated shear resistance as illustrated in Figure 5-4 can be written as: (5.5) where: H γ’ is the cover height (above the pipe) is the submerged weight of soil Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 69 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS K φ D is the lateral earth pressure coefficient also accounting for increase in vertical stress during uplift is the angle of internal friction of the backfilled material is the outer pipe diameter including coating. Figure 5-4 Vertical slip model Equation (5.5) can be rewritten as: (5.6) where: f is the uplift resistance factor. The key issue is to assess an adequate uplift resistance factor, f. The uplift resistance factor may be calculated from a drained (peak) friction angle and a lateral earth pressure coefficient or estimated from model test results. If the friction angle is used as basis for the assessment, it should be emphasized that the friction angle should be established at the relevant stress level. Relative density may be used for correlation to drained friction angle when considering the following aspects: — The drained friction angle of a backfill will be dependent on the relative density of the material. This may be found by carrying out laboratory tests, but the in-situ density for the trenched and backfilled material has to be estimated. — The relative density may in-situ be established through cone penetration test (CPT) measurements, considering though that established relations between cone resistance and density generally have less accuracy in the low stress region. Backfilled material will have different density than the in-situ soil, so insitu CPT tests would be non-conservative to use. — Relative density is a poor measure for gravel and rock. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 70 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS — As a consequence, any interaction between the uplift resistance factor and other relevant soil parameters shall be evaluated carefully. Equation (5.5) was fitted to uplift tests, and it was found that different values of the lateral earth pressure were needed for different types of sand. The assumptions needed to obtain the best fit with tests are given in Table 5-1. It should be noted that a good fit for medium dense and dense sand was found by adopting a passive earth pressure coefficient using a roughness close to -1. This relates to having a full mobilization of shear resistance along the assumed vertical failure surface when mobilizing the passive wedge on the outside. Table 5-1 Results for best estimates of uplift resistance factor φ(°) K model Roughness r Best estimate f Loose 30 K0 N/A 0.29 Medium 35 Kp -1.00 0.47 Dense 40 Kp -0.97 0.62 Sand type A slightly simpler, empirical model for the low estimate uplift resistance factor, fLE, is found to be: (5.7) where the friction angle, φ, is given in degrees. Best estimate and high estimates can be found by adding 0.19 and 0.38 respectively to the low estimate values. Figure 5-5 presents the variation in the uplift resistance factor with peak friction angle. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 71 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 5-5 Uplift resistance factor vs peak friction angle For gravel and rock backfill, the uplift resistance factor is expected to be similar to dense sand, i.e. between 0.6 and 1.0. The displacement required to mobilize the uplift resistance, Fuplift, is uncertain. In /56/ it is indicated that the mobilization distance can be as high as 0.1 times the height H for loose sands. Note that in such loose sands, the soil above the pipe may be compressed before the failure surfaces are developed, requiring additional displacements to fully mobilize the uplift resistance compared to denser material. For pipes deeply embedded in very loose sand, failure may be triggered by a flow around mechanism before changing to a failure mode extending to the surface. Additional discussion regarding uplift resistance and mobilization distances may be found in /57/. For gravel and rock backfill, a mobilization distance equal to 0.01 times the height H is considered appropriate. A bi-linear or tri-linear curve is typically used. The initial stiffness in a tri-linear model should be carefully assessed. The validity range of Equation (5.7) with respect to soil cover ratios is as follows: Loose sand: Medium/dense sand/rock fill: When backcover or rock dumping to above the virgin seabed is performed, such cover material should be scour resistant. Tolerances for rock dumping should be accounted for when specifying cover heights. Note, as discussed in [5.2.1], that for pipes being buried by jetting in sand the backfilled sand will be very loose and may not be covered by the above experimental tests. Such very loose sand also has a high potential for liquefaction, whereby no uplift resistance will result. Buried pipelines with low specific weight would under such a condition float up even when not exposed to high temperature or pressure. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 72 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 5.5.2 Undrained resistance This subsection applies to pipelines buried by jetting or by ploughing in soft clay where the backfilling operation form a uniform material with no major voids. Ploughing in stiff clay with subsequent backfilling will result in a backfilling consisting of lumps of clay, where the upheaval resistance will be governed by the shear strength at the interface between the lumps. There are mainly two different failure modes that govern the development of uplift resistance in undrained conditions: — a local soil failure mode where the soil above the pipe is displaced around and beneath the pipe — a global soil failure mode where a wedge extending to the soil surface is lifted together with the pipe. The local soil failure mode will be a simple function of the shear strength at the depth of the pipe, whereas the global soil failure mode implies a combination of weight and shear resistance in the overlying soil. The two failure modes are illustrated in Figure 5-6. The ultimate resistance will be the lowest resistance obtained by the two modes. For a sustained uplift force, a drained model may be more appropriate also in clay. Regarding the applicability of a drained or undrained model in clay, it will be up to the geotechnical engineer in cooperation with the pipeline engineer to assess the loading and drainage conditions in any specific case. Effect of undrained creep should also be considered when selecting an appropriate undrained shear strength profile. It should be noted that there are significant uncertainties related to the properties of backfilled clay, and the alternative solution to install the pipeline on the clay seabed and cover it with rock is the recommended approach to provide more reliable uplift resistance. Regardless of the method used to calculate the uplift resistance, it should be kept in mind that in accordance with DNVGL-RP-F110, the low estimate soil resistance should be selected as two standard deviations below the mean or with a fractile in the order of 2% to 5%. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 73 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Figure 5-6 Vertical failure modes for uplift resistance in undrained conditions Local failure mode: The local failure mode will be a function of the reconsolidated shear strength within the failure mode around the pipe: (5.8) where the bearing capacity factor, Nc, corresponding to a deep failure mode is in the range between 9 and 12, /30/. The case considered in /30/ is related to the deep failure mode of laterally loaded piles with constant undrained shear strength. The last term in Equation (5.8) represent a soil buoyancy effect. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 74 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Global failure mode: The global failure mode assumes that the soil above the pipe is lifted together with the pipe, and two vertical failure planes are formed. The total resistance is similar to the drained resistance model. However, the shear resistance through the overlying soil is governed by the average undrained shear strength along the assumed failure planes: (5.9) For both the global and local failure mode, the average shear strength within the failure surface should be used. The user should have the failure mode in mind when selecting an appropriate average shear strength, . The average shear strength to be used in the two equations is likely to be different. The assumption of vertical slip planes is a simplification. Other formulae or approaches may be more relevant for pipelines, e.g. finite element analyses to determine uplift resistance for various shear strength profiles that account explicitly for linearly increasing undrained shear strength with depth /31/. Regardless of the chosen methodology to calculate the uplift resistance, the main challenge is to define the shear strength of backfilled clay, see [5.2]. 5.6 Rock fill over backfilled clay In case backfilled clay is covering the pipe and additional rock is used to increase the uplift resistance, the full effect of the additional weight and shear resistance from the rock cannot be mobilized until the pipe has moved through the clay and obtained contact with the rock particles. The initial failure mode will in that case be a local failure within the backfilled clay, and the only benefit of adding rock on top will be that the added weight will consolidate the soil, leading to a higher shear strength of the clay. When taking account for such increase of the shear strength the time for consolidation should be considered. Also when adding rock on top of a very soft clay within a narrow trench, full effect of the additional rock may not be achieved because of the much higher compressibility of the soft clay inside the trench as compared to the intact clay at both sides of the trench. This may cause part of the rock fill weight above the trench to be transferred to the intact clay on both sides. A 2D consolidation analysis should be performed to evaluate such an effect. The possibility of an inclined failure should also be evaluated, depending on soil conditions, trench geometry, out-of-straightness, lateral extent of rock cover etc. 5.7 Downward resistance and stiffness Pipelines laid on soft clay, may buckle downwards instead of upwards. Pipelines on soft clay may also experience downward displacements that influence the initial out-of-straightness of the pipeline. Also for upheaval buckling, the downward stiffness at the shoulders is important to estimate the pipe curvature and bending stresses. The load-displacement curve is non-linear and is dependent on the undrained shear strength underneath the pipe. The soil strength underneath the pipe is further determined by its load history. The undrained shear strength will deviate from the in-situ shear strength because of effects of pipe laying, trenching, hydrotest, weight of backfill/rock fill etc. The downward resistance may be calculated similar to the models for penetration resistance for exposed pipes in [4.2], but accounting for the overburden pressure and possibly a deep failure mode. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 75 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 6 TREATMENT OF UNCERTAINTIES 6.1 General Soil data to be used as a basis for geotechnical analysis are usually encumbered with uncertainty, both in terms of natural variability and in terms of limited amounts of data. The selection of characteristic values of soil properties for use in geotechnical design and assessment is often based on subjective judgment and accumulated experience, and the uncertainties which are involved with the soil properties are only to a limited extent brought into the picture when the characteristic values are chosen. Uncertainties associated with geotechnical data have many sources and may be divided into the following two main types of uncertainty: — aleatory uncertainty, i.e. physical uncertainty — epistemic uncertainty, i.e. uncertainty related to imperfect knowledge. Aleatory uncertainty is also known as inherent uncertainty and intrinsic uncertainty and is a natural randomness of a quantity such as the variability in the soil strength from point to point within a soil volume. Such physical uncertainty or natural variability is a type of uncertainty which cannot be reduced. Epistemic uncertainty consists of statistical uncertainty, model uncertainty and measurement uncertainty, which are all classified as a type of uncertainty associated with limited, insufficient or imprecise knowledge. Epistemic uncertainty can in principle be reduced by collection of more data, by improving engineering models and by employing more accurate methods of measurement. Statistical uncertainty is uncertainty due to limited information such as a limited number of observations of a quantity, e.g. a limited number of soil strength values from a limited number of soil samples tested in the laboratory. Model uncertainty is uncertainty due to imperfections and idealizations made in: — Applied engineering models for representation and prediction of quantities, such as soil resistances. — Choices of probability distribution types for representation of uncertain quantities. Model uncertainty involves two elements: a bias if the model systematically leads to overprediction or underprediction of a quantity in question and a randomness associated with the variability in the predictions from one prediction of that quantity to another. Advice on the statistical treatment of uncertainty in soil data is given in DNVGL-RP-C207. 6.2 Considerations for pipeline design and assessment 6.2.1 General Shear strength variations along a long pipeline route may be large. Typically, the obtained data from soil investigations will not cover the potential local variability as shown in the example in Figure 6-1, where soil investigations are performed every second kilometer. By looking at all the data from the soil investigations, variations in shear strength will be large and could be represented by a wide probability distribution function. If however, the design situation is governed by the soil conditions locally compared to the spacing of the soil investigations, the range established for the entire route would be too wide. For example, in the formation of a lateral buckle, the soil conditions within 100 m to 200 m would be governing for the response of the pipeline. If soil investigations had been made to capture the soil conditions within such a short distance, the range would be narrower. Ideally, such detailed soil information would be preferable, but is not possible to obtain along the entire route. For each design situation, the designer needs to evaluate whether a high or low value of shear strength is unfavourable and estimate a range to be used based on the available information. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 76 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Guidance note: High and low estimates of characteristic values are cautious estimates, i.e. they are – in statistical terms – estimates with confidence. For estimation of characteristic values with confidence, see DNVGL-RP-C207 and DNVGL-RP-C212. Note that the terms lower and upper bound are also frequently used in the industry. However, these terms may give the impression that we have perfect knowledge and that these bounds are absolute limits for the quantity in question. This is never the case, and the terms low and high estimates are considered more appropriate and used consistently throughout this recommended practice. ---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Figure 6-1 Example of how soil conditions may vary along the pipeline route with respect to the available soil data The range in soil resistance shall in addition to soil variability also reflect other uncertainties, such as assumptions of laying effects and uncertainties related to selection of calculation method. Note that the specific pipeline recommended practices may have different approaches on how to combine low, best and high estimates for different pipe-soil interaction parameters. Because of the uncertainties in governing soil parameters, load effects, idealization of calculation models etc., it is difficult to define universally valid methods for simulation of pipe-soil interaction effects. The limitations of the methods used, whether theoretically or empirically based, shall be thoroughly considered in relation to the problem at hand. Extrapolation beyond documented validity of a method shall be performed with care, as Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 77 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS shall simplifications from the problem at hand to the calculation model used. In general, the use of more than one calculation approach is recommended. It is recommended to enhance the confidence in the chosen engineering models by carrying out field monitoring. It can then be confirmed if the operating behaviour of the pipeline is consistent with the design assumptions. General requirements related to the execution of surveys can be found in DNVGL-ST-F101. A contingency plan for intervention, appropriate for the uncertainty in the design assumptions is also recommended. Note that it may be difficult to back-calculate specific pipe-soil interaction parameters as there are many sources of uncertainties related to installation effects and local variations. 6.2.2 Model uncertainties When evaluating the uncertainties or a probability distribution related to a certain type of soil resistance it is important to take into account that there may be model uncertainties that need to be accounted for in addition to the uncertainties related to the parameters that enter into the model. Such uncertainties relate to: — The scatter around the fit between measured and calculated resistance when empirical methods are applied. The shape of the probability distribution associated with this model uncertainty can be obtained from a relevant test database. — Different boundary conditions” between the test database and the real conditions for the pipeline, including when model parameters for the design condition is outside the range found in the test database and when the tests do not include load steps which real pipeline will experience. Such differences between the testing conditions and the real conditions may also lead to systematic errors. Therefore, it is important that the background for any method is clearly defined. Boundary conditions in this context include shear strength variations around the pipe accounting for effects of remoulding and penetration during laying, subsequent reconsolidation including consolidation for a waterfilled condition during pressure testing, depth of penetration, contact area, trench geometry, pipe to soil surface roughness etc. Such boundary conditions may be a larger source of uncertainty than the calculation algorithm for defined boundary conditions or the uncertainty related to physical, e.g. geotechnical, parameters entering the algorithm. It is important that the engineer understands the limitations of a given model. Model uncertainties may be captured by using alternative models. The shape of the probability distribution of these effects is often unknown and is most probably correlated (e.g. a large laying effect will give higher penetration and probably also change the lateral geometrical boundary conditions). These effects will not necessarily create a wider range around the best estimate value, but rather shift the range in one direction as compared to any single calculation model. As many of the sources to the uncertainty have unknown probability distributions, a deterministic approach is favourable compared to a probabilistic approach. A suitable design range will in that case include a certain degree of engineering judgement. If employing probabilistic analyses a model uncertainty probability distribution should be rather wide and would not necessarily be centred about the applied method if only one method is considered. As there are many different calculation models available and most are empirical, it is important that for each specific model, a sensitivity check is performed with reasonable ranges of input parameters entering into the model to identify the uncertainty of the total resistance. It is recommended to evaluate different calculation models in order to better capture the modelling uncertainty of a given design situation, see also [1.4]. For the models based on geotechnical principles provided in this recommended practice, the modelling uncertainty is unknown. However, the idea is that if the models are capable of representing different scenarios and include the most important input parameters, a suitable range in the quantity (e.g. soil resistance) can be found by defining ranges for relevant input soil parameters and parameters that defines the model conditions. An example of different model conditions can be seen in Equation (4.21) where the user can either account for suction at the rear of the pipe or not in the calculation of lateral breakout resistance. Finite element analysis where all parameters and conditions affecting the soil resistance can be defined is considered to be the preferable approach to carry out sensitivity studies, see [2.4]. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 78 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 6.2.3 Combinations of uncertainties It should be kept in mind that it could be overly conservative to combine the extremes of each parameter range entering into the calculation models as the extremes will usually not occur in the same position. For example, there is negative correlation between shear strength and embedment depth, such that an extremely large embedment is not likely to occur in a position with an extremely high shear strength. In general, for a specific calculation model, the input parameters which have the largest effect on the end result should be given more weight than less important parameters. There may also be correlations between different pipe soil interaction characteristics (e.g. lateral breakout resistance and lateral residual resistance). In some cases, the uncertainties can be reduced by carrying out specific studies, see /32/. It should be noted that it is not possible to identify all uncertainties and corresponding probability distributions related to parameters affecting pipe-soil behaviour. Using a full statistical treatment to obtain ranges to be used in design is not considered applicable as engineering judgement will still be required to assign reasonable probability distribution functions for all relevant input parameters including model uncertainty. It may however still be used by as a tool in PSI assessments by qualified geotechnical engineers. In any case, when evaluating range of resistances, it is important to use engineering judgement to qualitatively consider possible correlations between parameters. Considering the complexity in pipe-soil interaction, it is obvious that the ranges used in design should be larger than what is required for traditional foundation design. It is recommended to perform sensitivity studies of the pipeline performance at an early phase of the project to identify the pipe-soil interaction parameters that are most important for the behaviour and integrity of the pipeline, to understand which parameters require the most attention during the subsequent detail design phase. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 79 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 7 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 7.1 On-bottom stability 7.1.1 Comment to the generalized approach in DNVGL-RP-F109 On-bottom design according to DNVGL-RP-F109 are based on empirical soil models. When using empirical models, it is in general very important to understand their background and the limitations with respect to validity ranges of the models. Tables presented in DNVGL-RP-F109 for the generalized method are based on dynamic analyses following strictly the methodology in /33/ for clay and /22/ for sand, allowing for an increased penetration for small oscillations prior to breakout. The research which formed the basis for DNVRP-F109 was tailor-made for this purpose, and the models in /33/ and /22/ are best fits to large-scale pipe test results. Consequently, the generalized approach in DNVGL-RP-F109 does not consider the model uncertainty of the soil model. However, despite its empirical basis, it has been used since the early 1980s. It should be noted that in the development of DNVGL-RP-F109 the empirical models in /33/ and /22/ were slightly modified. Also, slightly different formulations exist in various published sources. To avoid confusion, the full set of equations from /58/ is included in App.A The generalized method in DNVGL-RP-F109 does not relate to absolute stability, but is a prescribed equivalent stability approach allowing for large displacements which is calibrated against dynamic time series analyses of several sea states where extended models of those presented in /33/ and /22/ were used. Although these models not being state-of-the-art methods, experience gained shows that the overall design approach using the design tables in DNVGL-RP-F109 are conservative for most cases. This may not only be due to the geotechnical model but also due to conservatisms in the hydrodynamic model. The generalized method in DNVGL-RP-F109 using the tabulated values may therefore still be used. The soil model for clay is developed based on tests primarily in soft clay (su < 8 kPa), but also on some tests on stiff clay (su = 70 kPa). The tests cover a large range, but only extremes within the expected range of soil strengths. It should also be noted that there is limited information available about other soil characteristics of the tested soils. The proposed friction factor is in /33/ stated to be 0.2, which indicates that pre-consolidation effects are not included. Consolidation due to the pipe weight and pre-consolidation due to an increased weight in the water-filled period during the hydrotest would give a more beneficial initial condition for the pipeline. Note however, that for assessment of stability in the short period after laying or flooding, a friction factor less than 0.2 is possible due to the excess pore pressures remaining in the soil. The soil model for sand in /22/ is based on tests on sand with a large range in initial relative density varying from 5% to 100%. It is important to note that the model for estimating breakout resistance have been based on tests where soil berms are built up by oscillating the pipe prior to breakout. As shown in [], this has a large impact and the model should not be used to assess absolute stability, i.e. when assuming no pipe displacements prior to breakout. The way the tests were performed probably also changed the relative density from its initial value. For on-bottom stability assessments, the soil models given in [4.4] may be used to document absolute stability. On-bottom stability design according to DNVGL-RP-F109 assumes an unstable pipe on a stable seabed. For sandy soils susceptible to scour and sediment transport, this is not the case as the seabed particles are more unstable than the pipe. The recent research activities within on-bottom stability of pipelines have focused on fluid-structure-seabed interaction. In sandy soils, the development of scour underneath the pipe may positively lead to self-burial of the pipe, protecting it from hydrodynamic loads and also increase the soil resistance. Scour on either side of the pipe may negatively reduce the effective embedment and soil resistance. This is a complex process, and design methodologies taking these effects into account have not yet been developed. For more information, see /34/. The physical phenomenon would be that scour underneath parts of the pipeline would result in free spans. As the scour develops further it will create a longer free span, and eventually the pipe will sag into the free span. When a free span develops, the pipesoil contact forces at the shoulders will increase as it also needs to carry the weight of the free-spanning pipe section. As sand is a frictional material, it will increase the soil resistance at the shoulders. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 80 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 7.1.2 Soil liquefaction Soil liquefaction denotes the phenomenon that the soil loses a significant part of or all its shear strength. Residual liquefaction may occur due to cyclic shear stresses, imposed by waves or earthquakes, that generate excessive pore pressure until the soil loses a significant part of its shear strength. Instantaneous liquefaction may occur if a steep wave travels over a loose soil inducing an upward-directed pressure gradient under the wave trough /55/. Obviously, soil liquefaction will affect both vertical stability, i.e. sinking and floatation, and lateral stability. Depending on the specific gravity of the pipe, soil liquefaction may make a heavy pipe, laid on the seabed, sink into the soil and bury itself, or make a light, buried pipe float up through the soil. Models do exist to predict possible liquefaction. However, some rather sophisticated in-situ and laboratory soil tests are required to quantify input parameters to these models, see /35/ and /36/. 7.2 Free spanning pipelines 7.2.1 General Pipe-soil interaction is important when evaluating the static equilibrium configuration and dynamic response of a free spanning pipeline. The following functional requirements apply for modelling of soil resistance: — The seabed topography shall be well represented by a vertical profile along the pipeline route. The spacing of data points characterising the profile should be sufficiently small to describe the actual roughness of the seabed. — The modelling of soil resistance shall account for non-linear contact forces vertical to the pipeline, e.g. lift off. — The modelling of soil resistance shall account for sliding in the axial direction. For force models this also applies in the lateral direction. — Appropriate short- and long-term characteristics for stiffness and damping shall be applied, i.e. for static and dynamic conditions. 7.2.2 Simplified soil damping If no detailed assessment according to [4.6] is carried out, the soil contribution to modal damping, be taken from Table 7-1 or Table 7-2. Interpolation is allowed. ζsoil, may Note that the simplified soil damping given in Table 7-1 and Table 7-2 are valid only for single spans and to the first mode of oscillation. Whereas they are considered to be conservative for a traditional single span situation, the tabulated values could be non-conservative to use for a multi-span situation or for investigating higher modes of a long single span. Table 7-1 Soil contribution to modal damping [%] for sand φ Horizontal (in-line) direction L/D [°] <40 100 >160 <40 100 >160 Loose 28-30 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.4 0.8 Medium 30-36 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 Dense 36-41 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 Friction angle, Sand type Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Vertical (cross-flow) direction L/D Page 81 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Table 7-2 Soil contribution to modal damping [%] for clay Undrained shear strength, su Clay type Firm-stiff Very stiff – hard Vertical (cross-flow) direction L/D <40 100 >160 <40 100 >160 <25 4.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 25-100 2.0 1.4 0.8 1.2 1.0 0.8 >100 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 2 [kN/m ] Very soft – soft Horizontal (in-line) direction L/D For pipes supported by rock, values for the soil contribution to modal damping may be taken as for dense sand. The damping recommendations are based on work described in /37/. Two types of tests were performed: — A string-model test where instrumented pipes with a cantilevered free end into a pre-made ditch were excited both vertically and laterally to establish the global damping response of the pipe. — A sectional test where a pipe was penetrated vertically and loaded cyclically in vertical and lateral direction while measuring the force displacement relationship. Here the sectional response (per unit length) of the pipeline was established for different levels of cyclic force or displacement. The response measured was the integrated response of the surrounding soil. Tests were performed on two types of soil: a soft clay and a medium-to-dense sand. The resulting global behaviour of the string model was checked against the sectional model using a finite element beam model with discrete modelling of soil stiffness and damping. The results related to soil stiffness and damping from the tests were then used to analyse real free span conditions of single spans with varying length-to-diameter ratios in a finite element beam model with discrete modelling of soil stiffness and damping. In this way, modal damping ratios were calculated for soil conditions similar to those tested. Assumptions were made to cover other soil conditions. 7.2.3 Soil stiffness When evaluating Gmax from Equation (4.35) the mean effective stress, σs, in the soil at the span support may be calculated from the stress conditions at a representative depth below the pipe. The representative depth may be assumed equal to the contact width B in Equation (4.3). The following formula may then be applied: (7.1) where: K0 γ’ V B L Lsh is the coefficient of earth pressure at rest is the submerged unit weight of soil is the submerged weight of pipe per unit length is the pipe-soil contact width is the span length is the span support length on one shoulder (for transfer of one-half the weight of the free span). Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 82 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Note that for pipes on clay, when estimating Gmax from Equation (4.36), the clay might not be consolidated for the weight of the pipe in the temporary phase immediately after pipe laying. The span support length, Lsh, which is the contact length between pipe and soil on one shoulder, depends on span length, soil stiffness of the shoulders, soil type, shoulder geometry, and submerged weight and stiffness of the pipe. 7.2.4 Simplified soil stiffness The vertical and lateral dynamic stiffness, KV,d and KL,d, may be calculated in a simplified manner as follows when the topographical conditions are not complex, when the soils are non-stratified and homogenous, and when no detailed analysis is carried out for determination of the soil stiffness according to [4.5.3]: (7.2) (7.3) in which D, is the outer pipe diameter including coating [m] and the coefficients CV and CL are taken according to Table 7-3 and Table 7-4. ρs/ρ is the specific mass ratio between the pipe mass (not including added mass) and the displaced water. It shall be assessed whether the soil behaviour is drained or undrained. Typical values of Poisson’s ratio are given in [4.5]. The expressions are valid for 1.2 < ρs/ρ ≤ 2.0. The tabulated values in Table 7-3 and Table 7-4 are based on the formulae in [4.5.3], using typical parameters for each soil type under the assumption of homogenous conditions. Table 7-3 Simplified dynamic stiffness factor and static stiffness for pipe-soil interaction in sand Sand type Friction angle, φ Cv 5/2 [kN/m [°] CL ] KV,s 5/2 [kN/m ] [kN/m/m] Loose 28-30 10500 9000 250 Medium 30-36 14500 12500 530 Dense 36-41 21000 18000 1350 Table 7-4 Simplified dynamic stiffness factor and static stiffness for pipe-soil interaction in clay with OCR=1 Clay type Undrained shear strength, su Cv KV,s [kN/m <12.5 600 500 50-100 Soft 12.5-25 1400 1200 160-260 Firm 25-50 3000 2600 500-800 Stiff 50-100 4500 3900 1000-1600 [kN/m ] Very soft Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 5/2 CL 2 ] 5/2 [kN/m ] [kN/m/m] Page 83 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Clay type Very stiff Undrained shear strength, su 2 [kN/m ] Cv 5/2 [kN/m CL ] KV,s 5/2 [kN/m ] [kN/m/m] 100-200 11000 9500 2000-3000 >200 12000 10500 2600-4200 Hard For free spans supported by sand, the lateral dynamic stiffness, KL,d, should be calculated under the assumption of loose sand properties to properly account for effects of complex soil mobility, including erosion and self-burial. The axial dynamic stiffness is usually not important. However, when long free spans are considered, it is important to include an axial soil-support model with friction and stiffness. If no information is available about the axial dynamic soil stiffness, it may be taken as equal to the lateral dynamic soil stiffness, KL,d. 7.2.5 Axial and lateral soil resistance The available capacity for transfer of axial loads between pipe and soil should be considered. Axial frictional stresses may exist between pipe and soil, e.g. formed by residual stresses from the pipelay. When such axial stresses are present, they may prevail over long distances far back from the point of separation between pipe and soil on the shoulder of the free span. The axial friction will be limited by the interface shear resistance, see [4.3]. In areas with lateral movements of the pipe, typically on the shoulders near the free span, the available surface friction needs to be shared between axial and lateral stresses. This interaction will probably reduce both the axial and lateral resistance at the shoulders and should be considered. 7.3 Design philosophy of support fills 7.3.1 General The purpose of this section is to discuss the design of and the safety aspects related to stability of rock fills in order to assure a safe situation for the pipeline while avoiding overly conservative and cost-driving design of gravel fills with regard to stability. In such an evaluation it is necessary to consider the consequence of a rock fill failure as well as the probability of failure. The consequences and probabilities of failure may vary in time and a risk assessment may offer possibilities to optimize the design. In general, the requirements to a low probability of failure should be stricter the higher the consequences. Therefore, the purpose of the fills related to the pipeline design is essential. A pipe support that is required to fulfil the ultimate limit states (ULS) operational safety requirements of the pipeline should have a low probability of failure, whereas e.g. supports required in order to increase fatigue life, could be allowed to have a higher probability of failure. This would especially be so for those fills where the pipe has relatively high fatigue life of say more than one or two years in unsupported condition, considering the possibility for inspection and re-establishing any failed supports, and the fact that for a fill where all static loads have been applied, the major cause for failure in operational condition would be earthquake loading. Carrying out a risk assessment study in the early phases of the project taking the factors mentioned in this section into account could lead to significant cost savings in areas where rock fills are required and there is possibility of foundation failure for such fills. An optimization of safety and cost should involve: — Identifying fills that are essential with respect to pipeline safety, for which one should assure that foundation failure does not occur. Detailed stability analyses are required based on reliable soil data. — Evaluating costs related to detailed soil investigations and stability analyses against possible future costs related to rectification for foundation failures taking place either during construction of the fills or later, e.g. due to earthquake. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 84 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 7.3.2 Design calculations The design calculations should be carried out with appropriate methods capturing the critical failure mechanisms in the rock berms and underlying soil. Recognized limit-equilibrium analyses may be used for this purpose. When soil layering affects the geometry of the failure mode, it is recommended to use finite element analyses. Different parts of the gravel fill will either be driving or resisting failure, in particular when counter fills are required to achieve stability. However, all parts of the fill are recommended to be modelled by their characteristic load, i.e. with a load factor γf = 1.0. For any loads on top of the fill a load factor larger than γf = 1.3 is recommended for foundation design in DNVGL-OS-C101. A material γm should be applied to the shear strength of the supporting soil and the rock fill. For rock fills with high consequence of failure a material factor not lower than γm = 1.4 is recommended, but this needs to be 1.0 should be applied, and factor evaluated case by case, and the choice of material factor is particularly dependent on how the characteristic shear strength is selected in relation to the available soil data, see [7.3.3]. In shallow waters, hydrodynamic forces from wave and current may give a net driving force on the rock fill that should be taken into account. The design wave should be taken in accordance with DNVGL-ST-F101. When applying hydrodynamic pressure, this should be applied to the entire fill and to the seabed outside the fill, in order also to account for the stabilising part of the loading. The most critical phase of the wave should be sought. Any rock fill for which failure during operation has a large consequence should be designed to resist earthquake. When failure of the rock fill has minor consequences to the integrity of the pipeline and when the support can be re-established as required after the earthquake, design for earthquake may be omitted. The response of the rock fill may be limited displacements or complete failure as a result of degradation of the soil strength. Failure may occur during the earthquake or shortly after. The latter may for example occur in clay where the post-earthquake static strength will reduce with time shortly after the earthquake because of creep effects. For verification of stability against earthquake quasi-static analyses applying accelerations from a free-field response spectrum may be performed. This may be a solution where the rock fill has a high safety against failure for static loading. Alternatively, a more explicit earthquake analysis should be performed as a 2D or 3D site response analysis modelling the geometry of the fill and where the earthquake motions are applied as input motions at the bedrock or at a sufficiently deep stiff soil reference layer. Cyclic degradation of the strength may be difficult to account for explicitly in the analyses, but could be accounted for iteratively based on the cyclic and static strains in the soil obtained from the analyses. 7.3.3 Uncertainties in soil conditions The soil conditions of the upper soil layers vary along the pipeline route. Traditional soil investigations performed for pipeline design do not allow for an optimal design of each individual support because soil data is not site specific for every respective fill. Therefore, the general approach is to check the foundation stability of the rock fills by using the established lower bound shear strength along parts of the route having similar soil deposits. By doing this, one will most often use a conservative shear strength for all of the rock fills, and for the majority of fills, this will actually be significantly conservative. For an optimal design of a specific rock fill where uncertainties with respect to soil shear strength is reduced to a minimum, several soil borings and/or in-situ tests, e.g. CPT, have to be performed within the area of a potential soil failure surface. This should be considered for rock fills where the consequence of failure is large, either by imposing a pipeline ULS failure, or where there are large economic impacts of having to rectify a stability failure. 7.3.4 Likelihood of soil failure versus time Soil failure may take place during, and most likely towards the end of the rock-dumping process. Since the largest uncertainty relates to the soil conditions, this is also the most likely time for any failure to occur. If Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 85 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS the soil is almost at failure at the immediate time of completing the dumping, undrained creep of the soil (clay) may cause failure within the first few days after dumping. After the first week, consolidation of the soil for the new stress situation will tend to increase the shear strength. For failure to occur in this situation, an additional load will have to be applied. The only additional static loads applied are loads from the pipe and from the special structures (PLETs, PLEMs, etc.) placed on top of fills. The rock fills will normally be constructed a certain time period before pipelines or structures are installed and additional loading are applied to the rock fills. The effect of consolidation during this time period will vary, depending on the magnitude of effective stresses as compared to pre-consolidation stresses, but will in general improve the strength of the soil and thereby also make the fills more stable with time. When placing structures with significant weight onto a fill this would still be the critical condition for which the fill should be designed. Early failures will be detected during dumping or by the post-dump survey, and the consequences would be to re-establish the failed fills with more gentle slopes or using additional counter fills. If the detailed geometry survey is performed too shortly after the dumping in relation to possible late undrained creep failure, a rough survey to detect such failures is suggested a week or more after dumping. 7.4 Penetration of falling objects Rock or gravel cover is the most common protection method for pipelines. Based on full-scale tests the energy absorbed in rock material, Ep, when a falling pipe penetrates, can be described as: (7.4) where: γ’ D Apipe z Ny, Nq is the effective unit weight of the soil material is the outer diameter including coating of the faling pipe is the plugged area of the falling pipe is the penetration depth are bearing capacity factors. The bearing capacity coefficients can be chosen as Nq = 99 and Nγ = 137 for falling objects onto rock fills. Τhe effective unit weight for a typical rock fill may be taken as 10 kN/m3. Guidance note: The use of the plugged area of the pipe in Equation (7.4) should be seen in context with the size of the stones in the rock fill material. If the pipe diameter is small compared to the diameter of the stones, the full cross section of the pipe can be used. If the pipe diameter is large, however, an equivalent area where the pipe circumference is multiplied by the stone diameter may be used. ---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- For non-tubular objects, like containers, the energy absorption in rock can become higher. The following two equations are proposed for penetration of side edges and corners of containers: for side edges of containers Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 (7.5) Page 86 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS for corners of containers. (7.6) Where sγ is a shape factor equal to 0.6, and L is the length of the impacting side. The energy absorption of different objects is given in Figure 7-1. Figure 7-1 Absorbed energy in gravel Energy absorption in natural back-filled sand is considerably lower than for rock. Natural back-filled sand is very loose, and pipes may not plug in sand. Bearing capacity factors for sand can be taken from Figure 4-6. Effective protection against dragged commercial ship anchors can be obtained by burying the pipeline. The required depth will depend on the size of the anchors of the passing ships and the local soil conditions, i.e. how deep the anchors will penetrate. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 87 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS 7.5 Carbonate soils 7.5.1 Definition A soil is classified as carbonate soil if it contains more than 50% of calcium carbonate /38/. Most carbonate soils are composed of large accumulations of the skeletal remains of marine organisms, such as coralline algae, coccoliths, foraminifera and echinoderms, although they also exist as non-skeletal material in the form of oolites, pellets and grape-stone. Carbonate deposits are abundant in the warm, shallow tropical waters, such as offshore Africa, Australia, Brazil and the Middle East. 7.5.2 Characteristic features Carbonate soils have important characteristic features that distinguish them from terrigenous silica seabed materials. Particles of skeletal carbonate material can be highly angular with rough surfaces and intra-particle voids, leading to a soil fabric that is very open and compressible. Non-skeletal carbonate particles may be rounded and solid, but are still susceptible to crushing or fracturing due to the low hardness that calcium carbonate has as compared to quartz. A typical granular carbonate soil will be characterized by a high void ratio (and low density), high compressibility due to the high initial void ratio and the crushable nature of the individual particles, and a high friction angle due to angularity, roughness and interlocking of the particles. Carbonate sediments are susceptible to transformation by biological and chemical processes over time. Older sedimentary deposits that may have been sub-aerially exposed at some stage in geological life are prone to cementation, which completely alters the mechanical properties of the sediment. The cementation may occur over a flat horizon, forming a caprock layer near the seabed, or may occur in irregular discontinuous lenses. The engineering properties of uncemented carbonate soils differ from silica rich soils in the following ways: — Calcium carbonate has a low hardness value compared to quartz. This leads to relatively high crushability of carbonate soils at relatively low stress levels. — Carbonate soils often have large porosity, resulting in high void ratio and low density, and are therefore more compressible than soils from silica deposits. However, they generally exhibit higher friction angles than equivalent silica soils. — The undrained cyclic strength of carbonate soils is generally lower than for most silica soils and permeability also tend to be lower. Consequently, carbonate soils are generally more susceptible to liquefaction under the action of cyclic loading. — More detailed description of these features and experimental data can be found in /38/ to /44/. 7.5.3 Pipeline response on carbonate soils A pipeline may be viewed as a special type of strip footing that has a circular cross-section. Therefore, its behaviour in carbonate sediments is in many ways similar to that of shallow foundations in the same soil. Experimental evidence indicates that pipeline response in carbonate soils is characterized by the following features, see /45/ to /48/: — Approximately linear vertical load-displacement response. — Relatively large lateral displacement to achieve the ultimate resistance. A pipeline on low density calcareous sand may typically move laterally two or more diameters before developing ultimate soil resistance, compared with one half to one diameter for a pipeline on silica sands. — Cyclic loading induces larger embedment than in silica sand. — Load-displacement response typically exhibits a ductile strain hardening response (except where the pipe is embedded below its equilibrium depth), unlike in silica sands that generally exhibit post-peak strain softening behaviour. — Significant excess pore pressure may accumulate under cyclic environmental loads acting on the pipe, and wave pressure loading imposed to the seabed, compared to silica soils. This is because such sediments Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 88 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS are more prone to degradation and compaction under cyclic loading and tend to have larger coefficients of consolidation than typical silica sands, and consequently, carbonate soils have a higher propensity for liquefaction than silica soils. 7.5.4 Pipe-soil interaction model Theoretical models assuming drained soil behaviour, have been developed for pipe-soil interaction in carbonate sands within the framework of soil plasticity. These models link the displacement increments of a pipeline with the load increments through a non-linear stiffness or flexibility matrix. This approach enables straightforward incorporation of the pipe-soil interaction model into the full structural analysis of a pipeline. Simplified expressions for calculating the ultimate lateral soil resistance of pipelines have also been derived for basic pipeline stability assessments. Detailed descriptions of these models are given in /47/ and in /49/ to /51/. In most real situations, pipeline-seabed interaction in carbonate soils is much more complex than assumed in a model assuming drained conditions. Local pipe-soil interaction and large scale wave-soil interaction shall both be considered, and this is further complicated by partial undrained behaviour of the seabed soil in many cases. Therefore, a comprehensive model is required to describe pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines under realistic wave and soil conditions. An appropriate model should be able to predict: — Accumulation of excess pore pressure in the seabed soil due to wave actions acting directly on the seabed and due to cyclic loading on the pipeline. — Resulting strength/stiffness degradation of the seabed soil in the vicinity of the pipeline. — Pipeline embedment, i.e. self-burial of the pipeline. — Increase in lateral resistance due to self-burial. Such a model has not been presented within the public domain. As a general guide, local properties of the carbonate soils should be determined, which allows development of a model for local use. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 89 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS SECTION 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY 8.1 Bibliography /1/ Najjar SS, Gilbert RB, Liedtke E, McCarron B, Young AG. Residual shear strength for interface between pipeline and clays at low effective normal stresses. 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Liquefaction Around Buried Pipe Lines. Behaviour of Offshore Structures – BOSS ’97, Volume 1, p. 99-108. /56/ Thusyanthan NI, Mesmar S, Wang J, Haigh SK. Uplift Resistance of Buried Pipelines and DNV-RPF110 Guidelines. Proc. Offshore Pipeline Tech. Conf., Amsterdam, 2010. /57/ Stuyts B, Cathie B, Powell T. Model uncertainty in uplift resistance calculations for sandy backfills. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 53(11), 2016, p. 1831-1840. /58/ DNV, On-Bottom Stability Design of Submarine Pipelines, October 2010, DNV-RP-F109. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 93 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS APPENDIX A SOIL MODELS FROM DNV-RP-F109 (OCTOBER 2010) A.1 General The development of DNVGL-RP-F109 was based on the work presented in /22/ and /33/. However, the equations used for passive resistance for both sand and clay were slightly modified compared to those presented in /22/ and /33/. As there exists some confusion with regards to the formulations of the empirical methods, the full set of equations from /58/ are given below. The nomenclature in [A.4] is valid for Equation (A.1) to Equation (A.4). A.2 Initial penetration Sand: (A.1) Clay: (A.2) A.3 Passive soil resistance Sand: for κs ≤ 26.7 (A.3) for κs > 26.7 Clay: (A.4) Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 94 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS A.4 Nomenclature D Fc FR Fz pipe outer diameter (including coating) = wS – FZ passive soil resistance vertical hydrodynamic (lift) load GC Su zpi zp WS γs γ’s undrained clay shear strength initial pipe penetration pipe penetration (general) submerged pipe weight dry unit soil weight submerged unit soil weight κC κs Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 95 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS Changes - historic CHANGES - HISTORIC There are currently no historical changes for this document. Recommended practice — DNVGL-RP-F114. Edition May 2017 Page 96 Pipe-soil interaction for submarine pipelines DNV GL AS About DNV GL Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification, technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our experts are dedicated to helping our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener. SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER