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00-Third-Test-H-2022 (2)

Golden Guide For Toppers
Third Year 2022 - 2023
 H
Sample Test (H)
Units (1-6)
‫ االجابات املتكررة عن اسئلة االختيار من متعدد لن تقدر ويتم تقدير االجابة االولي فقط‬: ‫تنبيه مهم‬
A- Vocabulary and structure
 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
good to see you again. We haven’t seen each other …… a long time.
 1- It’s
a- for
b- so far
c- when
d- since
singers kept together …………, their performance was successful.
 2- All
a- Despite
b-Due to
c-As a result
…………. languages to younger pupils.
 3- Schools
a- are taught
b- teaching
c- teach
d- are being taught
TV presenter is keen on keeping good eye …….. with his guests.
 4- The
a- contact
b- contract
c- communication d- connect
 5- Farah failed the test because she ……………. attending class.
a- isn’t
b-had not been
d-has not been
 6- The rocket exploded after leaving the ………site.
a- landfill
b- lunch
c- building
d- launch
 7- Which option is not a good way to finish an email to a close friend?
you soon
b- Yours sincerely
c- Goodbye
d- All the best
 8- a-Mr.SeeAhmed
got us study the lesson. That means he……us to study.
b- enforced
 9- a-I wasn’t
paying attention while cooking and I let the food ……….
to burn
b- burning
c- burn
d- burned
10- a-Have
you considered ………… to your family about your feelings?
a- to talk
b- talk
c- talking
d- to talking
11- What
………………. the fire caused by?
c- had had
d- being
 a- did
12- The advertising campaign resulted in sales increases. The antonym of
 “results in” is ……………
a- led to
b- resulted from c- happened
d- reduced
13- Doctors keep the health…...... of all their patients, so they know what illnesses 
have had in the past.
 they
a- paper
b- records
c- placements
d- figures
you are eighteen, you ………….a car.
14- Until
a- will drive
b- hadn’t driven c-will not drive d- haven’t driven
………….. useful information that we nearly know.
15- Ita-was
b- such a
c- too
d- such
sure the outside of you is a good ………..of the inside of you.
16- Make
a- thinking
b- reflection
c- opinion
d- face to face
 1 
Golden Guide For Toppers
17- People …….to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.
b- tend
c- tender
d- trend
 a- tension
18- We speak several languages …………. our own.
 a- too
b- but
c- as well as
d- also
suggest that we ……. to the sham El-Nessim festival in Egypt next year.
 19- I’ll
a- go
b- gone
c- going
d- goes
 20- The metro is packed with………..going to their work.
a- commuters
b- customers
c- commute
d- voyagers
 21- Hana always …….. and frowns if she doesn’t get what she wants.
b- smirks
c- smiles
d- pouts
 22- a-Helaughs
had to wear ear ………..since his neighbours were having a party.
a- speakers
b- plugs
c- bugs
d- headphones
 23- The
bridge over the valley is built on a ……..scale than the one over the river
 a- big
b- bigger
c- biggest
d- the biggest
time next week, we will ………. our sister’s birth date.
 24- This
a- be celebrating
b- be celebrated
c- to celebrate
d- have celebrated 
should ………… pay the fine or go to prison.
 25- He
a- neither
b- not only
c- either
d- but
 26- He hasn’t played tennis since he was in the club last week. This means that 
 he
a- he is still playing tennis in the club
c- he hasn't played tennis before 
played tennis in the club a week ago
d- he didn't play tennis last week
 27- b-It’sheworth
…………his car repaired.
b- to make
c- to getting
d- having
 a- let
28- I like working here ………. the people are very friendly.
 a- as
b- however
c- so
d- owing to
………. you that the flight has been delayed.
 29- Ia-regret
b- told
c- to tell
d- tell
of people ……. looking at the sculptures.
 30- Thousands
a- plan
b- promise
c- decide
d- enjoy
 31- We had a meeting and everyone went home …………….
b- at the same time
c- afterwards d- as soon as
 32- a-They
couldn’t afford ……. new coats for the children.
to buy
b- buy
c- to buying
d- buying
 33- a-................
on vacation, I met my future fiancée.
b- While
c- Although
d- Despite
 a- After
got …………… little patience with children that he can’t be a teacher
 34- He’s
a- enough
b- such
c- so
d- such a
you mind ………. some pictures of your trip on Facebook?
 35- Do
a- to share
b- sharing
c- to sharing
d- share
 36- When writing a formal report, you should use .......................
a- contractions
b- exclamation marks c- a pencil
d- passive forms
 2 
Golden Guide For Toppers
37- Jack is as ……… as Henry.
b- envious
c- enviest
d- envier
 a- envy
38- She is believed to ………… lots of problems during her childhood.
 a- face
b- be faced
c- have faced d- facing
is a system which consists of simple physical robots.
 39- ………..robotics
a- Swarm
b- Solo
c- Media
d- Intelligent
 40- My wife was busy ……… the flat, so she didn’t go out with us.
a- clean
c- to clean
d- cleans
 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Many of the problems which face governments nowadays are international ones.
 Take
traffic, for example, all the major cities of the world are having to try to find 
of dealing with too many vehicles and the congested roads which they cause. 
 ways
A large number of the vehicles which clog our cities are private cars. Motorists
 are very reluctant to leave their precious cars behind and go to work on public 
despite the constant traffic jams. They regard buses, trams and trains are
 transport,
being for other people, while they themselves like to drive from door to door. Thus, 
are always chock-a-block with traffic.
 ourOfroads
course, parking space is not always available. Some firms provide car parks or
 garages, where at least some of their employees can leave their cars. Most people, 
however, have to rely on public car parks, often multi-storey ones, or else try to park
 in the street. Since this is usually highly restricted, with many parking meters in 
parking is a source of frustration to many motorists.
 evidence,
Even ordinary people only respect the traffic law when they see a traffic
because they are afraid of paying a fine. The authorities in more and more 
 policeman
cities are trying to keep cars out of the city centre. With this aim, they have
 introduced park-and-ride schemes so that people will leave their cars at the city 
and complete their journey by bus.
 boundary
Still, there are fears that ever-increasing traffic will cause gridlock in cities, 
in rush hours.
 particularly
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
are rush hours ?
41- What
a- Hours with too much stress
c- Hours with too much minutes
Hours with too much pollution
d- Hours with too much traffic
42- b-Which
cars most make a city crowded ?
 a- public cars b-cheap cars c-expensive cars d-private cars
43- One reason for traffic jams is that not enough people …………..
c-park in city centers
 a- own private cars
b-take public transport
d-speed on the roads
44- Which word can the underlined idiom “chock-a-block” be replaced by ? 
a- parked
45- What does the underlined pronoun “they” refer to ?
a- Vehicles
 3 
Golden Guide For Toppers
46- Parking is a source of ………… to many motorists.
b- happiness
c- joy
47- a-In disappointment
which case do ordinary people follow traffic rules ?
see a policeman
c- If they are in a hurry
 a-b- IfIf they
they are on highways
d- If they have enough time
way to ……….. the number of cars entering the city area is introducing 
48- One
park-and-ride schemes.
c- cultivate
d-cut down
 a- increase
 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
 Recall the worst time of your life and try to remember that one person who stood 
by you in this hour of crisis. Your friend was there for you, comforting, reassuring
 and supportive. Friends are people we love to spend time with. They give us 
when we are lonely, support us unconditionally and accept us despite our
 company
shortcomings. They make celebrations fun, and they help us be ourselves. Friends 
help us grow at a spiritual level. Each soul is on a journey. Friends are guides 
 also
who come into our lives, play their roles and move on. Don't we all have friends who
 we were very close to at one point, but with whom we are no longer in touch now? 
drifted away from our life when their role as guide was over.
 They
Here are some tips for a successful friendship: First, start a relationship with the 
expectations. Don't expect too much. Starting a friendship with high 
 right
expectations makes you judge the friend and his actions at every step. Second, stop
 being judgmental. If you are too judgmental, you might focus only on the negatives 
and miss out on some of the finer qualities your friends might possess. Third,
 understand that we all grow and change. Hence, it is important that you don't judge 
by their past actions. Always give them another chance. Finally, it is
 people
important to communicate clearly what you are feeling. Honest communication
 leads to the right expectations.
the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
 49- Choose
Friends accept our …………
b- money
c- disadvantages
d- advantages
 50- a-wealth
Judgmental people focus only on the……….. sides of the character.
b- interesting c- sad
d- bad
 51- a-Every
person has……………..
sides only
c- good and evil sides
 a-b- negative
positive sides only
d- just bad sides
support us without any ……………….
 52- Friends
a- help
b- condition
c- expectation
d- love
underlined word "company" refers to……………
 53- The
a- An organization for producing goods
An organization for selling goods
 b-c- The
state of having others around you
 d- The case of losing all dear people
 4 
‫‪Golden Guide For Toppers‬‬
‫…………… ‪54- You should always give a friend another‬‬
‫‪c- glance‬‬
‫‪d- chance‬‬
‫‪ a- appointment b- look‬‬
‫?‪55- Why should one start a relationship with the right expectations‬‬
‫‪ a- To avoid shocks‬‬
‫‪c- To gain shocks‬‬
‫‪To gain shocks‬‬
‫‪d- To get friends' support‬‬
‫‪ 56- b-According‬‬
‫?‪to the passage, when do friends drift away from our life‬‬
‫‪they are wise enough‬‬
‫‪c- when their role ends‬‬
‫‪ a-b- when‬‬
‫‪when we need them much‬‬
‫‪d- when they get jobs as guides‬‬
‫‪ Choose the Correct Arabic Translation:‬‬
‫‪57- Never has there been such a wide choice of attractive foods for housewives. ‬‬
‫‪they are running jobs and homes, producers and manufacturers use‬‬
‫‪ Since‬‬
‫‪all their expertise to make pre-packed foods available within easy reach.‬‬
‫‪ . A ‬مل يسبق أن كان هناك هذا اخليار الواسع أللوان الطعام اجلذابة للزوجات وألنهن يدرن الوظائف‬
‫واملنازل معا فإن املنتجني واملصنعني يستخدمون كل مهاراتهم لصنع طعام معبأ ومتاح وسهل‬
‫املنال ‪.‬‬
‫‪ . B‬مل يسبق أن كان هناك هذا اخليار الواسع أللوان الطعام اجلذابة لربات البيوت وألنهن يدركن‬
‫‪ ‬الوظائف واملنازل معا فإن املنتجني واملصنعني يستخدمون كل مهاراتهم لصنع طعام معبأ ومتاح‬
‫‪ ‬وسهل املنال ‪.‬‬
‫‪ . C‬مل يسبق أن كان هناك هذا اخليار الواسع أللوان الطعام اجلذابة لربات البيوت وألنهن يدرن‬
‫الوظائف واملنازل معا فإن املنتجني واملصنعني يستخدمون كل مهاراتهم لصنع طعام معبأ ومتاح‬
‫‪ ‬وسهل املنال ‪.‬‬
‫‪ . D ‬مل يسبق أن كان هناك هذا اخليار الواسع أللوان الطعام اجلذابة لربات البيوت وألنهن يدرن‬
‫الوظائف واملنازل معا فإن املنتجني واملصنعني يستخدمون كل مهاراتهم لصنع طعام حملل ومتاح‬
‫وسهل املنال ‪.‬‬
‫‪58- A lot of people worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many ‬‬
‫‪ employees say this has increased their efficiency and saved time and effort. ‬‬
‫‪ .A‬عمل الكثري من الناس من املنزل خالل جائحة كوفيد ‪، 19-‬ويقول العديد من العلماء إن هذا زاد‬
‫من رفاهيتهم ووفر الوقت واجلهد‪.‬‬
‫‪ .B ‬عمل الكثري من الناس من املنزل خالل جائحة كوفيد ‪، 19-‬ويقول العديد من املوظفني إن هذا‬
‫‪ ‬زاد من كفاءتهم ووفر الوقت واجلهد‪.‬‬
‫‪ .C‬عمل الكثري من الناس من املنزل بعد جائحة كوفيد ‪، 19-‬ويقول العديد من أصحاب العمل إن‬
‫هذا زاد من نشاط املوظفني ووفر الوقت واجلهد‪.‬‬
‫‪ .D ‬أقام الكثري من الناس فى املنزل خالل جائحة كوفيد ‪، 19-‬ويقول القليل من املوظفني إن هذا زاد ‪‬‬
‫‪ ‬من كفاءتهم ووفر الوقت واجلهد‬
‫‪ 5 ‬‬
Golden Guide For Toppers
59- Egypt has many amazing works of ancient engineering such as Abu Simbel
 temples. Which were carved into a cliff in 1250 BC.
‫ مصر لديها‬.A
 ‫ اليت مت حنتها يف منحدر‬. ‫األعمال الرائعة للمهندسني القدماء مثل معابد أبو مسبل‬.‫العديدامليالدمن‬
‫ قبل‬1251 ‫عام‬
 ‫ اليت مت بناؤها يف منحدر‬. ‫ مصر لديها العديد من األعمال الرائعة للهندسيه القدمية مثل معابد أبو مسبل‬.B 
‫ قبل املي‬1251 ‫عام‬
 ‫ اليت مت حنتها يف منحدر‬. ‫من األعمال الرائعة للهندسة القدمية مثل معابد أبو مسبل‬.‫عديدالد‬
‫ مصر لديها ال‬.C
.‫بعد امليالد‬1251 ‫ عام‬
‫ مصر لديها‬.D
 ‫ اليت مت حنتها يف منحدر‬. ‫من األعمال الرائعة للهندسة القدمية مثل معابد أبو مسبل‬.‫العديدالد‬
‫ قبل املي‬1251 ‫عام‬
60- Innovation is endless. The more man seeks progress and welfare, the more 
invents things that make life easier. However, do you think all inventions
 he
don’t have negative aspects ?
‫ كلما سعى إىل‬،‫ فكلما ابتكر االنسان أشياء جتعل احلياة أسهل‬،‫ االبتكار ال نهاية له‬. A 
‫ هل تعتقد أن كل االخرتاعات ليست هلا جوانب إجيابية ؟‬.‫ ومع ذلك‬،‫ التقدم والرفاهية‬
‫ كلما اشرتى أشياء جتعل‬، ‫ فكلما سعى االنسان إىل التقدم والتطور‬،‫ االبتكار ال نهاية له‬. B
‫ هل تعتقد أن كل االخرتاعات ليست هلا جوانب سلبية ؟‬.‫ ولذلك‬، ‫ احلياة أسهل‬
 ‫ كلما ابتكر أشياء جتعل‬، ‫ فكلما سعى االنسان إىل التقدم والرفاهية‬،‫ االبتكار ال نهاية له‬. C 
‫ هل تعتقد أن كل االخرتاعات ليست هلا جوانب سلبية ؟‬.‫ومع ذلك‬، ‫احلياة أسهل‬
‫ كلما ابتكر أشياء‬، ‫ فكلما سعى االنسان إىل التقدم والرفاهية‬،‫ الرفاهية ال نهاية له‬. D 
‫ هل تعتقد أن الرفاهية ليست هلا جوانب سلبية ؟‬.‫ومع ذلك‬، ‫جتعل احلياة أسرع‬
the Correct English Translation:
‫عليك دائما أن تستمع جيدا الراء االخرين ووجهات نظرهم وأن حترتمها حتى وان كانت تتعارض جزئيا‬
.‫أو كليا مع ما تفرتض أنه صحيحا‬
should always listen carefully to and respect the opinions of others and
 a. You
their views, even if they contradict partially or completely with what you
assume is true.
should always listen carefully to and respect the opinions of others and
 b. You
their views, even if they collect partially or completely with what you assume
is true.
should always listen carefully to and respect the opinions of others and
 c. You
their views, even if they contradict partially or completely with what you
resemble is true.
d. You should always listen carefully to and respect the opinions of others and
their reviews, even if they contradict partially or completely with what you
assume is true.
 6 
Golden Guide For Toppers
62‫تولي احلكومة املصرية اهتماما عظيما لتحسني معيشة املواطنني فى كل أحناء مصر وخاصة‬
.‫ وتعترب مبادرة حياة كرمية خري دليل على ذلك‬،‫ الريف والعشوائيات‬
 a- The Egyptian organisations pay great attention to improving the lives of 
citizens in all cities of Egypt , especially the countryside and slums, and the
 Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that.
 b-The Egyptian government pays great intention to improving the lives of 
in all parts of Egypt, especially the countryside and slums, and the
 employees
experiment for a Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that .
 c-The Egyptian government pays great attention to moving the lives of citizens 
upper Egypt , especially the countryside and slums, and the Decent Life
 inInitiative
is the best proof of that.
 d- The Egyptian government pays great attention to improving the lives of
in all parts of Egypt , especially the countryside and slums, and the
 citizens
Decent Life Initiative is the best proof of that.
63- ‫ هل‬.‫ سيعمل معظمنا عرب االنرتنت مبساعدة الذكاء االصطناعي‬،‫ خالل العام أو العامني املقبلني‬
‫ تعتقد أن هذا سيمكننا من حتقيق املزيد من التقدم ؟‬
Within the next year or two, most of us will be working online with the help of
 a-Artificial
Intelligence Do you think this will enable us to achieve more progress?
 b- Within the next year or two, all of us will be working online with the help of 
Artificial Intelligence. Do you think this will enable us achieve more progress? 
c-With the next year or two, most of us will be working online with the help of
Artificial Intelligence Do you think this will enable us to believe more progres?
 d- Within the next years, most of us will be working online with the help of Artificial 
Do you think this will enable us to realize more ambitions?
64- Intelligence.
.‫يرتدى فنانى احتفال أوبت أزياء حتاكى مهرجات أوبت القديم احلقيقى خالل مصر القدمية‬
 a. Performers of the Opet Festival celebration wear costumes that memorize the 
real ancient Opet Festival during ancient Egypt.
of the Opet Festival celebration wear clothes that mimic the real
 b. Performers
ancient Opet Festival during ancient Egypt.
 c. Performers of the Opet Festival celebration wear costumes that mimic the real 
ancient Opet coronation during ancient Egypt.
d. Performers of the Opet Festival celebration wear costumes that mimic the
real ancient Opet Festival during ancient Egypt.
 7 
Golden Guide For Toppers
Choose the correct answer
 65- Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
really is a beautiful girl but nobody likes a compulsive liar.
 a-b- She
She really is a beautiful girl but, nobody likes a compulsive liar.
 c- She really is a beautiful girl, but nobody likes a compulsive liar.
She really is a beautiful girl; but, nobody likes a compulsive liar.
 66- d-When
handling the body of an argumentative essay on the disadvantages
 of homeschooling, we can use:
Most people prefer homeschooling to save their children from being
 a-infected
with COVID-19.
 b- I’m strongly in favour of homeschooling even if precautionary measures 
strictly followed at school.
 c-are
Those who don’t support homeschooling believe that their children are
deprived of practising useful activities at school.
 d- In my opinion, I see that we can achieve all the outcomes of learning
through homeschooling.
 67- Punctuation in the marks used to divide a piece of ……… into sentences, 
 phrases etc.
a- hearing
b- listening
c- speaking
d- writing
 68- The following is part of a/an .................. essay. Stanley Bridge is one of the 
 most famous architectural works in Alexandria. It is 400 metres long and 
30 metres wide. It has four towers designed in the Islamic style used in
 the royal palace of Al Montazah. The Bridge was built with the aim of 
 enlarging the Alexandria beachside and decreasing traffic in that area. 
 69- Which of the following is correctly structured to show regret?
 a- I should revise well for the exam.
should have revised well for the exam.
 b-c- II needn’t
revise well for the exam.
 d- I oughtn’t to have revised well for the exam.
topic is this concluding paragraph most related?
 70- Which
“To conclude, there are many people who we can call a friend, but the
 qualities friendship is built on-trust, shared interests and supporting one 
harder to find than you might imagine!
 another-are
a- False friendship
c- Groundless friendship
d- Both a and c
 b- An ideal friendship
 8 