Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS SAN JUAN WEST DISTRICT Priority Improvement Areas: The school performance on the Wins three star approach is only “ 2star ” Objectives KRAs/IO To upgrade the quality of water and its mechanism to provide an adequate and safe drinking water as well as clean water for handwashing, toilet use, menstrual hygiene management, and cleaning purposes available to all students and teachers. Resiliency and WellBeing Baseline Performance Indicators/Targets Y1 Y2 Y3 Malfunctioned Three Three Three water system star star star and Wins Wins Wins equipment Level Level Level Strategy Reso urces Timeline Person Respons ible Expected Output/Outcomes MOO February E, 2023Hum July 2023 an resou rces, scho ol funds February 2023July 2023 Canteen Manage r, Wins Coordin ator, School Head The water supply was tested through MOOE fund Project BMI Stakeholder/feeding Canteen Food Potable water Contaminated water sources Lack of budget for repair and other maintenance PPAs Include water supply testing in the MOOE fund Coordinate with LGU in the treatment Testing of Water Supply Treatment of water source Canteen Manage r, Wins Treated water source through the coordination with LGU Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS SAN JUAN WEST DISTRICT of water source. Purchase of water system equipment parts through MOOE budget Conduct of Homeroom PTA Repair of the water mechanism HPTA Meeting Scho ol funds , hum an resou rce February 2023Decembe r 2023 Scho May ol 2023 funds , MOO e, hum an resou rce Hum an resou rce Coordin ator, School Head Wins Coordin ator, School Head Parents, teachers , and students Functional water system producing safe and clean water Parents’ resolutions on providing water from water stations Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BATANGAS SAN JUAN WEST DISTRICT Prepared by: ARLENE L. VILLANUEVA Teacher III