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Organic Chemistry I: Introduction & Fundamentals

Organic Chemistry I
Phan Minh Giang
CHE2110E 5pylhvg
Chapter 1
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry course gives the fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
through explanations and examples, emphasizing the relevance of organic
chemistry to biological sciences (e.g., medicine, agriculture, nutrition, etc.)
and earth sciences.
• The primary organization of the course is by functional groups, beginning
with the simple (alkanes) and progressing to the more complex. There is
also an emphasis on the explaining the fundamental mechanisms of
• The main topics covered in this course:
- Classification of organic compounds
- Nomenclature of basic classes of organic compounds
- Structures and Properties of organic compounds
- Chemical transformations of organic compounds
- Application of organic compounds
Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Organic compounds and Organic
Organic Chemistry and our life
Structural diversity of organic
Hybridization and the shapes of organic
Structural characteristics of organic
Functional Group Interconversions
C-C bond formation
Fundamental mechanisms
Synthetic design and strategy
Organic Chemistry
Important Terms and Concepts
Carbon chemistry
Carbon compound
Structural diversity
Structural characteristics
Valence Bond (VB) Theory
Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory
Acyclic and Cyclic compound
Aliphatic and Aromatic compound
Geometry and Shapes of organic compound
Organic Chemistry
Organic Compounds and Organic Chemistry
More than 27
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry is the study of carbon compounds.
- Carbon atoms can share four valence electrons and form four strong
covalent bonds.
- Carbon atoms can bond to one another, forming long chains and rings.
- Millions of different organic compounds have been prepared just by
combining carbon with hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
- Sulfur, phosphorus, and halogens also appear in organic molecules.
• Organic compounds are natural or synthetic.
- Bioorganic Chemistry: Organic compounds derived
from living
- Organic synthesis: Organic compounds synthesized in the laboratories.
Organic Chemistry
Structures of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Stability of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Structures of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
The Structural Theory of Organic Chemistry
Valence (Valency)
The power of an atom to combine with others, measured by the
number of hydrogen atoms it can displace or combine with.
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Shapes of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Development of Organic Chemistry
The structural Theory of Organic Chemistry
Study of Organic Chemistry
Classification of organic compounds: Functional Groups
Representation of organic compounds
Organic Chemistry
Important Terms and Concepts
Single bond and Multiple bond
C-C bond in organic compound (chain, cycle, unsaturated and saturated
hydrocarbon, derivative)
Functional Group
Structure and Reactivity
Organic Chemistry
Development of Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Study of Organic Chemistry
We study:
Organic Chemistry
Classification of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Classification of Organic Compounds
(C, X or C, X)
hydrocarbon (C, H) chain
Organic Chemistry
Functional Groups
Organic Chemistry
Functional Groups
Organic Chemistry
Functional Groups
Organic Chemistry
reactive center: carbon-carbon multiple bonds
Organic Chemistry
Oxygen-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon singly bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Oxygen-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Oxygen-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Sulfur-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon singly bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Nitrogen-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon singly bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Nitrogen-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Halogen-containing FGs
reactive center: carbon singly bonded to an electronegative atom
Organic Chemistry
Functional Groups Practice
Organic Chemistry
Representation of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Representation of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Representation of Organic Compounds
Bond-line formula: excellent formula for complex molecules
Organic Chemistry
Representation of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Representation of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Chemical bond: the Octet rule
Ionic bonds
Covalent bonds
Electronegativity and Polarization of covalent bonds
Dipoles and intermolecular forces
Hydrogen bonds (intermolecular and intramolecular)
Organic Chemistry
Important Terms and Concepts
Octet rule
Covalent bond
Polar covalent bond
Nonpolar covalent bond
Polar molecule and Nonpolar molecule
Dipole-dipole interaction
Hydrogen bonding
H-bond donor
H-bond acceptor
Hybridization of atomic orbitals
Organic Chemistry
Forming Chemical Bonds
Valence Bond Theory
• A covalent bond forms when two atoms approach each other closely
and a single occupied orbital on one atom overlaps a singly occupied
orbital on the other.
• The electron are now paired in the overlapping orbitals and are
attracted to the nuclei of both atoms, thereby bonding the atoms together.
How does electron sharing between atoms occur?
Organic Chemistry I
Chemical Bonds: the Octet Rule
How molecules are formed from atoms: Stability Gain!
Organic Chemistry
Chemical Bonds: the Octet Rule
Organic Chemistry
Chemical Bonds: Covalent Bonds
Organic Chemistry
Polarization of Covalent Bond: Electronegativity
Electronegativity: the ability of an element to attract electrons.
Bond polarization: unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond.
Polar covalent bond: the driving force of organic chemical reactions.
Organic Chemistry
Polar Covalent Bond: Dipole Moment
Nonpolar covalent bond: difference in electronegativity 0 – 0.4
Polar covalent bond: difference in electronegativity 0.4 – 2.0
Ionic bond: difference in electronegativity > 2.0
Organic Chemistry
Polar Covalent Bond: Dipole Moment
Polar molecule has a partially positive end and a partially negative
end, it is a dipole, and it has a dipole moment.
Organic Chemistry
Polar Covalent Bonds and Polar Molecules
Organic Chemistry
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
Molecular Geometry (VSEPR) Model
Because electron pairs repel each other, the electron pairs of the valence
shell tend to stay as far apart as possible. The repulsion between
nonbonding pairs is generally greater than between bonding pairs.
Bonding pair
Organic Chemistry
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
Molecular shapes
primary amine
secondary amine
dimethyl ether
tertiary amine
Organic Chemistry
Polar/Nonpolar and Geometry of Molecules
Organic Chemistry
Intermolecular Forces in Biochemistry
• Intermolecular forces (cation-anion, covalent bonds, ion-dipole, dipoledipole, Van der Waals) are extremely important in the functioning of
cells. They determine the properties of molecules that make up living
• Hydrogen bond formation, the hydration of polar groups, and the
tendency of nonpolar groups to avoid a polar environment all cause
complex protein molecules to fold in precise ways – ways that allow
them to function as biological catalysts of incredible efficiency.
Organic Chemistry
Dipole-Dipole Interaction: Hydrogen Bonding
Molecule-Molecule interaction: b.p.
Molecule-Solvent interaction: solvation
Organic Chemistry
Hydrogen Bonding Model
Y: .... H
H-bond acceptor
Z: ..... H
H-bond donor
• Hydrogen bons are very special type of dipole-dipole interaction.
• The hydrogen bonds are always indicated by a dotted line.
• The strength of a hydrogen bond (3-9 kcal/mol) is about 1/10 strength of
a covalent bond (36-125 kcal/mol).
Organic Chemistry
Hydrogen Bonds
Organic Chemistry
Hydrogen Bonding in Alcohols and Phenols
Organic Chemistry
Hydrogen Bonding in Amines
Organic Chemistry
Hydrogen Bonding in Carboxylic Acids
Carboxylic acids have exceptionally high boiling
points, due in large part to dimeric associations
involving two hydrogen bonds.
A structural formula for the dimer of acetic acid is
shown here.
Organic Chemistry
Hydrogen Bonding: Watson-Crick DNA Double Helix
1953: Watson and Crick proposed a double helix
as a model for secondary structure of DNA.
Organic Chemistry
Three-dimensional (3D) Organic Chemistry
Jacobus van’t Hoff and Joseph Le Bel (1874): the four bonds of carbon
are not randomly oriented but have a specific spatial orientation.
Organic Chemistry
Why Hybridization of AOs?
Organic Chemistry I
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Valence Bond (VB) Theory and Hybridization
Organic Chemistry
Valence Bond (VB) Theory and Hybridization
Forming covalent bond
Organic Chemistry
Valence Bond (VB) Theory and Hybridization
Forming covalent bond
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
Linus Pauling, 1931: An s orbital and three p orbitals can combine, or hybridize, to
form four equivalent atomic orbitals.
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
The structure of ethane
The carbon-carbon bond is formed by overlap of two carbon sp3 hybrid
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
In alkyne, the two sp hybrid orbitals of one carbon form sigma bond with a
hydrogen and the other sp-hybridized carbon atom. The overlap of the
remaining p orbitals gives the double part and triple part of the C-C triple bond.
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Molecules
Organic Chemistry I
Hybridization and Geometry of Organic Compounds
Assigning hybridization to atoms in a molecule
Organic Chemistry
Electron Movement and Structural Effects
Main electron environments
Inductive effect of sigma bond electrons
Resonance effect of pi bond electrons
Resonance models for delocalization of p electrons
Hyperconjugation effect
Steric effects (repulsion of electrons through space)
Organic Chemistry
Electron Movement \and Structural Effects
• Main electron environments: electrons can move in a molecule in
sigma (single bond), pi (double bond) or lone pair (non-bonding)
electronic environment.
• Structural effect: The electron movement affects the properties of
organic compounds.
• Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases: a Bronsted-Lowry acid is a
subsance that donates a hydrogen ion (H+). A Bronsted-Lowry base
accepts a hydrogen proton.
• Lewis acids and bases: a Lewis acid has a vacant valence orbital and
can accept an electron pair. A Lewis base is a substance that donates an
electron pair.
Organic Chemistry
Important Terms and Concepts
Electron movement
Structural effect
Electron-Donating Group (EDG)
Electron-Withdrawing Group (EWG)
Inductive effect (sigma bond)
Resonance effect (pi bond)
Stability of system
Acidity/Basicity of organic compound
Electron delocalization
Resonance structure (contributor)
Hybrid structure
Conjugated system
Organic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
Organic Chemistry
Acid Strength (pKa)
Organic Chemistry
Acid Strength (pKa)
how to stabilize?
Organic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
Charged species
Size of atoms
Hybridization effect
Inductive effect
Organic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
Organic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
Organic Chemistry
Acids and Bases
Organic Chemistry
Predicting the Outcome of Acid-Base Reactions
Organic Chemistry
Predicting the Outcome of Acid-Base Reactions
Organic Chemistry
Predicting the Outcome of Acid-Base Reactions
Circle the side favoured by equilibrium in the following acid-base reactions. The
acidity of an organic compound can be evaluated on the basis of its pKa value (lower
pKa means a stronger acid).
(pKa: NH3 38, HCN 9, (CH3)3COH 17, acetone 20, PhNH3+ 4, H3O+ -1.7, CH3CH2CH2CH3 48, PhCH3 40).
Organic Chemistry
Inductive Effect
• Inductive effect: the ability of a substituent to attract (electron
withdrawing groups: EWG) or release (electron donating groups:
EDG) electrons through sigma bonds because of its
• Inductive effect: atom’s ability to polarize a covalent bond.
Organic Chemistry
Stabilization of a charged species:
Electron Withdrawing or Donating
Organic Chemistry
Inductive Effect and Acidity
Organic Chemistry
Inductive Effect: Electron Movement
along Sigma Bond
Acid strength (pKa)
Inductive effect weaken steadily as the distance from the substituent increases.
Organic Chemistry
Resonance Effect
Resonance effect: electron (pi or lone pair) delocalization in conjugated
• Electron delocalization stabilizes ionic species or neutral
molecules. (Dispersal of charge makes a species more stable).
Resonance theory:
• Molecule or ion are stabilized by resonance especially when the
molecule or ion can be represented by two or more resonance
structures of equal stability.
• Resonance structures are useful because they allow us to describe
molecules, radicals, or ions for which a single Lewis structure is
Organic Chemistry
Electron Delocalization in Conjugated Systems
Stability in organic acids
Organic Chemistry
Electron (p or Lone Pair)
Delocalization in Conjugated Systems
Stability in organic acids
Organic Chemistry
Electron (p or Lone Pair)
Delocalization in Conjugated Systems
Stability of organic species
resonance structures (contributors)
Organic Chemistry
Conjugated Systems
(a cumulated diene)
Organic Chemistry
Conjugated Systems
Organic Chemistry
Conjugated Systems
Organic Chemistry
Conjugated Systems: Higher Stability
Organic Chemistry
Conjugated Systems
Why electrons can be delocalized in the p system?
Organic Chemistry
Conjugated Systems
Which molecules are conjugated?
Organic Chemistry
Common Models of Conjugated Systems
Common models of conjugated system and drawing resonances
Vinyl chloride
Allyl cation
Allyl radical
Allyl anion
Organic Chemistry
Rules for Drawing Resonance Structures
Organic Chemistry
Curved Arrow Notation
Graphical way to show movement of electrons (electron flow)
during a reaction.
Electrons move from a “source” (electron-rich) to a “sink”
Double(-headed) arrow is used for an electron pair.
Fishhook arrow is used for a single electron.
Organic Chemistry
Resonance Structures
Organic Chemistry
Resonance Structures (Resonance Contributors)
The delocalization of electrons leads to more than one possible
arrangement of the electron pairs (pi electrons from double bonds or
lone pairs) (the relative position of the atoms to each other is the same).
Organic Chemistry
Resonance and Stabilization
Acidity of phenol: Although
phenols are structurally similar to
alcohols they are much stronger
The greater acidity of phenol owes
to itself primarily to an electrical
charge distribution in phenol.
Organic Chemistry
Drawing Resonance Structures
Organic Chemistry
Resonance and Geometry
Organic Chemistry
Resonance and Geometry
Organic Chemistry
Resonance and Reactive Centers
Identify the reactive center for the nucleophilic attack in this reaction?
Organic Chemistry
Resonance and Reactive Centers
Organic Chemistry
Resonance. When more than one correct Lewis can be written for a molecule, each
structure is a resonance form of the molecule. The presence of resonance forms
means that the electrons are not localized between two nuclei but are delocalized
over more than two nuclei. The result of electron delocalization is that electrons are
attracted by a greater number of nuclei, which leads to a lower energy for the
molecule and hence greater stability. Double-headed arrows () are used to
indicate resonance forms.
Draw all the possible resonance forms of compounds 1 and 2.
Explain why compound 3 undergoes loss of bromide to produce a cation more
easily than compound 4.
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
1) Draw and show resonance of the product of the following acid-base reaction of
2) Why tetramethylguanidine is much a stronger base than
dimethylacetamide? (Hint: use the stability of their conjugate acid).
Organic Chemistry
1) Draw and show resonance of the product of the following acid-base reaction of
2) Why tetramethylguanidine is much a stronger base than
dimethylacetamide? (Hint: use the stability of their conjugate acid).
Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Constitutional isomers
Optical activity and Optically active compounds
Chiral molecules and achiral molecules
Enantiomers and Diasteromers
Z-E nomenclature
CIP (Cahl-Ingold-Prelog) rule
Organic Chemistry
Important Terms and Concepts
Isomerism (type of isomerism)
Constitution and Structure
3D formula
Racemic mixture
Restricted rotation (Geometric isomer)
Chirality (Optical isomer)
Chiral center (stereocenter)
Chiral molecule vs. Achiral molecule
Organic Chemistry
Isomerism: different compounds have the same molecular formula.
Constitutional isomer: atoms are connected in different order (different
Stereoisomer: constituent atoms are connected in the same sequence.
Stereoisomers differ only in spartial arrangement.
Stereochemistry: Study of the spatial characteristics of a molecule.
Configuration: the arrangement of atoms in a molecule in space
characterized by a particular stereoisomer.
Stereoisomerism can arise from restricted rotation about double
bonds or single bond of cycloalkanes (geometrical isomers) or from
chirality (optical isomers).
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Summary of Different Kinds of Isomers
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Constitutional Isomers
Organic Chemistry
Constitutional Isomers
Organic Chemistry
Constitutional Isomers
Organic Chemistry
Alkene Isomerism (Diastereomers)
Geometric isomers: Isomers from structural rigidity (double bond or
Organic Chemistry
Alkene Isomerism (Diastereomers)
Restricted rotation and the double bond
Organic Chemistry
Z-E Nomenclature
Organic Chemistry
Alkene Isomerism (Diastereomers)
Organic Chemistry
cis-trans Isomers
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules (Optical Isomers)
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Identification of Stereocencers
Vinblastine is an anticancer agent used to treat cancer.
- Circle and name all functional groups in vinblastine. List them as
hydrocarbons, oxygen-containing, nitrogen-containing fuctional groups?
- Mark all asymmetric carbons (Csp3 stereocenters) of vinblastine?
- Show the hybridization states of some marked atoms?
Organic Chemistry
Stereocenter and Enantiomer
Study the relationship
between object and its
mirror image.
Organic Chemistry
Stereocenter and Enantiomer
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules and Enantiomers
Chiral molecule
mirror image
3D molecule = object
plane of symmetry
plane of symmetry
Achiral molecule
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules and Achiral Molecules
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules and Plane of Symmetry
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules and Optically Active Molecules
Optically Active Molecules
• A beam of ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves that oscillate
in an infinite number of planes. When a beam of ordinary light passes
through a polarizer, only the light waves oscillating in an single plane pass
through and the light is said to be plane-polarized.
• When a beam of plane-polarized light passes through a solution of
certain organic molecules, such as sugar and camphor, the plane of
polarization is rotated. Organic molecules that exhibit this property are
said to be optically active.
Organic Chemistry
Polarimeter and Chiral Molecules
Organic Chemistry
Polarimeter and Chiral Molecules
Specific rotation
Organic Chemistry
Specific Rotation
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules and Enantiomers
Optical rotation
Organic Chemistry
Enantiomers and Biological Activities
Organic Chemistry
R-S Nomenclature of Enantiomers
Assignment of priorities: CIP rules (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog)
Organic Chemistry
R-S Nomenclature of Enantiomers
R-S system for naming absolute configuration
Organic Chemistry
R-S Nomenclature of Enantiomers
Finding chirality One stereocenter = two enantiomers, one is R and the other S.
Assign priorities in order of decreasing atomic number.
Apply the first point of difference rule.
Orienting the molecule so that the lowest priority group is pointing back, away
from us.
Assign the stereochemical configuration.
Organic Chemistry
R-S Nomenclature of Enantiomers
Determine whether the following pairs of structures are identical or
constitutional isomers?
Give R-S configurations of the following pairs and identify relationships of
Organic Chemistry
Fischer Projection Formula
Organic Chemistry
2D Fischer Projection Formula
Organic Chemistry
Compounds with More than One Stereocenters
Organic Chemistry
Compounds with More than One Stereocenters
Two stereocenters, four possible stereoisomers
Fischer projection? Enantiomers or Diastereomers?
Organic Chemistry
Compounds with More than One Stereocenters
Organic Chemistry
Compounds with More than One Stereocenters
Organic Chemistry
Chiral Molecules and Chirality
Organic Chemistry
Achiral Meso Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Achiral Meso Compounds
Organic Chemistry
Cyclic Compounds with More than One Stereocenters
Organic Chemistry
Compounds with More than One Stereocenters
Organic Chemistry
Classification of Organic Reactions
Classification of organic reactions
Heterolytic bond cleavage
Homolytic bond cleavage
Structures of reactive intermediates
Reagents: Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
Mechanisms and main FG reaction mechanisms
Polar (ionic) reactions and Radical reactions
Organic Chemistry
Important Terms and Concepts
Organic reaction
Reaction mechanism
Arrow pushing technique
Polar reaction – ionic mechanism
Radical reaction – radical mechanism
Heterolytic bond cleavage
Homolytic bond cleavage
Free radical
Energy diagram
Transition state
Reactive intermediate
Organic Chemistry
Classification of Organic Reactions
Addition (A)
Elimination (E)
Organic Chemistry
Classification of Organic Reactions
Substitution (S)
Organic Chemistry I
Mechanism of Organic Reactions
Organic Chemistry I
Homolytic Bond Breaking
Radical reaction
Organic Chemistry I
Radical Reactions
Organic Chemistry I
Heterolytic Bond Breaking
bond polarization
Polar (Ionic) reaction
Organic Chemistry I
Heterolytic Bond Breaking
Organic Chemistry I
Structures of Reactive Carbon Intermediates
methyl cation
methyl anion
Carbocations and
radicals are
electron deficient,
while carbanions
are electron rich.
methyl radical
Organic Chemistry I
Stability of Reactive Carbon Intermediates
Organic Chemistry I
Stability of Reactive Carbon Intermediates
Example: Arrange the stability order of the following radicals or
Organic Chemistry
Polar Reactions: Reagents in Reactions
Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
Organic Chemistry
Polar Reactions: Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
Organic Chemistry
Polar Reactions: Nucleophiles and Electrophiles
Organic Chemistry
Reactions, Mechanisms, and FGIs
Functional Group Interconversion (FGI)
1) Radical Substitution SR (alkane)
2) Electrophilic Addition AE (alkene, alkyne)
3) Radical addition AR (alkene, alkyne)
4) Electrophilic Substitution SE (arene)
5) Ncleophilic Substitution SN (alkyl halide)
6) Elimination E (alkyl halide, alcohol)
7) Nucleophilic Addition AN (aldehyde, ketone)
8) Nucleophilic Addition AN – Elimination of Leaving Group (LG)
(carboxylic acid and derivatives – acyl compounds)
Organic Chemistry
Reactions, Mechanisms, and FGIs
Organic Chemistry
Polar Reactions
starting materials
Organic Chemistry
Mechanism, Energy Diagram, Transition State and
Reactive Intermediates
Organic Chemistry
Mechanism, Energy Diagram, Transition State
and Reactive Intermediates
Organic Chemistry
Topics of Review 1
Organic Chemistry I
Review 1 (50')
Date - Month - Year:
Review topics:
1) Functional Groups and Hybridization (shapes of organic molecules)
2) Intermolecular interactions: Hydrogen bonding
3) Isomerism (Z-E and R-S configuration, stereochemical relationship)
4) Electronic effects (Inductive (acidity) and Resonance effects (stability and
charge separation)
5) Representation of organic compounds (Lewis, dash, bond-line formula,
3D formula, Fischer projection formula)
6) Nucleophile and electrophile in polar reactions
7) Reaction mechanisms