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Bedtime Story: The Life of Jesus Christ for Grandchildren

Imagine you are a grandparent in 2022
Tell your grandchildren a bedtime story about an inspirational person
My bedtime story is about the life of Jesus Christ.
First joseph and Mary are the parents of Jesus Christ.
One day, angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her that she will bear a son called Jesus Christ.
When Mary was pregnant joseph was not comfortable and decided and made plans not to marry
Mary, but an angel appeared to him and convinced him to marry Mary.
There was census in the land. Mary and joseph went to Bethlehem to be counted.
Mary wanted to give birth to Jesus there was no space in they hospitals because people where many
so Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger three wise men came from the east and gave Jesus some
gifts which is gold, myrrh and frankincense. Jesus helped his parents in its workshop to make chairs
and tables. When Jesus grew up to be a man, he started his earthly ministry of preaching the
gospel, performing miracles, healing the sick and raising the dead Jesus went above doing good.
During his ministry Jesus had 12 disciples Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christi with his kiss judas sold
Jesus with 30 pieces of silver Jesus went to the garden of gethsemane to pray later his disciples was
sleeping judas Iscariot came with solider Jesus was tried falsely accused and crucified for our sins the
died on good Friday he brought him down and buried. He stayed for 3 days in the grave on the third
day he rose from the dead. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus during easter.