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Action Research Model Assignment

IMGT 3122
Assignment 02
5 Marks
Action Research Model ( PDCA cycle)
High electricity consumption has very bad effects on any organization. Such problems need
special concern as the solutions should not have any effect on the productivity of the
organization. There for applying Action Research Model would be very practical.
In the ‘Plan’ stage, we need to identify what causes high electricity consumption. Old air
conditioning machines, high power consuming lights, old PCs are few examples. Introducing
new energy efficient devices rather than old ones, managing lighting systems with using more
natural light would be more effective solutions.
Therefore in the ‘Do’ stage all the changes we came up in the previous stage can be
implemented. Also if necessary, using pedestal fans is less energy consuming than ceiling fans.
Letting more natural light come in through skylight windows is a very good and economical
solution. Usage of laptops rather than PCs is less energy consuming as laptops can be recharged
and used. Also we can use solar panels.
In the check stage we can do an “Energy Consumption Audit” and analyze whether there's a
decrement in energy consumption.
Finally, if the Energy Consumption audit proves the plan works successfully, we can implement
all the changes permanently. If the analysis shows the plan does not fulfill the desired objectives
then we need to re-do the previous steps as a cycle until the desired objectives are achieved. For
an example, for places where natural light is not sufficient, we can introduce LED lights.