NAME: BUCIO, CHRISTIAN C. SUBJECT: INTEGRC_ARC192 PROFESSOR: AR. GRACIE C. SALAYA DATE: APRIL 27, 2023 ASSIGNMENT #2 (TOA1) 1. The word architecture is derived from Greek word. a) b) c) d) Arqitektura Architectus Architekton Arkhi-tekto Source: Jeppesen, K. Arkitekten I antiken. Kuml. Retrieved from: 2. This color stands for Authority and Power. a) b) c) d) Black White Gray Red Source: Psychology of Color. Pintermedia. Retrieved from:,horn%20rimmed%20glasses% 2C%20etc.) 3. The profession of designing buildings and other habitable environments. a) b) c) d) Engineering Nursing Architecture Agriculture Source: All about Architecture. (July 31, 2018). What is Architecture. Medium. Retrieved from: 4. This color combination has a single color in varying shades. a) b) c) d) Analogous Monochromatic Complimentary Split Complementary Source: Cartwright, B. (November 25, 2022). Color Theory 101: A Complete Guide to Color Wheels & Color Schemes. HubSpot. Retrieved from:,a%20consistent%20look%20and%20 feel. 5. This color combination has a color that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. a) b) c) d) Analogous Monochromatic Complimentary Split Complementary Source: The Art of Color: Color Wheel & Color Relationships. Maryville University. Retrieved from:,the%20intensity%20of%20complementar y%20colors. 6. This color combination has a more nuances than complementary retain strong visual contrast. a) Analogous b) Monochromatic c) Complimentary d) Split Complementary Source: Cartwright, B. (November 25, 2022). Color Theory 101: A Complete Guide to Color Wheels & Color Schemes. HubSpot. Retrieved from:,a%20consistent%20look%20and%20 feel. 7. Name and properties of a color that enables it to be perceived. a) b) c) d) Hue Brilliance Contrast Saturation Source: Color Properties / Terminology. WorkWithColor. Retrieved from: 8. The level and mixture of white, black, grey or complementary included in colors. a) Hue b) Brilliance c) Contrast d) Saturation 9. A number of secondary forms clustered about a dominant, central parent-form. a) b) c) d) Centralized Form Linear Form Radial Form Clustered Form Source: Form In Architecture – An Important Element of Design. THE ARCHSPACE. Retrieved from:,Centralized%20Form,sphere%2C%20cone%2C%20or%20cylinder. 10. A series of forms arranged sequentially in a row. a) b) c) d) Centralized Form Linear Form Radial Form Clustered Form Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row. 11. A set of modular forms related and regulated by three-dimensional grid. a) b) c) d) Centralized Form Linear Form Grid Form Clustered Form Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row. 12. He is renowned for writing in his work De Architectura that a building must possess the three attributes of firmitatis, utilitatis, and venustatis, or stability, usefulness, and beauty. a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Zaha Hadid c) Vitruvius d) Imhotep Source: Shackell, G. (December 29, 2018). Three Principles of Good Architecture. LinkedIn. Retrieved from: 13. A basic, unadorned column capital and a column that rests directly on the temple's stylobate without a base are characteristics of this order. a) Doric Order b) Ionic Order c) Corinthian Order d) Composite Source: Dr. Becker, J. Greek Architectural Orders. SmartHistory. Retrieved from:,the%20temple%20without%20a%20bas e. 14. In a frieze made up of three vertical pieces, it serves as a decorative component. It alternates with metopes in the Doric order. a) Regula b) Metope c) Triglyph d) Taenia Source: TRIGLYPH. Art History Glossary. Retrieved from: 15. The upper part of a column just above the shaft and below the projecting part of the capital, when differentiated by a molding, groove, or emission of fluting. a) Echinus b) Necking c) Annulet d) Dentils Source: The Artistic Adventure of Mankind. Retrieved from: t%2C%20plain%2C,classical%20Doric%20or%20Tuscan%20column 16. The typically triangular aspect of a pediment that is receded inside the upper and lower cornices' frame. a) Tymphanum b) Pediment c) Stylobate d) Fluting Source: Tymphanum. Meriam-Webster. Retrieved from: 17. Triangular frame on top of the entablature a) b) c) d) Tymphanum Pediment Stylobate Fluting Source: Pediment. Retrieved from: 18. This classical order developed in the Greek colonies of Asia minor in the 6th century and is characterized by Spiral volutes of its capital, Fluted columns typically having molded bases, Entablature consists of architrave of three fascia’s, a richly ornamented frieze, and a cornice corbeled out on an egg-and-dart dentil molding. a) Doric Order b) Ionic Order c) Corinthian Order d) Composite Order Source: Tikkanen, A. Ionic Order. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from: 19. This classical order is of Roman origin and is basically a simplified Roman Doric. It is characterized by an unfluted column and a plain base, capital and entablature having no decoration other than moldings. a) Doric Order b) Ionic Order c) Corinthian Order d) Tuscan Order Source: Classical Orders of Architecture. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,a%20simple%20echinus%2Dabacus%20capita l. 20. The measurement and the study of the size and proportions of the human body. a) b) c) d) Anthropometry Ergonomics Form Dimensional Source: Anthropometry. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from: 21. The process of emphasizing particular features of a structure and emphasizing its shape by using contrasting elements, such as color or texture. a) Symmetry b) Modulation c) Accentuation d) Progression Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row. 22. A form can be transformed by the addition of elements to its volume. It is also a process, and the number and relative sizes of elements determine whether the identity of the initial form is altered or retained. a) Additive transformation b) Subtractive transformation c) Radial Form d) Dimensional transformation Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row. 23. The arrangement of components in a structure according to their significance, with larger or more noticeable components utilized to shape the overall form. a) Symmetry b) Modulation c) Hierarchy d) Progression Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row. 24. The gradual change in elements, such as size or shape, to create a sense of movement and flow in a building’s form. a) Symmetry b) Modulation c) Hierarchy d) Progression Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row. 25. The balance of elements in a building about a central axis, creating a sense of stability and order. a) Symmetry b) Modulation c) Hierarchy d) Progression Source: FORM IN ARCHITECTURE. Archi-Monarch. Retrieved from:,arranged%20sequentially%20in%20a%20row.