HINDUSTAN ENTERPRISES. Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu -641004. Web: www.hindustansystems.com Lanline: 0422-2578990 Mob : 96262 66990, 98438 66990 CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM SCHEME Disadvantages: Open Loop Control No Feedback from the output The Quality is not constant CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM DRAWBACKS Lickerin, Doffer Drive, Calendar Roll, Flats, Feedroll are driven by same motor which results in motor overload and high power consumption Frequent Mechanical Maintenance of Doffer & Feedroll drive To Change the hank its required to change the draft Changing Gears Doffer Gears to be changed for changing the Doffer Speed. Lot of Contactors are required for effective stop motion which makes electrical maintenance very tough No Autolevelling & Production data Monitoring SCHEME OF PROPOSED SYSTEM Advantages: Open Loop Feedback Control Feedback from Output through Autolevelling Sensor The Desired Quality Can be Achieved MECHANICAL ELIMINATIONS Doffer Side Doffer Slow Fast Gear Box Assembly and bearing 96T Gear, 62/30 Gear, 80 T Gear, Production Gear, Main Drive Shaft with Gear and Bearing Electromagnetic Clutch worth, Gear Plates, Stud and all Bearing Accessories, solenoid Valve for Gear Box, Break for Gear Box MECHANICAL ELIMINATIONS Doffer Slow Fast Gear Box Assembly with Electromagnetic Clutch MECHANICAL ELIMINATIONS 96T Gear, 62/30 Gear, 80 T Gear, Production Gear MECHANICAL ELIMINATIONS Feedroll Side Feedroll Drive Shaft with Worm Gears and Drafting Change Gear Webdoffing Side Three Crush roller assembly Table Calendar Roller All Gear Drives Connected to Doffer Drive Total Cost Savings in Spares Rs.25,000 MECHANICAL ELIMINATIONS Gears for driving Calendar Roller MECHANICAL ELIMINATIONS Crush Roller & Calendar Roller Assembly ELECTRICAL ELIMINATIONS Solenoid Coil for Doffer Drive Slow Fast Gearbox Break Stop Motion Contactors Including Double Lap, Crushroll Lapping, Sliver Breakage, Can Changer, Doffer Slow Fast etc Fuses, Old Wiring, PVC Channels, Old Connectors Length Counter, Hour Meters will be removed ELECTRICAL ELIMINATIONS Electrical Panel of C1 Series Carding Machines DOFFER SIDE MECHANICAL ALTERATIONS Doffer Section Before and After Conversion WEBDOFF MECHANICAL ALTERATIONS Webdoff Section Before and After Conversion FEEDROLL MECHANICAL ALTERATIONS Feedroll Section Before and After Conversion AUTOLEVELLING SENSOR ARRANGEMENT Webdoff Assembly Top View AUTOLEVELLING SENSOR ARRANGEMENT Autolevelling Sensor arrangement near Calendar Roller in Webdoff Assy ELECTRICAL FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM HMI + PANEL (HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE) AUTOLEVELLING SENSOR DISPLACEMENT: 0 TO 10MM OUTPUT: 0 TO 10VDC DOUBLE LAP CRUSHROLL LAPPING LICKERIN SPEED LOW SLIVER BREAKAGE RS232/RS485 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL PLC (PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER) DOFFER MOTOR AC DRIVE 3 PHASE VFD FREQUENCY CMD: 0 TO 10VDC RATING: 2.2KW FEEDROLL MOTOR AC DRIVE 3 PHASE VFD FREQUENCY CMD: 0 TO 10VDC RATING: 0.75KW CYLINDER MOTOR BRUSH MOTOR FAN MOTOR WEBDOFF PNEUMATIC PISTON AUTOLEVELLING SENSOR TEST REPORT 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 Series1 0.000 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 -4.000 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1 -2.000 DISPLACEMENT SAMPLE 2 MM TOTAL DISPLACEMENT 10VDC -6.000 -8.000 -10.000 -12.000 OUTPUT SAMPLE 2 VOLT TOTAL OUTPUT 10VDC Autolevelling Sensor Signal Conditioner Sample Test Report Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Programmable Logic Controllers, or PLCs, operate according to userprogrammed internal logic. Unlike office computers, PLCs are designed to be operated in industrial environments for the control and operation of manufacturing process equipment and machinery. Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) •Input Unit Monitors the change in status from an input device connected to the PLC •Output Unit It generates signals to be sent to an output device. •CPU Unit It governs all PLC activities. The primary function is to examine the status of inputs, execute the program, and update the outputs. The CPU unit contains the memory section used to hold user program and data. •Programming Device Enter and monitor user program. •Power Supply The power supply provides power to the CPU and the bus connection between each unit. Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) The Slim and Compact SX Series Supports Digital Input/output and is built in with multiple analog I/O Channels. Specifications MPU Points: 10(4DI/2DO, 2AI/2AO) Max I/O Points: 230 Program Capacity: 8000 Steps Communication Port: Built-in RS-232 and RS-485, compatible with MODBUS ASCII/RTU communication protocol Built-in High Speed Counter High-Speed Pulse Output @ 50KHZ Variable Frequency Drive(VFD) A variable-frequency drive (VFD) is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage. Variable Frequency Drive(VFD) The Compact Design is ideal for small and medium horsepower applications. The M Series Drive is designed to provide an ultra-low-noise operation, and includes several innovative technologies that reduce interference Specifications Output Frequency: 0.1 to 400Hz Adjustable V/F Curve and Vector Control Auto Torque Boost & Slip Compensation Built-in PID Feedback Control Built-in MODBUS Communication, baud rate upto 38,400 MERITS OF OUR SYSTEM Hank Variation% between -0.04 to +0.04 Expected 5m CV less than 2.5% Expected Uster data U% between 3% to 4.5% Expected Power Savings by 5 - 7% Expected Production(KG) Increase by 10 - 15% Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance cost can be reduced by 10%