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Trees in F#: Data Structures & Recursion

1. Trees in F#
 Defining a type of trees
 Creating trees
 Function that take trees as input or produce trees as output
Trees are recursive datatypes, used for
• hierarchies
, • directory structure
, • document object model (DOM) in browsers,
• syntax of programs,
• efficient datatypes
, • and more.
In F#, trees can be defined using a custom data type that represents a node in the
tree. A tree can be thought of as a collection of nodes, where each node has a value
and may have one or more child nodes.
Defining a type of trees:
To define a type of trees in F#, you can use a discriminated union. For example, the
following code defines a binary tree:
type 'a tree =
| NODE of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
A tree (of αs) is either • a leaf (an empty tree), or • a node that contains an α and a left and a right
branch, both trees (of αs).
This code defines a type called 'a tree, where 'a represents the type of values stored in
the tree. The tree can have two possible forms:
1. LEAF represents an empty tree or a leaf node with no children.
2. NODE represents a non-empty tree with a value of type 'a and two subtrees of
type 'a tree.
let tree1 = LEAF // Creates an empty tree (leaf node)
let tree2 = NODE(5, LEAF, LEAF) // Creates a tree with a single node containing the value 5
let tree3 = NODE(10, NODE(7, LEAF, LEAF), NODE(15, LEAF, LEAF)) // Creates a tree with three levels
In the above examples, tree1 represents an empty tree (a leaf node), tree2 represents a tree with
a single node containing the value 5, and tree3 represents a tree with three levels. Each level
contains a node with a value and two leaf nodes.
let rec treeSum (tree: 'a tree) : int =
match tree with
| LEAF -> 0
| NODE(value, left, right) -> value + treeSum left + treeSum right
The treeSum function takes a tree and calculates the sum of all the values in the tree. It
uses pattern matching to handle the two possible cases: if the tree is a leaf, the sum is 0,
and if the tree is a node, it recursively sums the value of the current node with the sums
of the left and right subtrees.
let rec treeDepth (tree: 'a tree) : int =
match tree with
| LEAF -> 0
| NODE(_, left, right) -> 1 + max (treeDepth left) (treeDepth right)
The treeDepth function takes a tree and recursively calculates its depth. It uses pattern matching
to handle the two cases: if the tree is a leaf, the depth is 0. If the tree is a node, it recursively
calculates the depths of the left and right subtrees and adds 1 to the maximum depth among
let rec treeMap (f: 'a -> 'b) (tree: 'a tree) : 'b tree =
match tree with
| NODE(value, left, right) -> NODE(f value, treeMap f left, treeMap f right)