Uploaded by Edward Jin

AP History Summer Assignment: Study Skills

Welcome to AP History! We are so excited to get to know all of you. In order to best help prepare you for the rigors of
AP History, you will be completing a short summer assignment, focused on developing a strong foundation in study
skills and habits. These are general skills that will not only support you in AP History - they can be applied to all of
your classes. Our hope is that completing this assignment and applying these skills will make for an easier, less
stressful, and happier school year for you! Whether you are a sophomore in AP Euro or a junior in APUSH, if you take
the time to develop these habits, you will have greater success next year.
Your summer assignment is to watch 5 Crash Course Study Skills videos. The videos are linked below as well as in
each part of the assignment.
Crash Course Study Skills #1 - Taking Notes
Crash Course Study Skills #2 - Reading Assignments
Crash Course Study Skills #3 - Memory
Crash Course Study Skills #4 - Planning + Organization
Crash Course Study Skills #5 - Focus + Concentration
It is important that you watch the videos in order because they build on each other. For each video, you will complete
a different task, applying the strategies learned in the videos. While this is not a traditional content assignment, it is a
critical assignment in helping to prepare you for the challenges you will face as you continue your academic career
both at DBHS and in college.
The assignment will be available through Google Classroom once you have been assigned to your class. If you would
like to complete it earlier, you can access the AP Euro summer work here. You can access the APUSH summer
work here. When you open it, make a copy for yourself.
Your assignment is due to Google Classroom on Friday, August 11 at 8:00 am.