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Management Information System Exam Paper

SLR-VB – 241
B.E. (CSE) (Part – II) Examination, 2017
Day and Date : Tuesday, 16-5-2017
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 30 minutes
in Answer Book Page No. 3. Each question carries one mark.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3 only.
Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (P/Q/R/S) on Top of Page.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Duration : 30 Minutes
MCQ/Objective Type Questions
Marks : 20
1. Choose the correct answer :
1) The person who ensures that systems are developed on time, within budget and
with acceptable quality is a
a) Create and share documents that support day to day office activities
b) Process business transactions
c) Capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver
d) Use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run
the business
2) The term used to describe those people whose jobs involve sponsoring and funding
the project to develop, operate and maintain the information system is
a) Information worker
b) Internal system user
c) Systems owner
d) External system user
3) The back bone of any organization is
a) Information
b) Employee
c) Management
d) Capital
4) Decision makers who are concerned with tactical (short-term) operational problems
and decision making are
a) Middle managers
b) Executive managers
c) Supervisor
d) Mobile Managers
5) The basic component(s) of DSS is(are)
a) Database
b) Model base
c) DSS support system
d) All of the above
6) GDSS is the short form of
a) Group decision support system
b) Group discussion support system
c) Group decisions service system
d) Group decision support source
SLR-VB – 241
7) Information refers to
a) Process
b) Event
c) Data
d) Task
8) System is a group of elements organized with a
a) Purpose
b) Data
c) Instruction
d) Procedure
9) Assembling a product, identifying customers and hiring employees are
a) Transaction
b) Phases
c) Business Process
d) Business Function
10) Information systems can facilitate supply chain management by
a) Tracking the status of orders
b) Knowing the employee history
c) Profit and loss predictions
d) Stock verification
11) Staffing is behaviourally related to
a) Organizing
b) Controlling
c) Managing
d) Proceedings
12) EDP means
a) Electronic Data Process
b) Electronic Data Processing
c) Electronic Data Projection
d) Electronic Data Predict
13) Which of the following describes commerce ?
a) Doing business electronically
b) Doing business
c) Sales of goods
d) All of the above
14) Which of the following is part of the four main types for e-commerce ?
a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B
d) All of the above
15) Which segment do eBay, Amazon.com belong ?
a) B2Bs
b) B2Cs
c) C2Bs
d) C2Cs
16) HRM stands for
a) Human Resource Manager
b) Human Resource Management
c) Human Re Manager
d) Human Re Management
17) Which functional area is responsible for taking customer orders ?
a) Marketing and Sales
b) Production and Materials Management
c) Accounting and Finance
d) Human Resource
18) Which term relates to the technical capabilities that allow systems to connect with
one another through standardized interfaces called Web services ?
a) Enterprise Resource Planning
b) Supply chain Management
c) Architecture
d) Service-Oriented Architecture
19) Information systems that allow data to be shared throughout the organization are
called _________ systems.
a) Unintegrated
b) Integrated
c) Unrestricted
d) Bounded
20) If a university sets up a web-based information system that faculty could access to
record student grades and to advise students, that would be an example of a/an
a) CRM
b) Intranet
c) ERP
d) Extranet
Set P
SLR-VB – 241
B.E. (CSE) (Part – II) Examination, 2017
Day and Date : Tuesday, 16-5-2017
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Marks : 80
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Answer to two Sections should be written in the same answer book.
2. Solve any four short notes :
1) Discuss the various MIS technologies that could be used to create a virtual organisation.
2) Who are the users of MIS in E-Business environment ? Identify key information
needs of each user.
3) Explain Balance Score Card, Score Card and Dash Board.
4) Explain the principal causes of MIS failure.
5) What is Strategy ? Explain different types of strategy.
3. Can MIS be helpful in information organisation ? Discuss.
In what ways do you think organisation structure influence MIS and in turn MIS influence
the organizational structure ? Discuss.
4. How can a DSS help to make decision ? How do MIS and DSS differ ?
5. Solve any four :
1) Explain the concept of M-Commerce.
2) Explain common myths about ERP.
3) What is software audit ? Explain.
4) How to generate revenue in E-Business models ? Explain.
5) How the information needs of MNCs differ from those of domestic firm ?
Set P
SLR-VB – 241
6. Explain E-Commerce Business Models.
What are the steps involved in the system design and system implementation of
computer based information system ?
7. What is ERP ? Explain with suitable example.
How strategy developed in organisations through MIS ? Give suitable example to
illustrate your understanding.
Set P