G*re€*sE&s Map of the book Acknowledgements Introduction 4 6 7 Unñ1¡* we'rehere! t0 Unfiii€ what can I eat? 14 Ur*frt$ vllherewitl I ñnd it? IB Uniltt* can I get monevhere? 22 UmilüS somewhereto stay 26 Ur¡ilii$ Is this what I need? 30 Unfi;? who's it from? 34 Umfit* where can we park? 3B Umt-t* Let's go there 42 Umttit* I'd like to register 46 Umütf t what's on tonight? 50 Rewfletir,'t 12 l3 1* 15 l6 AA ?his se*¡*eEs*e¡erdeg**d! 60 *}aásaE:eY t'se eEn&e*n 64 {Js* a x¡enc*É1! 6B tüosea Éhexee*áe*beard 72 w*rkÉsrg¡:eigE:t* E'rsE 76 2 80 I Useful language 82 2 Learning tips B7 Using a dictionary 92 Unit number é Title Topic How to ... E€*+"z****Y*E Airports and travel = identifyEnglish'lords = follow signsand readnci-s at an airport ::: look at a websiteand 6nd qJt Úrebestway to travelon from an airport # 7á & understanda text vvitfloú knorrtS tfe meaningof everyword in a hotel bookbreakfast choosefood from a menu €é'4*-*.:&t C*t2t"7 Foodand eating ouT =zE E{zzzap ?z*:€ * "s+á-á3 'rA? Shopping = * = * l";.azzz9 4{}+'" {zi'.€3Élz"*z! Money a and understand + buy moneyat a CurrencyExchange cunency unused leafletaboutreturning <; predictthe contentof a text by thinkingaboutthe topic in yourown language to usean ATM + followinstructions Hotels skima hotelwebsiteandform an opinionof the hotel findout detailsabouta hotel'sfacilities hotel choosea suitable É=a=y+? + e,i.-: *íz't++-+t:E=.+ scana noticeto find the informatlonyou need llnd out when shopsareoPen reada storeguideand find out whereto buy thinSs them readsignsto understand t3Zí3.€ # "ts;t*2==8?¿;=t =szt:<37 Healthcareand toiletries + identifyandfindthingsin a chemist's skima textto find the partthat is most usefulto you + decideif medication is suitable on packets followinstructions 7 '# ??as' E i'" €E:::zp='? in touch Keeping a:; work out the main purposesof cards a-a:r o a / ¡ mcqq:oc aln¡ rd on a card a message understand + identifytypesof messages aj reada message and resPondto lt ti # -,.J+i Ez;+=; + {: {:}:t-ztÍ.€{: "4:;ZU'+-l Parking in a text findwordswith similarmeanings try andworkout the meaningof unknownwords + reada leafletaboutparking andworkout whereto park + find out aboutpayand displayparking a= té Map of the book Unit number Title Topic How to .,, # 'L+é:-,"s :ét¿Z*-*g* Bergen ',i:find out what is available office at a TouristInformation + reada leafletand find out when the attractionis open and how much it costs + usegrammarto helplinkwordsin sentences ={+ '?"'*. É-ié;;:+ Z{:t7t::{éí1:l=? Healthcare = find out how to registerat a medicalcentre find out how to seea doctor +.' put the sentences of a text intoyourown words ;:; completea healthquestionnaire lj with Englishdefinitions usea dictionary + reada TV guideand chooseprogrammes to watch = reada film reviewand understand the write/s opinion EC =iz.át:'= r*z,.e;r¿2|1s,i/Z?,=i- and Television films 12 Tlris se;hocl sounds goodl a school o find out abouta languageschoolfrom its website Choosing o guessthe meaningof new wordsfrom the context o cnoosea language course f3 I've chosen this one! Readers 14 Use a pendl! Exams o readand understanda description of the KETexam o identifyexamtasks o followexaminstructions and do the tasks t5 It's on the notic*oard r^L- ^^-l JUIJ5 dIIU o scanadveftisements and find information o understand a listof tips o skimadvertisements and decideif they are useful 16 I'mworking nights In the workplace t; usethe coverand blurbof a bookto predictitstype tnrl fnnir e .n]"."L *rn",. o readwholesectionsof a storywithoutstoPP¡ng advertisements workout who and what pronounsand possessive adiectives referto a find out aboutthe dutiesof a job o understanda memo o identifydutiesthathavenot beencarriedout w ffi@ t-' ' yi::l:lnffi l*"-::l "::l:üi,:fi* :t r e'l sit SER : -----------r-:--:::__-----__--:'-: LA puel Hori Nom Nom Mod O Wheredo thesekindsof transPortgo from? Corl Nod Fon Hod A &* €fu**Ztg,p.<='=*€. 1 Look at the pictures.What are the people doing? Match the sentenceswith the Pictures. theirbaggage. collecting E a They're Customs. goingthrough L-l b They're theirpassports. L--l showing c They're attheairport. Ll arriving d They're ruo arc Did you know ...? Arcl Arc ver Enghshis LheinternaLional langlageof traveland communication.Youwrll usuallyflnd rnformattonrn the languageof the countryyou arein and in English For examnlp e Eñtr Mon An niTnnd ir Snal n \/nl ma\/ qpp I h.c n -" -c Arc C: C: C: PASOAUTORIZADOSOLAMENTEPASAJEROS PASSENGERS ONLYBEYONDTHISPOINT c: c: c: C: I - ' 'o- 6ea¡siont - -t-,r-:::= 15<:-_**__ /a- H''r i"L c: c: c: c: c: c: C: C: C: c: C: c: És to @ SocialandTravel We're here! = 2 Look at the four groups of signs and noticesbelow. Match them with the four picturesin Exercise'1. \&jelcorr'i*t* *slc e;rpc¡t **gg*g* tr*lÉ*y* V*lkon':ry:*r* lif *sl* Lufth*vr"t **g*sj*tn*l!*r üamer* s*rv*iE¡ar'¡c* Kamere*vtrrv* ket* ffi!-**€ Customs^ c I I Toll f{o sm*kr*g Rayki*g f*:budi Toilets TiCIalett*r Learning tip If you speaka European Janguage. someEnglish words may look similar to words ln your language. Thrswill help you to understandthe meaningof wordsyou do not know.Forexample: arrivals arrivi(Ifa):an) passport- pasapofie(Spanish) baggage- bagages(French) passenger- passageiro(Pofiuguese) toilet - toalela Polish) Look at the airport signs and notices in Exercises 1 and 2 again. Which words are in English? Do you know which languagethe other words are in? ls there a clue in one of the noticesin Exercise2? Are any of the words in the signsand notices the samein both languages? Whichwords are similar? 6 Look at the Englishsignsand noticesagain. Are any of the words similarin your language? Animals Dyr Gcads t* si**iare Varertil f*rt*lling NothÍng Intet É AE!passportr V Wait here Vcnt her fl/EEA citizens EL/ES borgere ?jo++=,:= =:= ... ".:+a,.:;:?:a,¿t:.j7= Therearemanyusefulwordsin thissection aboutairports andtravel.Readthe descriptions of some of the words.Writeeachword. a someonewho is travelling in a ca¡ aeroplane, etc., but not controlling the caqaeroplane, etc. P6,55en0er b a metalstructure on wheelswhichis usedfor carrying thinoc c a smallbookwithyourphotograph in thatyou need to enter¿ country allthe suitcases and bagsthatyou takewithyou whenyoutravelthe areawheresomeoneexamines yourbagswhen you aregoingintoa country we saythrsto someonewho hasjustarrived 'f, '*:'.2 7er**i;Z++ Wherecanyoufind English signsand noticesin your country?Starta listof Englishwordsyou see in yourtown orcrry. .::we're here! =,r-:.',.-..--2,.,.': : ; .:;.'-.:':.;;.;;,:=::,'.1ri;': B 1 lmagine you are go¡ng to Oslo for four days and you are staying in a hotel in the city centre. Before you leave home, you want to find out how to get to the city centre. What would you do? Tick / one or more of the boxes. a b c d l ' d l o o ki n a g u i d e b o oEk . l'd asksomeonewho knowsthe pl¿ce. I l'd look on the lnternet.L--l l'd ¿sk¿t a travelagent's. ! : -r';. ' ii about $/irtesixtrue.,1false sentences your the airporlguide Exchange Areyour iiltl a partner. sentences friend'ssentercestrueor false? 2 Your friend went to Oslo last year. Read what she told you about transport into the city centre. Does anything she said surpriseyou? lL t¡kes LO msvtes to geLto üe a\ <znte an üe sVeA.o'I aü1rrt *orr1. a t Fh" *p*,"r;--l :: thanthebus. taster I-----------)"J fllh*";.tt;¡;-'l I stationat the airlort. ] l_O*"t ' f ' n' g Ll at weekends. 3 Look quickly at the text below. Where is the text from? http://www.osl.no/ OS¡.* AlRPoRr '* is OsIo Gardermoenaírport Public transport into 50 km (31 miles) north c: ::: ls-: Oslo is the :_..::.:::: . TRAfN: The Airport Express Train (Flytoget) 2 0 m j n u t e s ' i n r o L h e c i t y c e n L r e . S o m eF l y r o g ' L L j : . : : . j l - : . : : Ce1- <Fnrra /< J -. 4¡ c¿ 1J ¡e ¡- ! ¡J _- rt r" y . '-r^-^ wtlrc!5 'l^_ df-v ^-^-DLeP lL Und-::'_. :: I -_: I A srngle :::.:=-, ,main underground station NaLianaftheatret. ::-l :l: and express trains from Skren, Lrllehan::l inter-city -,::::: Airport Gardermoenstation on their way to osLo. l:::: .= TAXI: There are alwa¡s taxls at rhe a-rport te'm::-:j you can arrange a taxi through Airport Taxrs (ie-: l: -: hall and the taxl l-:-.: desk in l-he Arrivals : information BTTS:-h^sAsAj-n./!pr.c|F|..hlcc^-,r.lnSbetweerBusstermina-len anrl continues to the Radisson Sca::j::---.-:: : minutes) . The first stop is Furuset skoLe and you 3a:- r:: . bus leaves every 20 m'nLres on weekdays, and e-.-.: bus feaves the airportt at 01.00. ': : CoACH¡ The airport : and Gjovik. @ SocialandTravel c o a c h N O R - [ { A YB u s s e k s p r e s s r ü : - - = : . . ¡'-c rrule) - r:, -. (). t ha'r I lEy u2 rr au nt¡aéq PruLuJ i¡ the :eri¡e c'Osio.Whatare Canyou lheir.an e-<' ['rgiish? \\ork iher o;:l - I Ir a ;:; ..:.-. Look¿¡:i'e .'.e5srieagain.Lookat e@ 12 4 Read what your friend told y o u i n E x e r c i s e2 a g a i n . U n d e r l i n et h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n the website which confirms what she said. :: We're here! Look at the addressof your hotel and the map of central Oslo. Find the hotel and three of the placesfrom the website on the map. Which place is nearestto your hotel? a'le G 5ers Kev u*..**,f::::*''ffi a a o* t"i,:"""".""'-'#"ft .."-"'---'---&É;; i;":" "ry¿4cqtx :-f; 10 618865 / 0329 66 lll Look at the ticket and timetable.6rcióthe correct word. a The rrckef/ timetoble is for the train. b fhe ticket / timetoble is for the bus. -, o o 158 9 5 ' É ¿ ! ¡r t y o u s s e n 0rs.nf. 98ó 978 364 t|vA 0 9 . 0 8 . 0 7t 4 : 3 4 rL uvg. gytdig ti t 1o:24 F R A :0 sI o L u f t h a v n 0sto City TTI 1 Voksen 120 S U M :K r . 1 2 0 Look at the ticket, the timetable and the website again. Answer these questions. a Howoftenarethetrains / buses? b How muchdoesthe train/ buscost? How would you travel to your hotel in the centre of Oslo? I'd. txo-vel Frcm oslo A¡rPoÉ V¡ñd froñ t lrlt ,!re 2OO5 ,*s e' 0536 0624 * 06.* 1ó ' -t¿; !4 tÁ ¡it¡ * *r*pr***4** Whichairportis nearestto your home?Lookon the Internetand find some informationin Englishabout transporttoñrom this airport.Writesentenceslikethe sentences in Exercise 2. ¡t$$$$.#$$$###g##$$###### $#s$##$$ Can-do checklisb Tickwhatyou cando. I can identifyEnglishwords. I canfollowsignsand readnoticesat an airport. I can lookat a websiteand find out the bestway to travel on from an airport. Can do Need more practice What can I eat? read o Ói[lé)tfre wordsso thatthe sentences ¿retruefor you. I eat fr¡zo/ three/ more thon threemealsa day ItryfavouriLe mealof the day is breokfost/ lunch/ dtnner I usuallyearwithmy fomily/ with ny friends/ an my own. 1never/ sometimes/ often eat out. o Lookat the foodand drink.6iJé)thecorreawordin eacl-po'' ,--t-i-', a Qle9te9t rtce b hPnn<. / fñmnfñFc C coffee/ soup d mnchrññm< / nnfntne< e jom /toost f cereal/ juice o obononofocroissont ó h Dutfer/ eggs & - -¡! { q. o \r A ' rd- ñ- l¡ da >ñL^ i U U r r/ Lhr: l vi nu \ / ñ/ vr Ll I r q u rr u Lr ¡i ll )l v hr .r cv LeLr - l- UL l- -U- lr C L-lprn\/nf yUU lld\,! J, i rne * {# -, - Whatrsyourfavourite meal?Makea listof the itemsin yourmea A Look at the text on the oppositepage quickly. Answerthese questions. Tick / one of the boxes. a Whatislt? a m e n uI a leafet I a b r lE l b Where isit from? a caféI a shopE a hotelI Look at the photographson the oppositepage.Which of the items in Get ready to read can you see? 14 @ SocialandTravel Learningtip Whenyou reacl. ,t is r,- t. Youon-yna-. i"o'^ ¿-ion, o W h a t d o e s t h e l e a f l e tc a l l photographs? Y o u ' r ei n t e r e s t e di n h a v i n c c ' e ¿ < ; ¿ s : ^ : - ¿ - : : ¿ . R e a dt h e l e a f l e ta g a i n a n d c o m p l e t e : ^ ¿ : ^ ¿ - : a b c d W h e nc a nv o J - a W h e r ec a nv o r i - ¿ H o wm u c hc i o e s W h e r ea n dw h e - rrrmrlra*rwEn What can I eat? '.;.,:,,É = uí Allyoucaneatfor just16 50* Relax w¡tha tastyfr,¡ll breakfast fron'lour breakfastbuffet tf breaKla$til your roct'l'l or on tlre rLlnfnr nnli¡€4 I I l\-./t \lt ttl ¡,- Gettrng up earl¡r, for tinreof qot ail ¡:ressed ¿ttackof theirrdrrrglrt mr-rnclrres? Whynottry our breakfast bag?Enloyrtin yourroomor takerton yourJourney. Youcan orderonefronrreception anytimeor if you orderbeforeyougo to bed,wecandel¡ver oneto yourdoorfor the nextmornlng*** * * * w e w i l l d e l i v e rt o y o u r d o o r b e t w e e n5 a m a n d 7 a m o n l y .B r e a k f a s t bags can only be purchasedfrom reception.Picturesof food are for illustrativepurposesonly.Actual dishesmay differ Did you know ...? to be lhe The most famousmealin Bttrainused people usually Nowadays tradltionalfiled breakfast In cafés or hotels in only eat a cookedbreaKast also and meat' much general,peoptedon't eat so The most' ii .y ur" alwaysin a huny tn the mormng oooularbtealdaslis cerea]or Loasl The feaffet mentions breakfast buffet. Do you think this meansthat there is waiter serviceor is it self-service?Find two words in the leaflet which give the answer. *E***fu2=zsx Closeyourbooks.Writea listof breakfast itemsin the photographs. Thewinneris the studentwho remembers the most items! UjmltÉ what can I eat? B E€*reus*fus Es?#seffi 'l Look at the menu below quickly.Answer these questions with yes or no. a ls this a menu for a vegetarian restaurant? b Doesthe menushowfoodand drinks? r ñnoc if chnr¡r no nri¡ac? Look at the menu carefully.Which food items do the dishescontain?Make three lists in your notebook, like this: V€C'EÍABL€5 OTHER M€Af chrcken sal¡l che¿se d Arethereany dessertson the menu? You now know enough to chooseyour meal from the menu. Wh¿t would you choose?Why? !'-&üw¡e appet¡sers C o a t ' sc h e e s es a l a dS í3.75 Soft cheese on a mixed salad. T h a ic h i c k e n piecesservedwitha sweetThaisauce. Tender chicken 83.25 S c u po f t h e d a y& t2.95 Aska memberof stafffor todav'ssoua.Served witha breadroll& butter. ma¡ns F i s h& c h i p s Friedcodservedwithchunkychips& peas. 16.5l S a u s a q& e mash t6.5C Tastybeefsausageservedwith mashedpotato,peas& a light gravy. C h i e k * ns a l a dw i t h * r e p * s Slicedchickenbreast& grapesservedon a mixedsalad. f6.75 6az{i7*g} steak ti.95 Sirloinsteakservedwithchunkychips,peas,tomatoes& onionrings. C h e e : ea n d * n i o n t a r t & Serued witha mixedsalad. i6.,o5 e h *e s e b u r*a &r !5.95 Servedwith chunkychips& a mixedsalad. {*lvlakeit a double burger for just fl extra. $ Su¡tablefor vegetarians. l6 @ Social andTravel at the text in italics on menu. The text in italics bes the dish. Find the or words which answer questions. Coat'scheesesalad- whatkind of cheese? -apÍ! -cke?te. Thaichicken- whatkindof chicken? Thaichicken- what exactlyis Thaiin thisdish? v*e*fu*ñ*ry the shortdefinition. @lbthe wordin eachpairwhichmatches pieces/6tZé) a a liquidwhichgoeswith food b a cut of meat breast/ sirloin c a n a d j e c t i vm eeaning'big' chunky/ soft d food can be cut thisway fried/ sliced e easyto cut tasty/ tender Fish& chips- whatkindof chips? t¿ Writeeachunusedword abovenextto the correctdefinition. f a partof the body g an adjective meaning'nice' h food can be cookedin thisway i d Fish& chips- whatkindof fish? -! Fs*us** ... nnnnsitc nf F,arA j smallbits 5 lmagineyou are at the restaurantwith a group of friends.What would you recommendto the following people? Sausage & mash- whatkindof sausage? a is vegetarian b doesn'tlikesalad Chickensaladwith grapes- what kindof chicken? c lovescheese d is on a diet 6oz (170g)steak- whatkindof steak? tiecs b*nus Makea classmenu.Choosea dish.Thenwritea one-linedescription of it (likethe italics on the menu).Thenlookat the menuandchoosefrom other students' dishes. # bra pr**bi** Haveyoueverseena menuin yourcountry whichisbothin yourlanguage and Thenexttimeyouseea menuin English, tryandworkoutwhatthe I^tig":Iare. cr5nes ll $ $$ $$ $$-$-$ $-$$$,$$g$-$$ $ $$$ $$$$$$-* Gardo checkl¡sE Tickwhatyou cando. I can understand a textwithoutknowingthe meaningof everyword. I can book breakfast in a hotel. I can choosefood from a menu. Can do Need more practice Where uuiltrI find it? read o Writethe namesof the thingsin the liston the left. Whichshopwouldyou go to in yourtown or cityif you wanfedto buythesethings? -DVDa b -C ) d e f .,{" ,{ ¡ s E t O Arethesespecialist shopsor department sLores? Write5 or D afterthe nameof the shop. ñ ft Learning tip Scanrmgiswhen we reada text quicklyto find a oo u o' p'eceof rnforma-ion. \A'^do no readeve'y iuord We stopreadrngwhen we find the information \¡,/e\¡/anl ) ".., ¡ Three people want to go to three different shops. Match their questions with what they >alil5ri#i'Y fr a r et h i n k i n g . supe/z=&y:€<*E I I tsit open onsundays? I E ' )-'' ...-- .¡' --ir >. ;|, u P Crl órc ur c qvq il tL Perhaps I cango beforeI go to school co but ) U I t tinis¡workatsixo'clocl<, () go | coura on my ¿ TtT_, \=F\^-/--v-* o;.@ \ | couldsoattheweekenC. i \=^** !/o l8 N o w l o o k a t t h e s h o p o p e n i n g h o u r s .F i n d t h e a n s w e r st o t h e q u e s t i o n s ,q u e s t i o n1 = t e x t 1 , question2 = tex't2 crestion 3 = text 3.) '- ^ I Y ? 1 , , .- : "..5.yt44\2..__ @ SocialandTravel F-if Where will I ñnd it? té go to Debenhamson Wednesdayevening. are lookingfor thesethings.Match the with what the shop assistantsays. Bootsarein Women'sfootr¡¡ear. I ,,FI d I Babyclothes arein Childrenswear )I I Did you k n o w . . . ? rFre I Youil Trncsurrcases In Luggage.I -L_l / \_ _ ¿'/ GB English ground floor first floor secondfloor T the store guide. On which floor will you find the departmentsin Exercise3? a Men,S accessories qroundfi.oor c d e f Cosmetics Women'sfootr,riear Childrenswear LUSgage Cadgets and games US English first floor secondfloor third floor T*,ar"*bGfiL= Writea listof sixthingsyouwantto buyin the depar"tment store.Civeyourlistto a partner. Findthe department andfloorforyourpartne/s sixthings. Scanthe store guide againand find the answersto these questions.Which floor do you need to go to? a CanI makea phone call? p.rcar lk e-frLaL-fip -or, -Y-c-q, -gp-s-c4¡-.-.!I'.aela q LglE+X --- STOREGUIDE 2 Childrenswear G Accountopening/ payments Children's accessories -ome Café Luggage Cashmachine h Arc thore anv tnilpt<? c Can I set some monev here? d [-)n thorr ron¡ir ch^é<? Ordering service Accountopening/ paymen$ Personal shopper f R¡hv f¡cilitie< f-niic¡t hv ¡¡r ls therea hairdresser's? Accessories Disabled facilities Cosmetics Orderino a^A-^+^ udu5cL> cen¡ire Restaurant ^^! -^^^^^ dr ru tdr I 1tr5 Jewelleryandwatches Yenswear Telephone roilets e CanI havesomething to eat? Watch repairs +^ lYen'saccessories Wedding servlce Ylen'sfootwear Womenswear Women's accessories Women'sfootwear t*V*E1i+7 Onewordin eachpairis spelledincorrectly. (Circle)the correctspelling. Thencheckyour answers in the storeguide. a ACCSSONCS b reslaranl c telephon restaurant telephone rloetc c o: o"-ó''" e jewellery f machine o¡rlioic lewelery mashine Wf¡tt3 wheretñtiuI nnd it? B What does that sign say? 1 You are in a department store and you want to do these things. Which sign should you look for? Match the signswith the things you want to do. a Youwantto tryon a pairof trousers. E b Youwantto havea cupof coffee.tr floor.I c Youwantto go upto thesecond pairof trousers. d Youwantto ordera smaller I e Youwantto leavethe building. n f Youwantto puy.tr E! Fitting r0$fn$ &it * F*V here While you are looking for the signs in Exercise1, you see the signs below. Look at each sign and answerthe question. BUVI G€TI HHI,fPNK€ ffft{€nrT ü*Lv on hundredsof best-selling(Ds Ihis dmr rruillope* in a* d Doesthis meanyou gettwo CDsfor the priceof one? a Canyou get out here? Ns,go,4c44l¿=(Yq{--sa¡---ora[.-gp!--w!-plp-v:.-ilq-d-a--*-fu--"-) f*s ¡r*r:{{ rcaidq*ts *lha* Veir rp€*d a mi*irxuc*of tSO* "exdudss rhildre*s¿r¡e*r **1Ears¡ **ks ersi$t*nt f*:r d¿teils b Caneveryonehavetaxfree shopping? UFTOUTOFORD(R e CanI go up to the secondfloorin the lift? TODAY! SALESTARTS Shoesrc,gired u¡hileVouruoit tlp t* 3ü% *ff *ur cxügir:*lSrk*$ c Do thingscostlessthanusual? @ SociatandTravel f MustI come backlaterfor mv shoes? Illlhere will I find it? ,:¡::,j-& at these noticeson shop and doors. Matchthe with the explanationsbelow. Youcanshop heresixdaysa week.E Theshopis openone evening. I Youmustn'teatanythingin thisshop.I Be carefulwhen you comethroughthe door.I Youcan'tget out here.I Youmustpayin cash.f Open doilyiiñ-f unffrffi -fF at these notices.Explainthem in Ito üícgcle*egni*stthis níni** - nocash" * *r* pr**k€*e Co into a shopor departmentstorein yourtown. Look at the signsand notices. Howdo you saythesethingsin English? Rewritethe signsand notices. ü$$$i¡$,|*$$$ $#.$$$$##g$$$$$#$###$ checklisE whatyou cando. c¿rnscana noticeto find the informationI need. canfind out whenshopsareopen. can reada storeguideand find out whereto buy things. can readsignsto understand them. Can do Need more practice read o Wherecanyougetforeigncurencyif fou'r" goingabroad? Tick/ theboxes. ; :l:.tffi"cvExchange c at a bank ' y:ff:hH.H'j's'"* O Complete thesesentenc", usinganATMwiththewordsin itolics. i??:,q*t customer(C) or the assistant (A)? or " 3:;,r::,HÉbitcord b Whaflsthe exchongerote?I c CanI seevourposspo¿? :I d woufd you lke'fssh or ;;;#.h*;ü How muchcommissiondo t:ut I;il,*.,'u" : inan .'........... A*¡& I fi:."lili"rli __. ifr::*l-;;; ."1 -.. ;H'.""'l#Yyoucan,tget -':.""*,:;;;l:::,", usean AiM. Youonlyfind out from yourbankor creditcardstatement. pi,r r::;i:T::?"- ;::,i"Ji T"J"l,";;¿;,.;; ;; You nndoutrrom onrv .....-.-.-.either A *e=gffi*xÍa?á*= 1 Mieko is on her way to Mexico City. She hasjust spent a few days in the United States.She is changingUS dollarsinto Mexicanpesosat Travelex at LosAngeles airport. Look at the leaflet on the oppositepage quicklyand answerher question. ffi k"-t l don'tspend? E Here are some more of Mieko'squestions.Answerthe questions with yes or no. Do I haveto pay commission when I reirrrn nccnc h:vpn't ... !9 l st h e r e¿ t i m el i m i to n Ine Bur BackPIusotfer? | Now answerthe questionsin Exercise2 again. Give details from the leaflet. \l a Ne,--r.¿lg-eatrq'-L-¡ aqn k s&. b C d @ Social and Travel I cnont? \\'henI returnunspent pesos,is the exchange r a t eh i g h etrh a nf o r bu¡ingine;'n? Secureühevalueof yourcunrency fot vour. ownpeaceof mindfor only $b. Gsmmission ,G= Free fe¡ms t Condítions " Offe¡ availableto Tnavelexcusto . off er ¡snon-tran s;;;##'.ild'f passpoft. ::::ffi[,::.r:ff .t . WhytakeBuYBackPlus PEACEOF MIND GUARANTEED * ,ash andrhepufchaseof Travellers Cheques ]*^:,r::n::.are fegarded as two sepafate exch angesevenif purchased during thesamevisit. r Maxjmum limirof g10,000applies. _exchange . BuyBackplus exchanges mustUecompteiJwjrhin31 days of theoriginal purchase. . Offerconditjonal onpfesentati0n 0f theoriginal receiptand passport whenfeturning foreign of traveliers cheques . orrervarioro. one re¡u"i ;;;;;TT"t *,u ouy back unspenrcunrency boughrfromTravetex. :. *::P: yl'l jBr;é#il1 reseivesrhe rish¡r0 witn¿raw rravetei l::l:]ej anyprior wttnout notice. r,rq/w.tnavelex.us Tfavelex wor.ldwide money the Terrns& Conditionssection of the leaflet. Are these true (T) or false (F)? ó Readthe three sentencesabout Mieko'strip. Do you think she will use the Buy Back Plusoffer? Youcan returnyourmoneyto Travelex in the countryyou'regoingto. __f-_ Why? / Why not? Youhaveto pay$10 if you wantto buycashandtravellers cheques at the sametime. -----a Shewantsto exchange $27into Youcan'treturnunspentcurrency morethana monthafterbuyingit. _-___ pesos. Mexican Youmustshowyourpassport when returning yourforeigncurrency. _--___ Youcan'treturnmoreforeigncurrency thanyou boughtfromTravelex. ______ the correct verb to complete each sentence. You@yg)/ don'thove fo showyour passportwhen exchanging money. Youccn f con't usethe Buy BackPlusofferwhen exchanging morethan $10,000. Youmust / don'thove to showyour receiptif you wantto returnyour foreigncunency. Youmust/ don't hovefo returnall your unspentcurrencyat the same time. Youcon / night nof alwaysfind this offeratTravelex in the USA. o. I d'on'L ühink Mi¿ko wü use üe Buu Ba* PUrs oltex be¡.auseüe asL oÍ Lakmg up üe olter Ls $5 whkh Ls qut"tz a, lnrge percznLa4eol üe gZ1 whtrh she can reb,+rn. b She'sdoing a tr¡¡o-monthSpanish coursein Mexico. c She'sonly changingplanesat Los Angeles on her way back to Tokyo. t),.,:1.,,;,;,','@ Can I get money here? B '#E***# eé#ws*ex& É.ffi#*Y& tearning tip Prepareyourselffor readinga text by thrnkingabout the topic in your own language. Thrswi-llhelp you to predrctthe conLenloI LheEnglishtext and work out thn L]]C mn¡¡ina lllgolllllg nf V] an'r O1]y 'r¡l¡¡¡1¡¡n Uruurvvvrr tv¡ vr ou ri u f loq. Mieko hasjust arrivedin Mexico.She is going to get some money from an ATM. Tick / the thing she needsto know before she usesthe machine. a herdebitcardnumber b herbankaccount nr.¡", I c herPIN(personal identification number)I Which of these options do you have when you use an ATM in your country? Tick./ your answers. a Y o uc ¿ no r d e ra b ¿ r xs r ¿ r e - e r t .E b Youcanfindout hor,.n tch noney you havein your bankaccount. c Y o uc ¿ ng e tn o l e \ Í ' o r : . e - ¿ c h , r e .I d Youc¿ngeta rece,pt.e Youcanordera cheque)cc*. I f Y o uc a ns t ¿ rat g a r ¡. Í ' , o - - ¿ < e a m i s t a k eI , L o o k a t t h e n i n e s c r e e n s .T h e s e s h o w E n g l i s h instructions for using an ATM in Mexico. As you read the instructions, mime the actions and press the keys. EIEE,.', l-i :- -' l--/' '*J @ Sociat andTravel Can I get money here? t;;¡*i-:€ the things in Exercise2 can Mieko do n ATM? you know .'.? fustATM was at BarclaYsBank Enfie]d,London.It was installed 1967.The maximum withdrawal Look at the screenbelow. When might you see this screenon the ATM? Tick / your answers. I afterscreenI f 2 afterscreen 2! 3 afterscreen 3! 4 afterscreen 4! 5 afterscreen 5E was fl10 sevenverbson the screens. These ativeform of the verb.(Theimperative sameasthe infinitive without'to'.) We use formfor instructions. fte verbs. erL Look at screens4 and 5 on the opposite page. Which buttons can you presson these screens if you don't want to continue? ****fu*zct* someinstructions for a machinewhichyou can drangeeurosto dollars. Complete the instructions the verbsabove. the amountin figures C to cancelor changethe amount. _ youreuroDanKnotes. yourUSdollars tt¡iekodecidednot to continue.How manydifferentways canyou finishthis sentence? 'She decidednot to continuebecause...' g üra pre*beee Nexttimeyou usean ATM,chooseEnglish instructions andfollowthem. for yourreceipt. --,*-*****_***j Jt$$$gttg$$#$s$$ $g$$$g#$$$$#$$$ checklisE what you cando. buy moneyat a CurrencyExchange and understand aboutreturning unusedcurrency predictthe contentof a text by thinkingaboutthe topic ownransuage followinstructions to usean ATM. Cando Need more practice read O Tick./ the sentences whicharetrue for you. I:ffi.[';x:"'ff:Í :Jiii¿:i,É _ I usually goon holiday withmyfamily. I _ I sometimes bookholidays onthelnternet. LJ r'dr Iil¿'jili*1il:'J?:t1,"¡-o o Thisunitis aboutholidays in fgypt.@the conect wordsto maketrue senténces aboutEgypl a Youcansaildown the RiverArnozon /W1!j b Youcan ridea comel / on elephont. c Youcanvisitpyramids, tombsand costles / temples. ' 'r:;;"i;:;;?:#'"'or Cairo' Arexandria and A 7= "+%*'fu**g"+ aÍE&w "a=€"'+k* tearning tip i 4 l: * li+: http//wwwmeTcureuxorcom SL<tmmingis when we read a texl quickly to find out what it **** is ¡hnirt nr tn ntrl n nono'3] jdg¿. We do not read everyword. We get the main idea and we don't pay attentionto details.(Seealso f anrninn Dvu!tL!r9 iin úIy i n Iv !T nit A \ !tú v.J !!t Your hotel 4 star hoteloffering314 roomseach with a balconyoverlooking the Nile or the gardens. In the hearlof the city centre. Valeriaand her sister are going on a week'sholidayto Luxor.Valeriais checkingthe website of their hotel. Look at the words below. Skim the homepage.6¡rcDthe words which best describethe hotel. a cheap / expensive b big/ small 1 kilometrefrom LuxorTemple. 500 metresfrom LuxormuseLtm, Papyrusand the shoppingarea. 2 restaurants, café,3 bars,beauty salon,gift shop, hairdresser, a heatedpool,nightclub,sports facilities. Privateparking. Meetingroom. (Circldthewords on the homepagewhich makeyou think that the MercureLuxor is a top-classhotel. @ Social andTtavel ..i Somewhereto stay E;:fj. -& five things you would b find in the bedroom hotel. Readthis Does it mention you thought of? 4a¡ñ -" ^15;_'I ntP://www mercureu^or.com/rooms Room(s):314 Numberof free childrenin parents'room 2 the webpage again. you like most about (ofl... no*ou Room fittings: 220/240V AC Air conditioning Phone Radio Satellite/ CablecolourTV :: nounis made words- ori gollery, Bathroom fittings: Bath tub Findcompoundnouns in thissection withthesewords: Room service: Hot dishes Cold snacks Weekdayhours:24 hours Weekendhours:24hours 'r ::::::l:y: !!_i sister has some about the hotel. at her questions. the questionswith no. Other services: Dry cleaning/ ironing Babysittingon request Safe deposit box at Reception Here are some more questions.Can you find the answersto these questionson the website?Write I don't knowif there is no information. b therea television ir the bedroom? answerthe questionsin 5 again. Give more ils from the website. Yes, tk's 1 kúome,*e {rom Would you like to stay at the Mercure Luxor?Why? / Why not? ll& Ws.I I -ps4¿Llkp b.-pfuu-qLile !!erew.e,--L-uxor bs¿t¿t2e._________ Vfo: Iypt #É*ss**n#c Writesixmorequestions aboutthe hotel.Civeyourquestions to a partner. Answeryourpartner's questions. ' ', ,,f8 Somewhereto stay z¿7=z=Éu=, E. B - -i:;, !+3::3=n47:. E& ''- 1 Fabiois travellingaround the world and is planning to travel to Luxor by train. Do you think the Mercure Luxor is a good hotel for him? Why? / Why not? | ü-qY..l) d.pnlL-ünküc .aoo. good'hok)--M-erel4-r-c--l=-qxqrhr fülp h<rawe " 7$::: { ' --l so ., , i¿."{1¡ jí'. t ,'= lTi¿.'!ij;.::.::::,: "tt.E*.?ir:...3.-'! i-l i. ¡-:,1.; Ii ¡ Our location The Nefediti Hotel was the fÍrst budget hotel in Luxor and is in the heart of the historical district. To the west, the hotel overlooks the a n c i e n t L u x o r T e m p l e a n d t h e a ü e n u e o f t h e S p h i n x e s ,t h e r i v e r Nileand the West Bank Mountains. R i v e rN i l e Luxor Temple Here are three questions Fabio alwaysasksbefore he choosesa place to stay. Add two more questions to this list. 400 m ?€ijJ+ It is locatedon El-sahabiSt, a side street of KarnakTemple St (Sharia El Karnak).To reach the hotel on foot from the tra¡n station, walk straight ahead up the main street towards Luxor Temple, which faces you. Turn right onto KarnakTemple Street, p a s s i n gt h e b u s s t a t i o n o n y o u r l e f t . T h e h o t e l ¡ s o n y o u r r i g h t . .ry We are happy to offer to pick you up on arrival at the tra¡n or bus stat¡on as a free service. g w.tú flé C Didyouknow...? Nefertitiwas a queenol EgypL who ruledfrom 1372-1350 BC Shewas the wife ofAkhenaton @ Sociat andTravel 1r:j ?,-j.:r::. .:'. The Nefertiti is ten m¡nuteswalk from the railway station and three from the bus station. b@ a f so.,--ú--lq?-.--" ----------b Nefertiti Hotel I Trainstation ) Look at three pages from the website for the Nefertiti Hotel. Write the answersto the three questionsin Exercise2. A r r p o r1t 5 k m + I . F;;;;;8, *;-l ownbathroo\ I'2/- Bus station Avenue of Sphinxes E& tu FNdw Le É¿F !f:,: Q--:,:J::):t : . ::..:. 7'á'{ =t}*? TERRAcE Our roof terrace is where you can relax and enjoy the fantastic panoram¡c view. We serve a variety of drinks and Egyptian dishes,and you can also order one of many different fruit sheeshas. ES a?!.= ::-.:a1.ita For our guests, we provide free luggage storage and showers after checkout. Brochures and maps are available at the front desk. As always, we offer friendly and helpful service. We alsohave: . S a t e l l i t eW i n t h e p u b l i c r o o m s . Internet serv¡ce . Laundry service . Bike rentals . Transportation Room service Souvenir shop . B i l l i a r dt a b l e a n d g a m e s '& Somewhere to stay webpagesagain. questionswith o¡ | don't know. details if you can. E¡. E* !*r F€*r ¡d É* ,,l'" .!!F-l/-ylry.rele4r!l¡e!el {t+rrnbtryyf ffifr,'r"i4roAftnr;s :at, f,: t1 ' ) ' .',: . .i' .t -a -a :,..: ! :..:ii :t a::..:, Roomsand rates T h e N e f e r t i t i h a s 2 5 r o o m s , a l l w i t h a i r - c o n d i t i o n i n g ,p r i v a t e shower and toilet. M a n y r o o m s h a v e b a l c o n i e s .W e p r o v i d e t o w e l s , t o i l e t p a p e r a n Qs o a p . i:j:5:ji :.:1:,::1r: ::::ít ;:-,:'t: a)t :.:a\:,:. | lajt i :,:,1:,. : ,.-:.. :, ;. Single Double UK Sterling f5 f7 Euros €9 LII US Dollar $7 $11 $14 Also payable in Egyptian pounds. Our healthybreakfasts are availableanytimeuntil noon (includedwith the room).Youhaveyour choicefor a Continental or Egyptianbreakfast. ú iñtffiÉt Would you like to stay at the Nefertiti? Why? / Why not? Would you rather stay here or at the Mercure Luxor? a safedepositbox in j@ € k ,m ' rt".r"di,..rdl l_arly"r ---------\- _J bra pra*bt*e Lookon the Internet and find a websiteabouta hotel in your country.Findsome rnrormailon In tngilsn.uo you thinkvisitors will likethis hotel? ü$$$$$g####$.$ $$l*$.$###s#g#$ checklisb n*ratyou can do. skima hotelwebsiteand form an opinionof the hotel. find out detailsabouta hotel'sfacilities. droosea suitablehotel. Cando Need more practice read ' invour country g,LlHist's li'X#^-""1,:fr:,t"."":T:: ;::[,T*:::H""' I:::::Bil s'lLJ rmac Pha lmagineyou areon holidayandyou haveleft yourwashbagat home.Whatwouldyou need to buy?Makea list. --ts-q ilpsa@, .tq-o.tlin+.qh, f;fi i:::: :f:#l',::o',* AZ.=*"é+É*vgryE"g,+T:z€72-EE€E*e*€=fu:'ga+*"** 1 Look at the things in the pictures.Look at each label andGñidthe product. i t i ¡, ; {;1fit i ,5Jíff'J ft @l {1!v.s t fssfniial t irl*¡sir¡]"{".1i{}r}1 E healthg gums Jru 75{}mte P$Fffi}r{D5 flLfs e fifflL ' . , 7 € , .i lor nc¡iu¡dncrils **szÉac&re r{}*r*o tlt "tu: 30 @ SocialandTravel '{ * ry J Is this what I need?'..,:;,,,".,. Did you know...? the sign HEALTHCAREas you go into Which of the things in Exercise'l probably find in this department? will you find in the TOILETRIES ? Write two lists. chemist's drugstore pharmacy pharmacy GB Enghsh USEngJish AustralianEnglish SouthAfncan Enqlish will you see these signs?Match them with the two t headingsTOILETRIES and HEALTHCARE. T or HC in each box. Katka hasgone to the chemist'sbecauseshe needs some of the things in Exercise 1. Lookat her bill.Whichof the thingsdid she buy? deodorctnts- KMq -bouül .... ::;! j,¡r+:iÍ$i'.1wg$&i¡):¡rl E dentot "'"'e¡lB Thank you for T &4.W$*i?try- tf BAKERSTREET - E f-t cosmet¡cs vilqmins I] shopping at Served by: the things in Exercise1 with the signs in Exercise3. There than one thing with some signsand no things with other Write lists. IlEENA L3/07 /¿OO8 l,¿: 3g Nunofen Tb l,E 6 R&S showen gel Body Ltn Reg 800 1.Sl I.hi ¿.q3 .:: ??4 T O T A LT O P A Y Cash Change 5.77 1 , 0 .B 0 q. e3 Youtve just nissed out on E{p in points to spend in store Pick up youn Instant A d v a n t a g eC a n d today and stant saving Boots The Chemists Ltd r.r¿ g qlé5 0?? q 13! # abouteachof the thingsin Exercise 1. Beginyoursenrences Youusethis/theseto ... or Youusethis/theseif ... . Forexample 's to wosh your hoir./ You use thisif your hoir is dirty.Exchange your witha partner. Decide whichthingsyourfriendis describing, "*r*prxx*éx* Lookat the thingsin yourwash bagor in yourbathroom.Are the labelsin English or in your language? Findthe nameof the thingin English on the label. Is this what I need? B :: ::: a ' : . ::,:.::::: :::':,..:.1:-::.1.1= a:....aa.:.'' .a : .,,.a:'.,.a. 1 Katka doesn't feel very well. She'sgot a headache and a cold.Shethinksshe might be getting flu. What do you think she shoulddo? Learning tip mL We often sk¡m a text to find the paft of the text which is mosl useful/jmportanr ro us.We readtne imporlant part slowly,and we probablyreadsomewordsand sentencesmoreihan oncern orderto understandthe detalls.It is particularlyimportant to read tnstructions rllri lQoo ¡l<n I aarninn a- R e a dw h ¿ ts o n ' eo L h ep" e o p ' es a l ¿ D o Ltlh e i r m e d i c apl r o b l e - s '. i n dt l - en a * e o f t r e p ' o b l e m on the backof the Nurofenpacket. a I geta verybad headache, and someiimesI am sick. | ücnk Kaj*.o.shouLd- ¡arofr :::- i i n i nL ! ! Iv lr tnl ti t u\J 0 r 6" L n c I t h i n kI ' v ep u l l e da m u s c l ei n m y l e g . 'l ' v"c- oón't' t n n t h : r h e A \ ¿.1 2 Katkabought some tabletsat the chemist's. Skimthe back of the packetand decideif the tabletsare suitablefor her. Katka'sfriend gives her two other productsfor her cold and headache.Haveyou ever used things like these?How do you usethem? Aoults,the etderV chitcrer 1Z yearsa4d Nurofenworkswhereit s needed- at the o{der:SwaLlow2 tóbletswith reter, tl-en if sjteof pain.lt quicktyret¡eves pain,reduces necessarytake 1 or 2 taoletj every 4 hours. inftammation andlowerstemperalur-o. Do not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours_ 'a.dc¿' re . t g-¿,r. .per od paln .dentaIpain .backache symptoms .muscularpain .feverishness . ol¿ e Read theea(losed leafletcarefutlv beforeuse KEEPALL MEDICINES OUTOrr¡I¡ NE¡CH ANDsICHTOFCHILDREN Donor5toreaboveZ5oC ::I",'J,lf.TÍ::i?Xlf roren e,,ru, zoo .g trlotsr'tabtefor child.eq unCer1Zymr. tt $mptoms p€6istor wo6en,or ¡f mw H** OO#ffi *ulr yor dodoror I W A R N J N CD o . o i . . G) " e a r n e . - ¿e d d o - e *.oti*.'*t C.ú(es npatrhca.e,id. NoEingh¿a NCZ laA 3 Katka wants to know how many tablets she can take and how often. Skimthe back of the packetagain.Where can she find this information? 4 fs this advice correct? Tick / the advice which is correct. ¿ Youshouldtakerwo tablers the firsttine f b Youshouldhavea glassof w¿ierwiththe tabletsI _ r aFrpr ? hnrrr< 'rnr r <hnr 'lrl ¡" " takeI or 2 moretablets. L_l d Youmustn't havemorethan6 tablets in 24 hours. l-'l 32 lf r¡nr dnn't feel hcfior @ SocialandTravel e b I'vegota reallyhightemperature. i .&LOCi(ED NOSE .IíÉAÜACHE r FEVÉR c SORETHfrAAT w Smex Is this what I need? |;i:,,:.-& Readthe backsof the packetsand decide if these two products are suitablefor someone with a cold and headache. DECONGESTANT NASALSPRAY OMmetazolíne NASAL SPRAY Katka wants to know how often to use the nasalspray.Skim the back of the packet again. Where can she find this information? Oryetazoline from a blocked Put the picturesinto the correct order to show how exactlyto use this medication. rE 2Z jI WAANNGS lfyou arc &¡kingnedicines Prctatoedby you¡ doetot Cfnsutth¡nop-foF-usirtr WcksSinex.Do not usefrck trnexrcrbnguthanT davs wtttout ñed¡(á,ladvíta.' úo not exceedth¿ teomneúed dosaae,lf synptornspedstcínsuh yNt phamádst ot docto¡ Keepout of ¡eachand of dtildtén. 4J sI -€ (XS-t \\ Would you use any of thesethree thingsNurofentablets@,Cold and flu drink,Vicksnasal spray- if you had a cold, a headacheor flu? ülrgg$$$$$#$$# $$$$'$#$g#$$$$$$ drecklisb you cando andfindthingsin a chemist's. a textto find the partthat is most usefulto me. if medication is suitable. instructions on packets. Cando Needmorepractice Who's it from? read O Whendo you usuallysenda card?Tick/ the sentences thataretn refor vorr Whenit is someone'sblrthdav. fl Whensomeoneis sick.I I WhenI wantto sav'conpralulations'. I Whensomeoneleavestheirjob or school. L_l 'good WhenI wantto say tucl<'. I Whensomeonemoveslo a new house.L_l Whena memberof someone's tamilvd¡er [l 'thankyou' WhenI wantto say L_l I T--] I neversendcards, L_l A Whendo you usuallyreceivea card?Writeyouranswers, W h e n- - - - - - - - - - . When When When In whichof thesewaysdo you andyourfriends communicate? Tick/ youransweTs. emaill lettersI postcards notesI I text messages I fstürrls2 fl¡rlyl¡effy af ll¡*d*y! ;,: ' Look at the cards.When would you send each card? Write your answers. -:. ': 'i;:::i''. . . -. t!.1a F rc; I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B t' €@+ j a -! a 6 ,, :-.* @ Social and Travel Here are the messagesinsidethe cards.Match each messagewith a card. Write the number in each box. AE eI cI oI FI EI cI Eeane.st K¿sa HI DeC\r L)s(:t^r Anno So-r7 7o.'re not -ell, Ja¡me. !r.le're thin(in3 of ¡orl lDasoKe, Kin3a and So{ra )1todry!!! Huuua, very happYbtrthdoY! \uelcón1(atL vau.r.neü hone:! PetL:¡z (no¿( on oqr eloor t{ Vó1.\^e,ed anLlíinq Al tl,c, be-.sl-, Ltttet'cucl Gtot/annc,r t' L^rk7 Tool lrle've 3ot ón e.d¡n tomorro-l P.S.I *on't bett Yqo on the 2üh. P S Yoa ,¡.r,. alu,rlis I:ornc k S$tna Well don¿,Al¡¿*ol W¿ Carlos knew you d pa:sl lape the neut,jobworks aut well, and-the n"oneg is better! The office is quiet without you! Keep in touch! trom dl yoL^rfrterrds atd u>llennuesaJ $esupen'narketl HoTe lhey'ro no* loo qwtul! tél uo know how on! ¡ou 3ol Soe you al prac-lice on SúnáaV - ¿ot'l a,/ tor3et ybur bools! Poul Ad,rúna and. Lola Read each message again. Now decide what relationship the sender and the rece¡ver have. A Message Message B MessageC Message D Message E MessageF Message C MessageH Eda Olav F Sest wtsh-es,Sfutanq lcve (rcm H i,osenary tzrr lnuch 1>r evenS,hkal sad t/me. Vlttt all ny love, KatYo next week, but wLll see You \:rt 0.re a ar¿01.I.¿A_ch.¿r! í znjouedall gou, cb:ses at1 I l¿ar¡L a lot a.6out tnlish ora,üflar ffianks I was'/et"Y s'rrY to hean that Ycan gnanddar/ ha¿l died' I am thinkinq abÓux yau a /ct at thts venY goodfriends neighbours class peoplefromthe sameeveninS football team membersof the same in the samecl¿ssat college students workcolleagues old workcolleagues studentandteacher 4 Who does each sentencedescribe? a He'sgoingto takesomeexams b l-la'c ir rct mnrrorl hnr rco hasjustdied. C Oneof her relatives c He'sjustpassedhisdrivingtest. OLav Write sentencesabout the other people who receivedcards. a Jaime_r,_¡___tl.l_. b Anna C d Carlos tPtoft{c*{Éz : In message A,thereis a pronounandverbat the : We'rethinkingof you! beginningof this sentence'. However,thereisn'ta pronounand verbat the beginning of this sentenceSorryyou'renot wel[ loime. Tick/ the correct Whichpronounandverbaremissing? box. fml we'ref they'rel You'rel sh"'sl ntl again.Canyoufind any Now readthe othermessages What with missingPronouns or verbs? moremessages arethe missingpronounsor verbs? -ltp.s-.a s,gq.b_(f pv:! ü-.Ll--lp-dr-qt (l) uoilf 5?.o t\ot . Learning tip I/1trhen we reada text, we want to undelstandthe wdter's message.To do this, we read silently.In real life,we sometimesread aloud * for example,we might read out sometixngintelesting from a newspaper to a ftiend.Readingalouddoesnot helpyou to understandthe message,but 1thelps you to plactise the language. Now imagine you rece¡ved all the messages in Exercise 2. Read the messages aloud. Unfit? Who'sit from? B S*e y*a€*áeAfu*A**fu? 1 Silviahas receivedfour messagestoday. Read each message quickly.Complete the sentenceswith the words in the box. I'm goingtenpinbowling tomorrow nightwithsome friendsfromwork Doyou wantto come? Barbara X an email a note a postcard a-text-tr€ssage Message A is A/lecc:oc R ic MessageC is MessageD is E[r Edll ylrw ¡n5$t FQlmát loo¡r Ur¡rtgr HrlF Efl ToI j Slrrb Tott'--Mc.l j subtrc!l I NorthernLights silv¡d Canyouphoncyoaruuu? Shephoneol l Hi Silvia dt 7.30pu.Shcsa¡sit ¡sn'turgcnt, How are you? l've just finisheda reallyfantasticbook by a BritishauthorcalledPhilipPullman.You likefantasy,don,t you? You'd love this. Do you want to borrowit? butshc'otlik to ltcarfrom you. Don'tphoncaftcrlopu. She'sgot á Let me know. lrcaotack,sosk's goihgt0 beoN early. Marcos luesdly )3rd *ldrgrit June Ht Stlvto Wu're havln3o 3reottLtne Ln Scotlmd' the Teople 6re very frrcndly, bft they speakwLth o stronge We occer¡t.I ,on't olroys understondwhat they soy! north' lelt Ed;nburqh yesterdayond are now heodLn3 Loch the {or Tamorrow ,iu'ru 3otry to 3o lookiry /Vess lloi'',rter' Havu you hetrd o* lt? Sry helloto everyoneof school' Suu you on the )Xh! Hans Did you know ...? weuseLhetitleMrformanied In Englrsh or singlemen.WeusuallysaylÁrsfot marriedwomenandMissforsingle women. But somewomen marriedand single Prefer the title Ms. @ Social andTravel ffiffi -lot¡ l(s Stlria Road 3f, K¡.ng's B"3"IQH10N -S:lpre¡=.=-*-- eR;:t.-tPQ,,-- Who's it from? gt;}:? Read messageD. When did Hansand his friendsdo these things? a TheyleftEdinburgh on June each messagew¡th its function. ---- B makesan offer. makesan invitation. describes something mal¿ac r ranr rÁcf b Theyplannedto go to LochNess on June the questionsthat Silviamight ask Barbara. areyougoingwith?f shouldI meetyou?! dayareyougoing?I ülassbcnus time areyou going?I messageB again.Tick / the sentencesthat are true for you. of Philip Pullman. l'veneverheardof PhilipPullman.I E of Northern tights.Z l'veneverheardof Northern Lights.J read Northern Lights. I haven't read Northern tights. J Z ¡ T to bonowthebook.I I don't likefantasy.I I don'twantto borrowthe book. f] l'm too busyto readthe book. E you are Silvia.Write a reply to Marcos.Use some of the you ticked in Exercise4. Workwrtha partner.Act out the conversation betweenMargritand mum at 730pm.Work Silvia's with a differentpartner.Actout a betuveen conversation Silviaand Hanson June29th. lmagine you are Silvia. Which of the four messages would you be most likely to read aloud? Who to? Why? rhgYph'...upv.r. q{?go:y.l plfu.'-. ::--ü-q4r., --ftqry l E correct time in Silvia's to Margrit. Findout as muchas you canabout the LochNessMonsterfromthe www.nessie.co.uk website.Look at the webpageRecentsightings. Whatwordsare usedto describe what peoplesaw?Do you really thinkthey sawthe monster? r,4aryfr Thank_for taur note I XoIbaekaf !t=pm ürapracüice / l}l3prn, so ll¡ wtupnoneMumiomoriow Tha¡k" -t >ilvla ü g$'$$ $$#$$$$.$$ $$$g$$$g $ $$$$$$-, checklisb whatyou cando. workout the mainDurDoses of cards. can reada messagealoud. can understand a messageon a card. can identifytypesof messages. can reada messageand respondto it. Cando Need more practice Where can we park? read that aretrue O Tick,/ the sentences for you. I candrive.I l'vegot a car.I I walkto work/school. I l'vegota bike.I a lot.[] I usepublictr¿nsport centre, Usethe 'rlo /oJrrowr/cirv O Complete aboutLravell,rg thesesentences wordsin thebox. I on foot i ly nike/nusTcarltrain/underground way is ----------The |.astest Thecheapestway is Thehealthiest way is ,s Thebestwayfor the environment o How do you usuallygo into the town/citycentre?lVriteyouranswer. A lmagine you are driving from London to Stratford-upon-Avon one Sunday with three friends. You decide to stop in Oxford on the way. How is driving into Oxford made easy? Read the leaflet on the opposite page and tick / the correct description. Learning tip -.i. ::a¡1.tiy to vrork out the rrrrri t: illirnotvn words. Ftnd ,':r¡is:n tne text which r,viththe meaning :r:-1-.,'.rr-, :r:l ,'i.Ldo lrotknow. s:i e ¡rherwordsrn the : :h- samemeanrng- or a Youparknearthe ringroadandtakea busintothe citycentre.I b Youparknearthe citycentreandwalkthere.I Your friend is giving directions to get to Oxford. Look at the map and put the directions in the correct order. Write the numbers'l-5 in the boxes. -a Co pastHighWycombe. I L-l I -. - b rur."Lhe v4o tr I---/I + c c I I -rheri'-..¿-') fhere's a ca"parkon rheleftjustbefore B ComeoffatJunction J t--] e I ¡ theturning to AViesbuV fr lgnore _.J 3 What is the nameof the car park your friend is talking about? 4 Unfortunatelythe driver does not see the turning to Oxford. Your friend gives him directions.Look at the leafletand correctyour friend'sdirections. 3a @ SocialandTTavel Continue alonsthe M4O.Comeoff Takethe 44l towards at Junction'6. Turnleftat the roundabout. Oxford. - L . - - , - ^ - - - ^ ^ - r ^. ^ , " - " i g h r . The t Lcrc ) d Lor Por\ ur Lrs I n¿-rc of fhe c¡r rark is PearTree. ,. -iñiñA-1.,..^^ 111:O11111U. Ullly UJü ^ O ,: checkyourguesses Hereare six words/ from the leaflet. exoressions Readthe leafletcarefullyand find the words in the list.Find six other words/expressions which havesimilarmeanings. Sometimesthe word in the list comesbeforethe word w i t h a s i m i l am r eaning; sometimesit comesafter. e¡te\\'a! v;au ta qeL tnto noSt ao¡\'en ent C treqle¡r, c no c¡ar8e ¿ b e S IPLE f rid.. Where can we park? :¿,,;'=.;ffi are two more words/expressionsfrom the leaflet. Find words/expressionswhich have opposite meanings. adults b one wav arrive at PearTree car park and you have to pay.Are friends' statementstrue (T) or false (F)?Correct the false ts in your own words. br* pr****** the websitewwwparkandride.net and find out aboutparkand ride in much How doesit costa) to park,b) to ride?How often üte buses? 39 $li:tt* Wherecan we park? B FEasey*¡a ür$aax:g cÉaamg*? In your country,do you have to pay to park? How do you pay? Tick / one or both of the descriptionsbelow. froma machine yourticketin thecarwindow. a Youbuya ticket andleave I b Youtakea ticketfroma machine andpaywhenyou'rereadyto leave.E Did you know ...? Thesea¡e Bntish coins.Thereare 100pence(p)in a pound (fl1).There a¡eaisof5, f10, t20 andf5Onotes. Look at the information on the machinebelow. This is for pay and display parking.Which of the sentencesin Exercise'l describespay and display? €%: €g'ft: OXFORDSHIRE COUNTYCOUNCIL THIS PAYAND DISPLAYAREA IS ¡N OPERATIONEVERYDAY FROM 8 AM UNTIL10 PM. (Weekdáy charges apply on Publ¡c/Bank Holidays) PEHMITTEDVEHICLES PASSENGERVEHICLESUP TO12 SEATS+ DRlvER, pERMITTEDVEHICLESUP TO 2.25 T OR 2290 Kg. MAX GROSS WElcHT, DUAL PURPOSEVEHICLES,MOTORCYCLÉSWITHSIDECARSONLY, DAY/EVENING TIMES& CHARGES lilSTRt CTtOi¡S Monday to Saturday I am to 6.30 pm Up to one hour = 91.00 Up to two hours = t2.00 6.30 pm to 10 pm No charge 1 cHrcxluesnowx PAHTPAYMENTIS NOTACCEPTED MAXIMUMSTAYTWO HOURS (NO RETURNWTTHTN ONE HOUR) ÜN MACHINEDISPLAY 2 lruseRr co¡t¡sr0 GrvE THEHEQUIR€D EXPIRYTtME 5P 10P zBP50P f1 e2 coins 4cept€d NO CHANGEGIVEN sPml üisplay inside v¿hide window TUHNTOCANCEL O :: PENALTYCHARGEOF T4O. TICKETNOTTHANSFERABLE BETWEENCARS OF PAY& DISPLAYAREASIF THIS MACHINEIS OUT OF USE PLEASEUSEANOTHERMACHINE. @ Sociat andTravel 3 lt is Wednesday morning and you have decided to go to the Tourist Information Office in the centre of Oxford. You think you will be there for 30 minutes. You are parking in a pay and display area and you are now at the machine. Scan the information on the -"chin.. 6iii)the answers to the questions. a Whatis the minimumamount you can pay? juP /eJ)/ Lz b Youlook¿t the coinsin your wallet.Youhavegotone 50p coin.andfour20p coins.How muchwillyou haveto put into the machine? Willyou getany change? 4x20p/50p+3x20p/ oll the coins c lf the time on the machineis 10.04whenyou pay,when shouldyou returnto yourcar? 1 0 . 3 4/ 1 r . 0 4/ 1 2 . 0 4 d Shouldyou takeyourticketto the TouristlnformationOfficewith you,or shouldyou leaveit in yourcar?Why? toke it / leove it Wherecan we park? i,¡Lii{t# '. *s=".. 1 ; i t ! the threeexpressions withno on the payand displaymachine. :z thesesentences withthe threeexpressions. meansyou don'thaveto pay. -------ltq dCrgc_________ meansyou mustn'tcomeback. meansyou will not getanymoneybackif you insert too much. aresomeotherno expressions whrchyou mightseewhenyou,are around.Matchthe tr,¡vo halvesand makesentences Noentry meansyou mustn'tparkhere. Noexit meansyou mustn'tgo down this street. Nowaiting meansyou can'tgetout here. *laes b*n¡*s Lookat the photograph. A traffic wardenis puttinga penaltycharge on a carwindscreenbecausethe driverdoesn'thavea validparking ticket.lmaginethisis yourcarand you aniveas the trafficwardenis leaving.Whatwouldyou sayto the trafficwarden?How manydifferent excuses canyouthinkof?Makea listandthencompareit with other students'lists. need to park for about two hours. How much will this cost on these days and at these times? Match the times with prices. Thursday evening, betr¡veen 6.30pmand B.3Opm Fridayafternoon,beh¡veen 2.3opmand 4.30pm Saturday evening, beh¡veen 5.45pmand745pm 5 u n d a ym o r n i n gb,e h ¡ u e e9n. l 5 a ma n d I I . l 5 a m -t'-- El free free f2 m u c his a penalty chargefor parking incorrectlynear a pay displaymachine? could happen in these situations?Will you get a penalty ? Write yes (Y)or no (N). Underlinethe informationon the ine which gives you each answer. Youhavealreadyparkedfor trrvohours.Youdecideto go to the cinema.You put somemoremoneyiniothe machineandtakeanotherticket.______ Youonlywantto parkfor 30 minutes.Someoneis leaving and offersyou a ticketandyou displaythisticketinsideyourcar.___--_ Themachinenearyourcarisn'tworking. Youdecidethatyou canparkfor free,and go off to the shops._____Yorr nrrt F2 intothe machineandthenfindth¿tthe shonvorr'resoinpto is closed. Youdecideto useyourticketin anotherpayand displayareain part another of town. ___- lüg$*}$$$$$lt###s$$$#$#$$$$$$$s$s$ Can-dochecklisb Tickwhatyou cando. I canfindwordswith similarmeanings in a text. I cantry and work out the meaningof unknownwords. I can reada leafletaboutparkingand workout whereto park. I canfind out aboutpayand displayparking. C a nd o Needmorepractice A Yoetrtst X¡¡forreeatá*se 1 lt is SaturdayMay 1Othand you havejust arrived in Bergen.The leaflet on the opposite page is in your hotel room. Look at the leafletquicklyand decide what it is about. Tick / the correct box. a whatthereisto do in BergenI b boattripsupthecoastE c accommodation in Bergen ! d Norwegian currency L__J e travelin Noruvay I f theTourist lnformation officein Aergen! 2 Scanthe leaflet again.What does it say about the five other things in Exercise1? Write sentences. a Y9! s4r__9**sLL Vp.!rpüw_eÍ-_vo-v_ELr94L e TourLsLlnÍormaü.on. b C ) U Before you read the leaflet again, think about Engfish grammar.Tick / the sentencesyou agree with. a Subject pronouns (, you,he,etc.)go beforeverbs.Z plural b Regular nounsandthirdperson verbsboth endin s. L_l c Adjectives go beforenouns, andnotafterthem.I d Thewordfhegoesbeforea nounor an adjective + noun.L__l Find these words in the leaflet.Are they nouns (N) or verbs (V)?How do you know? buildingN help I conract startI I offers n display! book I rest tr One of the words in Exercise5 ends in the letter s. Find all the other words in the leaflet which end in s. Decide if the words are verbs or noun5. e Scanthe leaflet and find the informationto complete these sentences. a lt'sSaturday May1Oth. Tourist Information closes at thisevening. b lt opensat______--____ tomorrow morning. For each noun in Exerciseó, decide if the word before it is an adjectiveor another noun. lgnore words which have the, in, on, and, for and any verbs before them. .s!l qs*-2w9?: q&---=-rq,4¡r_ ______-______ _____ - Learning tip youl toowteOn. o, will not help you with the meaning of unknoum turn-* words. But it wiJJhelp you to decidewhether words are nouns,verbs,etc. This will help you to ljnk words in senlencesand to read words in Woups. @ Social andTravel ANDINEXPENSIVE CARD- PRACTICAL THEBERGEN with the Bergen Getfreeoffersand/orgooddiscounts Card.BuyyourBergenCardat the TouristInformation in Bergen. Lookfor *k on leafletsandnotices. BUYYOURSOUVENIRS for sate'inthe Tourist of Bergenproducts Seethe dispLay Weatsohavea smallsouvenirshopwith a good Information. andgifts'Youcanalsopurchase souvenirs selectionof traditional. stampsandtelecards. BUREAUDECHANGE Youcanchangeyourmoneyhere.Youcanatsopayfor services with foreigncurrency. INFORMATION CARHIRE Booka carat the TouristInformation. Informationofficeis in the te the FishMarket. Wegivefreehetp is oneof the city'saú treasures. TRAINTICKETS trainticketsfor journeyswithin Norway' Wese[|L what to do in Bergenand atl of Norway'We have v o u w i t [ n e e d .H e r ea r e s o m eo f t h e t h i n g s w e d o : ACCOMMODATION area' privatehouses in Bergenandthe surrounding ANDFJORDTOURS TRIPs.CONCERTS Restof the Year Mon-Sat09.00-16.00 andNewYear. duringChristmas Closed lpen duringEaster(exgePtP7t9a in the maincontactfor trips andharbourexcursions from atsoseI ticketsfor attthe fjordtoursdeparting fact, manytrips startright outsidethe doorl Airportatlyear' atsoat Bergen Office lnformatjon IN BERGEN INFORMATION TOURIST you know '..? 1, no-5014 Bergen Vágsattmenning T e k ( + 4 7 ) 5 5 5 5 2 0 0 0 F a x :( + 4 7 ) 5 5 5 5 2 0 0 1 . . - www.bergen-guide'com E-maik info@ bergen-guide.com countrieswhich )rway is one of the few European In 1992' not in the EC (EuropeanCommunity) of the populationvoted againstiotntng' is anothernon-membel ***11 -i Gs1... rtable a?*a:fi9 ':. aremanvcountable oluralnounsin the Findthe uncountable nounshelp andodvicein leaflet.Thenfind threemoreuncountable nouns withthe uncountable thesesentences nouns tne te)d. What'sthe l'veonly got 9!!19\9!._-_of Nonnvay? euros. Haveyou gotany __for lessthan Readthese sentencesfrom the leaflet silently. Pausewhen you reach/. Tick / the best way to read the sentences. forsalein the a Seethedisplay of Bergen / products Tourist lnformation. E products forsale/ inthe Seethedisplay / of Bergen lnformation. Tourist I b Wealsohavea smallsouvenir / shopwitha good of traditional selection andgifts.L__J / souvenirs Wealsohavea smallsouvenir shop/ witha good selection souvenirs andgifts.E / of traditional You havejust left your hotel in Bergen.Would you go to the TouristInformationoffice? Why? / Why not? Would you be interestedin a Bergen card? 5n krnnerc n ioht? r "c' r n "'ó"'' l'd likesome __with my luggage. I wantto buy a guidebook,but I haven'tgot enough Canyou giveus some eatthisevening? __aboutwhereto g bra praebiee Lookat www.bergen-guide.com, or chooseanothercityyou wouldliketo go to. Finda placeyou would liketo visitthere. 43 U,mñü$ r,et'sgo there B We'vegot a chsice 'l Here are two leafletsfrom BergenTouristInformation.Scanthe leaflets. What can you see in the photos? Take a boat to the Aquarium M/F Vágenruns betweenthe FishMarketand the BergenAquariumeveryday,10.00-18.00. from 22 May to 31 August. A returnticketon M/F Vágengivesyou a 25% discounton your entryticketto the Bergen Aquarium. Children/OAPs single Children/OAPs return Adults,single Adults,return NOK 20 NOK 30 NOK30 NOK 50 Hereat the BergenAquariumyou will meet famouslocalpersonalities likePondusthe penguin.Amaliethe sealand ldarthe crocodile. Youcan find out aboutthe cod and all the other sea creaturesthat livealongthe Norwegian coast,and you can meet crocodiles,snakes and silk monkeysin our tropicalsection. In our cinemayou can watch the 3D film SOS P/anef,and we also hold concerts with traditional,localmusic.And if you get hungry .youcan enjoylunchon our new roofterrace. You haven'tseen Bergenif you haven't visited the BergenAquarium! Entrancefee: NOK 100. ChildrenNOK 50. BergenCard holders:May-Sept:NOK 75. ñXTITE N K V N R I € TI B € R G € N # TheBersenAquanum,li'P?1ffYi:lúir1s3:-','Jtt FREE IN WINTER DrscouNT rNsuMMER 2 You are in Bergen on May 'l 2th. Tick / the kinds of transport you can use on May 12th. a the boatto the Aquarium ! D the sightseeing coachf c the cablecarI You have a Bergen card. Tick / the attraction which gives a discount. a theAquarium I b thetripto MountUlriken n Your Bergen card runs out at 12 noon on May 12th. you would like to visit both the Aquarium and Mount Ulriken.Look at the times and priceson the leafletsand decide which attraction you should visit first. Also decide where you would have lunch. @ Soc¡atandtavel 1 sep-30 Apr:Dajl}i 1-0-99_ 11,99 www.aKVanel.n0 Classbonus Choosea word from one of the leaflets.Writea dashfor each letterof the word, for example --.Yourpartner sayslettersfrom the alphabe! for examplei, o, n, d, s. lf the letteris in the word,wr¡teit in the correctplace,for example - L n lf the letter isn't in the word, write/ / /. How manyguessesdo you ;T,:J" workoutYourPartner's Let's go there Topof Bergen iergen in a Nutshell All includedNOK 150. (Childrenhalf price") Cablecar only(roundtrip),NOK90. Ulriken(6a2m)- highest the 7 mountains 2 Bergen Cable Car Ulriken givesyou Bergen'sbest viewl The CableCar depadsevery7 minutesin June,Julyand Aug. from09.00to 21,OO,in lr/ayand Sept.from09.00to 17.00, FromOct. to Aprilfrom 10.00to 17.00on dayswith good weather. spectacularroundtrip takesyou from the harbour, the historictown centre,and up to Bergen's panorama.lncludedin the price: 3 Mount Ulriken- Mountainconcerts: "ln the Footsteps of Edvard Grieg". UlrikenRestaurant& CoffeeBar,indoor and outdoortables.5 mini-concedsdaily,15.30-19.30,June-Aug, 1 Bergen Double-Decker sightseeing coach departs fromihe FishMarketand the TourislInformation hour,or moreoftenwhen needed,from09.00 20.00in June.Julyand Aug.In Mayand Sept.lrom Pleaseask for our special"Bergenin a Nutshell"map & brochure and ticket cards at TouristInformation,hotels,cruiseships,our infotable at the bus stop, on the coach and cable car. 00 to 17.00 in a Nutshell& BergenCable Car Ulriken- Ulriken 1, N-5009 Bergen i I"l *42 552Q2O2OFáx+47 5520 2065- M.ulflken.no friends of yours are visiting Bergen in November. they be able to visit the Aquariumand Mount Ulrikenthen? what times, and how much will it cost? Complete the # - Bergen@ulriken.no *r* ryr***Ére Frnda leatletIn tnglrsnabout a touristattraction in yourtown or city.Alternatively, lookfor somethingon the lnternet. Findout when you cango there and how much it costs. you could only go to one attraction,which attraction would prefer to visit? Why? g$$g$$$$$#$$'$$$$$$#$g$$$s$$$$$ chectdisb 'Íck whatyou can do. I canfind out what is available at a Touristlnformationoffice. I can reada leafletand find out when the attractionis open and how much it costs. I canusegrammarto helplinkwordsin sentences. Cando Needmorepractice read O Lookat the picture.Whatis the matter r*;x,;#:, i#i',lrnof registered witha doctor. '"i,2:::!!:'i!.7u;r / / sonaimes hffi :::*:xJi'iiiÍi,t,,, "n 'Jz::;l::',:',ever sometimes / / A l ' ' * ' r 4 ÉEe* * ¿ : l * i + # t q , # fFf + m t ; r y You see the leaflet on the opposite page on your first visit to a medicalcentre. Skim the leaflet and decide who it is for? Tick / the correct box. patients doctors nrrt"s I receptionists I I I Some headingsare missingfrom the leaflet. Look at this list of headingsand matchthem with the paragraphs.Skim the text to find the answers.Do not use a dictionaryfor any unknown vocabulary. a New PatientsE D Hatent Kesr5tralron | | c u D e n t n Qt m e s I I d , , tr---l e HomeVisitsI f Appointments I g Outof HoursService I " leleDnoneAdvrce | | lmagineyou would like to registerat this medical centre.Which two paragraphsshould you read first? I I Readthe two paragraphs.Find four thingsthat you shoulddo. Completethesesentences. ¡ Snc:k tn b Completea ------------------r Cnmnlpto ¡ mc,,lir¡l d M a k ea n @ Sociat andTravel Tx*z***z=... 7-4aVa=eÉ,sx thesetwo sentences fromthe Complete with passive form. brochure the Ls askeA a Eachnew patient comolefe¿ medic¿lcrlestionnaire. b Mostvisitsby doctors_ betweenI2 noonand Z n m Rewritethe sentences abovein the activeform. cWe to completea medicalquestionnaire. d Doctors beh¡/eenl2 noonand 3pm. Rewritethesesentencesin the activeform. e lnformation aboutpatientsis kepton the database. W e_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ f Minoroperations areperformed by the doctorsat thesurgery. Doctors g Stopsmokingclinicsareheldnrvice a year. _--form. h Healthadviceis givenby nursesanddoctors. I'd like to register E MEDICALCEIüTRE to North Road Medical Cenlre medical centre is open from 8.30am until 6pm to Friday. Appointments with the doctors and are available both morninq and afternoon can make an appointment either in person or by If you need an appointmenturgently,you will be on the same day. Howeve¡ a same-dayappointment not necessarily be with your usual doctor. Patients be seen by any member of the team. would like to register with us, please speak to one our receptionists. If you decide to register with the ,dical centre, you will need to complete a registration Patients register with the medical centre rather an individual doctor. new patient is asked to complete a medical You should also make an appointment to see ofthe nurses for a health check soon after registering. is sometimes a delay in the transfer of medical fiom your previous doctor and this appointment us valuable information about vour health Out of Hours Service is available from 6.30pm until \{onday to Friday; at weekendsfrom 6.30pmon Friday 8am on Monday;and on Bank Holidays.Telephone0845 8995 to contact the Out of Hours Service. Thev will for a doctor to contact you. Alternatively you can NHS Direct (24 hours) on 0845 46 47 for medical or via the Internet at vr,rywv.nhsdirect.nhs.uk can always get advice over the telephone. Late ng is the best time to contact the doctors and nurses the medical centre. Alternatively, you may telephone advice from NHS Direct (24 hours) on0845 4647. you are too ill to come to the medical centre, you arrange a home visit over the telephone. Most its by doctors are made between 12 noon and If you are able to phone before 11am, this us to plan the day. youknow...? standsfor National Health Seryice.This beqan 1948and its aim was to providefiee medical. and hospitalservicesfor evervonein Britatn not everyoneusesLrteNHSand morepeoplehaveprivate tnsurance. Learning tip lftrhenyou needto reada difflculttext,you wiLlread somewords and senlencesvery carefuliy.In order to understanddifflculLpartsof texts,lt is a goodidea to Lry andpuLlhe senLences of the fen into youro\ m words. é-:= Your friend Giorgio is telling you about the medical centre. ls what he says true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. a Youcanhavean aDDointment at the medicalcentreon Saturdays. __f__ f p-r-.scr--h*utq¡-G?pslnüu-¿¡l-l-tl-Ng4*4.W2--(Ms lo ry-44a) b Youcan'talwavsseevour usualdoctor. Youcanonlyusethe Out of HoursService at 'weekends. -----Youcanget medicaladvicefromthe NHSwebsite. Youshouldphonethe medicalcentrein the afternoon if you wantto speakto a doctoror nurse.-----f Youshouldtrv and ohonethe medicalcentrebefore I I am if you needa homevisitthatday. f:**g.]-,fu,"Writeanothertrue sentenceaboutthe medicalcentreto to the class.How tell yourfriends.Readyoursentences manydifferentsentenceshaveyou written? Two weeks after you register, you are unwell. You decide to make an appointment with a doctor. Answer these questions. a Howcanyou makean appointment? -Y-q!4---------b Willyou be ableto seethe doctorthatday? c Whichdoctorwillyou be ableto see? What would you do in these situations? What help will you get from the medical centre? Explain in your own words. a Youareveryill.Youdo notthinkyou cangetout of bed. b Youareill one weekend. c Youhavegot a quest¡on aboutsometabletsthatyou foundin the bathroomcuDboard. T: *z=*pr*+;*ir;c Theleafletmentionsa websitewww.nhsdirect.nhs.uk. Co to the Mind & bodymagazinewebpageand try one of the interactive tools.Findout how manycaloriesyou classor find out if you are burnin an hou/s aerobics morethanyour'ideal'weight. Umfitf O I'd lilre to resister B The medical questionnaire 1 You are going to complete a medicalquestionnaire.This includesthe following words. Make sure you know what they mean. Use a dictionary if necessary. operation pregnancy disability prescription allergy medication heartattack stroke Look at the questionnaire.How many sectionsare there? i NORTHROAD MEDICAL CENTRE ADULTMEDICALQUESTIONNAIRE (Please write something in euery space.) The answers to this questionnaire will help us to care for you until your old records arrive. We like to give all new patients a health check soon after they register. Please make an appointment at Reception. PERSONAL INFORMATION T o d a y ' sd a t e. . . . . . . . . . . .. Title (Mr/NIrs/IvIisVMaster/N'Is) Surname 0ast name) . . . . Marital status .. ... . .. . First name ...Occupation............... D a t eo f b i r t h A d d r e s si n U K . . . . . . . . . ...... Tel. nos. (Home & Work) Post code Narne of doctor (with whom you are registering) 1 MEDICAL HISTORY(past and present) List (with dates) any serious medical problems. Please include operations, pregnancies and important disabilities. 2 MEDICATION Please list any medication you take regularly (whether on prescription or bought over the counter). 3 ALLERGIESTO MEDICATION FAMILY HISTORY Do heart attacks occur in young members of your family (less than 55 years old)? YES Do strokes occur in young members of your family (less than 55 years old)? Give details of any illnesses which occur in your family. I YES I SMOKING Doyousmoke?YESE Daily Amount No I GIVENuP I Date Stopped ALCOHOL INTAKE (1 unit = 1/zpinl beer, 1 glass wine or a single measure of spirit) 4-7 J more than 7 [ 1-3 I How many units do you drink in an average week? 0 [ 7 \{hat is your WEIGHT? @ Sociat andTravel .......HEIGHT? rvol NoI I'd like to registeri.i,;;¡i:€* lete the PERSONAL flON sectionof the nairefor yourself. pfete sectionT for tf. what Giorgio says himself.Which boxes he tick in sections4, and ó? @ alackwhenhewas52. I l_he1t ------)-- ffifamilyhashada stroke__J I -.S I usedto smoke l0 cigarettes a day,but I stoppedon D e c e m b e3r1 s t 2 O O 7 . Giorgiois helpingsomefriendsto competethe medical qr"riionn"ire. Háre is what they want io t"y.GEióany of the words which are similarto words in your language. when I am stressed. I haveeczemaon the backof my hands,especially I don'ttakeanymedicines. I am allergic to penicillin. My grandmother hadbreastcancer. I hadappendicitis when I was 14. when I havea headache. I sometimes takeNurofen@ Somepeoplein my familysufferfrom asthma. I am deafin one ear. I takesleeping tabletswhen I can'tsleep. Someplastersmakemy skinveryred and itchy. My dad hashighbloodpressure. I suffered fromdepression when my sisterdied.I couldn'tgo to workfor sixmonths. Match the sentencesin Exerciseó with sections1-4 of the questionnaire.Write the numbersin the boxes. uE cI bI hI .I iI dI jI "kIt r rI tI Look at what Giorgio'sfriends say in Exerciseó. Are any of the sentencestrue for you? They are probably not completelytrue, but are some of them similar? Complete the rest of the questionnairefor yourself.lf you don't know the words for illnesses,then use the name in your own language* it may be similarto the Englishword. you know ...? Bntain, draught beer (beerwhlch is soldbv the Pjnt oul of a LaP) ptnt is 0.57litres.Glassesof wine measutedbYthe millil-ttre (ftom125m1-375m1) ü$$lt$$g$$$$$$$$ $$$ttg$g$$$$$$#s* Can-do checklisb Tickwhatyou cando. I canfind out how to registerat a medicalcentre. I canfind out how to see a doctor. I can put the sentencesof a text into my own words I cancompletea healthquestionnaire. Can do Needmorepractice o: Whatkindof filmsdo youlike?Putthesetypesin order ' of preference. lVriteúrehumbersl-5 (l : mostlike) in theboxes. comedyl fantasy! honorn romancefl thrillers f vou i il: :il'ffiilI',ffiilEfor rui lwatchfilmsonTVI t rentOVOrI . A g"*Z'*we**?a*áeux There are lots of different types gfuirogrammeson television. QltgDthe programmetype in each pair which matchesthe dictionarydefinition. ,zi----------l--,., a gome snow /(documentoryÉ Ilm or televisionprogrammethat givesfacts abouta realsituation or realpeople b chotshow / soop operoa television programme aboutthe livesof a group of peoplethatis showneveryweek c dromo/ sitcoma playon television d co¡foon/ quiz show a game on television in whichpeopleanswer questions Learning tip You cal use either a dlctionary vrnthEnglish and your languageor a dicLionarywhich has deflnitions in English.The maln advanlage of using a dictionarywhich has defimtionsin EngLishis Lhatyou are working in Englishall the time.These dictionaries atso explain the dlfferent mearungsthat one word can have, and theygive lots of examplesof how words are used. @ Social and Travel Write each unused programme type from Exercise 1 next to the correct definition. a ------------2*p!r__________--_ a funnytelevision programme thatis aboutthe samegroupof peopleeveryweekin different situations b a programme madeusingcharacters -thatare drawnand not real c -_____--_____--__ a programme on television in whichpeopleplay to tryto wrn prizes Samesor answerquestrons d -__- __-___ a television programme in whichpeopleare askedquestions aboutthemselves Which types of programme do you like? put the eight types of programme in Exercises 1 and 2 into three groups. Scanthe TV guide on the opposite page. Which of the prograSgtypes in Exercises1 and2 can you find in the guide?(Circle)the words in the guide. What other types of programme are there? Scanthe TV guide again. Add these types to the chart in Exercise3. nuN', 'DOYL' Dro|ramme Did you know...? Thereare five main TV channelsin Britain. BBC standsfor British Broadcastingcorporation and ITV stands for independentTelevision. Peoplepay for BBCteievrsionby buyrng a televisionlicence. ITV and Channel4 get their money from advertising.The fifth channelis calledChannelFive and is the newest channel. What'son tonight? Un.lt{ Questionof Sport Beckhamtakespart.in ó.00 Animal Park The zookeepers dealwitha lion lhatlikesto climbtrees. ó.00 Londonfonight 6.30 ITVEveningnews ó.00fop Cat carloon ó.30The SimpsonsLisa entersa singing competition 7.00ComedyDoubles Dad'sArmy / Fawlty TowersTwomorerepeats of oldsitcoms. Old,but good! 7.00 EmmerdaleZak bringstogether hisfamily to discuss theirmoney problems. Firsthaltof an hourof soao. 7.00 Channel4 ltlews leighbours Australian Xen Behaving Badly starring Martln The RoyleFamilyMore A welcome return! PoirotCrimedrama DavidSuchet.A woman and thereis no t 7.30ioronation Street promises Sarah a nice Jason bigmealfor herbirthday 8.00EquatorSimonReeve concludes histravels witha visitto SouthAmerica anc¡ theCalapagos lslands. 8.00 Who WantsTo Be A Millionaire?More contestants lry lheirluckin game everyone's favourite show 9.00GenghisKhanA proflle 9.00 ParkinsonThe of theAsianconqueror broadcaster returns with revealing hisinteresl in law a newseries of musicand a n dc u l t u r e . chat.Tonight's special g u e s tisn c l u dE elton John. 8.00 Diet Doctors:lnside and Out DrWendyDenning showshow feetreflecta person's health, andproves thedangers of eatingtoo muchchocolate. 9.00 ls This the Worst WeatherEver? Documentarv about tornadoes. BBCilews at Ten 10.00Film2008FilmReview withJonathan Ross. Reviews of allthisweek'sfilms.Plus newsof Almodóvar's latesr retease. 10.00The Complete 10.00CSI:ilY Thedrama Guideto ParentingNew relurns. A man'sbodvis comedyseries starring Peler foundon Brooklyn Bridge. Davison. Regional ilews and 10.50l{ewsnightAnalysis of today'seven[s. 10.30ITVNews Match of the Day 11.00FILM:The Perfect fl Sto.- (2000)Ceorge il Cloonev slarsas lhe captain of theAndrea Cail, a fishingboatcaughtin the worststormever. 11.00FILM:SpiritedAway direcror Japanese il (ZOOI) El Miyazaki's firstdigitally animated feature. The hlghest-earning Japanese filmever.Notsurprisingl u g a vl E n g l a n d . ightsof today'sWorld qualifyingmalches. Your flatmate has listedthe times and channelshe would like to watch this evening. What types of programme does he like? 6-7F^ Channel+, 7-SpM BBC2 , s-1F- BBC\, t}-ilpM 7lv I lmagineyou are not feelingwell and you want to spend the evening at home.(Yourflatmate hasgone out!) Look at the TV guide and choosewhat you want to watch. Planyour evening'sviewing. tfass hnus Findoutwhichare.the programmes mostpopular in theTVguidewith everyone in yourclass. E Would you like to watch the programmeswith him? Why? / Why not? 11.00TheAlbum Chart ShowMusicbv Keane. brapraesice an::r: somewordsyoudon'tknowfromthetelevision guide.Tryandwork outtheirmeaning. yourguesses Check in a dictionary. Tryandusea dictionary whichhasdefinitions in English. 5l iljniliit { what'son tonisht? B Spirited away 1 You see this description of a film in a TV guide. Answer these questions. a Haveyou heardof this film? h H:ve vnr r seen if? c Do you knowan¡hing aboutit? f 1.00 FltM: Spirited Away director ]apanese [l IZOOt¡ EI Miyazaki's firstdigitally animatedfeature.The highest-earning Japanese lilm ever.Nol surorisinol Look at the dictionarydefinitions.They may help you to work out what the film is about. What type of fifm do you think Spírited Away is? Tick / one of the boxes. Don't check your answer yet. a comedyI a romance f a fantasyI Skim the review and checkyour answerto Exercise2. Skim the review again.What does the critic think of the film? Tick / the correct box. a Herecommends it.Hethinksit'squitegood.I b Hedoesn'trecommend it.lt'soneof thepoorest animated filmshe'sseen. I c Herecommends it.Hethinksit'sa fantastic film.I l'sptrt/ w¿n liñi*nr'üÉl lcl Qiritr something which people believe exists but does not ]rave a physical body, such as a ghosl euil spirits Spifit2 ,t'sprrr| ueró be spirited away/out/to, et. to be moved somervhere secretly l1¿ tt(6 slJ¡r, it?d. auat to a secret hide-out in Mex.¿co. Spirited Away ( J a p a n e s e :S e n t o C h i h i r on o K a m i k a k u s h i ) Spirited Away begins with Chihiro and her parents travelling to their new home. They take a wrong turn and find themselvesin a mysterioustown with many restaurants.They can see all kinds of food in the restaurants.Chihiro'sparents decideto sit down and they start eating. While they eat and eat, Chihiroexplores.She meets a boy named Haku, who tells her to leave the place immediately.But it is too latel Chihiro is trapped in this spirit world and her parents have become animals. She must learn to survive in this strange land and, more importantly, she must try to rescue her parents and return home. The story is about Chihiro's personal growth and the lessons she learns from her experiences in the spirit world. She finds work at a bathhouse run by a stern old woman named Yubaba. As the newest member of the staff, Chihiro is given the hardest jobs. B u t s h e r e s p o n d si n a w a y t h a t w e c a n b o t h a d m i r e a n d b e l i e v e .a n d s h e a l s o m a k e s a few friends at the same time. Everything about this film is gorgeous. The artwork is rich and colourful, and the fantasy w o r l d i n w h i c h C h i h i r of i n d s h e r s e l fi s a m a z i n g .T h e a n i m a t i o n i s l i f e l i k e .A n d , a s w e l l a s b e i n g w o n d e r f u lt o l o o k a t , t h e f i l m h a s f a n t a s t i cm u s i c b y c o m p o s e r l o H i s a i s h i . The Englishvoices are great but, with Disney's resources,anything less would be disappointing.The casting is excellent - Daveigh Chase is perfect as Chihiro. There are also memorable performancesfrom Suzanne Pleshetteas Yubaba and Susan Egan as Lin. Sp¡r¡tedAway is Japan's number 1 film. It has received a number of prizes (including a 2003 Academy Award for "Best Animated Film") - the critics love it. And so do I! @ Sociat andTravet What's on tonight? paragraphsare about the writer's opinion (O)? are about the story (S)? aphl P paragraph3! paragraph5! agraph2! 'éé Look at the picturesin the review.Readthe paragraphsabout the story. Work out the name of the characterin the pictures. paragraph+[ does the critic like about the film? Tick / the boxes. Xlake a list of adjectives he uses. Underlinethe adjectivesin the paragraphsabout the story.Try and work out the meaningof any unknown adjectives. I .¿ artwork ! . b animation c musicE 1 0 Do you think Spirited d English voices E Away is a good title for the English-language versionof this film? e castingl f performances ! Try and work out the meaningof any unknown adjectivesin Exerciseó. Then checkyour guessesin a dictionaryif you want to. l:; Focr*= *r=.=. verb + á* .,. i Complete thesephrases fromthe review. tn sih parents a Chihiro's decide _ ___-__-down ------------b Shemustleorn-___________ in thisstrange land... c Shemusttry herparents... --". ____--,- Nowcompletethesesentences. Usethe pastsimpleform of the verbsin itolics ¿boveandothersuitable veros. d I wasthirsty. | -_--a cup of tea. e I h a dl e s s o nasn d| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t_e_n n i s . f I -- thebook,butit wastoodifficult forme. __________ 1 1 Who do you think this film is for? Tick / one of the boxes. Give reasonsfor your answers. a lt'sforchildren. I b lt'sforadults. I c lt'slorchildren andadults. f-] 1 2 lf you haven't alreadyseen this film, would you like to see it? ! i : #. *r*pr***E** Lookon the lnternetfor another reviewof thisfilm. Doesthe reviewer havethe sameopinion as this critic?Whatelsedo vou find out aboutthe film? ü$$$$$$$$##s$#$#$ $s#$$$$#$s$g$#$ Can-do checklisb Tickwhatyou cando. I canusea drctionary with English definitions. I can reada TV guideand chooseprogrammes to watch. t can reada film reviewand understand the writer'soninion Cando Needmorepractice A Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? I SomeEnglish wordsmay meanthe sameas similar wordsin yourown language. (Unitl) 2 Youdo not haveto understand everyword in a text. (Unit2) pieceof information, 3 lf you wantto find a particular you will needto readeveryword of a text in orderto find it. ------(Unit.3) 4 Thinkingaboutthe topicof a text in yourown languagebeforeyou startreadingcan helpyou (Unfta) understand the text. 5 lf you wantto get a generalideaof what a text is about,you mustreadfromthe beginning and (Unit5) continueto the end. 6 Youmust reada textslowlyand carefullyin orderto identifythe most importantpart.------(Unit 6) 7 Readinga textaloudalwayshelpsyou to understand the writer'smessage. ----(Unit7) 8 Youcan sometimesworkout the meaningof unknownwordsin a teld. ------(UnitB) 9 Yourknowledgeof grammarwill helpyou to work out the meaningof an unknownword.-----"(Unit9) l0 The bestway to understand a difficulttext is to learnit by heart.------(Unitl0) I I Dictionaries whichareonly in Englishcontainlotsof (Unit I I ) examplesof how to usethe language. Now read the Learnin g tips for Units 1-1 1 on pages 87-89. Do you want to change any of your answers in Exercise A? c The first time we read a text, we usually either skim or scan ¡t. Can you remember the difference between skimming and scanning? Complete these definitions. '12 lf you a text,you knowexactlywhatyou're lookingfor.Yousearchthroughthe textquicklyuntil you find that specificpieceof information. 13 lf you a text,you wantto get a generalidea. Youlookat the textquicklywithoutfocusingon anydetails. @ SociatandlTavel D Look at this list of real-lifereading situations. text type in each situation.Then @tne decide whether you would skim or scanthe text in each situation? Tick / the correct box. l4 Yourfriendcanmebtyouat Central Railway Station, Sydney at 7pmattheeadiest. You'relooking at a timetable to finda trainwhichwillaniveat a convenient time. scanl skiml t 5 Yourfriendsaysshe'llgiveyou the moneyfor a book you boughther.You'relookingat the billto find the price. scanl skiml 1 6 You'rehungryand you'restandingoutsidea restaurant. You'relookingat the menuto decidewhetherto go rn. scanE skimE 1 7 You'relookingat a cinemaprogramme. Youwantto knowif the cinemashowsthe type of filmsyou like scanI skimI I B You'relookingat a dictionary. You'retryingto decide whetherto buy it or not scanE skiml t 9 You'vejust receiveda postcard. Youwantto knowwho it'sfrom. scanl skimX The way we read a text depends on our purposein reading.Two people can read the same text in a different way. Think about the text types in ExerciseD again. Complete the sentenceswith scan or skim and the text types. Youwould to find out if your favouritedish is on the menu. 2 1 Youwould to find out how oftenthe trainsare. Youwould to find out whatfilm is showingon Wednesday evening. 23 Youwould to find out the pronunciation of Mrs. 24 Youwould to find out if your friendsareenjoyingtheirholiday. Youwould to find out if you canthrow it away. Units l-ll::.' Skim these texts. What is each text, or where does it come from? Choosefrom the following. TextA email cinematicket film review medicalcentreleaflet carparkticket text message touristleaflet TV guide 12.50CountdownCameshow 1.30 How MusicWorkswith HowardGoodallWorld andFusion Music(R) 2.30 DinolabUsingthelatest technology to discover how dinosaurs lived 3.30Ed¡thPiaf- SingingHer Life Documenlarv 4.50 FltM LoveHappyStarsthe MarxBrothers. A groupof aclorsaccidentally receive somestolenjewels. A realgem. (1949B/W) 6.05ShackletonStarsKenneth Branagh. Dramarecounting the storybehindtheexplorer Ernest Shackleton's 1914expedition [o the SouthPoleflzz,n) 26 TextA 27 TextB Answer these questionsabout Text A. Write one, two or three words only. 28 Youlikequrzshows.lsthereoneon TVthisafternoon? juststarted 29 It'salmostone o'clock. Hasa programme - or hasit justfinished? 30 How longdoesthe musicprogramme last? 3l Youthinkyou mightwatchthe film.Whois in it? 32 Whattypeof programme is on afterthe film? Are these sentences about Text B true (T) or false (F)? 33 You'veboughta new mobilephone. Youshouldphonethe medicalcentreto givethem y o u rn e wn u m b e r_. _ _ - _ _ 34 You'vemovedwithinthe city,but now livefive kilometres from your old house. You have to repister ' - - misht at anothermedical o centre.______ 35 Youneedto seea nurse. Somevisitsto the nurseneedmoretime than orners.______ 36 Yol needto eetsomemedication. Youcanfind out aboutthe nearest chemistat the medicalcentre.-_____ 37 You'dliketo aska pharmacist aboutsometablets you'retaking. Youmustgo andspeakto the pharmacist duringthe daytime.______ -.::.:,'t' :r.r,.,,é TextB CHANGE OF PERSONAL DETAILS Ifyou change your name, address or telephone number, please let us know in writing. If you are unsure whether a change of address means you are outside the area for this medical centre. the receptionists can advise vou about this. NURSINGSERVICES The nurses provide a wide range of services during opening hours. please make an appointment with the receptionist. When booking your appointment with the nurse, it is helpful if you can state vour reason for seeing her so that we can book the appropriate amount of time. TOCAL PHARMACISTS Your local pharmacist is able to give you free health advice and you don't need to make an appointment. The receptionists will be able to give you details of local chemists. Many pharmacists operate extended hours on a rota basis. phone NHS Direct on 0g45 46 47 for details or look in the local press. F¡:eVilCW{ units 1-11 Skim these texts. What is each text, or where does it come from? Choosefrom the following. email cinematicket film review medicalcentreleaflet carparkticket textmessage touristleaflet TV guide 38 TextC 39 TextD 40 TextE TextC eee € {á. ffi: #, Del€r! n€pfu R¿plfA¡i :!eórd E:? Pr;ri HelloYolanda I am home again after my holiday.I am pleasedto be back! The weatherwasn't great in France,but that wasn't the problem.I broke my leg on the second day of the holidayand couldn't ski after that. I had to stay in the hotel while the others were out all day. I was reallybored!When can you come round and see me? Love Mira H A L F . D AAYF T E R N O T OO NU R OPERAIES DAILY Experience the scenicbeautyof Rotorua,s lakesandits votcano. Learnaboutthe historyandcutture of Rotorua andthe devastation caused by the eruptionof Mt Tarawera in irru. HicgucHrsTNcLUDE . ScrtrcB¡nuryFive of Rotorua,s [akes,includinga viewto Mt Tarawera acrossLakeTarawera. . BuRr¡o VrLLncr Enjoya guidedtour of this fascinating location.TheTeWairoa ül.tagedisappeared whenMt"Tarawera erupted.Nowyou canfind out abouttife in NewZeafanjot tne 1890s. . Ro¡oRun MusruuExperience a guidedtour throughthe awaro " winningmuseum. Viewfascinating exhibits,¡"_.*lrg Rotorua's vibrantvotcanichistory-Enjoy u ,fron ntr'oi tf,. historyof Rotorua. TextD RoroRUA HERTTAGE TouR ADUTI 3'00 19'¿e t?tlEü ,A'^gFiE T^l?' $89.oo #;#{W^P#r# 'ttrffiF'H'ffl Price ¡rcludes hote! pick-up-r# 56 @ Social andTravel TouRCoDEc54{tp *:t Units 1-11 i: -l :- -, :. ^_' , : _* ,_:: -_l Answer these questionsabout Text C. Write one, two, three or four words only. 4l DidMiraenjoyherholiday? 42 Wheredid shego? 43 Whatkindof holidaydid shego on? 44 Did shego on holidaywith one friend- or morethan onefriend? 45 DoesYolanda livein the sametown as Mira? You buy the ticket in Text D at 15.22pm. Read the definition of valid. Then decide if the ticket is valid in these situations.Write Y (yes)or N (no). v a l i d , ' v i c l r da d l A v a l i dt i c k e t o i d o c u m e n ti s l e o a l l v acceptable: The ticketis valid foríhreé monrhs,c0pposte invalid ,', 46 if you return to the hospital on 29th December 47 if you're in the hospitalfor about an hour ______ 48 if you leavethe car in the car park overnight______ 49 if you use it in anothercar park -_____ 50 if you give the ticketto someone else when you leave the car park ______ Answer these questionsabout Text E. Write one, two or three words only. 5 I Canyougoonthetouron Sundays? 52 How manyhoursdoesit last? 53 What'sthe nameof the volcanonearRotorua? 54 Whathappened to TeWairoain .l886? 55 Do you haveto payextrato get intothe museum? =fi :,,,t,' $ Units 1-11 ;;...,_':t,,';:,,,':,:',-: M Where would you see these notices?Match the noticeswith the places.Write the letters in the boxes. .... 5b mecrcalcenlre | | | | ) / railwaysTaTron . ,T-5U taxrranKL l 59 SpOrISCenlre| | b u m u s e u mI I ta¡rr"!Y ¿.+ HOUR 'ERVICE bt slreelt I 62 theatre I b J a q u a f l u m| | W*¡l:a,et:* ¡,¡ ,&* &t*.'o"is * #& 64 restaurant I 65 ATMT ,, li '*' 7.3üpm - 9.30pm \dslt swimming only P Left I ::"::::".frffi* N Now match the notices above with the explanations. Write the letters in the boxes. 5a 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 childrenmaynot comein.I ln the evening, Youaretoo lateto get a seatfor ths show.I Youcan leaveyoursuitcasehere.Ll to eat.I Youmustn'tgivethe penguins:nything Youcan get a carat anytime.L-l Onlyadultshaveto payhere.ll Patients shouldtakea seatuntilthe doctoris ready.L--l Not alldriverscanleavetheircarshere.E Youcan't8et any moneyhere.L.l /5 Y O Um U S I n 1 S r IO O W n .| I SociatandTravel | Units 1-11 Readthe labelsand answerthe questions. UIUR sOL SUN CREAM WITH DEEP PROTECTIONSFB SropsUVBrays,the pninctpal cause of sunburnGivesthe bestproteútiOn agalnstUVArays,whichcause pfernalure skindamage. O o F l: 76 Lookat the frontof the bottle.Whatis the nameof rne product?Choosethe conectanswer. a VIVASoL I b S U NC R E A M T c SFBBT 71 Skimthe backof the bottleandfind out whenyou shouldusethisproduct. a beforeyou go intothe sunI b afteryou'vebeenin the sunI c whenyou'vegotdamagedskinI Skimthe backof the bottleagainandfindwhich sectiontellsyou how to usethe product. a Section1 ! b S e c t i o2nI c >efironJ L__l /e-harcedUVB/LVA t¡lrersysle^r9 ves ¡hem0steffective I_JVA fi tration /long-iasting WATER RESISTANT and resrslsupto 60 minutesin watef / e a s i l ya p p l i eadn dq u i c k layb s o r b e d ,/dermatologically appr.oved o VIVA SOL RECOMMENDATIONS . Findüutyourprolection facton ¡ Takecarenotto burn . Coverupwitha hator T-shrrt . Stayin the shadebetween -11anr and3pm o Applygenerously beforeexposure ffequently especially after " Reapply being¡nlhe watef P Readthe back of the bottle aga¡n.Find words or express¡onson the back of the bottle which meanthe following: 79 mostrmportant B O early B I the best 8 2 be careful 8 3 wear AA don'tgo intothe sun O Readthe back of the bottle aga¡n.What part of speechare these words? Choosefrom: noun verb adjectiveadverb 8 5 rays B 6 filtration Bf resists B B apPly 8 9 frequently 9 0 European 59 tr€ad Trck/ youranswers. In whichof thesecountriesis Englishspolg]ras a firstlanguage? NewZealand Australia Canada unitedrinedoÁI unitedstatesof nmeiicaI I I I * lf you decidedto do an Englishcoursein anothercountrywherewouldyou go? * Whatdo you knowaboutNew Tealand? Whatis it famousfor?Canyou nameanytownsor cities? & Learn English in New Zealand 1 You are going to look at a website about an organizationcalledLanguageSchoolsNew Zealand.Scanthe homepageand find the answersto these questions. SchoolsNew a How manyschoolsdoesLanguage Zealandhave? b Where are the schools? ññfa :"-:_*.,.i''i q i i"f_i http://u 60 2 Scanthe homepage again. Answer these questions. a Whichsections mention thecourses? doesthe thirdsectionmention? b Whichcourses c Whichothercoursedoesthe othersectionmention? TÉaás scbsoE s*un*sg€*d: Umfitl2 rip imporlant to try and guessthe of words that you do not Usuallythe context (the rest ttre texf) wrll help you decide on a meaningfor them. Don't use to find out the meaning every unlmovrmword, as this takes iong and also interrupts your Readthe two sectionsbelow from the Our schoolswebpage. Compfete the sentenceswith the words Christchurchor Oueenstown.Underlinethe words on the webpage which Sive Vou the answert L*xrr¡ **rg*!*fuir: ffhrist*ha*yc*":¡ :lti:i li:]ra'i, lrt¡ri1 :a:lriiri': ii l!:*: li:;ri l"r* 1*:;lr:- ril! ir':1.:lr¡fa:: il.! t:ll,tiil ¡:-a:":iii:!r il:r!! *i lftrira.Nnir¡. r ' ; : 1 . i:1t a r r * l l i . i * i r ;:ilili¡r-:::$:iii:!:ta.ili:tii if al'; **il tr ii:* trlt ¡ri lf¡lrltl:*rlr llt 14:,tjllt. ¡air i:. t.ie¡r l: le:.ril:, ir¡li:t:. i¡: i:i::::|:'ri:,::rlir1 l-l¡::t .:::*;:. Onlyusea dictionaryto loul $uesses: You decide to read the homepage more carefully. You're not sure about the meaning of some of the words. Find the words on the homepagewhich have these synonyms(words with similar meaning).Then checkthe definition of the words you found in a dictionary. a best(section1) i**xr** ffin6!i*$x*mQ***erxw**wssx lii:?airi:i*;r *;L:lli,rr. l¡i*|:*ils lL:;t::!i,:t¡l 5:u*l t¡-{:,il }titlti: l* liirrj;ri'ti: sl;J¡. :s r.;.::li f:¡'l:lLt; i*l ll$ tr*iafv nlt *ll¡rri _.... PskÉ liii*laa. ]t lii¡j¡l¡d ¡l llrl :r*r*¡ ¡! i.fii: ililreari!r'a aliil;: il i1 Iii..r;l¡t¡}lil": li l,*k;: :i::-je !,!trli: nn* tr :i prtnilr fa!ili1, }it¡ ¡l* )i: *:;ireltrl $**als traaarsl,j,i¡t :: ../l.!rr, ir'*ll ;:ir. :!etr ¡¡*l.r: ir:_lly rrl¡rlir*i:i b easily(section2) e inh /<crfinn ?\ d selection(section3) e succeedin (section3) f promise(section4) a The LSNZschoolin is veryneara rare. Qr¿c9-nrta!9n-------b TheLSNZschoolis in the middleof ________________c Morepeoplego on holidayto ___--____________ thananyother placein NewZealand. d Therearecinemas, theatres, museumsandgalleries in e is sunoundedby mountains, riversandforests. - sportsin f Youcando exciting- and sometimesdangerous o Look at the list of webpages on the homepage.Whichwebpage would you read next if you wanted to find out more about thesethings? a wherevoucanstudv b whatyouwill study ó n is nearthe sea. is a healthyplaceto liveandstudy Focuson... synonyms Findthesewordsin the webpages. Someof the wordshavea similarmeaning. Putthesewordsintopairsor groupsof three. +hefe#e*eiafe lifestyle located spectacular stunning dedicated qualified well-known situated famous p¿{¿dtse-magnificent =p-?¿t-?4h-pt-u& pasü-2e üp Tryand workout the meaningof the otherwords.Thencheckyour guesses in a dictionary. ó Would you prefer to study in Oueenstownor Christchurch? whv? g<*et*i É*k**"**e¿::c*c Umfltl2 ?kÉ.É "ffi General English 1 Here are some questionsyou have about LanguageSchoolsNew Zealand.What do you think the answersmight be? allfulltime,or canyoudo part-time? a Arethecourses last? b Howmanyweeksdo courses c Canyoustaywrthlocalfamilies? d Whatdoyoudo in theclasses? e Howmanyhoursdoyoustudya week? f Howmuchdoesit cost? g Wheredo mostof thestudents comefrom? programme? h lstherea social Did you know ...? '-2 Chnstchurchand Oueenstc,.'::. ata hoursaheadof London GMT.Lookat thesetine drie¡et::s a¡oundthe world. Christchurch(NewZealanl :an Mondav Sydney(Austraha) 3an Monday Vancouver(Canada) lpit Sunday NewYork(USA) 4pn Sunday London(UK) 9pn Sunday 2 You are going to look at the GeneralEnglish webpage in order to find out about this course.Which of the questionsin Exercise1 do you expect this webpage to answer?Tick / the boxes. btr .I uI fx.{1 4 l1 dI "I rI sI webpage. Look at the GeneralEnglish The answersto some- but not all - of the questionsin Exercise1 are on this webpage. Find the answers. hI . h t t p :/ / w w w . l a n g u a g e s c h o ocl .o .n z / g e n e r al - e n g l i s h / ::* .. I f-,... -- :L,..1... ]'l',:,::]ii l.:.. GeneralEnglish : lttttt' Exam Preparatio¡. :,:r-:: Studyand Ski Study and farm ,,::,-..:,,, 1,,,,¡l:=.,, Combo Course. :::.t*¡', sam ple rimet4!t.iji,,=; I 3 1"i::i:]: .-.:l i ll¡:,,::,t;,:,:,:,r.::i,: ,:.:1 t.,r,ilil :::i...:.r-: fr:: r.l ,tta 62 @ wor* and Study -.,r-:. ti f:t.'.r¡rr-:l :r:f,,-l,..fr g**&€ Umf,t|2 ?EeÉs sck€*eE s*asÉ?*s Choosecoursesfor these friends of yours, Omar, Ji-Koo and Hana. Look at the notes about the coursesthey would like to take. Complete the chart. 4 weeks,part-time, focuson grammarandvocabulary Ji-Koo full-time,h¡voweeks Hana l0 weeks,afternoons only Omar yoursetiér.d, 5L5o $680 5 You decide to find out more about the school in Oueenstown. Read part of the webpage. Does it answer any more of the questions in Exercise'l ? lr+.n http ://www. lang uageschool.co.nz/queenstown/ {***r;i*,o* Queenstov¡n: l--*1t*lisür SIX**I :: $$$#-#-$ $$$l*-$$#.-$ $$g$##$#$$#$s $$#$* *en-d* eh**k*is* Trckwhatyou cando. I canfind out abouta languageschoolfrom itswebsite. I can guessthe meaningof new wordsfrom the context. I can choosea languagecourse. a-- ;;; -\ Seed m*r* Fra{:ia€ s*e& * Areyou readinga bookat the moment?Whatis its title? to read? Tick/ youranswers. Whichof thesetypesof bookwouldyouchoose fiaionI romance a murdermystery a thriller science I I I Haveyoueverreada bookin English? Whatwasitstitle?Whattypeof bookwasit? H'tel & Choosing a reader 1 Look at the four book covers.Theseare graded readersat just the right level for you. Match the coverswith the types of book. Do not checkyour answersyet. I A Picture to Remember 2 HotelCasanova < ln<néatnr | ño:n 4 Superbird m¡ rrrlor mrrqtcn¡ - thriller sciencefiction romance msacctor tOsas @ worlr and Study -- C.rsirlrrXlA UmEtl3 2 Here are some words from the four books. Match eachword with the book you think it is in. Whichof the words are for something you can see on the cover (C)?Do not checkyour answersyet. túdy istfe+aüt gondolas love receprio.r sea I 2 3 4 €astle ¡€5ert exhibition flower museuTn painting planet police spaceship Verice A Picture to Remember HoteiCasanova Inspector Logan _!_o_d4,_ _s¿_a {e. (O, 0.-2VAIq!4L, Superbird [et _e.!L K-), bonus CNass Choose¿ wordtrom Exercrse 2. Yourpartnermustaskyou questionsto find out the word you havechosen.Answerscan only be yes or no. Forexample: (vec,)lc,it n olocetn o l< if n n[nr-e7 hote!?(no) Do you find old thíngs there?(yes)ts ¡t the . ? (yes) \/er/ ' ¿ ' ' v f Readthe back cover blurb of the four books. Match the blurbswith the book titles. Do not checkyour answersyet. I A Picture to Remember I - l-l z nolet Lasanova| | a In<ñéaT^r , ^ó¡a | | , T---1 4 5uPerDrrC L__.1 Did you know ...? 4 Now that you have read the back cover blurbs,look at your answersto Exercises1 and 2 again.Do the blurbshelp you checkyour answers? 5 Which book would you most like to read? The paintutgon the front coverof A Pictureto Rememberiscalled Popl:yField It was parntedby the Impressronist patnterClaudeMonet in 1873The red flowers arepoppies. 65 +tc*É UmFt I 3 9'w******zzE?cÉ* W A Picture to Remember 1 You are going to read part of the first chapter of A pictureto Remember.What do you already know about this story? Look back at pages 64-65 if necessary. What do you think will happennext? 2 Readthe first part of the story on the opposite page. Start at the beginningand continueto the end without stopping. 3 The sentencesbelow in italicsare in the story. Read the sentences and answerthe questions. a Thedirectorof themuseumoskedCristino to comeinto hisoffice.Why? He wmls.4. _tp__fuk b hc¿. @ouh__M w¡o*.4t_&.jo)-. ___-_ b Cristino couldn'twoitto begin.Tobeginwhat? c After work Cristinogot onto her motorbikeoutsidethe museum.Wherewas d Shehopedher fotherwouldnever seeher withoutif.Withoutwhat? e Cristinastoppedat sometrafficlights.Shecouldn'tbelieveher eves.Whynot? Whatcouldshesee? f Shelookedinto hiseyes,and what did he do? g Whatdid sheseeon hisneck? h Cristinofelt ofroid.Why? Learning tip Extensivereading- reading stories- shouldbe a pleasure! Do not choosea readerwith loo many diff,cult words and structures.Readpart of the fust chapterbeforeyou buy or borrow a book - and find out if it's the right levetfor you.Tty to read whole sections- pages, chapters,etc. - wlthout stopping. Aim to get a general overall understandingof the story.\lVhen you haveoonátnls, you go "un back and read the text again more slowiy and carefullyif vou needto. i Suddenlyo toxihit the backof her bike.How did this happen?What happened next? Focuson ... irregularverbs Findtheirregular pastsimple formof theseverbsin thestory. a speak . tp9\9___ h car¡ ^L +I C^C I^ l d oct o'' ^g t - - . , ^ ttovc Findfivemoreinegular pastsimpleformsin the story.Writethe infinitiveform. f f rI w___ fr 8 - - - Findfive more irregularpastsimpleformsin the story.write the infinitiveform. m ___ Completethesesentences with five of the verbs. p Whenit wasmy teacher's birthday, | -__ __- _-__ hera card. q Twodaysago| -_-- -_--to my parentson the phone. r | _________--_________--_ verytiredwhen I workup thismorning. s On my way homelastnight,I a verybrightstarin the sky. -_ "-___ t l'vegot a newjacketand | ________-_--" -_-it when I wentout yesterday. @ wor* and Study E üra praÉbe Youcanfind the restof this chapterand chaptersfrom lots of otherreaderson the Cambridge En$ishReaders website www.cambridg e.org/elt/ r eaders / worksheets_lesson¡rlans.asp. You will alsofind worksheets and a placementtestwhichwill tell you your level. Sncve *hes*erthÉca$c! Umfrtl3 *.!F r 1 Cristina's motorbike eleven o'clock one morning the director of the o Nacional de BellasArtes in BuenosAires. Matttrtez, asked Cristina Rinaldi to come his off,ce 'I want to talk to you about an important iob I'd you to do, Cristina. I think you'll be interested ir.' 'Of course.V{hat is it?' .A museum in Paris wants to send some Impressionist paintings to BuenosAires. I spoke to the Paris museum director, Philippe Maudet, this morning and he's interested in using our museum to show the paintings. It's an important job.W'ould you like to do it?' 'Of course I would. Great! You know I'd love to see Impressionist paintings here in the museum,' answered Cristina. 'Good. I want you to begin work as soon as you can,'the director said.'There is a lot you'll need to dol Cristina felt good all day. She loved Impressionist paintings.This new exhibition was wonderful. She couldn't wait to begin. After work Cristina got onto her motorbike outside the museum. She was feeling good. She had an important new job, the sun was warm on her back and it was the start of spring weather in the city of Buenos Aires. Maybe tomorrow she could leave her jacket at home.This year September was warm, and people were already talking about a hot summer. Cristina started her motorbike and felt the warm air on her face as she rode alongAvenida del Libertador. She never wore a helmet because she liked the feeling of the wind in her long hair. But her father didn't know that. She remembered his words when he gave her the new motorbike: 'Always wear your helmet, Cristina - every time you ride!'She hoped her father would never see her without it. Every day at this time Cristina rode down Avenida del Libertador to the gym at the Recoleta Health Club. Her day's work at the museum was finished and she was free. She usually forgot about her work as she rode down theAvenida. But today was a little different. She couldn't stop thinking about her new iob. Cristina began to slow down for the traffic lights.The traffc in the city centre was terrible. She didn't work far from the gym but the road had so many trafÍic lights. She stopped and looked into the car next to her. She saw ttvo men in the car. She couldn't believe her eyes. One of the men had a gun.Then he looked out of the window at Cristina. She looked into his eyes, into his dark brown eyes and for a moment the man looked back.Then he turned his head and she saw a tattoo of a flower, a red poppy, on his neck. Then she heard the sound of police cars.The man in the car lifted up his gun. Cristina felt afraid. She wanted to go quickly. She tried to start her bike but she couldn't. Everybody else was moving but she couldn't. Suddenly a taxi hit the back of her bike. She fell from the bike onto the front of the taxi and then down onto the road. Her head hit the toadhard. She saw nothing, she felt nothing - she didn't even hear the sound of the ambulance which took her to hospital. $.$$$Jil$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$g #$$$$$$ü$$$ ean-de*heek!Ésb Tickwhatyou cando. I canusethe coverand blurbof a bookto predictitstypeandtopic. I can choosea reader. I can readwholesectionsof a storywithoutstopping. {.¡n d* fu*¡* ;"¡r*lepr*{!-1r.= read € Choosethe optionswhicharetruefor you. I havebeena studentof Englishfor /essthon oneyeor/ one yeor / tvvoyeors/ more thon tuvoyeors. I have token/ t hove nevertokenan Englishexam. s As a studentof English, what areyou goodat and what areyou not goodat?Rate'these skillsfrom 1 (whatyou are bestat) to 6 (whatyou areworstat). readingf writingf listening! sr¿mmarf-l vocabularv l-l speaking f] & Is this exam for me? 'l Your English teacher tells you that there is an Englishexam you could take. lt is suitablefor students of your level.Write three questions that you want to ask your teacher about the exam itself. Begin with How many, When, Which, etc. 2 Look at these questions.Are your questions the same- or similar? a Howmanypapers arethereintheexam? b Whichpapertakesthemosttime? c Whichpaperhasthemostmarks? 3 Readthe general descriptionof the Key EnglishTest (KET)exam on the right quickly. Answer the questionsin Exercise2. 4 Read below what six students have said about the KETexam. Then read the descriptionof the exam again more carefullyand decide if what the people say is true (T)or false (F). Underlinethe information in the description that gives you the answer. a A Pass withMeritis betterthana Pass.-_--__ b Noteveryone passes the KETexam.______ youwillbetoldwhereVouare c lf youfailtheexam, weak.___--_ d Therearemorepartsforreading thanwriting. _____e Youhaveto listento a cassette or CDin thelistening paPer. ______ f Youdo thespeaking testwithanother studenr. _---__ 68 @ WorXand Study Content of the KETexamination The KET examination consistsof three papers_ paper I Reading and Writing, Paper 2 Listening and paper 3 Speaking. There are four grades:passwith Merit (about g5% of the totat marks); Pass(aboú70o/o of the total marks); Narrow Fail (about 5% below the passmark); Fail. For a passwith Merit and pass,the results slip shows the papers in which you did particularly well; for a Narrow Fail and Fail, the results slip shows the papers in íhich you were weak. Paperr Readingand Writing r hourro minutes (5o%ofthetotalmarks) There are nine parts in this paper and they are always in the same orde¡. Parts l-5 test a range of reading skills and parts 6_9 test basic writing skills.You write all your answerson the answe¡ sheet. Paperz [istening about3ominutes, including 8 minutes to transfer answers (25% ofthetotalmarks) There a_refive parts in this paper and they are always in the same order. Yo_uhear eachrecording twice. you write your answerson the answer sheetat the end of the test. laPe13 Speaking 8-ro minutesfor a pairof students (25% ofthetotalmarks) There are two parts to the test and they are always in the same orde¡. There are two candidatesand two e"aminers. Only one of the examiners asksthe questions. EJse * serEeis! UnEt14 Readthe descriptionof one paper below. Which paper is this? Focuson... prepositions t;---i\.1 Matching 5 il:;.fi:;''""" 5 ü:|.fJ'.i'"',"5 i,1?n,"" ü:$3,?;*'* Word completioff tnformation trans?et Short message $ marks) Youchoosethe right words to completefive sentences. rhe right answerto completeshort conversational :::*?1T Youchoosef ive anwers from eight to completea conversaüon. Youanswersevenquestionson a text that ls up to 23o words long. Right / Wrohg / Doesn't say OR Multipte choice (A,B or C) Open cloze Youmatch five sentencesto eight notices. 'lo (Lrrcrerrne In Inese Preposrlron sentences from the texton the left. a Youmatchfive sentences in / on / to eightnotices. b Youchoosefive answersfrom/ of / wrfheightto completea conversation. Findthe otherprepositions in the text. Completethesesentences with prepositions. c Youanswerfive questions a conversation betvveen two speakers, d Youmatchfive questions eightpossible answers. e Youcompletefivespaces h¡vosets notes.Thereare h/úospeaKers. "" "". ffi :;;:.:, :ff"::::"::::;; In¿text surh as¿postcard with sin're words, üiiii:"iirr, spelledcorrectly- '5 -t of notesor a formw¡thinformat¡on fromone ::il:Tjfl:. (u5-35 words)' postcard ;ffi 1::il31,.;i',ii"?l'Jf ilii,i.lltrcr 6 Look at parts of some exam tasks below. Match the tasks with the parts of the exam in Exercise5. A __-._Ps&__l. ." Readthe sentencesabout going to a restaurant. Ghoosethe best word (A, B or C) for each space. 1 B C A newrestaurant hasjust A come A 2 Visiithe EdinburghFestivol! Everyyearthousands of peoplecometo Edinburgh, thecapitalcityof Scotland, to be parlof the Edinburgh Festival. ForthreeweekseveryAugust andSeptember the cityis filledwithactorsandartists fromallovertheworld.Theycometo Edinburgh for the biggestadsfestivalin Britain.Duringthistimethe streetsof thecityarealivewithmusicanddance. ....... nearour house. C opened Oneday,we decidedto go iherefor a A olate Readthe article about the EdinburghFestival. Are the sentences'Right' (A)or'Wrong' (B)? lf there is not enough informationto answer 'Right' (A)or 'Wrong' (B),choose 'Doesn'tsay' (C). B begun B meal .. . . . .. G dish Gompletethe conversations.ChooseA, B or C. 1 Congratulations! A l'm sorry. B Thankyou. C Whata oitv! l'd liketo try thoseshoeson, please. A Whatsizeareyou? B Are they black? C Do you likeit? TheEdinburgh Festival is a monthlong. A Right 2 B Wrong G Doesn'tsay 7 Do the exam tasks on these pages. The Edinburgh Festival is in October. A Right B Wrong C Doesn'tsay 69 a pe::eÉ3E Umfitl4 {ese ffi IsitA,BorG? 1 Look at these two sectionsof a KET Reading and Writing paper.Answer these questions. Learning tip a Whichsectiondo you readonly?_ b Whichsectiondo you writeon? Make sureyou read exam instruc.lronsvery carefully. As well as telling you what to do, exam instructions sometimes give you important information about the topic.AJwayslook at examples.They show you what Lodo. ln matchrlg tasks,they a-lsoshow whrch answer cannot be used-again. SectionI Sampleanswersheet- Readingand Writing (Sheet1) UNIVERSITYo'r IlGl: CAlr1tsRl l:S0i.[xaminari¡rs SANflPLtr SupeNisorl 6 2 11 16 12 17 J I 13 18 4 I 14 19 5 10 15 20 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 32 26 33 27 34 35 OUCLESK&J@ @ worlr and Study {}*ea penci¡!Umfitl4 Section2 PART5 ougsttoti¡s 28a?5 R$d thÉ¡nlomrüor 6boutM8dámr fglrrod,¡ ñúr€urnln Lordoñ. Ch@$ thebslt word(A,B or C)fs &h rpr@ (2g_35). Test 1 ror gusüon! PAPER I Plfff FEADII{G AND WRffiNG f-5 Londonig Madam€ Jussaud'smuseum.Herepeople.......-9.......,. ** *gur", uiía*nu, peopiemadeof w¡x, rhseü EXAüPLE AI{8WEF WomaEwery&rqusliffi. F A Y@ €n't dfiv€ lhis way, l-l I Adelts f2.5O I I un*r tzaFEep I 2 Ctilds Y6€¡shophaB6ixdaysare6lí D 2l 5 Só mf-t rtH yo! st{d W. W€wkgrlddy, MedameT$saud was born ..,..,.1g.,..... Francein 1Zó1,Her uncle,a doctat ......H........ wax figuresof peopte.He oper*l ..,?g........ mr¡seumof ihésefiguré3in parís. Marie helped_.,....g,J...... in his work. ln 1789,during the FrenchRevolurion, Marle ......._!?".-.. ¡ent to 3e headsof famo,*fipiu :11;j1"_:"30.,:.*r wneñ rhry weredffid, ¡ncluding euecn M¿rieAntoin;tte;. do rpl hgv€ l,o pay, c 3 !hEt. One very famousplacefor tourists jn lYh¡ch rcfÉe {A+1, *y.$tr(f+F Fs qs€Clffi lJ, eil üB conéal btls árll ffi ilrá trils I Aq B or C gn thr Intrlr MadameTussnudC 1 olrEsTroils 0 28-35, rork {1 holr 10 m,rst6} E m msllr-''.rSil lrNroRMArroN I I P.t¡""N"tñl I RordClosd I t op", d"ltyteó-l I rtrept Mmd¿yr) | lwArrñRooMl 2 Readthe instructionscarefullyand do the exam tasks above. In 1795,Manema*ied Frangois Tussaud.,..-.fJ_,,. in 1g02shc * k"g: her wax figurs. Here sheopeneda 11* 1ith rhuseuÍi and her figues carr_..-.!_f..._.. be ,*, roduy, EXAMPLE 0 Acan 2AAat 29 A make 30 Aa 31 A her 32 A has 33 A any 34 A and 35 A ever B must Bby B made B one B him Bis B the B because B stitt ANSWER C shall A cin C makes C some C them Cwas C those C when C yet Did you know ...? About 30,000candidatestake the KET exam every year.Thesepeople comefrom more than 60 countnes AbouLTSo/o ofKET candidatesare 18 or under. A fur[her 20%arein the 19_30age group. Approximately60%are female $¡t$$$$$$$&g$#$$$ $$$'1* $$$gJ* t,$$s$${ ' *an=dcehe*klis& , , fick whatyou can do. C a nd c t \i rueednrorepractice I can readand understand a description of the KETexam. I can identifyexamtasks. I canfollowexaminstructions and do the tasks. ti r'-- -) x*e# * Whichof thesenoticeswouldyou find on a schoolnoticeboard (s)? Whichwouldyou find on an office (O)?Whichmightyou find noticeboard * Lookat thesethingsyou mightsee in an office.Matchthe wordswith the pictures. write the lettersin the boxes. -rffi1 l'trilffi::*""b1 m '"*r{#T@i d itemsfor saleor w¿nted_-____ o *1,. b o6$A.É*, rt | w*pe - li:##nf*t,":* plumbing, etc.)-----i student cardbenefits-----j trips------ p 1 computer 5 faxmachine I s mrg [ _ 13 post-itnotes I f - u 1:-,'',,'i.'.l,ni:-? Wilr{ " j drinkcan[] z desk-light 4 envelopes ! I g cartridges 6 heaterf] 7 paper clipsI ! 10 newspapgr ll rubberbands I I tz plasticwallets I 14 printer I .fu Contact Sobia lqbal 1 Look at the notice from an office noticeboardon the oppositepage.Which topic in Get ready to read is it about? 3 ReadSectionA of the notice.Whichtips are about savingpaper (5)?Which tips are about recycling paper (R)?Write the letters. 1)7AqA-7 BWhat is the differencebetween saving paper and recyclingpaper?Complete these sentencesin your own words. Use the dictionarydefinitionsto help you if necessary. lf yousavepaper, you... lf yourecycle paper, you... 4 Which tips in SectionA are for usersof computers?Tick,/ your answers. rI zI ro use^?lper, gtáss, plast(_e,ti,aga andnotthrowit away:wá iiite rn alt our newspapers ., , vero ..^-^ \elv and boítlei.-."'rbresent r"' oarticiplesautng, oas¡saved) etc to savemoneY/sPace/time, i"or.á the'amount of moneY/sP.ace/ time, etc that You have to-use:Yourl savetime bYdoing ¡t Yourselt' 72 @ WorX and Study ¡I +I sf oI tZ eI gI 5 ReadSection B. Which of the office items in Get ready to read are mentioned here? PSAq c_la? po,ti,iprc'I l'i r',i[ln' i [!,,?Jiü1, o, J V t 9 áE's *caék*a*eá**k*ee€ Umflt1$ €O Envi al ti Ifyou have any other tips abouthow to saveresourcesin the workplace, pleasecontactSobiaIqbal (Office Ser-vices Manager)on extension2043.This notice will be revisedlater this year. A Saving and recycling paper f^->r U I) 1 Usescrappaperfor notesinsteadof Post-itnoteswhere possible. lf youneedPost-irs, try thesmallones. 2 Try not to printouteveryemail;readit on screeninstead 4 5 6 1 8 9 Check the length of your email before printing it - cut an'd paste it into Word. Print documentson both sides(wherepossible). Re-usescrappaperin the fax machine. Email minutes and repofts rather than sendround paper copies. Senddocumentselectronicallyratherthan by post. Put newspapers,notesand other paperitems into the recyclingbin Don't put envelopesinto the recyclingbin. B General recycling I Re-usepaperclips, plastic wallets,rubber bands,etc. a7-v >rvtrar 2 Recycle cartridgesfrom the printer - simply return them to \rP 6 Write a sentenceabout savingor recyclingeach item in Exercise5. Use saye or recyclein each sentence. pWr_Lk R-e.c-gqLe _ps.p 9r_-{+p_2, wsbeb 4\d"--rqDb-c.r-b-Md_a. _ Office Services. 3 Use internaimail envelopeswhereverpossible.Use eachone as many times as possible. 4 Always use the recyclingbin fbr your aluminium drink cans fiom the machine. 5 Use your own mug in order to reducethe number of plastic cuns needed. C Saving energy I Use heatersand desk-lightsonly when they are needed 2 Turn off computers before leaving for the weekend. 3 Switch off lights and heaterswhen not in use. Focuson ... What shouldemployeesdo if they have another tip for the notice?Complete the sentence. qpüs.t-lP kr.l\p lf apv.hw'tp \?!49, Here are three more tips for the notice.Which sections shouldthey go in - A, B or c? a Usenoticeboards rather thancirculating non-urgent m e m o s ._ _ _ - - _ b Photocopy insteadof printing out lotsof copies.-_-___ c Position desksandworkstations nearwindowsto makebestuse of naturallight. Do you think the tips in the notice are good? Do you use them already? nouns and verbs Readthe noticeagain.How manytimes: canyou findthe worduse? is it a noun? Findthesewordsin the notice.Aretheynouns(N) or verbs(V)? contact---Y-- need ---___check______ cut _--__-paste______ print ______ post ______ Complete the sentences withthe sevenwordsabove.ls eachworda noun(N) or a verb (V)?Writethe letterson the lines. a There'sno ---"____\&-_______ to phoneJim.l'vealready spokento him. -l{__ b Susan Jamesis my main at Smiths. She'sthe personI phone._ c l'llbuy somestamps, then l'll __theseletters.--____ d That'sa nasty __you'vegot on yourhand.______ e We do a _________--__________-_ on the firealarmeveryweek.-_-___ f The in thisbookis a nicesize.I canreadit quiteeasily.___g Youcan'Lrecycle envelopes because of the ______,____on them. ______ Whichotherwordin the noticeis botha nounand a verb? 1 0 Write another tip for the notice. **4A*'****t&7 ** ztue UmEt 15 á&'# & Write down the number! 1 Look at the noticeboard.Complete the sentenceswith the correct numbers. ¿ Advertisements and______ arefor thingsyou canbuy. ______ b Advertisements and______ arefor thingsVoucanrent. ______ 74 @ wor* and Study Learning tip Sometimesyou will be able to work out the meaning of a word you haveneverseenbelorebecauseit lookssimilarto anotherEnglishword you alreadyknow. For examplq if you know the ve¡b alter,you can work out from the context alterationsisthe noun formedfrom this verb. Eñ's*srÉhepratieeb*ardUmfltl5 Some people are interestedin the advertisements. Scanthe advertisementsand find the answersto these questions. I What'sthe lastdatefor sendingtips? 9@!e!?9V --" 2 You'vefounda goldwatch.Whatextension number <hnr rlrl r¡nrr nhnnoT r,'"',". 3 How much doesthe sofa-bedcost? 4 Willthedressmaker yourtrousers? repair 5 What'sthe Spanrsh bov'smobilenumber? Look at the advertisementAndrés is interestedin again. Find words which are related to the words a-e below. Then answerthe questionswith yes 00 or no (N). q\+a$rahp-L, a furniturelsthereanyfurniture in theroom?__lJ_D Space ls therelotsof spacein the house?__-___ c smoKe Canyou smokein thishouse?______ store___-_________ ls theresomewhereyou canstoreyour bike? -h'eoo" i' n - - - - - - - - - - - - Canyoumovein attheendofJuly? -_ 6 Willthe manwiththe van movefurniture? 7 How manygearsdoesthe bikehave? Andrés would like to see the room. Scanthe advertisementand answerthese questions. 8 Where'sthe dog show? a Whodoeshe haveto contact? b How much doesthe rentcosta month? Did you know ."? Societyfor lhe Preventtonof The RSPCA(Roya1 Todaythere Crueltyto Animals)was founded tnl824 and almosl ale more than sevenmilllon dogs tn Britarn as many cats. Someof these are abandoned by their ownelsand havelo be rescued by the RSPCA c Arebillsincludedin the rent? d Whatelsewill he haveto pavwhen he movesin? Andrés decidesto take the room, but he doesn't have any furniture. Which other advertisementsmight interest him? Why? "4{,tq!Lzqp&]_lq\!rk*ez!__\_q!.!9.s4!pp Andrés needs to leave the flat where he's living. Which advertisement will interest him most? Skim the advertisementwhich interestsAndrés. Do you think the room and houseseem nice? $$$¡t$'$$$$lt$ $#$$$$Jtjt$$$#$$$#$$$$$ Can-d* *he*lqlÉs* Tickwhatyou cando. C*:: d* fl**<! ¡::*re praetic* I can scanadvertisements and find information. I can understand a listof tips. I canskimadvertisements and decideif they are useful. I I __-__-__,_/ !-,*-----,,*/ s*e& * Lookat the pictures. Thesepeopleall work in a hotel.Whataretheirjobs? lVlatch the wordswith the pictures. p] chefI chambermaid porterI receptionist waiterI I Wouldyou liketo workduringthe night?Why?/ Whynot? Jld"U*-e-l) --wp-uk-¡h tt*q- tp -w-qrk-------. 4trqs Vp tM!.-lytyzs . ;.,'€ F # .ffiffi nl _ffi ffi ffi*, & What does the iob involve? 1 Claudiohearsthat there is a portert job availableat a localhotel.He does not reallyknow what porters do, so he asksa friend. Think of three things that porters do. Claudiolookson the Internet.He finds this information on a website about hotel and cateringjobs. Skim the webpage. How many different types of hotel porter are there? Look at the webpage again. Answer these questions. * In hotels, there are three types of porters, all with very different jobs. I Hall porter s The hall porter has a busy job, and one where there is constant contact with the customers. The hall porters work closely with the reception team as fhey are both responsible for welcoming the guests into the hotel and ensuring that all thelr needs are met throughout tF,eftstay. 2 N¡ght porter The fofe of a night porter differs from thaf of a day porter. .If is an extremely important job as fhey are often the only staff available during the n¡ght. In smaller hotels a s/he will have to look after recept¡on duties as well. 3 a Whichotherpeopledoesthe webpage mention? b Aredifferent wordssometimes usedfor the samegroupof people? @ Wor* and Study ¡ttp:¡¡www.cáreersseru¡cél¡.comlovervew 5 Banqueting porter The duties of banqueting porters differ from hall porters as they deal solely with the conference and banquet¡ng facilities of the hotel. They are responsible for taking car€ of guests who attend functions at the hotel and ensuring that all requirements arranged between the customer and the banqueting co-ordinator are met, There is often a great deal of heavy work to be carried out prior to a function. .f H'ezz z*s*s&<Lxz& &Égtuc# UmEt16 Learning tip Sometexts are hard Lo understandbecause[hey conlaina lot of longsenl"ences. Understanding who and what pronounsand possessive adjeclivesreferto can help you understandlong sentences. Look carefully at the first paragraph. What do the words in italics refer to? correct option. @the a o n e ( l i n e1 ) @a job 2 a hallporter b they(line3) t hallporters ? . - h, ,e*l l, ,nr -n ,r i o r < ¡ n / t.h.a, - r' e c e p t o n team c their(line5) 1 the hotelporters' 2 the guests' d their(line5) I the hotelporters' 2 the guests' What do these words in italics in the other two paragraphs refer to? Write your answers. a that (paragraph 2, Iine 1) ___________üe_rc-@ b lt (paragraph 2, line2) c they(paragraph 2, |ne 2) d s/he (paragraph 2,line 4) e they(paragraph 3, line2) f They(paragraph 3, line3) g who (paragraph 3, line4) Focuson ... íng forms We use the ing form of the verbaftersome prepositions. Forexample: She'sgood ot speokingto customers.He's thinkingof becomingo chef. We also use the ing form after(be) responsiblefor. Whichof the portersis responsible for theseduties? Complete the sentences. a The---------is responsible for welcoming guestsintothe hotel. b The__________ is responsible for ensuring thatguests'needsaremet. c The-----"--"_ is,responsible for takrngcareof guestswho attend functions. d The__________ is responsible for ensuring thatall requirements anangedbeh¡¡een the customer andthe banqueting co-ordinator aremet. Complete thesesentences aboutotherdutiesin the hotel. e Thechefis resoonsible for the meals. f Thechambermaid is responsible for -_-____________________ the rooms. is responsible for s Thereceptionist suestsin. h Thewaiteris responsible for ____-_-________________ the meals. ó The website also includesa list of each porter's duties. Readthe lists and match the duties with the job titles in the Overview (pa9e7ó). ListA contains Ihehollporter's/ nightporter's/ banqueting porter'sduties. ListB contains thehollporter's/ nightporter's/ bonqueting porter'sduties. Duties include: r b o o k i n g g u e s t s ¡ n o r c h e c k i n go u t I operatingtelephoneiwitchboard r sery¡no refreshments to ouests I providing room service and early tea or breakfast r c h e c k i n g s e c u r ¡ t yo f b u i l d i n g r k e e p i n g f o y e r , r e c e p t i o na r e a a n d l o u n g e s c l e a n a n d t i d y r d e l i v e r i n gm o r n i n g p a p e r s t o g u e s t s Duties includer I greeting guests on arr¡val r answeringgenéralqueries r showing guests to their rooms and carrying luggage r l o o k i n g a f t e r a l l m a i l a n d m e s s a g e s ,b o t h ¡ n t e r n a l l ya n d externally r o b t a i n i n g t i c k e t s , r e s e r v i n g t a b l e s a n d o r g a n i s i n gt r a n s p o r t I r e c o r d i n ga n y s p e c i a l r e q u e s t sf o r g u e s t s s u c h a s n e w s p a p e r s ,e a r l y m o r n i n g c a l l s , e a r l y t e a o r b r e a k f a s t 7 Claudiowould prefer to be a night porter so that he can study during the day. Which of the three jobs would you prefer? l'& p-rpfer@-De -o--- E'eee as*réeá¿?g saágh€s Umfltl6 Learnrngtip Sometexts arehardto understand becausethel¡ containa lot of long sentences. Understandingwho and what pronounsand possessive adjectlvesrelerto can help you understandlong sentences. Look carefully at the first paragraph. What do the words in italics refer to? 6..ib tt'r" correctoption. a o n e ( l i n e1 ) @a job 2 a hallporter b they(line3) t hallporters 2 hallportersandthe reception team c their(line5) 1 the hntel nnders' '- " T' 2 the guests' d their(line5) 1 the hotelporters' 2 the guests' Focuson... íng forms We usethe rngform of the verbaftersome prepositions. Forexample: She'sgood ot speokingto customers.He's thinkingof becomingo chef. We also use the ing form after(be) responsiblefor. Whichof the portersis responsible for theseduties? Complete the sentences. a The__________ is responsible for welcoming guestsintothe hotel. b The---"-----is responsible for ensuring thatguests'needsaremet. c The---------is tesponsible for takinecareof puestswho attend functions. d The---------is responsible for ensuring thatall requirements arranged betweenthe customer andthe banqueting co-ordinator aremet. Complete thesesentences aboutotherdutiesin the hotel. e Thechefis responsible for -___--_-_______________ the meals. f Thechambermaid is responsible for ____--_---__---,-______ the rooms. is responsible for s Thereceptionist suestsin. h Thewaiteris responsible for _-_----________________ the meals. ó The website also includesa list of each porter's duties. Readthe lists and match the duties with the job titles in the Overview (page 7ó). ListA contains porter'sdulies. thehollporter's/ nightportels/ banquettng ListB contains thehollpofter's/ nightporter's/ bonqueting porter'sduties. What do these words in italics in the other two paragraphs refer to? Write your answers. Duties include: r bookingguests¡n or checkingout r operatingtelephoneswitchboard r servingrefreshmentsio guests I providingroom serviceand early tea or breakfast r checkingsecurityof building I Íoyer,receptionareaand cleanand tidy lTping .lounges r delivering morningpapersto guests a that (paragraph 2, line 1) üe rol& b lt (paragraph 2, Iine2) c they (paragraph 2,line 2) Duties include: r greetingguestson arrival r answering generalqueriés r showinggueststo their roomsand carryingluggage I lookingafter all mailand messages, both internallyand externally r obtainingtickets,reservingtablesand organising transport I recordingany specialrequestsfor guestssuchas newspapers, earlymorningcalls,earlytea or breakfast d s/he (paragraph 2, line4) e they (paragraph 3, line2) f They(paragraph 3, line3) g who (paragraph 3, line4) 7 Claudiowould prefer to be a night porter so that he can study during the day. Which of the three jobs would you prefer? q.-..ld prpfq @-.be N!i:llií:í:j:+ 77 Umfltl$ I'::avusrkÉstg nigÉat* ffi A reminder for everyone 1 Look at the memo. Answer these questions. a Whois it from? MEMO To: AII porters b Who is it to? From: cc: Raquel Haines PauI Dawson Philippe Henry Did You know '..? Date: 6th December ROO? LooLhelPeople. I have al,lached a lis¡ of dl.rlies llial shoulcl be corlpleled durrng Lhe evenlng shift. The c1u,,iesii.qr,eclar.e nor new. However, r,hey ar.e nol always can i_odou[ by each porter, so il rs a lentinder for everyone. 'carbon cc is an abbreviationfor copy'.It is usedon a letter, email or memo to show that you are sendinga coPY Look at the first paragraph. What is the topic of this paragraph?Tick / the correct option. What do you think the word shift means? a duties during theevening_ shift U b newduties c a reminder foreveryoneLook at the other three paragraphs.What is the topic of each paragraph? I would also hke to renind you r,hal licklng trp tlLter needs lo be improyed. A sweep or.the car parks and pa[hs for lllter mr.Lslbe carrled out in r,he rror.r-Lingaricl aÍle|noon before dark. I,A'heneach por.Ler finishes hi-q dr-nies a-¡ihe enci of his shifl, please ensule Lhat you rehu.n aJ1pot ler.s' keys lo the KEy CUPBOARD. DO NOT LtrA\E TIlEl,,f a¡ r.eceprion. Fina1ly, as you know, al1 slaff _qhoiiklpal,k in lhe staff car park and nol use the gllesls, car pat k. i know thrs ts a constant problem. However I expecl you al1 r,opark in the stalf car park and sel an example. If any of you recluire clariflcar,lon. piease ask. 4 Who shouldread each paragraph- all porters or porters who work the evening shift? paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 paragraph 4 Focuson... Complete these sentencesabout the porters. a Theymust b Theymustn't Pfonouns Findthesepronounsin paragraph I of the memo. Who or whatdo they referto? al b that c rney dI Underline anypronounsin the restof the memo.Who or what do they referto? @wor* and study e'"*zry*xkLxs*gsbL*Um Ett 6 Look at the list of duties which Raquel attached to her memo. Which duty did she mention in the memo? Underlinethis duty. 7 Look at the pictures.Which two duties has the porter on the evening shift not yet carried out? Write sentences. He h*sn'L DailY car Before lt ge1,sdarü: clreck palhs and parks for Liller. Fold Check [he lLewspapels in lhe lounge' enlfarlce' carelirlly, ancl place on lallle inslde Tidy the umbrellas and disllibule lhe hof,el. around arld Check llre flr'es on a regfilar basis l rilh ensure lhe basKers are fLr11yt¡o¡¡sd Logs. ga'rden ior Check lhe fila'in ttouse and tfays. 8 There is one extra picture. Write another duty for Raquelt list. $'$$g$$$$$#$s$#$ $$$#lt#$#$$$##$$$$ **s=-d* ****kllx* Tickwhatyou cando. t*r, *'; I canworkout who andwhatDronouns and oossessive ad¡ectives referto. I canfind out aboutthe dutiesof a job. I canunderstand a memo. I can identifydutiesthat havenot beencarriedout. 79 A Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? I Otherwordsin a textcanoftenhelo you to workout the meaningof an unknownword.------(Unitl2) makesure 2 Whenyou choosea reader, it haslotsof wordsthat you do not know -----,(Unitl3) 5 Youshouldalwaysreadexam instructions carefully. ------(Unitla) 4 Youshouldalwaysreadto the end of a text beforeyou lookfor a particular pieceof information. ----"-(Unitl5) 5 Workingout who or whatpronouns referto in and possessive adjectives a text is not a good useof yourtime. (Unitl6) Now read the Learning tips for Units 12-16 on pages 90-9'1. Do you want to change any of your answers in Exercise A? TextB c Skim the five texts on these pages. Decide which text these people would read. Write the letter of the text in the box. 6 someonewho is thinkingabout takingthe KETexamI w h o i s p l a n n i nag 7 someone holiday! B someonewho wantsto readfor pleasure f about 9 someonewho is thinkrng jobs changing f I0 someonewho is not goingto be workingat theirdesk! Preparation Classes Examination candidatestake part in General English classesevery morning. There are special examination preparation classesin the afternoons. In the morning classes, you study and practise all aspects of English - reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabular¡ etc. The aim ofthese lessonsis to improve your general level ofEnglish. You have two different teachers and each lesson lasts 75 minutes. There is a 3O-minutebreak between the two lessons. You will have Exam Preparation classes on four afternoons a week (you are free on Wednesdayafternoons).In these classes,you practise the specific types of questions found in the exams. The first lessonis devoted to Listening & Speaking,and the secondlesson to Reading & Writing. Both lessons last for an hour, and there is a 1S-minute break between them. You will have the same teacher for each lesson. Preparation classes for Cambridge Exams start in January, March and September, and last for eight weeks. Please check our website for course dates, exam dates and dates ofregistration fbr the exam. Note that the cost of the examinations may change. Ask the school for up-to-date information about the fees. AO @ Worh and Study 75wÉzx zá*a& ReVfieW2 TextC Hotelreceptionists performone of the mostvital rolesin the hotelindustry as theyarethe firstpointof contacta customerhaswith the hotel. Smallhotelsmayonly employone or two receptionists, whereasIargeronesmay h a v ea t e a mo l e i g h to r n i n e . Dutiescan roughlybe dividedinto 'front' * welcomingand registering guests, dealingwith thelrqueries- and 'back' - w o r k i n gb e h i n dt h es c e n e sI .n a s m a l l hotel,however,thesemay includeboth typesof work. D Answer these questionsabout Text A. Write one, two, three or four words only. I I Whatkindof boatismentioned in theblurb? l2 A man dies.Whereis he from? l5 Whichwordhasthe samemeaningas 'fiction'? 'original'? 14 Whichh¡uowordsexplain the meaningof You wañt to take the KETexam. A friend tells you about the coursesat his school.ReadText B. Are your friend's sentencestrue (T) or false (F)? l5 Youtakeexampreparation inthemorning. classes ______ 16 Thereareno lessons onWednesday afternoons. _____17 Youhaveoneteacher in themorning anda different onein theafternoon. ______ I B Theschoolrunsthreeexampreparation courses eachyear.__ ; 1 I --¿. Read Text C. What do the words in italícs refer to? Write one or two words. a t I a yourextens¡on Enter nilmber andysurpassw$d" Select opiion 6. ycurperssnal greeling. Dial1 tr record greeting Yourpersonal should bachang*d dailyand cantain thefoii*wing i¡{orrnatian. a Your name. b Thedayanddal€. c Yoilfmovsrnents fsrthalday. d lf appropriate, analtsrnativs nü¡nb*f exietsicn ofa colleague whornayL€abieio it thecallisurgent. assist Ask e thscalier toieave a mess3ge. youwlllbeablei0 retün f D*tails when 0t thecall. 1 9 t h e y( l i n e3 ) 20 ones(line6) 2 1 t h e i r( l i n el 0 ) 12 rnese ilrne tz) G ReadText D. Here are your notes for recordingyour personalmessage.Match four of the points (a-f) with the notes. Write the letters in the boxes. 23 Pletseleavea u4essag€ whenyouhearfhebleep.Z t4 | will call youbackfoaorrohtMzrkingffhursolay fhe lsth).J 2t I N,n'f be af ay o{eskbefween3 dnd t30pa.J 26 Yzuhavereachedfhe personalv0iceaa¡l0f M¡rellarlni0l¡ l'a sorry I'a nof herefo fake yourcall.Z 5l<iapartment Bookingnow for next winter Comfortable3-bedroomski apartmentsleepsup to 7. Openfire, DVD player.dishwasher, washing machine,2 bathrooms.Balconyviewsto the m o u n t a i n s5.l <lii f t s ,r e s t a u r a n a t sn ds h o p sw i t h i n w a l k i n gd i s t ¿ n c e . Bansl<o is both a modernwinter sportscentreand a workingtown. lt offersa true alternativeto the Alpsat a fractionof the price. F o rf u r t h e ri n f o r m a t i o a n n da v a i l a b i l i t yp ,l e a s e c a l lJ a n i a0 1 + 9 2 5 1 3 1 0 9 H Read Text E. You are interested in rentingthis apartment for yourself and five friends.Answer these questions.Write one word only. 27 28 29 30 Isthe apartment bigenoughfor you? Do you needa carto getto the skiingarea? Whereis the apartmentexactly? Areyou likelyto find a cheaperapartment in the Alps? Thissectioncontainsa listof wordswhichare imporlantfor carryingout the readingexercises for eachunit.Youcan use the listin threeways. I Youcan lookat the listbeforeyou beginthe unit and makesurethat you understand the meaningof the words by lookingthem up in a dictionary. 2 Youcan lookat the listbeforeyou beginthe unit,but try and workout the meaningof the wordswhen you meet them in the unit. 3 Youcan lookat the listwhen you havecompletedthe unit and checkthat you understand the words. Whenyou startusingthe booh you may preferto usethe list in the firstway.However, you will find eachword in one of the texts,and the context- the wordsaroundthe unknown word - will helpyou to work out its meaning.As you develop yourreading you will probably realise skills, thatit is not necessary to lookat the listbeforeyou beginthe unit.You mayalreadyknowsomeof the words;you willbe ableto work out othersfrom the teK or the task. Eachlistis a recordof the vocabulary of the unit.Youcan use it as a checklist when you havecompletedthe unit.There is spaceaftereachword to writea translation in yourown language or an English expression usingthe word.Markeach wordthatyou understand pen. and canusewith a highlighter Thereis alsospacebelowthe wordlistfor you to writeother wordsfrom the unitwhichare importantto you.Lookat Appendix3 for ideason whatto recordfor eachword. Unfrtl UmEt2 ReadingA ReadingA passport noun____________ Da88a8e noun billnoun breakfast noun________________ Customsnoun free odjective weekends noun-______._.__ book verb recePronnoun checkin verb Reading B tralnnoun noun JOUrney crtycentrenoun trcketnoun IAy.JnOUn wheelchair noun underground noun taxiranknoun statronnoun ReadingB apPetlsers noun marnsnoun vegetarianodjeaive ond noun Usefullansuase it)iiTltrGJi.dlX "t UnEt3 ReadingA specialist shopnoun deDartment storenoun supermarket noun ------_-_--_ accessorles noun____________ norJn______________ cosmetrcs __foowvear noun -----------childrenswear noun luSgage noun _----__-_,_gadgets and gamesnoun -------____groundfloornoun firstfloornoun _______________secondfloornoun ReadingB escalator noun enl noun fittingroomnoun orderingservicenoun emerSency noun tax-freeshoppingnoun non-ECresidentnoun excludeverb salenoun h¡lf nrirc hpct-<éllino nriierfíve n d i erfive llft noun out of orderexpression chequenoun -----------creditcardnoun mind verb casnnoun UmEt4 ReadingA currencyexchange noun ATM(automatedtellermachine)noun debitcardnoun creditcardnoun exchangeralenoun cashnoun travellers chequesnoun commtsston noun recerptnoun Reading B PIN(personal identification number)noun keynoun l'l i"lrnfi{FE \:/uuuuv ReadingA Dalcor,y noun verb-__-_-_-______ overlook facilities noun fittinssnoun seryrces noun safedepositboxnoun Reading B budgethotelnoun raunary noun servrce rcIesnoun UmfltG ReadingA chemist'snoun tabletsnoun medication noun soaPnoun shampoonoun advicenoun cosmeücs dentalproductsnoun (healthy)foodnoun healthcarenoun toiletriesnoun Ir,riilpfÉmüilXt Usefullansuase Reading B Reading B cold noun flu noun pay verb displayverb :;f:#::" invertverb lnrioht ndipr¡itp noun nOstr¡l noun_________--_ squeeze Unf,t9 ReadingA noun accommodation excursion noun drscount noun UnEtT noun souvenlr ReadingA manyhappyrefurnsexclomqtíon with deepestsympathyexpression get bettersoon expression good luckexclomqtion congratulations exclqmotion noun colleague ReadingB emailnoun notenoun ReadingB attractlon noun____________ noun aquanum sealnoun entr¿ncefee noun harbournoun ---------.-double-decker coachnoun caD'ecarnoun nOUn DOStCaTO text messagenoun tenpinbowlingnoun fantasynoun urgentodjective_ UmEtlO Unfit8 apporntment noun____________ registerverb -------------delaynoun ReadingA doclornoun nursenoun pairentnoun raroniinnici ReadingA rideverb--------i^^ fflfx -^^) fucu :. )r.^ftar+t ^^,,^ ltuutt ________--__ tra ñ^r ,ñ nni rn usetuIlansnrase F:;¡:ipgintifif,i t Reading B operatron noun noun PreSnancy disability noun prescription noun allergynoun medicationnoun heartattacknoun ReadingB full+imeodjeaive part-time odjeAive grammatical correctness noun feenoun SIrOKenOUn Umf,tl3 ReadingA titlenoun UnfitI I ReadingA comedynoun tantasy noun__--________ norrornoun romance noun____________ thrillernoun cartoonnoun chatshownoun documentary noun otamanoun Samesnownoun quizshownoun_ covernoun blurbnoun gradedreadernoun___-________ murcermysrery noun_-_-___-____ thrillernoun sciencefictionnoun romancenoun Reading B chapternoun SIICOM NOUN soapoPeranoun UmEt14 ReadingB artwork noun anlmailonnoun castrng noun performances noun ReadingA Sraoenoun passnoun fall noun resultsslipnoun skillnoun answersneetnoun transferyerb candidatenoun examinernoun Umfit12 ReadingA dreamnoun ond verb achieveyerb fully recognise d odjeaive rangeodjective dedicatedodjeaive enrol verb qualifiedodjective Reading B srgnature noun dñXl Usetullansuase UmEtlS 16 UmEt ReadingA cartridge noun fax machinenoun heaternoun mu8noun paperclipnoun plastic walletnoun post-rtnotenoun pnnternoun ReadingA chambermaid noun rubberbandnoun papernoun scraP ReadingB sofa-bed noun dressmaker noun removats noun Searsnoun chefnoun porternoun receptionist noun warternoun banquetingpoftetnoun responsible odjective functionnoun requrrement noun ReadingB shiftnoun sweepverb clarification noun Eachunit of this bookcontainsoneLearningtip. Howeveq thisdoesnot meanthatthisLeorning fip is usefulin only that particular unit.MostLeorningf/pscan be usedin several differentunits.Hereare all the Leorningfips in the book.Each one is underitsunitheadingandyou willalsofind a listof thetypesof textyou readin thatunit" Whenyou havecompleted a unit,decidewhichtextyou used the Leorningrrpwith (thiscouldbe morethan one texttype). ln addition,lookat the otherLeorningtips anddecideif you alsousedanyof thosetipsin the unityou havejustfinished. Makea noteof the unitnameand numberandthe texttype on the emptylines.In thisway,you can keepa recordof the reading strategies thatyou aredeveloping. lrr:',t',i',,t:É what can I gat? Leafnlng rrp \,{henyouread,it is not necessary.to understand er¡cn¡ rn¡ord in thp tayt Ynl r onhi ncpd tn r rndorsf¿¡¡j the partsof the text whrch conLainLheinformation y vu org l^^t,i-^ lvvAulq {^IUL A norerreaTrerL l ú menu Ll Which other units have you used this Learníng tip in? ,t,.:,:,,'É Wetrg hgre! Learningtip lf you speaka Europeanlanguage,someEnglish words may look similar io words in your language. This wrll help you to understandthe meaning of words you do not know. For example: arrivals- amvi (Ttalian) irasspurI pasap0tLetSpamsh) baggage- bagages(French) passenger* passageiro(Portuguese) ñ ^ ^ ñ h ^ v i lnilat ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ - in¡iota A signs B website map ticket timetable ',,1;;';:,t,. Where wiII I find it? Learning tip Scanningis when we read a text quickly to find a particularpiece of lnformation.We do not read every word. We stop readingwhen we f,nd the informalion we want. | /Dnlich\ T T T T T A ctnrc or ri.lc R chnn cionc tr tr Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? a7 e'É:4s!t AP Pem d EX2 L+=*txitz+ ',,t'',,' ',,& CanI get moneyhere? ,:.;;;;¡,:;,:";ffi Is this what I need? Learning tip Learning tip Prepareyourselffor readinga text by thunkingabout Lhetopic rn your own language.This wjll help you to predict the conient of the Engiishtext and work out the meaningol any unknownwords. We oftenskim a rexl Loind the part of lhe text wh|ch is most useful/impofiantto us.We read the imponanr part slowly,and we probabtyread somewo¡ds and sentencesmore than once in orderto understandthe details.It is particulariylmpofiant to read lnstructlons (SeealsoLearningrtp in Unit 5.) carefulJy. A Currency Exchange leaflet I B ATMm¿chineinstructionsn labels on bottles andpacketsT b¡tl T instructions on medication l Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? : .' .:.-:-:, Somewhere to stay Leafnlng tlp ''',",t E Who'sit from? Sltmmingts when we reada texl gurcklyLofind oul what it is about or to get a generalidea.We do not read everyword.We get the main idea and we don't pay attnn-innrn dotailq¿See alSOLeam)ngtrpin Urut6.) Learning tip !v vulsuv. Whenwe reada texl, we want ro understandthe r^¡ritat'c maeea^o T-n d --n t,fus,we read silently.In real life,we sometimesread aloud for example,we might read out somethinginterestingfrom a newspaper to a triend.Readingalouddoesnot help you to understandthe message,but it helps you to practtse the language. \v\ A hotelwebsite I B hotelwebsiteI Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? A orpetinoq r¡rrlc B email iext message note postcard tr tr T T T Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? ,,'- Wherecan we park? I'd like to register Learning tip Learning tip As you read,try to work out the meaning of unknown words. Find other words in ihe text which might help you with the meaning of the word you do not know. Perhapssome other words in the text have the samemeaning- or the opposttemeaning Oniy use a dictronaryto checkyour guesses. When you need to read a difflcult iext, you will read some words and sentencesvery carefully.In orderto understanddÍfficult pafis of texts, it is a good idea to try and put the sentencesof the text into your own words. a leafletaboutparking g achine b p a r k i nm notice T tr Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? :::r Lgt'S gO thefe Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? What's on tonight? Learning tip Learning tip Yourknowledgeof grammarwrll not help you with the meaning of unknown words But rt wilt help you to decidewhetherwordsarenouns,verbs,etc.This will help you to link words in sentencesand to read wordsjn Woups. a TouristInformation leaflet b leafletsfor attractions A leaflet aboutmedical practiceI B application form I T T Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? You can use either a drctionarywith Englishand your languageor a drctionarywhich has definliions in English.The mdn advantageof uslng a dictionary which has definitionstn Englishis that you are working 1nEngLishall the time.Thesedictionariesa-tso explainthe differentmearxngsihat one word can have, and they glve lots of examplesof how words areused. A TVguide B film review T tr Which other unitshaveyou used this Learningtip in? 89 zÉse APPgnd Ex2 L**exEzzg g**&e, s*ez*ár¿ #*?e*aÉ, UmEt12 V"'ce-Z* UmEt 14 es**?áT3*Yz*É21 tearning tip Learning tip It is importantto tly and guessthe meaningof the context(the words Lhatyou do nol know.UsuaLly rest of the text) wil help you decide on a possible meanlngfor them. Don't use a dlctionaryto flnd out the mealing of everyunknown word, as this takes too long and also intefiupts your reading.Only use a dictionaryto checkyour guesses. Make sureyou read exam instructionsvery carefully. As well as telling you what lo do, exam lnsirucltons sometimesgive you imporlant lnformationabout the topic Always look at examples.They show you what to do. In matchinstasks,lhey alsoshow which answelcannotbe useiagain. A examdescriptionI B exampaper I A language schoolwebsite tr B language schoolwebsite I Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? ¿'+1";'.= t=7= ?z+zZ.:*t=*az€É Umf,t15 zz.'+ ***E Unf,t 13 E'e***.s=+*cuz*=*É,x tearning tip tearning tip Extensivereading- readingstories- shouidbe a nloacrrrar l-tn nnt nhnngg a leadet WILh IOOmany \ yrvuuu difficultwords and structules.Readpart of the first chapterbeforeyou buy or bonow a book- and ind out lf it's the nght levelfor you.Try to readwhole sections - pages,chapters,elc.- \ rthout stopplng.Aim Loget a generaloverall understanding of the story.l/ühen you havedonethis, you cal go back and readlhe text nu a@ ¡ i nl m¡rn q I tllulv ¡ l n r r n ' r o n . . ] a r o h r l l r ¡ ui f r z n l l n DlUVVly A rU n u@uruüy y u u r lououdu A bookcovers B partof a chapter tunv . T T Which other units have you used this Learningtip in? Sometimesyou will be able to work out the meaning of a word you have never seenbeforebecauseit looks sjmilar to anotherEnglishword you alreadyknow. For example,if you know the verb a\ter,yol can work out from the context thal alterationsis the noun formed from this verb. A workplace notice I B advertisements tr Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? Lsarni¡rg tÉps *werkiergn*g3aés UmEt16 tr'aae Learning tip Sometexts are hard to understandbecausethey contain a IoI ol long sentences.Understandingwho and what pronounsand possesstveadjectivesreferto can help you underslatd long sentences. A jobswebsite n B memo L_l attachment I Which other units have you used this Learning tip in? What kind of dictionary should I use? lf possible, you shouldusetwo dictionaries: (in bothyour a goodbilingual dictionary own language translations) andwith English and a goodmonolingual dictionary (English wordswith English definitions). A monolingual dictionary maygiveyou more informationabouta word or phrase;in addition,it is a goodideafor you to work in Englishas much as possible. The exampleson thesepagesarefrom the Combridge EssentiolEnglishDictionory. What information can I find in a dictionary? The mostcommonreasonfor lookinga word up in a dictionaryis to find out its meaning.However,a dictionary can alsogiveyou a lot of otherinformationabouta word. The CombridgeEssentíql EnglíshDictionory,for example,can give up to sixtypes of informationbeforethe meaningof the word and four furthertypesof information afterit.Theseexamples areallfrom Unit l. I the mainform of the word In blueyou willseethe mainform of the word. ' airportl'ee p:;tl noun takeoff : a placewhereaeroplanes , , a n dl a n d 2 the pronunciation of the word Thesesymbols showyou howto saytheword city l'srtil noun (plural cities) a large town 3 its partof speech This tells you what part of speech noun, verb, adjective,etc. - a word is. tax¡ /'t:ieksi/noun a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere: l'll takea taxi to the airport. 92 Using a dictionarv il1a:ri aiL+ i:r:..:*& whetherthe wordis onlyusedin British (UK)or American (US) English English UK meansthat a word is only usedin BritishEnglish;US meansthata word is usedonlyin American English. ,:r1r'!trÉj UK{U5center)l'sc¡rtar/noun 1 the middle po¡nt or part of something: Carsare not ollowedin the tawn centre. 2 a building usedfor a particular activitv: a health centre 3 be the centre of attention to get more attention than anvone else anyspecialgrammatical features of the word ir;áe.{¡i;rr.;; /,begrd3/ noun [no plural] all the casesand bagsthat you take with you when you travel inegularpasttenseforms,pluralnouns, and comparatives/superlatives [no plural] showsthatyou cannot add s'to thisnounto makeit plural. Pluralswhich are not regularare shown. bus lb,rs/noun (pluralbuses) a l a r g ev e h i c l et h a t c a r r i e s passengersby road, usuallyalong a fixed route: a schoolbus 7 the meaningof the word {:uÉtoms /'k,rst¡mz/noun[no plural] the placewhere your bags are examinedwhen you are going into a country Thedefinition tellsyou whatthe word means. 8 an illustration of the word Theseillustrations shows you whatthe word means. troliey I'trnlilnounuK(pluraltrolleys) a metalstructureon wheelsthat is usedfor carryingthings:a luggage trolley 9 examplephrases or sentences i neludi ng /rn'klu:dr¡/preposlrion usedto showthat someoneor somethingispart of something larger'.lt's f24.99,includingposfage andpacking. oOpposite excluding An example(in itolics)canshowyou how a word is usedin a sentence. 93 APBem'dn:Kg usinsa dictionary l0 otherwordsthisword goeswith (collocations) arrive la'ratvl verb (presentparticiple arriving, pasf arrived) to gei to a place: We arrived in Paris ot midday. " lwas the last to arrive at the station. c0ppositeleave Wordsin bold in an exampleshowyou which words are often usedtoeether. 1I the oppositeof the word (whereit exists) cheap lt|i;pl adj not expensive,or costing lessthan usual: o cheap flíght tapposite expensrve lf the word hasan opposite, thisis shownat the end. How should I use my dictionary? I At the top of each pagein Ihe CombridgeEssentiolEnglishDiaíonory,there is a word in bold blacktype.Youcan usethisword to helpyou find the word you are lookingfor quickly.The word in the top leftcornerof the left pageis the firstword on this page;the word in the top right cornerof the rightpageis the lastword on this page.lf you are lookingfor the word main, it will be beh¡¡een the two wordsmail and map (top rightcornerof the rightpage). I .T.:t : mail mailz lne¡ll verb IJS to senda letter or parcelor email something:Couldyou ma¡l it to me? maifbox / mellboksloounLJS I a smallbox outs¡deyour home whFre tefiFrsarr n¡rr2 (UKpostbox)a lirge, metal containerin á publÉ placewhere you can post ldtters main lmern/adi most ¡mportant or I atgetl: ou ma¡n ' prcbteñ ís to(kof money..: Themain aieort ¡s I s m¡les frcm the cap¡tal. ma¡nry /,mernrir adv 2 make someone do something to forcesomeoneto do something:you can'tmakeme ga. 3 make someone/somethinghappy/ sad/d¡fficult, etcto causesomeone or someth¡ngto becomehappy,sad, difficult, etc: You'vemademe vety lalpy 4 l{ you m,akean amount of money, you earn it: Hemakest20'000a year' 5 l{ two or more numbers make a particular amount, that is the. amount wh€n they are.added :'H:*TJgX'fi3-;i"t*X',ífí,i::"J; .mostlvr.f¡?Drrnleaf..moinlv.F.te..!..........-..n¡!.¡c:::.:..¡r,:.1.,,,,1:.i,,r insecobitesyou malel /mcrl/ adj belonging to or relating to the sex that cannot have babies: a male colledgue ropposite f emale male2 /n¡erl/ noun a male person or animal mall /nrrrll (olso shopping mall) noln a large. covered shopping area mammal I'mem"l/ roün a n a n i m a l t h a t d r ¡ n k sm i l k f r o m i t s mother's body when it ¡s young man lmeal noun {plurclmer) m a\:. a. ve !)r q..ma!!1, ..1,,¿1.1,1,!.,,!1,¡1¡!.a.hu Eachtime you lookup a word,you couldusea highlighter pento markthe word in yourdictionary. Whenyou returnto a pagewith a highlighter mar( lookat the wordquicklyand checkthatyou rememberits meanins. mankind /men k¿rnd/nounlno plura¡l all people.consideredasa group: theh¡storyof monk¡nd man-made /,m¿!n'merd/ ddl not natural,but made by people: man-madefibres manner 1'me¡ár/nou, 1 the way in which a persontalks and behaveswith other people: she has a vety fiendly ñanner. 2 the way somethinghappensor somethinq is done: Theydealtw¡th the problemh o ve(yeffic¡entmanneL mannef< 1^--r,, rhPll Fotn ex¡stence lrg'zrstsnsinoun[no plural] when something or someoneexists: Thetheatrecompany that we started is still in existencetoday. exit i'eksrt/ noun the door which you use to leave a public building or place:a frreexít a an emergencyexít expand lk'spnnd/ verb to get larger,or to make something get larger: Thecompanyhas expanded tn recentyears. Using a dictionary .:t:.,,!_,.Endfu:G A word in yourdictionarymay not be exactlythe same as itsform in the textyou are reading.Thisis because the word in the text may be: a an irregular form of a verbendingin -ed,-ing -s, e.g.cosrs rilsf: lkDSt/ verb (presentpartíciple costing,pdst cost) lf something costsa particular amounl of money, you haveto pay that in order to buv or do it: How much do theseshoeí cost?e lt costs55 to send the packageby airmail. b a pluralform of a noun,e.g.citizens 'i ¡:aE f i', I'stttzanl noun someonewho livesin'a oarticular town or city: rhecitizensof Berlin c a comparative or superlative form of an adjective, e.g.quickest ' L,r¡¡ /kwlk/ odi doingsomethiñgfastor takingonly a shortt¡me:/ trledto catchhimbuthe wastoo quickfor me. 4 Thewordsthataredefinedin the dictionary arecalled headwords.(ln the CombridgeEssentiolEnglishDictionory, headwords arein blue.)Sometimes a headword canhavemore thanone meaning. Thefirstmeaningin the dictionary is not alwaysthe one you want.Readthroughthe differentmeanings and decidewhichone is correctin thiscontext. /e'rerndS/verb(present participlearranging,pdst arranged) 1 to make plansfor something to happen: l've arrangeda meetingw¡th him. 2 to put objectsin a particularorder or position: Arrangethe books alphabeticallyby author. 5 Somewordsin yourdictionary may havemorethanone headword. (Smallnumbersafterthe headword will indicate this.)Thisis because the word can be usedas differentpartsof speech- for example,a noun and a verb.The partof speechof the unknownword shouldbe clearfrom the context(the wordsaroundit). ' : ' /',rndegraontlladj, adv under the surfaceof the ground: an animal that lives underground UK a systemof trains that is built under a city: the London Underground When should I use my dictionary? A dictionaryis veryusefulwhen you are learninga foreignlanguage. However, wnen you arereading, do not useyourdictionary too much.Usingyourdictionary will interrupt yourreadingandslowyou down.In yourown language, you don'talwaysunderstand the meaningof everyword;it is not necessary to understand everything in English either I Whenyou seean English wordthatyou don'tknow,firsttryto guessthe meaning of the word from its context(the wordsaroundit). Youmayfind anotherword with a similarmeaning, a wordwhichmeansthe opposite, or somewordswhichactually explain the unknownword.Onlyuseyourdictionary to checkyourguess. 2 Theonlyothertime you shouldlooka wordup in yourdictionary is if thereareno cluesin the textand you aresurethe unknownword is important. 95 w EZ I b4 d1 c2 2 B3 C4 D2 5 Thewordsbelowarein English A Welcometo Osloairport a^^^-^ LCtIlgtd -.,-,^:ll-^^^ >ulvEiltotILE No smoking Toilets B Baggage trolleys C CUStomS Animals Coodsto declare Nothingto declare All nac<nnrt< Waithere tI tÉta atltTanc Theotherlanguage is Norwegian. Theclueis in the sign 'Welcome to Osloairport'.Oslois the capitalof Noruvay. No wordsareexactlythe same.However,some are similar:welcome(velkommen),camera(komero),toilets (toolette), baggage(bogosje),all (alle), passports(poss), here (her). Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. Thefollowing wordsaresimilarin ltalian: passports- possoporti -h¡ooaoe .-oo.-o- - the rndcrornr f narñññrlñ - sorvegIionzo surveillance -t;;;;'--";tu"É.rv b trolley c passport d Daggage e customs f welcome rnd here Thebusleavesevery20 minuteson weekdays, and every20-30 m¡nutesat weekends. li*gg biln'Jg Yourawn onswers.Possibleanswers'. A singletrainticketcosts90 kroner.(false) Therearealwaystaxisat the airportterminal.(true) It takes20 minutesto get to the Radisson Scandinavta Hotelby the SASAirportBus.(false) ñetura#raiUira : Centralstation Sentrolstosjon Notianaltheotrel : NationaI Theatre Bussterm inalen: Busterminal ._^_"i;:. ,?",: -n.i'".;;,,':6,)""" .,é - hnnnnlin --J-J"' animals- onimoli -¡irnnrt "t-'' 1 Youcando allfourthingsin orderto find out how to eetto the citycentre. Yourown lnswer. Possibleonswer Airportsaresometimesqlit" n"ut the citycentre.For fromthe centreof example,LinateAirportis sixkilometres Malpensa, is morethan50 Milan.(TheotherMilanairport, kilometres fromthe citycentre.) Thetext is from the Internet. airportis 50 km (3 1 miles)northof a OsloCardermoen Oslocity. Train(Flytoget)... b TheAirportExpress Train(Flytoget)is the quickestway c TheAirportExpress (ourneytime:20 minutes)intothe citycentre. d Therearealwaystaxisat the airportterminal. e Thefirstbusstopis Furuset skoleandyou cangeton sn*r*rú*r*t ""' c*"W "'"". ,, "": * ''r,.. i'l"u :'""",,11;".:'''"" :; "- uj" ¡.;. , {'*-."'""{*í;rTr, j o ."r:rt *@F,...,_ ffi#' o n*'"* *i€ Nationaltheatret is nearestthe hotel. a Thetimetableis for the train. b Theticketis for the bus. Answer key 7 a Trains areeitherevery10 or 20 minutes.Busesare every20 minuteson weekdays, and every20-30 minutesat weekends. b ThetraincostsI B0 kronerandthe buscostsI 20 kroner 8 Yourown onswer.Possíbleonswer'. l'd travelby train.Thetrainis morefrequent, but more ^ . . ^ ^l ^) l V-si.. , rI_U¡ . q.^lrL;l+l ELl ^^__ ro f f a t O s l oS e n l r a l s l a s oi or r l s^Psl 6sL v, ' uL Nationaltheatret andwalkto the hotel. b no (onlyfood) c yes dno MEAT sausage beef steak VECETABLES chips peas potato cñeeqebl rrper tomalOeS onion Get ready to fead O Yourown onswers. O b b e ¿ n s c s o u p d m u s h r o o m es t o a s t f cereal g acroissant h eggs Q Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. I usuallyhavea cup of strongcoffee,and somebre¿d I havesomeorangejuiceor andjam.Sometimes yoghurttoo. O Yourown answer. Possibleonswer'. My favouritemealis risottooi funghi(ricewith mushrooms), followedby cotolettoollo miloneso(veal cookedin breadcrumbs) witha salad.Thenfor dessertI llketortufo(ice creamcoveredw¡thchocolate). ,' I a a leaflet b a hotel potatoes, 2 eggs,beans,mushrooms, tomatoes, a banana, butrerjam cereal, a croissant, 5 full breakfast breakfast bag 4 a Whencan you have breakfast? 7 a m - l 0 a mw e e k d a y s 6AV Bam-llam atweekends b Wherecan you haveit? from the breakfast buffet rnyour /TL^ l^^fl^+ -.1^^^-¡+ --., room, \' - '- .-' whereyou willfindthe car,etc. breakfast buffet.lf it isn't rle¡r r r n rr r : n f^- :ck the ..^, ,- L-^^t,f ^^+ \ Pdy rur yuur urcdñrd>r./ c H o wm u c h doesit cost? €6.50 d Whereand whendo you pay? receptron whenyou checkin (Youcan probably alsobooka full breakfasi anytime.) 5 self-service Helovortrself 1obreakfast souP DTCAC butter fish cod 8ra\ry Yourown onswer.Possibleenswer'. l'd chooseSoupof the dayandChicken saladwith grapes. I lovechicken, so I wantthatfor my maincourse.I don't wantchickenas an appetiser, and I don'twantsaladtwice. TL-+/-,^,1-,, tt) -l^^^-^ ^,, I nars wny r c cnoose-souP. b tenderchickenpieces f beefsausage g slicedchickenbreast c sauce h sirloinsteak cr cocr e c h u n k yc h i p s b sirloin c chunky d sliced e tender f breast g tasty h fried i soft 5 Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers. a l'd recommend Coat'scheesesaladfollowedby Cheeseand oniontart. b l'd recommend Thaichickenfollowedby Fish& chrps. c I'd recommend Coat'scheesesaladfollowedby Cheeseburger. d I'd recommend Soupof the dayfollowedby Chicken saladwith grapes. tLm¿ rceentinni<t rnlhcn vnr r ^^., OTHER SAUCE E4 Get ready to read o Theshops listedhere onswers for students ore passible living in Cermony. a DVD Makromart(S) b jeans JeansShop(S) c umbrella Kaufhof(D) d watch Kaufhof(D) F - nr "2 "n Tritschler(S) f dictionary Wittwer(S) Q Yaurown znswers. a n yt i m e 72a3b 2 2 lI opensat 7am Monday-Saturday and I I am on Sunday 3 Yes,it is.lt'sopenuntilB o'clockon Wednesday. 97 Answer key 5 b 1 c 4 d 5 e 2 f 3 4 b groundfloor- C c groundfloor- C d secondfloor- 2 e secondfloor- 2 f groundfloor- C b c d e Yes,thereare.There¿retoiletson the firstfloor. Yes,you can.There'sa cashmachineon the groundfloor No,they don't.Shoerepairsaren'ton the storeguide. Yes,you can.There'sa restaurant on the firstfloorand a caféon the groundfloor. f No,thereisn't.Hairdresser's isn'ton the storeguide. F*e¿¡s*¡: spelEEng D c d e f restaurant telephone gadgets jewellery(USjewelry) machine # J¿ I Yes,you can returnany Mexicanpesosyou don'tspend. 2 bno c yes o yes b No,the ratefor returning pesosis the sameasthe originalrateyou boughtthe pesosat. c Yes,you haveto pay$5. d Yes,you can returnpesosyou haven'tusedrf yoreturnfromyourjourngywithin31 days. a F (Offeravailable to Travelex customersexchanging in the USAonly.) b T (Thepurchaseof cashand the purchaseof Travellers chequesare regardedas h/i/oseparateexchanges, thereforeyou pay$5 for eachexchange.) c T (Travelex will buy backyourforeigncunencyif you are returning fromyourjourneywithin31 days.) d T (Offersubjectto productionof a valrdpassport.) e T (Travelex will only buy backunspentcurrencybought from Travelex.) b can't I b6 cl d5 e2 f 4 2 b No,theycan't.(Onlynon-ECresidents, i.e.mainlypeople who arenot from Europe,canhavetaxfreeshopping.) c Yes,theydo. (Theycostup to 5Oo/o lessthan usual.) d No, it doesn't.(lt meansh¡voCDsfor the priceof one and a half.) e No,you can't.(Thelift is out of order,i.e.not working.) f No,you don'thaveto. (Youwaitwhiletheyarerepaired.) 3 b3 c6 d5 e4 f I 4 Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers'. a Theshopisn'topenon Saturdays and Sundays. b We onlyacceptchequesor creditcards. c Youmustn'topenthis door. d Yougetthreefor the priceof two. e Youmustn'tleaveyourbicyclehere. f Towelscost250lolessthan usual. Uniri4 C MUSI d must e can't Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. Miekowon't takeup the Travelex Buy Backofferbecause: b the offeris onlyvalidif sheis returning to the USA within31 days. c shewon'treallyneeddollarson her returnjourney. Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. I wouldn'tusethe Travelex BuyBackPlusoffer.l'd try not to buy too muchforeigncurrency, so that I wouldn'tneed to returnit. l'd hopeto use my creditcardratherthan cash someof the time. # I C 2 ln mostcountries, you cando allsixthings. 4 Miekocando c, d andf. I F*qq*c*sau¿erbs D wart C Et ttcl d finish e nrc<< f cancel o +^1.^ Ld ñc n Enter Press lnsert Take Wait 9a Answer key 5 I alterscreenI 2 afterscreen2 4 afterscreen4 ) aflerScreen) 6 screen4 Exit screen5 yellowkey ':-. :t:.1::,.,-?, ::.: :':: := Possibleonswers. she realised shehadenoughmoney. shecouldn'trememberher pin number. shedidn'tthinkshehadenoughmoneyin herbankaccount. shedecidedto usehercreditcardand not cashto Davfor nermea15. shefoundsomemoneyin herwallet. sheremembered thata friendowedhersomemoney. shecouldseeherbuscomingwhileshewasat the ATM. somepeoplewerestanding nearherandshefeltafraid. :::. Get ready to read O Yourown lnswers. O b a c¿mel c temples d Luxor :a:. l¡evnencir¡ehhio " "'ó 2 4 slar I he hotelroomshaveb¿lconies. Therearealso2 restaurants, café,3 bars,beautysalon,giftshop,hairdresse¡ 8 Yourown onswer.Possible0nswer'. I wouldn'tliketo staytherebecause it'stoo big.I prefer smallfamily-run hotels. :.,...::::i::..,?..::.:,,,,;i.a,.1,:_a Possibleanswers', ls thereroom serviceat weekends? (yes- 24 hoursa dayeveryday) Do allthe roomsoverlook the garden? (no - someoverlook the Nile) ls the hoteloutsideLuxor? (no'- h'sin the heartof the citycentre) Doesthe hotelhavea swimmingpool? /,,^- - ;+ L.-- - |. ^-+^l , (yes rTnasa nearec^poor) Canyou havebusiness meetings aLthe hotel? (yes- there'sa meetingroom) ls therea showerin eachbathroom? lnn - there'c : h:thtr rht Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. I don'tthinkthe MercureLuxoris a goodhotelfor Fabio because theremightbe too manychildren, and it might :lcn Yourown Gnswers.Possibleonswers'. ls it f¿rfrom the station/ bus station/ aipon? ls it cheap? Willtherebe lotsof otheryoungpeople? b Yes,you can. c Yes,you can. b Yes e¿t - " t vou . ' " ' . ' Epvotian o/r' '" disheson the roofterrace. 1 " " can c No,but there'ssatellite TV in the publicrooms. d Y-^sall roornshave¿ nrivareshower. e I don'tknow.Thewebsitedoesn'tsayanything aboul : heated n n n l n ióo h ' r l r r h c n n r t c f : r i l i t i p c T.^ 5 Yourown onswers. 4 Yourown enswer.Possibleonswer: I lrkethe satellite/cable colourTVandthe airconditioning. '.::..,a....-a-:a-.a-..:.:.:::,.;:. ;...-1-.: i ::.a:,-, + 1:.1:¡ citycentre,beautysalon,giftshop,airconditioning, golourTV bathtu! b yes dno eno b Yes,rhereareh,ryo restaurants and a café. c Yes,there'ssatellite / C¿blecolourTV .l u Nr^ i+,- ^^+ - k -+Lr \ u ¡ r L) ¡ i u L c u o L rr . e b c d No,butthere'sa safedepositboxat Reception. I don't know. yes yes f I don'tknow hc tnn evncnsirre cafe dennsit hnvcc Yes,there'sa souvenir shop. withthe room. I Yes,thisis included h It's l5 kilometres fro- ,5" ¿;rpofl. --^., ..^ ¿ n yr- ^o^ *o- m 5Ln. d v eLD- la l c o ] e s , i rN \r ^o ,m ) Yes,it is. k I don'tknow.Thewebsitementionsroomseryice, but it d o e s n 'sr ¿ va n v l h i napb n r1 l i ¡ ¡ 6 ¡ . prices,buLit I dor't know.Tl^ewebste n'enrions doesn'tsayanyihingaboutpayment. 5 Yourown 0nswer.Posstbleonswer: l'd liketo slayir the Nefertiti. lr'srear the railway staL,o'r it'sven¡chean¡nd therearelotsof travellers from all overthe world.lt'salsogot lotsof usefulfacilities suchas Internet and laundryservice, andthe roomshaveprivate showersandtoilets. f 99 Answer key ,.,,:'.:;;;,,;]ffi 5 Nurofen@tablets,showergel,body lotion # & I 2 bodylotion 3 anti-perspirant 4 shampoo 5 soap 6 plasters 7 showergel 8 n a i fl i l e s 9 tissues 10 toothpaste I I mascara 12 tablets HEALTH CARE- plasters, tissues,toothpasteand tablets - anti-perspirant, TOILFI-RIES shampoo, soap,showergel, nailfiles,mascara deodorants T Daln& snower I dental HC natrcare I skincare T cosmetics T vitamins HC men's T deodorants anti-perspirant bath& shower shampoo(or in haircare), soap,showergel dental mouthwash, toothpaste haircare shampoo(or in bath& shower) sk¡ncare bodylotion,nailfiles cosmetcs mascara vitamins nothrng men's nothrng Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. I thinkKatkashouldlie down.Sheshouldtakea tabletfor her headache. Sheshouldbuysometissues for hercold. Yes,the tabletsaresuitable. Theygivefast,effectiverelief (i.e.theyaregood)for headache, and cold& flu symptoms. 5 lhe rntormatron rsin the sectionDOSACE. 4 b / (swallow2 tabletswith water) c X (if necessary take 1 br 2 tabletsevery4 hours) d / (do not exceed6 tabletsin 24 hours) F*qzz*** v**x**áazg b feverishness L ,t-"^-:^ r ru)Lutot Pdil l d dentalpain 5 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer l'vehadthiskindof drinka coupleof times. Youmixthe powderwith boilingwater.I'veneveruseda nasalspray. 6 DRINK- yes(dueto commoncold)thisis suitable. You shouldhavethisdrinkat the firstsignof coldor flu.lt gives rapidrelieffrom headache and blockednose. - yes,this is suitable.lt givesquickfrom a NASALSPRAY blockednose,dueto commoncold. 7 The informationis in the sectionDirectionsfor use. 82d3a4b5e 9 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer-. l'd probably takethe tabletsand havethe drink.I don't thinkl'd usethe nasalspray. ij.:11,i:;2ry *l*s* **r¡¡"cs Yourown onswers.Possibleonswersi I Youusethisto giveyou freshbreath. 2 Youusethis if yourskinis dry. 3 Youusethis if it's hot. 5 Youusethis if you'redirty. 6 Youusetheseif you havea cut. 7 Youusethis if you'redirty. 8 Youusetheseto takecareof yournails, 9 Youusetheseif you'vegot a cold. I O Youusethisto cleanyourteeth. I I Youusethisto makeup your eyes. 12 Youusetheseif you'vegot a headache. é4. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 2BI Whena memberof someone's familydies. Whensomeoneis sick. Whensomeonemovesto a new house. WhenI wantto say'goodluck'tosomeonewho is takingan exam. Whensomeoneleavestheirjob or school. WhenI wantto say'thankyou'. WhenI wantto say'congratulations'. C4 D2 E7 F6 CB H5 Answer key 5 B C D E F peoplefromthe sameeveningclass neighbours goodfriends studentandteacher nl/ rnrnrk rollc:or rcs C workcolleagues H membersof the samefootballteam . l:,.:::.=.:= :aa'. a:a..a.:,.: ia.:|:::..: , We're(sorry you'renotwell,Jaime.) Message F:Hopethenewjobworksoutwell... : We 'nh hnnc the neinr r n r n r k 59 ¡ l w e l l . . . M e s s a gH e : H o p et h e y ' r en o LL o oa w f u l l : I h o p eL h e y ' r e not too awfull 4 b Oscar C RoSa d Alberto 5 b Annais 21 today. c Rosemarv Fnslish ' ' " / is teacher. " *an _ ó d Carloshasgota newjob. B a ne m a i l C a note D a postcard N,4essase B makesan offet^¡^----^ a ^-1.^^^,,. rvlessaSe L mañesa- -requesl. Message D describes something. I bandd 4 YOU| OWn OnSWerS. 5 Yourown onswer.Posstbleonswer'. Hi Marcos l'm fine,thanks.Howareyou?Thanksfor youroffer.l've alreadyreadNorthernLights, so I don'twanito borrowit. Seeyou soon! Bye 6 10 . 15 p m 7 a ¿Lna b 24rh Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers'. please? Mum Hello.CanI speakto Silvia, Margritl'm afraidshe'sout.Who'scalling? lVlum ,L'sher mum.CanI leavea message? 'A/larorit -"o' Yec - ' , nf rnr rrce l\,4Llm Savit isn'trrrsent. but I'd liketo hearfrom her. Margritls thatthe message? Mum Yes,and pleasetell her notto phoneafter1Opm. ' l'vegot a headache, so l'm goingto bed early. Margritl'lltell her.Don'tworry. M u m T h a n ky o u . Silvia Hi,Hans.Thanks for yourpostcard. I put it on the schoolnoticeboard. n a n s Ti l[ - r- c+L, -) c- 6^ ^u^u)u rl )u^E^ c . Silvia Didyou havea greattime? n a n s Yes,it wasverygood- butthe weatherwasn'tgreat. Silvia Did it raina lot? H A N S h didnt rain,but it wascoldandcloudy. Silvia That'sa pitylDid you find the LochNessMonster? Hans It'snot a realmonster,you know! Silvia I know!Yousaidthe peoplewerefriendly.What aboutthe food?Whatwasthatlike? H a n s It wasOK.Nothingspecial, though. l'm gladyou'reback.Youcanhelpme Silvia Anyway, with my homeworkl 8 Youmightreadaloudthe postcard to otherstudentsat the schoolor friendswho knowHans.Youmightreadallfour messages aloudif youwantto praaiseyourspokenEngfish! Get ready to read Q Yourown lnswers. O Yourown onswerc.Possible onswers'. Tho | | rtr f¡cfpc+ rd5r.tr>Lr¡r¡rr vvdy ic 15 hr¡ rJy Caf. Thecheapest way is by bus. Thehealthiest way is on foot or by bike. The bestway for the environmentis on foot or by bike. Q Yaurown onswer. Possibleonswer. I usuallygo to the centreof Santiago on the metro.I livein Providencia and get on the metroat LosLeones. :::: la 2a2 bl c5 ¿3 e4 5 Thornhill 4 Continue alongthe M4O.Comeoff at Junction 8 9. Take the A4l-A34 towardsOxford. Turnleftat the roundabout There'sa carparkon the tgh+left.Thenameof the car parkis PearTree. 101 Answer key 5 b best c regular d free e one way f trip 6 a children b there& back 7 Allthe statements arefalse. a We haveto pay 60p.Youdon't haveto payat Water EatonandThornhill. b We can'tusethe offer.lt's onlyfor WaterEatonand Thornhill carparks. c Forrrsinsleticketsrruill costf 6.40.Fourreturnticketswill costfB. ; , r t : ' , . ,¡ ¡? í É Get ready to read O Yourown onswer. Possible onswer'. The most interesting placesin Pragueare Charles Bridgeand the old iastleon the westsideof the river. Youcanfindout abouttheseplacesin a guidebook or on the Internet.If visitorscometo Prague, they can theseplacesat the PragueInformation U[;:,óB:t "':;' ?:, I Yourown onswers. 2a 5 b 50p + 3 x 2Op(f 1.10) - noiyou won'tgetanychange c I l.O4 d leaveit - in orderto showthatyou havepaid ., a.1-tt::4,=l:,:"- ?a+ i , b No return ' c No changegiven , d meansyou mustn'tgo downthisstreet e meansvou can'tset out here f meansyou mustn'tparkhere , 4bf2 c" - \F' 1 ( n n r h a r o e ¡ f t c r 6 . 3 0 p m ) d free 5 840 6 Youmightgeta penaltychargein allfoursituations. a MAXIMUM STAYTWO HOURS(NO RETURN WITHIN oNEHOUR) b TICKET NOTTRANSFERABLE BETWEEN CARS c l FT H I SM A C H I NlESO U TO FU S EP L E A SUES E A N O T H EM RA C H I N E d TICKFINOTTRANSFERABLE BETWEEN CARSORPAY& DISPLAY AREAS i-.i2'¿=.-t;¿:,1;71':'¿¿1¡, Yourown onswers Possibleanswers'. I didn'tknowI neededa ticket. I wasonlyin the shopfor ten minutes. I forgotthe time. I didn'thaveanychangefor the machine. I hadto waitin the bank.It wasn'tmy fault. po,", or ":{:,!:il::-: ;;:::,Í1"'u"ll, music(c). Hismostfamousworkis ihe PeerCynt Sufes.Criegwas born in Bergenand livedin Leipzig (Cennany),Copenhagen (Denmark)and Oslobefore spending the last22 yearsof hislifein a housecalled Troldhaugen, whichis ten kilometres from Bergen.You canvisitthe houseand go to a Criegconcertwhen you'rein Bergen. Fjordsare long nanowpiecesof seabetweencliffs(b). Theywereformedmillionsof yearsagoduringthe lce Agewhen the landwas coveredin ice.Thereare lots of fjords:-n co¿stof Norway.The longestfjord lh",*:tl '180 is Sognefjord whichis kilometres long.In places deep' tentimes deeper thanthe ffJ]]:ff:es ;;1 l f 2 b Youcangettickets for allthe fjordtoursdeparting from Bergen. c Youcanarrange accommodation in Bergenandthe sunounding are¿at Touristlnformation. d Thereis a Currency Exchange at TouristInformation. e Youcanbooka carand buytrainticketsat Tourist Information. a eighto'clock b n i n eo ' c l o c k 4 All Lhesentences aretrue. 5 T h eb u i l d i n g . l. t. h e+ n o u n l ; help: ¡ern, We givefreehelp... ladjective + noun]; contact: noun,We arethe maincontact.. lthe+ adjective + noun]; start: verb,... manytripsstart. . lmonyflps : adjective + noun]; offers: noun,Cetfreeoffers... fadjective + noun], d i s p l a:y n o u n S , e et h e d r s p l a.y. . [ r h e+ n o u n ] ; b o o k: v e r b ,B o o ka c a r. . . [ c c o r : n o u n ] ; rest: noun,Restof the year.fmissing The(Theresf . ..)] Thefollowing wordsallend in the letters.Theyareallnouns. brochures, things,hotels,houses, tickets, trips,tours, excursions, trips,discounts, leaflets, notices, souvenirs, products, gifts,stamps, telecards, services, tickeLs, journeys, hours Answer key 7 privatehouses(privote: ad1ective) fjordtours(fbrd: noun) (horbour: noun) harbourexcursions but it is similar) manytrips(mony isn'treallyan adjective, freeoffers(free: ad.iective) (good: adjective) gooddiscounts (Bergen: noun) Bergenproducts I souvenirs (troditionoI : adjective) traditiona traintickets(frcn : noun) openinghours(openrngis usedas an adjective) the Aquarrum Mount Ulriken nnccihlo tn on on the Bergen coach sightseeing in November =*zzsze i ***ca 4€czsÉza*-'érÉae*4* money,currency i accommodation, i D accommocaflon Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. butthereareaquartums I likeanimalsand seacreatures, l'd preferto visitMountUlrikenbecause in lotsof places. from thereyou get a greatviewof Bergen. c nerp d money ^ C / - but it's not f r o m 1 0 . 0 0 N O K1 0 0 , but freewith to 17.00 Bergencards from 10.00 NOK90 to 1200 -1.,;-^ dUVILC i:i:;i;:é* for sale/ in the B a Seethe display / of Bergenproducts TouristInformation. (lt is not a displayof Bergen- it'sa displayof Bergen products.) shop/ witha good b We alsohavea smallsouvenir souvenirs andgifts. selection / of traditional - it'sa smallsouvenir (lt'snot a smallsouvenir shop; it's not a goodselectionof traditional- it'sa good souvenirs and gifts.) of traditional selection 9 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. l'd probablygo thereto lookat the brochuresso that I I likevisiting couldfind out whatyou cando in Bergen. tounstattracttons. ** the harbour,a seal I Firstleaflet:the boatcrossing sightseeing Secondleaflet:two cablecars,a double-decker COACN 2 a X (the boatrunsfrom May22nd) b/ c/ 5a/ 4 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. first.On May 12th, I thinkI shouldvisitthe Aquarium thereis a NOK25discountfor peoplewith Bergencards Theadvertfor MountUlrikendoesn'tsay at the Aquarium. means anything aboutthe Bergencard- whichprobably you can'tuseit. (On the otherhand,the Aquariumis open one hourlaterin the eveningthanthe cablecarin May.)I haveIunchat the Aquarium. thinkl'd probably *2*.** l*e>¡zts* Theword in the exampleis cinemo. ffiffi* ' fty#*ii:,t"i#í-*t s'me'l 4" I patients 2b3 CI ob e7 f2 o5 5 3and4 4 a Speakto one of the receptionists. h Cnmnlete a resistration form. c Completea medic¿lquestionnaire. to seeone of the nurses. d Makean appointment : {rc<zsz:==€2=+-. V===2:'s= b aremade c We askeachnew patientto completea medical questionnaire. l2 noon and d Doctorsmakevisits(or visit)beh¡ueen 3Pm. e We keepinformationaboutpatientson the database. at the surgery f Doctorsperformminoroperations a year g We holdstopsmokingclinicstuuice h Nursesanddoctorsgivehealthadvice. Answer key 5 b True. (TheOutof HoursService c False. isavailable in rne evenings andduring thenightMonday to Friday andat weekends.) d e f a b c a True. (Youshouldphonelatemorningif youwantadvice.) False. True. Youcanphonethe medicalcentreor go therein person. Yes,you will be ableto see a doctorthat day. Youmay not be ableto seeyour usualdoctor. Youcanarrangea home visitoverthe telephone.you shouldtry and phonebeforeI 1amif you needa home visitthat day.Doctorsusuallymakevisitsbetween l 2 n o o na n d3 p m . b The medicalcentreis closedat the weekend,but the you shouldtelephone Out of HoursService is available. the Out of HoursService on 0845 345 8995.A doctor willthen phoneyou. c Youcanphonethe medicalcentrelatemorningto ask a doctoror nursefor advice. g 2 5 4 5 PERSONAL INFORMATION, plussevennumberedsections Yourown answers. Yourown onswers. a (seaion 4) YES b (secfion4) NO c (section5) CIVENUP (DatestoppedDecember3tst 2OO7) d (secfion6) 4-7 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer ln European languages, several of the wordsaresimilar. In Spanish, for example: English Spanish eczema eczema allergic alérgico penicillin penicilina breastcancer cáncerde pecho appendicitis apendicitis asthma asma depression depresión b2 el hi k4 c3 f 2 i 2 I I j 3 d4 94 8 Yourown answers. 9 Yourown znswers. ümiii** *n I b soapopera c drama d quizshow 2 b cartoon c gamesnow d chatshow 5 Yourown onswers. 4 A Questionof Sport- quizshow - soapopera Neighbours Men Behaving Badly- sitcom The RoyleFamily- sitcom Poirot- (crime)drama ComedyDoubles- sitcoms Emmerdale- soap(opera)(alsoCoronation Street) - gameshow WhoWantsTo Be A Millionaire? - chat(show) Parkinson TopCat cartoon(alsoThe Simpsons) ls Thisthe WorstWeatherEver?- documentary CSI:NY- drama - AnimalPark 5 wildlifeprogramme - Equator travelprogramme - CenghisKhan historyprogramme film reviewshow- Film2008 film - The PerfectStorm,SpiritedAway comedy(series)- The CompleteCuideto parenting - DietDoctors: healthprogramme Insideand Out - TheAlbumChartShow musicprogramme 6 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. My flatmatewantsto watchcarloonsand comediesalmost all evening(exceptthe Newsat 10.J0pm). 7 Yourown answer.Possibleonswer l'd ratherwatcha mixtureof programmetypes. 8 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer.. 6.00 BBC2 AnimalPark 7.OO Channel4 Channel4 News 8.00 BBC2 Equator 9.00 Channel4 ls Thisthe WorstWeatherEver? 10.00 BBC2 Film2008 'I0.50 BBCI Regional NewsandWeather 10.40 BBCI Matchof the Day Answer key ¡1,,f, ,.,.: ¡,;1'¡,,'¡.;¡ 1 Yourown onswers. a ¡ f¡nt¡<ri 4C 525 30 40 50 6 a arh¡uork artworK/r/ b c d e f a n i m a L i o/ n m u s i c/ English voices/ castrng / performances / richandcolourful, fantasy worldis amazing lifelike fantastic greai excellent memorable ', ?*a-2.=:u -:. 1+ .. += r¿+r?z j b : c i d ; e af to survive to re5cue decidedto have/make learnedto play triedto read/understand 8 Thecharacter is Chihiro(the maincharacter). 9 theirnew home a wronqturn a mysterrous town in thisstrange land Chihiro'spqsald growth a sternold woman the newestmemberof the staff jobs the hardest 1O Yourown onswer.Possible onswer'. I think it'sa verygoodtitle. ll c Yourown onswer.Possiblelnswer Themaincharacter is a littlegirland children will like herand herstory.Thefilm,andespecially the notionof personal growthand lifelessons, willappealto adultsin a differentway. l2 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. Yes,l'd love to seeSpiritedAwoy. AIT 2T 5 F 4r 7F 8T 9F IOF C 12 scan l5 skim D 14 scan l5 scan l7 skim l8 skim E 2O scana menu 2l skima timetable 22 scana cinemaprogramme 23 scana dictionary 24 skima postcard 2 5 s k i ma b i l l F 26 TVguide 27 medicalcentreleaflet G28no 29 just started 5 0 o n eh o u r 51 the MarxBrothers 52 a drama H35F 54r 567 57F | 58 email 59 carparkticket 40 touristleaflet l4Ino 42 France 45 a skiingholiday 44 morethanone friend 45 yes K46N 47Y 49N 50N L 5l yes 52 aboutfour hours 53 Mt Tarawera 54 lt disappeared. 55 no M56 I 57) 59D 60H 62F 654 65C N66D 67F 694 708 72 1 73E 75C O76 a 77a P 79 principal 80 premature 8l ihe mosteffective 82 takecare 85 coverup with 84 stayin the shade 86 noun Q 85 noun 88 verb 89 adverb 5F 6 ll T I6 skim l9 scan 357 48N 588 61 E 64C 68J 7tH 74C 78c 87 verb 90 adjective t05 Answer key UmEtl2 {?eZz*+#V ?.*s*+* : ; Allthe countries. Yourown onswer. Possible enswer'. rI u, . l^ ^ rL ^U n^u,) ,u .o + .. . r i rN .v r ¡y , , c o u sliinv e si n M e l b o u r n e . i l c 6u 's Yourown onswers.Possible onswers'. NewZealandis famousfor rugby,outdoorsports,sheep and beingthe locationfor the filmingof TheLordof the - Nonhlslandand RinasThereareh^/nmainislands Southlsland.Thecapitalof NewZealandis Wellingon, brrt itsh¡uolarpestcitiesareAuckland and Christchurch. A I a b 2 a h h¡'¡o Christchurch and Queenstown sections3 and4 llcnor¡l FnolichFv¡¡¡ PreparatiOn, StUdy& Skr c ComboCourse 5 b fluently c career d range e achieve f guarantee Herearethe dir-tinn¡nr definitions of the wordson the homepagefrom the CombridgeEssentiolEnglish Didionary. perfect exactlyright(for someoneor something) fluently naturally withoutstoppingor makingmistakes careerjob (thatyou do for a lot of yourlife,especially one for whrchyou aretrained) rangegroupof different thingsof the samegeneral type achieveto succeedin dorngsomething difficult guaranteepromise(thatsomething willbe doneor will nappen) 4 a Ourschools b Ourcourses - rrghtin the heartof Christchurch 5 b Christchurch - is NewZealand's premierresort c Queenstown d Christchurch well-knownfor its culturalattractions - magnificent views,cleanwater e Queenstown f Queenstown- the adventurecapitalof the world - is locatednearbeaches g Christchurch - fresna¡r h Queenstown Focuson synonyms located: situated : stunning : magnificent spectacular : well-known famous lifestyle- the waythat you live - givinga lot of time and energyto something dedicated qualified whenyou'vepassedexamsor courses 6 Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. l'd preferto studyin Queenstown. I don'tlikebigcities verymuch.AIso,I coulddo lotsof outdooractivities there" B 1 Yourown onswers.Thereare no rightor wronganswers. Youwill find mostof the answerswhen you readthe texts. 2 Yourown onswers. 5 a Youcando full-timeor parttime. b Courseslastfrom I weekto 48 weeks. d Youdo grammar, vocabulary speakrng, Iistening, reading Youdo spokenskills, andwritingin the morning. in the afternoon. conversation and discussion activities e On a full+rmecourseyou study25 hoursa week, and on a part-time courseyou studyeitherl5 hours (mornings) or l0 hours(afternoons). f lt costsfrom$400 for one weekonlyto $3l0 perweek if you staymorethan 24 weeks. 4 t5 Omar 5L5o Ji-Koo $68ó 25 Hana $1800 t0 questions 5 lt partlyanswers c, g and h. r hnmestar¡ ar^r-nmmodation withfamllies g manyAsian,European, Pacific and SouthAmencan countnes h Thereareregulareventssuchas barbecues, excursions ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ a - f ^ - ^ r r- + , l d e n t s . cilu >PUtL> tut oil >Lt UnEt13 {ár¿Zz*q:""3ÉÉ;*z+#-tÉ i Yourownenswers. * Yourownsnswers. # Yourownonswers. A t-4 A Picture to thriller Remember exhibition, flower(C), museum, painting (C) Hotel romance Casanova E U rr u u r d 5 l L , r , lnvc rcrontinn lnspector murder Venice(C) bod4,cas\z (C), mystery Superbird scrence fiction LU6O | | nnlirc --' T" l'C) \-/ o-stxonarL(C), dzsexL (C), planet (C), cn¡¡achin 106 cc: ,'" /f\ Answer key 5 Yourown onswer.Possibleanswer'. l'd probablychooseeither,4Pictureto Rememberor lnspectorLogon.I'mnot verykeenon romanceor science fiction. B 1 Yourown onswers. 5 b Shecouldn'twaitto beginworkon the new exhibition of lmpressionist paintings. c Shewasgoingto the gym. d Shehopedherfatherwouldneverseeherwithouther helmet. e Shesawtwo men in a car.Shecouldn'tbelievener eyesbecause one of the men hada gun. f Shelookedat him,andfor a momentthe man looked back. g Shesawa tattooof a floweron hisneck. h Cristina feltafraidbecause the man liftedup hisgun when he heardthe soundof policecars. i The othertrafficwas moving,but Cristinacouldn'tstart herbike.Suddenly a taxihitthe backof herbike.She fellfromthe bikeontothe frontof the taxiandthen down ontothe road 4 Yourown answer.Possibleonswer'. Cristina wasn'tbadlyhurt,but shewas¿fraid. She wasafraidthe manwiththe gunwouldkillher.Some policemen cameto the hospital and spoketo her.She toldthem aboutthe manwiththe gun.Shesaidthat shewantedto hide,but shealsowantedto organise the exhibition of lmpressionist paintings. said felt got had roderide g h i j k worewear gavegive forgotforget beganbegin sawsee Focuson prepositions a to b from c on d to e in.of 6B C 7A B C Part2 Part3 Task1 tB 2 B rc 2 B 1B 2 A B la Section2 b SectionI 2 1 2* 3' Focuson irregular verbs b c d e f ¿ All the sentences aretrue. a Passwlth Merit(about850/oof the totalmarks);Pass (about700/oof the totalmarks) Youcan be: NarrowFail(about5olobelowthe pass mark);Fail. Fora NarrowFailand Fail,the resultsslipshowsthe papersin whichyou wereweak. Paftsl-5 testa rangeof readingskillsand Parts6-9 testbasicwritingskills. e Youheareachrecording twice. f Therearetwo candidates and h¡uoexaminers 5 Paper1 Reading andWriting I m n o p heardhearq hit hit r fell fall s tooktake t gave Ur¡fit14 €*t r**dg 4* s**s & Yourown onswers. & Yourown onswers. spoke felt saw wore 4 28 29w 30* 31 A g2 I Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers'. Whenis it? How much doesit cost? How manypapersarethere? 2 Yourown znswers. 5 a three b Paper1 Reading andWriting c Paper1 Reading andWriting 33w * 34* 35 107 Answer key UmEtl5 lO Yourown onswer.Possibleonswers. Reduce the amountof paperavailable at the photocopier. {:}+t ?*a*E Z*¿+**. D a n n l o r r < " a l l r ¡ r l n f n n m r, u rr r' hI n h n t n r n n r ¡ i n o H¡,vLvLvPy,,,6. +bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iS Focuson nouns and verbs Theworduseappears 6 times.(lt alsoappears in re-use.) lt is usedonceas a noun.ln C3 it appearsin whennot in use. Allthe words-exceptpost- arenouns. ' b contactN c postV d cutN e checkN f printN g pasteN emarl js +2f3g4hsa6b7k8d9i l0jlln12l13m14c A (topicg). I Thenoticeis aboutprotecting the environment 2 Yourown answers.Possibleonswersi lI you savepaper,you don'tuseso muchpaper. paper,you useit again. lf you recycle I R (scrappaper),S (post-itnotes) 2S 3S 4S 5R 6S fs B I a b 2 3 4 5 6 3,7 6,9 4122 f150 yes 0ff48599259 yes / TIVC B Shelford RugbyClub BR 9 will interest Andrésmost. 9 Thisis aboutneithersavingnor recycling. It is a warning 5 Advertisement 4 Yourown lnswer. Possibleonswer: nn+ +n ron,rla ^-.,' ,,^ ,l ^-^ ,, - r e s . Yes,the roomand houseseemnice. 4 f i p s 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 a n d7 a r ea l lf o r c o m p u t eur s e r s . b spacious Y 5 plastic wallets;rubberbands;inkcartridges; printer; c non-smokingN envelopes; drinkcans;mug d storage Y Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers'. b e g i n n i n g e N printer. Recycle cartridges from the - callon O7BO1 a Adnan 346791or email Recycle internalmailenvelopes as manyt¡mesas possible. Adnan@virgin.net your Usethe recycling binto recycle aluminium drinkcans. b f320 Saveplasticcups/ moneyby usingyourown mug. c no (onlythe waterandTVarecovered/included) lf you haveanothertip for the notice-board, contactSobia d a depositof one month'srent- €320 more lqbal(OfficeServices Manager)on extension2045. Yourown onswers.Posstbleanswers'. a PartA Advertisement 5 mightinterest him because he will need b PartA a bed. c PartC Advertisement 4 mightinterest him because the Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers'. dressmaker could make him some curtains, re-cover or Yesthe tinsaresond I useemailas muchas I can any old furniture he finds. (On the other hand, he could for sendingletters, documents, etc.I alsoturnoff my probably quite buy these cheaply.) computerwhen I go homein the evening. Advertisement 6 mightinterest him because the manwith the vancouldhelpAndrésmovehisthingsandanynew furniturehe buys. Advertisement 7 mightinterest him because he mightlike to buya bikeif he hasn'tgot one. Answer key UmEtl6 B #*€;r*adg á* c*e* € chefc portera receptionist d w¿iterb * Yourown onswer.Possibleonswer'. ' ' t. e__., :n'f . I wouldn'tlrketo workdunngthe nightbecause usuallysleepduringthe day.Also,I wouldn'tbe ableto see my friendsveryoften. A I Yourown onswers.Youwill find lotsof examplesof what poftersdo in thisunit. 2 three(hallporter,nightporter,banquetingporter) 5 a customers recepronleam guests staff banqueting co-ordinator b Differentwordsare usedfor the samegroupof people at tqtnmerc : or rcct< receptionteam: (membersof) staff banqueting co-ordinator:(memberof) staff 4b2 c2 o2 5 b The roleof a nightporter c nightpofters d the nightporter e banqueting porters f R:nnrctino nnrtor< I Suests Focus on íng forms a b c d e f g h hallporter hallporter banqueting porter banqueting porter cooking/making/preparing cleaning/tidying checking serving A nightporter B hallporter Yourown onswers.Possibleonswers'. l'd preferto be a hallporterbecauseI don'twantto workat night.My friendsarefreein the afternoons and evenings, and l'd preferto be freeat the sametime. I a lt'sfrom RaquelHaines. b lt'sto all porters. a Thisdefinitionis from the CombridgeEssentiol English Dictionory: shift noun a periodof work in a placesuchas a factoryor hospital:o nightshift paragraph 2 - rubbish/litter paragraph 3 - keys paiagraph4 - staffparking paragraph I eveningshift paragraphs 2-4 all porlers a Theymustsweepthe carparksand pathsin the morning andafternoonbeforeit getsdark.(paragraph 2) Theymust returntheirkeysto the keycupboard (paragraph s) Theymust parkin the staffcarpark.(paragraph 4) b Theymustn'tleavethe keysat reception.(paragraph :) Theymustn'tparkin the guests'carpark.(paragraph +) Focus on pfonouns a RaquelHaines b a listof duties c the duties d the list Otherpronounsinclude: | ( p a r a g r a p2h: l i n el ) : R a q u eHl a i n e s you (paragraph 2: line l) : eachporter you (paragraph 3: line2) : eachporter them (paragraph 3: line3) : the keys you (paragraph 4: line l) : eachporter I x 2 (paragraph 4: Irne2, line5) : RaquelHaines this(paragraph 4: line2) : staffnot usingthe staffcar parkbut usingthe guests'carpark you (paragraph 4: line3) : eachporter you (paragraph 5: line l) : eachporter Shementionedthe firstduty- Beforeit getsdark:check pathsand carparksfor litter. He hasn'tcheckedthe gardenfor tea trays.(picture1) He hasn'tcheckedthe pathsfor litter.(picture4) 6 Checkthat lampsareon as soonas it beginsto getdark l09 Answer key Revfiew2 A IT 2F 5T 4F 5F c 6B 7E 8A 9C t0D D I I yacht l2 Sifnos l5 stones l4 specially written E 15 F 167 t7F t8T F l9 (hotel)receptionists 20 hotels 2l guests' 22 duties G25e 24f 25c 26a H 27 yes 28 no 29 Bansko 5O no CavrsRrDGE