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Social Work Self-Learning Module

Passionist Technological Institute, Inc.
Holy Cross Parish Compound, Calumpang
General Santos City, Philippines
Tel No. (083)554-3615 Email Address: passionist2008@yahoo.com
Quarter 2-Module 6
NAME: __________________________________________________________
YEAR&SECTION: ___________________________________________________
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIASS)-Grade 12
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 2-Module 6: Lesson 6 THE DISCIPLINE OF SOCIAL WORK
First Edition, 2020
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Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences combines’ academic text with activities
designed for senior high school students. As this book is designed mainly to introduce the students
to the approaches, ideas, and perspectives of social science, focus is not on the mere listing of each
and every social philosopher or thinker but on the context of how ideas about society were created
and shaped in various situations and periods, as well as on the application of those broad ideas in
concrete real-life situations. The objective is to see society from the lens of ideas, which is dynamic
and never permanent. Moreover, this module challenges the students to engage the notion of
society as a powerful tool to make sense of life and bring about changes in the world in which they
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIASS) Self-Learning
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educator both from
public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet
the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of module:
Notes to the Teacher
This contains helpful tips or strategies
That will help you in guiding the learners.
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included
in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Welcome to the Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIASS)
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to depict skill,
action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish. Hence, the hand in
this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and empowered to successfully
achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success
lies in your own hands.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of
the learning resource while being an active learner.
At the end of this module you will also find:
This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module. Use
a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer before moving on to the other activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
THE DISCIPLINE OF SOCIAL WORK. The scope of this module permits it to be used in
many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
Lesson 6
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define social work;
2. Explain the context and the basic concepts of social work;
3. Describe the goals and scope of social work;
4. Discuss the principles of social work; and
5. Explain the core values of social work.
What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “social work’?
Read out your answers to the class.
Have you engaged in any social work? What makes you say that it is social work? Describe
what you have engaged in and determine what makes it a social work. Verify your insights by
reading ahead about the concepts, goals, and scope of social work.
The Discipline of Social Work is closely associated with government welfare and social
programs aimed at achieving social justice, fairness, and attainment of social equilibrium. “The
social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilizing theories of human
behavior and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their
environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work.”
(International Federation of Social Workers 2013)
Social Workers aim to protect vulnerable people from abuse, neglect, or self-harm and to
help enhance their well-being and quality of life. Drawing upon a rich knowledge base and
theoretical perspectives derived from the social and psychological sciences, social workers aim to
promote positive individual and social change.
Social workers operate within legal frameworks for protecting and supporting vulnerable
people. For example, local authority social workers working with children and families use child
protection policies and procedures to intervene in families to protect vulnerable children and
provide support. While those working with adults aim to ensure that their needs for care and
protection are met.
Social workers practicing in statutory contexts such as local authorities or National Health
Service (NHS) Trusts commonly assess the need for care, support and protection of individuals or
families, develop care plans, and provide or manage the provision of care. They are also
responsible for implementing policies, which aim to safeguard vulnerable children or adults and
ensure that people have as much choice and control over services they use as possible.
Social workers work closely with other professionals, often known as inter-professional
working. Mental health social workers, for example, often work in terms alongside community
mental health nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. However, interprofessional working is common for all social workers.
From Social Care to Social Work
Social work has evolved from being a domestic common sense care to professional service.
A wide variety of people in the community, from friends to parents, relatives, volunteers to all
people of goodwill participate in providing social care. This includes providing personal care,
supporting individuals with daily living, and supporting people to engage with their communities
and involve more direct contact with people. There had been no qualifications or professional
license required to do social care. To move from social care giving to social work professional
practice, one has to go through special training to join the social work profession. In the Philippines
and the United Kingdom, Social work is a qualified, registered profession with a protected title.
Unlike social care, social work is generally more detached in dealing with its clients. However, a
relationship-based social work does exist in which emphasis is put on the importance of the
relationship social workers have with the people they are working with (Hartman 2015).
6.1 Definition of Social Work
The Policy, Ethics, and Human Rights Committee of the British Association of
Social Workers (2012) provides the definition of social work: “the social work
profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilizing theories of
human behavior and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people
interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are
fundamental to social work.”
It is understood here that social work is a profession that fulfills the social welfare
mandate to promote well-being and quality of life. As such, it encompasses activities
directed at improving human and social conditions and alleviating human distress and
social problems through enhancing people’s competence and functioning, ability to
access social supports and resources, creating humane and responsive social services,
and expansion of the structures of society that provide opportunities for all citizens
(DuBois & Miley 2008).
6.2 Context and the Basic Concepts of Social Work
To appreciate the context and the basic concept of social work, one has to look into its
professional history (Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005). The aim of social work is to help individuals
fit better for them. To support this dual basic concept, Segal, Gerdes, and Steiner (2005) locate the
history of Social work in the history to the Charity Organization Societies founded in 1877 with
the aim of discovering the causes of poverty among individuals, eliminate the causes, and eliminate
poverty from society. Poverty was then seen as a character defect of an individual. This perspective
is half true, as evidence of social sciences show that there are multiple external forces and
structures that account for poverty of individuals.
The next movement that emerged as if to complement the first wave of social work was
called Settlement Movement which began in 1877 with the aim of discovering the causes of
poverty among individuals, eliminate the cause, and eliminate poverty from society. Poverty was
then seen as a character defect of an individual. This perspective is half true, as evidence of social
sciences show that there are multiple external forces and structures that account for poverty of
The next movement that emerged as if to complement the first wave of social work was
called Settlement Movement which began in 1887 (Segal, Gerdes, & Stainer 2005). The settlement
movement operated on the assumption that an individual’s well-being was directly linked to his/her
external surroundings; therefore, to help an individual involved changing the environment wherein
that individual lives. Such include advocating for better neighborhood services, public health
programs, and employment conditions. These two movements’ efforts of solving poverty of
individuals by helping the individuals fit better into their environment and changing that
environment serve as today’s basic concept of social work in all its various forms and services.
The context of social work is a place that requires professionals to direct their service on
the needs and empowerment of people who experience some forms of vulnerability, oppression,
and living in poverty.
6.3 Goals and Scope of Social Work
DuBois and Miley (2008) highlight the following goals and scope of social work calling
them tenets.
 Empower people, individually and collectively, to utilize their own
problem-solving and coping capabilities more effectively.
 Support a proactive position with regard to social and economic policy
development to prevent problems for individuals and society from
 Uphold the integrity of the profession in all aspects of social work
 Establish linkages between people and societal resources to further social
functioning and enhance the quality of life.
 Develop cooperative networks within the institutional resources system.
 Facilitate the responsiveness of the institutional resource systems to meet
health and human service needs.
 Promote social justice and equality of all people with regard to full
participation in society.
 Contribute to the development of knowledge for social work profession
through research and evaluation.
 Encourage exchange of information in those institutional systems in which
both problems and resources opportunities are produced.
 Enhance communication through an appreciation of diversity and through
ethnically sensitive, non-sexist social work practice.
 Employ educational strategies for the prevention and resolution of
 Embrace a world view of human issues and solutions to problems.
The goal and scope of social work as laid down here is noble and broad—to help an
individual be included in society and to transform the very society that creates structures that
marginalize individuals from full participation in the enjoyment of social services and resources
of the community. Change sought is one that makes an individual and the community a better place
for everyone.
6.4 Principles of Social Work
The Policy, Ethics, and Human Rights Committee of the British Association of Social
Workers (2012) has the following principles that apply in general to other professionals in the
social work profession.
Principles Relative to Respect for Human Rights
1. Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being, Social workers should respect,
uphold, and defend each person’s physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual integrity
and well-being. They should work toward promoting the best interests of individuals and
groups in society and the avoidance of harm.
2. Respecting the right to self-determination. Social workers should respect, promote, and
support people’s dignity and right to make their own choices and decisions, irrespective of
their values and life choices, provided that this does not threaten the rights, safety, and
legitimate interests of others.
3. Promoting the right to participation. Social workers should promote the full involvement
and participation of people using their services in ways that enable them to be empowered
in all aspects of decisions and actions affecting their lives.
4. Creating each person as a whole. Social workers should be concerned with the whole
person, within the family, community, societal, and natural environments, and should seek
to recognize all aspects of a person’s life.
5. Identifying and developing strengths. Social workers should focus on the strengths of all
individuals, groups, and communities, and thus promote their empowerment.
Principles Relative to Social Justice
1. Challenging discrimination. Social workers have a responsibility to challenge
discrimination on the basis of characteristics such as ability, age, culture, gender or sex,
marital status, socio-economic status, political opinions, skin color, racial or other physical
characteristics, sexual orientation, or spiritual beliefs.
2. Recognizing diversity. Social workers should recognize and respect the diversity of the
societies in which they practice, taking into account individual, family, group, and
community differences.
3. Distributing resources. Social workers should ensure that resources at their disposal are
distributed fairly, according to need.
4. Challenging unjust policies and practices. Social workers have a duty to bring to the
attention of their employers, policy makers, politicians, and the general public the
situations where resources are inadequate or where distribution of resources, policies, and
practices are oppressive, unfair, harmful, or illegal.
5. Working in solidarity. Social workers, individually, collectively, and with others have a
duty to challenge social conditions that contribute to social exclusion, stigmatization or
subjugation, and work toward an inclusive society.
Principles Relative to Professional Integrity
1. Upholding the values and reputation of the profession. Social workers should act at all
times in accordance with the values and principles of the profession and ensure that their
behavior does not bring the profession into disrepute.
2. Being trustworthy. Social workers should work in a way that is honest, reliable, and open,
clearly explaining their roles, interventions, and decisions, and not seeking to deceive or
manipulate people who use their services, their colleagues, or employers.
3. Maintaining professional boundaries. Social workers should establish appropriate
boundaries in their relationships with service users and colleagues, and not abuse their
position for personal benefit, financial gain, or sexual exploitation.
4. Making considered professional judgments. Social workers should make judgments based
on balanced and considered reasoning, maintaining awareness of the impact of their own
values, prejudices, and conflicts of interests on their practice and on other people.
5. Being professionally accountable. Social workers should be prepared to account for and
justify their judgments and actions to people who use services, to employers and the general
6.5 Core Values of Social Work
The core values of social work serve to provide consistency in the fulfillment of the social
welfare delivery and in the general promotion of well-being and quality of life of all peoples.
However, special attention or priority is given to those who suffer some forms of exclusions from
receiving social services. Therefore, the core values in the pursuit of social work include
compassion, service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human
relationships, integrity, and competence (Du Bois & Miley 2008; Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005).
Compassion can be considered as an important value for all humankind but in social work,
it occupies a special impetus to the functioning of the profession. It is the basis for someone to go
out and become a voice to the voiceless and a friend to the people who need it most.
Service, as a value, directs social workers to go beyond purely performing a service for a
pay and allow them to be generous with their time. Their work borders on charity and professional
service. Without a special interests in pure service, much of the social work could not be properly
Social justice, as a value for social workers, is a basis of their understanding of the need to
ensure that everyone get serviced and that everyone get a share of what the community possesses
in material and non-material assets.
Dignity and worth of the person is a value that provides the determination and drive for
social workers to seek the marginalized in all forms without much regard as to whether such
problem is self0—inflicted or socially imposed. At the heart of social work is the belief that all
humans have dignity and worth regardless of their acts and status in life.
Importance of human relationships, as a value, makes it possible for social workers to do
their job as most human situations they seek to address require collaborating with so many others
professionals and individuals with a stake in the issue. It is about relationships. After all, it is in
the context of relationships where people find themselves broken and marginalized. A relationship
is the context of social marginalization and inclusion.
Integrity is necessary in all human endeavors. In social work, nothing can be accomplished
without integrity. A social worker will have difficulties to be accepted by the people to receive
services and by those he/she needs to collaborate with to facilitate problem solving and
empowerment of an individual or a group.
Competence is a very important value for social work because it separates social caregiving
from social work professional practice. Through special training, a social worker becomes
separated from all common sense, culture, and religious-based care.
What new learning did you develop about the discipline of social work? Write
your insights in 1 whole sheet of paper.
Go online and search for “social work in the Philippines.” Read the available
literature. Choose one specific practice of professional social work, either by an individual or an
institution. Take note of how the principles relative to respect for human rights, social justice,
and professional integrity are lived out.
Name: __________________________________________________
Date: __________
Grade & Section: _________________________________________
Score: _________
Test Your Knowledge
Write the definition of social work as a profession.
In three sentences, explain the context with which the profession of social work
Briefly describe the goals and scope of social work.
Fill out the chart below with at least three principles of social work relative to
different aspects.
Principles of Social Work
Respect for Human
Social Justice
Professional Integrity
Check Your Understanding
Discuss each of the following core values in terms of how they influence a professional social
1. Compassion______________________________________________________________
2. Service__________________________________________________________________
3. Social
4. Dignity and worth of a person
5. Importance of human
6. Integrity_________________________________________________________________
7. Competence______________________________________________________________
Apply Your Learning
Chose two from the list of core values of a professional social worker. Come up with a
scenario and develop a script for each core value. One scenario should show how the core
value can be exhibited by a social worker and the other scenario should show the lack or
absence of that core value. Present your scenarios in 3-5 sheets of bond paper.
Form a triad. Choose a real-life situation in the society wherein an individual, a
group, or a community went through difficult situations that needed the collaboration and
services of practitioners in social work. Document their experience and how social work services
addresses their needs. Prepare a group presentation that shares your learning and discoveries
from that engagement.