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Bivariate Regression Analysis: Part 2

(Part 2)
Analysis of Variance: Overall Fit
Confidence and Prediction Intervals for Y
Violations of Assumptions
Unusual Observations
Other Regression Problems
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Bivariate Regression
Analysis of Variance: Overall Fit
Decomposition of Variance
• To visualize the variation in the dependent variable
around its mean, use the formula
This same decomposition for the sums of
squares is
Analysis of Variance: Overall Fit
Decomposition of Variance
• The decomposition of variance is written as
(total variation
(unexplained or
around the
error variation) explained by the
Analysis of Variance: Overall Fit
F Statistic for Overall Fit
• For a bivariate regression, the F statistic is
For a given sample size, a larger F statistic
indicates a better fit.
Reject H0 if F > F1,n-2 from Appendix F for a
given significance level α or if p-value < α.
Confidence and Prediction
Intervals for Y
How to Construct an Interval Estimate for Y
• The regression line is an estimate of the
conditional mean of Y.
• An interval estimate is used to show a range of
likely values of the point estimate.
• Confidence Interval for the conditional mean of Y
Confidence and Prediction
Intervals for Y
How to Construct an Interval Estimate for Y
• Prediction interval for individual values of Y is
• Prediction intervals are wider than confidence
intervals because individual Y values vary more
than the mean of Y.
Confidence and Prediction
Intervals for Y
MegaStat’s Confidence and Prediction Intervals
Figure 12.23
Confidence and Prediction
Intervals for Y
Confidence and Prediction Intervals
Figure 12.24
Confidence and Prediction
Intervals for Y
Quick Rules for Confidence and Prediction
Quick confidence interval for mean Y
Quick prediction interval for individual Y
Violations of Assumptions
Three Important Assumptions
1. The errors are normally distributed.
2. The errors have constant variance (i.e.,
they are homoscedastic)
3. The errors are independent (i.e., they are
The error εi is unobservable.
The residuals ei from the fitted regression
give clues about the violation of these
Violations of Assumptions
Non-normal Errors
Non-normality of errors is a mild violation
since the regression parameter estimates b0
and b1 and their variances remain unbiased
and consistent.
Confidence intervals for the parameters may
be untrustworthy because normality
assumption is used to justify using Student’s t
A large sample size would compensate.
Outliers could pose serious problems.
Violations of Assumptions
Histogram of Residuals
Check for non-normality by creating histograms of
the residuals or standardized residuals (each
residual is divided by its standard error).
Standardized residuals range between -3 and
+3 unless there are outliers.
Figure 12.25
Violations of Assumptions
Histogram of Residuals
Figure 12.25
Violations of Assumptions
Normal Probability Plot
The Normal Probability Plot tests the assumption
H0: Errors are normally distributed
H1: Errors are not normally distributed
If H0 is true, the residual probability plot should be
Violations of Assumptions
Normal Probability Plot
Violations of Assumptions
What to Do About Non-Normality?
1. Trim outliers only if they clearly are
2. Increase the sample size if possible.
3. Try a logarithmic transformation of both X
and Y.
Violations of Assumptions
Heteroscedastic Errors (Nonconstant Variance)
The ideal condition is if the error magnitude is
constant (i.e., errors are homoscedastic).
Heteroscedastic errors increase or decrease
with X.
In the most common form of heteroscedasticity,
the variances of the estimators are likely to be
This results in overstated t statistics and
artificially narrow confidence intervals.
Violations of Assumptions
Tests for Heteroscedasticity
Plot the residuals against X. Ideally, there is no
pattern in the residuals moving from left to right.
Violations of Assumptions
Tests for Heteroscedasticity
The “fan-out” pattern of increasing residual variance is
the most common pattern indicating heteroscedasticity.
Violations of Assumptions
What to Do About Heteroscedasticity?
Transform both X and Y, for example, by taking
Although it can widen the confidence intervals
for the coefficients, heteroscedasticity does not
bias the estimates.
Violations of Assumptions
Autocorrelated Errors
Autocorrelation is a pattern of nonindependent
In a time-series regression, each residual et
should be independent of it predecessors
et-1, et-2, …, et-n.
In a first-order autocorrelation, et is correlated
with et-1.
The estimated variances of the OLS estimators
are biased, resulting in confidence intervals that
are too narrow, overstating the model’s fit.
Violations of Assumptions
Runs Test for Autocorrelation
In the runs test, count the number of the residual’s
sign reversals (i.e., how often does the residual
cross the zero centerline?).
If the pattern is random, the number of sign
changes should be n/2.
Fewer than n/2 would suggest positive
More than n/2 would suggest negative
Violations of Assumptions
Runs Test for Autocorrelation
Positive autocorrelation is
indicated by runs of
residuals with same sign.
Negative autocorrelation
is indicated by runs of
residuals with
alternating signs.
Violations of Assumptions
Durbin-Watson Test
Tests for autocorrelation under the hypotheses
H0: Errors are nonautocorrelated
H1: Errors are autocorrelated
The Durbin-Watson test statistic is
The DW statistic will range from 0 to 4.
DW < 2 suggests positive autocorrelation
DW = 2 suggests no autocorrelation (ideal)
DW > 2 suggests negative autocorrelation
Violations of Assumptions
What to Do About Autocorrelation?
Transform both variables using the method
of first differences in which both variables
are redefined as changes:
Although it can widen the confidence
interval for the coefficients, autocorrelation
does not bias the estimates.
Violations of Assumptions
What to Do About Autocorrelation?
Unusual Observations
Standardized Residuals: Excel
Use Excel’s Tools > Data Analysis > Regression
Figure 12.32
Unusual Observations
Standardized Residuals: MINITAB
MINITAB gives the same general output as Excel.
Figure 12.33
Unusual Observations
Standardized Residuals: MegaStat
MegaStat gives the same general output as
Figure 12.34
Unusual Observations
Leverage and Influence
A high leverage statistic indicates the
observation is far from the mean of X.
These observations are influential because
they are at the “ end of the lever.”
The leverage for observation i is denoted hi
Unusual Observations
Leverage and Influence
A leverage that exceeds 3/n is unusual.
Figure 12.35
Unusual Observations
Studentized Deleted Residuals
Studentized deleted residuals are another way
to identify unusual observations.
A studentized deleted residual whose absolute
value is 2 or more may be considered unusual.
A studentized deleted residual whose absolute
value is 2 or more is an outlier.
Other Regression Problems
Outliers may be caused by
- an error in recording
- impossible data
- an observation that has
been influenced by an
unspecified “lurking”
variable that should
have been controlled
but wasn’t.
To fix the problem,
- delete the
- delete the data
- formulate a multiple
regression model that
includes the lurking
Other Regression Problems
Model Misspecification
If a relevant predictor has been omitted, then
the model is misspecified.
Use multiple regression instead of bivariate
Other Regression Problems
Ill-Conditioned Data
Well-conditioned data values are of the same
general order of magnitude.
Ill-conditioned data have unusually large or
small data values and can cause loss of
regression accuracy or awkward estimates.
Avoid mixing magnitudes by adjusting the
magnitude of your data before running the
Other Regression Problems
Spurious Correlation
In a spurious correlation two variables appear
related because of the way they are defined.
This problem is called the size effect or
problem of totals.
Other Regression Problems
Model Form and Variable Transforms
Sometimes a nonlinear model is a better fit than a
linear model.
Excel offers many model forms.
Variables may be transformed (e.g., logarithmic or
exponential functions) in order to provide a better
Log transformations reduce heteroscedasticity.
Nonlinear models may be difficult to interpret.
End of Chapter 12B
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.