City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect City and Environment Interactions journal homepage: Review Articles A review of international eco-industrial parks for implementation success in the United States Daniel V. Perrucci a, b, *, Can B. Aktaş c, Joseph Sorentino b, 1, Halimat Akanbi b, 1, Jack Curabba b, 1 a East Carolina University, Department of Construction Management, E 5th St, Greenville, NC 27858, United States Alfred State College, Department of Civil Engineering Technology, 10 Upper College Drive, Alfred, NY 14802, United States c TED University, Department of Civil Engineering, Ziya Gökalp Cad. No:48, Kültür Mah. 06420, Çankaya, Turkey b A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Industrial ecology Construction Waste Agent-based Modeling Social Network Analysis Inter-firm Relations Eco-industrial parks (EIP) are an organization of businesses grouped around material needs and outputs. Functional synergies need to be formed that benefit both or multiple companies in these grouped organizations. Such synergies may be in the form of sharing resources, materials, infrastructure, information, or industrial ecology principles in the form of one entity using the by-product of another entity as input. There are envi­ ronmental, economic as well as societal gains to be realized through eco-industrial parks. A meta-analysis was conducted to assess EIP success to date, as well as to report experienced advantages of EIPs in practice. Many EIP projects failed to come to fruition or have transformed and fallen back on traditional industrial practices. Close examination of such cases provides valuable lessons for future EIP projects and provides insight into why ecoindustrial parks have historically high failure rates in the United States. The study offers a summary and crit­ ical analysis of success factors for EIP development (e.g., geographic requirements, stakeholder involvement and dedication, community involvement, and regulatory system/agency support). In addition, the strategies and methods for future success of eco-industrial parks (e.g., agent-based modeling, optimization modeling, noncompetitive waste stream selection) are discussed. Agent-based modeling can identify true costs and benefits and enable monitoring of EIPs during their operation. Use of optimization techniques may be applied to over­ come the complexity of multi-objective mathematical models aiming to balance the needs of multiple firms and multiple resources being allocated among them. Non-competitive waste streams can alleviate various social concerns between firms in an EIP conglomerate, due to reduced competition and mutual benefit such as reutilizing waste that is traditional expensive to eliminate, reducing disposal costs, and raw material sourcing costs. 1. Introduction On a global scale, there is a finite number of natural resources. The re-utilization of previously harvested materials, and reduction of newly harvested raw material, is one of the main methods to meet the manufacturing demands of an increasing global population. In addition, the increasing severity and frequency of natural hazards lead to severe disruptions and devastation to the built environment that requires mass reconstruction and unexpected materials utilization before the end of the initial designed life [1]. On a national scale, the United States has experienced a severe raw material shortage and supply chain disruption due to the impacts of COVID-19. This material shortage led to decreased manufacturing capabilities and record-level price increases for raw materials and products [2]. A methodology that decreases the required raw materials through material re-utilization can reduce the strain from increased manufacturing demand due to the global population increases, envi­ ronmental impacts from reconstruction after natural hazards, and sup­ ply chain disruptions similar to those during COVID-19. Eco-industrial parks are one methodology revitalized during the 1992 Earth Summit that academic researchers and policy decision-makers have investigated and implemented on a global scale to experience cost savings and environmental advantages when manufacturing new products [3]. This study investigates the success of eco-industrial parks around the world and finds an increased potential for failure in the United States, which encourages this review to identify attributes of the global eco-industrial * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses:, (D.V. Perrucci). 1 These authors have contributed equally. Received 10 May 2022; Received in revised form 22 August 2022; Accepted 24 August 2022 Available online 30 August 2022 2590-2520/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 park to maximize the success of United States implementations. To increase the rate of successful implementations of eco-industrial parks in the United States, this study first investigates and establishes a modernized concept of the increasingly complex definition of ecoindustrial parks. Next, a structured literature review approach priori­ tizes publications from after the global consensus on the importance of environmentally friendly development at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) (i.e., Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) [3]. This review identifies EIP attributes and implementation methodol­ ogies that led to global eco-industrial park implementation success, before ultimately discussing research thrusts requiring further investi­ gation for application in the United States to achieve increased rates of EIP implementation successes (e.g., social network analysis, noncompetitive waste streams, and agent-based modelling) [4–7]. Specif­ ically, this study suggests the utilization of select waste streams to eliminate inter-firm trust issues, labeled as non-competitive waste, and consisting of materials which may be traditionally hard to discard for one industry yet an alternative to another industry’s current practice. Using this ideology of a non-competitive waste streams, an ecoindustrial park involving construction waste with examples of material exchanges is proposed. the importance of material exchanges to counteract the impacts of resource depletion and are conducting innovative research on industrial symbiosis with relevance to eco-industrial parks. These latest studies include, but are not limited to, applying casual loop diagrams to un­ derstand social impacts on material interdependencies, utilizing scenario-based approaches to analyze value chains during disruptive events, and analyzing ecological food webs to understand eco-industrial exchanges [17–21]. Today, eco-Industrial Parks combine the ideology behind industrial ecology, cleaner production, and waste management to produce not only a more environmentally friendly industrial infrastructure but also one that is more efficient and profitable. Fig. 1 depicts this ideology in an interconnected 5-stage process where new products are produced at an EIP community utilizing less raw materials at a potentially lower cost depending on recycled resource processing; ultimately, supporting a transition away from traditional linear resource consumption [22,23]. The interconnected five stage life cycle process begins with the traditional manufacturing of a product which transitions into its designed purpose in stage 2. As this product reaches the end of its design life, stage 3 initiates to divert all, or a portion of, the product’s waste. The final stage of an eco-industrial park is the processing of one man­ ufacturer’s product waste into recyclable materials in to replace raw materials in a new manufactured new product. EIPs provide these multi-staged benefits and can contribute to the triple bottom line of sustainability: environment; economy; and society. More efficient use of resources, as well as a reduction in waste genera­ tion and environmental emissions, provides direct environmental ben­ efits. Decreased production cost through material and energy efficiencies at the plant, reduction of waste disposal costs and waste recycling needs, and compliance with regulatory policies are some po­ tential opportunities that provide economic benefits to industries involved. Sale of unwanted by-products to other businesses itself may open new avenues of income for industries. Societal benefits may include a larger tax base than would otherwise be possible together with a potential increase in local job availability [24–27]. 2. Background 2.1. Eco-Industrial parks The idea for an Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) was established in the 1960 s as a local collaborative set of strategies that industrial facilities can follow to more efficiently utilize materials, and to both reduce and recycle waste [8]. Following renewed attention since the 1992 Earth Summit, academic research as well as policy measures in the field of ecoindustrial parks has risen [3]. Then in 1997, five years after the ener­ gizing Rio Earth Summit, research began to scrutinize methods to transition society and industry away from linear throughput and to a closed-loop material and energy strategy to reduce both waste and pollution [6]. Only a year later, the idea of eco-industrial parks was referred to as an infant of a field in the world of research, due to the fact it had only just emerged as an approach towards environmentally sus­ tainable socio-economic development [9]. In 2000, it was agreed that the definition of an eco-industrial park was not specific enough, arguing that due to the multitude of objectives, productivity timeframes, and capital cost, eco-industrial networks have not been viable [10]. An early definition which remains relevant is the federally accepted definition from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) field book which defines EIPs as “a community of manufacturing and service businesses seeking enhanced environmental and economic performance through collaboration in managing envi­ ronmental and resource issues including energy, water, and materials. By working together, the community of businesses seeks a collective benefit that is greater than the sum of the individual benefits each company would realize if it optimized its individual performance only” [10]. As research progressed, definitions for EIPs like the U.S. EPA’s are reduced to the enhanced ability for companies to network in order to reduce waste, recover value, and achieve demand [8]. Empowered by these modernized definitions, researchers began to question the notion of EIPs, and whether or not the theoretical concept had truly made it into the professional industry [11]. Efforts renewed for the implementation of industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial parks in 2015 when a case study revealed the true impact of industrial production on global emissions, with a reported 62 % of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 deriving from industrial pro­ duction emissions [12,13]. These research and application initiatives for industrial sustainability and reductions of greenhouse gas emissions through eco-industrial parks continued through the end of the 2010 s [14–16]. In the late 2010 s and early 2020 s, researchers acknowledge 2.2. Historical key factors for EIPs When tasked to design an eco-industrial park, it is required to have a strong understanding of a broad topic that has been provided many definitions over the years. In 1995 it was proposed that an eco-industrial park was an industrial system which conserves natural and economic resources; reduces production, material, energy, insurance, and treat­ ments costs and liabilities; improves operating efficiency, quality, worker health and public image; and provides opportunities for income generation from use and sale of wasted materials. The description still describes modern EIPs [9,28]. The problem that has arisen over the years that EIPs have been established is the lack of expected production from the original designs requiring EIPs to re-evaluate their methods or fail completely. The successfulness of an EIP implementation can be complicated to determine and will differ depending on the location and culture. For this research, in an effort to maintain the United States’ scope where sur­ passing the planning phase has proven difficult, the success of an EIP is simplified to an organization, or group of organizations, where a ma­ terial exchange has successfully occurred and provides continued eco­ nomic and environmental benefit [26,29]. One aspect that often influences this definition of success in EIP developments is the lack of planning on critical success factors of EIPs. The following list of critical factors was identified: • • • • 2 Geographic requirements Stakeholder involvement and dedication Community involvement Regulatory system/agency support D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 Fig. 1. The Synergy of an Eco-industrial Park Concept. *The sustainability of the inter-connected five-stage process is symbolized by colors transition from red to green, red representing reduced sustainability and green representing increased sustainability, during the life cycle processes. It is important to note that this process is not required to start with traditional manufacturing, and that the process would remain the same if beginning from a sustainably manufactured product. Evaluation of these four categories is required during the preliminary design stages. These four factors can be simply explained by their added benefit to eco-industrial park design. The symbiotic feel and synergistic aspects that are the basis of an EIP benefit from geographic proximity. A close geographic proximity for the eco-industrial park’s individual industries to each other and the entire entities proximity to urban areas can enlarge the economic profits and environmental reductions; however, this proximity is not required for a successful EIP implementation. [30]. One method to increase the geographic benefit, pre- or post-implementation, is to develop the area between firms for material exchanges, this method of new development to counteract the geographic isolation can be seen as an example at Australia’s Kwinana and Gladstone EIPs [31]. In existing industrial parks the factor of geographic proximity is usually minimized, while structured regularity caused by the embedd­ edness’ of the individual firms can hinder the openness to new re­ lationships and collaborations [32]. Furthermore, the firms set routine resembles the safe route by reducing uncertainty within the process [33]. This weariness is where the effect of ambitious stakeholders is appreciated. Stakeholders play an important role in the success of the EIPs future, they become an advocate for the development. This can be seen at the Devens, Massachusetts EIP where individual industries that wouldn’t normally think of combining efforts were brought together by the “champions” of symbiosis [34,35]. However, dedication from stakeholders is insignificant as a determining factor for industrial sym­ biosis success if the size of the company hinders their ability to make long-term investments [36]. A successful EIP requires a combination of contributions and effort from the businesses, public sector and the community, which then provides not only economic, and environmental benefits for the region, but also creates a powerful sense of pride for the community that it relies on [26,29]. However, the eco-industrial park development’s relation­ ship with industrial waste management has created an undesirable stigma [37]. Due to this obstacle, community support has not always been granted for eco-industrial park ventures and similar projects. This obstacle has been noted in literature and resulted in the requirement of full stakeholder support to ensure the success of the project specifically the local community [38,39]. The regulatory system utilized for eco-industrial parks can be complicated, although it was once recommended that a consultative approach should be taken to allow for the natural evolution and adap­ tions that are required of eco-industrial parks [40]. An example of a successful regulatory body was TEDA Environmental Protection Bureau which was established in 1990. After nearly-two decades TEDA was still expanding as a regulatory body and methods, all while supporting the environmental advantages through eco-industrial parks [41]. To ensure the future success of EIP development and to reduce the chance of regulatory issues, optimal solutions such as following a systems approach to regulation, encouraging communication between stake­ holders, providing maximum flexibility maintaining environmental sensitivity, and reducing uncertainty by defining past regulatory prob­ lems associated with similar projects [42]. 2.3. Eco-Industrial park dilemmas in the United States An eco-industrial park incorporates material exchanges into tradi­ tional industrial park manufacturing to realize economic and environ­ mental benefits for the involved firms [43,44]. For the United States, one of the main dilemmas causing failure to EIP implementations is achieving the required open communication between companies. This overarching dilemma of increased rates of failure in the United States is a combination of the following dilemmas, which are grouped as inter­ connectivity, supply uncertainty, and governance. 2.3.1. Dilemma One: Interconnectivity Dilemma one is an issue with interconnectivity caused by missing trust between stakeholders which reduces the main benefit of EIPs (i.e., material proximity and personal contact) by requiring restrictive con­ tracts that take time and money to replace the trust from inter-firm personal relationships [45]. The interconnectivity between firms within the eco-industry agreement drives the success of the EIP, and this importance on interconnectivity can cause disruption to the overall success of the EIP if communication regarding material exchange is not maintained [46]. The first accepted EIP success, and example of interconnectivity in eco-industry, is in Kalundborg, Denmark where organic relationships between firms located in proximity to each other led to successful ma­ terial exchanges which later helped define EIPs [47]. Many attempts since Kalundborg have failed to capture the same success, however, a case study analysis shows the Londonderry EIP in New Hampshire, USA did experience similar success by utilizing an identical emphasize on social relationships for enhanced interconnectivity. These case study results, on two of the most renowned EIPs, supports and reiterates the importance of personal social connections and interconnectivity for effective material exchanges over any technological connection [48]. 2.3.2. Dilemma Two: Supply uncertainty Dilemma two is an issue involving the uncertainty in material ex­ changes, where a fluctuation in one firm would lead to disruptions in the output of another firm due to material dependence, dependences like these can lead to reduced performance and economic benefits (i.e., if one firm is failing, it will make other firms susceptible to poor performance 3 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 and failure) [49,50]. Overdependence in the supply chain on one or more firms within the EIP instills additional risk into the material ex­ changes deriving from supply uncertainty due to potential reduced waste production due to any form of financial hardship an individual company [49,51]. The risk from supply uncertainty and disruption re­ quires hedging (e.g., an alternate material source from a traditional supply chain of raw materials) to ensure success when material ex­ changes between EIP firms is insufficient. [52]. waste and emission flows, and the types of industries to be located within the park have to be researched in advance and included within the masterplan. An additional type of EIP is a networked eco-industrial park system (NEIPS). These follow the ideals of a general EIP and rely on the success of the EIPs on a local level, but function at the macro level. NEIPSs create connections between EIPs over distances ranging from regional to global and provide a larger platform for the development of synergies between firms; and furthermore, these exchanges promote the development of new industries. The internet has played a role in the success of NEIPS, allowing for a virtual site of exchange for waste and byproducts [8,55]. Chertow (2000) has separated EIPs into 5 categories depending on the level of interaction and the physical location of partnering firms [10]. The proposed categorization also denotes the level of complexity inherent in EIPs, where higher categories require more planning for project success. GIPs may be said to be of Types 1 or 2, whereas IEIP may be designated as Type 3, and NEIPS as either a Type 4 or 5. 2.3.3. Dilemma Three: Governance Dilemma three is an issue regarding the optimal level of government involvement. Research is contradictory with regards to the impact (i.e., positive or negative) of governance involvement, with the main uncer­ tainty deriving from the geographic location of the EIP. Studies suggest governance support for political, coordinative, education, and infra­ structural can effectively assist EIP implementation; however, other research notes that government overreach can lead to reduced success in the United States’ compared to the Netherlands organic approach to EIP development [11,47,53,54]. This compilation of studies signifies the need for an optimized government involvement on a per project basis, due to the broad spectrum of impacts which can be experienced. 3.2. meta-Analysis description The meta-analysis provides a spatio-temporal distribution of the reviewed publications. 3. Methods 3.2.1. Temporal distribution of research Separating journal articles by year of publication enables an analysis of the evolution in research topics and concepts concerning EIPs over the course of nearly-two decades. A total of 112 articles that contain rele­ vant information on EIPs have been located during this timeframe. The years of 2004 and 2018 had the highest number of research publications, as demonstrated by Fig. 2. Some of these articles stress the importance of and make references to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit as an encouraging factor for the global understanding of the importance between envi­ ronment and development [6]. The results from the meta-analysis supply insight into the trends within eco-industrial park implementations and reveal events that may significantly contribute to the development of novel EIP research since the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, including but not limited to the Kyoto Protocol, UN Johannesburg Summit, UN Champions of Earth, and the Paris Climate Agreement. This research reviews 99 publications that represent 23 different nations worldwide across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia and nearly-three decades of academic investigation (i.e., publications from 1995 to 2022). Each selected publication cited in this study is manually reviewed for relevance by evaluating the title, ab­ stract, key words, methodology, and ultimately the article. 3.1. Key Eco-Industrial park terminology Multiple terms and acronyms were found to be used for same, similar, or related concepts during the literature review. The variation in phrases can be attributed to different geographical areas that peerreviewed articles were based upon. Table 1 presents relevant terminol­ ogy that are commonly used within the field. An EIP is an additional categorization of an eco-industrial network due to the community-based (i.e., a grouping of firms) network of firms interacting and exchanging [56,57,59]. EIPs may also be further cate­ gorized as either a Green Industry Parks (GIP), or as an Integrated EcoIndustry Parks. A green industry park is a coalition of environmentally conscious firms, following strict regulations and conditions that are promoted through the idea of sustainable industrial development. GIPs lack a majority of the industrial ecology and symbiosis aspects as their main focus is on green industrial practices at the firm level, rather than maximize interactions and symbiotic benefits among different firms [8,55]. Unlike a GIP, integrated eco-industry parks (IEIP) are strongly reliant on industrial ecology and symbiosis principles that can be pre-planned or naturally occurring. However, in most cases, IEIP comparatively has much more extensive and complex planning/development re­ quirements. In order for an IEIP to function correctly from the start, 3.2.2. Research themes and geographic breakdown The geographical distribution of the first authorship of articles and research reviewed for this study may be taken as an indication of which countries have experience with EIPs or those who are actively investing in the technique. The research is further analyzed through thematic categorization by methodology and focus. Fig. 3 presents these articles from twenty-two different countries are organized into thirteen unique themes. The top five themes for research considered in this review are Re­ view, Cast Study, Policy, Modelling, and Planning. The United States is the largest contributor of research considered in this study, and the top three categorical themes are Review, Case Study, and Planning; this focus may signify/confirm that the United States is investing resources into EIP implementation. Following the United States is China, which focuses EIP research in the categories of Policy, Case Study, and Review, signifying a focus on applied research (e.g., EIP development through government programs with success evaluations) rather than theoretical (literature reviews). The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom are also at the forefront of EIP research. Table 1 Acronyms and terminology used in academic literature to denote formal or informal gathering of industries, and the study of environment-industry interactions. Acronym Terminology EIP EIN EID NEIP IEIP GIP Eco-industrial park Eco-industrial networks Eco-industrial development Networked eco-industrial parks [8,55] Integrated eco-industrial parks [8,55] Green Industry Parks [55] 4. Results On a global scale, previously initiated or planned EIP projects are compiled to enable an analysis to determine potential key factors for overall EIP implementation success and corresponding identify potential 4 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 Fig. 2. Number of publications published each year on the eco-industrial parks, within the study period of 1995–2019. Fig. 3. Thematic categorization of articles with recorded country of first authors. solutions for the previously noted dilemmas causing increased failure rates in the United States. The EIP implementations detailed in these studies are compiled by the source year, location of park, number of involved firms, estimated material re-usage, land use requirement, and most recent implementation status and/or initial implementation date. Based on the available information, these EIP implementations are categorized into the industrial sector/s (e.g., energy, biowaste, petro­ leum, chemical, water) and further categorized by assessed government support (e.g., high-sponsored, medium-encouraged, low-limited/none). Prior studies on eco-industrial parks range widely in data availabil­ ity, potentially due to differing definitions and technology in ecoindustry over the time periods and between countries, and this 5 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 regarding the process leading up to the development of EIPs and an understanding of the governmental effort that will benefit developers. Between 1999 and 2003 the Dutch government granted nearly 8 million euros for eco-industrial parks, with the funds reaching more than 200 projects in the country. Beyond this, the Dutch created two lanes for eco-industrial park development. The first lane was the sustainable business processes, while the second was the sustainable design of business parks. The sustainable business processes avenue involves the physical flows due to industrial activates and methods for maximizing energy and material usage efficiency. The latter avenue, concerns itself with business prin­ ciples and infrastructure, hoping to provide a short term and long term value [44]. The Dutch government wanted to ensure that the ecoindustrial parks are viewed as business locations, in order to encourage companies to update and adapt [66]. South Korea: The South Korean government has become the leading contributor to their vastly expanding eco-industrial network of EIPs due to their “low-carbon green growth” policy that has handicapped indus­ trial development since 2008 [67]. In the past fifteen years, the South Korean government has created policies that stimulate sustainable development and promote eco-friendly industrial structures. The policy labeled as “Environmental Vision 21” provided five basic principles that involved prevention, harmony, and integration, charging polluter and recipient, utilizing economic incentives, and opening information and getting residents involved. Over a decade ago, The Korea National Cleaner Production Center and the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology began a 3 step, nearly fifteen-year-long, project supporting the development of Eco-industrial parks, and establishing cleaner production in Korea through their con­ struction. The first phase was set for the years of 2006–2010, the second phase was set during the years 2011–2015, and the third was placed during 2016–2020. Each phase of the project had set goals, starting with two pilot projects that included the conversion of two industrial parks to eco-industrial parks during phase one. Phase two was established to provide a conceptual ecologic design for the future conversion of another twenty additional EIPs. Lastly, the third phase strived to create industry parks with zero discharge through the vital analysis of the performance indicators of the first phases [68]. This project has found success through the Ulsan EIP pilot, once a conventional industrial site now transformed due to the regulatory constraints and economic benefits. The key stakeholders for the venture were the Ulsan EIP center, the Ulsan Metropolitan City government, research centers, Mipo-Onsan industrial complexes, and FICOX [60]. This EIP consists of a total of seven different companies, which includes the material transfer of pure-water, steam, recovered zinc, recovered copper, biogas, and methanol waste. The cooperation between these companies was expected to provide a five-year expected economic benefit of $39.9 billion [68]. This project was met with success at both providing knowledge behind the feasibility of EIPs and also the eco­ nomic benefit of the transition. In 2012, it was reported that there were thirteen successful symbiotic networks which included 41 companies in Ulsan, which provided both environmental and economic benefits [60]. China: More than 80 % of the 12,000 industrial parks in the world are located in developed countries [69]. However, over the last two de­ cades, developing countries in Asia have shown dramatic economic growth. This rapid growth creates a unique opportunity for industrial ecology and EIPs, where still developing Asian countries can act as a test for the overall success within the concept of an eco-industrial park [70]. The dramatic increase of foreign investment and local industriali­ zation that has occurred since the 1990 s within China has created the largest economy in the developing world [71]. Due to this, motivation to develop EIPs has emerged with the hopes to reduce pollution, discourage the excessive use of natural resources, and sustain economic growth for the more than 1500 industrial parks in the country [72]. This combination of desires led the Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) to create the Circular Economy (CE) strategy. In scarcity of data impacts the completeness of Table 2. Table 2 succeeds to provide research value by presenting a synthesis of global eco-industrial efforts by macro-region, magnitudes of eco-industrial investment (e.g., number of firms and land use), and types of material exchanges with amount exchanged and overarching success of the EIP (if available). The compilation of these EIP implementations is organized in Table 2. The variance in data collection and reporting between geographic locations are one area which hinder the success of analyses on EIPs. EIP locations come from a range of countries that includes the United States, the Netherlands, South Korea, China, Australia, Italy, and provide a global view of eco-industrial park interest, potential, and implementa­ tion success. The approximate material reutilization and assessed sectors are presented pending data availability, allowing for conclusions regarding successful and unsuccessful symbiosis and material exchanges. Fig. 4 breaks down the compilation of Table 2 into past or current attempts and successes of eco-industrial parks. For this study, the at­ tempts and successes of EIPs are defined by its last reported status. If the status is last reported as active with material exchanges, then the attempt is considered successful; while an attempt is documented when the status of an eco-industrial park halted in the planning stages or switches from active to either change of concept or closed. An estimated total of 17 EIPs in Fig. 4 were either theoretical, drifted from the EIP concept or failed. The high failure ratio in the United States, as depicted in Fig. 4, supports an investigation to identify critical factors for the success of EIPs. Eco-industrial parks have proven themselves to be an effective method of industrial symbiosis with levels of government support a noted potential limiting factor due to reduced program ini­ tiatives [38]. Referencing the lower than average assessed governmental support for EIP projects (compared to the European, Oceanian, and Asian counterparts) in Fig. 4, this research takes first steps to evaluating the governmental cultural and initiative which can be contributing to this United States’ discrepancy. The following are examples with vary­ ing levels of governmental support leading to eco-industrial park success and failure. The U.S.: A primary example of the United States governments’ effect on the EIP development, starts in the year 1994 with the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) demonstration project in Fairfield, MD [63]. The EPA began funding the Fairfield EIP project as part of EPA’s Brownfield Program [64]. Later, the City of Baltimore successfully received $100 million in funds and tax incentives due to their application for a Federal Empowerment Zone (EZ) and the ecoindustrial park project that anchored the application. With these funds, the Baltimore Development Corporation, Cornell University, and community participants worked together to provide a conceptual development for the future EIP transformation of an existing industrial park [58,63]. At the start of the millennium (the 2000 s), there was no functioning EIP in the USA [63]. Just 10 years after the demonstration project began, it transformed into the Fairfield Ecological Business Park. In the few years between the 2001 and 2004, the Fairfield EIP was renamed Fair­ field Eco-Business Park and became known as one of the only zeroemission eco-industrial parks in the world [61,65]. The Netherlands: It has been commonly accepted that the first fully understood and true model of an EIP was in Kalundborg, Denmark, during the 1980 s [10]. In fact, the industrial structure of Kalundborg was not designed as an EIP from the onset, but rather evolved due to economic and environmental benefits participating institutions experi­ enced through sharing or recycling common resources among them. Since the success at Kalundborg, the development of eco-industrial projects has largely expanded among all levels of government and in many countries [47]. There have been explicit intentions from the Dutch environmental policy since 1997 to support the creation of EIPs in an effort to create symbiosis and utility sharing. An initiative that was described within the 1997 policy, called for the promotion of EIPs through education 6 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 Table 2 Summary of Past Eco-industrial Park Implementations. (continued on next page) 7 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 Table 2 (continued ) Note: Color depicts macro-region of origin (i.e., Blue = Europe, Orange = Asia, Gray = Oceania, Yellow = North America, Green = South America). 2001, the nation enlisted the efforts of the National Pilot EIP Program (NPEIPP) and the National Pilot Circular Economy Zone Program (NPCEZP); who combined to produce over sixty approved pilot EIP de­ velopments [73]. One year later in 2002, the Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) approved a law that was labeled as “Cleaner Production Promotion Law. This law was created to promote cleaner production; efficiency in resource utilization; reducing/avoiding pollution generation; protecting/improving environments; ensuring the health of humans; and promoting sustainable development. In just ten years, China had managed to create a successful government-led promotion of eco-industrial parks, with the NPEIPP and NPCEZP showing achievement at insisting EIP development. The resultant of this was the Suzhou Industrial park which both offer instance of resource-conserving, environmentally friendly industry, and 8 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 Fig. 4. Success and failures of reported EIPs by country. a guide for future development [73–75]. Furthermore, China’s innova­ tive national standards for eco-industrial parks provide quantitative and comprehensive indicators for EIP success, which can contribute to the success of industrial symbiosis on a global scale [43,76,77]. However, there are potential takeaways from the Chinese experience that can benefit the implementation of global eco-industry. A study on the national pilot practices in China question whether there may be confusion regarding the existence of two agencies, NPCEZP and NPEIPP, with separate pilot programs and further discusses the importance of operational guidelines and assessment strategies for these types of pro­ grams. There is no quantifiable evidence for the impact but this can be an area for future analysis to maximize the success of eco-industrial park [73]. Brazil: The role of EIPs in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has been heavily attributed to the degree of governmental support provided. A majority of the projects themselves were launched through formal legislation that aimed towards creating sustainable developments and therefore decreasing the overburden caused by unplanned development. The first official government initiative was the Sustainable Eco-Industrial Development Program (Rio ECOPOLO), established in 2002. This pro­ gram sought to halt the disorderly industrial settlement throughout Brazil. This program inspired support all around Rio, a financial incentive labeled as Economic and Social Development Fund (FUNDES), the Rio de Janeiro Environmental Protection Agency (FEEMA), the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), and private institutions such as the Rio de Janeiro Industrial Federation (FIRJAN) combined efforts to launch the first EIP pilot projects in the country. All of this progress began to unravel as a political change occurred, and the once supportive government abandoned the idea of EIPs. The EIP evolution continued at a disadvantage at three pilot projects due to the lack of public sector support, while the remaining two pilot projects achieved very little in the form of success. Without the continuing support of the public sector, especially the state and federal govern­ ments, the EIP initiative has not matured into the environmental plan­ ning strategy for sustainable development that was desired [78]. a significant number of the eco-industrial park projects have either failed or were abandoned after only a few years of lower than expected rates of success [79]. As previously discussed, this lack of success is largely located in the United States and can be caused by several different areas within the overall operation and design of the EIP. However, if eco-industrial parks are to become the standard way in which governments plan their industrial parks, the confidence in the longevity and efficiency of the project must be improved. Efforts are ongoing to increase the success rates of these EIPs, and one thoroughly researched area, in particular, involves the evaluation of EIPs utilizing ecological network analysis. This evaluation approach shows benefits for man-made interactive exchanges through knowledge obtained from evaluating natural exchange networks and promoting the cyclical exchanges [80–82]. Several case studies support the utilization of ecological network analysis (ENA) as a methodology to support the success of EIP implementations, by quantifying expected material flows to ensure producers can sustain consumers [12,83]. Due to the complexity of EIPs success, ecological network analysis alone is unable to ensure the desired success moving forward and a combination of innovative approaches are required. The most innovative methods to overcome the three identified dilemmas hindering EIP success in the United States are introduced and discussed. 5.1. Social methods for Eco-Industrial park success 5.1.1. Inter-firm relations For industrial symbiosis and in turn eco-industrial parks, economic benefits and regulatory requirements are the major pieces of encour­ agement for further development, while communication and trust among firm managers are both considered minor motivations [84]. However, EIPs require an amount of communication, trust, and coop­ eration to be fully effective and accomplish their goals. With this being said, the current interconnectivity dilemma (dilemma one) is difficult to remediate and achieve a proper amount of cooperation between the firms, correlating with outcomes lower than expected [85]. One of the main reasons for diminished interfirm relations is trust, a concerning issue is due to the desired competitive edge that companies try to retain. To remain competitive, companies can be unwilling to disclose their production process, therefore their input materials and more impor­ tantly their by-products that have the potential to be re-used; greatly 5. Discussion Eco-industrial parks have been considered a way of achieving sus­ tainable yet profitable industrial development [55]. In the past decades, 9 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 diminishing the efficiency of the EIP. On the opposite side of the spec­ trum, the over dependency on a by-product from a company within the EIP can have a major effect on the productivity and economic benefit. In this case, if business is slow for one industry, business could have the potential to be slow for every company within the EIP [49,50]. An eco-industrial park requires the full symbiosis of all firms within the industrial park, otherwise, the performance will be affected. For these relationships and cooperation to function as planned, a coordi­ nating body must be established that focuses on guaranteeing commit­ ment of all parties included, and heading information flows to enable enhance communication [86]. While also creating an awareness for each firms perspective and developing a sense of transparency, co-operation, and trust within the entity that aims to solve the interconnectivity dilemma (dilemma one) [87]. Inter-firm relations tend to be forgotten during the planning and design of EIPs, by taking these steps the effi­ ciency and productivity will have a better opportunity to succeed. consequences of EIP exchanges, agent-based modeling methodology allows for the simulation of an EIP and the application of previously established industrial of symbiosis indicators. This application informs the users of the effectiveness for the type of waste exchange and the effect on the overall symbiosis of the park; enabling the formation of resource exchange decisions by professionals with reduced supply un­ certainties (dilemma two) [95,96]. The same methodology can model the benefits of using an online information-sharing platform that com­ municates the waste supply from companies and the waste demand from others, with varying levels of sensitivity and business transparency. In doing so, companies can weigh the benefits from varying levels of in­ formation release to determine the optimal level of inter-firm trust [97]. Beyond the exchange of waste, agent-based modeling has been used to understand and simulate the development of inter-firm synergy through the social structure and dynamics of each individual firm [98]. 5.2.2. Optimization of Eco-Industrial park exchanges The optimization of the design and waste/byproduct exchanges within eco-industrial parks is noted as a reliable method to contribute towards sustainable industrial production. However, there is an absence in required complexity in the form of multi-objective mathematical models and social considerations thus far, which if accessible would increase comprehension of the benefits and negatives behind various waste and byproduct exchanges [99,100]. In past eco-industrial research, fuzzy optimization has been used to meet supply and demand dilemmas (dilemma two). An example of such optimization efforts is the fuzzy optimization of waste-to-energy network that enabled the satisfaction of demand and satisfaction of stakeholders [101]. Other fuzzy optimization models are utilized to determine the optimal exchange levels that aim to minimize both the consumption of resources and creation of waste. These mathematical models were able to optimize and allocate the environmental re­ sponsibility between the consumer and the producer in an attempt to establish minimized resource consumption and waste [102–104]. Overall, the expansion of optimization models and an increase in the complexity of the research would contribute towards the success of ecoindustrial parks. 5.1.2. Government backing and business interest Although there are examples where government-backed eco-indus­ trial parks have ended both in success and failure, the support and “topdown” approach can greatly ease the initial processes [88]. The EIP’s that have government support enable the stakeholders to accept the desired concept while reinterpreting this concept to provide a mean­ ingful understanding in their area of expertise, furthermore these stakeholders gain a leadership role in future projects. However, the idea of government support may not be a straightforward approach as it in­ cludes several difficulties, including specifically the implementation of different agencies policies and agendas, that can lead to ineffective governance (dilemma three). If government agencies lack the proper communication or cooperation, the variance in policy creates a competing atmosphere that allows the business to pick and choose be­ tween policies to satisfy their priorities [33]. Additionally, governments must be careful when adding or changing policies around an already functioning EIP. Regulations need to be flexible rather than concrete [42,89]. Policies can also be aimed at other aspects of environmental regulation, and while not being directed towards eco-industrial parks, it can have indirect benefits. An example of this is the European Union’s national waste strategy plans that are renewed every-four years. These plans have included taxes on both landfills and incineration since 1987, which indirectly encourages the re-utilization of waste [90]. Although there should be governmental support, the initiative for the eco-industrial park project should be taken by the involved companies themselves. In a past study, the comparative success between US and Dutch EIPs was conducted. The Dutch EIPs were concluded to be more successful with the main attribution to the success being that the Dutch EIPs were initiated by stakeholders, while the US mainly originated through different levels of the government [91]. Nonetheless, without the correct policies and actions by the government eco-industrial parks would struggle for success [62,92]. 5.2.3. Social network analysis as a tool for Eco-Industrial parks A social network analysis (SNA) is useful to maintain inter­ connectivity (dilemma one) by examining and quantifying the effec­ tiveness of the relationships within and between organizations that are a part of an industrial ecosystem [105,106]. Furthermore, a social network analysis clarifies the organizational framework of an entity, in this case an eco-industrial park, and reveals social causations for why eco-industrial parks perform at varying levels due to collaborations between entities. This type of analysis has been conducted on Kalund­ borg in an attempt to understand why the EIP is so successful and the full extent of the influence of the organizational framework [107,108]. In China, a social network analysis has been conducted for the Gujiao ecoindustrial park which exposes that the EIP is not utilizing the full extent of the potential synergies between firms due to a lack of interaction and communication. The results from this SNA suggest the establishment of an information platform, to enable the vital information flow between firms [109]. 5.2. Quantitative methods for Eco-Industrial park success 5.2.1. Agent-Based modeling of Eco-Industrial parks and industrial symbiosis The vital information flows and the overall design of eco-industrial parks can benefit from the application of agent-based modeling and analysis techniques [76]. These agent-based models can enhance the relationships and cooperation (dilemma one) required for eco-industrial park success that is dependent on the accuracy and updated information flows being communicated between firms [86]. In addition, agent-based modeling can be effectively used to understand the complex and adap­ tive systems that make up an eco-industrial park. This modeling type has been successfully employed to express and predict the evolution of ecoindustrial systems; allowing for a data-backed decision behind choosing to develop an EIP, or not, between a number of different sites [93,94]. Further, in an area with minimal real data behind the benefits and 5.3. Application of Non-competitive waste streams for successful EIPs in the United States The United States experiences the largest failure rate for ecoindustrial park implementation and based on the results of this research, the increased failure rate can be attributed to a lack of gov­ ernment support, ineffective material exchanges, and insufficient trust/ communication. These authors suggest a potential solution to the insufficient trust/ communication associated with the increased failure rate of EIPs in the 10 D.V. Perrucci et al. City and Environment Interactions 16 (2022) 100086 United States by proposing an EIP implementation focusing on noncompetitive waste streams that are associated with unsustainable and costly disposal. Construction waste is one example of these noncompetitive waste streams that can increase interaction between EIP firms (dilemma one) due to mutual value from exchanges. The higher associated cost of disposal for constructions waste’s association with higher disposal costs benefits the disposing firm, while the resource utilizing firm requires a reduced number of raw materials. This scenario of mutual benefit can increase willingness to interact and establish a level of trust through mutual prosperity. In addition, the exchanging firms may meet government initiatives for decreasing raw-material usage for sustainability goals (dilemma three); however, these results are not guaranteed and would not have a direct connection. (start-of-life) for a new product. These recycled products have various uses (e.g., pre-cast concrete, fill material, non-structural concrete), this EIP incorporates a pre-cast concrete plant for the consumption of highgrade recycled materials and a construction company to utilize the precasted material and the rubblized concrete from the recycler which is not sufficient for the new pre-casted products. Emerging technologies, like the C2CA (Concrete to Cement and Aggregate), can cost-effectively recycle high-volume concrete streams into prime grade aggregates and cement; therefore, reducing the amount of insufficient material for the pre-cast plant [111]. 6. Conclusions The necessity for successful implementations of eco-industrial parks will only continue to grow as concerns over the environment’s wellbeing prove persistent. The comprehensive overview of EIP details compiled in the study provides insight into the EIP attributes driving successful and unsuccessful efforts to date. The overview reveals the United States holds a significantly larger failure rate in comparison to other countries, however, the meta-analysis reveals they are one of the leading nations in published research for eco-industrial parks. The three failure points identified for the United States from the country analysis and the reviewed articles are governance, interconnectivity, and supply uncer­ tainty. The governance dilemma derives from an absence of govern­ mental and public backing that was found to exist during project failures. While government support is crucial in the initiation phase of EIPs, the level of continuous government involvement during operation can directly or indirectly (e.g., government policies or tax breaks vs increased pressure for social interaction and effective communication between EIP firms) lead to varying impacts based on geographic loca­ tion, and the associated culture, of the EIP. The interconnectivity dilemma for United States’ EIPs require effective communication and cooperation among stakeholders and firms involved in the EIP. Interfirm cooperation needs to be planned and given careful consideration as it may require more information disclosure than a traditional indus­ trial park would require. Quantitative methods such as optimization or agent-based modeling are discussed as solutions for inter-firm planning and effective exchanges but the utilization of non-competitive wastes (i. e., waste which is traditionally costly to dispose) is one non-quantitative method that can encourage effective communication and trust due to mutual benefit between partners. Moving forward, research and implementation of eco-industrial parks may make progress within exchange optimization, social network analyses and the utilization of simulation information from agent-based models to gain vital knowledge of the required symbiosis of eco-industrial parks to support management and success. 5.3.1. Potential of Non-competitive construction waste streams in EIP implementation Construction waste is globally prevalent with an estimated 11 billion tons of new construction and demolition waste annually, and approxi­ mately 5.5 to 7.7 billion tons is estimated to be concrete waste [110]. This production of concrete waste, and corresponding new concrete, is expected to continue as the end-of-life cycle begins for buildings built before the 1960 s (assuming and average 60-year design life) and climate-driven disaster events continue to cause building damage [111,112]. In addition to end-of-life waste, the production of concrete with raw materials has historically contributed over 8 % of global CO2emmisions from fossil fuels [111]. Therefore, concrete suffers with sustainability due to the required raw materials and lack of efficient endof-life disposal. To achieve desired levels of sustainability for concrete, the traditional and recycled concrete material flows are explored in Fig. 5. By comparing these material flows, the end-of-life and the inclusion of recycled components in the new construction become imperative for the successful re-utilization of rubblized concrete materials. The five most significant dilemmas for concrete recycling for the United States are identified as: A lack of government awareness and support, Place­ ment of recycling machines on construction sites, Industrial waste sorting procedure is costly, there is an imbalance of supply and demand on recycled products, and Transportation is costly from sites to recycling plants [110]. The bolded components of the recycled material flows in Fig. 5 can be incorporated into an EIP, similarly to the proposed configuration is proposed in Fig. 6. This eco-industrial park’s main material stream (i.e., concrete con­ struction waste) is provided by a demolition company that recovers the material from deconstructed building sites. This recovered concrete material is utilized in the EIP at a specialized concrete recycling plant, where end-of-life for the concrete material is transitioned to the cradle Fig. 5. Traditional vs Recycled Concrete Waste Material Flows. 11 D.V. Perrucci et al. 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