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MAR306 Enterprise Innovation & Markets Unit Guide

Enterprise Innovation Market Trimester 2 2022-2023
Enterprise Innovation Market (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
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MAR306 – Enterprise, Innovation &
Unit Guide
Trimester 2 2022-2023
Downloaded by BINH NGUYEN THI THU (binhnguyen.31211020083@st.ueh.edu.vn)
M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Huynh Quang Minh
Email: minh.huynh@isb.edu.vn
Ms. Nguyen Truong An
Address: B1.1411 - 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong
St. W5, D10, HCMC
Phone: (028) 3920 9999 (Ex: 305)
Email: an.nguyen@isb.edu.vn
Enterprise Innovation and Markets introduces students to key concepts, business models and issues
surrounding contemporary business. Students will develop an understanding of the private enterprise
system and business ownership, the implications of marketing and economics on market structure
together with managing innovation. Building on the foundation knowledge of the key principles of
markets, students will be able to transfer this knowledge into their subsequent study of specialist areas.
The unit also aims to develop students’ communication skills by working in teams to enhance their
literacy proficiency and enhance their critical thinking in preparation for the more advanced units of the
Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Explain contemporary enterprise practices in the marketplace.
Evaluate the competitive position of an enterprise in range of business contexts.
Examine the economic challenges facing contemporary enterprises.
Compare options for assessing business opportunities and innovative practice.
Critically analyse innovation in different enterprises.
In line with its focus on assuring students’ skills in unit learning outcomes 1-5 above, this unit is also
responsible for introducing/developing/assuring the following program-level learning outcomes
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Knowledge & Application
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Cultural Diversity
Solid understanding and competency of appropriate application of business disciplinespecific knowledge.
Competency in professional written and oral communication suited to multiple audiences and
Effective collaboration in teamwork or other tasks in organizational settings.
Critical thinking through appropriate observing, analyzing and reasoning, etc.
Effective and constructive problem solving.
An ethical perspective, including an understanding of the ethical responsibilities of
A global mindset, including an understanding of the different business settings, the ability to
identify foreign market potentials, to diagnose cross-cultural communication problems and
propose appropriate solutions.
6.1. Study Load
The classes are VERY interactive and STUDENTS WILL BE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE in the
class discussions. To do this, it’s important that students review all the relevant materials, some of
which will be given to the students as homework, whilst other content will be given to them in class as
preparation for the discussions. The students can learn a great deal from listening to other people’s
insights and views. As well as this method of learning, the course will also use in-class mini
presentations, assignments, and open discussions to do this.
A student is expected to study 04 credit hours per week in the class. Meanwhile, they students also have
to spend at least 08 credit hours per week for self-study and/or off-class group work.
6.2. Attendance
It is strongly recommended that students attend all scheduled learning activities to support their
6.3. Online learning requirements
Unit materials will be made available on the unit’s E-Learning site. Students are expected to consult Elearning at least twice a week, as all unit announcements will be made via the platform. Teaching and
learning materials will be regularly updated and posted online by the teaching team.
6.4. Feedback on assessments
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Feedback is an important part of the learning process that can improve your progress towards achieving
the learning outcomes. Feedback is any written or spoken response made in relation to academic work
such as an assessment task, a performance or product. It can be given to you by a teacher, an external
assessor or student peer, and may be given individually or to a group of students. At ISB, it is the
responsibility of all students to seek out and act on feedback that is provided as a resource for further
6.5. General submission requirements
Students must complete all assessments on the assigned dates including quizzes, mid-term test,
and final exam. If there are extenuating or unforeseen circumstances, students must follow the
school’s policies and procedures accordingly.
All students must complete assignments and strictly follow instructions on how to submit. The
students must keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.
If a student submits a late assessment without receiving a formal approval for an extension of
time (on the basis of an agreement between the school and the instructor), that one will be
penalized by 10% per day for up to 10 days. In other words, marks equal to 10% of the
assignment’s weight will be deducted from the mark awarded.
6.6. Special Requirements
Essential equipment: Not applicable
Legislative pre-requisites: Not applicable
The assessment items in this unit are designed to enable the students to demonstrate that they have
achieved the unit learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have
been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.
To pass this unit, the students must:
Complete all assessment items.
Achieve an overall mark of at least 50%.
Achieve the mandatory attendance threshold requirement of 80% of all classes, including
classes of Knowledge Review & Discussion delivered by Lecturer, and classes of Knowledge
Expansion & Application delivered by Senior Lecturer.
Complete all available assessment elements. An automatic Fail Non-Submission grade must be
awarded if any assessment task is not submitted/completed as per the details specified.
PLOs assessed
1. Portfolio (individual)
PLOs 1.1-1.7
2. Report (group)
PLOs 1.1-1.7
3. Final exam (individual)
PLOs 1.1-1.7
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
7.1. Assessment 1: Portfolio (individual)
Type of Collaboration:
Session 5 (Knowledge test 1), Session 8 (Knowledge test 2)
30 MCQs per Quiz, 2 Quizzes in total
35 minutes/quiz (online multiple-choice questions)
Take online quiz on Elearning.
It is recommended that students complete all available assessment elements to maximise marks for this
assessment item. Students will not, automatically fail the unit (receive a Fail Non-Submit grade) if
an element of this assessment is missed.
Online Knowledge Test 1
Due: Session 5
Opens 6.00am Vietnam local time on Monday 13/02/2023
Closes 11.59pm Vietnam local time on Friday 17/02/2023
A (35) minutes online multiple-choice knowledge test, available for completion via e-learning
system. The test contains (30) multiple-choice questions of equal value, dealing with chapters 1,
2, & 3. Multiple-choice questions, with varying degrees of difficulty (i.e. from easy to hard), are
randomly selected from an online test bank.
The test will appear at the above opening date/time. Students click on Assessment 1 - Portfolio
(30%) quiz 1.
1- Student is allowed only one (1) online attempt/submission. To regain additional online
you must email the Unit Coordinator. Late marking penalties will apply for any
attempt/submission made after the official closing date/time. Refer to the Learning Guide,
General Submission Requirements, read ‘Late Submission’ rule.
2- Once you start the online test, the test's (35) minutes will commence its countdown and you
must proceed to finish the test within the allowed time limit.
3- This test is very sensitive to your actions - do not treat the test as an online game! Test
could suddenly shut down or your screen could freeze until test's end time, if you violate the
test's protocols. Therefore, Don’t attempt the following:
 Answer questions in a non-sequential order.
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Downloaded by BINH NGUYEN THI THU (binhnguyen.31211020083@st.ueh.edu.vn)
M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
 Leave the test or the page unattended, explore other parts of the test while the test is
running, switch tabs, navigate out of the page, press the 'Back' button, close the browser,
press 'Refresh', or attempt the test using an 'Apple device or a Mac' computer.
 Any test's submission interruption will result in late marking penalties.
Online Knowledge Test 2
Due: Session 8
Opens 6.00am Vietnam local time on Monday 27/02/2023
Closes 11.59pm Vietnam local time on Friday 03/03/2023
A (35) minutes online multiple-choice knowledge test, available for completion via vUWS. Test
contains (30) multiple choice questions of equal value, dealing with chapters 4, 5, & 6.
Multiple-choice questions, with varying degrees of difficulty (i.e. from easy to hard), are
randomly selected from an online test bank.
The test will appear at the above opening date/time. Students click on Assessment 1 - Portfolio
(30%) quiz 2.
1- Student is allowed only one (1) online attempt/submission. To regain additional online
you must email the Unit Coordinator. Late marking penalties will apply for any
attempt/submission made after the official closing date/time. Refer to the Learning Guide,
General Submission Requirements, read ‘Late Submission’ rule.
2- Once you start the online test, the test's (35) minutes will commence its countdown and you
must proceed to finish the test within the allowed time limit.
3- This test is very sensitive to your actions - do not treat the test as an online game! Test
could suddenly shut down or your screen could freeze until test's end time, if you violate the
test's protocols. Therefore, Don’t attempt the following:
 Answer questions in a non-sequential order.
 Leave the test or the page unattended, explore other parts of the test while the test is
running, switch tabs, navigate out of the page, press the 'Back' button, close the browser,
press 'Refresh', or attempt the test using an 'Apple device or a Mac' computer.
Any test's submission interruption will result in late marking penalties.
7.2. Assessment 2: Report (group)
Type of Collaboration:
Session 13
Written report
3,500 words (+/- 10% is applicable; excluding reference list &
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Downloaded by BINH NGUYEN THI THU (binhnguyen.31211020083@st.ueh.edu.vn)
M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Report should be submitted on Elearning
The Entrepreneurship Report ‘ER’ project
Due: Session 13
Opens 6.00am Vietnam local time on Tuesday 21/03/2023
Closes 11.59pm Vietnam local time on Tuesday 21/03/2023.
Submission: Online submission, via e-learning system.
Length: 3,500 words
Curriculum mode: Report
The Entrepreneurship Report (ER) is an important team building project and a learning
component within the unit’s formative assessment framework.
It is necessary for each team to address various theoretical and conceptual domains sourced
from the unit’s prescribed textbook, i.e. chapters 1-11 and to take into practical considerations
critical elements of innovation, marketing, economics and entrepreneurship as they deal with
various aspects of this project.
Tutorial attendance is necessary in session (1) to brief students about the concept of team
dynamics. Thereafter, during tutorial session of session 2, students will be required to self-select
their team of about 4-6 members. Final team membership numbers will be determined by your
tutor. From session 2 onward, team members are prohibited from changing teams or down/up
sizing their team.
During session 2, every team is required to randomly draw, from a list of preassembled sets of
‘Brand name, & Product category’ currently operating in the Vietnamese marketplace. The
allocated set will form the basis of the report. Once the selection process is completed in session
2, no changes to team’s allocation or membership will be permitted. Limited, or no, support
could be extended if a student does not attend tutorial sessions for session 1 and session 2.
The task:
Assume you are a team of consulting entrepreneurs hired by a leading enterprise/brand to
critically examine, develop and launch a new innovation for their ’Product category’ within the
Vietnamese marketplace. Your new innovation must comply with one of the four (4)
’Dimensions of innovation’ model, see Chapter 1, table 1.5. Your team is required to prepare an
entrepreneurship report ’ER’ by completing the following six (6) tasks:
Task 1. Evaluation of current innovations: Critically evaluate any two current innovations
selected from your allocated ’Product category’ within the Vietnamese marketplace.
Hints: Apply theoretical/conceptual understanding from chapter 1. Critically evaluate & apply
any aspect/s of innovation, consider the source/s of innovation, identify and argue in favour of
the type of innovation, explore the dimensions of innovations, ...etc. You may compare and
contrast any two successful innovations, or one successful innovation versus one failed
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
innovation, ...etc. The aim is to illustrate good innovation insights and understanding of your
allocated ’Product category’ within theVietnamese marketplace.
Task 2. Current marketing analysis: Critically analyse the current marketing activities of your
allocated ’Brand’ and two of its competitors, within the same allocated ’Product category’ in the
Vietnamese marketplace.
Hints: Apply theoretical/conceptual understanding from chapters 3-5. Critically analyse current
marketing environment, construct and evaluate SWOT analyses, evaluate the three brands’
perceptual positions, identify target markets for each brand, critically analyse each brand’s
current application of their marketing mix, ...etc.
Task 3. Current microeconomics analysis: Critically analyse the current microeconomics
conditions facing the three brands (as per task 2) within the allocated ’Product category’ in the
Vietnamese marketplace.
Hints: Apply theoretical/conceptual understanding from chapters 6 & 8. Critically evaluate
current patterns of demand and supply, explain the factors causing shifts to left and right of
demand, apply same explanations to supply, analyse price elasticity of demand for each brand,
evaluate the various aspects of the current market structure of the ’Product category’ and its
consequence on the three brands, ...etc.
Task 4. Problem identification: Link your team’s research findings in tasks ’1-3’ to identify and
explain only one (1) problem facing your allocated brand’s ’Product category’ in the
Vietnamese marketplace.
Important: Team must conclude this task with a one (1) precise problem statement. It must be
linked to research findings in Tasks 1-3.
Hints: What has your team learnt, from your research in tasks 1-3, about your three brands and
the ’Product category’ in the Vietnamese marketplace? Is there a market gap or a missing
opportunity? An unmet demand from a specific market segment? If yes, then you must explain
& justify by relating it to your research effort.
Task 5. The new Innovation & Target market profile: Apply creativity to transform the (1)
problem, identified in Task 4, to one (1) new innovation for your allocated ’Product category’
and for one (1) profiled target market. Your new innovation must comply with one of the four
(4) ’Dimensions of innovation’ model, see Chapter 1, table 1.5.
Important: Team must conclude this task with a one (1) clearly presented innovation and one (1)
specific target market statement.
Hints: Apply theoretical/conceptual understanding from chapters 2, 1 & 4. Your problem
statement (see Task 4) needs to be dealt with. This is your opportunity to present and justify
your creative thoughts (ideas & opportunities) and conclude with a clearly developed and
justified one (1) new innovation in the same ’Product category’ - apply chapters 2 & 1. Also,
your innovation must be clearly linked to one (1) specific target market segment - apply chapter
Task 6. The new marketing mix strategy: Develop a marketing mix strategy to launch your
allocated brand’s new innovation in the Vietnamese marketplace.
Hints: Apply theoretical/conceptual understanding from chapters 4 & 5. Analyse and justify
your application of the marketing mix elements and tactics used to create the desired
positioning (a revised perceptual map would be very useful!) for your new innovation and for
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
its one (1) target market (see Task 5). Remember, marketing is about focusing on the target
market and not only on your innovation - your marketing strategy should highlight this
1- Do not assign one individual team member to work on one task from the above list of ER
tasks! As this is a team project, all team members MUST work together in completing one task
at a time in their sequential order as listed above. NO assistance of any kind will be given to a
team or an individual team member if found violating this critical rule.
2- Given the ER is a team project, any individual team member/s seeking tutor's advice with
any task/s will be directed to speak with their team members. Remember, ER is not an
individual report but a team report, thus individual team members must consult and assist each
3- If a team is seeking an ER project clarification, then the entire team must seek their tutor’s
4- Managing any aspect of the ER project, be it issues of neglect by team members, unexpected
problems arising from member/s behaviour/s, absence from meetings, lack of contribution, ...
etc. are shared responsibilities to be addressed or completed by other team members.
5- Team members and not your tutor or the unit coordinator, are held responsible for managing
and resolving ALL team issues. Your tutor or unit coordinator can only offer general advice, via
email or face to face, for consideration by team member/s.
6- All matters concerning team members' behaviours, be it positive or negative, must be
recorded in the ‘ER Team Peer Evaluation’ form by every team member
1- ER Writing Guidelines:
Your team is responsible for integrating various conceptual/theoretical materials, from chapters
1 to 11, in writing the Entrepreneurship Report. Please note the following:
The word count is 3,500 words (+/- 10%) inclusive of all In-text citations BUT not the list
of References.
Team can decide how many words to allocate to each of the six sections where word count
is applicable - see sections 5-10 in the Report Structure below.
Fonts is 'Arial' and font size is 12 with a single line spacing.
The application of Referencing is of critical importance when writing the ER project. The only
acceptable Referencing style is the APA Referencing style which is also a necessary
requirement within the report - see the ER marking grid. Referencing requires the dual
application of the following:
In-text citations
Reference List
2- Report Structure:
To assist in formatting the ER, please adhere to the following format:
1. Assignment cover page - Ensure team members write their full names, students
numbers and sign where applicable. (Not part of the word count)
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
2. Report title page (Not part of the word count)
3. Table of content (Not part of the word count)
4. Executive summary (Not part of the word count)
5. Evaluation of current innovations (word count)
6. Current marketing analysis (word count)
7. Current microeconomics analysis (word count)
8. Problem identification (word count)
9. The new innovation & Target market profile (word count)
10. The new marketing mix strategy (word count)
11. Reference list (Not part of the word count)
12. Appendices This section contains additional information, e.g. Tables, Charts,
Diagrams, … etc. (Not part of the word count)
7.3. Assessment 3: Final exam (individual)
Type of Collaboration:
During formal University examination period
Length: 2 hours
Curriculum mode: Final exam
The final examination is a two hour, closed-book examination held during the University’s formal final
exam period. There is no threshold mark in the final exam. Final examination will draw on material
selected from learning objectives of chapters 1-11 of the unit’s prescribed textbook.
Final examination paper is made up of two parts:
– Part A worth 30 marks and requires a student to answer any three out of five questions.
– Part B worth 10 marks and requires a student to answer twenty multiple choice questions.
Final examination questions could probe your learning and/or understanding about a particular concept,
model or theory. Conversely, questions may ask you to apply a concept, model or theory to a
hypothesized or real situation. Furthermore, some questions could resemble some of the activities
conducted during various tutorial sessions.
Two samples of past final exam questions together with additional final exam information will be made
available during the tutorial session of Week 12 and posted on vUWS. Past exam papers will not be
made available for review.
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
1- There is no threshold mark in the Final exam.
2- The ER ‘Team Peer Evaluation’ moderated mark is deemed as the final mark for the ER Report.
3- Before you receive your result for each piece of assessment they may be moderated. Moderation is a
process whereby the unit coordinator regulates the marking of individual markers to achieve
consistency in the application of unit objectives, performance standards and marking criteria. You
should note that, consistent with the Criteria and Standards Based Assessment policy, the final marks
for the cohort may be also adjusted if marks are very high or low or there are inconsistencies between
teams. Marks for an individual piece of assessment will not be changed after you have your moderated
Garlin, F, Hayek, J, Mariyani-Squire, E & Spanjaard, D (comp) 2018, 200911
Enterprise innovation and markets, 5th edn, John Wiley and Sons Australia Pty
Limited, Milton Queensland 4064, Australia.
d readings
Bansal, P & Hoffman, AJ (eds.) 2012, The Oxford handbook of business and the
natural environment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Bishop, J (ed.) 2012, The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in business
and enterprise, EarthScan, London, UK.
Username: UEHCMC2010
Password: thuvien0810
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Welcome to EIM & unit introduction.
Chapter 1:
Innovation: The
clever country
Chapter 1:
Chapter 1
Breaking the Ice: an intutorial competition!
Insights into Team development
innovation of
the allocated
Group presentation on the ER project
(outline of the reports and task 1) to get
comments and consulting from lecturer.
Chapter 2
The Entrepreneurship Report - project
briefing, team formation, etc
Chapter 2:
opportunities &
Chapter 3:
Marketing, the
environment and
market analysis
Chapter 4:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Elements of the
marketing mix
Chapter 6:
demand and
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 3
Profit, cost and
Chapter 7
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Chapter 8: Market Pre-read
Chapter 8
presentation on
ER project
ER project
draft reports
Presentation on the progress of the ER
project to get comments and consulting
from lecturer.
Chapter 9:
Entrepreneurs and Chapter 9
Chapter 10:
definition and
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:
Starting an
enterprise: the
Chapter 11
ER Report
Group presentation on the topic/real case
of the firms in Vietnam market relating to
from Vietnam
the entrepreneurship alternatives.
Chapter 11
Final exam
Unit reviewing
Final exam
10.1. Referencing
Student assignments are to contain original content created by the students. Assignments will be
rejected if they include plagiarized content or contain excessive amounts of quoted/cited material and
minimal original content. Students will receive a grade of ZERO (0%) for any assignments rejected for
this reason. Written assignments WILL BE checked by the lecturer with Turnitin.com, an online
plagiarism-checking tool.
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Furthermore, your reference to support your statements must be from a reliable source, such as
textbooks, additional reading materials, and reference books. However, many websites are not reliable
sources. Examples are Wikipedia.org, about.com, and ask.com. If you are not sure if a reference is
acceptable or not, please contact the lecturer.
Referencing & Citation
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th ed. will serve as the
primary reference materials for all students. Therefore, all papers must be submitted in APA format.
The mechanics of student papers and work will be evaluated, as well as the content.
10.2. Submission
Assignment cover sheet
All assignments are required to be submitted with an Assignment Cover Sheet.
Group assignments are to be submitted with a Group Assignment Cover Sheet as well as a Peer
Evaluation Form depending on the request of unit instructor.
Non-contributing team members can sometimes be an issue with group-work structured assessment.
Individual student group work scores may be adjusted as a result of peer dissatisfaction with a
particular student’s contribution to group work assignments, as reflected in submissions of the
evaluation form.
Assignment cover sheets and the evaluation form can be located on MyISB system
Students are advised to keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.
Submission style
Assignments are expected to achieve a professional standard:
Be typed, one and a half spaced, on A4 paper
Use a simple clear format, suitable for a report to senior management in a commercial organization.
Submission method
Soft copy: submitted electronically via E-learning system by 11:55 PM on the due date.
(Suggested title: A#_Student full name_Student ID, # is the number of the Assessment)
Hard copy: submitted to ISB Submission Box at the Reception Area or Faculty Office by the due date,
if required.
Late assignment and make-up policy
No late assignments will be accepted unless prior authorization granted by the Academic Department
based on a Special Consideration Application for assessment task extension.
Students must complete all assessments on the assigned dates including quizzes, mid-term test, and
final exam. If there are extenuating or unforeseen circumstances, students must follow the school’s
policies and procedures accordingly.
10.3. Attendance
Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of both mainstream blocks of Knowledge Review
& Discussion as well as Knowledge Expansion & Application.
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M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Other cases equating to an absence:
Arriving to class late by 15 minutes at the beginning,
Arriving late by 5 minutes after the break
Leaving prior to the scheduled end time without the permission of the lecturer
If you are unable to attend any session, please let your lecturer know AND submit a request for absence
form to program administrator prior to the session.
 IMPORTANT: Students will not be allowed to sit in the final examination if violating the above
absence rule.
Electronic device use
Cell phones will be turned off or switched to vibrate mode before class starts.
No phone calls or text messaging are allowed inside classroom during class time.
Portable listening and/or music devices may not be operated in the classroom.
Headphones and/or ear buds of any type may not be worn while in the classroom whether
operating or not.
Laptop and other electronic devices are not permitted unless specifically authorized by the
lecturer exclusively for note taking and doing class work.
 IMPORTANT: If you are in violation of these policies, you will be excused from class and an
absence will be assessed.
10.4. Email etiquette
Your Senior Lecturers and Lecturers receive many emails each day. In order to enable them to promptly
respond to your emails appropriately, students are asked to follow basic requirements of professional
Your emails should:
Have email’s subject
Have a concise and descriptive title, including the class and name of the unit you are enquiring
Be clear about the intention of their emails
Use appropriate tone and language, proof-read what is written in the email before sending it.
Students should also allow 3-4 working days for a response before following up. If the matter is
legitimately urgent, you may indicate “URGENT” in the email subject header.
Make an appointment: If your email request is complex and requires a lengthy response it may be
probably best to make an appointment with your lecturer/instructor to meet in person.
10.5. Student behavior guidelines
Everyone must behave professionally. Students are expected to demonstrate respect for teacher and
fellow students at all times. Behavior that is disruptive to a positive learning environment reported to
the teacher will result in a warning on the first instance; the second instance might result in a failing
grade along with expulsion from the school.
Unacceptable behaviors can be:
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Downloaded by BINH NGUYEN THI THU (binhnguyen.31211020083@st.ueh.edu.vn)
M A R 3 0 6 – E N T E R P R I S E , I N N O VAT I O N & M A R K E T S
TRIMESTER 2 2022-2023
Cheating on an exam
Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course
Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course
Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including
assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other
activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the
work is submitted or performed
First violation will result in a grade ZERO (0%) for that assignment.
Second violation will result in a failing course grade.
10.6. Disability support services
Students with disabilities are advised that accommodations and services are available at UEH-ISB. It is
the student's responsibility to contact UEH-ISB office and submit appropriate documentation prior to
receiving such services.
10.7. Additional information
This unit guide may be revised at the discretion of the Academic Department with approval from
Program Academic Director and School Academic Committee where appropriate.
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Downloaded by BINH NGUYEN THI THU (binhnguyen.31211020083@st.ueh.edu.vn)