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Bread Making Processes & Ingredients

Bread is a popular staple food throughout the world
There are many varieties of bread that differ according to the
ingredients and preparation methods used
The basic ingredients for bread making are flour, yeast, salt, and water
 Due to the increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating,
along with environmental issues nowadays,
breads containing whole grain, or other functional ingredients
are becoming increasingly available in the market
The qualities of bakery products rely on both formula and processing
Bread is produced mainly according to two methods:
the sponge and dough method and
the straight dough method
With technological innovations and
design of improvers, several
modifications of these methods have arisen
Sponge and dough process
One third or a half of the total amount of flour is mixed with part of
water and total amount of yeast
allowed to ferment for 3 to 20 h at 21°C to 27°C, depending on the
amount of yeast, consistency of the dough, temperature, and bread
After the first fermentation is ended, the remaining ingredients are
added and mixed to form the dough
The disadvantage of this process is that more bowls for the sponge and
more space are needed
Straight dough process
All ingredients are mixed together at the same time
The bulk fermentation lasts from 0.5 to 3 h, depending on the
quality of the flour,
yeast level, dough temperature, and variety of bread produced
The resulting breads have fine and uniform crumb structures, but
 lower volume and harder crumb than breads produced by
indirect methods
Straight dough process
Modification of this methods
the no-time method
refers to having no resting time or a short resting time of
 up to 30 min before dividing the bulk of the dough
requires high-intensity mixers and a larger quantity of yeast
 Eg. Chorleywood bread-making process
dough is prepared by high-speed mixing of all ingredients for 3
to 5 min
Chorleywood bread-making process
After a short resting time, the dough is conventionally
shaped, proofed, and baked
 Process is suitable for
 weak flours and produces bread of high quality with respect to
volume, color, and shelf life
 Large bakeries commonly use this method because
 it considerably reduces the cost and time of production
(1 to 2 h for completion)
Sourdough bread-Making process
Traditionally, a mixture of flour and water was fermented in several
refreshing stages with microbes originating from the flour
It is fermented for up to 24 or even 48 h at 22°C to 30°C until reaching
pH ≤ 4
Nowadays, the interest in sourdough has been renewed because of its
positive effects on
nutritive value, texture,
flavor, and the shelf life of bread
Continuous System
 The most common are the Do-Maker and Amflow systems
A liquid preferment or liquid sponge is prepared and fermented in
stainless steel tanks under controlled conditions for several hours
 Optionally, the fermented mixture is cooled by refrigerated coils
between the walls of the tanks until needed
 Preferment is mixed with other ingredients and then
pumped to a developer that kneads the dough at high speed
under pressure for 1 to 5 min
Continuous System
 Air can be injected into the developer
 There is no bulk fermentation, or if there is, it is achieved in the
 The dough is pumped from the developer into an integrated divider,
and then proofed and baked
 The bread produced by this method has a finer, more uniform
structure and more consistent quality compared with other systems
Raw materials
 It is the contributor of the proteins necessary for gluten formation
 The higher the protein content of a flour, the better is its ability to
 trap and retain carbon dioxide gas and the larger can be the
bread volume
 Protein quality also influences final product quality
 The higher the grade colour figure (GCF), ash or Branscan value,
the lower will be bread volume,
 because of the dilution effect on the functional protein content
Raw materials
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
 Wet Yeast –known as Cake Yeast, Fresh Yeast, or Compressed Yeast
 Dry Yeast – Sold as Active Dry and Instant Yeast
Yeast + carbohydrates = alcohol + CO2
 The yeast produces carbon dioxide gas to expand the dough
 A basic function is to contribute flavour but it also has an inhibiting
effect on the formation of gluten during mixing and on yeast activity
Sugar (sucrose)
Raw materials
 High levels of sugar inhibit yeast activity even though it is fermentable
 It also contribute to product sweetness and crust colour
 are used to improve the gas retention of dough and thereby increase
volume and softness
level used will vary according to the type of flour
Raw materials
 Too little and the dough will be firm and difficult to mould
 producing breads that have small volume and poor external
 Too much and the dough will be soft and also difficult to mould;
 it will flow in the prover and give poor-quality bread
 any ingredient added to ‘improve’ the breadmaking potential
of a given flour
ingredients used in improvers
 Oxidising agents to improve the gas retention abilities of the dough
 Reducing agents such as L-cysteine may be added to
‘weaken’ the dough structure
 reducing dough resistance to deformation it helps in moulding
and shape forming without structural damage
 Emulsifiers may be added to bread to improve its quality
 DATA (diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides) esters,
 sodium stearoyl lactylate,
 distilled monoglycerides and lecithins
Bread-making steps
Dough Mixing
 To uniformly incorporate all ingredients,
 To hydrate the flour and the other dry ingredients, and
 Air inclusion
 To develop the gluten via mechanical energy input
 In mixing water is absorbed by flour’s components
Bread-making steps
Dough Mixing
 The mixing speed and work input must be above a certain value to
 develop the gluten network and
 produce bread of satisfactory quality
 If the mixing energy is larger than the optimum,
 the dough becomes wetter;
 it starts to stick to trough walls and its gas-holding ability
 An optimum work input or mixing time varies depending on
 the mixer type, flour composition, and ingredients
Bread-making steps
Mixing time is influenced by
 Mixer design
 Water absorption of the flour
 Dough size in relation to mixer
 Amount of shortening
 Dough temperature
 Efficiency of cooling systems
 Quality of the flour
 Amount and type of reducing and
oxidizing agents
 Amount of milk solids and other
dry ingredients that compete for
the water
Bread-making steps
 Dough mixing affects dough rheology
Gas is occluded and concentrated in the liquid phase of dough only
during the mixing stage of bread making
 Oxygen and nitrogen gases present in the dough after mixing,
 but the oxygen is relatively quickly used up by the yeast cells
within the dough
 But nitrogen is remains entrapped, and it providing bubble
nuclei into which
 the CO2 produced later by yeast fermentation can
diffuse and cause dough expansion
Dough Mixing
 The production of a defined cellular structure in the bread depends
entirely on
 the creation of gas bubbles in the dough during mixing and
 their retention during subsequent processing
spiral mixer
Ribbon mixer
Bread-making steps
Dough dividing
 To generate the shape and size,
 the bulk dough has to be first divided from the mixer into
individual pieces and then shaped
 At optimum dividing accuracy with minimal compression
 The success of dividing depends on the homogeneity of the dough,
 which is largely determined by the distribution of gas bubbles
Bread-making steps
Dough is divided volumetrically with
 Piston dividing
 Extrusion dividing **
o Based on the ability to
 pump dough, usually by means of a helical screw
 density
o The dough is worked considerably and best suited to strong doughs
So use single-stage dividers
 directly from the hopper into the measuring chamber
where the dough volume is set and cut
Rounding and first moulding
 Modification of the shape of the divided dough piece to deliver a
uniform dough piece to the final moulder
 Mimics an action that carried out by hand in the craft bakery
 Mechanical moulding subjects the dough to stresses and strains and
 may lead to damage to the existing gas bubble structure present
 During rounding the dough piece is rotated on its axis between the two
inner surfaces of a V- or U-shaped trough
 Factor affecting rounders were rotational speed, angle of cone, angle
and shape of track, inclination of track and surface finishes
Rounder and moulder
Bread-making steps
Intermediate or first proving
 A period of rest between the work carried out by dividing and
rounding and before final shaping
 The length of time chosen for this process is related to the dough
rheology required for final moulding
 its elimination can lead to a reduction of loaf volume and an
increase in damage to the bubble structure in the dough
 The pocket-type prover is held in fixed frames round the proving
cabinet from charging to discharging stations
Bread-making steps
Final moulding
 To shape the dough to fit the product concept and to re-orientate the
cell structure
 Passage of the round dough piece through sets of parallel rolls moving
at high speed to reduce its thickness
 The dough pieces should have low resistance to deformation
and minimal elasticity;
 otherwise the high pressures required to change the
dough’s shape can cause loss of product quality
Indicate WAC and optimizing added water levels during mixing
Bread-making steps
Proving and retarding
 Proving is the practice of holding yeast based products under
controlled temperature and humidity conditions
 The temperature is designed to maximise yeast growth while
 the humidity is normally high to prevent the dough
forming a dry skin
 sometime referred to as fermentation
 During proof the starch from the flour is progressively converted into
dextrins and sugars by enzyme action
Bread-making steps
Proving and retarding
 Yeast feeds on the sugars to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol
 The carbon dioxide diffuses into the gas bubbles in the dough, causing
them to grow and the dough to expand
 Progressively the size of the gas bubbles increases
 Retarding is holding a dough at a low temperature,
 around a refrigerator temperature,
 to hold up the fermentation process
Bread-making steps
Proving and retarding
 Under retarding conditions
 the activity of the yeast is slowed but
 the activity of the flour amylase enzymes is reduced much
 Retarding can prevent a dough ‘‘going rotten’’
 as the action of the amylase breaks up so much starch that the
dough becomes sticky and unhandleable
 The ability of a dough to stand these conditions is referred to as its
 retarder is regarded as a life saver
 Is the process of weighing the dough out
To ensure that under-weight loaves do not leave the bakery
 Transform dough into a light, readily digestible and flavorful product
under the influence of heat
 Phenomena caused by oven heat includes
 expansion in volume, the formation of an enveloping crust,
 the inactivation of yeast and enzymatic activities,
 the coagulation of the flour protein, and
 partial gelatinization of flour starch, it absorb any free H2O
Types of oven include reel ovens, traveling tray ovens, tunnel ovens,
conveyorized ovens, rack ovens, etc.
 The selection of a particular type of oven is often based on the
following considerations:
 the bakery’s production volume,
 product varieties,
 plant space, and cost,
 Reel ovens are suited for low production volume at retail stores
 Larger production volumes, in industry or supermarkets,
traveling tray ovens
Evaluation of Bread Quality
 Quality parameters include
 density
 specific volume
 pH, water activity, color, and
 Texture------Crust and crumb----for
brown & Glossy Interior
 Proximate analysis
 Flavor