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Clinical Psychology: Disorders & Treatment

Unit 8 Clinical Psychology
Defining Psychological Disorders
*clinical psychologists” or “academic psychologists” are concerned with how psychological
disorders are defined and diagnosed, and what treatments are recommended for these disorders”*
Abnormal psychology: the study of people who suffer from psychological disorders.
Common characteristics of disorders:
1. Maladaptive (harmful)/ disturbing to the individual.
2. Disturbing others
3. Unusual, (not shared by many num of pop.)
4. Irrational (doesn’t make sense)
Insanity - to differentiate the people who can hold entirely responsible for their crimes (the
same) and those who can not (with psychological disorder). Ex: Not Guilty by Reason of
Insanity (NGRI)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) - book psychologist use to
determine mental disorders. (With symptoms ex_)
- Does not include much causes (etiology) or treatment, because diff perspectives argu.
- Psychoana (uncon conflic & tra. event) , behaviorist (history of reinforcement, env),
cognitive (harmful way of thinking), humanistic (failure to strive toward potential/feeling,
self-esteem/concept). Biosocial (dysfunctional society)
Categories of Disorders
Anxiety disorders
Phobia - an intense unwarranted⽆根据的 fear of a situation or an object.
1. Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces)
2. Agora 集会 phobia (fear of open, public spaces)
3. Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - experiences constant, low-level anxiety.
Panic disorder - suffers acute episodes of intense anxiety without any apparent
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physicaland related disorder)
Somatoform disorders 觉得⾃已有病障碍(somatic躯体的 symptom
*occur when a person manifests a psychological problem through a physiological symptom
Conversion 转变 disorder : report their concerns seriously but they’re fine
Dissociative disorder 解离症
- involve a disruption in conscious processes
1. Dissociative amnesia 解离遗忘症 - when a person cannot remember things and no
physiological basis for the disruption in memory can be identified
2. Organic amnesia - biologically induced
3. Dissociative identity disorder <multi-personality disorder> - when a person has
several personalities rather than one iterated personality. - childhood trauma/ abuse
4. Dissociative fugue: A subtype of dissociative amnesia in which patients construct new
identities and personal histories for themselves
Depressive disorders - experience extreme or inappropriate emotions
Major depressive disorder (Unipolar depression) - the common mood disorder, long
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - people experience depression but only during certain
times of the year, usually winter with less sunlight.
Aaron Beck - cognitive theorist, believed depression results from unreasonably negative
ideas that people have about themselves, their world, and their futures- Cognitive triad.
Martin Sligman : Learned helpnessness - when one’s prior experiences have caused that
person to view him/herself as unable to control aspects of the future that are controllable.
Bipolar 躁郁症 and Related Disorders (Manic Depression)
- involve feelings of high energy, some feel heightened sense of confidence and power,
others feel anxious and irritable. Appeared with depression.
Schizophrenic Disorders 精神分裂症
- symptom : disordered, distorted thinking demonstr. through delusions, hallucinations,
disorganized language, unusual affect, motor behavior. + Inappropriate effect
Positive symptoms = excesses in behavior, thought or mood.
Negative Symtoms = correspond to deficits such as flat affect or catatonia.
Neologisms 新词 - make up their own words
Clang Associations ⾳联 - string together a series of nonsense words that rhyme
Flat effect - consistently have no emotional response at all
Catatonia - motor problem, remain motionless in storage postures for hours at a time
with waxy flexibility
Delusions - beliefs that have no basis in reality Ex: win Nobel Prize
1. Delusions of persecution 迫害- belief that people are out to get you
2. Delusions of grandeur 壮丽 - belief that you enjoy greater power/influence
than you do
Hallucinations - perception in the absence of any sensory stimulation Ex: see my
name on newspaper headline
1. Dopamine hypothesis - high levels of dopamine cause Schizophrenic disor.
- to lower dopamine level, extensive use of drugs could cause tardive dyskinesia
异动症 - muscle tremor颤抖 and stiffness
2. Enlarged brain ventricles, or genetic relationship - biological basis
3. Double binds捆 - when a person is given contradictory messages Ex: mom tells to
un but also ask why there’s no friends near .
always study
4. Diathesis-stress model 素质-应激模型 - enviro. stressors can provide the circum.
Under which a biological predisposition for illness can express itself
Personality Disorders - inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair消弱 social
1. Antisocial personality disorder - have little regard for other people’s feelings. View the
world as a hostile place where people need to look out for themselves.
2. Dependent personality disorder - rely too much on the attention and help of others
3. Paranoid personality disorder 被害妄想 - feel persecuted
4. Narcissistic personality disorder - seeing oneself as the center of the universe
5. Histrionic personality disorder 柔弱娇做(drama) - over dramatic behavior (histrionics)
6. Obsessive - compulsive personality disorder - overly concerned with certain
thoughts. And perform certain behaviors, but not to the extent as OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - when persistent, unwanted thoughts
(obsessions) cause someone to feel the need (compulsion) to engage in a particular action
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - involves flashbacks or nightmares following a
person’s involvement in or observation of an extremely troubling event such as a war or
natural disaster.
Paraphilias / psychosexual disorders - sexual attraction to an object, a person, or an
activity not usually seen as sexual. pedophilia - attraction to children/ Zoophilia- to
animals/ Fetishism - to objects, (shoes.
Voyeur- people who sexually aroused by watching others engage in sexual behavior
masochist- aroused by having pain inflicted upon him or her
sadist- aroused by inflicting pain on someone else is a. Interestingly
Feeding and eating disorders
anorexia nervosa 神经性厌⻝症- a form of self- starvation loseweight
bulimia - a fear of food and fat and a distorted body image. But doesn’t lose much weight.
binge-eating disorder - involves eating very large quantities of food in a short time while
experiencing feelings of loss of control.
Substance-related and addictive disorders - a diagnosis made when the use of such
substances or behaviors like gambling regularly negatively affects a person’s life.
Neurodevelopmental disorders- deal with deviations from typical social development.
autism spectrum disorder - seek out less social and emotional contact than do other
children. tend to be hypersensitive ⾼度灵敏to sensory stimulation, exhibit intense interest
in objects not viewed as interesting by most (rubber bands) ; engage in simple, repetitive
behaviors (e.g., flipping things).
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 多动症 - have difficulty paying attention
or sitting still.
Alzheimer’s disease - form of dementia, a deterioration of cognitive abilities, often seen
most dramatically in memory.
The David Rosenhan Study: The Influence of Labels
David Rosenhan - psychologists who gathered a bunch of people and all reported the
symptoms of Schizophrenia, get into the hospital, behaves normally, but all behaviors are
interpreted as a sign of the disorder
Unit 8 Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Trephining - early treatment that was supposed to let harmful spirits escape, 头上钻孔
Hippocrates & Galen - biological causes
eat puke
Disinstitutionalization 去机构化 - a phenomenon that more people were released from
mental institutions because of the development of drugs, save money/ Drawback: former
patients unable to care for themselves. Some ended up homeless and delusional. Schiz.
Preventative efforts - if psy prob. can be treated proactively 先发制⼈的, or before they
become severe, the suffering of the client as well as the cost of providing care can be
1. Primary prevention - efforts attempt to reduce the incidence of societal prob.
joblessness/homelessness that can give rise to mental health issues.
2. Secondary prevention - involv. working with people at-risk of developing
specific prob. Ex: counseling people lived in area that has experienced trauma
3. Tertiary prevention - aim to keep people’s mental health issues from becoming
more severe. Ex: work with earthquake survivor who already suffered disorder.
Types of Therapy
Psychotherapy treatment + somatic躯体的 treatment (drugs) Patients + clients
Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
*Symptoms are outer manifestation of deeper problems*
Symptom substitution - after a person is successfully treated for one psychological
disorder, that person begins to experience a new psychological problem.
Hypnosis , Free associate - say waterer comes to mind without thinking, dream analysis
*all of these tech. rely heavily on interpretations of therapist.*
Manifest content - want
ha the patient reports about their dream.
Latent (/hidden) content - revealed only as a result of the therapist’s interpretative work.
Resistance - when patients disagree with their therapists’ interpretations, aremu
seen as a
sign of resistance. The blocking from consciousness of anxiety -laden material.
Transference - patients begin to have strong feelings toward their therapists during ther. A
further technique to reveal the source of the problem.
Psychodynamic - see unconscious as an important element to understanding a person’s
difficulties, but are more likely to use a variety of techniques associated with other perspec.
Insight therapies - highlight the importance of the patients/clients gaining an understand.
of their problems.
patients sentences
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Humanistic therapies (support, goal, self-actualize: active listening)
Free will - belief that peop. with it are capable of controlling their own destinies.
Determinism - opposite belief. holds that people have no influence over what happens to
them and that their choices are predetermined by forces outside of their control.
Carl Rogers: client-centered therapy (person-centered therapy) non-directive
Unconditional positive regard - blanket acceptance and support of a person regardless of
what s/he says or does.
Gestalt therapy - Fritz Perls: want their clients to integrate all of their actions, feelings, and
thoughts into a harmonious whole. stress the importance of the present
Essential therapies - humanistic therapies that focus on helping clients achieve a
subjectively meaningful perception of their lives. - help them formulate a vision of their lives
as worthwhile. Clients diff. Cause by lost/fail to develop level purpose
Behavioral therapies
UupResponse Pleasantstimu Plea
Counterconditioning - Mary Cover Jones (classical cond) - unpleasant conditioned
response is replaces with a pleasant one. Ex: bring toys when kid go in hospital.
Systematic desensitization - Joseph Wolpe : teaching client to relate the feelings of
anxiety with relaxation. 1. Relax 2.Anxiety hierarchy 3. Covert desensitization /
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Cognitive Therapies (attributional style) dad howeverattribute
Aaron Beck - cognitive therapy, often seen in depression. Explained by Cognitive triad
(beliefs about themselves, worlds, futures)
Expose confront
impolsion (imagine fear-inducing stimuli) 4. Vivo desensitization (client confronts the
actual feared objects or situations)
Flooding - having client address most frightening scenario first.
Aversive conditioning - involves pairing a habit a person wishes to break (eg, smoking)
with an unpleasant stimulus (eg. Electric shock)
Token economy - desired behaviors are identified and rewarded with tokens代币. - operant
conditioning, BF S
41 1
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( CBT ) - combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) - Alter Ellis ,look to expose and confront the
dysfunctional thoughts of their clients. occurs not just on how and what clients think but
also on what they do. Often challenge people’s irrational, self-defeating attitudes and
assumptions.Ex: give assignments, speak to public, realize no damage, cured
Group Therapy (family therapy, self-study groups )
Somatic therapies - see cause of psycho. disorders in organic causes (hormones…)
Psychopharmacology (Chemotherapy化学疗法) - drug therapy
1. antipsychotic drugs (Thorazine / Risperdal / Haldol) for Schizophrenia - side effect
tardive dyskinesia (类似帕⾦森)
2. Treat unipolar depression - tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase (MAO)
inhibitors, and serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor (most notably Prozac). All can
increase the activity of serotonin
3. Lithium- used to treat the manic phase of bipolar disorder.
4. Antianxiety drugs - barbiturates ( depressants - Miltown, benzodiazepines /Xanax,
Valium/ ) Paxil - depression and anxiety
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
1. Unilateral ECT- run current through only one hemisphere
2. Bilateral - both. Side effect is loss of memory. But more effective
Psychosurgery - involves purposeful destruction of part of the brain to alter a person’s
behavior. Ex: early psychosurgery Prefrontal lobotomy - an operation involved cutting the
main neurons leading to the frontal lobe of brain. Last resort, bc debate.
Eclectic therapies - therapeutic orientations can be combined in effective ways.
Kinds of Therapists
Psychiatrists - medical doctors, the only therapists permitted to prescribe medication in
most U.S. states.
Clinical psychologists - earn doctoral degrees (PhDs) with four or more years of study.
training involves an internship during being overseen by a more experienced professional.
Counseling therapists - help people whose problems are less severe than those that bring
people to clinical psychologists.
Psychoanalysts - people specifically trained in Freudian methods. They may or may not
hold medical degrees.
Rumination 沉思- compulsive fretting烦躁的; overthinking about out problems and their
causes , leads to depression.
Rumination theory - the tendency to keep focusing on one's feelings when depressed and
to consider repeatedly the causes and consequences of that depression (social cognitive)
Chronic Schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia in which symptoms usually appear by late
adolescence or early adulthood. As people age, psychotic episodes last longer and
recovery periods shorten
Acute Schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia that can begin at any age, frequently occurs
in response to an emotionally traumatic event, and has extended recovery periods
Illness anxiety disorder - A disorder in which a person interprets normal physical sensations
as symptoms of a disease. (hypochondriac疑病症患者). 把感受到的感觉当作病的症状
Coversion disorder- 不存在的感觉跟症状
Insight therapy - therapies that aim to improve psychological functioning and increase
client's awareness of underlying motives and defenses.
Medical model - view of mental illness as due to a physical disorder requiring medical
transcranial electrical stimulation经颅电刺激 - administers a weak current to the
Deep brain stimulation - electrical stimulation applied through surgically implanted
electrodes; used to treat some anxiety and mood disorders
Resilience 恢复⼒ - the personal strength that helps most people cope with stress
and recover from adversity and even trauma
EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) - A psychotherapy in which the
patient recalls a traumatic event while undergoing bilateral stimulation, such as moving their
eyes from side to side or listening to tones delivered to one ear and then the other, in order
to reduce anxiety.
Schizotypal personality disorder - eccentric / intense discomfort for social relationships
Schizoid personality disorder - avoid social activities