Parts of Speech posters These parts of speech posters can help remind learners of the roles of nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Display them or use them with a small group. TWO sizes are included in color & blackline! Read about them @ Fonts & Clip art by: © Terms of Use: This printable pack was created for you to use at home with your child(ren)/student(s) or with multiple children in your classroom or tutoring setting. Please do not share between classroom teachers, sell, host, reproduce, giveaway, or store on any other site (including a blog, Facebook, 4Shared, Dropbox, Amazon Inspire, etc.). Thank you! You May also Like Click on the images to see the resources. Let’s Connect! Blog: Subscribe to my Newsletter: HERE TpT: /This-Reading-Mama Facebook: /thisreadingmama Pinterest: /thisreadingmama Twitter: @thisreadingmama Email: © Color Cards © Noun person place animal thing idea a girl the store a cat my shoe in love Verb an action word He jumps up and down. She ate her lunch. a state of being I am happy. They are big. Adjective how many five ducks 5 senses foul odor Shiny car sweet drink bumpy road loud bird which one that book Pronoun takes the place of a noun Pete went to school. He went to school. I gave the book to Sue. I gave it to Sue. Adverb how? loudly kindly fast quietly where? here there inside outside when? or every day how often? now Preposition indicates a location or a relationship / used to start a prepositional phrase I sat under the tree. The mail is in the mailbox. Let’s meet after the show. Conjunction connecting words that join words, phrases, or sentences F or A nd N or B ut Or Y et So Interjection a word or phrase that expresses emotion Ouch! That hurt! Oh no! She dropped it. Eeek! I’m so excited! I am happy. They are big. a state of being He jumps up and down. She ate her lunch. an action word Verb a cat animal idea in love my shoe the store place thing a girl person Noun I gave the book to Sue. I gave it to Sue. Pete went to school. He went to school. takes the place of a noun which one that book bumpy road loud bird sweet drink foul odor 5 senses Shiny car five ducks how many Pronoun Adjective Let’s meet after the show. The mail is in the mailbox. I sat under the tree. when? or every day how often? now inside outside here there fast quietly loudly kindly where? how? indicates a location or a relationship / used to start a prepositional phrase Adverb Preposition Eeek! I’m so excited! Oh no! She dropped it. Ouch! That hurt! a word or phrase that expresses emotion Interjection F or A nd N or B ut Or Y et So connecting words that join words, phrases, or sentences Conjunction Blackline Cards © Noun person place animal thing idea a girl the store a cat my shoe in love Verb action word He jumps up and down. She ate her lunch. state of being I am happy. They are strong. Adjective how many five ducks use 5 senses Shiny car sweet drink bumpy road which one loud bird that book Pronoun takes the place of a noun Pete went to school. He went to school. I gave the book to Sue. I gave it to Sue. Adverb how? loudly fast where? inside kindly quietly here there outside when? or every day how often? now Preposition indicates a location or a relationship / used to start a prepositional phrase I sat under the tree. The mail is in the mailbox. Let’s meet after the show. Conjunction connecting words that join words, phrases, or sentences F or A nd N or B ut Or Y et So Interjection a word or phrase that expresses emotion Ouch! That hurt! Oh no! She dropped it. Eeek! I’m so excited! I am happy. They are big. a state of being He jumps up and down. She ate her lunch. an action word Verb a cat animal idea in love my shoe the store place thing a girl person Noun I gave the book to Sue. I gave it to Sue. Pete went to school. He went to school. takes the place of a noun which one that book bumpy road loud bird sweet drink foul odor 5 senses Shiny car five ducks how many Pronoun Adjective Let’s meet after the show. The mail is in the mailbox. I sat under the tree. when? or every day how often? now inside outside here there fast quietly loudly kindly where? how? indicates a location or a relationship / used to start a prepositional phrase Adverb Preposition Eeek! I’m so excited! Oh no! She dropped it. Ouch! That hurt! a word or phrase that expresses emotion Interjection F or A nd N or B ut Or Y et So connecting words that join words, phrases, or sentences Conjunction