NERC Standard The bulk power system will achieve an adequate level of reliability when it is planned and operated such that: Introduction to Power System Stability 1. 2. Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi Department of Electrical Engineering University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Email: 3. 4. 5. ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 1 NERC Standard The System remains within acceptable limits; The System performs acceptably after credible contingencies; The System contains (limit) instability and cascading outages; The System’s facilities are protected from severe damage; and The System’s integrity can be restored if it is lost. ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 2 System Operating Limit (SOL) • “Reliable Operation means operating the elements of the Bulk-Power System within equipment and electric system thermal, voltage, and stability limits so that instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading failures of such system will not occur as a result of sudden disturbance, including a Cybersecurity Incident, or unanticipated failure of system elements.” • MW, MVar, Amperes, Frequency or Volts that satisfies the most limiting of the operating criteria for a specified system configuration to ensure operation within acceptable reliability criteria • This is a security measure • NERC standard is for dynamic performance requirements – Security – Stability ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 3 Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL) 4 SOL and IROL • Following a contingency or other system event that cause the system to operate outside set reliability boundaries, Transmission Operators (TO) are obligated to return its transmission system to within SOL or IROL as soon as possible. • IROL is a SOL that, if violated, could lead to instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading outages that adversely impact the reliability of the bulk power system. • This is a stability measure ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 5 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 6 1 What is stability? Stability • During fault, and right after the fault is cleared, the power system stability is determined by the capabilities of its generators to • Is the ability of the system to achieve steady state operating condition after a disturbance – All oscillations are damped out – maintain connected to the grid – provide the extra reactive power – provide fast ramping down of real power f • Generators are permitted to trip off line only in the case of a permanent fault on a directly connected circuit 60Hz Time ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 7 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Balance of power in Generators What is security? Pm • If the system is stable after a disturbance, the system is secure if all its key components are operating within their design limits 9 Turbine Speed and Imbalance of Power Pe Pm G Pm Pe ~ if Pm Pe ; dn 0 dt G Mechanical Power Controlled at the power plant At steady state ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 8 dn dt n ns ; constant rotor speed Pe Electrical Power Controlled by the customers Pm = Pe ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 10 Turbine Speed and System Frequency f p n 120 f: The frequency of the terminal voltage of the generator p: The number of poles of the generator n: The speed of the generator (turbine) if Pm Pe ; n ns if Pm Pe ; n ns ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 11 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 12 2 If Pm>Pe Pm G If Pm<Pe Pe Pm • The surplus energy is stored in the rotating mass of the generator in the form of kinetic energy – The machine speeds up (frequency increases) – The current inside the machine increases – Over-speed and over-current protections will eventually trip the machine ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Pe • The deficit in energy is drawn from the kinetic energy of the rotating mass of the generator – The machine initially slows down (frequency decreases) – If not corrected, the machine could operate as a motor – Machine is tripped to prevent mechanical damages 13 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Transient Stability Analysis 14 Unstable System • Transient stability analysis determines whether the generator, after a disturbance, reaches a new stable operating point. – The input mechanical power of the generator is equal to the output electric power, and – The frequency of the generator is the same as the frequency of the system before the disturbance (i.e. the generator speed is the same as the prefault synchronous speed) ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington G 15 n (f) ns=60Hz ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Unstable System 16 Stable System n (f) n (f) ns=60Hz ns=60Hz Time ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Time 17 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 18 3 Power Generation • 99+ % of all power are generated by the synchronous generators • Synchronous machines can operate as generators or motors Synchronous Generator El-Sharkawi@University of Washington El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 21 El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 20 22 Small Synchronous Machine El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 23 El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 24 4 a a b X c f b N X N X c Vaa’ Vbb’ Vcc’ X Time c X 25 El-Sharkawi@University of Washington If b X Rotor Stator f c S b S El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 26 Equivalent Circuit Open Stator R Xs N s Vf Ef Vt Ef S Ef ~ E f is directly proportional to the excitation current df dt X s Synchronous Re ac tan ce R Armature Re sis tan ce If The frequency of E f is proportional to the synchronous speed R X s s El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 27 El-Sharkawi@University of Washington Generator Equivalent Circuit Generator Equivalent Circuit Xs Xs Ia Ia Ef Ef Vt Ia Vt is Fixed (infinite Bus) Ef is function of If Magnitude and phase of Ia are dependant variables E f Vt I a X s El-Sharkawi@University of Washington Ia Xs Vt Vt Ef 28 29 E f Vt I a X s El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 30 5 Power equations f Xs Power equation t Ef Ia Ia Xs Ef Vt Ia I a cos Vt I a X s cos E f sin Ef E f sin Xs Vt Ia I a Xs P 3 Vt I a cos P 3 Vt I a cos P Vt and Ef are phase quantities Qt 3 Vt I a sin 31 El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 3 Vt E f sin Xs 32 El-Sharkawi@University of Washington Power Characteristics of Generator X s Reactive Power equations Ef Ia Ia Xs Ef Xs t Vt Ef P Ia P 3 Vt E f sin Xs Pmax 90 o Ia Vt 3 Vt E f I a Xs Vt Ia Vt Qt 3 Vt I a sin I a X s sin E f cos Vt Xs El-Sharkawi@University of Washington Ef P max l f 33 Vt and Ef are phase quantities El-Sharkawi@University of Washington 34 A Synchronous Generator Connected to Large System Qt 3 Vt I a sin I a X s sin E f cos Vt Qt 3 Vt I a sin 3Vt E f cos Vt Xs If Ef cos > Vt ; Qt is positive and Current is lagging If Ef cos < Vt ; Qt is negative and Current is leading If Ef cos = Vt ; Qt is zero and Current is in phase El-Sharkawi@University of Washington Ef Vt G V Transmission line Terminal bus V and f may vary 35 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Infinite bus V and f cannot vary 36 6 Power Equation X = Xs+Xline P I Pmax Ef Ef P V V Ef sin X Pm V P Power Characteristics of Generator Ef V sin Real Power X V Q E f cos V Reactive Power X ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 37 90o ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Maximum Power 38 Operating Point P P P Pmax Pm Ef Pm Ef V X sin Operating point V l 90 o Phasor Diagram at Pmax ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 39 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 40 Generation Limit • The generator must generate less than the Pmax (called pull-out power). • The difference between Pmax and the actual power generated is the generation margin. • The generation margin must be positive and large enough to ensure the dynamic stability of the system. ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Dynamic Stability Assessment (DSA) 41 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 42 7 Phasor diagram Objective of DSA X • Dynamic stability analysis determines whether the system, after a disturbance, reaches a new stable operating point. I – The input mechanical power of the generator is equal to the output electric power – The frequencies of the generator is the same as the frequency of the system (i.e. the generator speed is the synchronous speed) – All voltages and currents are within the allowable limits ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 43 Rotation of Phasor Diagram fg is the frequency of the generator Rotor Ef Ef Ef ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington fg V f is the frequency at the infinite bus ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 45 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Pm • If the frequency of the generator (fg) is 60 Hz (or 50 Hz), the speed of the generator’s shaft is called synchronous speed (ns). ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 46 Power Control Frequency/Speed Relationship p ns 120 p 50 ns 120 p n 120 p is the number of magnetic poles of the generator Infinite bus 60 44 • The frequency (fg) of the generator’s voltage is proportional to the speed of the generator’s shaft (n). f 60 or 50 Hz fg V I Frequency/Speed Relationship fg I X V p n 120 G if Pm P; dn 0 dt P Pm P ~ dn dt n ns ; constant rotor speed if Pm P; n increases if Pm P; n decreases in 60 Hz system in 50 Hz system 47 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 48 8 Power Control • When more power is needed, the generator speed increases (n>ns) by increasing the mechanical power into the generator – The frequency of the generator increases (fg>f ) – The angle increases – The current of the machine increases fg f Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power P at t2 3 2 Pm2 I2 X Pm1 fg f Ef 2 1 at t1 I1 X Ef f 1 – Hence, the power increases V ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 49 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power 2 3 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 50 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power P P 2 Pm2 Pm1 1 Pm1 1 2 Operating point Powers Acceleratio n Rotor Speed Power angle Operating point Powers Acceleratio n Rotor Speed Power angle 1 Before disturbance Pm1= Pe 0 n = ns 1 1 to 2 After increasing Pm Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) n > ns ↑ ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 51 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power P P 2 2 Pm2 Pm1 52 Pm2 1 Pm1 2 Operating point Powers Acceleratio n 2 Pm2 = Pe 0 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 1 2 Rotor Speed Power angle Operating point Powers Acceleratio n Rotor Speed Power angle n > ns 2 After 2 Pm2 < Pe - (n↓) n > ns ↑ 53 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 54 9 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power P P 3 3 2 2 Pm2 Pm1 Pm2 1 Pm1 2 3 Operating point Powers Acceleratio n 3 Pm2 < Pe - (n↓) 1 Rotor Speed Power angle Operating point n = ns 3 3 to 2 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 55 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power 2 Powers Rotor Speed Power angle Pm2 < Pe - (n↓) n < ns ↓ ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 56 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power P P 3 3 2 2 Pm2 Pm1 3 Acceleratio n Pm2 1 Pm1 2 3 1 2 3 Operating point Powers Acceleratio n Rotor Speed Power angle Operating point Powers Acceleratio n Rotor Speed Power angle 2 Pm2 = Pe 0 n < ns 2 2 to 1 Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) n < ns ↓ ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 57 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 58 Swings due to Sudden increase in Mechanical Power P P 3 2 2 Pm2 Pm1 Pm2 1 Pm1 2 3 Operating point Powers Acceleratio n 1 Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Rotor Speed n = ns 1 2 Power angle Operating point Powers Acceleratio n Rotor Speed Power angle 1 1 to 2 Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) n > ns ↑ 59 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 60 10 Summary Operating point Powers Acceleration Rotor Speed Power angle 1 Before disturbance Pm1= Pe 0 n = ns 1 Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) n > ns ↑ 2 Pm2 = Pe 0 n > ns 2 2 to 3 Pm2 < Pe - (n↓) n > ns ↑ 3 Pm2 < Pe - (n↓) n = ns 3 3 to 2 Pm2 < Pe - (n↓) n < ns ↓ 2 Pm2 = Pe 0 n < ns 2 2 to 1 Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) n < ns ↓ 1 Pm2 > Pe + (n↑) n = ns 1 to 2 After Pm increased Swing Angle 3 2 1 dt 1 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Time Pm P ~ dn 61 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Damped Oscillations (Stable) 62 Damped Oscillations (Stable) 3 • Damping is due to several factors such as 2 – Resistances of the various power system components – Controllers installed in the power plants 1 Pm P M dn D n Time dt ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 63 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Undamped Oscillation (Unstable) 64 Effect of Excitation P E f2 3 E f1 2 Pm 1 P E f2 > E f1 Pm P M dn D n Time 2 When D is negative dt ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 65 1 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington V Ef X sin 66 11 Effect of Increasing Excitation Increase transmission Capacity P • The maximum power that CAN be delivered increases • The real power is unchanged (Pm unchanged) • The power angle decreases Xs Pm Vt V Ef sin X Vo Xl G Terminal bus ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 67 Infinite bus ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Xs Pm 68 Vt V Xl G Xl1 Xs Xl2 Ia Ef ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington P 69 P1 Pm 1 2 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington V Ef X 70 Dynamic Stability Assessment (DSA) • DSA Methods V Ef sin ( X s Xl ) P V ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington V Ef sin ( X s 0.5 X l ) P2 Vt sin • • • • • Time-domain solution Energy Margin Equal area Eigenvalues Pattern Recognition 71 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 72 12 • Time domain methods seek to set up and solve a set of differential equations that describe the motion of the machines connected to the system • Advantage: Frequency Time Domain Solution Frequency Time Domain Solution – Direct numerical integration can provide accurate information on the stability of the system. • Disadvantage: Time Time – The numerical integration is performed in each time interval; time consuming and slow ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Unstable System 73 Time Domain Solution ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 74 Equal Area Criterion Frequency • A DSA method that represents the kinetic energy gained or lost due to oscillations. • If the deceleration energy is equal or larger than the acceleration energy, the system is stable. Time Stable System ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 75 Equal Area Criterion • Assume a sudden increase in the mechanical energy to the generator – The speed of the machines increases from n1 to n2 KE ~ n 2 P 3 Change in Kinetic Energy KE 2 Pm2 Pm1 KE ~ n 76 Equal Area Criterion • Kinetic Energy KE ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 1 2 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 77 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 2 3 78 13 Stability Condition Analysis of Equal Area Criterion • Acceleration Kinetic Energy KEa KE a KE 2 KE1 ~ n22 n12 Decelerated Kinetic Energy KEd KE d KE 2 KE 3 ~ n22 n32 n 2 2 P 3 2 n32 n22 n12 Pm1 Pm1 n3 n1 1 2 3 1 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 79 Since n1 ns Hence n3 ns KEd KEa 2 3 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Equal Area Criterion 80 Equal Area Criterion Since Since n ns Pm P power unbalance Then d n dt Then 1 2 Pm 2 P d KEa n 1 t2 Pm 2 P dt KEa t1 t3 1 3 P Pm 2 d KEd n 2 P Pm 2 dt KEd t2 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 81 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington P Since n constant Aa 3 2 Pm2 KE a KE d For stable System Aa = Ad Ad 2 3 1 2 Pm1 Pm 2 P d P Pm 2 d Acceleration area Deceleration area 1 Aa Ad ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 82 Representation of Aa and Ad Stability Condition Then 3 2 Pm2 Pm2 Condition for stable system P KEd KEa 83 2 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 3 84 14 Unstable System P Aa 3-max 2 Pm2 Ad(max) Pm1 General Stability Condition If at 3-max n3 > ns Then Aa > Ad(max) KE a KE d (maximum) 1 2 3 max 1 2 Pm 2 P d P Pm 2 d 3 max 2 Aa Ad (max) ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 85 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Example: Opened Breaker General Stability Condition KEa KEd (maximum) CB G 2 3 max 1 2 86 TL Breaker Pm 2 P d P Pm 2 d Assume that the CB is opened for a short time Aa Ad (max) ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 87 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Analysis of Opened Breaker P Pm Aa 2 3 c Clearing angle ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 3 Ad min P the system is stable 1 Critical Clearing Angle If n3 = ns Or Aa = Ad, Ad 88 Pm Aa max 3-max 1 2 cr Critical Clearing angle 89 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington The critical clearing angle (cr) is the maximum angle for a stable system, i.e. when Aa max = Ad min 3 max 90 15 Critical Clearing Angle Critical Clearing Angle For stable system Aa max cr P P d m 1 Ad min cr P m Aa max Ad min 0 d Pm cr 1 Pm cr 1 Pmax cos cr cos 1 Pm cr 1 1 1 P m P d cr Then 1 P m Pmax sin d cos cr 21 sin 1 cos 1 cr Pmax cos cr cos 1 Pm 1 cr ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 10.91 Energy Margin • Calculate the transient energy at the instant the disturbance is cleared. • Determine the critical energy for the current disturbance. • Calculate the transient energy margin. 93 Eigenvalues Method 94 • The system is represented by Eigenvalues Root locus plots Nyquist criteria Routh-Hurwitz criteria • Inaccuracies resulting from representing a highly nonlinear system by a set of linear equations. ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington Eigenvalues Method • The power system is converted into a set of linear equations. • The dynamic behavior can be analyzed by any of the linear techniques – – – – 10.92 Energy Margin: Steps • To predict the transient behavior of a power system without having to conduct a complete time domain simulation. • The values of an energy function is calculated and compared with the critical value to determine the stability. • Accurate only when the operating point is within the region of energy function. • Because of the approximation in the energy function, results are often pessimistic ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 95 xa xd dx a x d dt Where d is a disturbance ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 96 16 If is Negative (Stable System) Justification n • The solution of the equation is x d e t where j ns Imaginary component Root (eigenvalue) Real component Time ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 97 If is Positive (Unstable System) ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 98 Eigenvalues Method n • A linear analysis of the system • Requires the detailed model of the system and the knowledge of all its parameters ns Time ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 99 ©Mohamed El-Sharkawi, University of Washington 100 17