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Science Lesson Plan: Heat Transfer in Liquids

Lesson Plan in Science IV
Describe how is heat transferred in liquid materials. S4FE-IIIf-g-4.2
Subject Matter
A. Topic: Heat
B. References: Curriculum guide
C. Materials: Power point presentation, Flash Cards, video presentation
D. Science Processes: Observing, identifying, investigating, describing
Learning Experiences
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
How is heat transferred in solid materials?
4. Unlocking of Difficulties
a state of balance
between opposing
forces or actions
B. Engagement/Motivation
“Name the picture”
The teacher will present different images which are common liquid
materials. The students will write the correct name of the picture. The
picture will show pictures of oil, water, milk, soup, tea and coffee.
C. Exploration
The teacher will present a video of a water being boiled, the teacher will
point out that heat transfers from hot water to the cold water until both
will have the same temperature. The heat transfer in liquid is called
2. Establishing a focus for inquiry
Before proceeding, let the children ask some questions about the
Possible questions the students may rise:
1. How is the heat transfer in water happen?
2. What happens to the water if left in heat for too long?
3. Formulating Hypothesis
Focus for Inquiry
4. Data gathering
Ask each group to read their questions and hypothesis.
Tell each group to discuss their observations and present
it to the class.
Start the activity
During the reporting let the students answer the question
and prove their given hypotheses. Ask them for additional
information they gathered.
The teacher will check the report of the pupils and redirect
them whenever wrong information was relayed.
After all the reports the teacher will use the output of the
students to explain.
1. Explanation
Heat transfer in liquid materials are called convection.
For example: We are boiling a water.
The heat travels from the hot water to the cold water. Them molecules of
the heated part move faster and away from each other. The heat will keep
on traveling until the temperature of all the water particles reaches an
equilibrium or balance.
Always remember that when a heat transfer is occuring in a liquid the warm
liquid rises while the cold liquid sinks.
Heat can also be transmitted through vacuum or empty spaces this is called
radiation. The heat we receive from the sun is called radiant energy. Radiant
energy travels as waves in space. Heat waves hit earth and cause its
warming. Some of the other heat transfer by radiation are the heat when
you are near a fire source, the heat given by an electric heater and the heat
near an oven.
1. What happens if we put water in a casserole with fire under it?
2. The transfer of heat in liquid materials is called?
3. Heat transfer through vacuum or empty spaces are called?
2. Elaboration/Application
Divide the class into four groups.
- Group 1
Present a talk show about how heat transfer in liquid materials.
- Group 2
Write a poem about how heat transfer in liquid materials.
Group 3
Present a story about how heat transfer in liquid materials.
Group 4
Write a song about how heat transfer in liquid materials.
Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Heat travel from hot water to
a. hot water b. warm water c. cold water
2. The heat transfer through liquid material is called
a. convection b. conduction c. radiation
3. If we leave a casserole on an ignited stove for 3 minutes the water inside it
a. Increase in volume b. Increase in temperature c. remains the same
4. The heat will transfer from hot water to cold water until its temperature
a. low temperature b. warm temperature c. equilibrium
5. Heat travel though vacuum or empty spaces is called
a. convection b. conduction c. radiation
In your daily routine when do you use convection?
Prepared by:
Substitute Teacher