PERSUASION SPEECH VIDEO SELF-EVALUATION After watching your recorded speech, respond to the questions below and type!! For full credit, use descriptive sentences for questions requiring written responses. 1. Write your speech title_____________________________________________________________________ 2. Was your title creative? _______ Did you avoid giving away your solution? __________ 3. What type of introduction did you use as an attention getting and bridge builder for the audience? 4. 5. Did you provide a general (didn’t give away your solution) forecast/thesis statement of the speech? Yes ___ No____ Was the topic still clear? Yes ____ No ____(Write it out below as you stated in your speech video) 6. Did you have recaps of main points (not support or proofs) that only recapped main point? _______ List one: 7. How many different sources did you VERBALY cite in your speech (NOT what is in your bib) to support your points? Amount ________ Give one, word for word, as you stated in speech example of your verbal citing: 8. How many appeals did you use? Logos ____ Pathos ____ Give two examples (one logos & one pathos): 1. 2. 9. How was the use of language? Was it written with conversational language? Yes ___ Some ___ Not really ____ Not sure ___ 10. Did you include language tools (metaphor, simile, analogy, comparison…)? Yes ____ Some ____ Not really ____ 11. Did you review all major points and provide a last challenge in the conclusion? Fully ___Somewhat ____ Missed something ____ What was missed (if any)? 12. Did you have a solid 5 second pause (and no movement during) at beginning? _____ 13. Did you have a solid and “freeze-frame” pause at end? _____ 14. What percentage of your speech did you include the various vocal elements effectively, based on the video? ____Rate variation & purposeful pauses ____Varied pitch and volume ____Conversational tone 15. What percentage of your speech did you include the various physical delivery elements well, based on the video? ____Eye contact ____Gestures ____Solid stance ____Planned movement 16. What words would you use to identify your physical energy or animation? 1) 2) 1 17. Did you know how to use the technology for the computer for your visual aids ahead of time? Yes ____ Some ____ No ____ 18. Did you have the required amount of visual aides? Yes(3) ___ Almost(2) ___ Not really(1) ___ None (0) ___ 19. Did you refer to the visual aid when discussing (screen, object, flip chart…)? Yes ____ Some _____ No ____ 20. Were all the VA’s directly related to the point you were making when you showed? Yes ___ Somewhat ____ No ____ 21. Did you put away slide, object, etc. when done discussing? Yes ___ No ____ 22. If you used the podium: Did you adjust to your height? ____ Did you stand directly behind it when using? ____ Did you move away from it during your speech? ____ Did you avoid leaning or resting your foot on it? _______ If you didn’t use podium, did you move it out of the way? ______ What could you have done to improve (if needed) to improve your use of the podium?: 23. What were the three 3 main strengths of your speech? Be specific yet thorough. 1) 2) 3) 24. What three 3 elements of the speech could you have improved this presentation? Be specific yet thorough. 1) 2) 3) What grade would you give yourself for this speech? ______ 2