Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations LIMITATIONS INDEX: WEIGHT AND BALANCE CENTER GEAR MINIMUM FLIGHT WEIGHT CENTER OF GRAVITY SPEED LIMITATIONS TAXI SPEEDS MAXIMUM DESIGN MANEUVERING SPEED - VA MAXIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEED - VMO FUEL DUMP STRUCTURAL LIMIT SPEEDS FLIGHT ENVELOPE TEMPERATURE LIMITS OPERATIONAL ALTITUDES ACCELERATION LIMITS WIND LIMITATIONS SYSTEM LIMITATIONS ENGINE EGT REVERSE THRUST FUEL SYSTEM FUEL MANAGEMENT BALLAST FUEL HYDRAULIC AIR UNPRESSURIZED FLIGHT ICE AND RAIN ICING CONDITIONS WINDSHIELD DEFOG WINDSHIELD WIPERS AUTOFLIGHT FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOPILOT/FLIGHT DIRECTOR SYSTEM 1 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations WEIGHT AND BALANCE Maximum Weight (lbs.) with All Gear Extended AIRCRAFT MD-11(630.5 AIRCRAFT)1 TAXI START OF TAKEOFF IN-FLIGHT (LANDING FLAPS) LANDING ZERO FUEL 633,00 0 630,500 484,500 481,500 451,300 CENTER GEAR These aircraft are normally operated with the center gear extended for takeoff and landing. Special performance data and weight limitations are required for operation with the center gear retracted. Maximum Weight (lbs.) with Center Gear Retracted TAXI START OF TAKEOFF IN-FLIGHT (LANDING FLAPS) LANDING ZERO FUEL 448,000 445,000 403,000 400,000 370,000 MINIMUM FLIGHT WEIGHT Minimum Flight Weight MINIMUM FLIGHT WEIGHT 257,000 CENTER OF GRAVITY (MD-11 Center of Gravity Limits (Wt. vs. CG) (Gross weight in 1,000 lbs.) WEIGHT 242 260 273 451.3 467 469 473 560 608.5 612.5 LIMITS 618 625.5 630.5 FWD -% MAC 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.2 12.5 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 15.0 16.1 18.1 AFT -% MAC 31.5 31.1 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 29.7 28.8 27.3 25.5 26.8 34.0 2 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations SPEED LIMITATIONS Tire Speeds CONDITION LIMIT MD-11 204 Kts TAXI SPEEDS The following maximum taxi and turn speeds should be monitored on the PFD. Maximum Taxi Speeds (All) Type of Turn Maximum Speed Turns of 90° 10 Kts Turns of 45° 15 Kts High Speed Turnoff 20 Kts Straight ahead, greater than or equal to 400,000 lbs 20 Kts Straight ahead, less than 400,000 lbs 25 Kts MAXIMUM DESIGN MANEUVERING SPEED - VA Maximum Design Maneuvering Speed - VA (Table 1 of 2) Altitude MD-11 SL 316 2000 4000 5000 6000 8000 320 326 330 333 336 10000 15000 20000 22000 337 337 330 327 Confine full application of rudder or aileron controls, as well as maneuvers that involve angles of attack near stall, to speeds below the design maneuvering speed VA. Maximum Design Maneuvering Speed - VA (Table 2 of 2) Altitude 24000 25000 25700 30000 33000 33700 35000 40000 42000 43200 MD-11 329 331 333 308 295 293 284 252 240 234 Confine full application of rudder or aileron controls, as well as maneuvers that involve angles of attack near stall, to speeds below the design maneuvering speed VA. 3 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations MAXIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEED - VMO The maximum operating speed VMO/MMO may not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise, or descent.) VLO landing gear retraction and VLO landing gear extension are the maximum speeds for which retraction and extension of the aircraft landing gear can be safely flown. The landing gear extended speed, VLE, is the maximum speed at which the aircraft can be safely flown with the gear extended. NOTE For the following two tables, the transition between the two speed ranges begins when the tip tank fuel is below 90% and decreases linearly until the tip tanks are 60% full. VMO, Wing Tip Fuel Tanks 90% Full or More (MD-11) Altitude SL 5000 10000 25700 30000 35000 40000 43200 MD-11 350 357 365 365 334 299 266 248 MMO = 0.87 Mach VMO/MMO, Wing Tip Fuel Tanks 60% Full or Less (MD-11) AIRCRAFT SEA LEVEL TO 30,704 ABOVE 30,704 VMO = 320 KIAS MMO = 0.85 Mach MD-11 FUEL DUMP Maximum Fuel Dump Speed BELOW 28,000 FT ABOVE 28,000 FT 325 KIAS 0.82 Mach STRUCTURAL LIMIT SPEEDS Maximum Slat Operating Speed (KIAS/MACH) Slats Extended (Takeoff)1 Slats Extended (Land)1 Autoslat Extended 280/.55 280/.55 280/.55 1. “Takeoff” means flaps less than 35°. “Land” means flaps 35° or more. MD-11 Maximum Flap Operating Speed - VFE (KIAS/MACH) 4 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations Flap Position MD-11 *Gear Retracted 0 TO 15.0 15.1 TO 20.0 20.1 TO 25 255/.51 240/.51 220/.51 28 35 50 35* 50* 210/.51 190/.51 175/.51 187/.51 158/.51 Landing Gear Limit Speed (KIAS/MACH) Landing Gear Retraction (VLO) Landing Gear Extension (VLO) 230/.70 Landing Gear Extended (VLE) 260/.70 Alt Landing Gear Extended Alt Landing Gear Extension 260/.70 230/.70 300/.70 FLIGHT ENVELOPE TEMPERATURE LIMITS MD-11 Operational Temperature Limits TAKEOFF & LANDING EN ROUTE ALTITUDE (FT.) TEMPERATURE ALTITUDE (FT.) TEMPERATURE -2000 TO 2500 -52.5° C to 50° C Sea Level -54° C to 50° C -54° C to 35° C 43,200 -82° C to -36° C 10,000 Temperature limits vary linearly between altitudes shown. OPERATIONAL ALTITUDES Operational (Altitudes are pressure altitudes) Maximum Altitudes and Slope MAX OPERATING ALTITUDE (FT.) 43,200 MAXIMUM T/O ALTITUDE (FT.) 10,000 MAX SLOPE T/O / LNDG ±2% ACCELERATION LIMITS Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits FLAPS UP/SLATS RETRACTED +2.5g to -1.0g FLAPS AND SLATS EXTENDED +2.0g to 0.0g FLAPS OR SLATS EXTENDED +2.0g to 0.0g The positive maneuvering limit load factors limit the angle of bank in turns and the severity of pull-up maneuvers. 5 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations WIND LIMITATIONS WIND LIMITS (knots) CONDITIONS WIND LIMIT Max Rolling TKO/LND Xwind 31 Knots Max Static TKO Xwind 23 Max TKO/LND Tailwind 10 Max TKO/LND Crosswind with Rwy Braking Action Poor 10 Autoland Crosswind 15 Autoland Headwind 25 CAT II/III Crosswind 10 SYSTEM LIMITATIONS ENGINE EGT EGT Limits AIRCRAFT MD-11GE STARTING EGT TIME LIMIT LIMIT 7501,2 None TAKEOFF EGT TIME LIMIT LIMIT 9602 5 Minutes MAX CONTINUOUS EGT TIME LIMIT LIMIT 9254 None ACCELERATION EGT TIME LIMIT LIMIT 9602 None 750-87 40 Sec 03 onds All temperatures listed in the table are degrees Centigrade Engine RPM AIRCRAFT MAXIMUM N1 MAXIMUM N2 MD-11GE 117.5 112.5 Oil System 6 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations AIRCRAFT MAX CONTINUOUS OPERATION HIGH CAUTION RANGE AND TIME LIMIT MD-11GE 160° C 160° C-175° C for 15 Minutes LOW OIL PRESSURE CAUTION BAND 10-34 psid MIN. OIL PRESSURE 9.5 psid MIN. OIL TEMPERATURE FOR TAKEOFF n/a REVERSE THRUST Use of reverse thrust is prohibited in flight. Do not use reverse thrust to back the aircraft. ENGINE IGNITION Use Ignition OVRD for heavy rain or moderate/severe turbulence. Ignition OVRD may be used at any time at the discretion of the Captain. The OVRD position has no time limit, although excessive use will reduce service life. Select engine ignition OVRD ON whenever conditions call for use of the engine or engine and airframe anti-ice. Maintain OVRD ON for the duration of the icing conditions. FUEL SYSTEM Usable Fuel (@6.7 Lbs/Gal) Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Upper Aux Tank 40,700 65,400 40,700 87,100 Lower Aux Tank 11,000 Tail Tank Total 13,400 258,300 Allowable Fuel Temperature Range at Takeoff Minimum Temp Maximum Temp -40°F (-40°C) +122°F (+50°C) FUEL MANAGEMENT MD-11 Fuel will be transferred from the Upper Aux tank to each Main tank, keeping them full. Simultaneously, fuel will be transferred from the Lower Aux tank, keeping the Upper Aux tank full until the Lower Aux tank is empty. When the Upper Aux tank is empty, fuel will be transferred from Tank 2 to 1 and 3 until all three Main tanks are equal. Fuel is then used equally from each tank. The fuel quantity in the Tail tank is controlled automatically by the fuel system controller (FSC). Lower Aux tank and Tail tank transfer pumps must be OFF for takeoff and landing. 7 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations With an operative fuel quantity indication system, fuel remaining in the fuel tanks when the quantity indication reaches ZERO is not usable in flight. The maximum lateral fuel imbalance is 2,500 lbs. When operating aircraft at a MTOGW of 630,500 lbs on the ground with a total of 9,000 lbs or more of fuel in the Aux and Tail tanks, manage the fuel system to maintain a ratio of approximately 7.5 to 1 between the Aux tank quantity and Tail tank quantity. BALLAST FUEL All ballast fuel must be entered in the FMS FUEL INIT. Refer to Supplemental Procedures Chapter 4. Ballast fuel may not be loaded in more than one tank at the same time. Ballast fuel must remain in the appropriate tank. The Tail tank can not contain both ballast and usable fuel. It must be either all ballast or all usable. HYDRAULIC Hydraulic Quantity SYSTEM 3 MINIMUM HYDRAULIC QUANTITY FOR DISPATCH 6 Gallons AIR UNPRESSURIZED FLIGHT For unpressurized flight the cabin pressure control must be in MANUAL and the outflow valve between 1/ 2 to 2/3 open. Cabin Air Differential and Relief Pressure Limitations MAX RELIEF VALVE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MAX DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE DURING TAKEOFF AND LANDING 9.1 PSI .5 Psi 8 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations ICE AND RAIN ICING CONDITIONS Icing conditions exist when the outside air temperature (OAT) on the ground and for takeoff, or total air temperature (TAT) in-flight, is 6° C or below, and visible moisture in any form is present. ENGINE ANTI-ICE, WING ANTI-ICE, and TAIL ANTI-ICE must be ON when any of the following are true: • An “ICE DETECTED” alert is displayed from the ice detecting system. (MD-11) • When icing conditions are expected or encountered. WINDSHIELD DEFOG Windshield defogging should be operated for all flight conditions. WINDSHIELD WIPERS Do NOT operate the windshield wipers at high speed for more than 30 minutes or on a dry windshield AUTOFLIGHT FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Before takeoff, any changes which affect V speeds require the V speeds to be recomputed and re-entered. The accuracy of the FMS performance predictions have not been demonstrated, therefore (for dispatch purposes only), aircraft range calculations, fuel management, and engine out terrain clearance must not be predicated on FMS information. For ILS and IGS approaches, with an inoperative glideslope, FMS PROF mode and its Vertical Deviation Indicator must not be used for descent after the Final Approach Fix (FAF). FMS PROF mode must not be used in descent/approach below the Minimum Descent Altitude/Height (MDA/H) or Decision Altitude/Height (DA/H). • Basic autoflight modes (e.g., LVL, CHG, V/S, or FPA) are used to recapture the path when the PROF mode is engaged and the airplane is: - Above or below the path and the FMA indicates PITCH [XXX] IDLE, or - Below the path and the FMA indicates THRUST [XXX] V/S. Do not enter more than 100 waypoints into the FMS ACT F-PLAN. The FMS amber VMIN foot must not be used for setting an approach or landing target speeds if the aircraft has not transitioned through the acceleration altitude as defined on the FMS TAKEOFF page under the title ACCEL. 9 Rotate MD-11 Manual. Limitations If the pilot modifies the FMS NAV DataBase Approaches, the modified approach must comply with the approved published procedures. AUTOPILOT/FLIGHT DIRECTOR SYSTEM For nonprecision approaches, the autopilot must be disengaged no lower than the applicable minimums minus 50 feet. Do not exceed 200 KIAS with Single Land or Dual Land modes of the autopilot engaged. AUTOMATIC LANDINGS The minimum threshold crossing height is 47 feet. Three hydraulic systems must be operative for dual land operations. Automatic Landings The maximum altitude for AutoLand (SINGLE LAND or DUAL LAND) is 8,000' msl. SINGLE LAND AutoLands allow hydraulic system #1 or #2 to be inoperative. DUAL LAND AutoLands require 3 operating hydraulic systems. Hydraulic systems may operate via auxiliary or reversible motor pumps. MD-11 automatic landings are prohibited at weights greater than 481,500 lb. 10