WELCOME TO Created by a team of hardworking A Defi gaming world of great cities, where CityZens work, Rats steal, but all earn! developers, designers, & engineers, comes the MetaCity Game. MetaCity is a P2E game of strategy and skill like no other. Our mission from the start has been to deliver a fun, long- From staking, educating & upgrading, owning, locking, & burning, the team at MetaCity Game has delivered something special. term, and strategic earning protocol and we have delivered exactly that! 2 Message From The Team MetaCity is constantly being built with a vision for the future. The long-term vision is key to our team, as it will only help the game’s infrastructure and $CITY value due to the timely rollout of the tokens. For MetaCity this means fun and reward-yielding protocols & many mini-games, strategic project collabs, a native marketplace, DAO creation, and avatar tournaments. We plan on adding more fun and utility to create the most sustainable stakeearning ecosystem in the DEFI space. Come along with us on the adventure of a lifetime! 3 MC GAME OVERVIEW Your Metacity Game Path Starts Now! Welcome to the MetaCity Game! Once minted, your avatar’s identity in the game is immediately revealed. Will you be a CityZen, who gets educated to work for his hard earned $CITY? Or a CityRat, who earns $CITY by taxing and stealing? 4 The 5 Cities Entering Once minted or purchased off a secondary marketplace, you have the choice to stake or not stake your avatar. If you choose not to stake, your NFT will stay idle in your wallet. If you choose to stake you will be flown into our first city, MetaMiami. Once in Miami, earning starts automatically. $CITY Token 5 $CITY Token Breakdown The MetaCity Game runs on a $CITY token. Each of the 5+ cities within our world will be allocated X $CITY/month through the game token vault. This number will be algori-thmically & constantly split, by users working, taxing, earning, and traveling around cities. The reason to implement this into the earning mechanism is to more evenly spread out the Zens and Rats within each city, thus creating a thriving ecosystem. 6 Multipliers $CITY Multipliers Staking duration —The The staking Trait level — The multiplier is,duration at first, Group amount —Trait *Special City multiplier —group Cities 4amount and 5 on on the length of time of you based on isyour basic level. higher the multiplier isbased based theThe amount will be locked. stake and “live” with in that intrinsic level of NFTs the avatar is, avatar theThe higher the MetaCity Game you hold. more You can unlock them byyour “wearing” traits specific city, consistently. The more multiplier. you hold,The theaspect higher the ismultiplier. bought. that unlocked is time spent “living”, higher the in multiplier. The Once those traits unlocked, they determined bythe thehave trait been level use. These multipliers differ per cityinonce and have will bewill available for purchase $CITY traits bewill limited, meaning: all coins. (X the ability to be lower. If purchased, theyorwill givethe your avatar number) arehigher acquired from shop, you a higherpurchase trait multiplier. Depending on the must them separately on the level of that trait how muchthem. the multiplier secondary market to unlock will raise. 7 Transportation within MetaCity The spread of Rats and Zens The allocation of X The special, time-bound, city throughout the 5 cities $CITY/Month in each city multipliers The saying, “Location location location!” within the real estate world, has application to your earning strategy within the MetaCity Game too! Placement within our world is crucial due to the reasons above. 8 The Ticket Is determined by how far you’re flying Flying Fee To fly and move between cities, you must pay a fee of $CITY. The price of Rat Frequent Flier Fee Eligible for a refund if a rat attack is unsuccessful the fee is split up into 2 charges. 9 Avatars What are CityZens and Rats? 10 The intrinsic, basic traits, CityZens or “Zens” inhabit the 5 MetaCities, making sure they operate which your Zen possesses without a glitch. Their main ability is to earn $CITY by traveling and working within the cities. A Zen earns based on multiple variables: The Zen’s level of education The unique characteristic multipliers of the specific city the Zen is residing in *Commitment to your city: The longer time you stake consistently, the more you earn! 11 A starting city Share Owner A City Share Owner is the name for a powerful CityZens. buying exclusive shop items and educating your avatar. When it comes down to it, there are 2 main strategies for a CityZen to acquire Share Owner status. In this strategy, Zens will purposely opt-out of continuing their education toward a “locked city”. A locked city is not available to a lowly educated Zen. Now you may ask, why would a Zen not want to go for the locked cities with higher multiplier rewards? This is because since the total tax of $CITY is divided between Rats and Share Owners in each city, the fewer Share Owners in each city, the more tokens there are to go around. A locked city Share Owner In this strategy, Zens will either continue their education for locked cities 4 or 5. The benefit to this, especially if done fast and first, is that you will unlock higher multiplier rewards in those cities while also taking advantage of the $CITY tax allocation mechanism explained above. Ultimately, CityZens can become City Share Owners, thus owning and taxing the property they work on. At X level education, you will receive a choice to make. Keep educating yourself to unlock the special multiplier cities of 4 & 5. Or can choose to be one of the limited Share Owners of Miami, Vegas, or Beijing, the first 3 open cities. 12 CityRats or “Rats”, are the arch-nemesis of the working CityZens. Lurking within cities, waiting for CityZens to arrive, then striking, hungry for all the $CITY they can steal. The chances of a successful attack and the amount of $CITY stolen is determined by: 1. In which City the attack occurs 2. The “Gutter” level your Rat has Other than stealing, Rats can earn through taxing. These taxes are dependent on both: 1. The city being taxed 2. Duration of time spent in that same city, the more time spent in X city, the more the tax multiplier will raise 13 Mini-Games Within each city, there will be playable minigames! This aspect of Metacity is still being built out, however, we plan on working diligently toward it following the release of the MetaCity Game P2E protocols. The type of games the MetaCity team plans on working to achieve span from an imposter-type game to casino-card games and more! Risking $CITY for more $CITY in our everlasting ecosystem! 14 Avatars THANK YOU For watching this presentation (+1) 234 567 890 metacitygame.io Contact@metacity.io