-.CAT 2 Y CAT 3 APPROACH CAT MINIMUMS CAT 1: o RVR: 550mt (1800 feet) o DA (RA): (200 feet) o RVR: C/--/-- CAT 2: o RVR: 350mt (1200 feet) o DH: 100 feet RA o RVR: C/AD/AD CAT 3A FP o RVR: 200mts (600 feet) o DH: 50 feet RA o RVR: C/C/AD CAT 3A FO o RVR: 200mts (600 feet) o DH: NO o RVR: C/C/AD CAT 3B FP o RVR: 175mts (400 feet) o DH: 50 feet RA o RVR: C/C/AD CAT 3B FO o RVR: 50mts (200 feet) o DH: NO o RVR: C/C/C OTHER CONSIDARATIONS Minimums below CAT1 must plan for best CAT/AUTOLAND The landing distance for CAT3 must be 1.15 of Landing Performance Chart. This 15% additional landing distances are incorporated in all tables Stabilized approach before FAF and 1500 feet RA. All normal and abnormal checklist must be finished before When RVR gets below minimums you may continue the approach after FAF Landing lights will not be used during take-off and landing when the airport is applying LVP CAT2/3 approaches in wind-shear condition or moderate and severe turbulence is prohibited. You must go around (FCOM L.10.6) Minimum brake action is medium or 3. If any failure occurs during CAT II or III approach and the landing configuration is established (at any altitude) that doesn’t affect autoland capability, the approach and autoland may continue. Below 1000 feet RA all checks lists must stop and take appropriate actions after landing You may continue the approach in case of engine failure, fire, smoke o pilot incapacitation. On automatic approach and manual landing, A/P must be disconnected above 50 feet RA Taxi, take-off, approach and landing with visibility less RVR 550mts must be performed by the Captain The PF must monitor the FMA and announce any FMA (FCOM NP.11.5 Autopilot F/D Monitoring) Autoland and CATII/III operations Maximum wind component o Headwind: 25 knots o X wind: 25 knots (15knots for USA) o Tailwind: 10 knots ---------------------------------- CAT2 AND CAT3 APPROACH PROCEDURE APP PREPARATION PF: “DESCEND PREPARATION” o Notify PM ILS APP chart in use Flaps 20 or 30 Autobrake 3 o 4 PF: DESCEND PREPARATION LOOP o Select EFB terminal charts o Set RA minimums EFIS PDF control panel o Set altimeter setting on EFIS PDF control panel PF: Notify Cabin Crew, Company, PA pax PM: DESCEND PREPARATION LOOP o Select EFB terminal charts o Set RA minimum EFIS PDF control panel o Set altimeter setting on EFIS PDF control panel o Recall o SBFD LOC GS QNH o Select Autobrake o CDU preparation Set flaps setting and VREF speed Program arrival and ILS APP Check NAV radios ILS ident on PFD o EFB Landing data PM: “DESCEND PREPARATION COMPLETE” APP BRIEFING PF: “YOU HAVE CONTROL” (Speed, altitude, navigation, configuration) PF: Check descend preparation loop and briefing by checklist) PF: CAT3 Checklist READY FOR APPROACH PF: “DESCEND CHECKLIST” PF “APPROACH CHECKLIST” (Below transition altitude) PM: Seat belts on PM: LANDING lights witches to ON. Landing lights will not be used during take-off and landing when the airport is LVP PA: Cabin Secure announcement EN RUTE TO IAF LNAV or another roll mode VNAV or other pitch mode Note: When using LNAV to intercept the final approach course, LNAV might be parallel the localizer without capturing it. PF: “FLAPS 1” PM “SPEED CHECK, FLAPS 1” TOGA is armed when leading edge are extended, or GS is capture Thrust limit change to GA and is showed in the top of engine display PF: “FLAPS 5” PM “SPEED CHECK, FLAPS 5” AT APPROACH COURSE INTERCEPT HEADING PF: APP mode Condition required to arm APP mode 1. ILS Tuned and identified 2. LOC and GS valid signals Check localizer at correct side 3. Localizer intercept heading 4. ATC clearance for the approach PF: “LOC AND GS ARMED” PM: Verify auto slew heading to final approach course (When APP mode is armed) LOCALIZER ALIVE PM “LOCALIZER ALIVE” LOCALIZER CAPTURE ON FMA PF: “LOCALIZER CAPTURE” GS ALIVE PM: “GLIDE SLOPE ALIVE" PF: “LANDING GEAR DOWN” PF: “FLAPS 20” PM “SPEED CHECK, FLAPS 20” PF: Speed brake lever ARM AT GS CAPTURE ON FMA PF: “GLIDE SLOPE CAPTURE" PF: “FLAPS 30” (20 for N-1) PM “SPEED CHECK, FLAPS 30” PF: Set speed bug Vref +5 PF: Set miss approach altitude on the MCP PF: “LANDING CHECKLIST” When above 1500 feet RA with LOC and GS capture, it can be disengaged by reselecting the APP switch. In this case the roll and pitch mode will revert to default mode The default for roll is HDG The default for pitch is VS The APP mode also disengage by using any other lateral and vertical mode AT 2500 FEET RA PM “RA ALIVE” PM “CABIN CREW READY FOR LANDING” AT 1500 FEET At 1500 feet the approach must be stabilized PF: “LAND 3” PF: “ROLLOUT AND FLARE ARM” When APP is engaged and the criteria shown on this frame are satisfied, the localizer and the glideslope mode can only be disengaged by discontented the autopilot and turning off both flight directors or engaging the go around mode, by pressing the TOGA switch Whit a LAND 3 indication, the AP system level of redundancy is such that a single fault cannot prevent the autopilot system from making an approach and automatic landing With LAND 2 indication, the level of redundancy is such that a single fault cannot cause a significant deviation from the flight path Call “LAND TWO” Set minimums to 50 RA Degrade for ILS CAT III-B FP: RVR 175 mts. Degrade for ILS CAT III-A FP: RVR 200 mts With a NO AUTOLAND indication, there is no system redundancy and autoland will not operate Call “GO AROUND” AT FAF “FAF, XX altitude, XX QNH” Check descends on GP In case of RVR reduction after FAF, you may continue the approach for autoland AT 1000 FEET AFE Check Auto callout “ONE THOUSAND” PF: Hands on controls and throttle. PF: Check flying instruments and visual clues PM: Check fly instruments, fly deviations, engine indications, EICAS messages and appropriate call outs AT 500 FEET RA Verify autoland status PF “LAND 3” Automatic runway alignment (4.20.7) When no LAN3: Go around AT 200 FEET RA AT 150 FEET RA PM “APPROACHING MINIMUMS”, in case of Fail Passive) AT 100 FEET RA, AH (DGAC and FAA requirement) PM “ALERT HIGHT” It should not be any warning, caution or reason for go around; except in case of both autopilot disconnection. In case of both pilot disconnections there aren’t any warning. The ASA will change to FL DIR AT 50 FEET RA (FAIL PASSIVE) PF “CONTINUE” with Runway or approach light in sight Or “GO-AROUND” AT 50 FEET RA APROXIMATELY PM “FLARE” AT 25 FEET APROXIMATLY PM “IDLE” AT TOUCHDOWN PM “ROLLOUT” PM: “SPEEDBRAKE” (“NO SPEEDBRAKE”) PM: “REVERSERS” (“NO RIGHT OR LEFT REVERSER”) PM: “DECEL” (Check HUD autobrake indication) PM: “60 KTS” PF: Idle reversers PF: Press brake pedals for Auto-brake off PF: Press Autopilot disengage switch TAXI PF: Speed-brake lever down Follow airport procedure for CAT operations and Low visibility and Cold Weather if conditions are present. APP PARAMETERS CALL OUTS PARAMETER DURING APPROACH CALL OUT IAS -5KTS, +10KTS “SPEED” VS VS>1000 FPM “SINK RATE” PITCH Oº>PITCH>10º “PITCH” BANK BANK>7º “BANK” LOC DOT>1/2 “LOCALICER” One dot mark when Expanded Localizer Scale displayed GS DOT>1/2 GLIDE SLOPE” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TASK SHEARING PILOT FLAYING Flies the airplane Monitor automation Takes over manually if required Take proper decisions PILOT MONITORING ATC Communications Standards call outs Monitoring airplane parameters Make parameters exceeded callout Monitoring PF Take airplane control if required Monitoring FMA Monitoring auto calls outs Monitor NO AUTOLAND warning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METER/FEET CONVERTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 ft. 300 ft. 500 ft. 600 ft. 700 ft. 1200 ft. 1800 ft. 50 m. 75 m. 150 m. 175 m. 200 m. 350 m. 550 m. RVR CAT III B FO Minimum for takeoff with HUD Minimum for takeoff without HUD RVR CAT III B FP RVR CAT III A RVR CAT II RVR CAT I DECISION HEIGHT DEFINITION DH is the wheel height above the runway elevation by which a go-around must be initiated unless adequate visual reference has been established and the aircraft position and approach path have been assessed as satisfactory to continue the approach and landing in safety. DH recognition must be by means of height measured by RA. ALERTA HEIGHT DEFINITION An Alert Height is a height above the runway, based on the characteristics of the airplane and its fail-operational automatic landing system, above which a Category III approach would be discontinued and a missed approach initiated if a failure occurred in one of the redundant parts of the automatic landing system, or in the relevant ground equipment (ICAO). Alert height is a height defined for Category III operations with a fail-operational landing system. Above AH, a go-around must be initiated if a failure affects the fail-operational landing system. Below AH, the approach will be continued ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAT II Y III OPERATIONAL SPECIFICATION DGAC USA OPERATION SPECIFICATION CAT 2 OPERATION MINIMUMS CAT 3 OPERATION MINIMUMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PDF AND HUD ILS DISPLAY The diamond is for ILS LOC and GS The Triangle is for the LNAV and VNAV, FAC and GP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEL CAT CONSIDERATIONS APPROACH BRIEFING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AFM page 4, APPROACH ALERT AND GO-AROUND -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAT 3 FO FAILURES AND ACTIONS Failure Above 200 RA ASA LAND 2 N INSTALED CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure NO LAND 3 ASA LAND 2 LAND3: AP system level of redundancy is such that a single fault cannot prevent the AP system from making an automatic landing (fail operational) LAND2: Level of redundancy is such that a single fault cannot cause a significant deviation from the flight path (fail passive) Call “LAND TWO” CAT3B-FP Set minimum 50 feet RA 175 RVR If below minimum required execute Go Around Above 200 RA Advisory Caution/Beeper The system does not have redundancy for auto land Message is ADVISORY if fault occurs before LAND3 is annunciated at 1500 RA Call “LAND TWO” CAT3B-FP Set minimum 50 feet RA 175 RVR If below minimum required execute Go Around At or below AH 100 feet RA Message is inhibited below 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA Message is CAUTION after LAND3 is annunciated at 1500 feet RA N Installed CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FP CAT3A FO CAT3B FP CAT3B FO Failure Above 200 RA ASA NO AUTOLAND At or below AH 100 feet RA Autoland system failure or ASA AFDS is unable to make an automatic NO AUTOLAND landing Message is ADVISORY if fault occurs before LAND3 is annunciated at 1500 Call: “GO AROUND” RA Message is CAUTION after LAND3 is annunciated at 1500 feet RA NO-AUTOLAND message is inhibited below 200 RA Except for transition to NO AUTOLAND 1) RA System RA in one PDF STATUS (L or R) RA in both PDF 2) AP disconnect One or both Inoperative N Installed 1 CAT1 CAT2 Man land CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP 0 0 1 1 1 1 3) Instrument Landing System ILS One or both Inoperative 4) TOGA switches One or both inoperative Failure Above 200 RA AUTOPILOT ASA FL DIRECT N Installed CAT1 CAT2 Man land CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure 3 Both ASA are required for Auto land ANTISKID N Installed CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure Windshield Only for CAT2 manual 350 RVR, 100 RA ASA FL DIRECT Call: “GO AROUND” Manual go around At or below AH 100 feet RA Above 200 RA 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 Continues to auto land Or Call: “GO AROUND” 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 PFD failure N Installed CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure ASA NO AUTOLAND Call: “GO AROUND” Manual go around Above 200 RA ASA Failure N Installed CAT1 CAT2 Man land CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure Autopilot failure Caution/ Beeper The autopilots is in degraded mode The engaged roll mode is failed The engaged pitch mode is failed The AP is in flight envelope protection All AP are disconnected At or below AH 100 feet RA Both PDF are required for: o CAT2 o CAT3A X o CAT3B Call: “GO AROUND” At or below AH 100 feet RA Continues to auto land Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA Antiskid system fault NO ES ITEM MEL Is required for: CAT3B-FO Or Call: “GO AROUND” CAT3B-FP Increase field length from 1.15 to 1.3 Set DA 50 feet RA 175 RVR Above 200 RA Wiper Both must be operative when precipitation Both must be operative when precipitation is Message is inhibited below 200 RA On touchdown use normal brakes. Autobrake inoperative At or below AH 100 feet RA Continues to auto land failure N Installed CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure is present in the airport present in the airport 2 2 2 2 2 2 Above 200 RA o o o HYD PRESS SYS L+C L+R Is required operative L+C or L+R for CAT 2 Auto land CAT 3A CAT 3B Check EICAS for proper action At or below AH 100 feet RA Continues to auto land Consider limitation for landing Consider limitation for Go-Around and landing with Hyd failures R+C has no limitation? o o HYD PRESS SYS L+C +R Is required operative L+C +R for: CAT3A-FO CAT3B Plan In case of single HYD failure R+C? o CAT3A-FP In case of double HYD failure R+C? o CAT2 Manual landing Failure The A/T is inoperative Both autothrottle are disconnected MEL ITEM AUTOTHROTTLE L,R Advisory AUTOTHROTTLE DIC Caution/beeper N Installed CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure AUTOBRAKE Condition The Autobrake is failed or The autobrake is disarmed Required for CATB FP Message inhibited below 200 RA Set DA 50 RA 200 RVR Manual Throttle Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA CAT3B-FP Set DA 50 feet RA 175 RVR Message inhibited below 200 RA On touchdown use normal brakes Or Call: “GO AROUND” Condition When S/B is extended between 1500 and 800 feet RA Failure Failure CAT3A-FP 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 N Installed CAT1 CAT2 CAT3A FO CAT3A FP CAT3B FO CAT3B FP Failure FLARE failure At or below AH 100 feet RA Or Call: “GO AROUND” NO ES ITEM MEL SPEEDBRAKE EXTENDED Above 200 RA Condition Is required for autoland Plan CAT2Manual landing Condition Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA Retract speed brake Above 200 RA ----------- Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA Continues and make a manual flare if possible At or below AH 100 feet RA ROLLOUT Failure Is required for: o CAT3B-FO Plan o CAT3B-FP Failure F/D failure Failure Condition Both are required only for CAT1 and CAT2 manual landing Condition ENG FAIL Engine speed is below idle ENG THRUST Thrust is more than commanded Thrust is less than commanded Failure Condition Condition Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA Continue Message inhibited below 200 RA On touchdown disconnect A/P and control with rudder Continues to autoland Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA You may Continue the APP with flaps 30 Or set flaps 20 for better Go Around performance and increasing 15 Kts the target speed Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA LIST Continues the Approach Maintain configuration Below 200 RA aural and Master Caution is inhibited Continues to autoland (If Above 200 RA Continue MAYDAY MAYDAY SMOKE CHECK LIST (If appropriated) SMOKE Failure Continue MAYDAY, MAYDAY ENG FIRE CHECK appropriated) ENGINE FIRE Failure CAT3B-FP Set DA 50 feet RA 175 RVR At or below AH 100 feet RA Continues to autoland Condition Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA Condition Above 200 RA At or below AH 100 feet RA A/P Engage switches Failure All other EICAS warning and cautions messages Check EICAS Message inhibited below 200 RA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NO AUTOLAND MESSAGE When AFDS is unable to make an automatic landing NO AUTOLAND displays on the PFD and HUD if a failure causes the system to degrade from a multi-channel engage status (LAND 3 or LAND 2) to a single channel status during an autoland. The mode change is emphasized for 10 second by a box (amber on the PFD and green on the HUD) NO AUTOLAND displays on the PFD and HUD if multi-channel approach selected but LAND 3 or LAND 2 status has not been annunciated by 300 feet AGL. Under this condition, flare and rollout mode are not armed Message is advisory if fault occurs before LAND3 or LAND2 is annunciated at 1500 feet RA Message is a caution if fault occurs after LAND3 or LAND2 is annunciated at 1500 feet RA NO AUTOLAND Message is inhibited below 200 RA. o Except no TRANSITION TO NO AUTOLAND o IAN does not support automatic landing. A NO AUTOLAND alert appears on the PFD and HUD if the autopilot remains engaged below 100 feet There are: NO AUTOLAND status message NO AUTOLAND advisory NO AUTOLAND caution NO AUTOLAND messages appear when the autoland system is not available for an ILS or GLS approach 1) Autopilot 3 installed One or all inoperative 2) Radio altimeter system NO AUTOLAND message is displayed 2 installed One or both inoperative (MEL 34-33-01) CAT II/III ITEM 3) Instrument landing system ILS NO AUTOLAND ILS is displayed 2 installed One or Both inoperative (MEL 34-31-01) CAT II/III ITEM 4) Take off/go around (TO/GA) switch NO AUTOLAND or NO LAND3 advisory message is displayed 2 installed One or both inoperative (MEL 22-11-09) CAT II/III ITEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RADIOS AIDS TUNE STATUS (FCOM 2 11.40.30) VOR • P (procedure auto tuning) – FMC selects navaids for approach or departure procedure guidance • R (route auto tuning) – FMC selects navaids on the active route. The navaids is the previous VOR or a downpath VOR within 250NM of airplane position • A (autotuning) – FMC selects a navaid for best position orientation • M (manual) – VOR is manual–tuned. Manual–tuning takes priority over FMC autotuning. Deletion of a manual–tuned frequency returns system to autotuning ILS 1-PARK • Electrical power is first applied • More than 200 NM from the T/D, or • Less than halfway to the destination 2-Tuning Status Frequency, Course, and PARK • Less than 200 NM from the T/D, or • More than halfway to the destination, whichever represents the lesser distance to destination 3- Tuning Status – A (Autotune) • Less than 50 NM from the T/D, or • Less than 150 NM from the runway threshold, or • FMC is in descent mode 4-Tuning Status – M (Manual) Receiver tuned manually and valid frequency/course display.