e h t e l i h w strike t o h s i n o ir p u g n i m r a w o t e a guid ABOUT YOUR COACH Christy Senay Head Coach of UNCHAINED STRENGTH Elite Powerlifter Strongwoman my goal is to help you build strength, confidence, and the body you deserve What makes a successful warm up? A warm up's purpose is simply to prime the body and nervous system and prepare your mind to lift. A good warm up should use exercises that mobilize and activate muscles used for the main lift of your workout while also drilling technique. When I wrote these warm ups for the TEAM UNCHAINED programming, I was deliberate in my exercise selection to make sure I cover all of the bases. I wanted to make sure everyone would start their workout feeling both physically and mentally ready to crush big PRs (or big fruits with their thighs). Keep in mind that we all walk into the gym with different strengths, injuries, weaknesses, and goals so the perfect warm up may vary from person to person. The warm ups in this E-Book are a great place for you to start and then you can tweak the exercises and discover your own perfect warm up! make sure to click the links to access tutorials so you know you are doing it right! UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. the basics You may have heard of the Mc Gill Big 3 as it is a staple in many lifters' regime. These exercises are going to turn on the core and get your upper and lower extremities working with your core . You can do these before you start your lift specific warm-up EVERY workout! MCGillionaire 1x6 McGill Sit Up (w/ 10 hold every rep) 1x6 per side Bird Dog (w/ 10 hold every rep) 1x6 per side Rolling plank (w/ 10 hold every rep) UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. The squat For the squat you need to warm-up your hips and ankles in order to hit depth. Both hip internal and external rotation as well as glute activation is going to be key. Do not forget about your shoulders and upper back as rack position and tightness is an important part of this lift. The warm up 1x6 Hip Airplane (per side w/ 10 hold every rep) 1x6 Banded Glute Bridge w/ 10s hold every rep 2x15 Band External Rotation 1x60s Goblet Squat w/ hold ! s u n BoGet extra glute activation and positional awareness by this drill: Banded Pause Squat Drill UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. Bench The bench warm up should be comprised of warming up the shoulder joint, firing up your shoulder stabilziers, warming up your prime movers, and locking in that upper back. Overhead Press Any type of overhead movement requires a lot of shoulder and lat/pec mobility. Once you have that locked down you can reach adequate range of motion and power for your press! UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM The warm up 1x10 Shoulder Swimmers 2x15 Scapular Push Ups 2x15 Band External Rotation 2x15 Bench Band Pull Aparts 2x15-30 Tricep Pushdowns The warm up 1x60s Band Dislocates 1x15 per side Single Arm Lat Pulldown 1x10 Shoulder Swimmers 1x10 Bottoms up KB Press get strong with u.s. Conventional deadlift The deadlift requires your whole body to be ready to pull some big weight! Really make sure you don't skip out on your McGillionaires this day and then focus on glutes, posterior chain, and explosiveness in your warm ups. The warm up 1x60s KB Deadbugs 2x15 Band Goodmorning 2x15 Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 2x5 Box Jump UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. Sumo deadlift Don't get it twisted - the sumo deadlift requires a little different preparation than the conventional. Make sure you have oiled up your hips and turned on your adductors and glutes! The warm up 1x6 Hip Airplane (per side w/ 10 hold every rep) 1x10 per side Copenhagen Plank 1x60s Cossack Squat 2x20 Feet Banded Lateral Walks UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. Under the barbell Ok, now you are all primed for movement but what sets and reps do you do with the bar to get to your working weight? You don't want to do too many and tire yourself out but you also don't want to take too big of jumps and surprise your nervous system and rattle your confidence. I have made a warm-up cheat sheet for you to keep with you on your phone to make it easier to plan out your warm up sets. Use this as a guide forever or until you find what exact type of jumps works for you best! Never go into a session without a plan! warm up cheat sheet UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. Strength programming, coaching, education, &community Now that you are all warmed up... start your program! FREE week trial of TEAM UNCHAINED when you click the link below! 5x a week strength training with me as your coach and supportive team behind you! All on an easy to use app with demo videos and chat support! FREE WEEK TRIAL UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s. About unchained strength Unchained Strength exists to provide the tools, education, and guidance needed so that EVERYONE can push their physical and mental strength in order to empower themselves and perform their best. We offer multiple ways to train with U.S. so that no matter what your goal, experience level, and budget we have your back. As head coach, it is my mission to get a barbell in everyone's hands and make more knowledgable lifters so they too can spread the gift of gains! Let's keep this chain reaction going strong! Check out our services, content, and blogs @ UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM UNCHAINEDSTRENGTH.COM get strong with u.s.