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Blaze Mining Case Study: Ethical Perception

Blaze Mining Case Study: Ethical Perception
of a Digital Study Assistant Research Paper
Exclusively available on IvyPanda
Updated: May 28th, 2023
Blaze Mining is a middle-sized organization that the family manages. The firm
has been managed well, with various departments despite the key issues. The
firm used to perform in the past, but over the past decade, there have been a
couple of issues. Management and leadership have been one of the key issues
that the firm has faced over the past. As a result, every department section has
been assigned to a family member in charge of every action in the organization.
In essence, despite of the challenges of diversity, ethical and restructuring in
Blaze Mining is facing, there are key interventions like workshops and change of
communication structures that will help issuing the appropriate remedies.
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Problem Statement
Blaze Mining is facing a diversity, ethical and restructuring problem which has an
adverse impact on productivity. For instance, the major reason for the challenge
is because the firm has had conflicts over and over for the last decade. “In
addition to digitalization the academic landscape has been shaped by
internationalization” ( Siyin & Haibo, 2020). As such, poor organization
management through conflicts is the major reason for failure in most of the
current world’s downfalls many organizations have faced. There has been an
utmost challenge in how Blaze Mining has handled the key management issues.
Thus, this has created employee satisfaction and morale issues.
Poor leadership in the company has led to the company’s fall, affecting
management and critical operation. Poor leadership has led to consideration of
family members for top managerial positions leading to completion for seniority in
the company. Further, family members are confident of their job security because
the company governance policies allow only family members to head the
organization. This approach affects the company’s performance because the
appointment criteria do not test the competence of the appointees. Therefore, the
organization must develop better structures that will change diverse management
and leadership styles leading to improved company performance.
The notable company problem is diversity since family members or direct
appointees manage it. This leadership approach leads to the appointment of
departmental leaders who cannot perform their roles, leading to incompetence
and poor results in their management area (Rosen et al., 2018). Incompetence
could be considered the critical challenge affecting the company’s growth. For
example, allocating top positions to family members does not guarantee that the
subjects involved are competent, which affects the performance of the
employees, leading to the department’s failure.
The major reason why managing Blaze mining has become a great challenge is
because of poor communication that has resulted from family management. A
significant number of employees do not listen to the top managers. For instance,
the current management and leadership issues have clearly outlined the potential
issues in the relationship between employees in the firm. Blaze Mining
management has noted the decrease in productivity because of employee
conflicts. There is a higher likelihood that the issues would have been caused by
the family members who were the objective leaders of the organization’s
departments. Additionally, there are concerns about ethical issues depicted by
organizational leaders. Despite being of the same family, their poor
communication might be considered as contempt of duties. Additionally, it is
unethical for an organization to be managed by one family member.
Action Research
The action research, in this case, requires a set of processes that will aim at
getting Blaze mining on the right track. The processes include planning how to
solve the problem, implementing the plan, and assessing if the problem was
solved. “Dewey’s criticism of the separation between knowledge and action as
well as his other philosophical ideas are instrumental” (Roberts et al., 2021). For
instance, the protocols that will be followed to ensure that, in the end, the issues
facing the organization will be solved. Therefore, the organization has considered
organizational development as their intervention to solve the management and
leadership problems depicted in the Blaze mining company.
Interventions Type
Two major interventions will be applied to solve the key issues Blaze Mining has
been facing over the past. Blaze will undergo both organization and individual
types of intervention. Communication and restructuring of the leadership
employees will be the major intervention types. Under the individual intervention,
Blaze Mining will engage in better workshops that will include communication
projects to help the various department leaders handle the critical issues the
organization will face. In addition, the firm will need to reassess and restructure
the employment system to reduce the conflicts under the organization
intervention type.
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Intervention Process
The intervention process will follow the company schedule because of the
workshops conducted. However, the process will start with a need assessment
form that will include all the key requirements of the whole project. Needs
assessment phase will clarify the major challenges that Blaze Mining has been
facing and highlight the major reasons why they need different addresses. The
next phase will be the implementation and assessment process conducted at the
Role of a Consultant in Organization Development (OD)
Consultants are mainly reached to help an organization solve a given challenge
using their knowledge, skills, and experience which influencing the performance
of the company. Thus, consultants will assess specified are of an organization,
identify the problem and suggest approaches to address it. “Organizational skills
include the ability to redesign organizational structures to increase both
productivity and accountability” (Meier, 2021). Additionally, the consultant will
review the management process of the whole process. Despite giving
suggestions on the appropriate approaches to solving a given problem, such as
leadership and management in Blaze mining company, the consultant will
regularly monitor the progress and make relevant corrections.
Competence of an Organization Development Practitioner
An Organizational Development (OD) practitioner has five primary roles they play
in an organization during the OD intervention program. They are regarded as
efficient designers especially mandated to make plans quickly, business
advisors, and credible strategists in making a decision. Additionally, they have
considered organizations informed consultants and systems change experts.
Considering the case present, an OD must have organizational skills. They will
be mandated to analyze the organization, state the problem, and suggest
possible approaches to increase productivity.
An OD must differentiate the people skills to ensure proper communication
between the client and him to improve his understanding of the organization
assigned. In the case of Blaze mining company, their skills will enable them to
solve the good relationship and communication challenge depicted by designing
a model which improves people skills (Meier, 2021). For example, when
approaching the issue of family members in the organization, there are many
expected challenges. As such, it will be essential for the OD to develop better
skills that will give advanced and fair solutions.
Lastly, they must have processing skills where they can understand some subprocesses in the organization. When they notice a small process that affects the
results negatively, using their skills, they will reverse the process and retain good
results. The major aim is to revert and have the best management and
leadership protocols. For instance, in the Blaze Mining company, the issue of
leadership and communication is the major cause of the many conflicts.
Therefore, the OD will have to create a fair way of handling such issues to solve
the major issues affecting the organization.
Ethical consideration
This intervention program will necessitate close encounters and socialization with
people during data collection. Since this is a family-headed business, there will
be siblings who will give negative responses regarding their mates; thus, the first
ethical consideration will be data privacy (Greiff et al., 2022). The approach will
reduce family members’ conflict and prevent worsening the existing
communication problem. The information regarding the issues to be addressed
will be kept confidential to the company. The major reason will be to help the
company from conflicting the families, which might cause a crisis in Blaze mining.
Therefore, information regarding the family cases will be kept confidential.
All data collected should be collected voluntarily without cases of threats or
blackmail. The leaders in management will be requested to deliver their cases of
the story. There will be convictions or any forced act in solving the key issues.
The major role of the information will be to bring back peace and not destroy it in
the end. For this reason, every piece of information will have to be kept private to
ensure every company has achieved all the required outcomes. Thus, all the
company staff must be informed of the ongoing intervention and goals of the
study to give relevant information to help the company grow.
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Recommended research methods
The researchers will strive to obtain more information about the organization to
solve the problem. This will necessitate the use of various research methods to
solve each challenge. The primary method will be observations, where they will
constantly monitor the outcomes of each implemented plan and gather more
information. For example, “Ineffective care coordination and the underlying
suboptimal teamwork processes are a public health issue.”(Rosen et al., 2018).
Alternatively, the researcher will follow the suggested process for a needs
assessment form. The needs assessment process will help determine the correct
issues affecting the company and how the company expects them to be solved.
Secondly, they will conduct surveys of the company and analyze its performance
before and after implementing the control measures. Since the company is
divided into organizational groups, the focus group will help gather more
information from each group, especially those performing poorly. Alternatively,
the performance index of each employee will be assessed. The indexes will help
identify the key departments with underperformance issues. The list will also help
create the key intervention programs that will help rectify the organization’s
current state. Lastly, they will use secondary data about the organization from the
library and other sources. Hence, these sources of information will help create
better grounds for a good project after implementing the intervention.
Data collection
This study should be considered a qualitative exercise aiming to improve this
organization’s performance. Various data collection methods such as
interviewing and observation will be used to collect data from the staff. For
example, the department leaders and the members will be subjected to questions
to collect data to give recommendations. There will be themes that will be
created; performance, satisfaction, and morale of the employees. The themes
will help make collecting data from the organization easy. Thus, the appropriate
data collection methods should be focus groups, questionnaires, observations,
and in-person interviews.
The evaluation will comprise of one outlining the suggested change, assessing it,
making it possible and just, and ending the process of repeating the exercises
until the problem is solved. The evaluation process will be conducted at the end
of the entire project (Rosen et al., 2018). More especially, it will be a performance
measure after all the major interventions have been implemented. Furthermore,
the evaluation process will help identify the key areas that the project never
altered. Hence, evaluation is the essential process in the whole organization
change program.
Intervention timeline
Since the program has been limited to 3 months, there will be constant
monitoring and full assessment of the progress at the end of every month. Thus,
the planning should take less than a week to give time to implement the phases.
Additionally, the time will be used to assemble all the required resources for the
project to be completed in time. The program closure should be a week before
the general meeting with the stakeholders to give adequate time to prepare the
Anticipated Resistance to the Change and the Process for
Despite progressing well, change will face resistance because it will affect all
company employees. The resistance will be due to quick and impactful changes
to which the staff will be exposed. This change could be considered a shock
because some will have difficulties adapting or affect their performance. The
anticipated change, in this case, is development change which aims at creating
teamwork, establishing better communication, retraining them to fit the new
system, and relationship building. However, not all people will welcome this
change, with the first resistance being a change of position, especially demotion
and dismissal of some family members in the company (Sartori et al., 2018).
Their resistance will be instigated by entitlement and family shares in the
company. The staff could resist some of the changes, especially retraining and
change of schedule, which will ensure they increase their productivity.
The hypotheses will be based on the key outcomes expected at the project’s
end. The two hypotheses will be created based on the project’s suggested
interventions. Since the study was to improve the performance of the company
using the Organizational Development approach, the existing problems must be
depicted. Thus this project should identify the existing company problem which
has been explained as the family ties leading to poor communication. The study
should further explain the steps to be taken to enhance the performance of the
problem by solving the identified problem.
The intervention structures are expected to work well, and the employees will
build good relationships. For example, the workshops will enhance good
communication between the employees to create a perfect idea of how they will
relate with each other. Alternatively, the workers will boost their morale and
motivation to work through the knowledge earned at the workshops.
Furthermore, restructuring the organization to shift the family members from the
many departments will also help in controlling the conflicts that may arise in the
organization. Therefore, there is an expected improvement in the general
performance of the Blaze Mining Company.
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The blaze mining company was facing performance challenges instigated by the
company’s approach to leadership. The organization was developed under
single-family management, and most leadership positions were directly given to
the family member and preferred appointees regardless of their competence.
This management style caused a serious problem with the organization seeking
help from the newly appointed CEO to mend the mess. The CEO was forced to
action research and intervention measures by pointing out steps to implement
organizational change. This case study necessitated an understanding of the
roles of consultants, competence and ethical consideration during the research.
Assessing the whole scenario, the CEO was to create teamwork, establish better
communication, and retrain them to fit the new system and relationship building,
thus ensuring the company’s success.
Greiff, P., Reinken, C., & Hoppe, U. (2022). Ethical perception of a digital study
assistant: Student survey of ethical values. Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference on Computer Supported Education. Web.
Meier, K. S. (2021). The skills needed for OD practitioners. Work.Chron.com. Web.
Roberts, K., Casey, M., Coghlan, D., Cornall, C., Hudson, C., Stokes, D., &
Carroll, A. (2021). A scoping review protocol to map the evidence on the use of
action research methodology by healthcare professionals and in healthcare team
settings. HRB Open Research, 4, 68. Web.
Rosen, M. A., DiazGranados, D., Dietz, A. S., Benishek, L. E., Thompson, D.,
Pronovost, P. J., & Weaver, S. J. (2018). Teamwork in healthcare: Key
discoveries enabling safer, high-quality care. American Psychologist, 73(4), 433450. Web.
Sartori, R., Costantini, A., Ceschi, A., & Tommasi, F. (2018). How do you
manage change in organizations? Training, development, innovation, and their
relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. Web.
Siyin, G., & Haibo, T. (2020). The teaching reform of counseling psychology
based on constructivism learning theory. Theory and Practice of Psychological
Counseling, 2(12), 884-890. Web.
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