Vaccine Types & Technologies: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Lecture: 16
Topic: Vaccine
Mohammad Abbas Gani
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, IUB
• Conventional vaccines originate from viruses or bacteria and can be divided in live
attenuated vaccines and non-living vaccines. In addition, three vaccine
generations can be distinguished for nonliving vaccines.
• First generation vaccines consist of an inactivated suspension of the pathogenic
microorganism. Little or no purification is applied. Examples: Influenza vaccine,
Cholera vaccine.
• For second generation vaccines purification steps are applied, varying from the
purification of a pathogenic microorganism (e.g., improved non-living polio
vaccine) to the complete purification of the protective component (e.g.,
polysaccharide vaccines).
• Third generation vaccines are either a well-defined combination of protective
components (e.g., acellular pertussis vaccine) or the protective component with the
desired immunological properties (e.g., polysaccharides conjugated with carrier
Live Attenuated Vaccines:
• An attenuated vaccine (or a live attenuated vaccine, LAV) is a vaccine created by
reducing the virulence of a pathogen, but still keeping it viable (or "live").
• Attenuation takes an infectious agent and alters it so that it becomes harmless or
less virulent.
• Examples: polio vaccine, measles-rubella-mumps (MMR) combination vaccine, and
tuberculosis vaccine (BCG vaccine; BCG means Bacillus Calmette-Guerin).
• Advantage: few and low doses are required, give long-lasting humoral and cellmediated immunity.
• Disadvantage: reversion to a virulent form may occur, immunization of
immunodeficient children with live organisms can lead to serious complications.
Non-Living Vaccines: Whole Organisms
• An inactivated vaccine (or killed vaccine) is a vaccine consisting of virus particles,
bacteria, or other pathogens that have been grown in culture and then killed to
destroy disease-producing capacity.
• A number of reagents (e.g., formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde) and heat are commonly
used for inactivation.
• Examples: pertussis, cholera, typhoid fever, and inactivated polio vaccines.
• Advantages: more stable than live pathogens, cannot revert to a virulent form and
cause disease.
• Disadvantage: little or no CMI is induced, more frequently cause adverse effects as
compared to live attenuated vaccines and second and third generation non-living
Non-Living Vaccines: Subunit Vaccines
• A subunit vaccine is a vaccine that contains purified parts of the pathogen that are
antigenic, or necessary to elicit a protective immune response.
• A "subunit" vaccine doesn't contain the whole pathogen but contains only the
antigenic parts such as proteins, polysaccharides or peptides.
• Advantages: cannot revert to virulence, safe for immunocompromised patients,
can withstand changes in conditions (e.g. temperature, light exposure, humidity).
• Disadvantages: reduced immunogenicity compared to attenuated vaccines,
require adjuvants to improve immunogenicity, often require multiple doses
("booster" doses) to provide long-term immunity, can be difficult to isolate the
specific antigen(s) which will invoke the necessary immune response.
Non-Living Vaccines: Subunit Vaccines (Types)
• Toxoid vaccines: A toxoid is an inactivated toxin whose toxicity has been
suppressed either by chemical (formalin) or heat treatment, while other properties,
typically immunogenicity, are maintained. Toxins are secreted by bacteria, whereas
toxoids are altered form of toxins; toxoids are not secreted by bacteria. There are
toxoids for prevention of diphtheria, tetanus and botulism.
• Protein subunit vaccines: contains isolated proteins from pathogens (virus or
bacteria). Examples: hepatitis B, acellular pertussis vaccines.
• Polysaccharide vaccines: contains chains of polysaccharides (sugar molecules)
found in the pathogen's capsule such as cell walls of some bacteria. Examples:
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, meningococcal vaccine.
1) Genetically Improved Live Vaccines
a) Genetically Attenuated Microorganisms: By making multiple deletions the
risk of reversion to a virulent state during production or after administration can
be virtually eliminated. A prerequisite for attenuation by genetic engineering is
that the factors responsible for virulence and the life cycle of the pathogen are
known in detail. It is also obvious that the protective antigens must be known:
attenuation must not result in reduced immunogenicity.
b) Live Vectored Vaccines: A way to improve the safety or efficacy of vaccines is
to use live, avirulent or attenuated organisms as a carrier to express protective
antigens from a pathogen. Live vectored vaccines are created by recombinant
technology, wherein one or more genes of the vector organism are replaced by
one or more protective genes from the pathogen.
2) Genetically Improved Subunit Vaccines
a) Genetically Detoxified Proteins: A biotechnological improvement of the
acellular pertussis vaccine has been the switch from chemically to genetically
inactivated pertussis toxin. Genetic detoxification by site directed mutagenesis
warrants the reproducible production of a non-toxic mutant protein that is highly
immunogenic because the integrity of immunogenic sites is fully retained.
b) Recombinant Peptide Vaccines: After identification of a protective epitope, it
is possible to incorporate the corresponding peptide sequence through genetic
fusion into a carrier protein, such as HBsAg, hepatitis B core antigen, and bgalactosidase. An example of the recombinant peptide approach is a malaria
vaccine. Genetic fusion of peptides with proteins offers the possibility to produce
protective epitopes of toxic antigens derived from pathogenic species as part of
non-toxic proteins expressed by harmless species.
c) Synthetic Peptide-Based Vaccines: The use of synthetic peptides as vaccine
has the following advantages:
They can be prepared in unlimited quantities using solid-phase
ii. They are easily purified by HPLC methods.
iii. They do not contain infectious or toxic material.
d) Nucleic Acid Vaccines: A revolutionary application of rDNA technology in
vaccinology has been the introduction of nucleic acid vaccines. In this approach
plasmid DNA or messenger RNA encoding the desired antigen is directly
administered into the vaccinee. The foreign protein is then expressed by the host
cells and generates an immune response. Plasmid DNA is produced by replication
in E. coli or other bacterial cells and purification by established methods (e.g.,
density gradient centrifugation, ion-exchange chromatography).
Advantages and disadvantages of nucleic acid vaccines:
Reverse Vaccinology:
• Nowadays vaccines can be designed based on the information encoded by the
genome of a particular pathogen.
• The genome sequence of a pathogen provides a complete picture of all proteins that
can be produced by the pathogens at any given time.
• Using computer algorithms, proteins that are either excreted or expressed on the
surface of the pathogen, and thus most likely available for recognition by the host’s
immune system, can be identified.
• After recombinant production and purification, these vaccine candidates can be
screened for immunogenicity in mice.
• From these, the best candidates can be selected and used as subunit vaccines.
• A big advantage of reverse vaccinology is the ease at which novel candidate
antigens can be selected without the need to cultivate the pathogen.
• Furthermore, by comparing genomes of different strains of a pathogen, conserved
antigens can be identified that can serve as a “broad spectrum” vaccine, giving
protection against all strains or serotypes of a given pathogen.
• One drawback of this approach is that it is limited to the identification of proteinbased antigens.
• Reverse vaccinology has been successfully used to identify novel antigens for a
variety of pathogens, including Neisseria meningitidis, Bacillus anthracis,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Chlamydia pneumoniae and
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.