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Essay The Beatles during their times

Essay topic nr.3
This essay will discuss how British popular music reflected British society between 1960 to
The decade of the 1960s, also called the ‘Swinging Sixties’, was a period known from its
significant changes. There was growth in all British aspects of life. One of that defining aspect
was music. The Beatles was a band which had a huge impact on British society and their
music influenced the lives of young Britons. At that time the Great Britain wanted changes.
The lyrics of their songs were mature, creative and catchy. The example of that may be song
,,I Want To Hold Your Hand’’. Also, each of the Beatles member had a different personality.
It added the fresh scent to their music which was needed by British people. Progressive rock
has also reflected the society’s thoughts. With lyrics which were abstract and or meaningless,
people could stop thinking about the dark past. That was what they were hoping for. The
psychedelic rock and freakbeats have been loved by the Great Britain and the whole world.
On the other hand, 1970s are known as a bad decade, mostly because of the minors strikes and
bad economic situation. It also affected the music and fashion. The glam rock was shocking
not only by outrageous costumes, hairstyles and the glitter by also by the lyrics of the songs.
This music genre proceeded the punk music movement. It also had a significant impact on
society’s attitude and sexual identities. The Sex Pistols music which touched the topic of rock
music and everything bad that was happening in the world at that time, reflected thoughts and
desires of the people of the 1970s. The music of the 1980s was based on the new wave
movement. This music combined different sounds and different genres.
In conclusion, the music which established between 1960s to 1990s reflect the true the real
needs, desires and views of society. Sometimes it was difficult for them to express their views
or it was forbidden to do so. The music let the society to do so.
Part II
I do not agree witt the George Orwell’s words :"A dull, decent people, cherishing and
fortifying their dullness behind a quarter of a million bayonets’’. I believe the British are
mature and successful. The can control their emotions and know how to behave. Moreover,
they are very durable and can survive the worst. Perceiving them as boring may result from
their composure. Overall, I believe British people are the most interesting and friendly.