Group Role Play Ru\:iric > u :, u ..,., C 0 g ------------------------- o All historical Information appears o Almost all hlstorlcal tobe accurate o Studenu paid close anentton to Information appears to be thecharacter'sbe-liefs and roteIn theAmerican Revolution when o Students used the character's belle-ts and roleIn the American writingtheir di.atogue Revorunon whenwritingtheir o The dialogue is educational and dlalot;ue presents the audiel'l(e withnew Information In an lnterestll'\g way o The dla.logue is somewhat Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced .. Names o Little historicalInformation appears to beaccurate educanonal and presents some newl.nformanon Information o No hls.torka.l Information appears to be a«urate o Studenudid not use the <haracter'sbe-liefs and rote In the American Revoluoon when writingtheir daatogue o The dialogue has littleorno educaoonal va.lueand new Information o Allgroupmembers speak dearly andk>udl'y whenpresennng,using vol:celntonanonand expression o The role play flowst.hroughout thescenesIOf:lcally withfew lntemJptlons o Most groupmembers speak deartyandloudly when presenting, usingvoice Intonation and expression o The role play flowst.hroughout thescenes withsome Interruptions or may not be entirely organized In a loglcal format o Few groupmembers speak deartyandloudly when presenring, usingvoice Intonation and expression o Therole play flowst.hroughout thescenes withmany Interruptions andIsnot organized tn ak>gkal format o Nogroupmembers spea.k de artyandloudly when presentingmaking the role play difficult to follow o The role playdoesnot throughout the scenes,Is filled withlnterrupnons, a.nd Isnot organizedln ak>gkal format o All group members actively workedtogether to accomplish the taskl.n a timely manner oAII members wereon task and <ontrlbuted to the dialogue and plannJng o Most groupmembers actively workedtogether to accomplish the task o Most members wereon task andcontributed to the dlal()f;ue andpla.nnlng o Group members wotked together somewhatbut asa whote there needed to be more <ooperation o Group members wereoff task at nmeswhenwortdngon the dlalOf:ue andplannl"! o Group members worked together very llttleand there there needed to be more <ooperation ow-ra.11 o Group members wereoff task often whenworkingon t.he dlalOf:ue a.nd plannl"! Theroleplayhasall required the elements developed fully: o setting o castof characters o dlatogue withcuesto characters builtln Theroleplayhasall the required elements butsomeare not developed full'y. TheroJeplayIs m.!sslng someof the required elements and they maynot be devetoped fully. TheroleplayIs missing severalof the required elements and they arenot developed. accurate u o Students rarely used t.he characte<'sbeliefsand rote in the American Revolution when writingtheir di.atogue o The dialogue has Utt.le educanonal va.tueand new now Total Score (of 16 possible) Score