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Technology's Impact on Children: Benefits & Risks

(Technology with Children )
(Dimple Reczko)
Department of Psychology, Nashua Community College
PSYC 101N: Introduction to Psychology
Professor Elizabeth Prescott
April 22, 2023
This composition explores the effects technology has on the growing mind, and how
intentional implementations can be beneficial for children. while consequently if
unguided can lead to harmful effects on the well-being of children whether physically
or mentally.
In this day in age, children are introduced to technology earlier than they would in
the past. This leads to the question of what effects this might have on a growing mind.
What are healthy ways to introduce technology to children? If introducing technology
at an early age what are implementations that can be useful for children? What are
alternative stimulations that can benefit a developing mind?
The effects technology can have on children's behavior by affecting their cognition. In
turn, hindering their development in aspects of learning, memory retention,
intelligence, thinking, as well as creativity. Compromised cognition can affect their
sociability and quality of life.
It is in our nature to be social and low social skills can in turn affect our well-being.
The article, “Looking Through Mothers’ Lens” by Zohour Rashwan discusses the effect
of technology on children during COVID-19 confinement. The combination of
technology overuse and social isolation altered the behaviors of children. Causing
depression and anxiety while some displayed dysfunctional behaviors. In another
article “Analyzing technology addiction and challenging behaviors of young children”
by Zeynep Dere. It mentions challenging behaviours as well, caused by addiction to
technology with an inclusion of a study that indicates addiction levels in young
children. Correspondingly, If not guided children can be addicted to technology as it
can be a stimulating device. Addiction to technology like TV, Video games, and Social
media can result in physical inactivity. This can be destructive to children’s health as
physical activity is essential to children's health, not only physically but mentally as
well. “Digital experiences can have a significant impact
on children, exposing them to risks or failing to nurture them adequately”
Not only can technology addiction be physically hindering but
learning and thinking processes as well.
Due to the efficiency of technology, It is more common to pacify children through the
stimulation of technology. Children are being introduced to technology from early
infancy through preschooler development and even more from school-age
development. This compromises children's ability to be enriched with natural
instances as they are nurtured to rely on technological stimulation. For healthy
childhood development, play is essential for children. “Play is a way for young
children to gain essential knowledge and skills. It is important for learning skills such
as problem-solving, creativity, and self-regulation ”(Responsible). Anything that
enriches a child’s mind or body can be considered play, traditionally imaginative play
or games with rules are what come to mind but these are just as indispensable as they
promote social skills.
If technology were to be applied with intention it can also be beneficial. It can be
utilized for a child’s learning purpose, The article “ Responsible Innovation in
Technology for Children ” by the publication of Innocenti. Introduces a game that
engages children in learning although in the form of play. The researcher in the article
conducted numerous experiments and formed questionnaires to help best customize
the games for children. Not only that it appeals to children but aids in their learning
process. Although educational games are a great alternative to play
It is not to be said that they can be a substitute for traditional play as children
naturally crave art, outdoor or social-based play.
“ Empowering Children with Adaptive Technology Skills ” by Miftachul Huda.
Suggests that to implement healthy ways for children, parents should talk about what
can come of their use of technology when introducing technology to them. While also
using parental control on websites children may use for precaution
Conversely, early exposure to technology has its negative effects but being that
children are naturally equipped to learn, children or newer generations gained
higher levels for processing information due to the advances of technology. by
conversing with children and implementing precautionary controls technology or
social media can be of advantage for children. “ Social media can be beneficial to youth
such as increased empathy and acceptance of diversity through modeling prosocial
behaviours” (Huda).
Overall, although technology can have its negative sides when wielded and
Implemented right technology can be beneficial for children.
Dere, Z. (2022). Analyzing technology addiction and challenging behaviors of young
children. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 14(1), 243-250
Huda, M., Jasmi, K. A., Mustari, M. I., Basiron, B., Hehsan, A., Shahrill, M., & Gassama, S.
K. (2017). Empowering Children with Adaptive Technology Skills: Careful
Engagement in the Digital Information Age. International Electronic Journal of
Elementary Education, 9(3), 693–708.
Rashwan, Z. I., Hassan, B. H., Selim, A., Mostafa Radwan, R. I., El Razik Ahmed
Mohamed, A. A., & Eweida, R. S. (2023). Looking through mothers' lens on children's
technology overuse, behavioral and psychosocial alterations during home
Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children: Digital Technology, Play and Child
Well-Being. (2022).