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Grade 8 Physics Assignment: Light & Color

Answer All Questions:
1. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can detect. It is a
type of energy that travels as a wave at a constant speed through space and
2. Light makes things visible by reflecting off their surfaces and entering our
eyes. When light hits an object, some of it is absorbed, while the rest is
reflected or transmitted. The light that enters our eyes is then processed by
our brain, allowing us to see the object.
3. Materials can be classified based on how they respond to light as
transparent, translucent, or opaque. Transparent materials allow light to pass
through them completely, translucent materials allow some light to pass
through, but scatter it in different directions, and opaque materials do not
allow light to pass through them at all.
4. Opaque: Piece of rock, wooden board, sheet of aluminum, mirror, wall,
sheet of cardboard, wire mesh, kerosene stove; Transparent: Sheet of plane
glass, sheet of cellophane, sheet of carbon paper; Translucent: Smoke, fog;
Luminous: Lighted fluorescent tube, lighted torch, sun, firefly; Nonluminous: Umbrella, piece of red hot iron.
5. The appropriate formula combination for creating secondary colors is: Red +
Blue = Magenta, Blue + Green = Cyan, Green + Red = Yellow.
6. The base color of all primary colors is white light. When white light is split
into its constituent colors, it is found that red, blue, and green are the
primary colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors together
• Submission Date: Monday 17th April, 2023
• Students are encouraged to prepare for a mini quiz on Wednesday 19th
April, 2023.