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Digital Multimeter (DMM) FAQ for Electrical Engineering

Ryerson University
Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
EDU34450A - Digital Multimeter (DMM) FAQ
Designed for ELE202 W2022
By. Kevin Tang (ktang@ryerson.ca)
Version Mar 1, 2022
Official Manual (EDU34450A – Keysight)
Lab Station
EDU34450A are located on the bottom left of your lab station.
Use to measure the voltage
across any source.
Use to measure the current across
any source.
Use to measure the resistance
of a resistor.
Key on EDU34450A:
Prob Position:
Step # 1: In this example, we try to find the voltage across the bottom left resistor (shown with a yellow
arrow, top one is + and bottom one is -)
Step # 2: Place your alligator test prob in parallel with the source resistor.
Step # 3: Connect the prob as the following, then press [DCV] button on the DMM panel.
Step # 4: Turn on your Power Supply channel power switch (refer to Power Supply FAQ)
Step # 5: Result will be displayed on the main screen of your DMM (in V)
Step # 1: In this example, we try to find the current flow throw the bottom left resistor (shown with a
green arrow)
First, break the resistor circuit.
(Notice: This is just an example, you can connect it in any other way you like, as long as it is in series)
Step # 2: Embedded the Ammeter connection in series with the source resistor.
Connect it based on the direction of the current flowing.
Step # 3: Connect the prob (on the DMM) as the following, then press [DCI] button (on the DMM panel).
Step # 4: Turn on your Power Supply channel power switch (refer to Power Supply FAQ)
Step # 5: Result will be displayed on the main screen of your DMM (in mA)
*Common Mistake for Ammeter:
Connect Ammeter in Parallel
Problem: You cannot connect Ammeter in parallel
with the source (resistor). Remember, you always
connect Ammeter in series, not parallel.
Wrong Port on the DMM
Problem: The prob connection is wrong on the
DMM. Refer to Step # 2 for the correct
VERY IMPORTANT: Never connected
Ammeter in parallel. It will damage the
Removed the source
Wrong polarity
Problem: Removed the source and then embed the
ammeter. It is incorrect, as it changed the circuit
Problem: The connection needs to be same as the
current direction from Red (current in) to Black
(current out)
Step # 1: Make sure your prob are connected at the same position as the following
Step # 2: Connected the red test lead with your red alligator clip
Step # 3: Connect the other side of your red alligator clip with the resistor you wish to measure.
Step # 4: Repeat the step in Step 2 and 3 for the black side
Step # 5: Turn ON the DMM, and then press the [Ω2W] button.
The resistance value will be displayed on the screen.
How to measure Capacitance?
Step 1: Make the Prob position same as voltmeter.
Step 2: First, press Shift, then press Temp
Step 3: Connect the Capacitor on the other side (you may need to use the alligator cable)
(Watch the direction for polarized capacitor)
Step 4: The Capacitor’s capacitance value will show on the DMM.