Overview Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides by alloying Aruna Bahadur The chemical ordering in intermetallics results in reduced atomic mobility and therefore increased resistance to plastic deformation at elevated temperatures. This intrinsic source of high temperature strength leads to the inherent brittleness of polycrystalline ordered intermetallics at room temperature. The requirements for optimum high temperature strength and ductility at ambient temperature are often incompatible. Iron aluminides possess high strength up to 873 K. There is an anomalous (positive) temperature dependence of yield and ow strengths. Iron aluminides have yet to achieve satisfactory elevated load bearing capability. Alloy additions have the potential for improving elevated temperature strength and room temperature ductility; whichever is more critical for the application. Elements such as Cr, Ti, Mn, Co, and Mo produce higher ow stress due to solid solution strengthening. Elements such as Zr, Ta, Nb, Re, and Hf go into solution partly, reprecipitate, effectively pin dislocations and thereby cause strengthening. Mo, Zr, and Hf produce good tensile strength at elevated temperatures but ductility decreases. Element B strengthens by grain boundary cohesion. The improvement in room temperature ductility can be achieved through modi cation of the crystal structure by changes in stoichiometry, macroalloying, microalloying, and control of the environment. B, TiB2, and Cr are notable for enhancing ductility. The paper is an overview of the present status of iron aluminides in this respect. MST/5682 The author is in the National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur 831007, India (aruna@nmlindia.org).Manuscript received 29 October 2002; accepted 14 April 2003. # 2003 IoM Communications Ltd. Published by Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Introduction Increasing demand for inexpensive materials with high strength and low density for elevated temperature applications in highly corrosive environments has stimulated interest in the development of iron aluminides (Fe – Al). Ordered intermetallics possess a stronger bonding between dissimilar atoms and a strong tendency for chemical ordering, resulting in reduced atomic mobility and therefore, increased resistance to plastic deformation at elevated temperatures. The principal effects of ordering on mechanical properties arise from the changes in dislocation con guration due to the added constraints that ordering places on the nucleation and the motion of dislocations. This intrinsic source of high temperature strength leads to the inherent brittleness of polycrystalline ordered intermetallics at room temperature. Both strength and ductility are important for structural applications, however, the requirements for optimum strength at elevated temperatures during operation and optimum ductility at ambient temperature during fabrication and handling are often incompatible and a compromise has to be arrived at. Mechanical properties of Fe – Al A large number of ordered intermetallics are shown to exhibit anomalous increase in yield strength at temperatures around half the homologous melting point,1 but Fe – Al was not believed to be one of them. Recent studies have shown that Fe – Al alloys do exhibit anomalous strengthening and a yield strength peak at around 0.45 of melting temperature.2 High quenched in thermal vacancy concentration at low temperatures as well as ne grain microstructure raises the low temperature strength and obscured the yield strength peak earlier. Good mechanical properties can thus DOI 10.1179/026708303225008266 be maintained even up to about 0.7Tm in these materials, which makes them attractive for high temperature applications. Iron aluminides are reportedly superior in strength to 316 stainless steels and modi ed 9Cr – 1Mo steels up to 873 K. The strengths of all three drop rapidly above this temperature (Fig. 1).3 The peak in the yield and ow strengths for Fe 3 Al alloys (Fig. 2)4 depends upon the critical temperature Tc for the DO3 dB2 transition. The temperature– strength anomalous behaviour of Fe3 Al in the DO3 region is associated with the degree of ordering. The strength peak is observed at some intermediate degree of DO3 below DO3 „B2 transformation temperature. A simplistic hypothesis to explain the anomaly is that the increase in YS on heating DO3 alloy occurs because of age hardening due to a precipitation as well as B2 formation. The rapid decrease in YS above Tc is considered to be due to overaging of this structure.5 The rst type of model to explain the yield strength anomaly (YSA) involves dislocation locking. For Fe 3 Al, only unit dislocations with associated anti phase boundary (APB) trails are observed for Al less than 25% with DO3 order. The spacing r between dislocation pairs comprising superlattice dislocations is inversely proportional to the square of long range parameter L. Between 673 K and Tc , L decreases from 0.8 to 0.6 At low temperatures, L is high; unit dislocations tend to associate in pairs. Their motion does not create APBs and hence strength decreases. At low values of L, r is large and energy of connecting APBs is small, allowing constituent dislocations to glide independently, leaving APB trails, creating wrong bonds, and hardening the alloy. At T greater than Tc , L~0, strengthening is due to short range order and is less marked compared to the strength in the presence of long range order. The strength is the maximum at intermediate values of L where superlattice dislocations # 111$ can dissociate into constituent # 001$ z# 110$ unit dislocations.7 ,8 The dislocations multiplication is balanced by a strong exhaustion resulting from thermally activated locking.9 ,1 0 For a Materials Science and Technology December 2003 Vol. 19 1627 1628 Bahadur Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides 3 Comparison of temperature dependence of yield stress of large grained low temperature annealed FeAl alloys near stoichiometry, strained at 1610 4 s 1 (Ref. 12) 1 a Yield strength and b ductility of various Fe3 Al type alloys (courtesy C. G. McKamey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory3 ) Fe – 40Al (all compositions in this paper are in at.-%), the change in deformation mode by # 111$ slip at low temperature and # 100$ slip at higher temperatures appears to be responsible for the peak in YS.8 ,1 1 The dislocations are much less mobile at {100} planes. The reduction of YS at very high temperatures occurs because of enriched dislocation mobility on {100} planes, which reduces and nally eliminates the pinning centres formed at lower temperatures. By adding elements which increase Tc , i.e. cause stability of DO3 structure relative to B2 structure, the yield 2 Variation of 0.2% yield stress with temperature for Fe – 25Al alloy4 Materials Science and Technology December 2003 Vol. 19 strength peak can be pushed to higher temperatures. A small addition of B (100 at. ppm) reportedly shifts the yield strength peak 200°C and 175 MPa higher compared to the B free alloy.1 0 The prominence in the yield strength peak decreases as aluminium concentration increases (Fig. 3).1 2 No peak was observed in stoichiometric FeAl. 1 2 However, this transition of type of dislocations alone cannot explain the peak in yield strength since the temperature of the peak stress appears to be approximately independent of composition, whereas the temperature of the slip transition depends strongly on composition. Also, a mechanism is needed whereby # 111$ slip becomes increasingly dif cult with increasing temperature in order to produce a yield stress peak. The proposed decomposition of # 111$ dislocations locally into # 001$ and # 110$ segments, which then act as primary centres against # 111$ slip was not observed in a boron doped Fe – 45Al, which exhibited anomalous yield behaviour.1 3 The second model to explain YSA does not depend upon the change of slip vector. The concentration of thermal vacancies in intermetallic compounds with bcc derived ordered structures is generally high. It was suggested to be on the basis of interaction between dislocations and thermal vacancies.1 4 – 1 6 Since the vacancy concentration Cv varies as exponential (21/T) and the hardening due to vacancies varies as (Cv )1 /2 (Fig. 4),1 7 this model predicts an exponential increase in strength at intermediate temperatures with increase in temperature. Accordingly, solid solution 4 Relationship between microhardness and square root of vacancy concentration in FeAl17 Bahadur Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides 1629 5 Schematic diagram showing subdivision of yield stress15 hardening by thermal vacancies describes the anomalous yielding behaviour for FeAl quite well. It was suggested that at temperatures immediately below yield stress peak, region III in Fig. 5,1 5 thermal vacancies are essentially immobile and impede dislocation motion. However, at temperatures above the peak, region IV in Fig. 5, and the vacancies are suf ciently mobile to migrate and assist climb, instead of impeding dislocations so that deformation occurs by dislocation creep. This vacancy hardening model is supported by many experimental observations and it predicts new effects. Nevertheless, it has not been possible so far to explain the orientation dependence of the yield peak in single crystals. Also, the tension/compression asymmetry of the yield stress cannot be explained yet. Iron aluminides have yet to achieve satisfactory elevated temperature load bearing capability for use in structural applications. Room temperature ductility of polycrystalline iron aluminides decreases rapidly with the onset of ordering. A sharply reduced ductility is reported at 477 K as the Al content approaches 25%.1 8 Alloys made conventionally by the ingot route containing 25 – 50%Al are usually very brittle at room temperature (RT). The low ductility is however restricted to lower temperatures only. The challenge lies in developing materials with the strength of ceramics and the plasticity of metals. Why inadequate mechanical properties? The ow behaviour consists of extensive cross slip of # 111$ dislocations and there are more than ve independent slip systems present in Fe3 Al, yet it fails by brittle cleavage fracture. B2 alloy fails predominantly by intergranular fracture (IG) at ambient temperatures. Therefore, both grain boundaries as well as crystalline planes are the potential sites for brittle fracture in Fe – Al. The brittleness in these alloys may be due to the following. 1. Having ve independent slip systems is a necessary, but not suf cient condition for good ductility. All slip systems should be operative simultaneously for dislocations to pass through, otherwise dislocations move in a grain, pile on the grain boundary building up pressure on both sides. Grain boundaries decohesion takes place. Some grain boundaries are less stable than others due to wrong neighbour considerations. Fe3 Al gives straight slip lines on plastic deformation, therefore, either, cross slip is impeded or only one type of slip system prevails during deformation. 2. Large grain size: the tendency for both transgranular (TG) and cleavage fracture of highly alloyed ferritic alloys is inversely proportional to the square root of the grain size. 3. Intrinsic weak grain boundaries leading to IG fracture or because the disorder associated with the grain boundaries leads to intrinsic poor cohesion. 4. Detrimental grain boundary segregation such as S is responsible for extrinsic grain boundary brittleness.1 9 5. Environment effects: it has been established that Fe – Al alloys are not inherently brittle, but extrinsic effects like environment may be the reason for poor RT ductility. Fe – Al exhibits a peak in susceptibility to hydrogen at ambient temperatures, which diminishes to negligible levels at temperatures more than 100 K above or below the ambient.2 0 This may be due to the concentration of atomic hydrogen at critical trap sites such as grain boundaries or dislocations. Low temperatures limit diffusion rates and at high temperatures, trap occupation decreases rapidly. Other studies demonstrated that the embrittlement is due to the chemical reaction of water vapours (not dry hydrogen) at the metal surface (e.g. crack tip), resulting in atomic hydrogen. It enhances dislocation mobility at crack tips, reduces cohesive strength and causes crack propagation.2 1 The susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement is enhanced by atomic ordering, since transport of hydrogen by moving dislocations can be effectively accompanied by planar slip in ordered states.2 2 A threefold increase in percentage elongation is reported in Fe3 Al in vacuum or oxygen atmosphere.2 3 Even Fe3 Al alloys heat treated to the DO3 state are found to be more susceptible to environmental embrittlement than those in the B2 state.2 4 This effect may be correlated to the different superlattice dislocations exhibited by these structures or the differences that may exist in surface chemistry, which may alter the rate of water dissociation.2 5 As the amount of Al increases, the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement increases. Alloys with Al greater than or equal to 40% fail intergranularly and exhibit low percentage elongation, irrespective of test environment. RT embrittlement through the formation of hydrogen leads to ductility being strain rate dependent because of several time dependent steps in the embrittlement process.2 6 The ductility in air increases sharply with increase in strain rates. At the highest strain rates of 6.66102 1 s2 1 , ductility of Fe – 40Al tested in air, vacuum, and oxygen were found to be the same,2 7 thus eliminating the effect of environmental embrittlement at this strain rate. 6. Excess thermal vacancies: the mechanical properties of iron rich iron aluminides are strongly affected by the presence of thermal vacancies which may be retained in the lattice following heat treatment. Most studies earlier were conducted on materials that were not given a heat treatment to remove excess thermal vacancies before testing. The comparison of data of different workers is therefore dif cult. Signi cant increase in hardness can be attained in specimens by quenching or air cooling from temperatures greater than 1000 K to achieve a supersaturation of thermal vacancies.2 8 – 3 0 Prolonged anneals at low temperatures :673 K to remove excess thermal vacancies lead to softening3 1 and an increase in room temperature ductility.3 2 The effect of hardening by thermal vacancies increases with Al content. An increase in room temperature ductility is obtained in FeAl by heat treatment to remove excess thermal vacancies3 2 and/or cavities.3 3 Random vacancy distribution process is proposed as an elementary defect mechanism in B2 FeAl.3 4 Improvement in mechanical properties An improvement in high temperature strength and RT ductility can be obtained through alloy design. The alloy additions may adversely affect the oxidation resistance. However, the alloying approach is much cheaper and has the potential for improving the strength and ductility Materials Science and Technology December 2003 Vol. 19 1630 Bahadur Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides whichever is more critical for the application under consideration as follows: SUBSTITUTIONAL ADDITIONS Modi cation of the crystalline structure through macroalloying (several per cent) and processing imparts better mechanical properties. Fe 3 Al and FeAl have body centred cubic (bcc) related structures, are inherently less desirable than face centred cubic (fcc) related structures like L12 . The latter structure is stabilised through control of e/a (average number of electrons per atom outside the inert gas shell). The ductility improves by changing to high symmetry structures through macroalloying. Elements that form single phase after homogenisation such as Ni, Co, Ti, Mn, Cr, and Si Solid solution strengthening takes place, increasing the number of easy slip systems and improving the ductility. No signi cant increase in high temperature (1300 K) compressive ow strength with respect to the binary B2 takes place. The strengthening effect of the ternary addition of transition metals increased with the atomic number difference between iron and the metal. A linear relationship between the yield strength and atomic size mis t was established.3 5 Ti addition stabilises DO3 structure and leads to a signi cant expansion of the azDO3 phase eld. Ti substitutes for iron and increases Tc for B2 and DO3 ordering and produces anisotropic APBs.3 6 This is bene cial as alloyed Fe – Al can be ordered at higher temperatures saving on precious processing times, as long ordering time for Fe 3 Al (823 K/100 h) restricts commercial applications. The mechanical properties of bcc material are sensitive to the presence of interstitial elements like C, N, and O. Addition of 0.5%Ti to alloys with 0.03 – 0.05%C forms a stable carbide. RT ductility of Fe – Al alloys has recently been enhanced to 10% by composition modi cation (1 – 2%Ti) and microstructure control.3 7 TiB2 dispersions in Fe3 Al reduces the grain size of atomised powders and increases ductility of recrystallised material.3 8 Cr addition higher than 2% modi es surface composition by inducing a passive layer and reduces susceptibility to environmental embrittlement and improves ductility. Cr adversely affects sulphidation resistance of Fe3 Al alloys above 2% and of Fe – 40Al alloys above 4%.3 9 Cr addition to Fe 3 Al lowers YS slightly but increases UTS due to work hardening.4 0 ,4 1 It changes fracture mode from cleavage to mixed (IGzcleavage) failure, suggesting that Cr enhances cleavage strength. Fine wavy slip lines indicate easier cross slip. It is expected that plastic deformation by slip will be enhanced if ordering energies (or critical temperatures) become small and/or if the alloy is appreciably disordered. Relative to Fe – 28Al alloy, ordering energies and B2 critical temperatures reportedly4 2 decrease with temperature in Fe – 28Al – 5Cr alloy. Lowered ordering energies is responsible for improving RT ductility as observed in Cr bearing alloy. The increase in RT tensile ductility in Fe – 28Al – 4Cr occurred irrespective of DO3 or B2 order tested in air or vacuum as long as surface oxide coating persisted. The bene cial effect of Cr is modi cation of protective surface oxide due to possible enhancement of atomic bonding between Fe and Al atoms resulting in an increase in cohesive strength across cleavage planes. Cr addition decreases susceptibility of alloy to moisture embrittlement. The removal of oxide lm by electropolishing showed no ductility improvement. Addition of 1.5%Mn to Fe – 28Al decreased the degree of DO3 ordering, which is associated with decrease in grain size and antiphase domain size. Besides, Mn could promote slip and cross slip of super dislocations in the alloy because of occurrence of mainly twofold super dislocations. This Materials Science and Technology December 2003 Vol. 19 may be one of the reasons for improving ductility of DO3 Fe3 Al alloy.4 3 Mn addition (6, 12%) raises Tc and improves RT ductility.4 4 Si (3, 5%) raises Tc improving high temperature mechanical properties, however it reduces RT ductility frequently.4 5 Elements which show incomplete solubility in Fe ± Al after long homogenising anneals at high temperature such as Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, and Re They go into solution partly and form precipitate which effectively pin grain boundaries and dislocations, causing strengthening. Flow stress is much greater than that of the binary. Zr and Hf produces good increase in YS and UTS at RT and elevated temperatures (300 – 1100 K) due to grain re nement and precipitation hardening in Fe – 40Al.4 6 However, ductility decreases at all temperatures for ternary alloys. Additional increase in strength can be obtained on B addition due to re nement of the grain size. B addition changes the fracture mode from IG to TG and the ductility is restored to 5% up to 700 K. At higher temperatures, strength and ductility decrease as diffusion assisted mechanisms including grain boundary sliding and cavitation become operative. Nb raises Tc and improves high temperature tensile as well as creep strengths.4 7 Elements which show no signi®cant solubility in Fe ± Al such as Mo, W, and V These lead to second phase strengthening, and ow stress at 1300 K increases by more than a factor of six in the case of Mo. Additional strength can be obtained by addition of B which re nes grain size and changes fracture mode from inter to transgranular. The most effective elements for increasing high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of FeAl alloys are small additions of Mo, Zr, and B in combination giving a synergistic effect.4 6 – 4 9 The Fe – Al based alloys containing Cr, Nb, Mo, Zr, C, and B possess not only an optimised combination of mechanical properties but good weldability has also been developed.5 0 Carbon addition is effective in suppressing hot cracking and makes Fe – Al weldable.5 0 The simple core structure of the # 100$ dislocations operative at high temperatures, suggests that introducing strengthening phases such as carbides, nitrides and borides for precipitation hardening is the only way to signi cantly increase tensile and creep strengths at temperatures above 873 K.5 1 Molybdenum stabilises the DO3 structure for a greater range of Al2 0 ,5 2 by dramatically increasing the DO3 to B2 ordering temperature Tc up to 10%.5 3 Site substitution by solutes such as Mo, Ti, and Si leads to an increase in ordering energies of the DO3 superlattice. In addition to improvement in high temperature strength, Mo, W, and V additions also improve creep resistance and thermal stability. However, ductility decreases at RT and all temperatures with Mo higher than 0.5%.5 4 Therefore, no signi cant commercialisation has yet taken place. MICROALLOYING (ppm RANGE) Electron donors such as B strengthen atomic bonding and increase the cohesive strength of the grain boundaries relative to the grains.5 4 B has a strong tendency to segregate to the grain boundaries but not to free surfaces, thus enhancing the grain boundary cohesion and suppressing IG fracture.5 5 On addition of B to FeAl, intergranular fracture is suppressed and the composition at which ductility drops off is shifted to higher Al levels. However, B does not signi cantly improve ductility since environmental embrittlement occurs trans- granularly in FeAl5 6 unlike in Ni3 Al where it occurs intergranularly. The bene cial effect of B in FeAl is limited to enhancement of Bahadur Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides 1631 boundaries, in contrast to ordered fcc or LI2 compounds like Ni3 Al, where B reduces k.6 4 Microadditions of reactive elements bind harmful impurities such as S in innocuous forms through precipitation. Adjusting stoichiometry 6 Strength increase per at.-% boron per unit strain, or strength increase per fractional change in lattice parameter, as a function of at.-%Al; left and right hand ordinates show absolute and value normalised with respect to shear modulus, respectively57 grain boundary cohesion. Low levels of B enhance RT ductility as well as high temperature strength.5 B addition to FeAl shows strengthening at room temperature by increasing the lattice parameter, which induces lattice strain (Fig. 6).5 7 The strengthening effect of B was found to depend on both the Al concentration and the presence of vacancies, suggesting that B interacted with the vacancies in the material.5 8 The synergistic effect of the formation of the boride precipitates on dislocation lines along with restriction of grain boundary sliding causes strengthening. B improves high temperature strength, especially in combination with Nb and Zr. B in FeAl presumably partitions between the grain boundaries and the lattice since B also provided some solute strengthening.2 9 For FeAl, ductility increases with decrease in grain size. Part of the difference in ductility reported as a function of concentration is due to the effect of grain size.5 9 The optimum B concentration must vary with the grain size. If the B level is higher than that needed for grain boundary cohesion, then a dislocation structure containing stacking faults forms which results in decrease of stacking fault energy making slip more dif cult and increasing the matrix strength.6 0 A signi cant increase in strength is obtained at 300 – 640 K. However, when both the matrix as well as grain boundaries become strong, the advantage obtained through the grain boundary strengthening alone is neutralised. For high levels of B, the rise in YS causes fracture to occur by separation of cleavage planes before extensive plastic deformation. B retards recrystallisation in FeAl and leads to slower grain growth, re ning the grain size. In the presence of nitrogen, B reacts to form boron nitride and renders B unavailable for any grain re ning work. Ti addition takes care of nitrogen and leaves B free for grain re ning work. When added even in microadditions, B and Ti give rise to ne precipitates, which restrict grain growth. B has so far not succeeded in producing a spectacular improvement in ductility of Fe – Al as it has done for nickel aluminides. B microaddition leads to the best mechanical properties in stoichiometric Ni3 Al. As the amount of Al increases, B segregation at grain boundaries decreases. The critical amount of B is required at grain boundaries. The optimum amount of B to Al concentration has not yet been struck.6 1 The sensitivity of the fracture transition by slight changes of composition is well established. Also, B addition is known6 2 ,6 3 to increase the Hall – Petch slope k for Fe – 40Al. This means that B increases the dif culty of slip transmission across grain It has been established earlier that up to 20%Al alloys fracture in a ductile manner by void nucleation and coalescence.1 8 Alloys containing 20 – 40%Al fail in a brittle manner by TG mode, and higher Al alloys fracture in IG mode. The exact composition of transition from TG to IG fracture depends on grain size, point defect concentration, grain boundary impurities, etc. Fe – 40Al with long duration low temperature annealing to eliminate thermal vacancies exhibits predominantly TG fracture.6 5 With increase in Al concentration, intrinsic grain boundary weakness becomes important in limiting the ductility of FeAl. Modi cation of crystal structure can be achieved by adjusting the stoichiometry of alloys. The deviations from stoichiometry are accommodated either by the incorporation of vacancies in the lattice or by the location of antisite atoms in one or either of the sublattices. Fe – Al alloys exist over a range of compositions, but the degree of order decreases as the deviation from stoichiometry increases. Fe3 Al exists over the range 25 – 30%Al in the ordered DO3 structure up to 813 K, in B2 ordered structure between 813 and 1033 K, and in the disordered state above that. FeAl exists in the B2 ordered structure up to the melting point 1520 K. As the amount of Al increases above 25%, the DO3 to B2 transition temperature decreases and the B2 ordering temperature increases. Additional atoms may also be incorporated in the structure without losing the ordered structure. The changes in stiochiometry affect not only YS but also dislocation substructure and fracture behaviour. The strength is sensitive to the microstructure and Al content. In Fe – Al alloys (0 – 44%Al), the maximum in yield stress is observed near the DO3 critical temperature and the maxima in isothermal yield stress is observed near the Fe 3 Al composition.4 The RT yield strength drops gradually and RT ductility increase steadily with increase of Al above 25% Al.3 8 In tension tests in air, iron rich FeAl (å 45%Al) exhibits ductility, whereas the stoichiometric compound is brittle and fails before yielding. In vacuum, an approximately linear relationship was observed between elongation and deviation from stiochiometic composition, as shown in Fig. 7.1 2 In contrast, even stoichiometric compounds can show considerable ductility in compression. The stoichiometric composition actually contains both ordered and disordered phase, which may be responsible for the higher strength. In another study,4 in the fully ordered condition at RT, Fe – 25Al exhibited a higher YS and percentage elongation than Fe – 31Al alloy. At 25%Al and lower, RT plastic deformation consists of extensive movement and cross slip of ordinary dislocations and associated nearest neighbour (NN) and next nearest neighbour (NNN) trails. The super stoichiometric alloy (31%Al) consists of limited movement of imperfect variants of super dislocations with only NNN APB trails. It was suggested that in 25%Al alloy, the degree of order and the size of thermally produced APBs have only a small in uence on RT tensile behaviour.4 In the author’s work,6 2 stoichiometric Fe 3 Al alloy shows the maximum UTS. and percentage elongation at RT. The hypo-stoichiometric Fe 3 Al alloys are found to be more ductile than hyper-stoichiometric alloys. These alloys were not heat treated to produce DO3 order. At RT, it is easy to maintain B2 order. Whenever percentage elongation increases, as in the case of stoichiometric alloys, environmental embrittlement does not take place. Therefore, UTS also increases at RT.6 2 In B2 FeAl (34 – 50%Al), YS follows Materials Science and Technology December 2003 Vol. 19 1632 Bahadur Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides 7 Elongation versus aluminium concentration for low temperature annealed FeAl; material tested in air had ne grains while that tested in vacuum had large grain size12 a Hall – Petch relationship and it is maximum at stoichiometric composition, but minimum around 45%Al.5 9 The ductility of well annealed FeAl drops off signi cantly at Al levels less than 37%, when tested in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber.6 5 Therefore, FeAl becomes intrinsically brittle when its composition approaches stoichiometric composition. Fracture mode changes from TG to IG as ductility decreases, con rming earlier results based on tests in oxygen that grain boundaries in FeAl become intrinsically brittle as Al content increases. In stoichiometric FeAl, there are NN Fe – Al bonds but no Al – Al bonds. At a grain boundary, there will be some of these weak Al – Al bonds. Their number will decrease as Al content decreases and hence grain boundary cohesion may improve with decrease in Al content, leading to an increase in RT ductility. Early data for FeAl suggested that both hardness and yield strength increase monotonically with Al content. However, these data contained the effects of thermal vacancies, which also depend on composition.6 3 In FeAl (34 – 45%Al), it was found that the hardness and fracture strain of FeAl do not change signi cantly over the composition range if the material is given a long, low temperature anneal to remove excess vacancies,6 4 but then rise rapidly towards the stoichiometric composition.6 6 The stoichiometric composition was found to be much stronger.6 7 The mechanical properties of B2 ordered Fe – Al strongly depend upon the anneal temperature and/or cooling rate. Varying either results in different concentrations of retained thermal vacancies, which are responsible for hardening and strengthening effects. The ductility in oxygen and air decreases with increasing annealing temperatures. The excess vacancies affect the intrinsic ductility of Fe – Al and not their susceptibility to environmental embrittlement.6 8 NiAl exhibits a critical grain size below which polycrystalline aggregates are ductile in tension. This size is expected to decrease with deviations from stoichiometry.6 9 The grain size becomes an important factor and needs to be re ned as we move away from stoichiometry. All these parameters affect the measured ductilities and lead to con icting data in the literature. The subject of the nature and effects of lattice defects as a function of stoichiometry needs further exploration. CONTROL OF ENVIRONMENT It is possible to eliminate or alleviate the effect of environment as follows. 1. Solving the hydrogen embrittlement problem by testing in dry oxygen alone does not ensure good ductility in the case of Fe – 40Al, since another brittle fracture mode, Materials Science and Technology December 2003 Vol. 19 intergranular, intervenes before extensive plastic deformation can occur. To overcome the latter, B is added, which segregates to grain boundaries and suppresses intergranular fracture. When both embrittling mechanisms are overcome, FeAl undergoes extensive plastic deformation prior to fracture. 2. Heat treatment following forming. Retaining some degree of B2 order by oil quenching above Tc at 973 – 1023 K results in stress relieved but unrecrystallised microstructure. RT embrittlement is due to the entry of hydrogen atoms along cleavage planes in loading. For maximum strength and ductility at RT, a stress relieved but unrecrystallised microstructure is desirable. This structure minimises environmental effects. The mechanism could involve texturing effects or enhancement of dislocation mobilities due to quenched B2 order. Elongated grains parallel to stress axis may disrupt the entry of hydrogen by providing a minimum number of cleavage planes and a minimum of grain boundaries.7 0 ,7 1 3. Addition of Cr. Cr presumably increases the resistance to cleavage fracture by easing the cross slip (as shown by wavy slip lines) and increases the cleavage strength. It changes the fracture mode to 50% TGz50% IG, improving the ductility. For a Fe – Al, approximately 15%Al is required to suppress internal oxidation and overgrowth of Al2 O3 scale by iron oxides.7 2 Cr addition to Fe – Al decreases the critical amount of Al required to form pure Al2 O3 layer and decrease oxidation rate of alloys with less than 19.5%Al. Cr addition may accelerate the initial growth of Al2 O3 , which helps in quickly establishing an external protective oxide lm before exposure to aggressive or deleterious environments.2 0 The bene cial effect of Cr addition on RT ductility of Fe – Al may relate to an oxidation effect during high temperature treatment and the scale that forms serves as a better barrier to hydrogen uptake at ambient conditions. Tensile tests on Fe – 28Al – 4Cr samples show signi cant increase in percentage elongation when tested in air or vacuum, irrespective of the DO3 or B2 order as long as there was a surface oxide lm. The removal of oxide showed no improvement in percentage elongation. Moisture induced hydrogen embrittlement can be completely eliminated by alloying Fe – 28Al – 5Cr with 0.5%Zr and 0.05%C to produce elongated microstructure7 3 ,7 4 or with 0.5%Zr and 0.05%B.7 5 Elongated grain structures with a high aspect ratio substantially reduce embrittlement caused by moist air. Hydrogen diffusivity experiments proved that hydrogen diffusion coef cients are similar at the same temperature. Grain shapes and sizes do not affect hydrogen diffusion in Fe3 Al based alloy.7 1 Higher ductility of Fe 3 Al based alloy with elongated grains in air may result from the increase of resistance of grain boundaries to crack propagation making such structures intrinsically more ductile.7 5 GRAIN SIZE REFINEMENT The tendency for brittle fracture depends on the critical grain size below which ductility is high. The stress concentration is enhanced in coarse grains. The stress required for crack to propagate increases with decrease in grain size and fracture will be delayed in compounds with ne grains below a critical size. Therefore, control of grain size throughout casting, hot working, and heat treatment is essential. Control of the hot rolling process to get a re ned microstructure, giving a partially recrystallised work hardened microstructure produces Fe – 25Al with improved properties such as ultimate tensile strength, proof stress, and percentage elongation.7 6 The manufacturing of cold workable sheets of Fe – 40Al alloys through an innovative combination of roll compaction and thermomechanical processing is an example of progress in development research.7 7 Such fully dense sheets have a ne grain Bahadur Enhancement of high temperature strength and room temperature ductility of iron aluminides 1633 microstructure and tensile elongation of 5% at room temperature and are used for manufacturing heating elements. Ductilisation is possible through grain re nement by rapid solidi cation. The improvement in ductility is obtained only at compositions where a signi cant suppression of ordering and/or formation of thermal APBs occurs. Fine grain size minimises macrosegregation, grain boundary segregation and causes reduction in homogenising times. Rapid solidi cation is known to cause a reduction in the degree of order as an interim step during processing. The effect of ne grain size becomes evident when tests are performed at high strain rates.2 6 At lower strain rates in air, environmental effects tend to cloud grain size effects. SINGLE CRYSTAL APPROACH Directional solidi cation leads to formation of single or aligned crystals. The elongated grain morphology developed is likely to impose resistance to environmental embrittlement. The relatively small number of grain boundaries intersecting the surfaces decreases access of the atmosphere to the interior of the materials.7 8 PRECISE CONTROL OF DEFECT AND IMPURITY CONTENT Low RT ductility leads to sensitivity to defect population. Therefore, defect ingress should be reduced and melt cleanliness should be improved. Conclusions Iron aluminides were not favoured for structural applications because of their brittleness at ambient temperatures and low strength at elevated temperatures. Recent studies have shown that adequate engineering ductility (5 – 10%) is obtainable through microstructure control and alloy additions. It is now feasible to consider FeAl for commercially cast components that are currently being explored for Fe3 Al as replacements for corrosion/heat resistant steels or Fe – Cr – Ni alloys. The aluminides developed now are stronger than austenitic steels and 9Cr – 1Mo steels at ambient and elevated temperatures. Coupled with good hot workability, very low costs, and excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance, Fe – Al alloys are potential materials for structural use up to 1073 K. They are especially useful in fossil fuel red energy conversion systems. 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