E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms Mike Brookes E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 1 / 14 Syllabus ⊲ Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Main fact: Complicated time waveforms can be expressed as a sum of sine and cosine waves. Why bother? Sine/cosine are the only bounded waves that stay the same when differentiated. Any electronic circuit: sine wave in ⇒ sine wave out (same frequency). Joseph Fourier 1768-1830 Hard problem: Complicated waveform → electronic circuit→ output = ? Easier problem: Complicated waveform → sum of sine waves → linear electronic circuit (⇒ obeys superposition) → add sine wave outputs → output = ? Syllabus: Preliminary maths (1 lecture) Fourier series for periodic waveforms (4 lectures) Fourier transform for aperiodic waveforms (3 lectures) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 2 / 14 Optical Fourier Transform Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization ⊲ 1: Sums and Averages A pair of prisms can split light up into its component frequencies (colours). This is called Fourier Analysis. A second pair can re-combine the frequencies. This is called Fourier Synthesis. Fourier Analysis Fourier Synthesis We want to do the same thing with mathematical signals instead of light. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 3 / 14 Organization Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization ⊲ 1: Sums and Averages • 8 lectures: feel free to ask questions • Textbook: Riley, Hobson & Bence “Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering”, ISBN:978052167971-8, Chapters [4], 12 & 13 • Lecture slides (including animations) and problem sheets + answers available via Blackboard or from my website: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/courses/E1Fourier/E1Fourier.htm • Email me with any errors in slides or problems and if answers are wrong or unclear E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 4 / 14 Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and ⊲ Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary 1: Sums and Averages E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 5 / 14 Geometric Series Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables ⊲ Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary A geometric series is a sum of terms that increase or decrease by a constant factor, x: S = a + ax + ax2 + . . . + axn The sequence of terms themselves is called a geometric progression. We use a trick to get rid of most of the terms: S = a + ax + ax2 + . . . + axn−1 + axn xS = ax + ax2 + ax3 + . . . + axn + axn+1 Now subtract the lines to get: S − xS = (1 − x) S = a − axn+1 a = first term Divide by 1 − x to get: S =a× 1−xn+1 1−x Example: S = 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 =3× 1−24 1−2 =3× E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) n + 1 = number of terms [a = 3, x = 2, n + 1 = 4] −15 −1 = 45 Sums and Averages: 1 – 6 / 14 Infinite Geometric Series Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables ⊲ Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary 2 n A finite geometric series: Sn = a + ax + ax + · · · + ax = 1−xn+1 a 1−x What is the limit as n → ∞? If |x| < 1 then xn+1 −→ 0 which gives a = first term n→∞ 1 = S∞ = a + ax + ax2 + · · · = a 1−x Example 1: 0.4 + 0.04 + 0.004 + . . . = 0.4 1−0.1 Example 2: (alternating signs) 2 − 1.2 + 0.72 − 0.432 + . . . = Example 3: 1 + 2 + 4 + . . . 6= 1 1−2 = 1 −1 2 1−(−0.6) x = factor [a = 0.4, x = 0.1] = 0.4̇ = 1.25 [a = 2, x = −0.6] [a = 1, x = 2] = −1 The formula S = a + ax + ax2 + . . . = E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) a 1−x a 1−x is only valid for |x| < 1 Sums and Averages: 1 – 7 / 14 Dummy Variables Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables ⊲ Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary Using a P sign, we can write the geometric series more compactly: P Sn = a + ax + ax2 + . . . + axn = nr=0 axr [Note: x0 , 1 in this context even when x = 0] Here r is a dummy variable: you can replace it with anything else Pn Pn Pn r k α = = r=0 ax k=0 ax α=0 ax Dummy variables are undefined outside the summation so they sometimes get re-used elsewhere in an expression: P3 P2 1−24 1−32 r r + 3 × 1−3 = 15 + 12 = 27 r=0 2 + r=1 3 = 1 × 1−2 The two dummy variables are both called r but they have no connection with each other at all (or with any other variable called r anywhere else). E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 8 / 14 Dummy Variable Substitution Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable ⊲ Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary We can derive the formula for the geometric series using P P Sn = nr=0 axr and xSn = nr=0 axr+1 P notation: We need to manipulate the second sum to involve xr . Use the substitution s = r + 1 ⇔ r = s − 1. Substitute for r everywhere it occurs (including both limits) Pn+1 s Pn+1 r xSn = s=1 ax = r=1 ax It is essential to sum over exactly the same set of values when substituting for dummy variables. Pn Pn+1 r r Subtracting gives (1 − x)Sn = Sn − xSn = r=0 ax − r=1 ax r ∈ [1, n] is common to both sums, so extract the remaining terms: Pn Pn 0 n+1 r (1 − x)Sn = ax − ax + r=1 ax − r=1 axr 0 n+1 n+1 = ax − ax =a 1−x Hence: Sn = 1−xn+1 a 1−x E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 9 / 14 Averages Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary ⊲ If a signal varies with time, we can plot its waveform, x(t). The average value of x(t) in the range T1 ≤ t ≤ T2 is R T2 1 hxi[T1 ,T2 ] = T2 −T1 t=T1 x(t)dt <x>[T1,T2] x(t) T1 <x>[T1,T2] T2 T1 x(t) T2 The area under the curve x(t) is equal to the area of the rectangle defined by 0 and hxi[T1 ,T2 ] . Angle brackets alone, hxi, denotes the average value over all time hx(t)i = limA,B→∞ hx(t)i[−A,+B] E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 10 / 14 Average Properties Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary The properties of averages follow from the properties of integrals: Addition: Add a constant: Constant multiple: hx(t) + y(t)i = hx(t)i + hy(t)i hx(t) + ci = hx(t)i + c ha × x(t)i = a × hx(t)i where the constants a and c do not depend on time. ⊲ For example: hx(t) + y(t)i[T1 ,T2 ] = 1 T2 −T1 = R T2 t=T1 1 T2 −T1 (x(t) + y(t)) dt R T2 t=T1 x(t)dt + 1 T2 −T1 = hx(t)i[T1 ,T2 ] + hy(t)i[T1 ,T2 ] R T2 t=T1 y(t)dt But beware: hx(t) × y(t)i = 6 hx(t)i × hy(t)i. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 11 / 14 Periodic Waveforms Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties A periodic waveform with period T repeats itself at intervals of T : x(t + T ) = x(t) ⇒ x(t ± kT ) = x(t) for any integer k. The smallest T > 0 for which x(t + T ) = x(t) ∀t is the fundamental period. The fundamental frequency is F = T1 . <x> T Periodic ⊲ Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary For a periodic waveform, hx(t)i equals the average over one period. It doesn’t make any difference where in a period you start or how many whole periods you take the average over. Example: x(t) = |sin t| R 1 π hxi = π t=0 |sin t| dt = = 1 π π [− cos t]0 = E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) 1 π 1 π Rπ t=0 sin t dt (1 + 1) = 2 π ≈ 0.637 Sums and Averages: 1 – 12 / 14 [proof that x(t ± kT ) = x(t)] Proof that x(t + T ) = x(t) ∀t ⇒ x(t ± kT ) = x(t) ∀t, ∀k ∈ Z We use induction. Let Hk be the hypothesis that x(t + kT ) = x(t) ∀t. Under the assumption that x(t + T ) = x(t) ∀t, we will show that if Hk is true, then so are Hk+1 and Hk−1 . Since we know that H0 is definitely true, this implies that Hk is true for all integers k, i.e. for all k ∈ Z. Suppose Hk is true, i.e. x(τ + kT ) = x(τ ) ∀τ . Now set τ = t + T . This gives x(t + T + kT ) = x(t + T ) ∀t. But, we assume that x(t + T ) = x(t), so x (t + (k + 1)T ) = x(t + T + kT ) = x(t + T ) = x(T ) ∀t. Hence Hk+1 is true. Now suppose Hk is true as before but this time set τ = t − T . Substituting this into u(τ + kT ) = u(τ ) gives u(t−T +kT ) = u(t−T ). Substituting it also into u(τ +T ) = u(τ ) gives u(t) = u(t−T ). Finally, combining these two identities gives u (t + (k − 1)T ) = u(t) which is Hk−1 . E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – note 1 of slide 12 Averaging Sin and Cos Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary ⊲ A sine wave, x(t) = sin 2πF t, has a frequency F and a period T = F1 1 so that, sin 2πF t + F = sin (2πF t + 2π) = sin 2πF t. 1 T 1 RT hsin 2πF ti = sin (2πF t) dt t=0 =0 x(t) Syllabus F=1kHz 0 -1 0 0.5 1 Time (ms) 1.5 2 Also, hcos 2πF ti = 0 except for the case F = 0 since cos 2π0t ≡ 1. Hence: Also: hsin 2πF ti = 0 and hcos 2πF ti = ( 0 F 6= 0 1 F =0 ei2πF t = hcos 2πF t + i sin 2πF ti = hcos 2πF ti + i hsin 2πF ti ( 0 F 6= 0 = 1 F =0 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) Sums and Averages: 1 – 13 / 14 Summary Syllabus Optical Fourier Transform Organization 1: Sums and Averages Geometric Series Infinite Geometric Series Dummy Variables Dummy Variable Substitution Averages Average Properties Periodic Waveforms Averaging Sin and Cos Summary ⊲ • Sum of geometric series (see RHB Chapter 4) n+1 ◦ Finite series: S = a × 1−x 1−x a ◦ Infinite series: S = 1−x but only if |x| < 1 • Dummy variables ◦ Commonly re-used elsewhere in expressions ◦ Substitutions must cover exactly the same set of values R T2 1 • Averages: hxi[T1 ,T2 ] = T2 −T1 t=T1 x(t)dt • Periodic waveforms: x(t ± kT ) = x(t) for any integer k ◦ Fundamental period is the smallest T ◦ Fundamental frequency is F = T1 ◦ For periodic waveforms, hxi is the average over any integer number of periods ◦ hsin 2πF ti = 0 ◦ hcos 2πF ti = ei2πF t = E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5509) ( 0 F 6= 0 1 F =0 Sums and Averages: 1 – 14 / 14 ⊲ 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) 2: Fourier Series Fourier Series: 2 – 1 / 11 Periodic Functions 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis ⊲ Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary A function, u(t), is periodic with period T if u(t + T ) = u(t) ∀t • Periodic with period T ⇒ Periodic with period kT ∀k ∈ Z+ The fundamental period is the smallest T > 0 for which u(t + T ) = u(t) T If you add together functions with different periods the fundamental period is the lowest common multiple (LCM) of the individual fundamental periods. Example: 2π • u(t) = cos 4πt ⇒ Tu = 4π = 0.5 • v(t) = cos 5πt ⇒ Tv = 2π 5π = 0.4 • w(t) = u(t) + 0.1v(t) ⇒ Tw = lcm(0.5, 0.4) = 2.0 Tu = 0.5 Tv = 0.4 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Tw = 2.0 Fourier Series: 2 – 2 / 11 Fourier Series 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis ⊲ If u(t) has fundamental period T and fundamental frequency F = T1 then, in most cases, we can express it as a (possibly infinite) sum of sine and cosine waves with frequencies 0, F , 2F , 3F , · · · . T u(t) = Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary T sin 2πF t [b1 = 1] −0.4 sin 2π2F t [b2 = −0.4] +0.4 sin 2π3F t [b3 = 0.4] −0.2 cos 2π4F t [a4 = −0.2] T/2 T/3 T/4 The Fourier series for u(t) is P∞ a0 u(t) = 2 + n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) The Fourier coefficients of u(t) are a0 , a1 , · · · and b1 , b2 , · · · . The nth harmonic of the fundamental is the component at a frequency nF . E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – 3 / 11 Why Sin and Cos Waves? 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis ⊲ Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary Why are engineers obsessed with sine waves? Answer: Because ... 1. A sine wave remains a sine wave of the same frequency when you (a) multiply by a constant, (b) add onto to another sine wave of the same frequency, (c) differentiate or integrate or shift in time 2. Almost any function can be expressed as a sum of sine waves ◦ Periodic functions → Fourier Series ◦ Aperiodic functions → Fourier Transform 3. Many physical and electronic systems are (a) composed entirely of constant-multiply/add/differentiate (b) linear: u(t) → x(t) and v(t) → y(t) means that u(t) + v(t) → x(t) + y(t) ⇒ sum of sine waves → sum of sine waves In these lectures we will use T for the fundamental period and F = the fundamental frequency. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) 1 T for Fourier Series: 2 – 4 / 11 Dirichlet Conditions 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis ⊲ Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary Not all u(t) can be expressed as a Fourier Series. Peter Dirichlet derived a set of sufficient conditions. The function u(t) must satisfy: • periodic and single-valued RT |u(t)| dt < ∞ • 0 • finite number of maxima/minima per period • finite number of finite discontinuities per period Peter Dirichlet 1805-1859 Good: t2 sin(t) quantized Bad: tan (t) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) sin 1 t ∞ halving steps Fourier Series: 2 – 5 / 11 Fourier Analysis 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis ⊲ Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary Suppose that u(t) satisfies the Dirichlet conditions so that P u(t) = a20 + ∞ n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) Question: How do we find an and bn ? Answer: We use a clever trick that relies on taking averages. hx(t)i equals the average of x(t) over any integer number of periods: R 1 T hx(t)i = T t=0 x(t)dt Remember, for any integer n, hsin 2πnF ti = 0 ( 0 n 6= 0 hcos 2πnF ti = 1 n=0 Finding an and bn is called Fourier analysis. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – 6 / 11 Trigonometric Products 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis ⊲ Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary sin(x ± y) = sin x cos y ± cos x sin y ⇒ sin x cos y = 1 2 sin(x + y) + 1 2 sin(x − y) cos(x ± y) = cos x cos y ∓ sin x sin y ⇒ cos x cos y = 12 cos(x + y) + 21 cos(x − y) sin x sin y = 12 cos(x − y) − 12 cos(x + y) Set x = 2πmF t, y = 2πnF t (with m + n 6= 0) and take time-averages: • hsin (2πmF t) cos (2πnF t)i = 21 sin(2π (m + n) F t) + 12 sin(2π (m − n) F t) = 0 • hcos (2πmF t) cos (2πnF t)i = 1 2 cos(2π (m + n) F t) + 1 2 cos(2π (m − n) F t) = ( 0 1 2 m 6= n m=n cos(2π (m + n) F t) = ( 0 m 6= n m=n • hsin (2πmF t) sin (2πnF t)i = 1 2 cos(2π (m − n) F t) − 1 2 Summary: hsin cosi = 0 hsin sini = hcos cosi = E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) 1 2 1 2 [provided that m + n 6= 0] if m = n or otherwise = 0. Fourier Series: 2 – 7 / 11 [Trigonometric Products Proofs] Proof that cos x cos y = 1 2 cos(x + y) + 1 2 cos(x − y) We know that cos(x + y) = cos x cos y − sin x sin y cos(x − y) = cos x cos y + sin x sin y Adding these two gives cos(x + y) + cos(x − y) = 2 cos x cos y From which: cos x cos y = 12 cos(x + y) + 21 cos(x − y) Subtracting instead of adding gives: sin x sin y = 12 cos(x − y) − Proof that 1 2 cos(2π (m + n) F t) + 1 2 1 2 cos(x + y) ( 0 m 6= n cos(2π (m − n) F t) = 1 m=n 2 We are assuming that m and n are integers with m + n 6= 0 and we use the result that hcos 2πf ti is zero unless f = 0 in which case hcos 2π0ti = 1 . The frequency of the first term, cos(2π (m + n) F t), is (m + n) F which is definitely non-zero (because of our assumption that m + n 6= 0) and so the average of this cosine wave is zero. The frequency of the second term is (m − n) F and this is zero only if m = n. So it follows that the entire expression is zero unless m = n in which case the second term gives a value of 12 . Since m and n are integers, we can take the averages over a time interval T and be sure that this includes an integer number of periods for both terms. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – note 1 of slide 7 Fourier Analysis a0 2 P∞ 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis Find an and bn in u(t) = Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary Proof [an , n > 0]: 2 hu(t) cos (2πnF t)i P∞ a0 = 2 2 cos (2πnF t) + r=1 2 har cos (2πrF t) cos (2πnF t)i P + ∞ r=1 2 hbr sin (2πrF t) cos (2πnF t)i ⊲ + (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) R 2 T Answer: an = 2 hu(t) cos (2πnF t)i , T 0 u(t) cos (2πnF t) dt R 2 T bn = 2 hu(t) sin (2πnF t)i , T 0 u(t) sin (2πnF t) dt n=1 Proof [a0 ]: 2 hu(t) cos (2π0F t)i = 2 hu(t)i = 2 × Term 1: 2 a0 2 a0 2 = a0 cos (2πnF t) = 0 ( an r = n Term 2: 2 har cos (2πrF t) cos (2πnF t)i = 0 r 6= n P∞ ⇒ r=1 2 har cos (2πrF t) cos (2πnF t)i = an Term 3: 2 hbr sin 2πrF t cos (2πnF t)i = 0 Proof [bn , n > 0]: same method as for an E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – 8 / 11 Fourier Analysis Example 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary ⊲ Truncated Series: P uN (t) = a20 + N n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) Pulse: T = 20, width W = T4 , height A = 8 R 2 T an = T 0 u(t) cos 2πnt T dt R W = T2 0 A cos 2πnt T dt 2AT 2πnt W = 2πnT sin T 0 A A nπ = nπ sin 2πnW = sin T nπ 2 R 2 T bn = T 0 u(t) sin 2πnt T dt 2AT 2πnt W = 2πnT − cos T 0 A nπ = nπ 1 − cos 2 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 5 0 0 5 10 10 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25 N=0 5 0 0 5 10 10 N=1 5 0 0 5 10 10 N=2 5 0 0 5 10 10 N=5 5 0 0 5 10 10 N=10 5 an bn 4 8 π 8 π 0 16 2π −8 3π 8 3π 0 0 8 5π 8 5π 0 16 6π 0 0 10 10 N=20 5 0 0 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) 5 5 10 Fourier Series: 2 – 9 / 11 [Small Angle Approximation] In the previous example, we can obtain a0 by noting that a20 = hu(t)i, the average value of the waveform which must be AW = 2. From this, a0 = 4. We can, however, also derive this value from T the general expression. A The expression for am is am = nπ sin nπ . For the case, n = 0, this is difficult to evaluate because both 2 the numerator and denominator are zero. The general way of dealing with this situation is L’Hôpital’s rule (see section 4.7 of RHB) but here we can use a simpler and very useful technique that is often referred to as the “small angle approximation”. For small values of θ we can approximate the standard trigonometrical functions as: sin θ ≈ θ, cos θ ≈ 1 − 0.5θ 2 and tan θ ≈ θ. These approximations are obtained by taking the first three terms of the Taylor series; they are accurate to O(θ 3 ) and are exactly correct when θ = 0. When m = 0 we can therefore make an exact approximation to an by writing A A sin nπ ≈ nπ × nπ = A = 4. What we have implicitly done here is to assume that n is a an = nπ 2 2 2 real number (instead of an integer) and then taken the limit of an as n → 0. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – note 1 of slide 9 Linearity 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary ⊲ Fourier analysis maps a function of time onto a set of Fourier coefficients: u(t) → {an , bn } This mapping is linear which means: (1) For any γ, if u(t) → {an , bn } then γu(t) → {γan , γbn } (2) If u(t) → {an , bn } and u′ (t) → {a′n , b′n } then (u(t) + u′ (t)) → {an + a′n , bn + b′n } Proof for an : (proof for bn is similar) R 2 T (1) If T 0 u(t) cos (2πnF t) dt = an , then R 2 T cos (2πnF t) dt T 0 (γu(t)) R T = γ T2 0 u(t) cos (2πnF t) dt = γan R 2 T (2) If T 0 u(t) cos (2πnF t) dt = an and R 2 T ′ ′ u (t) cos (2πnF t) dt = a n then T 0 R 2 T + u′ (t)) cos (2πnF t) dt T 0 (u(t) R R 2 T ′ 2 T = T 0 u(t) cos (2πnF t) dt + T 0 u (t) cos (2πnF t) dt = an + a′n E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – 10 / 11 Summary 2: Fourier Series Periodic Functions Fourier Series Why Sin and Cos Waves? Dirichlet Conditions Fourier Analysis Trigonometric Products Fourier Analysis • Fourier Series: P u(t) = a20 + ∞ n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) Fourier Analysis Example Linearity Summary • Fourier Analysis = “finding an and bn ” ⊲ • Dirichlet Conditions: sufficient conditions for FS to exist ◦ Periodic, Single-valued, Bounded absolute integral ◦ Finite number of (a) max/min and (b) finite discontinuities ◦ an = 2 hu(t) cos (2πnF t)i R 2 T , T 0 u(t) cos (2πnF t) dt ◦ bn = 2 hu(t) sin (2πnF t)i R 2 T , T 0 u(t) sin (2πnF t) dt • The mapping u(t) → {an , bn } is linear For further details see RHB 12.1 and 12.2. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5379) Fourier Series: 2 – 11 / 11 3: Complex ⊲ Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry 3: Complex Fourier Series Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 1 / 12 Euler’s Equation 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Euler’s Equation: eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials Hence: cos θ = ⊲ Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary sin θ = eiθ +e−iθ 2 iθ e −e−iθ 2i [see RHB 3.3] = 12 eiθ + 21 e−iθ = − 12 ieiθ + 21 ie−iθ Most maths becomes simpler if you use eiθ instead of cos θ and sin θ The Complex Fourier Series is the Fourier Series but written using eiθ Examples where using eiθ makes things simpler: Using eiθ Using cos θ and sin θ ei(θ+φ) = eiθ eiφ cos (θ + φ) = cos θ cos φ − sin θ sin φ eiθ eiφ = ei(θ+φ) d iθ dθ e cos θ cos φ = = ieiθ E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) 1 2 d dθ cos (θ + φ) + 1 2 cos (θ − φ) cos θ = − sin θ Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 2 / 12 Complex Fourier Series 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials ⊲ Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary Fourier Series: u(t) = a0 2 + P∞ n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) Substitute: cos θ = 21 eiθ + 21 e−iθ u(t) = = = a0 2 a0 2 + P∞ + n=1 an P∞ 1 iθ 2e + 1 −iθ 2e + sin θ = − 12 ieiθ + 12 ie−iθ bn − 21 ieiθ 1 1 i2πnF t a − n 2 2 ibn e −i2πnF t 1 1 2 an + 2 ibn e n=1 P∞ + n=1 P∞ i2πnF t U e n n=−∞ where 1 1 2 an − 2 ibn Un = 12 a0 1 1 a + |n| 2 2 ib|n| and + 1 −iθ 2 ie [θ = 2πnF t] [b0 , 0] n≥1 n=0 n ≤ −1 ⇔ U±n = 1 2 a|n| ∓ ib|n| ∗ The Un are normally complex except for U0 and satisfy Un = U−n Complex Fourier Series: u(t) = E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) P∞ i2πnF t U e n n=−∞ [simpler ,] Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 3 / 12 Averaging Complex Exponentials 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials ⊲ Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary If x(t) has period T n for some integer n (i.e. frequency R 1 T hx(t)i , T t=0 x(t)dt n T = nF ): This is the average over an integer number of cycles. For a complex exponential: ei2πnF t = hcos (2πnF t) + i sin (2πnF t)i = hcos (2πnF t)i + i hsin (2πnF t)i ( 1 + 0i n = 0 = 0 + 0i n 6= 0 Hence: ei2πnF t = ( 1 n=0 0 n= 6 0 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) [,] Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 4 / 12 Complex Fourier Analysis P∞ Un ei2πnF t 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series: u(t) = Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials To find the coefficient, Un , we multiply by something that makes all the terms involving the other coefficients average to zero. P∞ −i2πnF t i2πrF t −i2πnF t u(t)e = e r=−∞ Ur e P∞ i2π(r−n)F t = r=−∞ Ur e P∞ = r=−∞ Ur ei2π(r−n)F t Complex Fourier ⊲ Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary n=−∞ All terms in the sum are zero, except for the one when n = r which equals Un : Un = u(t)e−i2πnF t [,] This shows that the Fourier series coefficients are unique: you cannot have two different sets of coefficients that result in the same function u(t). Note the sign of the exponent: “+” in the Fourier Series but “−” for Fourier Analysis (in order to cancel out the “+”). E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 5 / 12 Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation a0 2 P∞ u(t) = + n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) P i2πnF t = ∞ U e n n=−∞ Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials We can easily convert between the two forms. Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Fourier Coefficients → Complex Fourier Coefficients: 1 U±n = 2 a|n| ∓ ib|n| ⊲ Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary ∗ ] [Un = U−n Complex Fourier Coefficients → Fourier Coefficients: an = Un + U−n = 2ℜ (Un ) bn = i (Un − U−n ) = −2ℑ (Un ) [ℜ = “real part”] [ℑ = “imaginary part”] The formula for an works even for n = 0. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 6 / 12 [Complex functions of time] In these lectures, we are assuming that u(t) is a periodic real-valued function of time. In this case we can represent u(t) using either the Fourier Series or the Complex Fourier Series: u(t) = a0 2 + P∞ n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) = P∞ n=−∞ Un ei2πnF t We have seen that the Un coefficients are complex-valued and that Un and U−n are complex conjugates so that we can write U−n = Un∗ . In fact, the complex Fourier series can also be used when u(t) is a complex-valued function of time (this is sometimes in the fields of communications and signal processing). In this case, it is still Puseful ∞ true that u(t) = n=−∞ Un ei2πnF t , but now Un and U−n are completely independent and normally U−n 6= Un∗ . E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Complex Fourier Series: 3 – note 1 of slide 6 Complex Fourier Analysis Example 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation T = 20, width W = Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials Method 1: U±n = 21 an ∓ i 12 bn Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry ⊲ Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary T 4, height A = 8 10 W 5 A 0 0 Method 2: Un = u(t)e−i2πnF t R 1 T = T 0 u(t)e−i2πnF t dt R 1 W = T 0 Ae−i2πnF t dt −i2πnF t W A = −i2πnF T e 0 A −i2πnF W = i2πn 1 − e = = = Ae−iπnF W eiπnF W i2πn Ae−iπnF W sin (nπF W ) nπ −i nπ 8 nπ 4 nπ sin 4 e E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) −iπnF W −e n −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 10 an 15 20 bn 4 8 π −8 3π 8 π 16 2π 8 3π 0 0 8 5π 8 5π 16 6π 0 0 25 Un 8 i 6π 4 4 5π + i 5π 0 −4 4 + i 3π 3π 8 i 2π 4 4 + i π π 2 −4 4 π +i π i −8 2π −4 −4 + i 3π 3π 0 4 −4 + i 5π 5π −8 i 6π Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 7 / 12 Time Shifting P∞ Un ei2πnF t 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series: u(t) = Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials If v(t) is the same as u(t) but delayed by a time τ : v(t) = u(t − τ ) i2πnF t P∞ P∞ i2πnF (t−τ ) −i2πnF τ v(t) = n=−∞ Un e = n=−∞ Un e e P∞ = n=−∞ Vn ei2πnF t Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry ⊲ Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary n=−∞ where Vn = Un e−i2πnF τ Example: u(t) = 6 cos (2πF t) Fourier: a1 = 6, b1 = 0 Complex: U±1 = 21 a1 ∓ 12 ib1 = 3 v(t) = 6 sin (2πF t) = u(t − τ ) Time delay: τ = T4 ⇒ F τ = 14 −i π Complex: V1 = U1 e 2 = −3i π V−1 = U−1 ei 2 = +3i 5 u(t) 0 -5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 5 v(t) 0 -5 0 0.5 Note: If u(t) is a sine wave, U1 equals half the corresponding phasor. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 8 / 12 Even/Odd Symmetry 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd ⊲ Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary ∗ ] (1) u(t) real-valued ⇔ Un conjugate symmetric [Un = U−n (2) u(t) even [u(t) = u(−t)] ⇔ Un even [Un = U−n ] (3) u(t) odd [u(t) = −u(−t)] ⇔ Un odd [Un = −U−n ] ∗ = U−n ] (1)+(2) u(t) real & even ⇔ Un real & even [Un = U−n ∗ = −U−n ] (1)+(3) u(t) real & odd ⇔ Un imaginary & odd [Un = U−n Proof of (2): u(t) even ⇒ Un even R 1 T U−n = T 0 u(t)e−i2π(−n)F t dt R 1 −T = T x=0 u(−x)e−i2πnF x (−dx) R 1 0 = T x=−T u(−x)e−i2πnF x dx R 1 0 = T x=−T u(x)e−i2πnF x dx = Un Proof of (3): u(t) odd ⇒ Un odd Same as before, except for the last line: R 1 0 = T x=−T −u(x)e−i2πnF x dx = −Un E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) [substitute x = −t] [reverse the limits] [even: u(−x) = u(x)] [odd: u(−x) = −u(x)] Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 9 / 12 Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary ⊲ A waveform, u(t), is anti-periodic if u(t + 21 T ) = −u(t). If u(t) is anti-periodic then Un = 0 for n even. Proof: Define v(t) = u(t + T 2 ), then (1) v(t) = −u(t) ⇒ Vn = −Un (2) v(t) equals u(t) but delayed by − T2 ( ⇒ Vn = Un ei2πnF T 2 = Un einπ = Un −Un n even n odd Hence for n even: Vn = −Un = Un ⇒ Un = 0 Example: U0:5 = [0, 3 + 2i, 0, i, 0, 1] Odd harmonics only ⇔ Second half of each period is the negative of the first half. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) U[0:5]=[0, 3+2j, 0, j, 0, 1] 5 0 -5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 10 / 12 Symmetry Examples 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation ∗ . All these examples assume that u(t) is real-valued ⇔ U−n = U+n Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials (1) Even u(t) ⇔ real Un Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary ⊲ U0:2 = [0, 2, −1] U[0:2]=[0, 2, -1] 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -1 (2) Odd u(t) ⇔ imaginary Un U0:3 = [0, −2i, i, i] -0.5 0 0.5 1 U[0:3]=[0, -2j, j, j] 5 0 -5 (3) Anti-periodic u(t) ⇔ odd harmonics only U0:1 = [0, −i] (4) Even harmonics only ⇔ period is really 12 T U0:4 = [2, 0, 2, 0, 1] E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) -1 -0.5 0 U[0:1]=[0, -j] 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 2 0 -2 U[0:4]=[2, 0, 2, 0, 1] 8 6 4 2 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 11 / 12 Summary 3: Complex Fourier Series Euler’s Equation Complex Fourier Series Averaging Complex Exponentials Complex Fourier Analysis Fourier Series ↔ Complex Fourier Series Complex Fourier Analysis Example Time Shifting Even/Odd Symmetry Antiperiodic ⇒ Odd Harmonics Only Symmetry Examples Summary ⊲ • Fourier Series: P u(t) = a20 + ∞ n=1 (an cos 2πnF t + bn sin 2πnF t) P∞ • Complex Fourier Series: u(t) = n=−∞ Un ei2πnF t R 1 T −i2πnF t ◦ Un = u(t)e , T 0 u(t)e−i2πnF t dt ∗ ◦ Since u(t) is real-valued, Un = U−n ◦ FS→CFS: U±n = 21 a|n| ∓ i 21 b|n| ◦ CFS→FS: an = Un + U−n bn = i (Un − U−n ) • u(t) real and even ⇔ u(−t) = u(t) ⇔ Un is real-valued and even ⇔ bn = 0 ∀n • u(t) real and odd ⇔ u(−t) = −u(t) ⇔ Un is purely imaginary and odd ⇔ an = 0 ∀n • u(t) anti-periodic ⇔ u(t + T2 ) = −u(t) ⇔ odd harmonics only ⇔ a2n = b2n = U2n = 0 ∀n For further details see RHB 12.3 and 12.7. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Complex Fourier Series: 3 – 12 / 12 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals ⊲ Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 1 / 9 Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals ⊲ Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary Suppose we have two signals with the same period, T = F1 , P i2πnF t u(t) = ∞ n=−∞ Un e P∞ ∗ [u(t) = u∗ (t) if real] ⇒ u (t) = n=−∞ Un∗ e−i2πnF t P∞ v(t) = n=−∞ Vn ei2πnF t Now multiply u∗ (t) and v(t) together and take the average over [0, T ]. [Use different “dummy variables”, n and m, so they don’t get mixed up] P∞ P∞ ∗ ∗ −i2πnF t i2πmF t hu (t)v(t)i = n=−∞ Un e m=−∞ Vm e P∞ P∞ ∗ = n=−∞ Un m=−∞ Vm e−i2πnF t ei2πmF t P∞ P∞ ∗ = n=−∞ Un m=−∞ Vm ei2π(m−n)F t The quantity h· · · i equals 1 if m = n and 0 otherwise, so the only non-zero element in the second sum is when m = n, so the second sum equals Vn . P∞ ∗ Hence Parseval’s theorem: hu (t)v(t)i = n=−∞ Un∗ Vn D E P P∞ 2 ∞ ∗ |u(t)| = n=−∞ Un Un = n=−∞ |Un |2 If v(t) = u(t) we get: E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 2 / 9 [Manipulating sums] If you have a multiplicative expression involving two or more sums, then you must use different dummy variables for each of the sums: P P af (n) m bg(m) n (1) You can always move any quantities to the right P P P P a bg(m) = af (n) m bf (n)g(m) n m n P P = n m abf (n)g(m) (2) You can move quantities to the left past a summation provided that they do not involve the dummy variable of the summation: P P P P af (n) abf (n)g(m) = m bg(m) n n m P P 6= n af (n)g(m) m b P The last expression doesn’t make sense in any case since m is undefined outside m (3) You can swap the summation order if the sum converges absolutely P P P P P P provided that h(n, m) h(n, m) = n m |h(n, m)| < ∞ m n n m The equality on the left is not necessarily true if the sum does not converge absolutely. Of course, if the sum has only a finite number of terms, it is bound to converge absolutely. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – note 1 of slide 2 Power Conservation ⊲ Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary D E The average power of a periodic signal is given by Pu , |u(t)| . This is the average electrical power that would be dissipated if the signal represents the voltage across a 1 Ω resistor. D E P 2 ∞ 2 Parseval’s Theorem: Pu = |u(t)| = n=−∞ |Un | P∞ 2 = |U0 | + 2 n=1 |Un |2 [assume u(t) real] P∞ n ] = 14 a20 + 12 n=1 a2n + b2n [U+n = an −ib 2 Parseval’s theorem ⇒ the average power in u(t) is equal to the sum of the average powers in each of its Fourier components. Example: 2 u(t) = 2 + 2 cos 2πF t + 4 sin 2πF t − 2 sin 6πF t E 2 1 2 2 2 |u(t)| = 4 + 2 2 + 4 + (−2) = 16 u(t) D U[0:3]=[2, 1-2j, 0, j] U[0:3]=[2, 1-2j, 0, j] 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 u2(t) 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals -1 -0.5 0 Time (s) U0:3 = [2, 1 − 2i, 0, i] E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) 0.5 1 ⇒ 60 40 20 0 Pu=<u2>=16 -1 |U0 |2 + 2 -0.5 0 Time (s) P∞ 0.5 1 2 |U | = 16 n n=1 Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 3 / 9 Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals ⊲ Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary The spectrum of a periodic signal is the values of {Un } versus nF . n q o The magnitude spectrum is the values of {|Un |} = 21 a2|n| + b2|n| . n o n o 2 The power spectrum is the values of |Un | = 41 a2|n| + b2|n| . Example: u(t) = 2 + 2 cos 2πF t + 4 sin 2πF t − 2 sin 6πF t Fourier Coefficients: a0:3 = [4, 2, 0, 0] b1:3 = [4, 0, −2] Spectrum: U−3:3 = [−i, 0, 1 + 2i, 2, 1 − 2i, 0, i] √ √ Magnitude Spectrum: |U−3:3 | = 1, 0, 5, 2, 5, 0, 1 P 2 = [1, 0, 5, 4, 5, 0, 1] Power Spectrum: U−3:3 [ = u2 (t) ] 5 1 0 Σ=16 |U2n| |Un| 2 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Frequency (Hz) 2 3 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Frequency (Hz) 2 3 The magnitude and power spectra of a real periodic signal are symmetrical. 2 A one-sided power power spectrum shows U0 and then 2 |Un | for n ≥ 1. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 4 / 9 Product of Signals 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals ⊲ Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary Suppose we have two signals with the same period, T = F1 , P i2πnF t u(t) = ∞ n=−∞ Un e P∞ v(t) = m=−∞ Vn ei2πmF t P∞ If w(t) = u(t)v(t) then Wr = m=−∞ Ur−m Vm , Ur ∗ Vr Proof: P∞ P∞ i2πnF t i2πmF t w(t) = u(t)v(t) = n=−∞ Un e m=−∞ Vm e P∞ P∞ = n=−∞ m=−∞ Un Vm ei2π(m+n)F t Now we change the summation variable to use r instead of n: r =m+n⇒n=r−m This is a one-to-one mapping: every pair (m, n) in the range ±∞ corresponds to exactly one pair (m, r) in the same range. P∞ P∞ P∞ i2πrF t w(t) = r=−∞ m=−∞ Ur−m Vm e = r=−∞ Wr ei2πrF t P∞ where Wr = m=−∞ Ur−m Vm , Ur ∗ Vr . Wr is the sum of all products Un Vm for which m + n = r. The spectrum Wr = Ur ∗ Vr is called the convolution of Ur and Vr . E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 5 / 9 Convolution Properties 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals Convolution ⊲ Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary Convolution behaves algebraically like multiplication: 1) Commutative: Ur ∗ Vr = Vr ∗ Ur 2) Associative: Ur ∗ Vr ∗ Wr = (Ur ∗ Vr ) ∗ Wr = Ur ∗ (Vr ∗ Wr ) 3) Distributive over addition: Wr ∗( (Ur + Vr ) = Wr ∗ Ur + Wr ∗ Vr 1 r=0 4) Identity Element or “1”: If Ir = , then Ir ∗ Ur = Ur 0 r 6= 0 Proofs: (all sums are over ±∞) 1) Substitute for m:Pn = r − m ⇔ m = r − n P m Ur−m Vm = n Un Vr−n [1 ↔ 1 for any r] 2) Substitute for n: k = r + m − n ⇔ n = r + m − k P P P P n (( m Un−m Vm ) Wr−n ) = k (( m Ur−k Vm ) Wk−m ) P P P P = k m Ur−k Vm Wk−m = k (Ur−k ( m Vm Wk−m )) P P P 3) m Wr−m (Um + Vm ) = m Wr−m Um + m Wr−m Vm P 4) Ir−m Um = 0 unless m = r. Hence m Ir−m Um = Ur . E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) [1 ↔ 1] Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 6 / 9 Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary -1 0 Time (s) 1 2 0 w(t) 0 -50 -2 -1 0 Time (s) 1 2 -2 |Vn| 2 5 -1 0 1 Frequency (Hz) -1 0 Time (s) 1 -2 -1 0 1 Frequency (Hz) 2 2 20 1 0 [0 = V0 ] 50 |Wn| -2 4 2 0 -2 -4 10 |Un| ⊲ Convolution Example 10 0 Convolution Properties v(t) u(t) = 10 + 8 sin 2πt v(t) = 4 cos 6πt U−1:1 = [4i, 10, −4i] V−3:3 = [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2] u(t) 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals -3 -2 -1 0 1 Frequency (Hz) 2 3 10 0 -4 -3 3 4 w(t) = u(t)v(t) = (10 + 8 sin 2πt) 4 cos 6πt = 40 cos 6πt + 32 sin 2πt cos 6πt = 40 cos 6πt + 16 sin 8πt − 16 sin 4πt W−4:4 = [8i, 20, −8i, 0, 0, 0, 8i, 20, −8i] To convolve Un and Vn : Replace each harmonic in Vn by a scaled copy of the entire {Un } (or vice versa) and sum the complex-valued coefficients of any overlapping harmonics. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 7 / 9 Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary ⊲ Two polynomials: u(x) = U3 x3 + U2 x2 + U1 x + U0 v(x) = V2 x2 + V1 x + V0 Now multiply the two polynomials together: w(x) = u(x)v(x) = U3 V2 x5 + (U3 V1 + U2 V2 ) x4 + (U3 V0 + U2 V1 + U1 V2 ) x3 + (U2 V0 + U1 V1 + U0 V2 ) x2 + (U1 V0 + U0 V1 ) x +U0 V0 The coefficient of xr consists of all the coefficient pair from U and V where the subscripts add up to r. For example, for r = 3: P2 W3 = U3 V0 + U2 V1 + U1 V2 = m=0 U3−m Vm If all the missing coefficients are assumed to be zero, we can write P∞ Wr = m=−∞ Ur−m Vm , Ur ∗ Vr So, to multiply two polynomials, you convolve their coefficient sequences. Actually, the complex Fourier Series is iust a polynomial: P∞ P∞ i2πnF t i2πF t n u(t) = n=−∞ Un e = n=−∞ Un e E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 8 / 9 Summary 4: Parseval’s Theorem and Convolution Parseval’s Theorem (a.k.a. Plancherel’s Theorem) Power Conservation Magnitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum Product of Signals Convolution Properties Convolution Example Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication Summary ⊲ P∞ ∗ • Parseval’s Theorem: hu (t)v(t)i = n=−∞ Un∗ Vn D E P 2 2 ◦ Power Conservation: |u(t)| = ∞ |U | n n=−∞ ◦ or in terms of an and bn : D E 2 |u(t)| = 14 a20 + 1 2 P∞ 2 n=1 an + b2n • Linearity: w(t) = au(t) + bv(t) ⇔ Wn = aUn + bVn • Product of signals ⇔ Convolution of complex P∞ Fourier coefficients: w(t) = u(t)v(t) ⇔ Wn = Un ∗ Vn , m=−∞ Un−m Vm • Convolution acts like multiplication: ◦ Commutative: U ∗ V = V ∗ U ◦ Associative: U ∗ V ∗ W is unambiguous ◦ Distributes over addition: U ∗ (V + W ) = U ∗ V + U ∗ W ◦ Has an identity: Ir = 1 if r = 0 and = 0 otherwise • Polynomial multiplication ⇔ convolution of coefficients For further details see RHB Chapter 12.8. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5543) Parseval and Convolution: 4 – 9 / 9 5: Gibbs ⊲ Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 1 / 11 Discontinuities Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary A function, v(t), has a discontinuity of amplitude b at t = a if lime→0 (v(a + e) − v(a − e)) = b 6= 0 Conversely, v(t), is continuous at t = a if the limit, b, equals zero. Examples: b b v(t) ⊲ u(t) 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration 0 0 a–e a Time (t) a+e Continuous a–e a Time (t) a+e Discontinuous We will see that if a periodic function, v(t), is discontinuous, then its Fourier series behaves in a strange way. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 2 / 11 Discontinuous Waveform 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration ⊲ Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary 1 F = 20, width= 12 T , height A = 1 R 1 0.5T Ae−i2πmF t dt Um = T 0 −i2πmF t 0.5T i = 2πmF T e 0 ((−1)m −1)i i −iπm = 2πm e −1 = 2πm m 6= 0, even 0 = 0.5 m = 0 −i m odd mπ Pulse: T = So, u(t) = 1 2 + π2 sin 2πF t + 31 sin 6πF t + 15 sin 10πF t + . . . PN E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) 0 0 5 10 1 15 20 max(u0)=0.500 0.5 N=0 0 0 5 10 1 15 20 max(u1)=1.137 0.5 N=1 0 0 5 10 1 15 20 max(u3)=1.100 0.5 N=3 0 0 5 10 1 15 20 max(u5)=1.094 0.5 N=5 0 0 5 10 1 15 20 max(u41)=1.089 0.5 N=41 0 0 i2πmF t Define: uN (t) = m=−N Um e uN (0) = 0.5 ∀N R 1 π sin t 1 maxt uN (t) −→ 2 + π 0 t dt ≈ 1.0895 N →∞ 1 0.5 1 5 10 15 20 max(u41)=1.089 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 [Enlarged View: u41 (t)] Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 3 / 11 [Powers of −1 and i] Expressions involving (−1)m or, less commonly, im arise quite frequently and it is worth becoming familiar with them. They can arise in several guises: m e−iπm = eiπm = eiπ = cos (πm) = (−1)m 1 m 1 πm i2 e = im = ei 2 π m 1 πm −i 1 π −i 2 = (−i)m = e 2 e As m increases these expressions repeat with periods of 2 or 4. Simple expressions involving these quantities make useful sequences. m −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 (−1)m = cos πm = eiπm 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 im = ei0.5πm 1 i −1 −i 1 i −1 −i 1 (−i)m = e−i0.5πm 1 −i −1 i 1 −i −1 i 1 (1 + (−1)m ) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (1 − (−1)m ) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 −1 0 1 0 −1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 m (i + (−i)m ) = cos 0.5πm 2 1 (1 + (−1)m + im + (−i)m ) 4 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – note 1 of slide 3 Gibbs Phenomenon 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration ⊲ Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary PN Truncated Fourier Series: uN (t) = m=−N Um ei2πmF t If u(t) has a discontinuity of height b at t = a then: (1) uN (a) −→ lime→0 N →∞ u(a−e)+u(a+e) 2 (2) uN (t) has an overshoot of about 9% of b at the discontinuity. For large N the overshoot moves closer to the discontinuity but does phenomenon). In the limit the overshoot not get smaller (Gibbs R π equals − 21 + π1 0 sint t dt b ≈ 0.0895b. (3) For large m, the coefficients, Um decrease no faster than |m| Example: uN (0) −→ 0.5 N →∞ maxt uN (t) −→ 1.0895 . . . N →∞ m 6= 0, even 0 Um = 0.5 m = 0 −i m odd mπ E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) −1 . 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 1 15 20 max(u41)=1.089 0.5 N=41 0 0 1 5 10 15 20 max(u41)=1.089 0.5 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 4 / 11 [Origin of Gibbs Phenomenon] This topic is included for interest but is not examinable. Our first goal is to express the partial Fourier series, uN (t), in terms of the original signal, u(t). We begin by substituting the integral expression for Un in the partial Fourier series R P+N P+N T 1 −i2πnF τ i2πnF t dτ ei2πnF t = n=−N T 0 u(τ )e uN (t) = n=−N Un e Now we swap the order of the integration and the finite summation (OK if the integral converges ∀n) P RT +N 1 i2πnF (t−τ ) dτ uN (t) = T 0 u(τ ) n=−N e Now apply the formula for the sum of a geometric progression with z = ei2πF (t−τ ) : P+N −N z −(N +0.5) −z N +0.5 −z N +1 n = z = z n=−N 1−z z −0.5 −z 0.5 R i2π(N +0.5)F (τ −t) −e−i2π(N +0.5)F (τ −t) dτ uN (t) = T1 0T u(τ ) e ei2π0.5F (τ −t) −e−i2π0.5F (τ −t) R sin π(2N +1)F (τ −t) = T1 0T u(τ ) dτ sin πF (τ −t) So if we define the Dirichlet Kernel to be DN (x) = R uN (t) = T1 0T u(τ )DN (2πF (τ − t)) dτ sin((N +0.5)x) , sin 0.5x and set x = 2πF (τ − t), we obtain So what we have shown is that uN (t) can be obtained by multiplying u(τ ) by a time-shifted Dirichlet Kernel and then integrating over one period. Next we will look at the properties of the Dirichlet Kernel. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – note 1 of slide 4 [Dirichlet Kernel] This topic is included for interest but is not examinable. PN P inx = 1 + 2 e Dirichlet Kernel definition: DN (x) = +N n=1 cos nx = n=−N sin((N +0.5)x) sin 0.5x DN (x) is plotted below for N = {2, 5, 10, 21}. The vertical red lines at ±π mark one period. 0 5 0 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 40 D10(x) D21(x) 2 20 D5(x) D10(x) D5(x) D2(x) 10 D2(x) 4 10 0 6 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 D21(x) 20 6 0 -6 -4 -2 0 x • Periodic: with period 2π • Average value: hDN (x)i = • π π First Zeros: DN (x) = 0 at x = ± N +0.5 define the main lobe as − N +0.5 <x< • Peak value: 2N + 1 at x = 0. The main lobe gets narrower but higher as N increases. • Main Lobe semi-integral: π π R N +0.5 R N +0.5 DN (x)dx = x=0 x=0 1 2π R +π −π 2 4 6 DN (x)dx = 1 sin((N +0.5)x) dx sin 0.5x = 1 N +0.5 sin y y y=0 sin 2N +1 Rπ π N +0.5 dy[y = (N + 0.5)x] where we substituted y = (N + 0.5)x. Now, for large N , we can approximate sin 2Ny+1 ≈ 2Ny+1 : π R N +0.5 R π sin y Rπ sin y 1 dy = 2 D (x)dx ≈ y N x=0 y=0 y dy ≈ 3.7038741 ≈ 2π × 0.58949 N +0.5 y=0 2N +1 We see that, for large enough N , the main lobe semi-integral is independent of N . [In MATLAB DN (x) = (2N + 1) × diric(x, 2N + 1)] E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – note 2 of slide 4 [Gibbs Phenomenon Overshoot] This topic is included for interest but is not examinable. 1 u41(t) 0.5 T=20 The partial Fourier Series, uN (t), can be obtained by multiplying u(t) by a shifted Dirichlet Kernel and integrating over one period: RT 1 uN (t) = T 0 u(τ )DN (2πF (τ − t)) dτ For the special case when u(t) is a pulse of height 1 and width 0.5T : R uN (t) = T1 00.5T DN (2πF (τ − t)) dτ Substitute x = 2πF (τ − t) R πF T −2πF t 1 DN (x) dx = uN (t) = 2πF T −2πF t • • R π−2πF t −2πF t DN (x) dx For t = 0 (theRblue integral and the blue circle on the upper graph): π 1 uN (0) = 2π 0 DN (x) dx = 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 80 t=0 60 40 20 0 -20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 80 t=0.24 60 40 20 0 -20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 80 t=0.96 60 40 20 0 -20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 T 2N +1 For t = (the red integral and the red circle on the upper graph): π π R π− N +0.5 R0 R π− N +0.5 T 1 1 1 DN (x) dx uN 2N +1 = 2π − π DN (x) dx= 2π − π DN (x) dx + 2π 0 N +0.5 • 1 2π 0 -1 N +0.5 For large N , we replace the first term by a constant (since it is the semi-integral of the main lobe) and replace the upper limit of theR second term by π: π 1 ≈ 0.58949 + 2π 0 DN (x) dx = 1.08949 For 0 ≪ t ≪ 0.5T , uN (t) ≈ 1 (the green integral and the green circle on the upper graph). E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – note 3 of slide 4 Integration 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration ⊲ Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary P∞ Suppose u(t) = m=−∞ Um ei2πmF t [boundedness requires U0 = 0] Define v(t) to be the integral of u(t) Rt R t P∞ i2πmF τ v(t) = u(τ )dτ = dτ m=−∞ Um e R R t i2πmF τ P P∞ [assume OK to swap and ] = m=−∞ Um e dτ P∞ 1 = c + m=−∞ Um i2πmF ei2πmF t P∞ = c + m=−∞ Vm ei2πmF t where c is an integration constant Hence Vm = −i 2πmF Um except for V0 = c (arbitrary constant) Example: Square wave: Um = −2i mπ for odd m (0 for even m) −1 −i × −2i = Triangle wave: Vm = 2πmF 2 mπ π m2 F for odd m (0 for even m) 1 5 u7(t) 0 v7(t) 0 -1 -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 1 Um Convergence: v(t) always converges if u(t) does since Vm ∝ m vN (t) is a good approximation even for small N E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 5 / 11 Rate at which coefficients decrease with m 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic ⊲ Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary −1 m for odd m (0 for even m) Square wave: Um = −2i π −2 for odd m (0 for even m) Triangle wave: Vm = π−1 2F m 1 5 u7(t) 0 v7(t) 0 -1 -5 0 5 10 15 u(t) multiplies the Um by 20 −i 2πF 0 5 10 15 20 Integrating × m−1 ⇒ they decrease faster. The rate at which the coefficients, Um , decrease with m depends on the lowest derivative that has a discontinuity: • Discontinuity in u(t) itself (e.g. square wave) −1 For large |m|, Um decreases as |m| • Discontinuity in u′ (t) (e.g. triangle wave) For large |m|, Um decreases as |m|−2 • Discontinuity in u(n) (t) −(n+1) For large |m|, Um decreases as |m| • No discontinuous derivatives For large |m|, Um decreases faster than any power (e.g. e−|m| ) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 6 / 11 Differentiation 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic ⊲ Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary Integration multiplies Um by −i 2πmF . Hence differentiation multiplies Um by 2πmF −i = i2πmF If u(t) is a continuous differentiable function and w(t) = du(t) dt then, provided that w(t) satisfies the Dirichlet conditions, its Fourier coefficients are: ( 0 m=0 Wm = . i2πmF Um m 6= 0 Since we are multiplying Um by m the coefficients Wm decrease more slowly with m and so the Fourier series for w(t) may not converge (i.e. w(t) may not satisfy the Dirichlet conditions). d dt d dt −→ Um ∝ |m| −2 −→ Um ∝ |m| −1 Um ∝ |m| −0 Differentiation makes waveforms spikier and less smooth. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 7 / 11 Periodic Extension 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Suppose y(t) is only defined over a finite interval (a, b). You have two reasonable choices to make a periodic version: (a) T = b − a, u(t) = y(t) for a ≤ t < b ( y(t) a≤t≤b (b) T = 2(b − a), u(t) = y(2b − t) b ≤ t ≤ 2b − a Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension 2 t Periodic ⊲ Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary Example: y(t) = t2 for 0 ≤ t < 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 -2 0 2 4 y(t) 0 -2 0 2 4 (a) T = 2 -2 0 2 4 (b) T = 4 Option (b) has twice the period, no discontinuities, no Gibbs phenomenon overshoots and if y(t) is continuous the coefficients decrease at least as fast −2 as |m| . E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 8 / 11 t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method ⊲ (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary y(t) = t2 for 0 ≤ t < 2 Method (a): T = F1 = 2 R 1 T 2 −i2πmF t Um = T 0 t e dt h 2te−i2πmF t 1 t2 e−i2πmF t = T −i2πmF − (−i2πmF + )2 Substitute e−i2πmF 0 = e−i2πmF T = 1 i h 2 2T T = T1 −i2πmF − (−i2πmF )2 = 4 2i πm + 4 4 3 [for integer m] 4 K=3 2 0 4 K=6 2 0 2 0 t2 dt = 2 2 0 iT 2e−i2πmF t (−i2πmF )3 0 RT π 2 m2 K=1 -2 U0 = 1 T 0 -2 0 2 4 -2 0 2 4 U0:3 = [1.333, 0.203 + 0.637i, 0.051 + 0.318i, 0.023 + 0.212i] E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 9 / 11 t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method ⊲ (b) Summary y(t) = t2 for 0 ≤ t < 2 Method (b): T = F1 = 4 R 1 0.5T Um = T −0.5T t2 e−i2πmF t dt h 2 −i2πmF t 2te−i2πmF t 1 t e = T −i2πmF − (−i2πmF )2 + m Substitute e±iπmF T = e±iπm = (−1) h i (−1)m −2T = T (−i2πmF )2 = 4 (−1)m T 2 2π 2 m2 = 2 4 K=3 0 2 4 4 3 [for integer m] K=6 2 0 -2 −0.5T t2 dt = [all even powers of t cancel out] 2 0 2e (−i2πmF )3 −0.5T R 0.5T (−1)m 8 π 2 m2 4 K=1 U0 = i0.5T −i2πmF t 1 T 0 -2 0 2 4 -2 0 2 4 U0:3 = [1.333, −0.811, 0.203, −0.090] [u(t) real+even ⇒ Um real] Convergence is noticeably faster than for method (a) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 10 / 11 Summary 5: Gibbs Phenomenon Discontinuities Discontinuous Waveform Gibbs Phenomenon Integration Rate at which coefficients decrease with m Differentiation Periodic Extension t2 Periodic Extension: Method (a) t2 Periodic Extension: Method (b) Summary ⊲ • Discontinuity at t = a ◦ Gibbs phenomenon: uN (t) overshoots by 9% of iump ◦ uN (a) → mid point of iump Rt −i Um • Integration: If v(t) = u(τ )dτ , then Vm = 2πmF and V0 = c, an arbitrary constant. U0 must be zero. • Differentiation: If w(t) = du(t) dt , then Wm = i2πmF Um provided w(t) satisfies Dirichlet conditions (it might not) • Rate of decay: −(k+1) ◦ For large n, Un decreases at a rate |n| where the first discontinuous derivative D E P 2 ◦ Error power: (u(t) − uN (t)) = |n|>N |Un |2 dk u(t) dtk is • Periodic Extension of finite domain signal of length L ◦ (a) Repeat indefinitely with period T = L ◦ (b) Reflect alternate repetitions for period T = 2L no discontinuities or Gibbs phenomenon For further details see RHB Chapter 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Gibbs Phenomenon: 5 – 11 / 11 6: Fourier ⊲ Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality 6: Fourier Transform Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 1 / 12 Fourier Series as T → ∞ 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T → ∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality ⊲ Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary Fourier Series: u(t) = P∞ n=−∞ Un ei2πnF t The harmonic frequencies are nF ∀n and are spaced F = 1 T apart. As T gets larger, the harmonic spacing becomes smaller. e.g. T = 1 s ⇒ F = 1 Hz T = 1 day ⇒ F = 11.57 µHz If T → ∞ then the harmonic spacing becomes zero, the sum becomes an integral and we get the Fourier Transform: R +∞ u(t) = f =−∞ U (f )ei2πf t df Here, U (f ), is the spectral density of u(t). • • • • U (f ) is a continuous function of f . U (f ) is complex-valued. u(t) real ⇒ U (f ) is conjugate symmetric ⇔ U (−f ) = U (f )∗ . Units: if u(t) is in volts, then U (f )df must also be in volts ⇒ U (f ) is in volts/Hz (hence “spectral density”). E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 2 / 12 Fourier Transform 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality ⊲ Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary P∞ Fourier Series: u(t) = n=−∞ Un ei2πnF t The summation is over a set of equally spaced frequencies fn = nF where the spacing between them is ∆f = F = T1 . R 0.5T −i2πnF t Un = u(t)e = ∆f t=−0.5T u(t)e−i2πnF t dt Spectral Density: If u(t) has finite energy, Un → 0 as ∆f → 0. So we Un , on the set of frequencies {fn }: define a spectral density, U (fn ) = ∆f R 0.5T Un U (fn ) = ∆f = t=−0.5T u(t)e−i2πfn t dt we can writeP [Substitute Un = U (fn )∆f ] i2πfn t u(t) = ∞ ∆f n=−∞ U (fn )e Fourier Transform: Now if we take the limit as ∆f → 0, we get R∞ u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df [Fourier Synthesis] R∞ U (f ) = t=−∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt [Fourier Analysis] Un remains For non-periodic signals Un → 0 as ∆f → 0 and U (fn ) = ∆f finite. However, if u(t) contains an exactly periodic component, then the corresponding U (fn ) will become infinite as ∆f → 0. We will deal with it. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 3 / 12 Fourier Transform Examples u(t) a=2 0.5 |U(f)| 0 -5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -5 0 Time (s) 5 0 Frequency (Hz) 5 0 Frequence (Hz) 5 0.5 0 -0.5 -5 1 a+i2πf 1 a=2 0.5 Example 2: 0 -5 0 5 −a|t| Time (s) v(t) = e 1 R∞ 0.5 V (f ) = −∞ v(t)e−i2πf t dt 0 -5 0 5 Frequency (Hz) R ∞ −at −i2πf t R0 at −i2πf t dt dt + 0 e e = −∞ e e (a−i2πf )t 0 (−a−i2πf )t ∞ 1 −1 = a−i2πf e + a+i2πf e −∞ 0 1 2a 1 = a−i2πf + a+i2πf = a2 +4π2 f 2 [v(t) real+symmetric ⇒ V (f ) real+symmetric] |V(f)| Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary 1 <U(f) (rad/pi) ⊲ Example(1: e−at t ≥ 0 u(t) = 0 t<0 R∞ U (f ) = −∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt R ∞ −at −i2πf t dt = 0 e e R ∞ (−a−i2πf )t dt = 0 e (−a−i2πf )t ∞ −1 = a+i2πf e = 0 v(t) 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 4 / 12 Dirac Delta Function 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta ⊲ Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary We define a unit area pulse of width w as ( 1 −0.5w ≤ x ≤ 0.5w w dw (x) = 0 otherwise This pulse has the property that its integral equals 1 for all values of w: R∞ d (x)dx = 1 x=−∞ w δ 0.2(x) 4 δ 0.5(x) 2 δ 3(x) 0 -3 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 δ (x) 0.5 0 -3 -2 -1 0 x If we make w smaller, the pulse height increases to preserve unit area. We define the Dirac delta function as δ(x) = limw→0 dw (x) • δ(x) equals zero everywhere except at x = 0 where it is infinite. R∞ • However its area still equals 1 ⇒ −∞ δ(x)dx = 1 • We plot the height of δ(x) as its area rather than its true height of ∞. δ(x) is not quite a proper function: it is called a generalized function. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 5 / 12 Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality ⊲ Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary Translation: δ(x − a) δ(x) is a pulse at x = 0 δ(x − a) is a pulse at x = a bδ(x)R has an area of b since R∞ ∞ (bδ(x)) dx = b −∞ δ(x)dx = b −∞ δ (x-2) 0 -0.5δ(x+2) -1 -3 Amplitude Scaling: bδ(x) R∞ δ(x) has an area of 1 ⇔ −∞ δ(x)dx = 1 δ (x) 1 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 3 1 δ (4x) = 0.25δ (x) 0 -1 -3 -3δ(-4x-8) = -0.75δ(x+2) -2 -1 0 1 2 x 3 b can be a complex number (on a graph, we then plot only its magnitude) Time Scaling: δ(cx) R∞ R∞ c > 0: x=−∞ δ(cx)dx = y=−∞ δ(y) dy c R 1 ∞ 1 = c y=−∞ δ(y)dy = 1c = |c| R −∞ R∞ c < 0: x=−∞ δ(cx)dx = y=+∞ δ(y) dy c R +∞ = −1 δ(y)dy = −1 c c = y=−∞ In general, δ(cx) = E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) 1 |c| δ(x) [sub y = cx] [sub y = cx] 1 |c| for c 6= 0 Fourier Transform: 6 – 6 / 12 Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality ⊲ Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary If we multiply δ(x − a) by a function of x: y = x2 × δ(x − 2) The product is 0 everywhere except at x = 2. So δ(x − 2) is multiplied by the value taken by x2 at x = 2: 2 2 x × δ(x − 2) = x x=2 × δ(x − 2) = 4 × δ(x − 2) 6 y=x2 4 2 0 -1 0 1 2 1 2 x 6 y=δ(x-2) 4 2 0 -1 0 x In general for any function, f (x), that is continuous at x = a, f (x)δ(x − a) = f (a)δ(x − a) Integrals: R∞ −∞ Example: 6 y=22×δ(x-2) = 4δ(x-2) 4 2 0 -1 0 1 2 x f (a)δ(x − a)dx R∞ = f (a) −∞ δ(x − a)dx = f (a) [if f (x) continuous at a] 2 2 3x − 2x δ(x − 2)dx = 3x − 2x x=2 = 8 f (x)δ(x − a)dx = R∞ −∞ R∞ E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) −∞ Fourier Transform: 6 – 7 / 12 Periodic Signals 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality ⊲ Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary R∞ Fourier Transform: u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df R∞ U (f ) = t=−∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt Example: U (f ) = 1.5δ(f + 2) + 1.5δ(f − 2) R∞ u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df R∞ = −∞ 1.5δ(f + 2)ei2πf t df R∞ + −∞ 1.5δ(f − 2)ei2πf t df i2πf t i2πf t + 1.5 e = 1.5 e f =+2 f =−2 = 1.5 ei4πt + e−i4πt = 3 cos 4πt [Fourier Synthesis] [Fourier Analysis] 1.5 1.5δ(f+2) 0.5 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Frequency (Hz) 2 3 4 3cos(4πt) 2 0 -2 0 1 2 3 Time (s) If u(t) is periodic then U (f ) is a sum of Dirac delta functions: P∞ P∞ i2πnF t u(t) = n=−∞ Un e ⇒ U (f ) = n=−∞ Un δ (f − nF ) R∞ Proof: u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df R ∞ P∞ = −∞ n=−∞ Un δ (f − nF ) ei2πf t df R∞ P∞ = n=−∞ Un −∞ δ (f − nF ) ei2πf t df P∞ = n=−∞ Un ei2πnF t E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) 1.5δ(f-2) 1 4 5 Fourier Transform: 6 – 8 / 12 Duality 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality ⊲ Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary R∞ Fourier Transform: u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df R∞ U (f ) = t=−∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt Dual transform: Suppose v(t) = U (t), then R∞ V (f ) = t=−∞ v(t)e−i2πf t dτ R∞ V (g) = t=−∞ U (t)e−i2πgt dt R∞ = f =−∞ U (f )e−i2πgf df So: [Fourier Synthesis] [Fourier Analysis] [substitute f = g, v(t) = U (t)] [substitute t = f ] = u(−g) v(t) = U (t) ⇒ V (f ) = u(−f ) Example: u(t) = e−|t| v(t) = 2 1+4π 2 t2 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) ⇒ ⇒ U (f ) = 2 1+4π 2 f 2 [from earlier] V (f ) = e−|−f | = e−|f | Fourier Transform: 6 – 9 / 12 Time Shifting and Scaling 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality Time Shifting and ⊲ Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary R∞ Fourier Transform: u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df R∞ U (f ) = t=−∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt [Fourier Synthesis] [Fourier Analysis] Time Shifting and Scaling: Suppose v(t) = u(at + b), then R∞ V (f ) = t=−∞ u(at + b)e−i2πf t dt R∞ −i2πf ( τ −b a ) 1 dτ = sgn(a) τ =−∞ u(τ )e a [now sub τ = at + b] note that ±∞ limits swap if a < 0 hence sgn(a) = = = b 1 i 2πf a |a| e b i 2πf a 1 |a| e So: v(t) = u(at + b) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) R∞ τ =−∞ U −i2π fa τ u(τ )e ( 1 a>0 −1 a < 0 dτ f a ⇒ V (f ) = b i 2πf a 1 |a| e U f a Fourier Transform: 6 – 10 / 12 Gaussian Pulse 2 t − 2σ 2 √ 1 e 2πσ 2 Gaussian Pulse: u(t) = R∞ This is a Normal (or Gaussian) probability distribution, so −∞ u(t)dt = 1. R ∞ − t2 −i2πf t R∞ 1 −i2πf t dt = √2πσ2 −∞ e 2σ2 e U (f ) = −∞ u(t)e dt R ∞ − 1 (t2 +i4πσ2 f t) 1 dt =√ e 2σ2 2πσ 2 −∞ 2 2 − 2σ1 2 t2 +i4πσ 2 f t+(i2πσ 2 f ) −(i2πσ 2 f ) R∞ √ 1 e 2πσ 2 −∞ 2 R ∞ − 1 (t+i2πσ2 f )2 2 1 i2πσ f 1 ) ( 2 √ 2σ 2 = e 2σ dt e 2 −∞ 2πσ 2 1 (i) (i2πσ2 f ) − 21 (2πσf )2 2σ 2 = Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary ⊲ u(t) 0.4 σ=1 -2 0 Time (s) 1/(2πσ)=0.159 1 0.2 0 -4 dt =e =e [(i) uses a result from complex analysis theory that: R ∞ − 1 (t+i2πσ2 f )2 R ∞ − 1 t2 1 1 2 √ √ 2σ 2σ 2 dt = dt = 1] e e 2 2 −∞ −∞ 2πσ 2πσ |U(f)| 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality 2 4 0.5 0 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Frequency (Hz) 0.4 0.6 Uniquely, the Fourier Transform of a Gaussian pulse is a Gaussian pulse. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 11 / 12 Summary 6: Fourier Transform Fourier Series as T →∞ Fourier Transform Fourier Transform Examples Dirac Delta Function Dirac Delta Function: Scaling and Translation Dirac Delta Function: Products and Integrals Periodic Signals Duality Time Shifting and Scaling Gaussian Pulse Summary ⊲ • Fourier Transform: R∞ ◦ Inverse transform (synthesis): u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df R∞ ◦ Forward transform (analysis): U (f ) = t=−∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt ⊲ U (f ) is the spectral density function (e.g. Volts/Hz) • Dirac Delta Function: R∞ ◦ δ(t) is a zero-width infinite-height pulse with −∞ δ(t)dt = 1 R∞ ◦ Integral: −∞ f (t)δ(t − a) = f (a) 1 |c| δ(t) P u(t) = ∞ n=−∞ ◦ Scaling: δ(ct) = • Periodic Signals: Un ei2πnF t P∞ ⇒ U (f ) = n=−∞ Un δ (f − nF ) • Fourier Transform Properties: ◦ v(t) = U (t) ⇒ V (f ) = u(−f ) b 1 i 2πf ◦ v(t) = u(at + b) ⇒ V (f ) = |a| e a U fa ◦ v(t) = − 21 ( σt ) √ 1 e 2πσ 2 2 1 ⇒ V (f ) = e− 2 (2πσf ) 2 For further details see RHB Chapter 13.1 (uses ω instead of f ) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform: 6 – 12 / 12 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals ⊲ Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 1 / 10 Multiplication of Signals 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals ⊲ Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary Question: What is the Fourier transform of w(t) = u(t)v(t) ? R +∞ R +∞ i2πht dh and v(t) = g=−∞ V (g)ei2πgt dg Let u(t) = h=−∞ U (h)e [Note use of different dummy variables] w(t) = u(t)v(t) R +∞ R +∞ i2πht dh g=−∞ V (g)ei2πgt dg = h=−∞ U (h)e R +∞ R +∞ = h=−∞ U (h) g=−∞ V (g)ei2π(h+g)t dg dh [merge e(··· ) ] Now we make a change of variable in the second integral: g = f − h R +∞ R +∞ = h=−∞ U (h) f =−∞ V (f − h)ei2πf t df dh R R +∞ R∞ i2πf t dh df [swap ] = f =−∞ h=−∞ U (h)V (f − h)e R +∞ = f =−∞ W (f )ei2πf t df R +∞ R +∞ where W (f ) = h=−∞ U (h)V (f − h)dh h=−∞ U (h)V (f − h)dh , U (f ) ∗ V (f ) This is the convolution of the two spectra U (f ) and V (f ). w(t) = u(t)v(t) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) ⇔ W (f ) = U (f ) ∗ V (f ) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 2 / 10 Multiplication Example u(t) v(t) = cos 2πF t V (f ) = 0.5 (δ(f + F ) + δ(f − F )) |U(f)| [from before] w(t) = u(t)v(t) W (f ) = U (f ) ∗ V (f ) 0.5 = a+i2π(f +F ) + 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -5 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) 0 Time (s) 5 0 Frequency (Hz) 5 0 Frequence (Hz) 5 0.5 0 -0.5 -5 0 -1 0.5 a+i2π(f −F ) |W(f)| <W(f) (rad/pi) If V (f ) consists entirely of Dirac impulses then U (f ) ∗ V (f ) iust replaces each impulse with a complete copy of U (f ) scaled by the area of the impulse and shifted so that 0 Hz lies on the impulse. Then add the overlapping complex spectra. -5 1 w(t) Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary 1 a+i2πf a=2 0.5 0 <U(f) (rad/pi) ⊲ U (f ) = 1 t≥0 t<0 v(t) Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example ( e−at u(t) = 0 |V(f)| 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals -5 0.4 F=2 0.2 0 -5 1 a=2, F=2 0.5 0 -0.5 -5 0.2 0.1 0 -5 0 Time (s) 0.5 5 0.5 0 Frequency (Hz) 0 Time (s) 5 5 0 Frequency (Hz) 5 0 Frequence (Hz) 5 0.5 0 -0.5 -5 Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 3 / 10 Convolution Theorem 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example ⊲ Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary Convolution Theorem: w(t) = u(t)v(t) ⇔ W (f ) = U (f ) ∗ V (f ) w(t) = u(t) ∗ v(t) ⇔ W (f ) = U (f )V (f ) Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain and vice versa. Proof of second line: Given u(t), v(t) and w(t) satisfying w(t) = u(t)v(t) ⇔ W (f ) = U (f ) ∗ V (f ) define dual waveforms x(t), y(t) and z(t) as follows: x(t) = U (t) ⇔ X(f ) = u(−f ) y(t) = V (t) ⇔ Y (f ) = v(−f ) z(t) = W (t) ⇔ Z(f ) = w(−f ) Now the convolution property becomes: w(−f ) = u(−f )v(−f ) ⇔ W (t) = U (t) ∗ V (t) Z(f ) = X(f )Y (f ) ⇔ z(t) = x(t) ∗ y(t) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) [duality] [sub t ↔ ±f ] [duality] Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 4 / 10 Convolution Example ⊲ Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary w(t) = u(t) ∗ v(t) R∞ = −∞ u(τ )v(t − τ )dτ R min(t,1) (1 − τ )eτ −t dτ = 0 min(t,1) u(t) 1 0.5 0 -2 0 2 Time t (s) 4 6 -2 0 2 Time t (s) 4 6 -2 0 2 Time t (s) 4 6 1 v(t) Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example ( 1−t 0≤t<1 u(t) = 0 otherwise ( e−t t ≥ 0 v(t) = 0 t<0 0.5 0 w(t) 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 ∫ = 0.307 0.5 0 = [(2 − τ ) eτ −t ]τ =0 t<0 0 = 2 − t − 2e−t 0 ≤ t < 1 (e − 2) e−t t≥1 1 -2 ∫ = 0.16 0.5 0 1 -2 ∫ = 0.059 0.5 0 -2 u(τ) 0 u(τ) 0 2 Time τ (s) 4 2 Time τ (s) 4 v(2.5-τ) 2 Time τ (s) 6 t=1.5 v(1.5-τ) u(τ) 0 t=0.7 v(0.7-τ) 4 6 t=2.5 6 Note how v(t − τ ) is time-reversed (because of the −τ ) and time-shifted to put the time origin at τ = t. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 5 / 10 Convolution Properties 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Convolution ⊲ Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary Convloution: w(t) = u(t) ∗ v(t) , R∞ −∞ u(τ )v(t − τ )dτ Convolution behaves algebraically like multiplication: 1) Commutative: u(t) ∗ v(t) = v(t) ∗ u(t) 2) Associative: u(t) ∗ v(t) ∗ w(t) = (u(t) ∗ v(t)) ∗ w(t) = u(t) ∗ (v(t) ∗ w(t)) 3) Distributive over addition: w(t) ∗ (u(t) + v(t)) = w(t) ∗ u(t) + w(t) ∗ v(t) 4) Identity Element or “1”: u(t) ∗ δ(t) = δ(t) ∗ u(t) = u(t) 5) Bilinear: (au(t)) ∗ (bv(t)) = ab (u(t) ∗ v(t)) Proof: In the frequency domain, convolution is multiplication. Also, if u(t) ∗ v(t) = w(t), then 6) Time Shifting: u(t + a) ∗ v(t + b) = w(t + a + b) 1 w(at) 7) Time Scaling: u(at) ∗ v(at) = |a| How to recognise a convolution integral: the arguments of u(· · · ) and v(· · · ) sum to a constant. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 6 / 10 Parseval’s Theorem 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Lemma: R X(f ) = δ(f − g) ⇒ x(t) = δ(f − g)ei2πf t df = ei2πgt R i2π(g−f )t R i2πgt −i2πf t dt = δ(g − f ) ⇒ X(f ) = e e dt = e Parseval’s Theorem: Convolution Properties Parseval’s ⊲ Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary R∞ ∗ u (t)v(t)dt = t=−∞ Proof: R +∞ Let u(t) = f =−∞ U (f )ei2πf t df and R +∞ ∗ U (f )V (f )df f =−∞ v(t) = R +∞ i2πgt V (g)e dg g=−∞ [Note use of different dummy variables] Now multiply u∗ (t) = u(t) and v(t) together and integrate over time: R∞ ∗ u (t)v(t)dt t=−∞ R +∞ R +∞ R∞ ∗ −i2πf t df g=−∞ V (g)ei2πgt dgdt = t=−∞ f =−∞ U (f )e R∞ R +∞ R +∞ ∗ = f =−∞ U (f ) g=−∞ V (g) t=−∞ ei2π(g−f )t dtdgdf R +∞ R +∞ ∗ = f =−∞ U (f ) g=−∞ V (g)δ(g − f )dgdf [lemma] R +∞ = f =−∞ U ∗ (f )V (f )df E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 7 / 10 Energy Conservation Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary ⊲ ∗ u (t)v(t)dt = t=−∞ R +∞ ∗ U (f )V (f )df f =−∞ For the special case v(t) = u(t), Parseval’s theorem becomes: R +∞ R∞ ∗ ∗ U (f )U (f )df u (t)u(t)dt = f =−∞ t=−∞ R +∞ R∞ 2 ⇒ Eu = t=−∞ |u(t)| dt = f =−∞ |U (f )|2 df Energy Conservation: The energy in u(t) equals the energy in U (f ). Example: ( e−at u(t) = 0 t≥0 t<0 ⇒ Eu = R 2 |u(t)| dt = 1 U (f ) = a+i2πf [from before] R R 2 df ⇒ |U (f )| df = a2 +4π 2f 2 −1 2πf ∞ tan ( a ) 1 π = = = 2πa 2πa 2a h −e−2at 2a 1 u(t) Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Parseval’s Theorem: R∞ i∞ 0 = 1 2a a=2 0.5 0 |U(f)| 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -5 -5 0 Time (s) 0 Frequency (Hz) 5 5 −∞ E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 8 / 10 Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary ⊲ W (f ) = 0.5 a+i2π(f +F ) = + 0.5 a+i2π(f −F ) a+i2πf |W(f)| <W(f) (rad/pi) Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Example from before: ( e−at cos 2πF t t ≥ 0 w(t) = 0 t<0 1 a=2, F=2 0.5 0 -0.5 -5 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 -5 |W (f )|2 = 2 2 a +4π f 2 (a2 −4π 2 (f 2 −F 2 ))2 +16π 2 a2 f 2 0 Time (s) 5 0 Frequency (Hz) 5 0 Frequence (Hz) 5 0 Frequency (Hz) 5 0.5 0 -0.5 -5 a2 +i4πaf −4π 2 (f 2 −F 2 ) |W(f)| 2 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals w(t) Energy Spectrum 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -5 Energy Spectrum 2 • The units R ∞of |W (f )|2 are “energy per Hz” so that its integral, Ew = −∞ |W (f )| df , has units of energy. 2 • The quantity |W (f )| is called the energy spectral density of w(t) at frequency f and its graph is the energy spectrum of w(t). It shows how the energy of w(t) is distributed over frequencies. 2 • If you divide |W (f )| by the total energy, Ew , the result is non-negative and integrates to unity like a probability distribution. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 9 / 10 Summary 7: Fourier Transforms: Convolution and Parseval’s Theorem Multiplication of Signals Multiplication Example Convolution Theorem Convolution Example Convolution Properties Parseval’s Theorem Energy Conservation Energy Spectrum Summary ⊲ • Convolution: R∞ ◦ u(t) ∗ v(t) , −∞ u(τ )v(t − τ )dτ ⊲ Arguments of u(· · · ) and v(· · · ) sum to t ◦ Acts like multiplication + time scaling/shifting formulae • Convolution Theorem: multiplication ↔ convolution ◦ w(t) = u(t)v(t) ⇔ W (f ) = U (f ) ∗ V (f ) ◦ w(t) = u(t) ∗ v(t) ⇔ W (f ) = U (f )V (f ) R +∞ R∞ ∗ • Parseval’s Theorem: t=−∞ u (t)v(t)dt = f =−∞ U ∗ (f )V (f )df • Energy Spectrum: ◦ Energy spectral Rdensity: |U (f )|R2 (energy/Hz) 2 2 ◦ Parseval: Eu = |u(t)| dt = |U (f )| df For further details see RHB Chapter 13.1 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2014-5559) Fourier Transform - Parseval and Convolution: 7 – 10 / 10 ⊲ 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) 8: Correlation Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 1 / 11 Cross-Correlation 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example ⊲ Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram The cross-correlation between two signals u(t) and v(t) is R∞ ∗ w(t) = u(t) ⊗ v(t) , −∞ u (τ )v(τ + t)dτ R∞ ∗ = −∞ u (τ − t)v(τ )dτ [sub: τ → τ − t] The complex conjugate, u∗ (τ ) makes no difference if u(t) is real-valued but makes the definition work even if u(t) is complex-valued. Correlation versus Convolution: R∞ ∗ u(t) ⊗ v(t) = −∞ u (τ )v(τ + t)dτ [correlation] R∞ u(t) ∗ v(t) = −∞ u(τ )v(t − τ )dτ [convolution] Unlike convolution, the integration variable, τ , has the same sign in the arguments of u(· · · ) and v(· · · ) so the arguments have a constant difference instead of a constant sum (i.e. v(t) is not time-flipped). Notes: (a) The argument of w(t) is called the “lag” (= delay of u versus v). (b) Some people write u(t) ⋆ v(t) instead of u(t) ⊗ v(t). (c) Some swap u and v and/or negate t in the integral. It is all rather inconsistent /. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 2 / 11 Signal Matching u(t) 0.5 0 0 Example 2: y(t) is the same as v(t) with more noise z(t) = u(t) ⊗ y(t) can still detect the correct time delay (hard for humans) 200 400 600 1 v(t) Example 1: v(t) contains u(t) with an unknown delay and added noise. w(t) = u(t) R ∗⊗ v(t) = u (τ − t)v(τ )dt gives a peak at the time lag where u(τ − t) best matches v(τ ); in this case at t = 450 0.5 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 20 w(t) Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram 1 10 0 y(t) ⊲ Cross correlation is used to find where two signals match: u(t) is the test waveform. 2 0 -2 20 10 z(t) 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example 0 -10 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) 0 -1 0 q(t) Example 3: p(t) contains −u(t) so that q(t) = u(t) ⊗ p(t) has a negative peak p(t) 1 -10 -20 Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 3 / 11 Cross-correlation as Convolution 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example ⊲ Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram Correlation: w(t) = u(t) ⊗ v(t) = R∞ ∗ u (τ − t)v(τ )dτ −∞ If we define x(t) = u∗ (−t) then R∞ ∗ R∞ x(t) ∗ v(t) , −∞ x(t − τ )v(τ )dτ = −∞ u (τ − t)v(τ )dτ = u(t) ⊗ v(t) Fourier Transform of x(t): R∞ ∗ R∞ −i2πf t dt = −∞ u (−t)e−i2πf t dt X(f ) = −∞ x(t)e ∗ R R∞ ∗ ∞ = −∞ u (t)ei2πf t dt = −∞ u(t)e−i2πf t dt = U ∗ (f ) So w(t) = x(t) ∗ v(t) ⇒ W (f ) = X(f )V (f ) = U ∗ (f )V (f ) Hence the Cross-correlation theorem: w(t) = u(t) ⊗ v(t) ⇔ = u∗ (−t) ∗ v(t) W (f ) = U ∗ (f )V (f ) Note that, unlike convolution, correlation is not associative or commutative: v(t) ⊗ u(t) = v ∗ (−t) ∗ u(t) = u(t) ∗ v ∗ (−t) = w∗ (−t) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 4 / 11 Normalized Cross-correlation 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example ⊲ Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram Correlation: w(t) = u(t) ⊗ v(t) = R∞ ∗ u (τ − t)v(τ )dτ −∞ If we define y(t) = u(t − t0 ) for some fixed t0 , then Ey = Eu : R∞ R∞ 2 2 Ey = −∞ |y(t)| dt = −∞ |u(t − t0 )| dt R∞ = −∞ |u(τ )|2 dτ = Eu [t → τ + t0 ] Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: 2 ⇒ |w(t0 )| = R∞ R∞ −∞ ∗ y (τ )v(τ )dτ ∗ ≤ Ey Ev 2 ≤ Ey Ev = Eu Ev √ but t0 was arbitrary, so we must have |w(t)| ≤ Eu Ev for all t −∞ u (τ − t0 )v(τ )dτ 2 We can define the normalized cross-correlation z(t) = u(t)⊗v(t) √ Eu Ev with properties: (1) |z(t)| ≤ 1 for all t (2) |z(t0 )| = 1 ⇔ v(τ ) = αu(τ − t0 ) with α constant E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 5 / 11 [Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality Proof] You do not need to memorize this proof We want to prove the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality: R∞ −∞ u∗ (t)v(t)dt 2 ≤ Eu Ev where Eu , R∞ −∞ |u(t)|2 dt. R∞ ∗ Suppose we define w , −∞ u (t)v(t)dt. Then, R [|· · · |2 always ≥ 0] 0 ≤ |Ev u(t) − w∗ v(t)|2 dt R = (Ev u∗ (t) − wv ∗ (t)) (Ev u(t) − w∗ v(t)) dt [|z|2 = z ∗ z] R R R R = Ev2 u∗ (t)u(t)dt + |w|2 v ∗ (t)v(t)dt − w∗ Ev u∗ (t)v(t)dt − wEv u(t)v ∗ (t)dt R 2 2R 2 |v(t)|2 dt − Ev w∗ w − Ev ww∗ = Ev |u(t)| dt + |w| [definition of w] = Ev2 Eu + |w|2 Ev − 2 |w|2 Ev = Ev Eu Ev − |w|2 [|z|2 = z ∗ z] Unless Ev = 0 (in which case, v(t) ≡ 0 and the C-S inequality is true), we must have |w|2 ≤ Eu Ev which proves the C-S inequality. Also, Eu Ev = |w|2 only if we have equality in the first line, R that is, |Ev u(t) − w∗ v(t)|2 dt = 0 which implies that the integrand is zero for all t. This implies that u(t) = w∗ v(t). Ev So we have shown that Eu Ev = |w|2 if and only if u(t) and v(t) are proportional to each other. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – note 1 of slide 5 Autocorrelation 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example ⊲ Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram The correlation of a signal with itself is its autocorrelation: R∞ ∗ w(t) = u(t) ⊗ u(t) = −∞ u (τ − t)u(τ )dτ The autocorrelation at zero lag: R∞ ∗ w(0) = −∞ u (τ − 0)u(τ )dτ R∞ ∗ = −∞ u (τ )u(τ )dτ R∞ = −∞ |u(τ )|2 dτ = Eu The autocorrelation at zero lag, w(0), is the energy of the signal. The normalized autocorrelation: z(t) = u(t)⊗u(t) Eu satisfies z(0) = 1 and |z(t)| ≤ 1 for any t. Wiener-Khinchin Theorem: [Cross-correlation theorem when v(t) = u(t)] w(t) = u(t) ⊗ u(t) ⇔ W (f ) = U ∗ (f )U (f ) = |U (f )|2 The Fourier transform of the autocorrelation is the energy spectrum. E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 6 / 11 Autocorrelation example 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example ⊲ Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram Cross-correlation is used to find when two different signals are similar. Autocorrelation is used to find when a signal is similar to itself delayed. First graph shows s(t) a segment of the microphone signal from the initial vowel of “early” spoken by me. The waveform is “quasi-periodic” = “almost periodic but not quite”. . Second graph shows normalized autocorrelation, z(t) = s(t)⊗s(t) Es z(0) = 1 for t = 0 since a signal always matches itself exactly. z(t) = 0.82 for t = 6.2 ms = one period lag (not an exact match). z(t) = 0.53 for t = 12.4 ms = two periods lag (even worse match). Norm Autocorr, z(t) Speech s(t) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 10 20 30 Time (ms) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) 40 50 1 0.82 Lag = 6.2 ms (161 Hz) 0.5 0 0 5 10 Lag: t (ms) 15 20 Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 7 / 11 Fourier Transform Variants 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example Fourier Transform ⊲ Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram There are three different versions of the Fourier Transform in current use. (1) Frequency version (we have used this in lectures) R∞ R∞ −i2πf t dt u(t) = −∞ U (f )ei2πf t df U (f ) = −∞ u(t)e • Used in the communications/broadcasting industry and textbooks. • The formulae do not need scale factors of 2π anywhere. ,,, (2) Angular frequency version R∞ e u(t)e−iωt dt U (ω) = R∞ e (ω)eiωt dω u(t) = U −∞ e (ω) = U (f ) = U ( ω ) Continuous spectra are unchanged: U 2π However δ-function spectral components are multiplied by 2π so that e (ω) = 2π × δ(ω − 2πf0 ) U (f ) = δ(f − f0 ) ⇒ U • Used in most signal processing and control theory textbooks. −∞ 1 2π (3) Angular frequency + symmetrical scale factor R∞ R∞ 1 1 −iωt b b (ω)eiωt dω U (ω) = √2π −∞ u(t)e dt u(t) = √2π −∞ U e (ω) b (ω) = √1 U In all cases U 2π • Used in many Maths textbooks (mathematicians like symmetry) E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 8 / 11 Scale Factors 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram ⊲ Fourier Transform using Angular Frequency: R∞ R∞ 1 −iωt e e (ω)eiωt dω dt u(t) = 2π −∞ U U (ω) = −∞ u(t)e R R 1 Any formula involving df will change to 2π dω [since dω = 2πdf ] Parseval’s Theorem: R ∗ R ∗ 1 e (ω)Ve (ω)dω u (t)v(t)dt = 2π U 2 R R 2 1 e Eu = |u(t)| dt = 2π U (ω) dω Waveform Multiplication: (convolution implicitly involves integration) e e f (ω) = 1 U w(t) = u(t)v(t) ⇒ W 2π (ω) ∗ V (ω) Spectrum Multiplication: (multiplication ; integration) f (ω) = U e (ω)Ve (ω) w(t) = u(t) ∗ v(t) ⇒ W b To obtain formulae for version (3) of the Fourier √ Transform, U (ω), e (ω) = 2π U b (ω). substitute into the above formulae: U E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 9 / 11 Summary 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram ⊲ R∞ • Cross-Correlation: w(t) = u(t) ⊗ v(t) = −∞ u∗ (τ − t)v(τ )dτ ◦ Used to find similarities between v(t) and a delayed u(t) ◦ Cross-correlation theorem: W (f ) = U ∗ (f )V (f ) √ ◦ Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality: |u(t) ⊗ v(t)| ≤ Eu Ev ⊲ Normalized cross-correlation: • Autocorrelation: x(t) = u(t) ⊗ u(t) = u(t)⊗v(t) √ Eu Ev R∞ −∞ ≤1 u∗ (τ − t)u(τ )dτ ≤ Eu ◦ Wiener-Khinchin: X(f ) = energy spectral density, |U (f )|2 ◦ Used to find periodicity in u(t) • Fourier Transform using ω: ◦ Continuous spectra unchanged; spectral impulses multiplied by 2π R R 1 ◦ In formulae: df → 2π dω; ω-convolution involves an integral For further details see RHB Chapter 13.1 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 10 / 11 Spectrogram 8: Correlation Cross-Correlation Signal Matching Cross-corr as Convolution Normalized Cross-corr Autocorrelation Autocorrelation example Spectrogram of “Merry Christmas” spoken by Mike Brookes Fourier Transform Variants Scale Factors Summary Spectrogram ⊲ E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – 11 / 11 [Complex Fourier Series] All waveforms have period T = 1. δcondition is 1 whenever “condition” is true and otherwise 0. Waveform x(t) for |t| < 0.5 Xn Square wave 2δ|t|<0.25 − 1 Pulse of width d δ|t|<0.5d Sawtooth wave 2t Triangle wave 1 − 4 |t| 2 sin 0.5πn × δn6=0 πn sin πdn πn i(−1)n × δn6=0 πn 2(1−(−1)n ) π 2 n2 E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – note 1 of slide 11 [Fourier Transform Properties A] You need not memorize these properties. All integrals are Property x(t) Forward x(t) Inverse Spectral Zero R R∞ −∞ Xf ) X(f )ei2πf t df R x(t)dt R x(t)e−i2πf t dt X(f ) Duality X(t) = X(0) R = X(f )df Reversal x(−t) X(−f ) conjugate x∗ (t) X ∗ (−f ) dn x(t) dtn (−i2πt)n x(t) (i2πf )n X(f ) Temporal Zero Temporal Derivative x(0) x(−f ) Time Shift x(t − T ) dn X(f ) df n 1 X(f ) + 21 X(0)δ(f ) i2πf 2iπf β f 1 e α X( α ) |α| X(f )e−i2πf T Frequency Shift x(t)ei2πF t X(f − F ) Spectral Derivative Integral Scaling E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Rt −∞ x(τ )dτ x(αt + β) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – note 2 of slide 11 [Fourier Transform Properties B] You need not memorize these properties. All integrals are R∞ −∞ Property x(t) Xf ) Linearity αx(t) + βy(t) αX(f ) + βY (f ) Multiplication x(t)y(t) X(f ) ∗ Y (f ) Convolution x(t) ∗ y(t) X(f )Y (f ) Correlation x(t) ⊗ y(t) X ∗ (f )Y (f ) Autocorrelation x(t) ⊗ x(t) |X(f )|2 Parseval or Plancherel x∗ (t)y(t)dt R Ex = |x(t)|2 dt P n x(t − nT ) P n x(nT )δ(t − nT ) Repetition Sampling Modulation Convolution: x(t) ∗ y(t) = R x(t) cos(2πF t) 1 T R = X ∗ (f )Y (f )df R = |X(f )|2 df P k k kX T δ f − T k 1 P kX f − T T 1 X(f 2 − F ) + 12 X(f + F ) R x(τ )y(t − τ )dτ R ∗ R ∗ Cross-correlation: x(t) ⊗ y(t) = x (τ )y(τ + t)dτ = x (τ − t)y(τ )dτ E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – note 3 of slide 11 [Fourier Transform Pairs] You need not memorize these pairs. x(t) X(f ) X(f ) δ(t) 1 1 δ(f ) rect(t) sin(πf ) πf sin2 (πf ) π2 f 2 1 1 δ (f + α) + δ (f − α) 2 2 1 α+2πif 2α α2 +4π 2 f 2 1 iπf 1 P∞ k k=−∞ δ f − T T sin(t) t sin2 (t) t2 πrect(πf ) tri(t) cos(2παt) e−αt u(t) e−α|t| sgn(t) P∞ x(t) n=−∞ δ(t − nT ) Elementary Functions: ( 1, |t| < 0.5 rect(t) = 0, elsewhere −1, t < 0 sgn(t) = 0, t=0 1, t>0 sin(2παt) πtri(πf ) i δ (f 2 + α) − 2i δ (f − α) 1 (α+2πif )2 2 e−πf te−αt u(t) e−πt 2 u(t) 1 δ(f ) 2 + 1 2πif ( 1 − |t|, tri(t) = 0, E1.10 Fourier Series and Transforms (2015-5585) u(t) = 1 2 |t| < 1 elsewhere 0, (1 + sgn(t)) = 0.5, 1, x<0 x=0 x>0 Fourier Transform - Correlation: 8 – note 4 of slide 11