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Bread Types, Ingredients & Baking: A Food Science Overview

 Staple food made from flour mixed with other dry and liquid
ingredients, usually combined with a leavening agent, and
kneaded, shaped into loaves, and baked
 One of the oldest processed food
 Most probably originated from the Middle East
 Differ in sizes, shapes textures, and taste all over the world
 Vary in size from small sticks to loaves weighing several
 The product terminology is strongly linked with local
consumer preferences and traditions
 All of the bread types require their own processing
techniques, processing equipment and process control
Types of Bread
There are three main kinds of bread in the world:
 Those that rise highest and so have to be baked in pans,
 Those with a medium volume, like rye and French breads
 Those that hardly rise at all and consequently are called
Wholemeal bread
❖ Mostly have 90% or more wholemeal flour in the recipe
used, and wheatmeals any level of wholemeal flour mixed
with white flour
❖ Processing of these differs in two ways from that of white
1. During mixing the amount of water added to make an
optimum dough consistency needs to be increased because
the bran in the wholemeal absorbs more water
2. The dough is weaker because the bran particles break up the strong
protein bonds in the bread dough, and this weakens the dough structure
 This means the dough could collapse when it rises
 Extra protein, called gluten, is added to make the dough stronger and
stop it collapsing
 Wholemeal bread contains higher concentrations of minerals and
vitamins than white bread as it retains the bran and germ of the wheat
 It is an excellent source of dietary fibre, containing twice that of white
bread and more than multigrain breads
Multigrain and kibbled bread
 Mixed or multigrain breads are made from a mixture of
wholemeal, white or rye flour
 May contain wheat germ, honey, gluten, non-fat milk solids,
cracked and whole grains of wheat and other cereals such as
rye, oats, corn, barley, rice millet and triticale
 A wide choice of multigrain breads can be achieved by
blending various grains, vegetable pieces, nuts, seeds, fruit and
 There are "light" and "heavy" multigrain breads
 "Light" multi-grains have an openness similar to white bread,
with small kibbled grains, oats or other wheat mixed through
the bread
 "Heavy" multigrain breads are characterized by small volume,
dense texture and a high grain content
 "Light" breads are similar to white bread in terms of
composition, whereas "heavy" breads are similar to or denser
than wholemeal bread
 Multigrain bread contains whole grains of different types
 Kibbled bread contains kibbled grain, the grain that has been
broken into smaller pieces
 Many types of grain can be added to the bread including rye,
barley, oats, corn, millet, soya, alfalfa and rice
 The grain should be soaked in water for several hours before
mixing because un-soaked grain in bread is hard enough to
break teeth
 This bread also needs extra protein (gluten) to make the dough
stronger and hold up the extra weight of the grains
Fruit bread
 Fruit breads use a normal bread recipe to which fruit and
often sugar are added
 Popular fruits used are raisins, currants, dates, orange peel
and dried fruits such as apricots
 Hot cross buns and many fruit breads, also have spices added
 Ingredients used to enhance appearance and flavor of breads
include cinnamon, nutmeg, egg wash and sugar/water wash
Hearth breads
 Some well known hearth breads include French sticks
(bagettes) and Vienna bread which were traditionally baked
directly on the hearth, that is, the brick floor of the oven
 Some bakeries overseas place brick or stone floors in their
ovens so they can make this a selling point
 The oven for hearth breads requires steam to make the bread
 Special pans and baskets are now used to give loaf varieties a
different shape and distinctive appearance
 Mostly hearth breads are permitted to contain only wheat
flour, water, yeast and salt
 Bread with only these ingredients and without fats or
emulsifiers will not keep for long
Flat breads
 The earliest breads made by humans
 The most basic are still a mixture of flour, water and salt
kneaded into a pliable dough before being shaped by hand and
 Wheat is the most popular choice of grain although barley,
millet, corn, oats, rice and rye are used to make various
 Flatbreads can be single or double layered:
 Single layered flatbreads can be made without yeast from a
firm dough, e.g. tortillas from Mexico, or from runny
mixtures poured onto a hotplate
 Alternatively they can be leavened (risen by a process of yeast
fermentation), as with the baladi from Egypt
 Double layered flatbreads are leavened (with fresh yeast or a
sourdough remnant of a former mix) and risen twice before
 Baking at a very high oven temperature seals steam inside the
bread, causing it to blow up like a football during the baking
 This forms a pocket that can later be filled with other food
 Egyptian pita bread is a good example of this pocket bread
 Pita bread is a popular flatbread throughout the Middle East
that has moved intoWestern cooking
 Flat breads are made throughout most of the world. Examples
are pita (from the Middle East), chapati and naan (Pakistan),
tortilla (Mexico) and focaccia (Italy)
 The bread may be leavened (have a raising agent of yeast or
sourdough) or unleavened
 There are two ways of shaping flat breads:
 The dough can be sheeted (rolled thinly) and cut to shape
 The bulk dough can be divided into pieces, rounded and then
 Pita bread is made with a mixture of flour, salt, yeast and
 Fermentation time is short so the dough does not rise
 When baked, heat quickly seals the top and bottom surfaces
and the rapid expansion of gases between them tends to blow
the crusts apart forming the pocket
 Naan is also a leavened bread that is baked by placing flattened
pieces of dough onto the walls of an urn shaped oven
 These breads are usually baked in an extremely hot oven with
temperatures of 450°C - 600°C
Chapati is an unleavened round flat bread from Pakistan with
most meals, wrapped around meat or vegetables
Tortillas are an unleavened flatbread from Mexico made from
corn flour or wheat flour
They can be soft or crisp, depending on how long they are
When they are soft they are used as burritos and when crisp
are served as tostadas or corn chips
 These are round, chewy rolls about 10 cm in diameter with a
hole in the middle
 They are in fact much like a doughnut in appearance, but the
resemblance ends there (or it should!)
 The taste and texture of the bagel is very different to the
doughnut although they have been referred to as 'cement
doughnuts' or doughnuts with rigor mortis
White bread
 One of the most popular bread varieties
 It is made with a basic yeast dough of wheat flour
(usually all-purpose or bread flour)
 There are many types of white bread based on slight
variations of the basic recipe
 Most white breads feature a fine texture and close
grain, which makes slicing easy
 Commercially prepared white bread is usually sliced
before packaging and is most often known as
sandwich bread
Rye breads
 Rye bread is a wholemeal bread made from rye or a mix of rye
and wheat flour
 It was originally developed in Europe and is made in a wide
variety of styles and shapes
 Rye flour is different from ordinary wheat flour
 It contains only small amounts of dough strengthening
proteins, therefore producing weak dough
 Rye flour also has more amylase enzyme which breaks down
starch into sugars
 Rye doughs are made with less water than dough from
ordinary flour, so they are stiff and keep their shape
 Moulding, proving and baking also need to be modified to
handle the weak, sticky dough
 As with most grain and meal breads, some white flour or
gluten can be used to improve the dough strength
 The traditional way of making this bread includes several
proving stages to raise the acidity and kill the amylase
 This stops the bread being doughy and sticky
 The sour dough method is the most popular means of making
bread the traditional way
Bread formula
 Minimum formula for bread is flour, yeast salt and water
 Other ingredients often used in the formula are fat, sugar,
milk or milk solids, oxidants, enzymes, surfactants and
additives to protect against molds
 Each of the ingredient performs a special function in the
production of bread loaf
 Major structural component to form viscoelastic dough to
retain gas
 Usually, hard wheat with relatively high protein content is
preferred for bread making
 The flour components play important role in the preparation
of good quality bread
Wheat flour components can be classified into six groups
Storage (Gluten) proteins
Non starch polysaccharides (NSP)
Water soluble proteins
Inorganic compounds
Flour quality for breadmaking
▪ Breadmaking requires flour of specific
▪ A flour suitable for the production of cookies
may not be suitable for breadmaking
▪ Being good for one use may not automatically
mean it is not not good for another
▪ Normally hard wheat flour with protein contents
about 10-14% is considered to be good for the
production of good quality bread
An optional ingredient that functions to enhance the
product's general palatability rather than define its character
 When used as bread ingredient performs the following
1. Tenderizing & imparting shortness to the crumb structure
2. Aiding in the aeration of the product
3. Stabilizing batters & creams by emulsification
 Improving the over-all palatability of the product
 Extending the keeping quality or shelf life of the finished
 Improve the flavor & color of product
 Improve the volume of the final product
 Increase the calorific value
 Shortenings coat the flour proteins or water-proof them,
contributing to tender baking recipe by reducing their contact
with the moisture in the recipe and preventing gluten from
 They also shorten the length of the gluten strands when the flour
is stirred with that moisture (that's why they're called
"shorteners"), preventing a tough baked good or tenderize
 Fat coats the flour particles so the elastic formation slows down;
it makes the gluten strands slippery so the gas bubbles can move
easily; and it gives the final recipe a finer grain
 Generally, when we refer to "moist" in a baked product, we refer
to the fat content
 In traditional baking, where solid fats are creamed with
crystalline sugar, tiny air cells are incorporated into the batter, so
the baked good will have a fine, aerated texture
 When a shortener is removed or reduced, it increases the
chances that the end product will lack flavor and be tough and
full of tunnels
 Different types of fat do different jobs in baking. A well-known
baking fat, butter makes a very important flavor contribution,
whereas margarine does not have as fine a texture and taste
 Fat can be found in other baking ingredients, such as the egg yolk
which serves as both a tenderizer and emulsifier due to its fat and
lecithin content
 Oils do not act as shortener because these are liquid and won't
cream with crystalline sugar in the same way that solid fat does
 Oils tend to coat each particle of flour, which causes a lack of
contact of moisture and helps prevent gluten development
 It reduces dryness and enhances flavor
 Shortening acts as a lubricant in the dough, making the dough
more pliable, prevents stickiness, and reduces the amount of
dusting flour necessary during the make-up process
 When shortening is used, the dough expands more easily and
 In the baked product it makes the crust more tender, improves
the keeping quality and produces a crumb that is soft and chewy
 Because of the cutting effect on the bran in whole-wheat flour, it
is almost impossible to produce a loaf of whole-wheat bread with
acceptable volume without using shortening in the formula
 Bakery shortenings come from two sources:
Animal sources
 Lard, tallow, butter
 Rarely used now a days due to limited supply
Plant sources
 Hydrogenated plant oils e.g. sunflower etc.
 Have superior physical properties than the animal fats
Shortening types
General purpose shortenings
 Designed to function optimally in a wide variety of applications
 Produced from a hydrogenated base oil with 4-12% hard fat
addition to increase their plastic range
 Their solid contents fall within range of about 30% at 10 oC to
12% at 38 oC
 Their iodine value varies between 60-75
 Free fatty acid content is just about 0.04%
 The melting point of these shortenings fall within the limits of
44-51 oC
High emulsifier shortenings
 Designed for the production of cakes containing high moisture &
sugar content & possessing superior tenderness, grain, &
moisture retention
 The desirable functional properties are obtained by the addition
of mono & diglycerides that exhibit pronounced surface active
properties & effectively promote the uniform distribution of the
fat in doughs, batters & icings
 The fine dispersion of the fat confers superior strength on the
batter and permits the use of higher ratios of sugar & liquid than
is otherwise possible with ordinary fats
 These shortening are therefore referred as high ratio, high
absorption or superglycerinated shortenings
 Exclusively used in the cakes, icings, sweet goods and similar
High stability shortenings
 Used in the production of biscuits & crackers that must possess
an extended shelf life, and frying operations in which the fat is
exposed to high temperature for prolonged periods of time
 These are hydrogenated to lower iodine value in the interest of
higher stability as their application does not require high plastic
 The absence of hard fat and hydrogenation makes these
shortenings hard and brittle at temperatures below 16 oC and
quite soft at temperatures above 90 oC
Bread shortenings
 Formerly based on the animal fats but now based mainly on
vegetable oils
 Distinguished by being formulated with mono and diglycerides
and certain dough conditioners that act to improve the volume,
grain and texture of the baked product and retard the rate of
subsequent crumb firming
 The most common surfactants in current use in bread
shortenings, aside from mono and diglycerides are ethoxylated
monoglycerides and sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
 A number of additional emulsifiers and dough conditioners may
be used in dough formulations, including lecithin, diaceytyl
tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides, succinylated
monoglyceride and sodium stearoyl fumarate
 The use of hard, high melting mono- and diglycerides in the
bread shortenings is favored as these prolong maximum softness
in the baked product
 Where more workable plastic shortenings are needed, medium-
melting emulsifiers are selected for addition
 All breads are not the same, some bread is yeasted and some
are unyeasted
 Tortillas and pitas are flat and dense and are called unyeasted
breads, while yeasted loaves of sandwich bread are puffy and
 Yeasted bread types are caused by different species of yeast:
Packaged or baker's yeast or yeast cultivated in a sourdough or
sponge starter
 It is responsible for leavening the dough, creating the texture of
the crumb, maturing the gluten from the flour and providing
the characteristic yeast leavened flavor and aroma
 In order to function properly, all yeast needs food (sugar),
moisture and a warm environment
 During fermentation, consume food and release carbon
dioxide, alcohol, and other organic compounds
C 6H 12O 6 → 2C 2H 5OH + 2CO 2
2X Energy
Biosynthesis Precursers
Fusel Alcohols
Acetyl CoA
Organic Acids
28X Energy
Fatty Acids
 The gas is the rising agent in bread, and the other "waste"
products create the subtle flavors and texture that make a good
 Yeast is very sensitive; too much heat will kill it, and cold will
stunt its growth
 Moist dough between 78-80
(25-29 oC) is an ideal
environment for yeast growth
 Since yeast is very sensitive to temperature, temperature is a
major factor in how fast yeast multiples
 Yeast is dormant and will not grow at 40 oF (5 oC) and grows
only slowly at 55 oF (13 oC) degrees. Yeast dies instantly at 140
oF (60 oC) so do not use water warmer than 120 oF (~50 oC)
to avoid accidentally killing the yeast
 Bread is baked when the internal temperature is between 190-
210 oF (88-99 oC)
 At higher temperatures than 78-80oF (25-29 oC), the dough
may rise too quickly creating a crumbly texture to the bread
 At less, the bread will rise more slowly and will have a higher
alcohol content
Packaged yeast
 Also known in some circles as baker's yeast
 Baker’s yeast is one species of yeast from the family
Saccharomyces cerevisae, especially well-suited for the baking
process: saccharo meaning sugar loving or feeding, myces
meaning mold, and cerevisae being a word that was once used
for beer
 It needs moisture, food, and the proper environment to
function properly
 Dry yeast: The most popular type, such as active dry yeast, is
available in a dehydrated form in premeasured packages in the
baking isle
 Others include: Instant Active Dry, Rapid Rise and Bread
 Cake yeast: is also known as fresh or compressed yeast
 It is found in the form of a small, square shape wrapped in foil
in the refrigerator case
Active DryYeast
 It is called active to distinguish it from Nutritional or Brewer's
Yeast which is also dry and NOT the same thing
 It is the most commonly available and most widely used kind of
 It is reliable and predictable and has been grown for flavor and
speed of growth
 It also adds a nice yeasty flavor to the bread
 It is available in the form of tiny brownish grains, larger
than Instant Active Dry Yeast, making it necessary to proof
before using
 Recommended
manufacturer between 100-115 oF
 These are clumps of dehydrated, pure yeast cells that has
been air dried into dormant granules
 In each yeast envelope, there are thousands of living plant-
like microorganisms, which are finely ground and absorb
moisture quickly to convert the flour's starches and sugar
into carbon dioxide
 Active dry yeast will keep well beyond its expiration date
printed on the package for 1 year if unopened at room
temperature and even longer if frozen
 If frozen, you can use it directly without thawing
 If opened, active dry yeast will keep 3 months in the
refrigerator and 6 months in the freezer
 Keep yeast in its original container with the opened flap
folded closed in a re-sealable plastic bag
 Stored at room temperature and opened without a
protective outer container it loses its power at about 10%
per month
 Always smell and proof yeast used beyond its expiration date
printed on the package
Instant Active Dry Yeast
 Also known as RapidRise or Quick-Rise brand names
and Bread MachineYeast
 A newly developed strain of yeast that can be mixed
with the dry ingredients, as opposed to being proofed
(dissolved) and requires only one rise
 Instant Yeast combines the qualities of both Active and
Fresh Yeast -- the first one known for its convenience
and the latter for its potency
 These types of yeast also contain ascorbic acid
resulting in increased loaf volumes
 The particle size of Instant Active Dry Yeasts are
finely granulated to allow complete hydration of the
yeast cells during the mixing process that become
active the "instant" it contact moisture
 While Instant Active Dry Yeast is especially suited to
the types of breads typically made in bread machines,
it also works for general hand baking
 It is added to the dry ingredients and then, the liquid
portion of the recipe's ingredients, warmed to 120–
130 oF are added to make a dough
 Instant yeast will keep a year at room temperature if
 If opened, it will keep 3 months in the refrigerator
and 6 months in the freezer
 Keep yeast in its original container with the opened
flap folded closed in a re-sealable plastic bag
Cake, Fresh or CompressedYeast
 Cake yeast is available in the form of small, soft and
crumbly squares in a starch medium, found in the
refrigerated case
 It is considered to be potent and it imparts a great
flavor to the final loaf
 It can either be dissolved in water first or crumbled
into the dry ingredients
 This yeast is especially well suited to long rises and
 Cake yeast must be kept refrigerated or frozen
because cake yeast is highly perishable
 It must be used before the expiration date if stored in
the refrigerator, but you have more leeway if stored
in the freezer
 It has a refrigerated shelf life of about three to four
weeks from the date of manufacture and can be
frozen up to three months
 Do not leave fresh yeast out of the refrigerator for
more than 30 minutes, close bag tightly after each use
 Cake yeast should be white or light brown in color and
crumble easily
 It should have a pleasant yeasty smell
 If it is dark brown, moldy, soft or gummy, it is either
spoiled or has been stored improperly
4. Bread Machine Yeast, Instant Active Dry Yeast or
Rapid Rise:
 "Bread machine yeast," also known as "instant"
yeast, requires no proofing
 It becomes active the "instant" it contacts the
liquid ingredients
 It is a special strain of yeast and is designed to
disperse more thoroughly through the dough
during mixing and kneading, well suited to bread
 It can keep several months in the refrigerator and
almost indefinitely in the freezer (no need to thaw
before using)
 The temperature of the water or liquid in the recipe
used has to be adjusted to 100-115 oF or as
recommended by the manufacturer
 Yeast works by consuming sugar and excreting carbon
dioxide and alcohol as byproducts
 In bread making, yeast has three major roles
 We are familiar with yeast's leavening ability, but it also
helps to strengthen and develop gluten in dough and
also contributes to incredible flavors in bread
Yeast Makes Dough Rise
 Yeast cells thrive on simple sugars
 As the sugars are metabolized, carbon dioxide and
alcohol are released into the bread dough, making it
 The essentials of any bread dough are flour, water,
and of course yeast
 As soon as these ingredients are stirred together,
enzymes in the yeast and the flour cause large starch
molecules to break down into simple sugars
 The yeast metabolizes these simple sugars and releases
carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol into existing air
bubbles in the dough.
 If the dough has a strong and elastic gluten network,
the carbon dioxide is held within the bubble and will
begin to inflate it, just like someone blowing up bubble
 As more and more tiny air cells fill with carbon
dioxide, the dough rises and we're on the way to
leavened bread
Yeast strengthens bread dough
 When flour and water are stirred together, two
proteins in the flour -- gliadin and glutenin -- grab
water and each other to form a bubble gum-like, elastic
mass of molecules that we call gluten
 In bread making, we want to develop as much gluten as
we can because it strengthens the dough and holds in
gases that will make the bread rise
 Once flour and water are mixed together, any further
working of the dough encourages more gluten to form
 Manipulating the dough in any way allows more
proteins and water to link together
 Yeast, like kneading, helps develop the gluten
 With every burst of carbon dioxide that the yeast
releases into an air bubble, protein and water
molecules move about and have another chance
to connect and form more gluten
 In this way, a dough's rising is an almost
molecule-by-molecule kneading
 When bread dough is punched down after its first
rise, it become smooth and gluten strong
 At this stage, mostly the dough is stretched and
tucked into a round to give it a smooth, tight top
that will trap the gases produced by fermentation
 This very springy dough is let stand for 10-15
 This lets the gluten bonds relax a little and makes
the final shaping of the dough easier
Fermentation Generates Flavor in Bread
 The big molecules in proteins, starches, and fats
don't have much flavor, but when they break
down into their building blocks -- proteins into
amino acids, starches into sugars, or fats into free
fatty acids -- they all have marvelous flavors
 Fermentation breaks down large molecules into
smaller, flavorful ones
 At the beginning of fermentation, enzymes in the
yeast start breaking down starch into more
flavorful sugars
 The yeast uses these sugars, as well as sugars already
present in the dough, and produces not only carbon
dioxide and alcohol but also a host of flavorful
byproducts such as organic acids and amino acids
 A multitude of enzymes encourages all kinds of
reactions that break big chains of molecules into
smaller ones -- amylase and maltose into glucose,
proteins into amino acids
 As fermentation proceeds, the dough becomes more
 This is due in part to rising levels of carbon dioxide,
but there are also more flavorful organic acids like
acetic acid (vinegar) and lactic acid being formed
from the alcohol in the dough
 The acidity of the dough causes more molecules to
break down & the dough becomes a veritable
ferment of reactions
 Eventually, the amount of alcohol formed starts to
inhibit the yeast's activity