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Mountain Bike Target Segment Essay

The bike Target Sements that I chose to rely on the most was Mountain.
Using Inductive reasoning, I understand that there are many more types of bike styles than just
three used. There are millions of bikes out in the world but the three general types of bikes
Mountain, Recreational, and Speedy, are the ones considered in the exercise. If you wished to go on
long haul trips down soft pavement roads, a person would be more inclined to use the Speed Bike.
There are some who wish to ride bikes just for the heck of it, like I did when i was kid with friends.
No real entention of going far or doing anything dangeourse. Most people would use this style as
working out lightly. For this situation you would go with a Casual bike. If you are going adventuring
off-road and/or want to have fun doing tricks and whatnot, then your best bet would be Mountain,
which after pouring through the data given in the simulation, proved to be the most popular. The
number of Mountain is much much higher than the other two in most of the world; therefore I
wanted to integrate those more.
The major premise I saw when I was taking a look at when determining the Target segment was a
mixture of fun and health. Health is a major issue in our world today. With many different health
conditions in many different types of people, staying healthy and/or seeking healthy lifestyles should
be a high priority. One of the many different ways to keep up with good health, is to stay active.
One of these ways is riding your bicycle! I said earlier that there needs to be a premis of fun as well,
and that ties in greatly, as there are many cultures who view this as either a sport or family time
which is a health situation in it of it self! There are many countries who hold compitions to promote
health and raise money for health as well! There are many companies that sponsor groups of people
to ride bikes around mountains to promote the fun activity. Bikes in the catagory of "Mountain" are
a great idea in that they are a mix of the Speed Type and Casual Type. You can use them for either
one. Whether you are going the long haul or just down a trail. Therefore the minor premise in all
this is that there are many benifts of riding bicycles inlcuding health, raising awareness for health,
and to have fun. In conclusion, deductively, choosing a mountain bike is the best route to take.