Uploaded by Sandi Maulana Sigit

Coca-Cola Brand Equity Analysis

Coca-Cola and Its Brand Equity
Sandi Maulana Sigit
Coca-Cola is one of the most well-known brands in the world. The company has been
around for over 100 years and has built strong brand equity. Brand equity is the value a
brand adds to a product or service beyond its functional benefits. It is the intangible value
that comes from the brand name itself. Coca-Cola has several brand elements that
contribute to its brand equity. One of the most memorable brand elements is its logo,
which features the company’s name in a distinctive script font. The logo has remained
largely unchanged since it was first introduced in the late 19th century. In addition to its
logo, Coca-Cola has used advertising campaigns to build its brand equity. The company
has created memorable slogans such as “Taste the Feeling” and “Open Happiness” which
have helped to reinforce the company’s image in the minds of consumers.
Coca-Cola’s brand equity is meaningful because it represents the company’s reputation
and image in the minds of consumers. The company has built up its brand equity over
many years by consistently delivering high-quality products and creating a strong brand
One of the key components of Coca-Cola’s brand equity is its brand personality. The
company has created a brand personality that is friendly, fun, and approachable. This has
helped to create a strong emotional connection between the company and its customers.
Coca-Cola is a likable brand because it has created a strong emotional connection with its
customers. Coca-Cola is a popular brand due to its impressive track record of innovation.
The company is widely recognized as a symbol of American culture through its influence
on politics, pop culture, and music around the globe. Coca-Cola used 7 strategies to
become one of the world's most recognizable brands, including a unique, market-tested
formula, a timeless font, a proprietary bottle, and a franchise model. The company held
retailers responsible for maintaining its high standard and kept its consumer price fixed
for 70 years. It guided word-of-mouth advertising and developed a voice.
Coca-Cola’s brand is transferable because it has been able to maintain its brand image
through its focus on product quality, marketing, research and innovation. Coca-Cola has
also been able to adapt to changing times and trends while still maintaining its core
values. This has allowed the brand to remain relevant and popular with consumers
around the world.
Coca-Cola has adapted to changing times by reinventing itself in a changed world. For
example, the company has kept a close eye on new trends emerging in the COVID-19 era
and innovated accordingly. "The area of hygiene, for example, is one I think is going to be
very much on consumers’ minds going forward,” Murphy said. “Building touchless
solutions, therefore, in the away-from-home channel is a big opportunity we need to tap
into”. Coca-Cola has also been able to adapt its packaging over the years. The contour-
shaped Coca-Cola bottle will be 100 years old in 2015. Its shape is iconic and has become
synonymous with the brand.
For last Coca-Cola has a strong brand equity because of its consistency in marketing
campaigns and advertisements. The company has been able to create a strong emotional
connection with its customers through its marketing campaigns and advertisements.
Additionally, Coca-Cola has been able to maintain its position as the market leader in the
soft drink industry by constantly innovating and introducing new products to the market.
Coca-Cola also puts the focus on the brand rather than its product, which is one of the
most successful ways in which it has marketed itself. This helps to make the brand
stronger by maintaining the quality and taste.